3T Wiay nBer ? Are you one of the thousands of women who suffer from female ailments'? If so, don't-bc discour aged, go to your druggist and get a bottle of Wine of Cardui. On the wrapper are full directions for use. During, the last half century, Cardui has been established in thousands of homes, as a safe remedy for pain which only women endure. It is reliable, contains no harmful ingredients and can be depend ed on in almost any case. Bfil Take 13 It Will Help You J 34 Mrs. Charles Bragg, of Sweetser, Ind., tried Cardui. She writes: "Tongue cannot tell how much Cardui has done for me. Before I began taking Cardui I could not do a day's work. I would work awhile and lie down. I shall always give praise to your medicine' .Try Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES -ML 000K0-C XKXKXH A New Year ireat! I have a nice line of Busies finished and in show room, also a nice line of Harness just opened up, all for sale and for your comfort and pleasure. Looks, durability and style j) are all right and lully guaranteed. Don't Tail to Come to See Me Before You Buy. W. A. BRANTLEY Scotland Neck, . . . - . North Carolina qOOOOOOOOOOOO 00-0-C-C0-0-6 M onuments & Gravestones Zi Jin all First Class Varieties of Marble and Granite. Lamest Stock in the South. Remember, we pay the freight and guarantee safe delivery. As we employ no Agents the item of commissions is not in cluded in our prices. This enables us to use a higher grade of material and to finish it better than otherwise. Is this worth considering? When in Norfolk call on us. L uu win lima vvuaL juu naia, occ o. iu miuw wiitit you are buying, and will get it quickly. The Couper Marble Works, yggffli- (Established 1848.) 159-163 Bank St.. Norfolk, 000KKKKKK000HOCKKK0KKOOC S. R. ROBERT COMMISSION MERCHANT CIA SON 36 Roanoke Dock, Norfolk, Virginia Refer by permission to D. N. Stephenson &. Son, Pendleton, N. C; Geo. T. Brown, Kelford, N. C; Conner & Chappell, Rich Square, N. C; F. M. Powell, Boykin, Ya. - ll-4-lyr OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CKKKOO0KMOK)CKXHO(JOOOOO0K WHEN IN TARB0R0 Whether on busi ness or pleasure, you should make it a point to call at our Studio and see our Latest Cre ations in the Art of Photography. Every day we are pleasing people who have never before had a good Photograph of themselves by any other Photograph er. Easter-tide is a convenient time to give us a' trial while you are nice ly "rigged." S. R. Alley, Main St. Lewis Building Evervtliin? in a Photography $ Burroughs-Pittman-$ Wheeler Company I Successors to N. B. Josey Co. i Ffrmft' iiiLb A COMPLETEJJLINE OF Undertaker's Supplies,' Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes. &c. Hearse Service at any Time. BURROUGHS-PITTMAN-WHEELER CO Scotland Neck, N. C. repair or remodsl any kind of buildinq ? Send tor our CATALOGUE of buildinq matsrials. sash, doors, blinds, hardware, mantels. paints, qlass. qas a electric fixtures ice. FRANK T.CLARKCOuo a Establishedl873. KORFQW.VA.I FREE 1847 Rogers Silverware If you would like to supply your table with this high grade silverware free of cost, write us for our spe cial offer. Address STANDARD FASHION COMPANY 12-16 Vandam Street, New Ytfrk, N. Y. FOR SUNDAY NIGHT MEAL THAT MAY BE SERVED WITH LITTLE LABOR. Light and Portable Dishes Are a Fea ture of the Repast Chafing Dish Should Figure in the Should Figure In the In most households the Sunday night supper is a movable feast, to be eaten when appetites are agreeable. There is scarcely a housekeeper who does not regard it with mixed feelings of pfeasure and pain; of pleasure be cause there is a certain sociabiilty about it that is delightful while it lasts, and of pain because of the work which follows afterward. It is easy enough in the getting and great fun in the eating, but when at a late hour, after much gayety at table, the poor young housekeeper is confronted by an enormous and indiscriminate pile of unwashed dishes on the kitchen table, a shadow has invaded the household, and what appeared to have been a sim ple repast now seems to have taken all the dishes in the press. The men in the family usually help to carry out the dishes, but this is a mistake, be cause when the male contingent under takes this part of the evening's work. It is usually necessary to scrape the bottoms of the plates as well as the tops. A Sunday night supper, however, may be planned with a view to saving labor, and still be everything that could be desired. Coming as it does, after the heavy early dinner, it should consist of dishes of a light and palata ble nature, which will not tax the di gestion. Sandwiches or plain sliced bread and butter are a great help in the end, because they save the wash ing of bread and butter plates. Two dishes are the very most that should be expected, and one should often be sufficient. There should be no dessert, because of the heavy dish which winds up most Sunday dinners. One of ttese dishes is generally pre pared on the chafing dish, while the other is preferably a salad. That makes only two plates all around. The chafing dish course may be anything from bacon and eggs or sausages to creamed oysters and mushrooms. Spaghetti is a favorite course, the spaghetti having been prepared earlier in the day and the tomato sauce made at the table on the chafing dish. Welsh rabbit is always popular. There is a novelty about it that gives a certain festivity to the meal. Other suitable dishes are creamed eggs, creamed chicken, lobster a la Newburg, mush room stew, pigs in blankets, nudels au gratin, etc. It is a good idea to have a fruit salad for the second course, for this partakes of the nature of dessert and salad at the same time. Almost any fruit makes a delicious salad, but the best are pineapple, orange, grape fruit, chopped apple and lettuce, and pear. With the pineapple salad, a thin mayonaise is best, with grape fruit or orange salads, French dressing is used, and with apple or pear salads, either kind. "Doan's Ointment cured me of eczema that had annoyed me a long time. The cure was permanent." Hon. S. W. Matthews, Commis- loner Liaoor statistics, Augusta, Me. LINN'S vo LUNCH ROOM f o o AND RESTAURANT O Nos. 16, 18, 20, Granbv St. ft V Prompt Service ! v ? Popular Prices ! 9 q The Place That's Different q NORFOLK, VA. 'What interested you most Pittsburg the millionaires?" No, the crowds of private tectives who were trailing them. Cleveland Plain Dealer. in de- The world's most successful med icine for bowel complaints is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and suffering, and saved more lives than any other medicine in use. Invaluable for children an I adults. Sold by E. T. Whitehead and Company. "Doctor, is it absolutely necessary to operate on me?" "N-no. But it's customary." Toledo Blade. A Few Short Weeks. Mr.JS. Bartell, Edwardsville, 111., vrites: "A few months ago my kid neys become congested. I had severe backache and pain across the kid neys and hips. Foley Kidney Pills promptly cured my backache and corrected the action of my kid neys, this was brought about after my using them for only only a few short weeks and I can cheerfully re commend them." Sold by all drug gists. A Tennessee man while gathering berries was attacked by a razor-back hog. He had a close shave.- Chicago News. Those Pies Of Boyhood. . How delicious were the pies of of boyhood. No pies now ever taste so good. What's changed? the pies? No. Its you. You've lost the strong, healthy stomach, the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of bovhood. Your digestion is poor and you blame the food. What's needed? A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of digestion Stomach, Liver, Kid neys, -Bowels Try them. They'll restore your bovhood appetite and apprecietion of food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor. 5oc at. E. T. Whitehead and Company. Some Luther Burbank, of Georgia, is trying to propagate a fuzzless peach. Baltimore Evening Sun. 'Foley Kidney Pills Have Cured Me.' The above is a quotation from a letter written by H. M. Winkler, Evansville. Ind. "I contracted a severe case of kidney trouble. My back gave out and pained me. I seemed to have lost all strength and ambition; was bothered with dizzy spells, my head would swim and specks float before my eves. I took Foley Kidney Pills regularly and am now perfectly well and fell like a new man. - Foley Kidnev Pills have cured me." Sold by all Druggists HOUSEHOLD CARES Tax the Women of Scotland Neck Same as Elsewhere. Hard to attend to household duties With a constantly aching back. A woman should not have a bad back. And she wouldn't if the kidneys were well. Doan's Kidney Pills make well kidneys. Scotland Neck women should profit bv the followiug experience. Mrs. "j. W. Wallace, 1130 Albe marle street, Tarboro, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills benefitted me greatly, and I am therefore pleased to recommend them. I suffered constantly from dull, nagging back aches and distressing pains across my loins. I was -very restless at night andarose in the morning tired and languid. I had but- little strength or energy and could hardly attend to my housework. If I stooped or attempted to lift, sharp, darting pains caught me in my back. My kidneys were weak and consid erable annoyance. I finally read about Doan's Kidney Pills, and pro curing a box, I began their use. They removed my backache and regulated the passages of the kid ney secretions. I now feel better in every way." For. sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Company, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. "I want a bathing suit that will make everybody look at me," says the beauteous creature with the dashing air. . "Certainly, miss," replies the mo diste. "Wear a long skirt, rubber overshoes, a sunbonnet and blue goggles, and I'll guarantee you will attract more attention than anyone on the beach. Chicago Post. Soreness of the muscles, wheather induced by violent exercise or injury, is quickly relieved by the free ap plication ot Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment is equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always affords quick relief. Sold by E. T. Whitehead and Company. Salesman Here's a shoe, sir, that will fit you like a" glove. Buyer Gloves don'tit my feet, Have you one that will fit me l'ke a shoe? Cleveland Leader. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous mat ter, cleanse the system, cure consti pation and .sick headache. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Company. "Pa, what makes the cost of living so high?" "The cost of living so high, my son." Puck. In a Pinch, Use Allen's Foot-Ease. The antiseptic powder to shake in to your shoes. It cures hot, tired, aching, swollen, sweating feet, and makes walking easy. Takes the seing out of corns and bunions. Over 30,000 testimouials. Sold everywhere, 25 cts. Don't accept any substitute. "My daughter, Gladys Mae, has become quite an elocutionist." "Yes," peevishly replied the next door neighbor, "so I hear." Puck. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trou ble not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Sold by all Druggists. "To succeed as pianist you must have a foreign-looking name." "I would not choose a name be longing to any country . other than my own." Must Be Above Suspicion. Kidney and bladder ailments are so serious in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any remedy offered for their' cure must be above suspicion. Foley Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have successfully stood a long and through test. Sold by all Druggists. All the Year Round Suet P""'" American women as a rule do not realize the dietetic value of suet pud d ngs ' Nothing in the y of food is so easily taken care of Iby to U cate constitutions, and it ldina"Iy wi 1 not harm the weakest digestion. Iny fruit in season may be used al though pineapple is given as being especially delicious. Take sugar, suet and milk of each one cupful, a teaspoonful of salt, three eggs and sufficient flour to make a stiff batter. Put half the batter into a steam cooker, add a layer of pine apple by taking about one-third of a good-sized pineapple and cutting it into small pieces; put the rest of the batter on top and steam two hours. Serve with any kind of sweet sauce. Apricot Cake. One-fourth cake chocolate (grated), one-half cup milk, yolk of one egg. Cook this all togetherr until thick, and let cool; then stir in one tablespoon of melted butter, one cup of sugar, one-half cup milk, one teaspoon of -vanilla, one and a half cups of flour, and one scant teaspoon of baking soda, put the soda in the flour. Fill ing: Cook dried apricots, sweeten to taste; when cool spread between lay ers and on top. Beat the white of the egg to a stiff froth, add two table spoons of sugar, and stir until smooth. Spread on top of the apricots. Potato Pancakes. Large potatoes should bo peeled over night and puWn cold water. In the morning grate and drain them, and for every pint allow two eggs. beaten separately. Add one-nait tea spoonful of -salt, a dusting of pepper, and about a tablespoonful of flour, more or less, according to the quality of the potatoes. . Brown in butter in thin cakes. In winter these may be used with meat, and in summer they go wrell with tomato or some brown sauce. Impure blood runs you down makes you an easy victim for organ ic diseases. Burdocks Blood Bitters purifies the blood cures the cause builds you up. Theatrical Manager I'm sorry, but there's no place for you in thif drama; every part has been taken. Egotistical Actor Never mind that. I'll create my part. Puck. Here is Relief for Women. If you have pains in the back,- Uri nary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, try Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf. It is a safe and never-failing regulator. At Drug gists or by mail SOcts. Sample pack age Free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. "How do you distinguish the wait ers from the guests in this cafe? Both wear full dress." "Yes, but the waiters keep sober." Cleveland Leader. Hay Fever And Asthma Bring discomfort and misery to many people but Foley's Honey and Tar give3 ease and comfort to the suffering ones. It relitves the con gestion in the head and throat and is soothing and healing. None genu ine but Foley'-s Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Sold by ali Druggists. Most people have just sense en ough to know they have made a bad break, and have none left to keep them from making the next one. Baltimore Evening Sun. When the stomache fails to ner form its fnnctions, the bowels be come deranged, the liver and the kidneys congested causing numerous diseases. The stomach and liver must be restored to a healthy con dition and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended upon to do it. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Company. It is quite evident that Colonel Roosevelt discovered nothing rotten in the present State of Denmark. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Is Life Worth Raving?" Mrs. Mollie McKaney, Prentii Miss., writes that she had a sever case of kidney and bladder troublt and that four bottles of Foley' Kidney Remedy cured her sound an well. She closes her letter bv saj mg: I hearty recommend Foley' Kidney Remedy to any sufferer c kidney disease. It saved my life told by all Druggists. i ; a. j ft I;.- 9. Tbe KLid You Have Always Bought, and . 'iu use for over 30 years, lias bomo i l. ; . :-:n. and has been nv.rty ,. r",1 ..' r ' , y-- sonal supervision r;h.. :' t;. V,. i if -! '-' n:;i ; 'a "''itif All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-;- - a- j ii . i t . n..i ,....1 Experiments inai inuo uu .-nu;; u-. Infants and Children Experience a-;.'.: What is CASTC Castoria is a harmless substitute ov C goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It I contains neither Opium, Morphino nor rubstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It t. and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Di.irr Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, mi and Flatulency. It assimilates the : Stomach and Bowels, giving' healtl:;.' I The Children's Panacea The Mother'. i :. GENUINE CASTORIA Sears the Signature c The KM You Have Always Boil In Use For Over 30 Years. THI CCNTAUN COUMn, TT MUMRAV STMCCT, NtV OB r. s i -'"I VjM ;'r.il Honeymoon Over. She sobbed: "Our honeymoon is past, I'm not his angle any more; He barked his shin upon a chair, And then, while I was standing there, 'Twas terrible the way he swore." Newport News Times-Herald. Baby won't suffer five minutes with croupif you apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectict Oil at once. It acts like magic. Mrs. Hoyle Covered with jewels, isn't she? Mrs. Doyle Yes; it is hard to tell, at first glance, wheather she belongs to the mineral or animal kingdom. Life. Regulates the bowels, proVnotes easy natural movements, cures con stipation Doan's Regulates. Ask your druggist for them. 25 cents a box. Sinking Spells Every Few Days "At the time I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy I was having sinking spells every few days. My hands and feet would get cold; I could scarcely breathe, and could feel myself gradually sinking away until I would be unconscious. Those about me could not tell there was life in me. After these pells I would be very weak and xiervous, sleepless and without appetite; had neuralgia in my head and heart. After taking the remedy a short time all this disappeared and in a few weeks all the heart trouble was gone." MRS. LIZZIE PAINTER 8034 3d Ave. Evansville, Ind. For twenty years we have been constantly receiving just such letters as these. There is scarcely a locality in the United States where there is not some one who can testify to the merits of this remarkably suc cessful Heart Rmedy. ,,PZ' M,!e' Heart Remedy Is sold by all dpuoolsts. If the first bottle falls tb money.' yUr drua,t vwl" return your MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. B We ftccc on Hcrrf I mm urn All Kinds z'l Also Compete Underpin; Outfit. KcarscS:;v';?.rvH Day or niul.i v, to accotn n h "! it and the PuMic (! Scotland X. rl: X.r':.i; fca u W i - "'' ni.. M -- . , Of? A--. J.- t w' - " ... .' :m V "r t $ ; 4 . , nJ if. . J i. f "5 H What They ..';:: They w 1 1 1 c v. . ; : ' : 6trensth.cn y.-.-r rcct urinary ir.'Co-rit:- up the vor.i t v.t tissue-. eliminate t'..: e::cs that causes rhcr.:: vent BrishtV. ) - -bates, and r 6trengtn. v. - - 1 THINK" ftF Mesdcsiim MTmstomig' LiiniibnaeBt AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. - Relief from pain that might otherwise cause you hours of agony. Tired out muscles eased up and made ready for another day's work. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and stiff joints limbered Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica forever angUish and ban Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permLently? Prices 25c 50c, $1.00 per bottle. if I 1,." The first application of Mexi cva M' :' tang Liniment. siihHiif-c tin i t i '!ltl continues its work until even" nerve is soothed and quieted. The great penetrating power iamoUS remedv ph.iMpc it to quickly and positively. In all cases of Sprains, Bruises ; Ufff; ness. Mexican Mustang I.inim should be rubbed in persistently. The antiseptic qualities of thi ' ' v! fj ble household remedy make it a sure. For m1. ,r n DrugeUu. LYON MFG. CO. 41 to. 45 So. 5th St, BROOKLY it-

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