? w-nm.-inJ-' 00?- ' . -y-. v. V I . ' Jr r . " '. J ....... . ; , , , , J . .;...;. t i t ' 1 , . v ' , i . . - : v.- . . i ,. . , . r .... . . . ...... . I ' ' ''7,',-iW'r r...T-...J1L ' --IUJLV " ' 'j '"--f .'.(.. i " F ; 'i j- -Ift! . . .'.-'..,.,?.,.-...." V". . . - : " " 1 J Jg! PJ" 'j''?"'! :w w . -mm i i ' '..-- - - r' ' ' .. IjVii .,?w-,"fns, r.dlifflOTmf'iuif.rnorb'er S,e.fc5ftain:anJ'.y money, Vi:,;;,! Ta-Csb : ;. .'. , t'i.; -eang-jfcWnude cvi''-nilly-cigrniJa'ad: tifrlJ5iV- ', r : ; ' i? jv wj1?nii.-of tbai'if rivst!on :wi t'-ie'.3". - "V feride-wnhm ouy Uipi.,- )W,iiu;.-dtt8 will tliu" jVjrM'v'orii i it U' ' : 39f .'""jbriouVLkoor Ration, thin JiiiV e-' f !o-,'?'!hf;' 'WlflaJpjH Jidm.ilir (.CI. f I'.io drlu; m(.ot wbiHi liVyiL to". Vfffjn ob juidi'itfiotu) lift3.5, Jl;d . . - ; . . : . i t-it kMCTta&fo'' teh :.h ,prc!tfl't' miffing .JcbJfc-u-W fiilptil? KjVtyfiiept rrta W(W 7,f. " 'l; .. ; i .iifislejctirt tltf l-fiiH, ofAiljoveVn Kf rq nn 1;; thp othfr bank. t;tnV'y? : S 7;-; ? faiaeU-iiult VdreiaooUV. riMs;'- i??t,sl hve ntivii.d ts rt:ficamaW feuftis W "find ieamtnet tUtTtn .dPonrvfd,' vait;.-.ich-. wnde: tmfiy. '. - ' V . - i J i thrtfadiirpnr ; - " ' .our pacr and f ruiitfii 9te'crSViA'Af--fiiir -rr-ve-iiue. Its extfa pafure adopted V. will btne prbpcr ad iuiHcient iund for outes among thcm,gny VncalOrxv ot lately or; precaution, I ; quarter. tnttrrWnir'ta r wmr (i ,a ancl or 'umiimng. taem-with nectllaricvwh5citiiat-lbte ot -thing may rtildcr Ireat-as wa-s deemed radirthV-.-'rl In cI"ge 'f the11 cpmmodiii-s, tey fn otr ttcutrai-pofitjon. f the provinoal.apftroprit1on of two t3U ,"cb m .derare PrrC8 as le3VC no gan.V'Vnirtranct-s t r the trmaUnems oF our i 1; lions of, dpllatjVto be allied and Tr blV cover us from Iols hs lbe n,(ft Pvforej; t'havr been foivnd pradi- . r " ill' iew cxesV and a p. Und theirs to us, t caiinot. be theiliter- : Irft only the pvdiny ary to aii-ii U54 ncr ours to diiturb tnem. w e inoufu oe mott unwile inucea vcrc we to caft awy the fiugular bltd' . lings 'o the poll tbn in which nature hai i placed bs, the cpportimity fhc has n-; dewed ui wirh o) purftting, at a diftancc from 'foreign coftretuioiis, the pAths of induilry, peacc,and h-'ppi cfs, of cil? tivaiing gei.tr-i fi iendfltip, and tf bring ing colhlicns ofintercft to the tunprragc cf reaion, rather than. of torcc. j Hot dtllrable then niuiV it be, hi a govern-, f mem like ours, to fee ciiixens adept v iricividualiy-th views, the ihtjerefts, aird the condiitt vhich their country fhclilil purfne, divefting thenifelvef of thofe natnnns atit narti jlities nvhitth tend ifl V P r - - j .-- - - O tixt-nil tic ill t Vl r v r 4 9iitr! 1 l V illl. wii alt .4W. yomi ip , ... : i v i T counted for by the Prefidcnt of the tj clllatory and useful ctfed onthem . andb!e .Wishtur KHs. it has rof betvtfio't V'X United Stares, hnended as a part tf the is tllat whlch wiiI btii ittllTG dlclr P-&Zk&wt'nt to -ufe. the power, gUen by a V, price; wa$-ori6dered s conreyine the anJ god W,1K sfbrmer aft of CcigrciV, of. continuing anftiog pf icqu.fifidn The "final! ve'iTels atit'horifcd by .Cejthfm fc.Teloan?, and ot rrdcomn; in- I'tpnr in t K.rnf t'rtual Hims of dctucvllc irv - ' trr iiign ?ne ci govern 6 7i,,i w hjv i.jvui sin i u .7 - .4- ' ' t etft l'Fran faV, with jufl difcern Icrv'icei have been fent into- that fa';ebt although nb d Acuity was found V 1rnnt,Vthe importance to both natiotijof and vil b'e able more etf ci dally to ccmilftnbtainin tlAt accommodation. ri- JOtCti liberal arrangement. as tnihr belt "ne l"'e 1 "P0111115 cruuers jwitnin trmr 1ihn of fifty thouland dinars, s i l ; snclettnanently promote the' peace, harbours, and fuperiede the' ntc ffiofprwiiedby Cbngrefs for. prov - WpeMrand Tovxre'igiity of all LouiO. They Wrill fenfibly l.-(T-o the xpencfeioffav6ble and peaceaWe oio cf affairs LJzf &v ,T.at - lWm that.vicc ,heeni.ng,ear.. ft., iffifippi, render an imn.edi. w0e;',i!;ni ' p-i t.3M.con'lpt.-s. been wani- A further knowledge of the ground in ex.-cut.ono. toat law .mecry : ' jiiic.ni, toward, the obiervahee ' M J0 5,rb aoftrcmewt.. therorth ealkrn and north; wcfUrn aj-?riil.tie flelirable. mowr .aa. tns fllu.tla. ,,at y.'.U hE fen- ' ' V$ff?Vi'f;-3oift -of April .lilt. Rles o theUnited S.es h..Mced thatinima.nrof tha, branch ot our forte fc wut!, U h (,ur dut to loukl " V-l' "v ? i'l-Hre.wceived the con thr boundaries eilablilhed by .h treaty ;miRbt begm -on n.odrK tbe mo pprov ,,. bioo(v Are,,a fprC3d betore Us, with ; r;.KUtiouai,iaoci.w ot -tue a nate, thty -ol "Pans, between the Unti!l. territory .-ru uy experiet.ee. , Corimift raii'm indeed, but with norther ' ; wuuoufc.Mciay,De communicatee- and ours in tjioje part , were too nnper veins iipeu; u wn.; .v.w, , -r- , to the Jieprcieiif-five5 alio, tor the'ev. lffllv drTcribed to be fuiceonble ot efte--nrornanoti or a annum Jn ' f 4 ia.vtfwi t hir f ii'rtvmrte -i. t tdri. vv v-...:. t u -,o .h.refnVp lti tf'iiirtVlari: mtitemolatfd, tor purpofes v ft- v ttjona 'which are fciihin thepowersVctt oi thv of -jTtention, for pre fer'viiij 3fider effected by Happ'er means. f "h'iAA ti a-irJlltlmrinn i rt Pn,i i. i -.j i -k - , Ci . 1 1., k i-i-m ,nv u iirl kt( til 5 irt We .UVPltm VVltl.1 iincfte CCT1 ! vWJitlltthe property and fovereiutv of conrfe fubfiaing bet-vothe two natjohs, ifee flamed pf war lighted up regain -:u; .tLx;i7;fT.-.i dmi it mnfi. run. -iu ... k., ri.,,aiit ,rrnnTmiir';o'ri'jt 'P.nrfi: asul mnous vVtttj "liom we n - : -j : - . I" - " -a.-L. i 4 -. . ... . . v il. l. . t -af-il, " iiHil re htmiK i i.r .its the tjii&facTpn of both p.irves. v I fpiring xvnh wudomaud moderation our a- -An account of the receipt and epfn iate ffg;uai;re councils, wuue y,mru ... rVirnrrx.nf tht- vea'r endiop the 30ih -beo-Jcler thr urgency ot tne oreart-tt yrong., an to lee it clofed I anfptr luclu. y men f . - . , . - ,i - -.' "' - - . lit tons, m all ttrcmnci:: iirnong.-youricitrs, , ; In all i-oriintiitii'c.'itifMis Ufvotrrccrn " .. i . cern r.v . . - . . ir Uftinonrt. r,ti i iriik- tr.ifi ii if m t3U rir iti' ...... . U3rfi,. the nirjfiires o f v ifi'otn . w h rch . vc . ... . . : d the gteat tnterttts now tomu;icteti , to ;? . you, wilf-give-you an oppoViunityof r?rtw ;'. viding and mfelf tht of apprpvirrg, and H r J ot can ying into execution, with the&i':;? ' delity 1 owe to nv country- " ! ' . 7 4 'nthiWtfftfcrtt-ltateraiid an uucoritrpuif d render .1 ground of future nifur Uerfla ; d-j engrci in mntoal deiX ruclion. W nile i avftfon:-throttgb't ir whole couVlVing A convention h.-s therefore beeh 'Ve irfgri-t' the miferies in whichwe fee f'? '? Hrit frbtioUifioii' 'with other "txiwers; entered inru, which-provides for a praothersi inirol. et "5 bow wi:h grati ir'adithe daniicr to our peace' frptihvvt ticable demarcation ot thble limns, tO;tud;to that Kino rrovmcntc, w.u ... Jit": ;Xo.urce;ihe fertiliiy of the cnunrry 4.rr,:r Situate and1: extent, pioune, in duej i' " , "lirnn-ir -rr jids to our trrafbrv. am W'i 'lU th(,,V.f nr nu r noeritv' anta irtnher lair, with the citimatt for the i ruarde Jus from hartily entering huo the tt:.?2 . ;e fpeadVibrthc bkCings ofvtfrecdoai fervice of the entiling year, .utli be Jaid tangumary cotuett; -and. left only to. iWrti'il::- : Wfore vou bv the Secretary of. i"Hc flock onud pitr ! ravages. i hete will !f&S . iibhcwiftbm CtLrfeH it. wiTi l rafury, fc ioon as the receipts of theibe heavienonhcie imrnediiteJy engg- ? 'VV rxcft'jta returned from -jbe.ed ; yet the nations -panu.ng peacc vn ir. l.Uom rx 'Uvinefoit munedbte ocdd more diftunt ilatcs .It is atrcadyafcer- norbe-exempr -fW - ev.l; In ihe v. f patioarad iemporury government oft4inecl ihit lUe amount pau! into thqlcourfe f ?huxonfltflt 1 it be Our en. .Jlfr.iV; tJ CiSu jrloVporattoD ia John liccUcy, Cle. 7; -::W- Both Houfes t his day formed qurmnnV1 The Senate eleticxi Jchn Browpy Pre-' tldent pro tempore. r ; :- r TKn Hniile nf llenrefeTifatWeV!ced A. w " - - - " J .- Nathaniel Macon, tpeter. Ihz wtx&t - 1 -1 j '1 V i . 7 ( I V '.-. " - ' jt - I 4 . -A ' . i- . . v .Wr" -.. -SW" 7. .