6The Daily Tar HeelWednesday, February 14, 1990 i ; I I t i ! i X ! r i An n ' .3 4 J 'V : j ,S ...4 .-' V (1 . jJ ro 4 TV I i? I Our Ptzza Contains 100 Real Cheese! m ft yS? PIZZA fiJ J2 Medium J Pizzas I I RoMndOnly (CkMMtlkaM) 1 ft on DDI I 1 Aja.lu.I.J5 6) I m ini I unuswal jewelry V s having a "We Love Our New Store" to welcome you to our new store and to wish you a V HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!V NOW THROUGH FEBRUARY 14 121 E. Franklin Street next door to Vorstiy Theatre Daily 10-6Sun. 12-5 1 1 i Ge Ready For Spring Break 10 VISITS till , : I r f iff"K ( or$5.00 a visit) Franklin St. Tanning & Beachwear yba-av 145 12 E. Franklin St above Baskin-Robbins Wolff M-F10-9 Tanning Systems Sat. 10-5 HAIRLINES CUTS o WAVES o COLOURS x nr. i 3 i E , K 1 - f j 175 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (Above Four Comers) 96-4327 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Walk-in or call for an appointment VISA. I J 4 C' I 1214 RALEIGH RD. (NC54) SERVING CHAPEL HILL, UNC & CARRBORO EXTRAS TOO IPOZZAS, ONE PKOCE, EE1RDA5 (round only) HOURS; Sun-Thurs 4-12 Fri & Sat 4-2:00 AM Personal Checks Accepted with Proper ID 25C charge MORE PIZZA, LESS MONEY id CntISTYfiM 'SV I Super Special! I I 1 Large I I Round Pizza I ran niFiaoi (ChccK & Ptpperoni) riu To Boltlct of Cuke H. ! I CHOICE OF ITEMS: Pineapple Pepperoni Beef Ham Onions Green Olives Anchovies Italian Sausage Mushrooms Green Peppers Hot Peppers Bacon Thick Crust Black Olives I-' plus tax AJJ. hcrni SI. 00 pim 5-14.90 j M t 1311 I A.VV'.VG of frothami mingling with friends, nobody suspectedthe way It would end J She wax pitting around, ne'er to tiie ihanceof somebody watthlngand waiting to dance JFrom dinner to rosesto sliding on h e,I)amlng to Romancingand fun tit kle ftghLs S'ow the sparks are fly Ingfaith kisses so seet-llere's to Randy with lovethis Valentine week. K.W1 HAPPY VALES! ISES DAY To my Best friend!! I nner sleep with an alarm cloik anymore. I'll love you always and any day. Love, mutual feelings. TO AJL. YOU ARE my best friend which makes our love for one another stronger & more meaningful than I eier thought possible. You lonttnuously surprise me with new ways of demonstrating your love. Thank you for ihlcken wings, Betsy Cameron prints, Andrew the Hear, skiing, Sutter's Home, rowing on Jordan lake, cards for sick birdies & all of the spontaneity & excitement you bring to my life. I love you. ADS. NOLA (C.H.) I don't want to take the chance ofnner seeing you again. Ttateer you want to do, Til do. Wherever you want to go, Til go. Will you be my Valentine?? You will!! Sweat Oh Sweat Mars (K.R.) I'LL MEET YOV some day, Lury dhe.... HILL - YOU are the best roommate In the world. Thanks for putting up with everything. I'm always here for you! I love you! Jill. TRACY K. & Jennifer K. Thanks to you both for keeping your crazy friend sane for the past tw o y ears. I love y ou both! I or a. Happy Valentine's Day Goober, or alas could it be Bum) From that most angelic & heavenly day that I first saw you playing tennis, I have truly lobbed you. W hether it was the Bag of Fortune (oh my!) or the mosquitos at the lake (ouch!), it has been the most, shall I say, interesting four years of my life. A motion to amend the word "interesting" to "wonder fur is entertained by the body & passes by acclama tion. An Act to Kiss You Long & Fxremely Passionately also passed with only one dissenting vote. I just read my candy heart & it says -"WH Y NOT" -gotta love that! Always remember that you are niter than a dalmation Puppy & the bestest, most brightest, most organizeaest, most beautifulest woman on the whole big blue marble. My greatest dream is to spend a lifetime holding you on a bed with Laura Ashley home furnishings all about us, a single w hite rose on the bedstand, & looking through J Crew's Catalogue. LA, Loser -no, it is most certainly - loVer!! TWO. a mmi mmnm d: featuring a gourmet menu for Valentine's Day r 0tl The Dragon 's Garden Now accepting Reservations 933-1234 .. . ,. Lunch S-F 1 1-2 p.m. 407 W. Franklin St. Sat. 1 2-2 p.m. (Next to McDonald's) Dinner S-Th 5-9:30 p.m. ( " S29-8 M3Takc-OutADaiLabL(iSaL3-lQ:3Q r 'j A ROSE IS A ROSE IS A ROSE... So why are our Valentine roses 13 less than the typical florist price? (long Stan Rosesl (hveethmrt Roseh 36.95doz. 26.95doz. 3.50 each 2.50 each Eastcate fyeslk a Soumcrn Season) 967-&56S68S-4540 10-6:30 M-F, 10-6 Sat, 1-6 Sunday Pf? ' I - 4 I i i t Greenhouse r 8:30-5 Daily, 1 439-3893 1-5 Sunday Open t!!l 9:C0 Wednesday! u is in siii am iHW-llln -IIMIW.I.W '-an?' - XI " bPllilIM'. " 1 miii w iVitjKv (av IIIS ' A V 1 f V V f f L f : mm SAS, HAPPY HEART DAY! I really, really HEART you. You are a special part of my HEART. Love, Keltit. TO DAVID: Thanks for putting up with me when I'm silly, and for e en dancing to Mllll Vanllll; I especially love to listen to Pat Metheny and the way I feel when tu as finll Swimming In the ocean with you Is so fulfilling, I especial ly love our off-shore drilling. My phone bill is high money to pay, but whats a $100 a month anyway. I love you, Laurie. VICTOR I love you. Hie way I met you & (now too) In your lumber Jacket. Happy Valentines Day no matter what. A.E.F. HAPPY VALESTISES DAY! To my husband In China. You are the best, sweetest, most talented most charitable & meanest guy I know. I love you to bits & nibbles. Love Ellse Anna. EMMASVEL, If only you knew what I would do to be with you... Oh what flair we would share If we were a palr...Ifs plain to see that you should be Right Sext To Me! With love from Denlse KIMBLRLYS: ... "Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping ul th crows As yon der lady o'er her fellows shows." HAPPY VALESTISES S A. TAMI, I'LL tell the world I LOVE YOV! You're a wonder ful part of my life. Happy Valentine's Day baby. Tracy. LYSS, SVPRIZED?! I Just wanted a special way to say how much I've enjoyed seeing you the past few weeks. Happy Valentine's. Appaly Yours, Greg. TO THE MI S of 305 E'hausBlg T, you're the second best roommate a girl could ask for! Here's to new beginnings. HearH; Super C, AKA studllest man on campus Just like It had eyes! HeartLA. Happy V-Dayl We love all! C.ILXMBLEE YOV ARE the best wife I ever had. Lars. JIM In & out, up & down, around & through no matter what, I love you. Linda. c , . w i 4 - All - v.,-v w : i u f Carnations 14.95-16.95doz, 1.45 each i i f ' l . r ) R i V4- JV r M Jh il finy.1' 1 : r c f V J ' v . , - J f y v J t f 4;. '--.J it-.. v' J f CO MIKE, the future dentist Yon always know how to make me smile. The past 6 months have been wonderful! HAPPY VALES llStS DAW Susan. CARISSIMO, on Dec 14, 1988 said I would spvnd my life with you. 14 months later, I hue you hifhilttly mwi. Happy 14th! lows. CHRIS II Its probably been a long time since you 'e had a Valentines Day without a Valentine, sj why should Oils year be any different?! HAVE A II t''l Love, Valerie k the girls. TIst Prize walentine STEPHEN M. My valentine's a biochem nerd. He's in a chemistry pat. I hear they're all called beaker-heads, but 1 don't care about that. He looks so hot in white lab coats, with safety goggles so chic. Forget the psych & business majors, my Valentine's a chemistry geek! My Biochem man, he drives me wild, this beaker-head of mine, for in the chemistry lab he makes love potion 91 LOVE LISA. M.L.K.U.: You're In my heart, y vu'te lit m soul You'll be my breath should I grow old You ate my lour, yoinc nr best frlcnil You're in my soul. ( Virh. COLIN, from Foxy Lady to ke, turtles In summer to peanut beds... you were always wot lit waiting fur. Don't ever forget how special you are to me. 1 01 e, I tttlfir. miTmnifut. You're beautiful relathcly speaking. I've got a crush on yuu. Is that a feeling? BG, TWILL BE Valentines' ee, and In our humble atnute, we'll close our books and get Into the "I.ovln Mode." )mi In your silk briefs and I In my teddy, with "mi Islons" In tin bed, all will be ready. Come along and ltate my dmim a night of kisses, tickles, and "you know umf mean" A time to celebrate the loxe thafs hard to find, uir?i our lover, bestfrlend and forever Valentine. Loic, Itii. HAPPY VALEXIISE'S MOSKEY1 After the twehe days of Valentine's, My creativity Is fust about gone but I wanted to tell you how much I love you and moo sends his t ight squeeksl NASCY, DOST GET killed riding your moped, save that for when tlte time Is right. What a different e a year makes. I love y ou. ell. !S vl TOCHRIS1Y C. I LOVE YOU AM) HIRES IO KEY LARGO ASD A GRtA T Sl'MMI.R. MIKE II. MY BUDDY. Its difficult to feel so muih love for one ptr son. Our relationship Is so strong that It overflows the common boundaries of friendship and touthes tm.the comfortable side of love. I'm glad that I have the assur ance that my love Is apprttlatid. Law will never do ivifi- oii f you. K.F. HAPPY VALLNIISE S day and annhetsay loo, one year and one month, I've been devoted to you. I love yon so much, I fust can't explain, My life without you, would be lonely and plain. So here's to our future, and the hiie we'll share, And may you always know, I'll alway i be therel Love, E.K. BOB, MY LOVE machine, Here's to posies, driving position, rest areas, maximum security rooms, no teeth, $29nt, P.DA AT&T, Charleston, Statesvllle, engagement without the ring, your perfect nose, The Beverly Hillbillies, credit cards, an eternity of happiness! Happy V-D! Your Minx. BUBBLE BVTT "You're In my Heart, you're In my soul..." THI I OYC STARSMP TROOPER HEY1 You look wonderful...l very night. Hope you like the Flowers from..MelL you knowl Happy Val Day, Presto(n). DAVEK IN your eyes...ahava, Rona. HI Y Sni kl IIIIXG just thought you deserl personal bef ore the end of y our INC career. A ter day than today! It's not to tell you that yti or title or hot, but rather to really encourage you're unsure of your business career but l-urtlurmote, your counseling skills are greai to trust his plan, loday Is the day to honor si and those spttlal friends we care deeply for inn I tl.iim the fit st of these, I thank My Go that I (an honor and entourage you as a frit And hey, love yourstlfa little today. (Mh 111 ROMLO! 1 loxe you like the stars above. till I die. 1 cun t do anything but be In love w K ttir luthc, how 'bout It? In dire straits wit l.aonne. 1 0 liXSH: Disperse w all this Hallmark !". Hin ted to be In Id? W hat can I say? You're ot plan! Kriiut wh.it I tn saying? Jimmy M ll R A WIT, the only person to whom I can him s. Ki mi tnber I like being with you. tcryi secondary! Love, Ray. 4 4 Hi MY Ml ORIlt green turtlenetk: Ihinkln.i nkntlne's Day (and every day). Follow your Jl do not lie. IO- herry Jayna Amy JulleL Trisha Stephanie 1 Mm y IU Hi fullcG fi SucEllcn: TO THE 2ND JO the tni.-lcst yuwp a girl eser knew. A poem ft itilmtlm's Day, to tell you I love you In a grea won t be mushy or sappy, you see, because yon that fust wouldn t be me! It Is just to tell you friends ) oil's c been, and how muth Til miss n st mestcr's end. You'ie been there In good fc ha Irtends toitfldants, drinking buddies through So tit t yr w Itcther we're near or far, remembc all to the moon fc stars! PAM lODD M, Neither three hours by car nor elgh plane tan keep us apart. Only three more mo together forever! love, Christine. 44 Alii l HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! CH .' V IV R. Your olie sends thills down my sp for i oi spteds thru the telephone line. our I ttose to the receiver. You've made me a frat b Face to fate we'te never been, lint I know you'rl those annas you're Involved In. My name Is PI lo e Horndog; for old time's sake let's eat a Alway s, Phoebs. Psych research, grad st 4 fi I O IIIV - "The Foimtaim mingle with the I And the rivers with the ocean: j The tiincls of heaven mix for ever with a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world is single; All things, by a law divine. In one another s being mingle. Why not I with thine?" -Lo U i v r . i'-iTV .tt.-ttvVi m i UL FILLY I eapln' 11ards, oh what fun! Me n- y Is HI. Ya' mean more than words cat, say. Ah' hopes ya' also feels this way! Be mah valentine, puhleeeze Bubba yer luv stallion. JO HIE I L who shares my iherry llfesavers. There will always be a place In my hole for you. Happy Valentine's Day. 7? fPRI7F A I wk ixir ) NEUROTIC, PSYCHOTI have manic fantasies John, My IA, is psycho lyzing me. Our roma woula be schtzo-and cho possibly but youU a great case study in psychiatry. Mr. Mund ours, I mean mine 444 JK4C V, THIS Is our first Valentine's Day but If! won't be the last. Here's to spending the rest on together. I love you. Allen Wl IANIE P away today, Long for one you may, your vttlentlne, Happy V day. Hans. I UCY THOUGH YOUR voice grows continuous yon register ten on my awesomometer. Stronger, prettier, happier. Even your butt has gotten sin TiFLMFYBO Lion. TO S.S. MONK. How do I count thee? Let me love the ways I love the way your feet move when u. dance, I love the security your arm gives mine when we stroll, I love how your face loses Inhibition In your smile, I love the way you adorn your locks with baubles and b Valentine created this day fust for love, So it must be made fust for us, my dove.