. i . " ... : . -- I ' . : . ' - i'ov , -c:y--y-- y-y -y ; . 'N - y ; , , ' .- : - - : . ''Uy,;' : - , . .-.v. .f.- -t i- - -ttt ' " ' . ' . w. a, - . . . ... ... . , . - . .. - - . . I-'' ' ' 'J iTVa. " ' 'H "" ' ' .J., , " i, " 0 mm 1 yrar flH(H) 34 00 85 0-1 00 (XI 110 X 123 00 23 (K) 40 ( tiO 00 r: . , U oe, allowed f ) eaeb. Week wit. oat additional cbro. Bnaini notfoon' ia looal! eolomn will'.ba, . 1 t 1 15 oeatu per Uue fur tjli flrl JiitlJb. j H;.'--r-?.:. -i , -.' ...i 1 bargod VOL. I and 10 cntjf par frtinr. .WILMINGTON, N. C, THUIl?Y, NOVEMBEIl 15, 1877. ';J" TfUHMS CASH-OS DEMAND. r jrT - f. 1 jt . . - " I : . v ... . .. . . , .... , -.u i V. . . ... .... ... (v!. . - ii..ir. una iann I mm ..Jvy:yy ! :vi7" ; , t-. TfyrtTfmmmiym a w ; . - ... I . y l ' ' ' ' f i I I I I f II t t r I I I I I I I vlj .i .11 III -CI 1 II El 11 I II I i I 1. 1 1 I I. .. !..r..-.i. f. rennce naaf .witvi iMcracuu ' lBW . T I I - I J - V I I I - I I 1 I I J I " '.I l I I I I 1 I I U M 11 I J I I v I I I ' I A A I 1 I ;y 1 ! i tM Hiunu ' i ': v ( - j ' - . 1 v : .J ! VI - 7 I 1 I . I a ,, a . j jl u . i f ' A VI M -i II 4 Jr A ' I l l S 1 if II XI VI I I 1. J X iv i i t J l . u.tewMi'. ! : r-J . -cJr i - , '', 1 - i tattm n o rxui wzra ' - r . toa LOCAL I Mm twatiMi NnUi. OhV, IWtetofl. City Rligioas Directory for Son day. Not. 18th Thtnl tng trv U. lirr. J. U. V it. . . ll J.. iiMrt wcfi.cv t 1 1 n. a i o . i l .v K""rtu ifi.. R . C. Ji. Frr1 tul Wiiut J. J-L M mil, 4t. rW-rvto mt 1 1 a. n I . t. K fJ j' m t K. R CWwrtU. Fifth W (. h Nit- a mI t;i.uii t... Ke. J. yi l;ic (.. !". S; Ji,- K !: 'p- I Cunr h twrrw W i ' r- tr. .ttti i. t i', a 11 . m., uii-l in. Kirt tliP'i-t t'hii'rli. -nritv-r Mr- ! . j i m . 4cvtH.t a- 1 1 a. -. ! J j. ui iw i s. t,'urt-l jk"'l !.'. tl Si. h t it 4 " p. ro.. by J. Frt Frv- Will (Uprise tl.o'ch. t 1 1 . rt. al 7 v ii . fit. i""T Kn. Irlf;rr ("i"cl ; ?. H.tl r..t .V(Mkt( Si.'. J M. II rr.h i.i. D. (.. HlHr. IJrr iiiii u 1 1 mi., flotuvit . r IV I J III. 'f. T ' V tl.l - Orurvh. r ,r r . ai.4tn. ntri g service a T a' tA-ith. tpr rtotci : . in. Ft lm'1 attnKl cburvS. Ac.uJ riu H ti lU'f S. vrnlti ii , nil mi r) f I I A. m M S J ." kllIM ll ! t. tlk I) .- lfW-0 U . rr til Fi"nl t. , J I K n . tli'l i. rf i ! ttt 4 . ii. ,f Mir' (.ot ) Ke. a' (?lr. rui r S ttn .Mulley in.rk- e 11 ' Vf , er at 1 1 a. iiv. t'Wbtri ptajrr Kl-eii v 1 fi.'ii rimreh ( I -rd) i-. ill Iwt vfvt'H Mmtj,!- a l Auu W. if. UHk. w'.tr. -,iv-i at 0J ik. in ami l ami $ f. ni. ' l.iu.tv rtt. 1 pl M F thtm-h ( . 1 e"m. r S v ntl n4 i)ruikwta at , ! A. ,M " rv. p iati r. a-nun at 1 1 a m , al 7J p. f . Nv A A wU i aa ta tt . a wtti ivunk j c a'mt a cik. - tu u Tt. IV 3tii.:l 'AUJk.aala. Jicwa rc. C -.Htkwt Xiii Kaa. T. . '-'. Jt k. M Cao-a. ...1mma OtiUtl a ntii Ptaoiak ami llra W . t. R. -Caaatfa of JSAIuia. ..'. Ba . Hmm Taiaaia ftai Kirtata. II. Wra A ii -Ori( ' al Fbkna. R. M J. tra -Ta Uta RaaUrk IUm p hi, at. Survicv ta all the ehnrcbet no Ixsl Bat'H- w h. Veo qoite brisk da rn the p4t wrek. They ha hen a!mMt a (Irat i.f fvr'u vrtU in port ' for the pn.t wkirk. W citfl thj atteutiou of oar reiad er to ih kvifvrtiteoieot of Tboroaa P Mci'ateh. which appear eliewbere Ke. J B, Tajlor, pastor of the Firit tupust church in thia place, prraehi'd in the Salisbory Street Haptist chorrh in Raleigh on last Sundav. Tkf eity elerk bee rVlnih tt the rtty Trraaurvr ftea oarket fr-ri. Fiien huadrvd dUra ia aUat lour m n;h t tiaM will da pretty eU. We rail aiUnt to the aderii meut ol Cpt R. iL iXuIatirs, which spper ir th wtsae. Aay aoa, fir ing bias a call will Us rwrwitrd pol ity and fvatWauaaty, aod lrwtad fotrly and justly, lis kaa a ary Urjre ttockl Uivs ho a tnal and. be rnnrinod. Major lrx?, thw tturrjrtio and kvcectnptiahsj pHaripal of the Cape r ear Military Academy had btiaadeU oat, on parade. 0 Uosxlsy afirroooo. Tbsy prvsea'sJ a Ha spwranow sod ttsewted .thai diSsrenl rawoaxavrss, with skill and prrciijom. Tb oir iwin m k r. I Mafuotfa, aud another nrroticr, lo M,ndfJ WM ,osf and ImruvM beuawuf pivj, au'd thi Jroda, in -v ifc-u -at . " . tT t. v. w ,avuni 04 meciiaiiicai ue lri,.nt ..r.ft..,w r... lent Sup . . 7 S..nU I.r, lUt i,o,f. .m . "'6r ,nuiu,'lB in.ss. " ary .iMMotect tle Miblic aflTafluft their I CtnP- Ujrinjf mi! drill tiio-1 ht m-iAfrr barvj i;vct. Tui iclcol Ui Leva fjva onlt tt,ut ix vrrkj mal tuu It b n IxHfwr lo tbi iir. V !. V call tttrut ion o( or nod rvto tl4 txct tUt TiELia Bvaitx! of G!Jl ro wbo knov exWlj: bo t kf botU u uov ai the "Wed IImcv la that pTacc, well prf pored TurJar Iii .lbanr. . Y., lo avrve out ta the 'nitrn tirj their in Uncta. mrntlT rvceiTtnl iu the Uai fed Sutr Cuart here, for Umrin tJ the mxif'. Vrrt Urgw tjuaatitie of eottou hire aTird recraUj. VI' r lrn that oir eikrbrcva tboaaand b'r cre at lUx prtsu, afewdajvaXH awaiting comprauHMi, in vrder to hipment. Tb recent hrrmkjgw ol the prta cao.4d ttoek to accnmala'e. A new prr harm bn placed is x4itton, the i ompanj U u- working night aud dij. ta mtxt the dvm-inJi upon it. Oar frtk-ud Jo Mrrritt, who m in chrf of the colt.n yard of Willura i JUirvNioo. inlorra n that a few t!ii ao a hand in drawing nut cot lao aiih bjk lor the purpose of Amn!iur. lnrol of retting; the now.t Article hf waj ifeking brunght uot a hhwk fe!t hat. It proted to he a lerT f?oj article inu me uwn-r iu 1 Ki. . Kti.l vritrment at hi unit I . -. . 1. - 1. pvt trd cuiitiou Torl to examine further to c if the owner w4 with in Fmm the deCTtptio. we would jude, that tn.it hil -ould gtade trict mjJJline. The wi aiher. tor the pant fw dyi, haj Ueo cWur and tjuite cold, ft i rriiy bt, brariu, fail wealh- rr. IW the way. that local about fair. pUtt weather, which aj earwl in bit week PemochaT, wa no; written on xt Thurdy, hot 00 U'eJoetday. We hope wa will not hare vudJen a ch.me thi wrek.but that this bnbt, clear, co Kl weather may continue. We rv joirw to hear that it extendj to the stricken town of the tnlf and th.tt tle Ml deetrvyer, which u lonj; rat-tvd them boa beu dnreu frunt their brderi. da af kLaiU Tie Notthrrn naila cN now at 5 a i., ! 8 p. m. SKJthetn at 6 jv is Fayette die i Warsaw at a. uk. Ona.1 i-Waaafr.st A M tlJIC- The N in t,) first Anuusl vutuiiiuui. cti.ai i f thw Uly wtU comnwnco at Ha hsll iik lle city of KaJrtg., oh To. $1 .y. the 4t of Pcvobr, at 7 orl. ck p. m. The lailroada tzU-nd tin.- mual enr1e'ew. UstrvMskswaits TIk Citjr g.irtiinwat bas di"0n t nuiil the Ix-ahh oCicrra f tlw city, titete lxi't? no looker may u-ed or their a. Ticea this sraaB. T1e pdice f -re- has sTa." l-n nrdoctl, and oti r teiuitia1 maanrM adopted. Iln. A. M. Waddell, will gire oar cit iien the opportunity of hearing hi lecture on Maury and Mor in tbi citT on the 17th of December next. St. John's LtJre No. 1 of F. .t A. M. of this city bxs tha mat ter in hand. Or taTew. The pnsaenger train ou the Caro liaa Central Railroail, o off the track on lat Friday morning N'o terioa damsw was done. The delay was the greatest incoo veoiencc. The iojsenyer wer broogbt back ti the city until tha track ooald be clemL Gaawtr K. Wtst tt- XX This weotlentan baa remored to Newton, Catawba county, for the purpose of practicing hN profcasion and conducting a dru store. We rtgrtt to chronicle the departure of many of oar pruffsiional men. U'c wish them tucceaw bowtrer at their new homes. TsawsajiTtam. R. D. UyM, chik-f t xstive of tn United Mates, hwa isaoed a prucls tualioo, sppuiotiiif the tOk iikstaot aa day ot National Tbsoks giving. G levrwue Vauoa laa alau sppotalcd tU sssb da jr. Thw pe sod tha oepKsai slkuwJd b re roe sabered serry daj bat swprcially oa that day. v iss) ow.aaaiwek4 p-auwtaa Ufl T!adat.j, w atlatad, for it iJw purp. t1,M-tti in Cim uiu;, H1 prajicii Uw iii Mtcclion ilh Kkl4at.U; H. I'.-nn, Jr.' U i all li l tr al v in a lncrutivt- irc tcic lifUj tvpficllJiijf tic afcj oikj ifour g-nl aixl uUri.tel cil rn-iia, wf Wih lor Itr L -miou the t bau lai.t cccwi it hm uw i xiir iutUv. AVe nxxitcd. our pricbtl-tiii2li- bor Irvn iU new , quarters, iUo iraialate brulhex Juxnca, and wish bim Continued ucuu. Cf- wa f ta- M. E CamrekefN O. Tbc Annual Ciiiier ncv l t.ii Ul will lw tel I Mt Sal:luy tJt4 jear. It oiTrnri, we U-!n iui WulmkJ) atcr lit' 4lU imdity in N'ovi-inKr, id ii.eb.tU'M the 1m Siiin!iy iu IK. cinl.r. llvv. ". C. Oaiii.i u, the Mrilnn'i-it iikiniati r a. SatiUury, is t.tmii -vt-ty iiiTiKar airmiKeuieiit for l)e cnifrt ol the immli rH ai.J tiitur-a. Tiu riiciMd will extend L unul OHirtfoii-n. IImb. Gors Dtia, We a e kfiatiticd u M-e uur uiticle, rro tnnieiidin tltin finirite m .f EaaU m North IVolii a and Mie ol the rrenNiwt o.en, if iMtt tlie firenmai man, in the M'e, l..r Clnef Jni-iicr- f ll.e Supretn C -nii of North Cam- lina, or for I'n led Statea & nator, epMnl in a naiiii-4-r of ur excnnei The penple ih n.ai.d Unit Mr. Davia be put in on . f th- j.itii.n. Oiaafo'lSoWaU. The day mail and expreu train on the Wilmington and Wcldoit rail road leites Front str-et dejot at 9:10 a. m., nd arrive t 7:03 p. m.. The night mail and cxprva leaves at 7:05 p. ni., and arrins at 10:5 a. m. The day mail nud express train on the W. C. t A. rail nwd leaves' at 10:44 a. n., and arrireaat 6:10p in., 1 he night mail and eat-rcaa lea-res atr :'2o p. m and atritc at 8:45 a. m. The thro" freight leans at 11 a. tn., aud arrive at 4 v m. PepwUtias. af Wl saiataa. Samuel N. Ctnnon and Willi.tm M. Hayes, Ku,rs., appointed lo take a school misu of the school diitri cts orojwing the city, voluntarily ex tended their labors to the entire pop ulation. The result shows the total population to be I5S5 of which 5,930 are while and 9,935 are colored. Ihe total t umber of white children between the age of A and 21 is 1,5 10 of whom 810 are males and 7C0 fe male. The total number of colored children is 1,933 of whom 925 are males and 1,003 females. riest Prrskytri-isi Citrta. The lad tea belonging to this church hare formed a Church Benevolent Society. The officers are as follows: lresident Mrs! Jo. Ii. Wilson. Vice Fresideut Mr. O. W. Wil liams, Mn. Ja. Dickson, Mrs. Alex Johnson. Mr. U. F. UaU, Mr. Geo. Chsdbourn, Mr. f A. Hart aud Mr. Juo. McLaurin. Secretary Ur. Cha. II. Kotnn son. Treasurer Mis Faunie IU Wtl liama. We wish the society much success in ii commendable aud praise worthy efforts. Oar Cwt tvad Bat. A. II. Van xlokkelin, Es-i , prt-si-dent of the Chamber of Commerce, Is in rec ipt of a letter from our Keprcsentatire, lion. 'A.'- M. Wad dell, Uting that be ha securtd the etab ishment of two additional life saving ttion on the North Caro lins .Coaat, one of which will be placed at Bald ITead. Vol Waddell ii also exerting himself to hac light boose at the bar and on the rirer, also a sufficient number of buoys. All of these matter are of great public benefit aod Col. Wad dell effort i are highly appreciated by our people, AUal ImtMmtUU. CmK r. n Ia. A HMfM Wnmnn rr.w"w...-w ""r i 1 rt 1: j... I ing ner inisnt child, oorn 00 syin 1 . , jL , I ulL, wa tried on Thursday laat be fore J E. Udl J. P. CoL B. R. Moore the Solicitor of the Criminal Couit Wasted: Employment, aa engi proaecuUd and Hon. I. I Knsscll oeer or engineer and sawyer, by out appeared for tb defense. The mot absurd and blaphemou expression had been indulged In by the prieuner lo account for her former condition nd ah persistently proteted her inoocence. Tbe case produced great excitement and interest among the I colored people, sone of whom doubt- j ! bebeved the woman absurd dec- j laxationa, relative to her previous I condition. Tbe Joatice required a I justified bond of $200 whLh was I given and the defendant discharged. We aie orry io liave l cl.riu;l? ntlir outmge in tlii city ljr vi eifiiit L-g. Tiiia liiu- the victim wmk h-jjni iimu lij the n.iirie if B'ack Mbli. At our Utiitt ailvktt a the snfi trn, rn'itl. an .fEcei waa ia qiMUt ol ihe Jrf f..r Lin dcatnduai. , Siicb trutr ibald bv kept oufiuef, T tlteir owiifis mf! crjntinallj !itI IIh NVwbeui Nat fcbvll r-purU a aad . fit Nelx-rj, in whicli - a cliild Uttlr IUitl 5Uirtn wmh 8av-l aaae ult-ick . Ta ISmUt Statw Oaaratiiaa. TtuK botl, adicii HHrfinb'C at Dkrluiiii ImmI e-f , waj viy Ure.Ir mtv ii'Ud A 11 ot exut-llent pirlt M'iin to lime pitvaiKHl. A im -impeil a ha betu jjivni to lh-i woik, ml.iI, (l-i:iit lei, much U"d will ie- fUlt. I'll UU lf MLMilMt ll'llltf md Fore igrt tdnr-Mtion tiad Sanday .S.InJn cliit Hy ccupntl this attention it 1 hi Convention. A Kiid wurk w.m Mceomplitlied f.-r ecl, during c pAUt year, nil I the promise fur a Let' t-r wmk, lor tin-eneuiu , neeins bright mikI encnin ug ng. We ne , uiuong iiher tiling", tlit the Convention en- durm-J tlie Siud m's Aid S-4ji tyJ j which i di-niineti to Mccornplibli 11 ifn utork in tlie CMin-e . f gem ral I eiiiicatiuii iu North Carolina. All I a-riot mim! liilMnil.Mi-tn v ill re- J '-ve iu me Muccea 01 iime uijecu 01 thin ami cv ry other erjanizaliuii of evangelu l Uiril-n wirkeia. Bwrd of VlVwraaa. Tlie ulv bilHineaa of iIHh riillt , tmns ieted luat week, was the m4o tini of ilw fnlhiwti g reiolutiona: IvVsolvi d, That Ihe Maor in here by i inji. weied lo I'fnpl y one iiihii to ad an di'tective, for tin. ptirpiaa; ol collecting tl e tax inpiaed on ms reh-uta i-ffiYiiitr go", wares ana merchandise f r sale in the t in. the pay ol said dVttt:tive to In- fixed iit 50 .units f.r rweh ioq detected jnawft lin iriaxfa wtlttira city Bceni-jirw vi-teil ll not exceed ltes -Ivti!, lit at the M vnr is herebv, i structei to rigidly eulorcH the p-y-tneut of the said diuiuiuers) tax. On motion of Alderman Foster, tin tollowing res'ilu.i us weie adopti d. Reilv"l, Tlist the Treasurer and Tax C"llt-ct'-r mIinII, on the reo-ntl Monday of eM-h ami eveiy nionth, eofAuiencinr November 12th, inst., niike up and deliver to the .Mayir, h C niph-te list of all delau tilig taxpa)' em, as they Appear ou the np-cil tl b-Hik ; and ou tlie aauie day he shall ol srve a noiiee on eneh and every ltliiiiiient of the amount du: jh Hpe eial lax arc-Mint. !btalved. Th'il thr third Monday of i-Hch ainl every month shall l ie cial'y set apart as ttie day for thi- l rial of dclau tinir t.x-paeia, under - aTtifii 7 slid 8 f Ihe t X onli nance. R -Molved, furtlier. That ii i' enpe rially enj lined ou Ilia Honor, flu Max or, and the Treasurer and Tax Collector, to eiifoice, by due proce of I iw, the prompt c-J lection f all eial taut. At the me ti-g of the Board, Oiia week, tlw following items oT general inU ieat were transacted; : R.-moIvihI, Thai a fine of $10 le in pnmit npn each ami every erioii refuin to pay tin- u.urket fees, upon deiuainl lor the same I y the Clerk of the .Matk I. Resolved, Tliat a fax of five dollar. per in-'titK he levied upin each whole sale buyer and seller of oysters and fish. DUPLIN COUNTY ITEMS. ixe tnetiottoe of dissolution ol co psitia-rshiipl J. K. Smith & C j., of Warsaw, . L. JcT w. S, Black held bis Q-iar- lerly meeting n ar Wilmington l .st Sunday and preached at the Fifth St. jt.ti,udit Church iu Wiluiiuaton at lulugton night. Wa learn that the congrrgiiion at: Corinth couleuiplatc a removal ol their housi to a uioro eligible place, and the erection of a irood hbuae with m Masonic lodge above. The FcabodJ school at Magnolia has over 100 pupils in attendance. The music department, undercharge , . , of a competent teacher, will resume . ' . , J who has bad extenaiTO expenence in hoth capacities, aud in putting aw mill n working order, and wbo can gie tbe beat of reference. Apply t the Dzxocrai office for purticu- lr Dnplin Snperior Court conrene next Monday at Kenanirille, Judge Moore presiding. The Doeket saw smalL If tbrr are no negro Jurort drawn, it will not be becaaaa tTt.e offidal have not reoognied te oonstitutional provision makirig .e .s . f Mid HetecTive shall " " v,7 . .7 tZ,Aa ihxr.,A-.f firm wrlt.h . f. V 35 u r nioeti, ol Ueceiiiber next tve.ry nidi- M - r V4 , aui. amu & bvm., thdal i3, that .principle haa been iiaed itf Diiplm.since it became j et but lew nigroea jserre on i. there because' bat lew , are i n c rent ; ' call attention tp the dTenise: T MralP C. Nicholson, 'offer j lands of the late !. R Kicb- ol foreale at jiublic auction, n T,r !3jr of -court,; at Keiiansville S'-f T! nndcV rvnrpr nantfliriArl in - y m T ' r"v' t?4t;l w ill v and testament ol Mr. tijioii, cinl the title will be" nn- flbe. Dapun ooahty: N int cladingthe genial and excel- nor Court Clerk, went otfa hunt about two weeks ago'to the deer abounding lorpsts olOnalow oounty They succeeded in killing quite a number, one'of which, slain by the unerring aim of Stephen Well. Esq . one of the Dnplin party, weighed when dreaded, 121 pounds. A fide deer, indiel; but hot as fine as that killed by our friend A. S. Colwtdl, EsqM a report ol which ap peared in the Democrat last week. Our friends had a pleasant time; hut the hot weather, which then prevailed, the water which filled the bays and woods and rendered the (rrnnnn lmotrt imna&sable for horses. 6 . .. ; ' iiL.4 ana U?e poverty oi me oy.rcrs ai i fi,.i. m.finn of NW Rtpt. i"uci 4" j strained. detracted considerably from the en- ? Tar. Hmrstlay Not. 8th.-Mar-jo. men t they would otherwise bare ket steady, sal--a at, 1 60. had. They lost all ther venison by the warm weather and desisted from hunting, after a day or o, not being wil'ing to kill m re deer for the mere sport. SAMPSON COUNTY ITEMS. Sampson Court begins two weeks from next Monday. We are glad to learn that the post offic", recently dfnoontirued at Six Runs, will 1 soon re-onemd, at Col. Powell's store, with J MTowell as (I OStUiaster. cation points to a most sucCfBsful exhibition. The Sampson pi-epl. know how to succeed with trrpitacK. such en- Found" Dkad. A colored, man named Alexander Hawes (?), hailing from South Carolina, was found dead in the woods near Lillimiton, Pender county, on the night of the 12th inst Itappears that he constructed a heavy dirt shanty in the woods near his work, and after he had fallen asleen m it, the forks holding the .shanty,. gave awa and the dirt and logs talliucr uuon him. killed him. He was eleeping by a fire, and when ound the shanty" and body were burning, it is supposed to hare been accidental, but "the Coroner will investigate the matter. B. W. ITDITORIAX. NEWS JfOTES. News of much interest is scarce. Hon. Dan Voorhees has been sworn in as Senator for Indiana in the place of Morton deceased. . In diana is fully redeemed. ' In Congress, a great many bills have been introduced and some mat ters of importance considered, but up to this time nothing has been perfec ted. S nie disaffected parties at Con. siantim pie made a recent attempt to reinstate the deponed Saltan, bnt were discovered and the attempt I rostrated. Capt. John B. llusaey, lately of tbe Sutesrille Landmark, but formerly of Duplin county, ha been appoin ted to a clerkship iu the Library of the House of Kepreseuta Lives, at a salary of $1,500. In France the excitement has some what subsided. aBut no one can tell what a day will bring forth. McMabon is very obstiuate and arbitrary and may precipitate affairs at any time. Lis man Pasha, Turkish commad- daut of artillery, Wa recently killed iu an attack upon tbe Russian, who were sending reiufurcenients and sup plies to Schipka paae, in which they were auocessfaL t aV The new from the seat of. war shows that the Russian are securing advantage, which will ultinately result in the destruction of the Tur kish armiea unless help come speedily from some quarter, Plevna is closely invested and the lines axe being auadily but an rely contracted. Large number of Turk are killed daily. Osman Pasha' fateiseems to be sealed In Asia all the advantage ! with the Russian. The British Lion begins to roar a soon aa the Raasiana begin to be successful. t a.uB.ifrieuiiuri xnc win ij ueiu, i epou auuiuuu, uaiea sum ui ivj i caiM), wneu the lat inatalliaent is uaicU I rri a ; i. i "o . i l 1 j i - t. 1 u ... i as I KCOMMBMIAL.-- W TLUl NG 10k HARK ET I:-. i REPORTS. )Ma k-;t lU-view. fir tlie w'tx-a: euu -inr Wrdpeeday Kor I4tli. b SrKir TcKFKXTtxK -Tbnxsdav Nov. 8th: Market 8tealj, 'ealea' e 50 casks at 30c per gal. . ; ' t Friday 9ib. Firm at 30cpcr fraJ at the oiieniqg," cjosing firm lat Jjc i ; Satfr ;10th.--5Iiirket opened uirr ; rd closed firm iat 0 Ac t he Jattor price; i Mondv 12th Onenedfirm at SOi. Lter, 125 casks changed hands at 31c per gal, closing srsady. Tuesday 13th. Market opened strong, BO.eusks country sold ac 31J cts per gal. jtud 10 city distilled at 32 Wednesday 14th. Market strong at 32c per gal, sales of 150 casks.' Hosix. Thursday Nov. 8th. 1,500 bbl sold lit 1.45 for strained and 1.50 for good strained, market Ll 1 ILL. Friday 9th No change iu mar ket, 500 hbls sold. Saturday 10th I'ncbanged, sties of 1,450 bbls. AT, n flu v 19th liii-linTXTPrl. R.-il.-K r Oo0 bl)u Tuesday 13th TJneliahged, no I transactions. Wtflnesxhiv 14th Firm, sales at , - ':"'.2 t". "w - t rnday9r.li Unchanged. . Saturday lOili Uncnaugeu. . Mouday 12th -j-M trke cp-ned qui'-t at 1.C0, after.varJs s.-des were made at 1.55. i i uesuay 10111 Jiarct uuii stiica ati' i , , , ,r , , Wednesday 14th--Market quiet, oaiM ... i Kr j Baits di, i.ju. f Ckcor Tukpenti.vk-T 9 market has ruled steady and unchanged from Thursday the 8th until ednesday the 14th. Hard l,4o elhaw dip-and . Ol llltll 1 virgin 2.30 per bbl. Cotton. Thursday Nov. 8th Market Arm, sales !ol 400 bales at ioj lor middlinor. Friday 9th Market unchanged, I aaeH Ul oai'-s Hit iv J iui iniuumig. featurday lUtn iVlurKet nrm wicn basis of 10 lor middling. '1 uesday 13th Market steady sales of about 500 bales at 10 for mid dling. i Wednesday I4th Unchangfd, about 300 bales sold at lU for mid- iJive stock and fresh meats. Meats by express ,ii:. ,1 sU cited. He will till all orders at whaiesale Tue olHoial q.i-ita ious are ;m lows : . ' fo Ordinary, cents ft G'od .Ordinary, 9J Strict G-md Ordinary L?' Middling, 10 Middliur, 10 Good M'ddUur, n ft it a Receipts for the week ending Wed- nesday Nov. 14th. Cotton 9.039 bales; spirits turnen- tine 1,001 casKs; rosin id,xuu opis; crude turpenduc 2,234 bbls; tr 484 bbls. Timber. The market ru es ex tremely dull. . No demand from mills-in absenc-'oiorders for lumber, only bna mill now at work. Con -id -erable stork on ihe market unitoid. Staves. A good article of. sea soned white oak staves wil? biing $15 tp $18 jer M., green 10 to $12, red oak $10 to i512. Shixgi.es. A first cla38 contract shingle will bring 6.50 per M., in ferior contract 4.50, commou 2.50 cypress saps 4.50 to 5.00, cypress harts 60 to 7.00. Wood. Good oak wood sells at 3.25 per cord, ash at 3.00, pine at 3 00. : MARKET REPORTS- . WIXMINGTON HARKET. REeOBTEll WEEKLY BY 1 HALL 3b FEARS a IX, 1 . s - S SEOCER3 AND COMMISSION MEHCHANTH : ARTICLKd. PRICKS. BACOX X. C, Hams, 13 n 14 Shoulders........ U 10 i . 1 , , 1 11 d 12J Sidesj H6g Round, . . Western Hams, . ' . D. S.- Sides D. S. Slioulders,.-. . BEEF On he hoof,.. .... CHICKENS Dressed, Alive, EGGS per dozen,. . . . LARD MOLASSES New Orleans, . Sugar Houne, hhds bbls Cuba, in hhds, . bbls. 13 a if 15 9 7 tt io n 18 a 12 30 20 13 55 ft 60 28 30 42 & 43 45 it 47 STAVES " White Oak, pr M 15.00 a 20.00 Red " " . - White Oak, bb! . ! Red " . TAR per bb'...... TIMBER ' Ordinary...... ... - Very Good, ....... Prime Mill, ....... ROSIN Strained, per bol,. SPTS TURPENTINE. per gallon,... ... TURPENTINE, j Yellow Dip,.!. Virgin, L . Hard ! 1.60 a 4.00 & 6.00 7 00 a 8 00 9.00 O 10.00 1.45 tb 32 tt 230 2.30 1.45 Iu Bldec oaoyIr tte 2uta of (Jctouer. of diplj thtria, James liobt-son, xrnly aoa of A. J. and lir Er-'J deans, ged It jar ft Biuuili ttd-Il diya...,,,., .,fj'v.; jM. ' NEW ADVEKTlSEMNla: TO THE READERS; OF THE . ? -.., 4" , I AM , prepared to? jfLr ' prw iar7ina in Dip GoodM ikudJi-uaiuiiiXM. Uibrciua Ml ?u vKiifcia and the aer tUiatiey, JAlcekV 1 : Jit-ant ful asortnieut ot enrtain " goods XJL from 20 c a yard up. THE largest aud bent atook of ladies' cloaks ia the city, a uioe cloak at 17 50 to $12 00. A Large and care tally selected Btock of Carpe ts.from 25c a yd up. I APPEAL to yonr judgment and think yon can be i-aitt d to alnmst anything that you wish in my "line. KeBpeeituiiv, K. IT. AtclNTlBE. VALUARLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. Friday. Nov! 3Dthi 1877. rilHE folio wine desirable pieces of property j wiJi mld in tte t m of m lo lowa: FIKST TRACT. One new house lately finished, in pirfect order, t-outjiininic 6 rooms, with one acre of land, on the center of H itae street, in a good healthy hioatiou. . SECOND TRACT Beginning on Mathews corner, on Main t v. ... . iwMi.i.ftni . . 0 1 .11 .i . . Kan . 1.1.... I . ........... ' r vl UVWOO, UMU, BWUtCP, sticds, &c, &c., ith acres or laud attached. ' r THIRD iTKACT - Beginning at Haunaford'g corner on north aide of Jj'aison. street, containing 6 acres of laud. FOURTH TRACTl Txaatoa the E-.t side f, the W.4 W.B. R., con wining 5 acres. FIFTH TRAtrr IJeginninl on Carroll's store, Newbnry's corner, cuutaiui itf of an acre of land. SIXTH TRACT r ? . Ou Faison street Ki.kland corm r V4 acre. Tei s one-half cash, balance thru and six moutiis notes, 6 pur ctmc interest. Title vo THOMAS If. McCALEB, Formerly Wilmington, but recently of Dnplin couiity, annonuces to his friends and acquautfanoes, that he will be in the cit diu lng, ue wiutr, for the purpose of purchasing prices. Send Aiidresa, nov 15-Sm for circulars immediately. - Thos. D. MoCaucb. . Wilmington, N. C. SAN0F0R1TS The only rombiuatir of the trne Jamaica G Kiger French Brandy, fori i l-eak- who cnoice Aromais a ni ness. weariness and Sta, L,., tion of the nereTRT forcet inability to trieeD. mlililiu JAMAICA of tne extremities and penlsT ctrcuJation.is feral e ful boon to suffering hfi manity it once southinf. strengthening, and refresj GINGER. tug. Ask ror banfobi s Ja. MAICA OlNOEB. 4w Stud for Reduced Price List of MASOKJ eks TT t TVTT sTTV CABINET ORGANS. New and splendid srles: Drices reduced S10 to $50, each, this month. (Nov. 1877). Address MA50JI & Hamlin Org ax Co., Boston, New lorn, or unicago. 4w NOTICE. TT virtae of a power contained in the last JU will and t-estiment or l). ti. Micbolson, duceased, X will proceed to sell by public Ten. due. at the court house door in Keuansriile, on Tuesday the 20th of November, inst., at 12 o clock, the lands belonjring to the estate or emu aec a, and known as tne "lied Uouse tract, near C'arltons Chapel, in Duplin oounty, ana containing i,uuu acres, more or lees, tin -leim sooner dinpoaed of. Terms, . J0) cash, balance on gcod sad ap- provea:buDu. at ous and two yearn. F. C KicaoLson, Executrix. NOTICE. 1 rpHE firm ef Jaa. K. Smith & Co., is this X lay dikwolved by mntual consent. " Hie basiness will be carried on by Jaa. K. Smith. who 'assumes all liabilities and makes all collection. , Warsaw, Oct. 17, '77 nov 15-4w iiew vocal and 2 new , in strnaiental pieces t Sheet Music, 10;, silver or stps. Muhic Fub. Co., Mtdileboro, Mass. ' W XTDTTT? Mammoth outfit to even body. JP XXXUJli Stem-winder watch free with the firt order. Ten dollars dav aranteed. M. CBoreoh & Jo... I'tiiiadeiptiia or Mil- waukee, Wisconsin AENTS WANTED FOR THE WORK DAYS OF COD. A book of marvelous beanty and richness in thought style, and historic facts. (0ive tbe very cream of science making iU thrilling wonaers una ongnt fms nouseaoid treasnres endorsed by the press and clergy everywhere. Hare chanoe for Agents, bales immense, sampie xiiusiraviuas, cycuiars ana terms iree. at ouoe. JT. C. MoCtjbdi A Co. Phils., Pa. 4w PZ(T Large saixed cards with name, in ease, J iac, ao witnout case, yc, so new fun cards 10c Outfits 10c. F. Washbub & Co., Midioeboro. Mass. 4w HABIT CUBED. A Certain and Sure Cure. Large redaction in pricas. - A trial bottle free. Mrs. A-D ROLLING EB, LaPorte, Indirna. BoxlOSS- t f ormerly sirs. nr. a. a. Collin- eep30-4w . RUPTURE. Those wishing: relief and cure for Bupture should consult Dr. J. A. Bbkkwoii, 258 Broad way, n. y. ' ; Send 10 eta for bis new book, with Pkotoi mnhi - of bad cases belurs aod after core. Bwere of eheats who pretend to furnia,Ir. enennana trnuusui. t rww.rfthaae fellows, a german ekark. now Kiulf Dr. W. O. Crempien. is Indict. d ew complaint of Dr. S., and awaits trial for lorgerr auu soabesxleaBeut. 4w . : PIUM NEW ADVEIiTIsbiENT ' - . ,o ,, , . ..... ...j j ,. r.--.. DaW-COLiTON KUUIMIV..''. FraeiioM ia au oU of SampMiu ana f Dnplin, office an-l'i hh;i, K)vauioi unT yj' Hampsoa uoaj7 XaTN VAirrxnt Medal 4ipl-ma awardod 1 000 Uktatrationa. Addreas f4 new tilroolar. .' . . . . aim kMl ikiWA. Br i 7 T T piAxo-OMaAM toat a-Txk I I A 1 1 I i See I Ur&-an,ia .tope iii. J'- 'A? MW'i7WiW,i!i J I -. 829 Broadway, New. York New Orleans, La., or Ban FrAwiano. CaL HIGHEST HONORS' a rua Centennial World's Fair, W& m v SHONDTQER ORGAN raoaovwoBD esaimiosLT Mini v BEST INSTRUMENTS. Tbtr aessparmtly Htfta to nmiH by : ' tb. JailN la tbeir It.prt, arwa whlck Uw folluwlBK to an .xu.cti I . , i Tka n iiiivii nxm nnnis m1 . ; xhlbH avs tha best IiMtranikali ( pria. raadartng tbarn noaslbto to a tonr. cl 1 wareaaaars. samu a oobdiukiimi oi rmu iiua i an gar ia arj or ouapcumm, ic. naoie to Ki sat of order, aU tba boards baln asad thrsa-ptr, pal tos;rtar so tt ta lnpowll V r them ta either shrink, swkII nr apt"-" THH1 ONLY' OtlUAA Awaiukx Till a i HANK. . , This Madal and Avar was sraata after tas Mat SOTrer. eunipatlUua of Ilia ba.t niak.ia. basic, aaaat tb aaa.t waattaBt l.rUa i rar aaaunbtos. I ill X.w atytr. and priraa fn ImhwI whleh urs Is aowirdaaea with our ruU,tha UBVaT.4lt OA Nfbrtb. least money, j W. aa preparad to appoint a few saw aeata Illustrated Catalogaos Bialtod, post-paid, oa. appaeaUaa to - j , B. SHONINGER ORGAN CO., 91 U 1S3 CHESTKtJT STREET, Kiw BatemJooks. WATEHS ORCHE55TR1 OX ati Oltf.Al U tin tnmnr araailralfa at,tanii r1rct a ! ne ever niadr. It bas (Ari-li-brnlf d Caarrr" to slap, wliirb ' Sas lnihMllon(A llaiaaa Tol-r, ' fl( I wa a ad a bnlr Ortarra bf IU taard i peiTrrt hmrm mniir rlib On reed anllfcrlrcnVrtf mmgm !, 'v JW leal awl lrrtriryl. l! rl ?Ti:itM t i.aii io- iLr- CONCUItTO, Ttura EH.nwtEVfiAf . miJiirjt, rnrF, aa :OTT.IK tflMlAM, fail'abiaw frriH't ta mi i r r rr H IT V tOHIXU wt k swat jifjUue L 1 '" l'i i 1 a ..if k... .i AUK J ritli niXT -WA Ot i 'f I TaaVb.' ainn.hl(, rl lnrll!ll, t M.nriHi ni.lrilli.rMX VKAH. i i J ItixmeiMrMI ri'i'rivrtl. . liiMiM.t. tanlilpnid Inr ni iH rrnulrnn. . a i ii...... IwiMHil ti Tit- i.,I,i,i fri.CJim'T ti TS A X t I : I . K,.r I , ud . .; talbn lriidi-.lllnirf id I nlkliKi.. kl.il.j Hrrnntl-hn ud lHHlinnkriil.nl lUIT HA If. Slannrnptnrrrii amf nrali-r, , 0KAaT14(h MT.,1 lION iilfjl KIN.Y COHSUWIPTION CURED. Am .Wt pajnwriu. Mttrad fr.m prcttr. hln rm. MiTMl irom n F.Mt Indik m.Ml.m.r, Mm t.ri.i,. J mpl. racvUbi. rniwdr tt ph;, kud imtnt euro of rw.MMfMiM..rAl.ia. I.uiiit, A nA ..! thmtmi4 tun, H-Uoti; li4a r' f..r irU.u. lJ- it. enr-tkivo pnmr In fh'Mi...riri. -t .mm. hrk Imti it h jt d'H) In nVn it knn l l .lf)riTt. tel. , jr, I. i bf a dire t b im-li .ff. mm. VinHknf lt- ff- I.. 11 who rf.r. it fin, r.t. m int.rinkk, frni. i.r . n.:!-h. wifliy " dim. ...n- - A(i.1r.. lb MniUB, W. '.y.MiKion.l SP .wr". Hl(k j( i,r W.V. ' , ," irt I ,. 1 1 I NEW STORE AUD HEW GOODS ! H B D E I O K ' HAS REMOVED ! f ' ' ! Tt fiie Corner Front and Mariet Streets : ' 1 ! ! Wfiere can be found an stirelj Hew Stock of Cfoods, . ! i- j EMBRACING the most extensive sod varied assortment ot Medium aud Low Triced T. . . M ,.......l ft.. 4).l. nil il. . large stock of Btaple and lKinmnUo Dry Ooods, ircnaaea in new xora wiuiia tne isst teu tva at a decline of thirty per oent. from Iprioss ruling a month ago. aud will lis sold at a very slight advance on tpe oost. nespt, - ; Iliuisaes. BLEACHED qOljrONS. fff IMeoen Bleached! cottons, i't cents OUU up. The beat 10' , cents Blcachod cotton iu the city. I A PRINtS. Qf Pieces print at Wholesale and ReUil OUU So Prints sold kt Jittail but those ws warrant. ; UaiMUoa. BLANKETS AND SHAWLS. A MOST Desirable stock, cheap; "a MEN AND B0t8' WEAU.' OALEM, N. C, Caaai inures, Virginia and IO Marrland Kersevs and Canaimeraa. Ours is the H"edjuartir for ; the pradaetlon of Houthtrn industr-. ; i HOSfEllY. J Also a! Good Ladies and Oentai DnUr. wear, nOLSEKEEPlNG GOODS. i . ' i - fflABLE LINEN; Towels, Doylies, Napkins, X tthteting, etc., in full stock. . .osukick.. sv . THE ENTIRE J PUBLIC - u , i . i ARE INVirD to s.n inspectioa of the most complete stoolrfcf Dry Ooods in the eJtT ' ttenember that I deal in first cXmsS only; that I have bnt one price; that I bwSs cash and sell for cash, and tha. verv bayere will receive the nostlp!p as Bella, pcodaeia i novat aod pltaslat rw t , aoDtaiaiog aoaay SMirabla tnprovamaa 1 s, wtrj ' ! IB -1; , y i ; i- awa , -W T 'VK A ,Y r 11 'A 1 V Mita- i t ' I, A A V n

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