Editorial CH \R LOTTE LABOR JOURN AL & DIXIE FARM NEWS Published Weekly at Charlotte. N. C. 1. A 'tall*, E !Itor and Publisher W. M. Witter, Associate Editor Bn tar aa second-class mail matter September 11, 1MI, at the Post Office at Charlotte. N. C., under the Act of Congress of March 8,187» Official Organ of the Charlotte Central Labor Union and Approved by The American Federation of Labor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ft.00 per year, payable in advance or The Labor Journal will not be responsible for opinions of corre spondents, but any erroneous reflecting upon the character, standing or repotation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear in the columns of The Labor Journal will be gladly corrected when called \ on the attention of the publisher. Correspondence and Open Forum opinions solicited. _ FROM THE flotcuuit \ SEASON'S GREETINGS J. N. COE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Watson Building GREENSBORO, N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS SAHMS TEXTILE SHOP REPINISHERS Of BOBBINS ROVING SKEWERS RESHAPED AND RBTIPPED WITH DOGWOOD TIPS 24-HOUR SERVICE — SIX DAYS A WEEK N*w Ho** Road, Rout* No. 2 Phone 5-1608 Gastonia, N. C. ■ SEASON'S GREETINGS Gastonia, N. C. Greetings From Gastonia, Belmont, Nt Holly You’ll like Gastonia’s ciive mindedness. It’s a city where people go to church on Sunday; where the civic clubs sink their teeth into useful projects; where legitimate enterprises get loyal suuport. A need for more hos pital facilities brought for a $400,000 response. Gastonia has: A daily news paper. the Gasette—17,000 circu lation; two radio stations; civic clubs, Civitan, Kiwanis, Lions, Op timist, Rotary, AHrusa, Pilor; American Legion Post, Music, Garden, and Woman’s Clubs; Merchants Association; 68 churches; 4 hospitals; Bank as sets, 831,000,000. (December 31, ’47). Two building and loan as sociations; library with county wide bookmobile service; Boy and Girl Scouts. We nope you will make further inquiry about any phase of life in Gastonia that is of interest. Greater Gastonia can count 60 textile plants in iU limits. In Gaston County there are 140—the largest number to be found in any county in the United States. This relatively small county pro duces more than 80 per eent of the fine combed cotton yarn made in this country and is known as "The Combed Cotton Yarn Cen ter of America.’’ Some of Gaston County’s 120 smaller, diversified industries, con tribute to the needs of a balanced, self-contained community; others distribute their products all over the world. Textile machinery, for instance, is exported to almost every nation on the globe. Sixty-one machine shops and machinery manufacturers engage in work which varies from intri cate miscroscopic precision opera 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS R. 0/s Barbecue Better Barbecue Sandwiches Sliced Choppud Minced Sandwiches — Cold Drinks Can 9176 1311 W. GtitM A*«. Gastonia, N. C. MERRY CHRISTMAS Carolina Feed Store Security Feeds Top Grade Seeds Electrical Appliances 279 last Main Av«. T#». 5-3476 Gastonia, N. C. 4 tiontion to the machining of large equipment and parts. Gastonia will be able to meet your most exacting needs in air. rail, truck and bus facilities. A number of bus lines operate in end out of Gastonia. There is tlso aa efficient city bus system. Industrial Products — Active ■pinning spindles in Gaston Coun ty: 1,225,000. Annual industrial Qpyroll in Gaston County: $68, 000,000. Value of manufactured prod ucts in Gaston County $200,000, 000. Industrial employees in Gaston County: 29,000. SONGS THAT HELP There’s a song in the air! There's a star in the skyl There’s a mother’s deep prayer, And a baby’s low cry! And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing. For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King. We rejoice in the light. And we echo the song That comes down through the night From heavenly throng; Ay! we shout to the lowly evan gel they bring, And we greet in His cradle our Savior and King. —J. G. Holland. HOLIDAY GREETINGS Southern Furniture Co. Retailing America's Finest Furniture WilfcmsM Blvd. Dial 5-1321 Gastonia, N. C. Gastonia, N. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Forest City, N. C. ' MERRY CHRISTMAS M. A. RHYNE & SONS DAIRY NEW HOPE ROAD PHONE 5-2702 Gastonia, N. C. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS WINGETS, INC mmmm vWH%HVl JVWwIfj Cut Gloss — Chino — Fountain Pons Kodaks — Kodak Supplies 202-204 WIST MAIN AVENUE Gastonia, N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS RANKIN-ARMSTRONG CO. QUALITY FURNITURE 124 SO. MARIETTA PHONE 37 Gastonia, N. C. MERRY CHRISTMAS CHICK’S AUTO SALES, INC. “GOOD CLEAN USED CARS” 173 East Franklin Telephone 5*1332 Gastonia, North Carolina MERRY CHRISTMAS GASTONIA BRUSH COMPMY TEXTILE BRUSHES Corner Second and Linwood Sts. Phone 5*2422 Gastonia.* North Carolina MERRY CHRISTMAS JENKINS METAL SHOP Cotton Mill Sheet Metal Work lytablishaA 1912 Gastonia, N. C. Manufacturers of Spinning Cylinders and Card Screens All Sixes and Makes of Picker Screens Carried in Stock for Immediate Shipment Prompt Rebuilding Service — Dynamic Balancing CHRISTMAS GREETINGS ROY HAMILTON PLUMBING & HEATING CO. Plumbing and Heating Installations and Repairs » Since 1924 PROMPT SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT "OUR WORK PAYS BECAUSE IT STAYS" 713 South Street Phone 5-1621 Gastonia, N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C.