I I I "9 WORDS FROM nOmfc. I For nearly ten years, at different times, Mrs. Mary juiks rSl nf TrpsfUvnv. T?.n:.. stufereJ with womanly troubles. She IS says: "At last, I took down and thought I would die. I Km - .... . 1 1 nrt could not sleep. I couldn't eat. i naa pains an over, ine doctors gave me up. I read thai Cardui had helped so many, and I began to take' it, and it cured me. Cardai m saved my life! New, 1 can do cnytoing. M ME 62 The If you are weak, tired, worn-out, or surfer from any of the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache, backache, draggins-down feelings, pains in arm, side, hip nr Urnhs. and" other svmoioms of womanly trouble, you m should trv Cardui. the woman's ionic. Prepared from per- & fectly harmless, vegetable ingredients, Cardui is the best remedy fcr yea to use, ac n can cttycu nouv.r.g out gooa. It contains no danecrous tlns. Ii Ins no bad after-effects. 'M Ask your druggist, lie sells and recommends Cardui ,, i : A4vUrrr I Clnttanoca Medicine Co.. Cli&ttanocga. Twin.. for Special I.ntrct.o.is. and 64-pszc book. ' Hiie Treatment for Women." sent free. J 54 Q o-oo oooooooo owooooo-ooo-o? Vnolesale a 11 d r "s s v tai! ! T J A N" V U ' T U HER OF PLOW BEAMS SINGLE-TREES FARM CARTS p Aii'l Dfulr-r in lis? mess. Whips, -c. 5 W. A. BRANTLEY Kcollrmcl Xcr k North C'arolinM V 6 O-OO c o o o o o c oo oooooo ooo ooc CHRISTMAS REUNIONS. 4 i How many families whose members have been " dispersed and scattered far and "wide in the restless struggles of life are on this day reunited and meet once again In that happy state of companionship and mutual good will which is a source of such pure and unalloyed delight and one so incompatible with the cares and sorrows of the world, that the religious belief of the most civilized nations and the rude traditions of the rough est savages alike number it among the first joys of a future condition of existence provided for the blest and happy! How many old recollections and how many dormant sympathies does Christmas time awaken! Charles Dickens. THE LEGEND OF THE MISTLETOE. Statements That May Be In vestigated . Testimony of Scotland Neck Citizens. c) K (Successors to N. I'. Ji sov C-yr xw'.i TJ.-.lcrtaking Business.) A V 7 LI 0 Coffins Burisl Robes. A Coiispk'ce Una ef Undertaker's Supplies. j Burrocflhs-PiltmsR-hcekT Co., Scot !orid Neck, N. C. - ''2. e. "a- niiineiits & uravestofies In nil First ( -.:- "rni i( tios of Marble and Granite. .-arsrest Slock in the South. , r-J n v.Xcr, vt-1 y tl c frtlt rnd guarantee safe delivers . H T" . As v.-u ornF-ioy r:. Aer.t;; the item, of commissions is not ir.- ;il ii.V.i to Hi it Letter than otheryve. Is this wcrtl) cc;r.si(icr)rji ? Whc-n in Norfolk: call on u?. You v.i'il fiiH! shvi you v-ant; see and know wha ycu hie LiiYjr'fr, tr.d will f et it quickly. i sie Lcuner rierDie worKs, ' CIt:.UM,cd1.M8.) I.'9-IC?. Berk St.. Norfolk. V . I ' ! of rr:;;ier 1? -Jt, Weil ci Li Oti'iv f SHiuKESTER S PILLS BRAND f Scotland Nech, N..C . INSURANCE ii of 3H. klads written. , VVjiy insure in. companies that-niy-wi.h to pay ah'tLcai't ?' I represent th- strtm-stand MituaO ijefit an TaiTbnal. I '. FIRE f T4fE KOME, Asv'ti-vcj 31 million. T-TE CrWrrxfeNTAI,;' Assets over 24 Tlt.PIfp.At)ELPIiIA UNDEKVilUT 'l i lEtiS, Assets over 24 million. t4Ej CrLOBS. fATJDMtUfGERSv Asset s Should .you wish insurance of anv, kind' see" me. Will see tiiat loio !3-jaid.unless by fraud 'Not!C--Sa!e ! : By virtue of the power vested in ine Ly a eertftin mortgage executed to me by II. JI. Moore, which is re corded in Hook 221 on P.ige 1, in the Register of Deeds' office of Hal ifax county, I will on the 10th day January, 101 o, in the town of Scot land Neck, N. C, sell at public auc tion, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following property, to-wil: That tract of land i.i 1I beneath township known -at, the "Ke! Ya inonds Place," adjoining the lands of M. I) Joyrr tsttti, li e Sally Edmonds dwer traci., the run oC Deep Creek, the James Honors land, the I. izi Savage tract (Allie White's land), containing 1G0 acres more or less. Title to ten acres of this land is in dispute by D. A. Madry and the matter is now in i he Supreme court. A. Paul Kitchin, Mortgagee. DIAMOND T Ar!TTe t JDIAllOO BKAND PILLS in Rkd and doxcs, seaiea rita Blue fj'-"Ju AAiiti o other. BsT;rnr vm. van BUiHH MLLS, for tWCntT-fiVQ rears rardsd a3 Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS fflg, EVERYWHERE jSSffig ; I N Jticc of Land Sale. ; ! ' ' : : I. , By .yirtnesQf ,-npwer vested in mc by that deed "of trust executed to ' me by Henry King on the 29di day df,.-.Marcfr;-1909f; and .dolyrecorded i In the officeof the Register of Deed. : fcr Halifax county, in Book 188 at : Page 70, I shall sell for cash to the ! highest bidder at public auction in i the town of Scotland Neck at 12 i o'clock noon on the 3rd day of Jan- ary, 191 3, the following : described tract of real, estate, lying, being, and situate in the count v of Halifax and State of North Carolina, to-wit: The interest of the said Henry King in the original Penny King tract, which is bounded by the lands of Bradford King, Melvina King. G. L King, the Halifax Road, and by the land of Balfour Dunn, and 'contain ing seventy-five acres, more or less. This December 2, 1912. Albion Dunn, Trustee. THE hanging of the mistletoe at this coming Christmastlde in vites the usual tour across the mystic, musty pages of the past. This branch of the holiday's decoration treasures within it sweets that to the young people are most tempting. It was the same ten centu ries ago, and so it will be for centuries to come. While their ladyships were waiting And their lordships vere debating There were other genuflections going on. It is hardly worth while stating That acoustic osculating Baptized that British Christmas before dawn. The sacredness of the mistletoe has always been respected, particularly by the Britons and the Scandinavians. It was a part of the religion of the drnids, and they regarded it with the utmost veneration, but restricted their worship of it to the plant when found growing on the oak. The oak was the favorite tree of their divinity. Tutane, which the books say- appears to have been the same as the Phoenician god Baal, or the sun, was prayed to under different names by the early pagans. At the period of the winter solstice, which was about Christmas time, a great festival was celebrated in honor j of Tutane. "When this anniversary ar rived the Britons, accompanied by their priests, the druids, went forth with glorious pomp and jollity to gath er the mistletoe, which they believed to possess wonderful curative powers. With them they took two white bulls and sometimes human beings to be sacrificed. Upon finding the oak with the mis tletoe clinging to it the chief druid, clad in white, the emblem of purity, ascended the tree and with a golden knife cut the vine. As It fell It was caught in the folds of the robe of an other priest. Then the bulls and some times the humans were offered to Tu tane, and various festivities followed. The mistletoe thus gathered was cut Into small portions and distributed among the people, who hung it over the entrances to their dwellings to notify the sylvan deities that they were welcome to shelter during the season of frost and cold. These rites were retained throughout the Roman dominion in Britain and for a long while under the Jules, Sax ons and Angles. The most beautiful legend regarding the mistletoe and the one from which It derives Its mystic powers is of Scan- j dinavian origin. Balder, the god of poetry and eloquence and second sou of Odin and Freja, had a dream in which it was intimated that he would be killed in battle. He communicated this dream to his mother, who was very fond of him, and she, to protect him, invoked the powers of nature fire, earth, air nnd water as well as ani mals and plants and obtained an oath from them that they would do Balder no hurt. With his invulnerability as sured, as he thought, he entered the combats of the gods and was very suc cessful in slaying all who came for ward to engage him. They struck him with their arrows, buUie plucked them out and derided his antagonists as they fell mortally wounded before him. It was about time for Loke, his arch enemy, to challenge him or suffer the Ignominy of cowardice, but Loke was a schemer. ITe disguised himself as an old wo-! man and, determining to discover the ! secret of Balder's immunity from ; death, called upon Freja. He address ed the mother with complimentary re marks upon the valor and good fortune of her son, and the goddess replied that her son was safe from harm, as all the productions of the world had sworn not to injure him. Loke was very much discouraged and was about to go away when Freja added that there was one plant she did not con jure because of its insignificance. With well feigned indifference Loke Inquired the name of it, and Freja said It was the mistletoe. The designing Loke procured a shoot of the mistletoe, made an arrow of it and then sought the assembly of the ' gods. There he met the blind Heda ' and concluded that the humiliation or Balder's family would be more com plete if Balder should be killed by a sightless god. So he asked Heda. "Why do you not contend with the ar- j rows Of Balder?" Heda replied that j he was blind and unsupplied wilh ar rows, whereupon Loke gave him the mistletoe arrow and said. "Balder is In front of thee." Heda shot, and Balder fell pierced and slain. Cincinnati Enquirer. When a Scotland Neck citizer comes to the front, telling his friends and neighbors of his experi ence, you can rely on his sincerity. The statements of people residing Iv far away places do not command your confidence. Home endorse ment is the kindjthat backs DoanV Kidney Pills. Such testimony is convincing. Investigation proves it true. Below is a statement of a Scotland Neck resident. No strong er proof of merit can be had. David Rawls, painter, Sixth St., Scotland Ntck, N. C, says: "My kidneys were I a Jly disordered and caused my back to become weak and lame. It was hard for me to stoop or lift and I felt miserable in every way. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from E. T. Whitehead Co's. drug store, relieved my aches and pain? and benefited my entire system. I have no cause for complaint since taking this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember tha name Doan's and take no other. inspired Famous Hymn. "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," Is f hymn around which many tradttiont and sacred associations cling. Th stcry connected with its origin may be legendary, but It is no less beautl ful. Its author. Charle3 Wesley, wal Bitting at bis desk by an open win dow when a bird pursued by a hawi flew in. The bird was saved, for th hawk feared to fo-low it. Th lncl dent inspired Wesley to write hi famous lines. A healthy man is a kin..? in his owr light; an unhealthy man 8n unhap py slave. For impure blood and sluggish liver, use Burdock Blood B tters. On the market 35 years. $1.00 a bottle. 8tork Partial to Miner's Domicile. There seems to be aa especial af Ir.ity between the stork and the fam ly of Frank Bartofski, a miner at Dickson City, Pa. In ten years the iird has brought 12 babies, including hree pairs of tw!n3, and one set of ripleta. Ten ci the children are liv- ChamWlaia't Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior for coughs and colds It is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other n-ireotic. It always cures. For sale by all dealers. Beauty Hint. Red elbows, says the Evening News, are happily a thorn which may be re moved. Saw off the red elbows, soak them in a bleaching mixture of un slaked lime, steep them in carbolic acid, and they will never trouble you tgaiii. Cold feet may be treated similarly. Dj Not Hac Sore F.et. An Allen's Foot-Ease powder in fjot-bath gives instant relief to Chilblains and all foot aches. Then for lasting comfort, shake Allen' Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder, in your shoes. All Druggists, 25c. Thera Are Others. In our adolescent inexperience we cherished the notion that hotel cltrks and book store attaches were the most conspicuous of the usintelllsrnts. Yesterday, however, a telegraph oper ator objected to our using "juxtapose" In a right letter. "We don't llow sode words," said he. And for thr life of us we couldn't ihinlc of a snppy comeback. "Suffei-ed day and night the tor ment of itching piles. Nothing helped me until 1 used Doan's Oint ment. The result was lasting." Hon. John R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. Best Form of Prayer. "When the hearts of men and worn ?n are filled with heavenly love, a power which makes for righteousness constantly emanates from them. Those who pray withe their lives of fer the most effective prayer, even though they do not utter a word Chauncey Giles. Chronic Ccnstipatios Cored. "Five years a?o I had the worst case of chronic constipation I ever knew of, and Chamberlain's Tablets cured me," writes S.F.Fish. Brook lyn, Mich. For sale by all dealers Women in Suicide Epidemic No fewer than five suicides, afl of women, vere committed In Paris one recent day. A mother and her dr.ugh ter took cyanide of potassium because they had had no food for three days. The daughter was a lyric artist. A young Austrian girl of 18 threw her self onto the rails as a train was en tering the Marbeuf station of the Me tro. A woman of 40 took arsenic, ard the fifth, who wa3 27, shot herself through tbe heart. k r. I TRADCMANKS and copyrights obtained or no lee. nu moupi. meu-nes or pnoio ana oner description, for FREE SEARCH and report on patentability, it years experience. Send g-eent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, (all of patent information. It will kulp you to fortune. READ PAGES 11 and IS before applying xor a patent, w rue to-oay . I. SHIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS. 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. Best Conch Medicine for Ch Mr. "I am very glad to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Lida Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis. "I have used it for vears both for mv ehil- i dren and myself and it never fails i to relieve and cure a cough or cold. iarauy wun cnuaren snouia oe without it as it gives almost imme diate relief in cases of croup." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is pleasant and safe to take, which is of great importance when a medi cine must be given to young chil dren, For sale by all dealers. Plucky Birds. Compared with mammals, parental love Is stronger In birds. In protecting their ' nests and yonn?. birds often show courage and strategy, more or less of which Is doubtless inherited. Even the so called dangerous mam mals, tbe bears, mountain Hons, wild cats and other mammals that are best able- to protect themselves, seldom make a stand against domestic Intru sion. Rarely do tbey attempt to en tice an enemy from their borne by strategic means, but at the nret warn ing of danger they cither hide or watch tbe intruder from a safe distance. But there are very few species of birds that do not attempt to defend their homes In some way. and even tbe most timid evince more intelligence than most mammals. Collier's. Where the Audience Was. A London actor appearing at a cheap theater in Salford found so small ar andlence that be sought out the man ager for an explanation. -You 500. tbe manager told him. "my people art at the Halle concert." "Oh." tbe nctoi said, surprised. "I should hardly havr thought your patrons would care much for high cl:?.s music. " "No." the othe? explained. "To tell tlu truth, they go to pick pockets." London Mail. A Rank Offense. "May we have the pleasure of your company this evening, colonel V she asked. The colonel drew himself up hnogliti ly and replied, with every evidence of offended dignity: "Madam, 1 command a regiment.' The KLid You Have Always Bought, and which has been ia use for over 30 years, has borns tho sijnaturo of - and has beennuaeunuer 1113 per-P-I-A-- sonal supervision shico its infancy. X S-&tOUtZ AlloT' no 0110 to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and'Tw:t-as-sood nro but Experiments that triflo v.UIi nndcsidanrrortho 1-esillh f Infants and Children Experience njainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Ifarcotia substance. Its ape i3 its guarantee. 16 destroys Worms and allays Fererishncss. It cures Diarrh, and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving hoalfliy ar.;1 natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho mother's Pricud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature ox Nftlahborlv. t Dobbs-So you're living in tbe coun try. eh? What kind of neighbors hare yon? Are they desirable? Hobbs Destrable! Great Scott! We haven't a thing they dtm't desire, especially i the way of gardening implements. fcew Orleans Picayune. The Wind Month. November was called by tbe anclem Saxons the wint monat. or wiud month pn account of the gaies then prevalent It was also named the blot monat. or blood month, from the ancient practice of then slaughtering cattle for the win ter provision. Society take? us away from onr jelves. De Lambert. Mother Gray' Sweet Ponders for Children. Ee'ieves Feverishness, Bad Stom ach, Teething Disorders, move and rega'ate the Bowels and are a pleas ant remedy for Worms. Used by Mothers for 22 years. Th?y never fail. At all drugrgists, 25c. Sample free Address, A. S. Olmstead, Le Rov, N. Y. Banana Skin Law In Brazil. During a Southwark inquest, In which it was suggested that an old man had slipped on a banana skin, a juror said he had been In Brazil, and there If a policeman saw a person throw a banana or orange skin on the roadway that person was at once ar rested and fined or sent to prison. London Daily Graphic. SI Th Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thi NTun eoMMNV. tt aiuitnAv tbict. KiwfOH oitt. m n . im.iihiim ii i M.iTiT..iirfP 1 Hie Stomal Tronlle Over. Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not like to fee! that your stomach troubles were over, that you could eat any kind of food you desired without injury? That may seem so unlikely to you that vou do not even hope for an ending of your trouble, but per mit us to assure you that it is not altogether impissible. If others can be cured permanently, and thousinds have been, whv not you? John R. Barker, of Battle Creek, Mich., is one of them. He says, "I was troubled with heartburn, indi gestion, and liver complaint until I used Chamberlain's Tablets, then my trouble was over." Sold by all dealers. The Great Antiseptic 'Pain Reliever for MAN and BEAST. MEXICAN Mustang Lililinieinit elThe fBest Emergency Remedy for Farmers, Stock-raisers and Household use. Speedily relieves Spavins, Swln net, Harness Sores and Galls, Shoe Boils, Strains and Lameness in Horses ; Caked Udder and Sore Teats in Cattle and Ailments of Poultry. SAFE AND SURE. Being made of oils it soaks down straight to the bone, banishes pain and saves suffering. Only oil lini ments can soak through muscle and tissue. Alcohol liniments evaporate before they can be absorbed by the flesh besides they are dangerous when used near a fire or lamp. Mexican Mustang Liniment will not burn even though a lighted match be applied. Mexican Mu&ang Lin iment is THE SAFE as weU as the SURE-TO-CURE remedy. COMMENDED BY A FARMER. Greensboro, Ga As long ago as I can remember 1 have known of Mustang Liniment. I al ways keep it in my house and if any of my family get injured in any way, such aa sprains, cuts, bruises, and, in fact, in many accidents that happen I always use Mus tang Liniment. On ray horses and stock I never think of using anything else it is far cheaper than doctors' bills. I corr. mend it to all farmers; it will keep their families and also their horses and stock in condition. Very truly yours, J-P. ANDREWS, farmer. LYON MFG. CO., 21 South Fifth St, BROOKLYN, N. Y. $ This is a xi nun Duke's Mixture Umbrella 1 1 Whether you smoke Duke's Mixture In pipe oi cigar ette. It Is delightfully satisfying Everywhere it Is tbe choice of men who want real, natoral tobacco. 1 In each 5c sack there are one and a half ounces of choice Virginia and North Carolina tobacco pure, mild, rich best sort of granulated tobacco Enough to make many good, satisfying clgaijettes tbe kind that makes rolling popular. And with each sack you get a present coupon and a book of cigarette papers free. Get an Umbrella Free The coupons can be exchanged for all sorts of valu able presents The list includes not only smokers articles but many desirable presents for women and children umbrellas, cameras. toilet articles, tennis rackets, catcher's gloves and masks, etc. During December and January only we tvill send our Illustrated catalogue of presents FREE to soy address. Ask for it oo postal, today. Coupont from Ottkft Mtxturt mny tt assorted art tags from HORSE SHOE. J. T TINSLEY'S NATU RAL LEAF. GRANGER TWIST. (oupon from FOUR ROSES (10c tin double umfon. PICK PLUG CUT. PIEDMONT CIGARETTES, CUX CIGARETTES, and othf tag 0f tom$om turned tt au. Premium Dept. St Louis. Mo ViAL T" I II & f3 Atlantic Coast Line Personally Conducted Tour TO PANAMA, JAMAICA, CUBA, FLORIDA, via . The Ovtr-Sea Heilroad Over The Florida Keys IS OFFERED AT COMPARATIVELY SMALL COS V. The cruise will be on the New Steamship EVANGELINE of ! P. & 0. S. S. Co. (length 364 ft., with 2C2 staterooms), sailinp fr : Key West January 7, Wis. Other sailings: January 21, Febreai 4 and 18, March 4 and 18, Apail 1 and 15. For full information, the approximate cost of the trip fr any p int desired, an J f -r schedules and reservations on trains an ! on the ship, address the vn-Jersighed, who will accompany the par", F.M JOLLY, Traffic Agent, Atlantic Coast Line, Wilmington. N.l, (Havana Office: Jan. 17 t. Midsummer-Prado 61.) It will-only cost a postal card worth ONE CENT to get the particulars. The Commonwealth twelve months for onlv ono tlolla r. 3

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