6The Daily Tar HeelThursday, May 24, 1990 Braim-eatiuig-goo ; Before I review this week's movie, "Jhe Brain," I thought maybe I should explain exactly what a brain is, for those readers of my column who are unfamiliar with this particular part of trje body. Even though I frequently write about the brain as in "brain damaged," "brain-sucking," and "brain exploding" I have many fans who are not fortunate enough to actually possess a brain. We should always remember this when we take our own brains for granted, and when we shoot squirrels with a shotgun. To wit, hence, ipso dipso, the following info: The brain known as the noodle, tire noggin, the gray matter, the stuff between your ears is composed of Author fantasizes of leading ! Monday morning I made the dreaded pilgrimage to Bynum Hall, anticipat ing the small tail of the unorganized-m!embers-of-the-student-body-beast to be poking out of the door. I had brought my trusty J. Crew catalogue along as defense. Imagine my chagrin as I fol lowed the thick, twitching tail around the corner of the building, down one side, and around another corner. Faces, resembling scales of the beast, grinned menacingly, their only salvaging thought being that yet another unor ganized member had come to join the creature ... and that member was be hind them in line. It was quite a bit like that dream where you're in a crowd and everyone is laughing and pointing at you, and the faces keep getting closer, arid the voices start to echo, and every one looks like they are holding a flash light under their chin. Luckily, I had remebered to get dressed or it might have been truly frightening. '. Anyway, the desperate, distant, Pink Floyd-esque faces were sweating and mumbling, collectively producing the mating call of a bored, scaly beast. This prompted me to envision the inner workings of the creature, entrails twisted and contorted about the stairs which wound down and around the inside of the building. I threw back my shoulders and picked up my backpack and said "No. I refuse to succumb to this night mare. I'm blinking twice. I'm waking up. There has got to be another way." Which, I later discovered, there was. I proudly marched away from the beast, and my mumbling comrades, as they looked at me in disbelief, or possibly contempt because I was too weak to withstand the wrath of my own inade quacies. Nevertheless, I marched on to registration. A ferociously tight lipped woman at the "Holds" table (whom ight vefy well be a Southern Bell operator onlthe side) said in a familiarly nasal tone that she could tell me how many PYEWACKET RESTAURANT V t "area's best selection" "gpiiSnteed lowest prices" Mountain Bike w alloy wheels Cr. Mo. Frame, 1 5 Speed regularly $299- Great economical student transportation! Buy a bike from us and take advantage of 6 months free adjustment! Next day service on most repairs! i 104Sritreet' 967-5 1 04 Joe Bob Briggs . .1 k?- five parts: 1) The medulla oblongata: This is what regulates your breathing and your ability to pronounce the words "me dulla oblongata." 2) The pons: This is what regulates your ability to enjoy Playboy magazine 3) The cerebellum: This important part of the brain looks like a piece of beef jerky that's been eaten up by a sheep dog, and it gives your eardrums the ability to tell the difference between Laura Brown y a? classes I got in pre-registration, but not what they were (more bureaucratic logic), and that technically, I didn't have to pay off my hold until the last day of registration, which was two whole days from then, when the Bynum beast would have retreated into hiber nation for yet another session. So, the moral is (for you people out there search ing for a semblance of order in this random world through implied literary narratives and thematic unity), even if you belong to the Club of the Life threateningly Unorganized, it does not mean that you have to mindlessly suc cumb to the salivating jowls of the Bynum monster or the like, just be cause "they" say that you do. Red tape fighters of the world unite. On that note, I prophetize that it's going to be a truly glorious season here in the Land of Summer School, where all your pre-pubescent fantasies have materialized. Chapel Hill in the sum mer is a place where you don't have to go to class unless you really want to, and it never gets too dark to stay out and play. It's a place where everyone has suntans and beer breath and everyone has sex on their minds. If I could do my entire collegiate career in summer school I would. Okay, its not all that amazing. Hon estly, I'm beginning to think the reason that I've got myself all jacked up about? -staying here this summer is because-'-one of my best friends is interning for the New York Times, and subliminally, I am devastatingly jealous. So there, at least I've admitted it. Another testament to the amazing nature of this summer is all the incred- A complete repertoire of seafood, pasta & vegetarian specialties Catering Sen ice Late Night Menu Espresso Drinks Elegant Desserts THE LEAN Since 1971 picture 1 6th-century Italian operas and a dump truck running over a Big Wheel. 4) The cerebrum: One of the most mysterious parts of the brain, its only known function is that it gives man the ability to do the pony without falling over. 5) The midbrain: This is an exit on the brain interstate, connecting the pons and the cerebellum with the cerebrum. And speaking of permanent brain damage, Dr. Hill is back! The jealous mad doctor in the original Re-Animator, the only movie ever made where the star loses his head halfway through the movie but finishes the movie David Gale is his name, and in this flick he's an evangelist with his own TV ible changes that are occurring in our world; Mandela is free, the Berlin Wall is down, all these other communist type countries are trying democracy, the Cold War is over and my father has mellowed out. He must have been whammied by some of the excess cos mic energy. From what I hear, the run off vibes from the really big global events are striking people everywhere. Keep a close look-out. You could be next. Here's a case study, just so you'll be aware of the signs. Dad had always been an extremely uptight dude. When I'd come over for those glorious joint custody weekends he'd have the agenda planned out on his computer. Those of you who have never experienced a weekend with newly single dad might not relate, but supposedly it's this end less frenzy of recreational activities and shopping trips which are supposed to make weekends at mom's seem boring. My dad's version of this phe nomenon was to take me to the office where he worked, and to the new build ing site and then, drum roll please, to the library. Then the next morning, we'd get up and discuss the Times over breakfast (which is the only meal at this point, that he could do at home, because he didn't have to cook it, although now that I think about it he did like to whip up these nightmare buckwheat pan cakes which rival the cuisine of my newly acquired step-monster). Lest I get off the subject, it will suffice to say that my dad was a Type-A workaholic, completely non-emotional, Wall Street freak who also happened to be a so cially retarded real estate wizard in his spare time. He aspired for me to study neurology at Duke and write volumes on experimental computer science, while simultaneously conquering the real estate market and altering the world significantly. Apparently, the run-off cosmic en ergy forced some poor uninformed, little New Age fairy with little opalescent wings and a tiny little pink wand to Earn $23 this week as a new plasma donor! 5 SERA-TEC BIOLOGIC ALS 109V2 E. FRANKLIN ST. Tues.-Thurs. 70-5 Buy a complete pair of glasses at our regular low price and get a second pair FREE! Equal or lesser value. Includes all frames. (Second pair is not from a select group.) Also includes plastic single-vision or standard bifocal lenses, UV400 protective coatings, all tints including sunlenses, scratch-resistant coatings, hand-polished lens edges, and ultra-thin Pentax lenses. Slight additional charge for nb-line progressive lenses and anti-reflective lenses if desired U OPTICAL ti not valid with any other offer for a limited time only Featuring fashion frames by: Polo, Ralph Lauren, Benetton & Perry Ellis. Over a dozen other distinctive eyewear collections. . n r OPDC just right for the Md show, preaching about "independent thinking." Unfortunately, he turns out to be the spokesman for a 3,000-pound brain that's getting bored just hanging around the Psychological Research Institute all the time and really needs a network deal so that it can transmit brainwaves to a national audience and eventually eats the entire population of the world head-first. He does that by flicking a 30-foot tongue that looks like a piece of slimy undercooked lasagna, wrapping it around your neck, and squeezing until something pops off. Then he chomps you down like a rattle snake going after a bunny rabbit, and this is the worst part he even eats dirty tennis shoes. There's only one offensive band of establish permanent residency on his shoulder. She's been working diligently because all of the sudden he's talking about socially redemptive activities, reincarnation, and Maggie the psychic business woman. And... he's decided that there's really no need for me to rush off into the beige, boring, coffee quaffing, creativity crunching workplace in December. He thinks it would be much more beneficial for me, in a retrospective lifetime sense, to go to Europe or somewhere aesthetic for a while (this is verbatim, I'm not kid ding) "to cultivate my artistic talents and tune into my higher purpose". Dad bypassed the sixties altogether, so I'm sure that this is not some sort of bizarre guerilla flashback commandeering his mind set. Basically he's giving me li cense to become full on Bohemian. So Thursday May 24 The Research Triangle Society For Instructional Development and The American Society for Training and Development will sponsor a Mini-Expo Spring Conference at The Kenan Con ference Center from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more information and prereg istration call Peggy Mowray at 552 2434. Registration fee is $5. B The Chapel Hill Herald and Down town Commission will sponsor the DOWNTOWN AFTER 5Summer series at The Chapel Hill Herald from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The block party will feature the rhythm and blues band The Blue Note Special. The public is in vited to attend. Look Who's Talking will play at the Union Auditorium at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Admission is free with UNC CH student ID or Union Privelege Card (one guest per ID or card). O Jam BaLaya, a blue funk band with rocky island roots, will appear at the Skylight Exchange. For more infor- Need Aim Easy 3 oh TSuSs Besswmi? (above Rite-Aid) 942-0251 Vted.-Fri. 10-3 on second pair. woodcRof T JfjB I ra mni!iiliinioiEjji4ijMl & i itaimtiEii i thtf rein guy that could possibly stop the brain from eating all of rural Canada, and that's Jim the oversexed teenager who cheats on his biology tests all the time. Is this a hero for us? Of course it is. We're talking 78 on the Vomit Meter. Four breasts. Thirteen dead bodies. One dead brain, brain-dead. Excellent Pol tergeist rip-off effects. Giant lasagna noodle strangling. Heart scissoring. Exploding plumbing. Face-eating brain. Brain-eating face. Three motor vehicle chases, one with brain driving. Explod ing car. Exploding brain. Spinal-cord lashing. Head chopping. Domestic argument with a chainsaw (the hus band loses). Gratuitous science-lab sex. Spinal cord Fu. Brainwave Fu. Drive- I've started having these little fantasies about establishing a tribe of gypsies in the Northeastern area of the country who sort of travel around in this surro gate family band, performing and of fending general middle America types. Plus, you get to wear great clothes. I believe that this fulfills all of my career requirements. I'm going to do some research on the plausibility of the whole affair, will keep you up to date. If you have any explanations for this whole father transformation thing, or if you've had a similar experience please get in touch with me. As of now, and after much deliberation, I have to say that he's either: 1 possessed 2 enlightened 3 a prisoner of New Age media hype mation call 933-5550. Friday May 25 Peace, Justice and Gender Issues: Restoring the Balance, a weekend workshop sponsored by the Center for Peace Education, will be held from Friday through Sunday, May 27 at Umstead State Park near Raleigh. Cost is 95:00 including room and meals. For more information call Arthur Scherer at 929-9821. B Mister Potatohead will appear at Magdalena's La Terraza. For more information call 967-MAGS. B Billy Miller will play acoustic originals at the Ninth Street Bakery from 8 p.m. to 1 1 p.m. For more infor mation call 286-0303. B Mike Kelsh will play original folk music at the Skylight Exchange. For more information call 933-5550. B Shakin' Sherman and the Sheet rockers will appear at The Cave. For more information call 968-9308. Saturday May 26 B Jim Thackery and the Assasins will appear at Magdalena's La Terraza. For more information call 967-MAGS. B Kathy MacKinnon and Marty Houghlan will play original acoustic folk at the Ninth Street Bakery from 8 ik mm mm mm m m m mm m m w mr mm mm m r m i I XI xl mn. mft Mn wTJ M n V. f I Ll VJk WJ m H 3m Sh ftSftfflfb M Cess? SGfflD .MDogXKS w 0 0 We're so certain that our prep course can help you pass the nursing boards, we'll refund you your money or let you take the course again if you don't pass. How can we be so sure youll pass? Maybe it's our 50 years of experience. Our small classes and advanced teaching methods. Or a research department that reacts to test changes before most companies even know they exist. Whatever it is, the Kaplan method works. So if you want to be a nurse, the time to start practicing is now. Jf STANLEY H. KAPLAN Jm Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances NCLEX preparation begins in June. Call Now! 489-8720 For other locations call 800-KAP-TEST. in Academy Award nominations for Christine Kossack, as the brain doctor who pops her top for the patients, for saying "We've got to stop! There have been eight deaths since the work be gan!" Barry Pearson, the writer for the line where Jim'smothersays"Dr. Blake wouldn't be on TV if he wasn't good." Cyndy Preston, as the bimbo cheer-, leader who gets handcuffed in the brain's personal meat locker, for say ing "Oh, I love you. I was SO scared!" David Gale, as Dr. Blake, the mouth piece for a brain, for watching the brain eat a nurse and then saying, "That's food for thought!" Three stars. Joe Bob says check it out. Gypsies It's also possible that he's seeking redemption for his buckwheat pancakes. Regardless of the psycho-scientific explanation, it does go to show you that if you hang in there, some of the truly misguided will come around, and the ones who don't may remain to make your life hellish. It's a fairly random thing. My only fear is that his condition of New Ageitis will escalate and I will come home one day to find a trail of pieces of a Brooks Brothers suit lead ing into the woods where an extremely awkward 6'6" ex-business man will be dancing around a campfire in a beaded loincloth, accompanied by a smatter ing of gnomes, munchkins and other assorted woodland creatures, chanting praises to the high god of real estate developments. Oh, what a wacky world it is. p.m. to 1 1 p.m. For more information call 286-0303. B Exit Eden will appear at the Sky light Exchange. For more information call 933-5550. B Too Much Fun will appear at The Cave. For more information call 968 9308. Sunday May 27 B Danny and the Cavemen will ap pear at the Cave. For more information call 968-9308. Tuesday May 29 BThe Farm and Even Steven will appear at Magdalena's La Terraza. For more information call 967-MAGS. B Stu Cole and Friends will play acoustic blues at The Cave. For more information call 968-9308. Wednesday May 30 B Charles Pettee and Pals will play country grass at The Cave. For more information call 968-9308. B The Triangle Ad 2 is hosting a legislative luncheon at 12 noon at the North Raleigh Hilton. Tickets are $15 in advance, $18 at the door. All pro ceeds will be donated to the N.C. Ad Federation. For reservations call 890 6036 or 890-6038. :x3 1 jrijr-ii--T.. i 5

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