SEASON'S GREETINGS JOHN ECK GASTONIA, N. C. MMIR6T0N HOTa 2M West Airline Are. Geetenie, N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS ROY HAMILTON PLUMBING & GASTONIA, N. C. CAROLINA CLEANERS All Artie let Insured Against Fire and Theft ONE DAY SERVICE Dial 5-5041 209 Firestone St. GASTONIA, N. C. MATTHEWS-BELK COMPANY GASTONIA'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE West Main Ave. Tel. 7241 GASTONIA, N. C. I COMPLIMENTS OF 6JIST0NM CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. 523 W. Airline Are., Gastonia, N. C. Office: 523 W. Airline Are., Phone 5-5461 Plant: 533 N. Broad St., Phone 6981 STERCHI'S BETTER YOUR HOME — BETTER YOUR LIVING WITH FURNITURE FROM STERCHI’S 174-180 South St. * T#l. 5-1266 GASTONIA, N. C. COMPLIMENTS OF RANKIN & ARMSTRONG "One of the Oldest—Established Over 46 Years” 124 S. Marietta St. Phone 5-0611 Gastonia, N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS WILSON-LEOFORD CONSTRUCTION CO. Ml Smith Columbia GoMomo. N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS PANTHER’S GARAGE 1M1 West Airline Avenue GASTONIA, N. C SEASON'S GREETINGS WOOD REALTY COMPANY, INC. S14 Realty BuiUinc 5-4541 GASTONIA, N. C. Unions Play Santa Claus BY ARNOLD BEICHMAN New York Correspondent for AFL News Service New York.—A few yearn ago, a New York newspaperman, Ted Poston, came down with double pneumonia. He had to stop working and with his wife he went down to the Virgin Islands to convalesce. While the Postons were there, they saw the poveity and lack of opportunity for the islanders, al most 100 percent Negro. They were particularly moved by the plight of the children. Mrs. Poston, Marie, ! a field examiner here with the Na | tionai Labor Relations Board, was particularly determined that when her husband, now a star reporter on the New York Post Home News, got better, she would devote her spare time to helping the children of this Caribbean island possession. Marie and Ted Poston returned to New York and they began to corrmll contributions in goods from their friends, and their friends’ friends. Success didn’t come how ever, until they enlisted the co operation of New York’t trade un ions and particularly the AFL. In 1948, there was organized an athletic league for these underpri vileged children and they had their first real Christmas party with more than 3,000 in attendance. It was a success; it was a success because New York’s trade unions were interested by Marie Poston in the Virgin Islands’ kids and here’s what happened: Local 413, International Brother hood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers of the AFL and Play things and Novelty Workers of the CIO talked to employers who con tributed toys, children’s books and Christmas wrapping paper. Local 550, Candy and Confec tionery Workers Union of the AFL got a candy company to contribute hundreds of ponnds of candy. Local 105, International Ladies Garment Workers Union of the AFL was able to obtain clothing for several hundred babies and older children. Locals 282 and 814 of the AFL Brotherhood of Teamsters crated the packages, picked them up at r1 Herzog NLRB Vote Upholds Teamsters Washington. — Chairman Paul M. Herzog cast the deciding vote upholding the right of the AFL Teamsters Union 807 to picket a company's trucks at the premises of a customer in an important Na tional Labor Relations Board de cision. The Teamsters’ right to picket was supported by a 3-2 vote of the board. The board thus reversed a find ing by a trial examiner that the New York City Teamsters' local had violated the secondary boy cott ban of the Taft-Tartley law by such picketing. The union began picketing trucks of Schultz Refrigerated Service Co. after the company locked out Its drivers by moving its terminal from New York City to Slackwood, N. J., near Trenton. Charges against the union were made after the picketing of Schultz trucks at plants of several New York city firms. The pickets fol lowed the trucks to the plant loud ing dockets and then formed a lint around the truck. General Robert N. Denham contended that this was a secondary boycott pro hibited by the Taft-Hartley law but he was over-ruled by the board by the narrowest of margins. the Chelsea warehouse and deliv ered them to the boats and La Guardia Airport for shipment, free. Oiher local unions who have come in this year include Local 22030, Wholesale Candy and. Tobacco Salesman’s Union, and Local 452, Candy and Confectionery Workers Union of the AFL. The gifts for the Virgin Island kids are piling up in the Chelsea warehoue and thanks to our trade unions and the Santa Claus .Pos tons, the kids will have a real Christmas next month. GREETINGS F. C. TODD, Inc. Textile Machinery and Supplies GASTONIA. N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS CHARLES STORE COMPANY 158 W. Main Avenue Telephone 7921 GASTONIA, N. C. Mill and Marine f Electric, Inc. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Wiring — Lighting — Repairing 137 So. Marietta Telephone 5-1311 GASTONIA, N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS SUNRISE DAIRY Gwdi "A" Pasteurised DAIRY PRODUCTS 509 W. Franklin Are. Tel, 6354 Gompers Solicitation Unauthorized By AFL Washington.'—The AFL has not authorized any solicitations for contributions or advertising for any Samuel Gompers’ memorial book or any other promotional scheme in connection with next yeai's Gompers’ Centennial. Pennsylvania Federation of Labor officials reported that “some bird had sounded out possible con tributors in that state on a “Gornp |ers Memorial Book, project. International unions, state fed erations and other affiliated bod ies are uiged to be on guard against any and all attempts to use the good name of the American Federation of Labor for unauthor ized money-raising schemes. SET CONVENTION DATE Washington. — The executive committee of the AFL National Fedeiation of Insurance Agents' Council seleceted Washington for its annual convention during the week of May 15 1950. GREETINGS PIEDMONT MILLS, Inc. North Morietto Street GASTONIA, N. C. GREETINGS Gastonia Brush Co. BRUSHES FOR THE TEXTILE TRADE 301 So. Linwood Tol. 5-2422 GASTONIA, N. C. GREETINGS Gastonia Radiator Shop A Complete Radiator Service 165 E. Franklin Ave. Tol. 5-1211 GASTONIA, N. C. McLEXN & SON FUNERAL HOME 206 South Uroad Street Phon* 5-3431 Gaxtonia, >f. C. HOLIDAY GREETINGS SMITH BROS. TEXTILE MACHINERY 718 E. Airline A re. y#l 5-4292 GASTONIA, N, C. GREETINGS TO LABOR D. GLENN STROUPE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 111 Oakdale Tel. 5.3822 GASTONIA, N; C. McCLUNEY'S, INC. QUALITY APPAREL FOR MEN Home of Leo Hats 269 W. Main Ave. Phone 5.393 j GASTONIA. N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS •' C. D. A. STORE MEATS—VEGETABLES—GROCERIES Truck Delivery Anywhere In City «09 South Ooklond Teleyhene 5-4917 GASTONIA. N. C. i Season’s Greetings Petroleum Transportation, Incorporated Insured Petroleum Transporters Home GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA ill,;'. Phone 145 ill! • ;ji SPARTANBURG TERMINAL CAMP CROFT, S. C.