4l r 0 E. E HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. (!!, V!!. WE MUST WOKK K!iTHK I'FlPI.K'S W RI.K A P. K. SCOTLANI) XKCK. .('., "i ll THSDaV, .lAM'AIIV U 'llll rijiiiiiH 1V.M ! 1 i I i ii 5 -I f : i t - 'i PRO Y V. S S 1 O N A Tj . . . iiciMON, Jr. K. L.Tkavls, 3URTON & TRAVIS. A T IOi'.NI'.Y.S AND C'ofNSLLOKS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. ? 1 4 1 V. Aycock Dan ills, U. C. Daniels, fioMsi-oro, N. C Wilson, N. C. AycMsck & Daniels & Daniels, attorneys at law, Wilson, N. C. nv Business Entrusted to us will be Promptly Attended to. 4 4 1y. V.A-l)UNN' A T T () Ii XEY AT LA W, SCOTLAND NlCK, N, C, Practice? it ouired.' wherever his services are feblli ly. w. 11. KITCHEN, TTOI'SEY an(1 COUNSEI.OK AT LAW. Scotland Neck, N. C tttr Oi'.ice: Corner Main and Tenth St"C' tS. 1 5 ly. i) AVID PELL, AT I 01 IN I A' AT LAW, KN FIELD, N. C. i'mtticcsin all the Courts of Halifax Su- i t i i i : 1 1 i 1 1 i i . i 1 1 v , v j - - - - .rl F?..h'i-:il Courts. C!aas col lected in all parts of the State. 3 8 ly. V.H.IiAV, A.C.'.oLLICoFKKK, R.KANSOM yebP,n. 1 1 in 'erson. . "Weldon. DAY, OLLirol'FEH & HANSOM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wkldon, N. C. :y, 1 v. riniOMAS N. HILL, ATTORNEY AT I-AW, Halifax , N . C, Practices in Halifax and adjoining counties, a: avl the Federal and .supreme Courts, 3 8 ly. I)1 R. M. JOHNSON, P. ficl Cor. Main and Tenth Streets loll iy. Scotland Nkck, N. C. J O H X It O ii E ltT SON'S Shoe $bop & fyesiauraTit. Satisfaction guaranteed to patrons. C error Ninth and Mam Streets, SCOiLAND NECK, - - s N, C. jan C ly. it. vv. o. Mcdowell. OFFICE Comer Main & 10th Sts. Next door to Wilson A llshrook, Scotland Neck, N. C. lip Always at his office when not professionally engaged elsev;here. 9 26 tf. 11. 0. C. CHRISTIAN. Scotland Neck, N. V Can be found at his office over Josey Brothers' store wlca not profess ion ally engfir 1 where 2 13 tf. THE PEOPLE'S TYPE-W R1TER." rPni: last invented ahead of all X ethers in s-implicity, cheapness, and capac-tv for manifolding. The only low price Writer ever invented using a rib-l,.-.n. For msinfol'iing it has no superior, rcardlo.-s ot price, and has many ad vantages over the high price machines. Any !''!y can use it in a few minutes. Subject to any .et desired. Price, with three t tra ntd'on. complete and ready WuTK, o: niv Addre-s, R. R. Owens, Ant., j :!;n. Scotland Neck. N. C. HOMINY!! HUM i : : .iiues the iiOMINY AND M E A L v. hich I will seil st the IiOWGSt Prices Possible. Call at the IUilcK MILL r.nct be surprised now heap you can bu', W. H. KITCHIN. 1 t: CO-PARTNERSHIP. PETEi:sra-K;, Va., April 25. 1830. 'WK HAVE rillSDAY ASSOCIAT- ' t:d curscP, cs tegtther under the linn of STEEL & ALEXANDER, I 'r tV niirjiosf of conducting a CJKN-lSllL- ,l n.! NPltY AND MACHINE HlMl'dlSS, ;it th'i stand lately occupied by the linns id Wtn. II. Tappey, Tappey .t Hdancy, 'fapp-y Stet-l anl Tappey, I.uiiisi-ft-n A. t'o. i.ii the past 10 years, and h;iMii.r been as-.-ociated with theui as fore '--" br 15 iv ears ;md bi)uUdiceiK-r for 18 yi-.rs. we le -i c;ri lident that m tnterinp ' ' tiiis i nt'. rprise we do so with a tho ' "i,'" and nrac'i.-al knowledge ofthe busi i o;s. a id trust to have a share of public atronage. 'ery respectfully, It. J. STEEL, 10 J- SM. ALEXANDER. The Mother's Grave, JiV HEItliKKT THORNF.. (For the Democrat. The folhiwinjj lines were written Hion after reading a selection in a recent number of The Democrat, on ' The Mother's Grave." Yea, watch, O pines, and burst, O clouds, in tears. And bloom, O (lowers, through all the coming years, And moan, U. winds, there cease t rare, Blow gently o'er my mother's grave. And you, 0 stars, so sublime and so ccM, Keep constant guaid till Judgment's books unfold ; And you, O moon, will bathe with light That s-pot through all the stdly night. O sable wings of night, when sKies are black, Let darkness keep intruding spirits back; O sun, at morn throw there a beam, 'T will not disturb her happy dream. Send down a tender, living, brilliant ray At noon, to mark and warm the cold red clay. Give it a kiss at mellow eve, And you, O dews, cease not to grieve. O tender whip-poor-will, when all is still Desert the silent, gruesome, wooded hill, Go there and chant vour thrilling lay 'Till morning hurls the night away. And you, O birds of day, take up the strain, And ev'ry day through sunshine and through rain, Go eit upon the myrtle's sprty And sing till western skies are gray. By far the dcircst spot to me on earth N ) piles of glis-t 'ring gold can state its worth Is where my mother lifeless lies T' await the summons from the skies. OUR CORN CRIB. NU15F.INS OF THOUGHT FOR MEN WHO ILL THINK, Thoaaht is the highest and finest evolution possessed by the human race. Every man is a slave who bears the burthen of a debt. Itistiiuo men were lu earnest when home and happiness ttand in peril. Men ami women are vet only chil dren ir. the knowledge of human life and its magnificent possibilities. Intelligent discontent ia divine. Truth can afford to wait the ver diet of the people. The earth is the great reservoir that is constantly giving and receiv ing all that hamanity possesses. There i3 no grander attribute than the heroism of one's convictions. Parental conditions bias the mind of the future man and woman more than all subsequent education and influences. The brains of eight millions of tillers of the soil in active service will effect a more radical and per manent reform than all the troops of organized welfare. One often meets persons who, if thpy are not especially brilliant, are vastly deceived m their estimate of themselves. Th frubhmest oratory is from the children of nature; the finest rhetoric is in the skiee, the fields, the tree., the tlowere, the pebbles in evervthing which God hath made In tbe histories of all the past ca tion, the first step toward despots im is in the gathering in of all the rurnl homes into va9t landed estates. Every home builder is an artist working early and late at the easel painting pictures in the hearts of lovtMi ones which may gild eternity itli their beauty and brightness. If oiir republic is ever redeemed it will be through the organize I , united, intelligent action of its honest, sturdy yeoman ry at the ballot box. Sprriiuen Cases. S. II. ClfTord , New Cassl--, Wis. , was troubled with Neacralger and Rheumatism, hi3 SVmache was diss ordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terrible reduced in flesh and strength, Three bottles of Flec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburgh, 111., had : running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles ot Electrick Bitters and seven boxes of Backlm's Arnica Srlve , ond bi leg is so&nd and well. John Speaker, Catawn9, O ,had five lage Fever sores on his leg, aocctors sa:d he was Incurable. One bottle Eltc tric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Cured him entirely. Sole by E, T. Whitehead & Co- Lfug stoie- 1 X. A ii IS TO BE MORE PROSPEROUS UNDER A CHANGED SYSTEM OF AGRICULTURE, F. K. Morelnd m American Agricul turist.) There are in Virginia , the Caro linas, nd some other Southern State?, larj;e areas of abandoned or partially abandoned land?. In these districts the plantations have been given over to scrub obk, old field pine, and brambles, because the former system of agriculture did not pay, or because a lon continued robbery of the soi! resulted in such impoverishment that cultivation at last would not produce a livelihood for labor expended. Land that hi been Impoverished by tobacco one of tbe most exhaustive of crops or by cotton, tfs has been lone in the South, mav be restored bv a change of agriculture, and this restoration is even now goin on. Fruits and vegetables will re largely cultivated in the Southern States on account of the good markets for such products in the large Eastern cities. It will also be found profitable to raise cat tle, urain , woo!, and dairy products. The result of this changed system of agriculture will make the South even more prosperous than it was in the palmiest dnys of plantation life. When all tbe desirable agricul tural laud of the West is occupied which is but a question of a few years then these lands in the South ern States will receive attention. Our population is increasing rapidU, and the time will come when tr.ese farms will have to be subdivided. Tbe average size of our farms in thi country is four times that of the farms m France, and in JIcL'iuui. Hoiland, Germany, and England, they are etill smaller. While to-rtaj in many sections farms of 75 and 100 acres wili barely pay for cultiva tion, the time will come when farms of one-third or one-fo:irth ttiat size must pay. It is u-eless to argue that it can not be done; such farms are cultivated in a way to pay even to day, and must become even more generally profitable in the future. It would be well for the respective State departments of agriculture to establisn experimental farms in these neglected sections. Su2h experiment farms should be conducted in a man ner to demonstrate to the unsuccess ful farmers of the State how they can take their worn out farms and ren ovate them ; how they can carry on an industry that bus hitherto appear ed to be unprofitable in a way to show a satisfactory balance sheet. Wt-'re not waiting for the bats and rnoii s but for men and women who have eyes and and use, them who have brains ard reason ! There's a new world for them sniiering and tdekiy as they are a new world craoted from the of a skillful physis can a discover the "Godien Med ical Discolery." Years ago Dr. Pierce found out that the secret of ail scrofula bronch ia!, throat and lung troubles lay in the betiaing at least in impure blood and the weak nervous system ; that the way to cure thes effects wa9 to remove the cause, that human nature being the same, the same result might r.e looked tor in nearly all cases. So confi lent wus he that the exception were nncomon that took the risk of giving the Medicine to tho e it don't benefit for nothing, and the results have proved that he was right. And "Gokleu Medical Dsscovery" is the remedy for the million ! The or.!y guaranteed Liver, Blood and Lung rerndy. Your inoey buck if it doesn't help you. 'S'lie I'uluic tiie Nlag;e. Rev. F. M. Shroat , Pastor United Brethern Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says.. "I feel it mv duty t j tel wb-t wonders Dr. King's Ne-v Discovery has done for me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I co dd live only i few weeks I took five bottles of Dr. Kings New and am sound and well, gaining 2G lbs. in weight." Authur Love Manasier Love's Funny Folks Combination, writ? s : After a through trial and convincing evi dence, I am confident Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption, beats 'em al', and curbs when cvervthiog else fail. Tbe greatest kindreds I can do my many theusan tlsfriends is to urge them to try it.' Free triil bottles at K. T. Whitehead & Cj. Drug store. Regular sizes 50o and $1.00. He Knew His Rights. Chicago Tnbmc-. "Sav, you let go of that! Shout- ! ed the driver. 'Don't ou try to ran over mt '" retorted ll.i edeslrian. The conversation took place at a muddy crossing oo Western avenue yesterday morning tetwten tbe red whiskered drier of a delivery wag on and a raw boned man with a bas in on bii arm.The latter, to avoid be ing run over, had sei7.;d the hore by the I ridic and slopped the ai.i mal with a suddenness that nearly threw the driver off his seat. ' Keep out of the way if on n'l .vtint to grt run over!" the re 1-w hi.-ered j hu. "My friend, "answcied the man o: lue crossing, still holding the hors" by ttie bit-,' don't yo. know that this crossing belongs to the people oi Ckago?'' ''You let go of that horse !" '"Now, be reasonatdf, my dear air. This crossing 's merely a continua tion of the side-walk, it belongs to the pedestr ians. 1 have the ngnt of way and" "If ou don't let go of that I'ii" '4I 1 I on a moment, excited my friend. The Don't get aw is jer- fectly clear on this point. The courts have dtciled time an t aain that a person who is on a ttreet croseiDg'' "You let go of that horse or Til break your head !" "Be clam, my friend. Preserve vour touilibrirn. It is the case of Vrnpr vs. Neberall.i lth III. . nik-e" 'Take that," roared the intunattu driver, striking at him with his whip. ''Once more I ask you not to yet excited," answered the omu on tt.c crossing, dodging the whip. 'Yua wili tin t, hy referring to the well known case of iSkean vs Duckrcib, 17th 1!!., page. 31" 'Whuck I Tti1! red-whiskered driver landed bis whip this lime tquarclv ou the shoulders of the argumentative citi zen. Now will you k-t go of that norse! ' he fiercely dum&nded. "Certainly," was the answer. "If you have no respect for precedents, and won't listen to the law in the case, I shall have to try euma other kind of argument. '' The next instant the Cery-hued driver found himself jerked out of the wagon and rolling oyer and over In the street. He was dragged through the rrudspuddle on his back turned over pulled through it again on his f-ice, and wiien he was per mitled to gc up his most intimate creditor would cot have know him. II is featuures had disappeared and hts once magnificently lurid hair and bi-ard hud turned in a single minute to a sober ejt sickiy t late color. "You may climb in and drive in again, my friend,'' observed the raw bored citizen , picking up his basket and trudging i Ion?. "You don't look quite so handsome as you did, nut you know a good deal more about tbe law than you ever knew nefore." (nr:t iilest ltJu:i on Cjilole. FliOM AN ADDLES S LY LL". DIl. T. L. GL'YIEIt. . ... . . , . i np mnsr, roin.'irKr.nie man i hi . nvor trnil fhf ftr rppta if WAQhinotnn I walked into a store in Springfield when he was a young man, carrying a carpet bag in his hand, that held all hi3 worldly effects. lie said to the storekeeper: "Speed, I am corn ing to Springfield to practice law. I want a room and a little furn.ture table ami a bed ard a w&shstsral and i chair or two. How much will it cost, Speed." Speed figured .n it a while and then he said ; "Abe, it will cost you 17." "I haven't t s much money as that m 1 1 c world." "I tell vou, Abe," said Speed, '-what I'll ,1 T ...., r iliviWn hn,l til i. U. x u a i'"u"ic ucn uii 1 stairs ; come up and ounK witn me - . 1 1 t- v "k r t. 'i V f- v Vv , - - tot vou L ;,;!b.eatl. Until bis twentieth vear bis the ccairs find Ihe bed. The tall, I amounted in all to yaa A young man , wrh the i.-reat wf nrna r h n t trarft mi: rlJtn n ; f upstairs, toss-d down his carpet ba, came down and said he : 'Speed, I'm moved." L inhter That was all he had, luac was the start ot the career tuat sent uius on, in-, tharrroot tlrt (,f A mori.-l Lai i Mi'. LUV i V, k U u - s- . v. 'J . A A ' U V. 4 i t with him. till he stool before the i throne with 4,000.000 broken man i.cles in his bands . and when ;;e was gone the Czr of R :ssia, told r.y u. friend of the news , ftsjiered up from his chair and said : "Good God ! is Lincoln dead? He was the grandest man on tbe globe." SQUIBS FROM A TEMPERANCE COLUMN. Lessons Worth Heedin: ! : . . v ( r -1 Pre - . , A M 1 ! i i i T Sun Fianr:c. ti!., ; ud ;.. J) (M.V have l.' fnt NiiliMjiis, and 10. drunkard. 1 'KIN K t i.: !' L-. Dr Drvsdalf. vl rn z iti I.oiidoTi on the superior !ing-viTv and h'-a'tir of to'a! abstawit-r. iiunicil -r;i; sbowii!1' T ii it wiiii.r r Ihm' ur..!iix living .it tbe ag of twcioy bad at. t-xpoet .it ion id' to rfv-fonr veam nt lib', pt ms of i ii T rn j -1 n 1 1 i i 1 1 s t had only an expc! lataai ( i iittcMi yea is. Lioroi: aiul aia.i !i i v Viuf 1 ;('iiinio. Mipi-raitondi at (da (duhlnai's hospital at Bonn-, wt: eilaud, sn.vs only M kt cent d tl'iosf whose patoiits ued lapior habitually havo good constitution-. Ouly G per. cent of tboc who bad drunken fathers wort healthy, while of thoe wlio-e parents were tem perate 82 percent bad .sound bodies. i thi: ANiaroiu.s. The Education Depaituient o! South Australia have conio out true Tcmp'-ranci lelbrmets. The:, i u i ...... Di..a ... Book" for use in State scliotds. The pledge which the children will be encouraged to sign is as follows: 'With my parents' consent, I pram- I ise not to Use intoxicating liquors ! before I am 21 years old. and to do all I can to induce my companions to act m tin- same way." AI.COit'iL dCTOIM' l'-. I have eatefully watched tne ellVct of drink upon the wage earn ing portion of our fellow citizen-, and I unites. tatingly say that alen hel is too strong for Chi istiatdy . Until we can get the dunk out el the way, our eH'ort to Chi istiair.e and uplift the mass of the people will be in great measure abortive. It is a strong statement t make, but years of temper ance work ba con vi need me that, in laigland. at least, Chi ixti-in i'y jo (o:it ''j'ltr, al-'jhA. Beer and spirits are too sfioug for the Bible" Tins .state ment from cue of Enghmd's ptomi nent Hand of Hope and Sunday school wt):kers-Mr. Samuel Watson is a strong one and wo: thy of earnest consideration. ia. hit wixes poisonous. Crime and drunkenness have increased in terrible pioport on in Germany and Fiance during t la past twenty years. This fact dis proves the oft repeated false asset-' tion of anti total abstinence people! that the consumption of beer and wine light alcoholics tends to sobriety. The report of the last International Congress for the sup-; cerirenar :an. a.ad that M v.'al pressioa ot aicohoiisin, which was , Corva was :u luli povsoMmi held in Paris from JuH L"d to August j faculties when he died rt hi 1, 1S89. aflir ms that crirnmality and 1 dredt h year. A ecn-us of mental aberration follow a inarch i Roman Fm;e:, tak( ti under ' narallel with the consumption of! sv.wi showed 1 1 I ie;s ,ns who T alcoholic beverages. Bov and President. There are great men who never! forget that they were hdped on j their way, aim no i a mo? uh o ,....1 r..i,. r-z-.r-.' ft..0 1 gratitude by lending a hand to a!i ! w ho neei l a int. uocror reaoouv - 11'. T.i T . - t 1 . I mentions, in his "Harvard Grad nates Whom I Have Known." one of the last times he saw dated spstks, the historian and former president ofthe university. Mr. Sparks was carrying a large bundle, of clothes from the washing, and a sbabbdy dressed little girl was chatting merrily at his side. He bail come up with the child. totteriug under a burden too heavy for her, and instinctively, for lie never missed an opportunity for a i,ullr, m.vle at. :') a.- p-tweiPP, an kiul word or deed, hail taken the; arirunien ;.s he had ever deliver.-,! bundle from her. !Tlie mai l ot' Jo-;ah u ncy He began life as a poor country 3 ,.ilT at!:i j,. disco tr-.- i--;.:.-t- ". i . , o , ,i , .ln.ni ' hov. drtermiurd to :iet an edticati tmt eornoe red to laoar lor lils da ; i fortv months. Ue had. however. ; a great deal for his own edu- cation, and bad learned the trade oi ; a carpenter. The iSChoIarlv clergyman of his j ! natlVC tOU, the Rev. Hubby 11 Loomis. owned a baru which needed , , shiuglmg. Jared ottered to shingle it if the clergyman would teach him Latin and mathematics. 1 ill. 'II ' 1 was accepted, and young Sparks went to work. One day a b.rother-clergyrcan, v y.; 1 :: . i' ; r . F:' d Mr. 1 A 1 ''!; :i -;.ir .-f i'ii:'. .it I.. r.-' . I .i i ' . O V .ilk' -in . .: tp. h, 1 M'lr I . ( 1' !, iS'-ndrt-d V. r s ! -1 : i . I t -. t ! f r , .. . , I ! ;.!:: i b !!:!! ii vaid (:: ' -trt-ng! h ot v and 1 t! !,n"'' ' :i bun ', !ii!!ifif i t-a.ai'!:i'. toiu .i i . i . 1 1 : k in t i i - . and to gia-Pi the !iit l'i !-i:ds .i!ll. : ; i r iii a ban aid, at ii'i'i i ; - 1 1 pit :.i o V.iili- d I!."-: ban-.!!, h i- t:n.- a ;;r. l-n ' t d t ho is fill a 1 in 1 m ! Whoa Li f : i t , aid t b !'io-i! ho !o od t It o,n i v la in ; . ! ho It,.:- i. I o.iii 'r t' a'.it :.m iup that the i e nie in l I a I : t . nr. u'- ' keep hint up t o h ; s i u 'e id i i li ne vet tonus- an opportunity k l iid u o: d 'i died. BITS OF HISTORY IN FAMOUS EXAMPLES OF LONG LIFE. We have he.u d a g t u i . 1 1 r ate a ;.t t o ll.it- Ice, p.al ' dispia . t a:i aihhm' a. ita o! . an . t lo i e is a cut 1 1 iP in- Sh'II that Ills I'M' IS -i 'pt li::.i As a matter ot fad, boe i, t ,. ! are inniiint t a'dr 1 1 1 1 anee 1 1 I Ivtr l,; "!' ""-ntai i i A I t( a very advance I p-iiod..: Thus op!;oi :.- was tea r.n I 1 1 ; when llf w;i- I i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lel.ue boa I tl 1 1.1 V i eg co. i ! I id t tie d I a pi t pel lol inatiits at Athens, uii t'h charge that bi intellect aa! laeal!; had tieeay co i i h an w ci ,e ; ivad 1 1 oin a j - .s' c n;pl ted to SCI I I his lid i'Iis at (. o (;.::. p i baps t hi' g i oat "st i d hi s t i a , ! ;i I oct ates, t .:t old I a :!! e; in j -ii- was '.id eai s old wl-.'ii lit' : lot' ola i'ii. ii. a veil to una nn a i ! ; ; ' ' I (mi 'i.;s. i tie ia nous s ',.!. : c at l'.'; I i ie; d'i tuns, the hi-tm i.n:. l.ved to 10 I wit boa! Mi) loss ( I mental energy: X'n. ti t- el. i t I t lie s-toics, died at IK, X -: i ; 1 1 cm wtotc his memoialtle ei"g a' ' and 'I heophi asf us comjei-ed ii s Chaia'.-terV at '.'.). The Cnci. physicians setMit to have heeded tin maxim, heal thyself; foi Caleti i said to have died at lbn. and lit;, pocrates at ;:n age variously sr at- d from 0 ) to I (P. Ag it hoe'es. t I .in' of Sy nti'U e. kept a !i;m giap ':; ti th it city tuPil he t'.ietl at. ;h ae t ;).", Passing to tin Roman-, we i! tl j that Juvena! died at l')f;: j according to I 'liny, Lmra, the ' act res--, aet-d on the stae v. I T i , -i i- r . w from 100 to 1 10 ear s o! I. and 1 ! from 110 to 110 earsofaje. ('urn ing to nd it; -'ly modem times, v,. note that t h- peiea! ft '! I ro:n t i baml of Tilrin only when !: v. . s' i iekt-a with tie- ? ilairn at t lie .. ------- i l.iik , ...11...., . I lira 1 1 l' 1 t w) udiMid i(.irv ..... . - j ()f j,. In France, m I s r,, d.ed. a' ih aire of 1IV ears. Dr. Dupl?u. h"s. physical aad no-tital vigcr a tioaatka'.i'e. At tic 'e o f -o d o. 1. ,,1 ! m an led a s"f 'tx! time chiblren, ii tv i:.1' al.e ! . had : sitae nil tube;- i y bis p ma: i yi In 1-Slo, Dt Dut'ourae" t!-o m in at the air'- d" 0 and lived to 1 'O. ! If (,t.;jv i,.,; i!,,-other da , (pt in nisned Boston 1 iwver. to. a . lt:eV i:i'(-ie,r ut.tii ii" tiled a few .-.;! . , t, .. ., ... o". f , i ' 'e o: fMvt;)!I;a;r;!,!v ,,:t;!1, ; , . t t.. f there is no i.ing niiiq e o: i-sp -c me mora ' e in the pre-trvat. ol nan mental faeult bv tl POIClo-r, like 'ai Meir.ke. : Krli-h sr. ;:. I.i- P.ont r.- w, 1 ff-jrii. or t.a . . .-- I L -"- , p,;2.nvlC.s r, hr--. Bl d i I'urbs, spla t-, U:n an i cev'i t '.r .-i" . Coughs, Ktc Save i'y) by ti-e M ' -t bottle. Warranted the inc-t wai-b rt d 1 Blemish C ire ever known Sold hv V. I . ' 'Vhitehead - rt.;.. Druggists, cotl e.di eek.N. C. 5 iy. I X ! ?tl . c r. v C) t WA'j vjiii'; J; V V i f ;V'' - ) ' -. , Va v i ii.' M III II ?M ( -1 a H ' I i i i I V I j : ) . t. e i; k 1 ; - H. C. ';." r II'' Co .'ri.e'.s t'd.- st: , r k -,i.l c . j I J pr ii. ;.. si 'i it !. ,v A i ' V- :- .. . - fa VP' :-- ' C,, ;, J Jlr.-jM- xiti A 5 I J? 'i t . s . . i. -.' 2-3.5 -ly. f