I .-ii I P / !,> I ■ 7 V iirAiwta - \' 'ia^ .^^ ^ i^tfVii^iiii'ii#-^Ha' /f-^. / av//^(/ Adto^b ^ /K'Mcb 7-C/S^/E tC^(L 'X. Si X^ THE DAILY {Except SuLcJxy.) PUBLISHED EVEUr BVEirrS’O* SECOSD PUaiSIMG COMPAKY, B. E. Vor. V^»te: *tnl I-iinceK# Mroeti, WiLMIXGTOy. K. 0. srnscnipnoN in iUTijjci. _ ^ PJJLI. ftp* aoDlb "■* \.j^ »PTuimi:o B*T«4 or now. 7N0 S ].. l> . U ^ JHO. •( ; ?. G. 5!a> dri'.ifrncon!. l.Husi>ii ot .lusticn H.-ir- luof tlie .Suprouio Court, involving tbe li«])ility of au iaRurauco conlpftuy ■poH i>oJiiies hcl;l by d mun who •otind tniad (Iclibcrnloly ccniinita sui cide, is now published in full nml is TeK»rdo1 as of tho groatost importance, rnitca Willin-n E. Curtis in the Chi. cugo Record. A man by the name of Rank bad policies to tho extout of $31S,000 until n short time before his sleatb, wliou be iu'—casvd b.a insur- „„ u. -r^M.OOO. I , •“> ‘™'«. ,Ul»ll b, b„l )»m.uMlbtul, «,po..iro and llie aame,,, Id, obUinod ln.ur.no. diffioiont to toimlmt.o ^^,^ iroald suffer by his deft provide for the necessiti. family, whereupon he doliben.^^^. bis own life. Some of tho '^ungg Companies resisted payment, w\ to court, aud the case was final. . oealed to tho Supreme Court, held that if, from anger, pride, ji ensy, or a desire to escape from t ills of life, a man intentionally takes bii r| say iliai 1 - r tiioMifli. Iti'Cnli. try with nil iny mfsht ■ T iHi'Mito .strike It right. Inlrnlt tsri.ms tome •lull alrspslr, tilgl.l mure; taunts Itliiuk Youth's Compauion. tlnu-thorno’i llmr Slory. Ill “Hiiwtbonifi'R First Diary,” be gun at his liome in Raymond, Moiiif when he was,a small boy, he tells a bear story, .wbioli is voucliod for by his cditui-. I Hawthorne gives it ns follows; / 3Ir. Henry Turnor of Otisfleld fool; his nxoaiid wi'ntoutbotweoii Saturday and Moose •(ioihIh, id look at jiitio trees. rain iiad just taken off enough of ti le smiw to lay bare the roots rtf a j-ai t of the trees. Under a large root thi >re seemed to be a cavity, auil on exami ning closely, soinothiiig was exposed t ery luneblikelong black hair. He cut off 11.10 root, saw the nose of a bear, and kilk d him, pulled out the body, saw aiioflu >r, killed that, and dragged out tlio , carcass. w\v„n be fonnil that thoro w as a tl-,’„,,i one in the den, and that )i s w'.a tboroughlT nwai-e. too: hot as ti,g iiead came in 'Iglit, it wn; , gn|it open with tho axe, ro that Mr. T 'iimeralone.with only an me. killed tin bears in iesR than half an hour, tlie Tonngest being good-sized oiie.aud t /j,,, the huuters call a yearling. a pretty goo probably true, and fc weeks ago; for J here wiili his that was just the tiresome part. ' The hour would not pass. She sut'with her face to the clock, for she thought then she should be able to sec,how tbe time weni, and that would lielp her to work;, but she felt very lielpless over it all. She had to find all the capitals of Europe.aud mni k them upon her mar,, and learn their names by Iicart. There was Alliens, which would not le found. If the geography book had not staled so decidedly that it was in Oreece, Milly would have felt quite that it must be in some other try. Khe supposed,liowever,that iia'ii svlio wrote the geography book WHS rigid; after coming to which opinion she looked at the clock and- sighed. Five miiiutes past four, and she had to work till tive! She fell to hunting once more for .Athens. It seemed to her a very long lime that she had been waiuloriiig over that corner of Europe kuown as Oreece, wlicn ahe again glHiiced at the oloi'k. Hfivi-n mitintes past four. Only seven minutes past.four! ^ Ai had thought at least ten iiiiiaU'. j must have passed. / / She begun her search for .Athene, once more. At last she found it, am then Hbe looked at the dock anew Three minutes more had passed, tbaf, was all. Milly stamped her fooj angrily. “It is too horrid!” she sai( aloud, as if speaking to the broiiee man who hold up the clock, “The HELPS FOR hOUSiSwiVES. \ (CO stale bic.d in slices, rcin„ve uust in liHlf-incli ihlbcs, frj,- in ei'.hot lard for about half a miii.ntc, aki them out, drain and sprinkle ril .saU, Drop them into the s^np. Housckcepeis who c ik dried fmit propertv- prepare it by wasljjng it iroughly. letting it soak iii i-„ld wa- U-r nidil all dirt or sediment ims been bmseued ami washed off, tlitYi rinse it thoroughly and put it tif soak for twoutv-four hours iii clear w.iler. Cook it slowly and not very long U.i be loakcd. WlLHlliGTOIl& iVELDONR.R. AND BRANCHES. AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Coudoasoil Hdiedalo nale,1 Jnn. 17tU, 109& leave tVt.|(lcn It 6'i am. l> 13 cm. / Arrive llocky Slouiil 10 86 put ’ 01 II IQ. am, 10 36 piD. «15 pi • - ■ -■ - Lei' 6 82 an T,«rl, llocky Mmiiil 10 0 10 am, 12 47 puj WilsoD 2 20 am. 11 16 pm, 7 17 pm. trrive Floren SOO (• Leave Cirtlils'.ore 7 01 niu, .8 20 pm. Leave Magnolia 6 03 am. 4 24 pm. Arrive Wlluiiugtou 9 30 nin, 6 60 pm. THAISR OOISO SOUTH. IxiaveFlotcnce9 4.S am. 8 16 pm. Lwive Fnyeltevllln 12 13 am, 10 16 p& ! Leave P-lma 1 47 am. Arrive Wilson 2 35 am. 12 Or tim vill ue> nn li[«, ll.«re 1> no ll.bilUy on lb, wart of the losurance companies to ( the risks, because such an act is a •'u of tbo condition under which ’ is issued. But when a 'ig faculties are so iin- bear atory.bnt uened only a "’ateb. who »t. Len ■'ei of v-llC .lit lo w. sot a violation and the insurance 1b tbo Bonk caso i that the suicide ha ate apprehension the consequences o it was a wilful atb -tr^ 1 obligations t I liable, tly clear I accur- :tcr Bud ind that Bisfer bis it parties. ITiis suicide is with the ericne of arson, i oei..iiaii inten tionally may set fir. * y'), own house in order to recover its viine from the insurers. ' A POSSIBLE IMPOSSIBILITY. How n Person Can F.a,{|r Slip Throuaih a Piece of Papkr 0x7 Inches. “ ff you ask a pea'Hi>n casually to step through a |>icca of naper seven Inches by five you would bp lookMl iipun ®" * camllantc for an 'n«,aDO asylum. But tt Is rcall.v praetlcabVe. Take a piece of ■Ann paiK'r of thi-ae olmenslons and ent 'IL Usb'K as a pattern the card which iahows where the cu*s arc to be niado. It will pull apart In a circle of surprl*- ilng .Hmerislons and with care may l>a ,sl»fiped,over the In-id. past tho arms ' aod on down to the Ifouwl. Mrs. Mowed—"Wa' I Bervotw. dear, during the ccromonyf' Mias SpitegJrl —“Well, a trine at Iwt, darling, but Bot after TVitllam lad aald yoa.“— rrutU. » aid Kittie, agai was (ill, ,HR llic cornfield, (here A a liorrid man there and he tried ' “.A man?” said Jack. “Ob, yes. A great horrid, ugly f nan like a tramp, and all in rags.” “Don’t yon be frigblcnpd, Kiltie." • aid Jack, wlio was a bravo little fel- 1 3w. Father and George are over in I he east meadow getting tbe hay, but 3 Cm bere, and I’ll go and see what ho I vanfs.” Kittle begged him not to, for fear f be man might bin t him, but Jock I .aid stoutly: “He might be after the eliiekeiis or t *10 now calf, and I must look after 1 iiitigs when fatlior is not here. I'll t akoTowscr." ■ He whiRtled to Towser, aud ran off |b the ooniHcld. Kittie was afraid to t lay alone, and so she fjlloweil him, 1;»ut at a safe distance. Baby Dick trn tted at her heols. .Tiist aa they were getting under tho fence they hci-ird a ringing shout liom Jack, who wa's ill the middle of tho field; and when they eame insight, they foniid l.im shaking tho aim of tho “trump.” I “Oh, Kit, you goose!” ho cried, “it’s only a scoroerow George made yesterday to keep the birds away from thecorii.” “Why,” said Baby Diek, “he’s iiuffln but n drato big didly.” "Yes, that’s what he ie,” said Jack. ■‘He’s George's doll.” Gcorgn’s doll stood in the field all Riinimer, and tho children weul often *^And so, when thin^-p* frighten yon, i'you can only be brave, like little .lack, and go right up and look at t(iem, you will very uftou flud them oiily Mcarccrows. Mllly'a KiKleneM. Milly had to get her lessouR ready fj)l the morrow. Hhc was always sup. •|uod by her sehoolinistress to apeud I,„ himr over this work. As a rule, Mil'y’" mother sat with her to give hor „ little help from time to timo, but that aftoriioon sbe was too busy; so Hhe left her little girl,telling hor to do lessons wtll while she was away. Jlut Milly found it was very hard to do as her uother told her. It was so 3,,-t she felt ns if she could not think. T;lion she thought it was just the sort «iif a day when it would have been nice tp sit ill the garden under the trees «|i)d read iier now story book. Instead o't that ahe bail to bo at work in the library! It was really almost more t'aan alio could stand without growing B,s orose as a little girl conld very well It was true that, once the hour was over and tea flniehed, she would bo able to go into the'garden and enjoy h erself ae much ne ebe pleased. But She "lam-ed listlessly at her losSiCn book. Mho could not rciueml'or 1 e mimes of those stupid ca]iitnis at " They went out of her liciul as qiiie) y as silt! found thorn ou tlie map. At .y did eoiintries want eapiliils? Onl.i lo make niiother horrid hard lesson or little boys ami girls. That was il; she was sure of it. V Milly drummed ber ffi'gers or'ihe table for a few moments after sett ing this point and gazed wearily at‘ho clock. Then aho took a r^a^ /e. She would be a wise, good girl. "'be names of the ca' * ten tii.'.“* ?'!''!: '::\U'ont stopping, nevnr look at the clock ,'.nce_unf' had done. Do; end upon it, v n-- had linished her task, ever so i time would have passed. ' Khe started. Once—twic,4—‘ e —faster—faster-faster-did sh id over the names of those cflutals which always managed to escop her. Bv Hie lime that she was goinp over tlieiu for the tenth time her ape- ’ was almost equal to that of ane/’rc6* Then she looked at the eloiA She did so with a delightful Ce/, '•« of hope. More than hope; she'R that the Iuu.Ib must hive mo'd on i\ ug w.iy. Khe looked an. loOheG bi, and then she sat and ared at grief and anger. 1 untrustwr ••v 7k—its •1 barely ve' "''O five milintr t niuf lave stonped, lie rei on it showed sc 'here was but little d Milly crossed the rooi er ear close to Ihe clock, hopefully. .Alas! Alas! wrougfullv accused. It was • diity.faithfully. Tick-.fick- was going as fast ns its time would allow il to, The hour would never pasi -never-never! Milly sal lieartli-rug and burst into te s just at timt moment ii '' ■tlier came into llic librarv. “Why. Milly, child, what is ’ she asked, raising her from t nd kissing Iier. “The limn won’t go.” she ' 'and I am so tired of doing te “Where have yon V>een wo,, aid her iiiotlier. “Oh, I see added, as ahe glanced at the be he table. “I see,” she repeats ithen idded, "Now 1 wautyou to h* •nde.” Milly .said wa,i I’ick off nil the dead outside loaves, cut the calilmge ill lial!'. cut off the slalk, and wash tboiougUly in old water, and then put in n collander; whim ilrained iiut into plenty ol fast boiling water wiih a heaped table- spoonful of suit and a tiny piece of Bodii; keet) the sauocimn uncovered nml let boil gently until ipiite tender; the instant it is done fake up into a colander, place a jilale over it, let it thoroughly drain and serve. Tic a e of a-uiiili of bread iti a jiioco of liiii. put it in the sauceimii with cabbage, and it will prevent the iinpleaRant odor while boiling. Boil two poumlR of clicatiinf, and after removing the skins and husks boil them again in a jiiiit of milk, sweetened with two oniicos of sugar and twii toiispooufula of vanilla ex tract; whoa passed through a wire sieve this should mcasnie a I'inf; now mix two wiiieglassfnls of lemon or cherry juice with it, instead of the I givt the 1 ■cipo melt two ounces of gelatine saacopaii containing a teacup of water; whip up a jiiiit of cream mix it carefully and lightly with the cbestniit puree and stir in tlie melted gelatine when a little cool; if cold tho gclatiiiB will make the crcnin Ininpy; too hot it will destroy the lightness af the cream; turn it into nioldn; if they are simill individual glass molds t fancy sluipeR it is a prettier way of vviiig the cream than by turning it I large mold a.ul cutting it in , when it liecomcs very cold pass ;be mold quickly tlirongh wavrawnt wipe dry and reverse it on a gb dish; surrnnnd with a border of lemon Jellv; an individual mold dot with bits of the jelly.—Uh!cago_Recort1. H 66 |>i 1, 9 35 a , tan a L'’!IV0 YVIlson 2 85 pm. 5 33 1120 pm, 12 63 am. Arrive llocky Mount 3 29 pm, 6 16 am, 12 4v icn. 11 67 pm, 1 40 pm. Arrive TnrOoro 0 45 jku. Lvnvo Tatbero 12 12 pm. ’ Lesvu llocky Mount .7 29 pm. 12 49 am. Arrive WuUlou 4 3; • lO SCO W'eMon 3 35 |>r cotlatiil Neck 5: ’i9tou 7 65 pm. 1 iiiJ-Xco llnllinx 4 30 pm. nr- litiiv II 18 am, '.Vvlilon II 33apj, daily cx a Kumliiy. I'ra.ns on Wnshlngton Brandi lenvo tVnsh 3 20 nm Bjii 2 80 pm. iirrlvo I’nririd I) ;i;ii amt 4 00 pm, rBUiminglvcrc I’arincI 6 mu iin.l 0 30 nm, arrlvo Wnshaiglo, pxoept puniliis'. «5-; SEVERAL IlOUaS-AONCASTtX 8 t betwpon 9'h and 10th 8ta Monthly pBjtneuU Four and At® yeaiB Apply to JAK. WILSON, or D. O’CONNER, Real Estate Agent, WUminglon, N C INSUKb Your pro]>crty tho following i 100 r.T Slid 7 20 p land.-.- 5:iC pm, 'lyii.ouUi 7 40 pm. 0 10 Upturning Iciive* y except Sunday 760 am, Suu- lirrlves 'I'ltrburo 10 06 am and am, arrives at UuldBbom 10 23 aslivilln Brnrnib Icnvn llocky pm. nrrlvu NUUT1I 6 06 pm. Spri 1, dully Tt'ilii on rlinton Branch leaves tVar»s* for Clinton dally, except Suiidiiy. Il 20 a m Bi«l 4 16 pm. UflturDlBg Uavoi» Cllatou at TOO nm and 3 00 p m. Trnia Nn. 78 mnkos doso eoDunctlon at WcUion for all points North daily, all rail via Rldimon'l. H. M. EMERSON, Oou'l I’aBS. AgooL J. R. KENLY, Ocu’l Muiiagnr. ' T. M. EMERSON, Traflio Manager, Norfolk & Carolina S.E. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Iloiisulinld IlinU. Cold eggs froth most readily, Rutter for cake should not be mell- •d.. The ingredients for pastry inusi be •ery cold. Nnimegs s'nonld be grated at tbe il/i 'ji'-.^ 'td firsl, ' m bread and cake with a .1 ed by being placed in boil- rated Aug. 1, 1807. 8?0 Lv.NovfolkAr. 6 01 SOO Pinner's i’olat 6 4 824 ....Driven.6 11 945 ....Bugelk.... G0( id, pris “Why, angry wlien T am rude.” ' ^ “Ycs.but I want you toAie so now,’; her mother said, smiling, “You know I have often told you that it is not polite to turn your iiack upon any one' but I wish you to do so now. ' you to turn your back uiw bronze gentleman wlio holds tlih *®"’ I think that yon will wCjj "''J' better and the time will j 135 IS 41 At.B'eky 6bL» ’ >L • ■' 6 15 v.S «• fastei Ho Milly did a anil she was quite Riirprised w time came and the hour was oyR “It really was very. very,„, "7. mother,” she said. “The ti; so slowly at first, and so qnickc t^l It must have been bocatiso wl; , gan 1 had my face to mo I'o-'k ,ani. afterward 1 had ray back to il. ’ ' “That was it,” ropliod her >i’other. “And if one is feeling idle. ni»l woT® inclined for play tlinn leBsons, itis much bBltnr lo work with one R bgck to Ihe clock, It Is wonderful bow it Bliorteiis the time.—Youth» Com- p.xniou. |_ lllrt« Xla.lo to Onlcr. The Japanese are vnthless in tampering with nature. If they dp* cido (hat they want a bird or an niJi- niid of a certain shape or color thc|y Rot about manufacturing the article', so lo speak, by the exercise of j .ceu'^' iiglv clever ingenuity and lUtirini-' intimicfl. Hero, for example, b, \,o'v patience. Hero, for example, _ the white sparrows ,U’C pro.,inced. -- - , They select » pair of ,^rnyish bird* J wli-.li 1i«r fiio ..nd keep them in a wbifo cage in ; white roonv, where they ale att endv'* by a person dressed in Y’biVc. -The mental effect on a aeries of genera tions of birds resnlfs in oomplelaly white bii'ds.—llnvnl World- • and Add a spoonful of vinegar lo the water in wliicli meat or fowls are bailed to make them tender. \ little vinegar kept boiling iu tbe stove while onions and cabbage are cooking will prevent the spread of the disngieenble odor. Tf a piece of rare beesteak is loft over ftoin breakfast, it makes an ex cellent sandwich tilling for luncheon, itclioppft'l very fine and seasoned with salt and pepper. In this condition it i-s ranch iiuire digestible than when reheated in the uiiiversally detested Htew. Cut glass, bound with sterling sil ver is a popninr combination now for a tableservice.aml is recomincudcd for bowis aud platters in which silver forka or spooiiR niiist be placed, for Ihe contact of the metal with the cut edges frequently resuitR iu chips or cracks. White stains on fnriiitm-e may bo removed by rubbing with liotmilk and turjientine, oil aud turpentine, or even kerosene. Dark stains on wood yield to oxalic acid. To prepare this, fill a bottle full of crystals, and then fill up with water. Keep the bottle labeled aud on a hig'i shelf out of the reach of children, To the large consumption of water cress in the city of London, says a medical anthority, may be attributed the higli sfandard of health in that city. Gavefnlly washed and picked over, lightly sjivinkled with salt snd eaten with thin .slices of bread and butter, it affords tbe best possible ap- pctiz.nr for breakfast. Chicken and other small pieces of meat should eiliinr be tlioroughly . ''icd in Hour or dipped in beaten egg and rolled iu dry crumbs. Houtlic cooks, who are rnnoxvned for tin fried chicken always use lard for frying, cooking them aa quickly as poHsihle. The Name is true uf crabs— tlie fat should he very hot, and they nboiild bo lurued often to avoid buru- ine- |•Mrl.lMn Art. When a lady is Riltiiig to a Parisian ])hotogrnpli«r for a portrait tho oper ator does not in a perfunctory niun- nor, coldly rnquc.st hor to look pleas ant, if yon please. Ho says to her in the most natural and graceful manner ill tho world: “It is quite nuncccssary to ask madam to look pleasant; aho lokotliorwisc.” Tholady.of nowlodgos the compliment ■Bully.' tlsiJy, da/.'" Trsliia Nr 9. 48 aot 68 sollil traias between Plncer'B Point sDd WllrolDgloo. Trs.n No. 19 coiiiiOOtB at llocky Mount fflth trali. lor ill pniotsasulli anl No. 78 train for ali poiuta Horib. O M aERPELL, J n KEKLY, QoneralUauager. BuoL TrwM. T. M. EMERSON. Osn. rusBCDRer AgeoL JiiLlXKl.iXW 7,000.000 2,ooo,ooi; T.tXk'.oou It 8iiBlay, November 18, 1894. 8 20 QoUle Triii.x 4 ooDDOCta witb Wilmington A Wel- lon train bound norlh, leaving 0«M> at 11:55 a, iB.,aiid with lllchinoiid A Uau- vlllotriln west, leaving Oc.l,I,liroat 2 ; and with Wjlmiiiglon, NewisTn k Norf. NcwhiTD for V'llmiagtoo ami lutcriao Tteln 3 eonneeU with Illclitnond & Ban- vilio train, arriving at Ooliieboro 8 p. ■t.,and with Wilmington k YVeliion train from the aortb at 3:CS |>.m. No 1 train al».) connects with Wilmington, Newborn aud Nortoik lor Wilmington amJ laternsedluUi pointa. & L. BILL, Buperlntendeuh Strong .tml I’rompt »os« Fay ing Conipauice. ROVAl. - - - - Assets, Of Liverpool, N. C. HOME, - - • Of Ualcipli, DFiLAAVAUK. - - “ Of I’hiliKlelphiii. GEUMAN-AMKIUCAN, Of New York. •NOYATU AMERICA, “ “10,000,000 Ot I’hlliulclphia. LA^'C.^3^1IRE, - - " Manchester, Kng, UNDEUWaiTEltS AGEN' Of New York WKSTCMESTKK - • “ Of New York. QUEEN Of America. MACDBUKG, . . . “ Of Germany. LONDON & LANCASTER ‘10,000.000 Of Liverpool, Ktig. anil THAVELEILS' of nAK’."FOitD. LatTjest, Oldest and Tleet ACCIDENT Company In the •world. KEPRESENTRC BY Walker Taylor Fror. of Princess St CAFE FEAR . YADKIN YAllEI ET ..12 10 p ID .,12 IS p ni . ,1‘J 26 p ni «\ a.ooo.onfl ■'10,0(X),000 ‘ O.OOO.OOO Ar. Msxtoh.. with ber fiiost gracious aud bigli-bred smile. “Click!" goes the camera,and tbe piotnre is obtained, revealing the Bitter to the grenteet possible ad vantage. m *0) b La Q o x: H o .X3 S J W ^ S HJ K ^ § z - ^ O ^ g 5 u c5 S t O e— •73 C3 o tMeals. IlMlxod, dslly fxo pt Huuds .5t Fnycttnvme With All'inll'' f'os't I.li Miixlon wlili Cerollus r«iitrnl lUllraa Kml Springs ivlltl tlin Usd springs ai«l Houllinrii Usilwav, at Wiiiuut Cove with Nor folk .V Wi-lsm Railway. J. W. Flit. W. E. Kti.x, Goo. Mgr. Qvn. .Ygt BooHe6ping,Bii'-lre55, PHONOi.f.A-Hy, T,;.. dfiliiij *3. U.tifaifhj Adifrc r wTlb u R "r7 smith, LEXINCTOK, KY., COMMFRciAl'ii'i^EGElV'KYrUNivERSiTY Shr.rlh.iad.Typt-V/riliof, aiidT»ligrapliy.S;.e;ixIt>j. WILBUR R.SMITH.LCXINOTON.XY.