The Daily Tar HeelMonday, November 2, 19929 3 I Vote Clinton for hope, change Anew generation of leadership. That's what Bill Clinton and Al Gore are offering. Why should you buy into it, believe that this time things will be different? Because today's students have everything to gain and everything to lose in this election. Our education, our jobs and our futures are on the line. Clinton and Gore will bring vision, commitment and hope to the White House. They have a plan to put people first, and it begins with our gen eration. How many of your friends who re cently have graduated are still at home looking for a job? How many of you are feeling the comfort of knowing that it will be three or two or maybe one year until you'U have to face this uncer tainty? At least you have that time. How many of you are in my present situa tion? Graduation is only five months away, and with no present employment prospects, I am faced with insecurity in what the future might hold. The fact is, folks, it didn't used to be this uncertain or insecure. Under President George Bush, the national unemployment rate in the United States has increased 39 percent in four years. In North Carolina alone, unemployment has risen a stag gering 84 percent. Eighty-four percent! No wonder our futures are filled with ' uncertainty. Seventeen million Ameri cans can ' t find full-time work, and these men and women are not lazy or unedu cated. Many, many of these American ' citizens have college degrees and have worked at high-paying jobs before. Unquestionably, it's time for a change in leadership. Reviving the economy means invest ing in people and putting an end to trickle-down economics. Clinton and Gore will create millions of high-wage, high-skill jobs by investing in new tech nologies that will help the United States :, compete. Clinton and Gore will pro mote investment in American business, . rebuild American industry, and penal ize big corporations that move over seas. Do you realize what this means? Clinton and Gore will make our futures more certain and secure. That' s reassur- Literacy: a tool It's becoming a more common scene: Students, parents, workers, retirees and others have been gathering in a whirlwind of educational partnerships all across the country. In schools, rhnrrhps lihrarii nark hpnrhfts nnH homes, literacy is hot. From Barbara Bush to the radical student, few would debate that literacy is not a good thing. With so much activity going on, though, it's easy to simply nod in agreement, "literacy is good," and move on to the other issues of the day. I propose we step back from this whirlwind, take a hreath. and eet a sense of what is going on when it comes to literacy. Of course, many are already closely examining this very issue, but ' too often the discussion is trapped in the literacy circles. Not so surprisingly, the heart of this discussion is the notion of "What is A vote for Perot is a vote for out-of-touch BushQuayle ticket: Choose Clinton It is election eve. Do you know where your country is? We've heard a lot of rhetoric this campaign year. Even so, I fear that we the voters haven't heard enough honest talk about the many problems our coun try faces. What is the legacy of the ReaganBush years? What kind of fu ture do we want for ourselves? These are fundamental questions that we must ask when we go to the polls Tuesday. A few people were made wealthy by the ReaganBush era, but for most Americans, our quality of life is a lot worse. With wages down and unem ployment up, people are scrambling to keep their jobs and provide for their families. This is a hell of a lot harder when government services are cut to feed the ever-mushrooming federal defi cit, a result of Reagan's "free-for-all" government policies in the 1980s, which gave us the savings and loan crisis among other notable failures. With health-care costs through the roof and a college education more ex pensive than ever before, middle-class families with sons and daughters our age are being stretched to their financial limits. These families are in danger of joining the swelling ranks of the poor in Catherine Wilson Guest Columnist ing. Definitely, it's time for a change in leadership. Clinton and Gore know the key to America's future is our education. Col lege education costs have skyrocketed under Bush, increasing more than 60 percent for in-state students in North Carolina. But I don't have to remind you of that. You are feeling the in crease; yourparents' wallets are feeling the increase, too. And if you have taken out school loans to pay for your educa tion, you will be feeling it even more when the loan collectors begin to call. But what about those of you who were unable to receive school loans or grants? Those of you who had to sacrifice a full course load in order to pay your tuition and fees? After all, Bush slashed $750 million out of student loan programs in 1990. Well, there is hope. The Clinton Gore administration will preserve Pell Grants for students and guarantee every American the right to borrow money for college. They will do this by setting up a National Service Trust Fund, allow ing Americans who borrow money for college to pay it back in one of two ways: either as a small percentage of their incomes over time or by serving their communities as teachers, health care workers or peer counselors. Sen sible, isn' t it? Undoubtably , it' s time for a change in leadership. On Nov. 3, 1992, our generation can change history. It is time to put people first again. Clinton and Gore want to help you and have plans to do so. The difference between the ClintonGore administration and Bush is simple: One cares about you; the other doesn't and never will. Vote change on Tuesday. Vote hope on Tuesday. Vote Bill Clinton and Al Gore on Tuesday. Catherine Wilson is a senior politi cal science major from Castonia and president of the Young Democrats. to empower the Matthew Adams Guest Columnist literacy?" Asked 1,000 times, the ques tion yields 1 ,000 answers. At the turn of the century, the government considered you literate if you could write your name. Nowadays, there are skills-based tests, reading tests, writing tests and a plethora of definitions. Ironically, though, many testers fail to ask their subjects if they consider themselves lit erate and why (though the census in the early part of the century did simply that to set a literacy number). The important point here is that your definition of illiteracy will greatly impact how you deal with it and why. One way or the other, though, most people associate literacy with the ac Josh Busby Guest Columnist this country. And what are the job pros pects for us when we graduate? Right now, a college degree guarantees noth ing. It's not right, and it's not fair. We can do better. The Republican Party is out of touch with mainstream American values and has pandered to right-wing extremists and the wealthy. They have essentially sold us out. Most Americans want clean air and clean water and believe our natural heri tage is worth saving. Most Americans know intuitively that if you consume all your natural resources and pollute your home, your quality of life will decrease. When the Bush administration says, "we have to gut the Clean Air Act and Endangered Species Act because it costs jobs," they simply don't understand that our economic success is dependent upon environmental protection. Many indus tries care as little about saving jobs as they do about protecting the environ ment Corporate executives have fired workers while raking in multimillion- Vote for Perot for strong leadership, change To the editor: Ross Pefot represents one of the best opportunities for true leadership that America has seen in a long time. When was the last time we saw a candidate speaking his mind like Perot does? When was the last time we saw a candidate telling the truth the way Perot does? When was the last time we saw a candi date shunning the blame game and fo cusing on what's important like Perot does? These could be invaluable presi dential qualities as we encounter the tough economic and social problems that lie ahead. Even if you don't agree with Perot on all the issues, gauge for yourself the ability this man has to jump start the country (emotionally and economically) at a time when a jump-start is badly needed. Look at his action-oriented, no nonsense approach. Look at his deep commitment to the future of the United States. Most importantly, look at his sincerity! We all sense something dif ferent about Perot as soon as he speaks it's his refreshing frankness and can dor. His words come from the heart, not from some calculation of which com ments will win the most votes. Isn't it about time we had a president with some of these characteristics? I've heard that Perot's former em ployees at EDS were willing to do any thing for him. For some reason, that doesn't surprise me. A man with his obviously strong convictions and even stronger dedication is a natural inspira tion. When I see someone doing their all for something they believe in, I feel like doing the same. And the things he be lieves in are as central to this country's heritage as any man's. Despite his wealth, Perot feels more deeply for Americans of all backgrounds than any politician I've ever seen. I hear him say that he's doing this whole campaign for the young people and the children, and I believe him! We cannot afford to wait until 1996 to see if Perot runs again. Four more years of status-quo government will furmerdimtheoutlookforourchildren's future. WE will have rung up more huge bills and have less to show for it. The question facing each of us is not whether we should risk electing an independent minded, strong-willed non-politician to educationally disenfranchised quisition of some skills or abilities to read and write at a level that permits access to general information. The abil ity to read in itself is deemed the univer sal honorable goal of literacy programs. One need look no further than the ad campaigns for many literacy programs to see this sentiment strongly displayed. Poverty, crime, workplace performance and homelessness are given the glue of literacy to tie them all together. If only these people could read ... It is a false notion, I would claim, that the large-scale acquisition of reading skills at some utilitarian level dramati cally would affect the above societal ills. Illiteracy (as loosely defined above) is as much a result of poverty as a cause. The ability to read and write is certainly a factor in affecting one's world, but just one factor. What is the point then? It is that dollar salaries for themselves. When Bush and Quay le bow to pres sure from these companies, they feed our deficit. They fail to take these in dustries to task for remaining uncompetitive with Japanese and Ger man firms who have recognized that new, efficient environmental technolo gies make money. We will soon be buying these products from them like we buy televisions and other electronic equipment. Why? They cater to the , wealthy who are reluctant to modernize their plants or prepare their employees for a 21st century economy. Bush and Quayle care little about most Ameri cans. They are out of the mainstream. Most Americans want a united American community. However, Bush and Quayle are masters of division. Their economic policies have forced more Americans into poverty and con centrated the wealth into the hands of a few. Furthermore, Bush and Quayle have used divisive rhetoric to pit poor whites, blacks and other ethnic groups against each other. This stratification and division threatens to tear the coun try apart as the "have-nots" fight over the few good jobs remaining and the dwindling funds for government ser the presidency, the question is whether we can afford not to do so! We might not get another chance to elect a strong leader for a long time. JEFF SLOMSKY Raleigh Perot presidency would give power to the people To the editor: For many years I have moaned and groaned over the platforms of the Re publican and Democratic parties and tried to vote for the lesser of the two evils. I think most of us have dreamed of a candidate that would represent us with a little old-fashioned common sense and draw the best ideas from both par ties. A candidate with vision and solu tions! A candidate that realizes that nothing happens without action. Ross Perot is that candidate. We cannot pass up the opportunity to let him work at solving our economic and domestic problems. The Democrats and Republi cans have had many years to solve our economic problems, but the debt con tinues to grow. It's a forgone conclu sion that we will ha ve to make sacrifices to solve our problems. The big question is: How will our tax dollars be spent? I can't believe that any employed or unemployed person would not want Perot to father a new industrial revolu tion. By making our own products, we employ our own people, our economy gets better, quality of life gets better, family economic stress lessens, and crime statistics decrease. The positive chain reaction goes on and on. Perot is a man with solutions. There is no such thing as a wasted vote! We must vote our conscience. How else can we show Washington that we like the solutions that Perot has to offer and that we want solutions that are acted on? I am sick and tired of the unproduc tive time and money that is spent on political conflicts between the Demo crats and Republicans. An independent president can draw support and coop eration from both parties in Congress! And we have the power to make it happen! Don't pass up this opportunity for positive change. Let's get our gov ernment back in the hands of the people ! BETTY MACBRYDE Greensboro literacy should be seen as a tool to empower the lives of people and their communities, giving voice to the edu cationally disenfranchised. Simple lan guage acquisition, without the tools to analyze, debate, construct and act, will not give this voice or affect the menu of societal problems that are often wedded with illiteracy. A social literacy, one that asks what it is that people need and want, one that seeks to empower all participants in the process, one that sees reading and writ ing as a means and not an end, one that does not blame the individual for struc tural problems this is the literacy I would like to see feeding the whirlwind of activity. Matthew Adams is the program di rector for the Student Coalition for Ac tion in Literacy Education. vices cut to the bone after 12 years of ReaganBush. Meanwhile, corporations have gotten fat off welfare for the wealthy through hundreds of millions of dollars in government subsidies. Most Americans are pro-choice. Bush and Quayle can waffle all they like on this one; their platform is clearly anti choice in all circumstances including rape and incest. They are out of the mainstream. Most Americans are religious, yet favor a separation of church and state. With Bush embracing Pat Buchanan, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, he has endorsed their far-right ideology that seeks to impose their morality on the rest of us. A flier is being circulated in N.C. churches that says, "A vote for Bill Clinton is a sin against God." This kind of extremist blather, whoever the re sponsible party is, is indicative of how far right these groups are. Bush and Quayle are out of the mainstream. If you are as unhappy with Bush as I am, then what is the solution? Some say both parties are corrupt, and Ross Perot is the answer. While Perot has ener gized the debate and forced the candi dates to address the deficit more strongly, he hasn't a prayer of winning. Bush: a candidate for values In response to the plethora of pro-Bill Clinton, pro-Ross Perot and pro abortion letters, columns and car toons that litter your editorial pages, I must express my support for President Bush. The 1 992 presidential election is cru cial. America is standing on the brink of destruction, and our future could well depend on whom we choose to elect tomorrow. This nation is in a state of chaos because we have turned against God and His ways. Unless we put a man who stands for godly values into office, America will crumble. Bush is the only candidate we can afford to elect this year. We have turned against God on the issue of abortion. This sin is a blight on our nation. Check your Bible. God re fused to forgive certain nations because they ripped open pregnant women, sac rificed their children for material gain and filled the streets with innocent blood. The Lord would not pardon them be cause of the innocent blood that they shed. (II Kings 24:4, 2 1 : 1 6, 1 5: 1 6, Amos 1:13) The streets of America are over flowing with the blood of millions of innocent babies. If the blood of Abel, to which Jesus Himself referred in Mat thew 23, cried out to God from the ground (Genesis 10), how much more deafening to the Lord are the screams of the blood of countless murdered in fants? A nation with so much blood on its hands is cursed of God. Abortion is not a women's rights issue. It is not a choice issue. It is a SIN. It is a MASSA CRE. And it is MURDER. God will not overlook abortion. Bush opposes abor tion on demand and tax-funded abor tions (both of which Clinton and Perot support). It is probable that Roe vs. Wade will be overturned, or at least seriously dented, if Bush is re-elected. If this happens, America will be on its way to being restored. Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God. No legislation, no nouveau thinking, no new enlighten ment will ever change that. Remember Sodom and Gomorrha. (2 Peter 2:6) God is still God, and sin is still sin. While there is always forgiveness for those who repent, there first must be repentance. A country that condones, pampers, applauds sin is in for it. "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil ... woe unto them that decree un righteous decrees." (Isaiah 5:20, 10:1) Only Bush opposes homosexual rights. Christians on this campus need to WAKE UP. The gravity of this year's election is staggering. God is not pleased with this backsliding, rebellious coun try, America is teetering on the edge of judgment. Yes, in 1992, modern, so phisticated America is on the verge of destruction because of her sin. Chris tians, we are rapidly losing our liberties. The Pledge of Allegiance is banned in public schools because of the word "God." (There's no longer a choice it's just forbidden by law.) Prayer dur ing high school graduation was canned this summer by a Supreme Court deci sion. There are churches in this nation that are being sued because people at tending services are being saved. But wait! There's more. The govern ment is telling preachers what they can and cannot preach from their own pulpit regarding abortion, even if that means Disregardingthequestionsabout Perot's haziness on issues and authoritarian leadership style, the Electoral College makes it impossible for Perot to win. Remember, the presidential race is winner take all on a state-by-state basis. A candidate could win a majority of the popular vote but not have the 270 elec toral votes necessary to win the Elec toral College. To win a state and its electoral votes, the pundits say a candi date in a three-way race needs to receive at least 40 percent of the vote in that state. Ross Perot nationally is receiving only between 1 4 percent and 1 7 percent in the polls. Even in Colorado, Perot's strongest state, he has only about 30 percent support. That's still not enough for him to win a single electoral vote. There is nothing that Ross Perot can do to rum that around. Since he charged the Bush administration had doctored photos of his daughter to ruin her wed ding, Perot's support has leveled off. What Perot is doing is drawing change oriented voters away from Clinton. Polls indicate the race is narrowing not be cause Bush is gaining popularity but because Perot is drawing more voters away from Clinton, despite the way Perot hammered Bush on the economy Sunshine Franklin Guest Columnist reading a passage of the Scriptures. Worship services at a church in Vir ginia were interrupted by police who issued warrants to arrest several church members, detained worshipers from entering the prayer room and forced people to file through a check point, among other atrocities. The police vio lated 1 5 federal and state laws by doing this. Churches might soon lose their tax-exempt status, meaning that the government will, among other things, start taxing tithes and offerings. (But our tax money flows freely into the grubby hands of obscene art producers like pervert, uh, Robert Mapplethorpe.) And the Federal Communications Commission, which deals with the ra dio and television airwaves, is in the process of creating a bill that would provide for the arrest of any pastor who preaches that homosexuality is a sin on the air. Yes, the arrest. It's happening. Bush is in favor of the Voluntary School Prayer Amendment and the Parental Choice in Education Voucher Plan, which retains liberties for and accessi bility to private and religious schools. Bill Clinton opposes both of these. (Some pro-choice guy he is. What a double standard.) Our religious free dom is at stake. It's already slipping through our fingers. Bush is the only candidate this year who can help us hold some ground. I'm scared to imagine what America will be like for Christians if Bush does not win. If the leader of this country does not uphold a godly standard, then we' ve got the blind leading the blind, and they both fall into a pit. America is hurtling headlong into hell. Do we want a smarmy adulterer (that's Clinton) behind the wheel so he can stomp on the accelera tor and drive us faster to Gehenna? Do we want a nasally dropout (that'd be Perot) who wants to buy our way out of judgment? Lord have mercy. We must turn from our wicked ways. America must turn from her wicked ways. There is not another way to restore the coun try. Economic plans, health care, tax increases, social programs these are the arm of the flesh. The arm of the flesh cannot help a nation that will not ad dress the root of its problems. That root is sin. Turn from sin (abortion, homo sexuality, rebellion, blasphemy, etc.) and God will hear, forgive and heal. America turned 500 years old this year. Will God continue to shed His grace on this country if we keep shoving Him out the door? Will He Shbw'mercy to those who trample on' the blood of His Son Jesus? THIS IS A CRITICAL ELECTION. Bush is the only candidate this year who takes the right position on the most important issues. He is the only candidate who has demonstrated any moral fiber, who has not buckled under the "popular" (or at least the most vociferous) view, who has stood for and will stand for God. So PLEASE. Turn from your wicked ways. And pray for, and VOTE for, the man who sticks to the commandments of the Lord. Sunshine Franklin is a junior educa tion major from Cary. and his building up of Saddam Hussein' s military before the Persian Gulf War. Every four years, the Republicans call the Democratic presidential candi date a "liberal." Clinton is a moderate's moderate. He and Al Gore formed the breakaway Democratic Leadership Council that sought to modernize the party's "tax-and-spend" reputation. Clinton realizes that government can not do everything but that government has an important role to play in provid ing essential public services that benefit us all. Clinton's vision is thoughtful and fresh, praised by Democrats and Re publicans alike. He is the only candi date who can beat Bush. A vote for Clinton is in all of our best interests. A vote for Perot is a vote for Bush. It is a vote for the status quo. It is a wasted vote for change. If you are considering a vote for Perot, please realize he cannot win. If you are as unhappy about Bush's failure as most Americans, I strongly urge you to vote for Clinton. He's the only hope we have to turn this country back before it's too late. Josh Busby is a senior political sci ence and biology major from College Station, Texas.