t7 mm T ■^w mm .. i»y /// ,-^K^ i->> mitg- tnn.v Iw worn with it tlipii- tro tic|iic'. Tli'iy imi.Y hn \xii ii with a Rmiill hill, n»il ll!,v iiiiiy be worn uilh ■ li«t tl::ic in net over tiip taoo. The bc't iitillioi ilii'V riKVoR that eniTiii;;K do DOl liuk «>dl whvM Ihii hat ia back ou tli>’ liru1. Thr.v give uii Oriculnl a)>- pe.ii aiirc tlmt i» not [ilcHHing. The ■initlt may be worn with big hat', bill tiover (lie big hoo]ia. Very Urge h'in|ix, on tlio other hand, often lo«k-«ell with the very ainall hat, ami fortheiilie wear are often both doco- rativu and enectivc. Tartan Trevnllnc tVrapa, ■* T.*. Seolland eoinca ]>rctty tartan IraxiiiiK. fringed like the old- faahioiird shawls. For stenmnra tlieae warm W'loleii gariiienta aie partieii- Urly I'oiiitortalile. One made of ro- vorHlblti elolh, green nndernbatli and a (lonloii ]|nid above, lias two ni|ici, the to|i one reaidiing below the aliout- ders itbo'M to tlicelbow, and the other well b'dow the Iiipa: tliose uve held in pUreby a jitnit in the bark, whieh has a riblxiii tiirkeit on at the waist, whitdi, holding it tight to the figure, adds greatly to the waniitli of the rape. Over tilt' shonlilera is a hood Urge enongli toonver any hat, and the high ntorni vullar renches, when turned up, welt above the cars. Lace liR' uotlioen so miirli in vogne for many years, and lace eullars and Giifl's. also frills, will be worn more than ever this l■oluiltg season. As a rule, the men of today care little for laees.bnl they u|i|>eal to every woman. Maniii’rH aipl rnstoms have e.hangod aioee (he seventeenth century, for at that period men wore more lave than the women, and tho severity of Henry XIVs prime minister in jirohibiling the tl»e of lave limy lie understood in the fact that l)e Ciii'j-Msrs left at bis death in lii-tlf more than •'100 seta of lave eollars nml vnflTs.' Ijotiis XIV had a passion for laee.and amnsHcil a large eoik-ciion. Muring the reign nf L«nis XV a room was not eompinte without alaborsln lave eoverlets and lied linen of all kind' Irimnied with Is'-e. The Do ragei Diivhess do la Ferte had a huge ('•■verlci madcof one single piece of VeneliiiM point, valued at $14,000. —Chicago Times-Hcrnld. St lll^liia SY'llhmlt Ttimolis, For generations dontig mothers and inipstieiit niirsos ha -1 sat witliwig- ■'•.iil'I. ■ ' • st needs have nil •irillg. tuiiigu ill* ..•loinvici iiji- ters 40 below freezin? iniint) on their knees, nsing their lest endeavors to crowd baby’s refraeo'y thumb into the place ivlirie the thiinb oiiglit to go, knowing full well dl the time that no sooner would the iingratofnl olTsprlng be lurked away ii hisoarringethan by hook or crook hf would iiianage to work the Hide ti«niber free, and *en eham-es to one Use his mitten in the tnry has theie arisen a woman clever enough to hit upon the perfectly cb- vio'.ts iinprovemout of thnmbless mit tens for baby. Only fho oxporionoed ' can realize liow it simplilies mattera to slip till! little hand iuio a case that just Ills it,without any snperflnonsar- raiigeiuent for the tiny thniiib. In knitting these mittens one has simply to •'liape them to the little baud ns it lies flat, the thumb lying alongside the forottnger. Homo prefer them knitted with wrists dial extend half way to the el bow.—Chicago Keeord. Mr*. Knnii-K's Admirers. Hcarvidy ever dors the post arrive at the home of >frs. Francos Hodgson iiurnvd witlioiil lirliigjng her letters from iiiiknriwii frlomls In the most re- tuotn l■o1'n)1l'H of the earth, Aniotig llii nianv niiiin one not long ago of pcvntiiir liilnreNt and eliariii fioin the wife of ii rector in a little Devonshire villngo, Hlie wrote aims ply to say that siio had been rending alonil the story of •‘Two LllUe J’il- ariiiis’ Progress" at her -'mothors’ inevlii.gs." and that she could not be ignite Imgipy until she linil told its . aniliiii'lmw'ilee|i its tender hiiinnii ayiiipAtliy i.ad sunk into the iHother bciirl.of her niidiniice. Ho ab'orliing was their interest that if by cliiiMi'O one of tlieiii was kept from the incelhig liy illiioss or some unexpi vtcd housvliold emergency, a move frirtnnato woman volunteered to go to lior home and 'relate the Kist jioi-Hon of the story, thus practically illustrating its boantlfnl moral, "No one is so {loor but tliat he haa some- ting to give to Kotnidiody," Ho intlm.'ic mid real did tlio expe rience of th-j littio wayfarers seem to these hard worked, self denying wiHiicn that they compnted with tire greatest care just how long the hard- boiled egge would hold ont, and the hoiiKi of die little cripple a|ipoa1ed to thoiii as a loo familiar ploturo from Ihvlr own lives. Mrs, nnnielt Is never too Imsy— aven when absorbed In writiiif a novel or play—to turn aside from her exact ing lahorand respond to any sincere human voice, tu this ease she not only wrote a long and Interesting per- ‘j /A/'- J( A A/ C. / ‘ l(i:-Clj/ldA JC\ //> 7_ cOft 3.'-/ ^ EU'XTU. sonal letter, but sent hvr jihofograjih, with the iu»eriptioii;“To flic mothers' me.etiiig nt Upton I'yne. Frances Hodgson liurnett."—Chicago Hecord. IVnrkIna Thsir Ws.v, Of tho dljl) students who arc digging away at tlio University of Chicago about half arc sold to he ‘‘working through." The difroieiit means by vvliicli they accomplish this end are a most as uiimcrons and varied ns the girts themselves—or the cniisea which prompt them to enter the sfriigglo for a living and vollvgQ ediicolioti at one and the saniii dine, Hometimes the experiment is made with tho object of gaining ox|)evienee or variety of Htiident life in view, oc- easionally it is liognn from the mere love of advenliire. or in a spirit of bravado arising from the iniciiKii de sire to show some |ici'hoii or (lersoiis tlinl the average college girl, aUemi>tlug it, is fjuile enjiabta of looking after herself. Most often, of course, out side work is necessary for the success ful knotting of the proverhial ends wliivh so fruqileiidy lefiiso to meet. When a girl secures a e|iauc to do some of the coveted "university ser vice" work this is always the esoe. A student must -have been working nt the university for nt least one quar ter before work of this kind is given her, and her n)>plicaliou for it must be signed by one of the professors under whom she is Uboiiiig. And the eases in which she is given siifll- cient work to ginyfor horentiretuition sre rare indeed; there hare been less than a dozen of such instaiiees during the entire life of the university up to the present time. The “university service" is a sort of business biirean or exchange over which Dr. T. W. Ooods|>eed presides, ami which looks after this nintlev of nssistntice Ihroiigh eiii)i|iymnnt, both for the men and woinon of tho col leges. Home no or 70 stndenis can be given work in the course of every iguarter, and to tho lot of the young women fall nearly nil of the lighter and less arduous services. Tlio "faculty exchange," which is really an olUco for the members nf the faculty, eliiims (he assistance of one girl for every hour of the day. Work iu the general and departmental libraries is ngiportioued in the same manner. Office work, sleiiogra]>liie work. seiTetarysbi|is for the various deans,' tether witli sonio work in the editor -uciit of tl.e university, fiirnis ..iiitr means of employment for the uiior women who have more lenrniii,, 'hnii eithei. Until the pros- cut year women have sung in th- chapel choir as well «s men. thus giv ing credit oil their tuition bills, Hnv- eral of the feminine students also plsy for the gyiiinasium classes, and in this manlier earn one-third, one-half or two-thirdsof their tuition. Tho latter amount is the total allowed by the laws of the university, ami tho scale of pay ment is by no means high, accovdiiig to many of the students who benefit by the work. The services are light, in no ease requiring more than two hours of daily attention, but time is more than money to the ambitions student, who must accomptish a great deel in the shortest possible period, and the sacrifice of two hours of every day is anything but light. But tho work is e.agerly sought after. In sjiite of nil its drawbacks, and there is never enough of it to allow all the ap plications to be granted —Chicago Times-llerald. Pnsliinn iranelss. Neck strings of coral beads. Wliite violets for evening toques. Ostrieb feather ornaiiients for the hair. Accordion plaited Aseot ties for womim, UatiUlleeffects In narrowband trim mings. Large gold hall buttons for sgiring Jackets. Chenille dotted hlack not for even ing waists. Neckties of silk edged with frills of the samv. Plaid and plain poplin wsists lined and iinlined. (Jeshinere house gowns with laoe and ritibiin frills, Narrow soiitaclis braids In colors with fc tiny tinsel edge. Bnaimded frogs, lizards, etc., for millinery ornaments. Hilk and wool nun’s veiling for lemi- dross wear in light colors. Kmhi’oidernd trimmings in bowknot and heart-shaped designs. Hhort fur capes having a velvet vest and how at tho neck. Hheor handkerchiefs deeply edged with Insertion and lace. Hound gold brooches with a purple amethyst heart center. Oirls' coals of velvetnon with ermine bands and lace plnitings. Kmpire niglitgowns trimmed with piiflings botwcon insertion. Blouse fronts of not embroidered with allmninium sptangles. Bedroom allp|>ers for men made of , leopard akin and beaver. f;l«--(rlf.-lnt 111* Karih lliw O.-nnlnHlIon of hy Siilijrrtin Tlifin to KIrctrtral Tr^HlincTit-4iros Ins V.-a.-lo1>lt-t by nlrrlrlral I‘roe.-«i Since electneity became a seienct various effoits have been made to di leriiiine wliiit elfect, if any, it L iigioti tho growth of plants and vt-g t.vides. .^Iitny heated disenssiona hr attended tl-e tests by those who ha entertained ogiposite theories, and " therefore pnrtienlnrly interesting know that rhe exgiei'iuipnts carried for some time jinst ot the (.lovevunu,.,. Agi'icilltuinl st.alion at Amherst, Mass,, indicate that tho use of dec'- trieity by the farmer i« a distinct stimulus to iintiivB niidexe' lsnmnrkel iiifliience upon the germiiiation of seeds and the growth of fnrni jirodnce. The A B C of tho aeientists' argil-, niciit ill favor of the use ot electricity on tlie farm is that roaming nroiiiid loose in the ntnios|)lieve there is a vast' fund of electrical force, which, by means of sgiecially de'’ be attracted to earth aiicl distribii- :iU Ilf Hoi lerioa havo MICHTY V’ BENEFIT. 1^;”'";;; V ruble a little over 1-i uiilcs. :,0i) feel high,, it is visible miurly The planet. Xcgvtune. takes C.O.OtlO our davs to journey around tho sun. other ivovds, its year eiu-vls lO.I of ''double DAllV SERVICE To Allinls, ' lisrlcile, .Mi;.m-iii, Alton'. tVIlmtiictcn. N'w OrU-in*. OaMinii. "sn. X.’*'hvHle and New Verk. Il.-rtoii. riiil'i.U-l- I>l-lll. VV:i'!iiIi|t"l>- Nort-'h- *>"' Ulet\iO"l I'l. Sch.-aule in efiVei J.in.inry 41. IMi" 1 Kaii't^jy • Tllll« t*l\t>U>N. • ' In etTi'ot .'lay i, IH'.'T, Thl* iVmleii'e.l S.-U'sliil" I' pill’lblieNl l.iteniialioii oiilv sii.l I- Mil‘J-vl In eho: WUtieill Uolive lo llie (•ut‘ll'*- siti'iivnv, 'i-*is«» To iisei'l in eirciilnting imrc air in a ip or factory the imllcy' are cast fan liladcs inside in gilaces of the ght sgsikes. recently patented folding iim- •Hu bus ilic lip and handle fitted screw sockets, so they enii be p.ived for piic'kiiig the umbrella in gink. ^ you wish to remove the stains of ihtB of silver, nuii'tcii the stain Ii a wet rag, niid then rub it gciitl.v b a rag moistened with a solution woiie drarliiii each of iiiorcurto chlo- |e and ainmoiiitim chloride iu one 'ice of water. 'stalisliciniis claim tlial (he earth w-uicu, uy ,, support more than about apparatus, HLcg4 ipmucoiisople. The present giop- id distribii; jjji.j .. , j,;? mm imii ted through the ground ill which tin,. II his seed, Tho appB of which the electric^ , aoUl'llJH'VM* Lv. Sew Yiirk I’enc •' I'lilla'U'lpliiB '■ llsUim-irc. •• Wn-liinuton “ llivhmoD'l A. I Rr'Jl uOain Ar. Cliiulolie e'tinmioci at 1,4(>7,(K)I), iH)(l , , ui(iiii'ir.i'.ibeitigHliercent..'ni'liile- furmor has sown hi. seed, Ihoappa ' . At that nilo tho nlniosl limit .■,1.1. b, ...™.., of -1..0L ll.r •leclF.F " ycr 207'T tv IS eniight and hanicssed for the iisiaia . , . i ,i of the farmer has been thoroughly .vOr. Fraser of London aud othcis tested ut Amherst and has proved to,, " bo a eomj.lele sucesn. briefly ,i„.iiitnin-s vacciho against theirvenom. scribed, it coiisislH of a number of . I'hissllx (if I’liri' hits r coii i'ii'spikes. wnicM rirn eir.viitoci ni i■-i • , . the top of a :.0-foot pole. Thesospikea g of the btlb to belong to gathe.' the electric fluid and convey it other biliar.v salts, "he to the foot of the pole, where it is . iio'cstevnie i» injected into guinea caught by wires buried a few feet be-.f'K"*** °'®‘ neatli tho ground nml distributed over ^ihsm- ns much of tho carth ns the farmer de-• Chief Haddock of the bureau ol sires. Ho nuich cloclricity is there,'building inspuction, in I’liiladclgdiia, wandering around loose in the ntmos- rccoiiunends tlmt tlie lieiglit of biiiid- pliei'o that one of these pules can catch ‘ings in that city bo limitel by law,nml and distribute enough to electrify "bat none, even on tho widest atveet, Beveval acres of ground. ave a greater liciglit than l.’iO foci, 'Vitli this apparatus exjierimeDts herwiso, he says, the city's narrow have been mado which maybesumma- treats may become gloomy enu.v'oiis, rized us follows; After seeds had bee ,.iisaiiitnry, with the light of day vir subjected to the electric trenlment nally shut out.. a jicriod of tweiit.v-foiir hours, it ^ found that ovcv SOjieroeiif. moreseeus I i»ara>io» in Canal Mahina. were germinated by the aid of elec- L Irrigation iu the western United trieity than iu a like quantity of se.eds Ittate* goes steadily and eagerly sown iu ground that lacked the olec- |,nd the methods eiujiloyed have tricnl stimulant. As the sciontists in uuuo instances, appiirenlly at least, charge of the experiments wished to |revcrsed tho order of nature. To bo make a very complete test, tho electric j ore explicit, they have sealed the current was ugigilicd to seeds thatwero 1 rest of the continent and jirogiose to allowed lo stay in thegroiind forforty- iiirn tho waters of tho I’ai'irtc slope eight hours. I( was found that k 'Vito Ihi, wnlersJmd of -the .\tliiiilic. percent, more seeds liad gonninatO' 'he gioinl is to seek Ihe head wn'ers NyKl'IlBObNli- So. 104. Lv. AtlnntsC.T. 8.A.L.*l'40Jiro Lv. Atlieiis " 3 HH"" AWwille " filOi'm •' x'lintcii Bllt|'m_ rTT'liiirf-illc, *10 4j|*m V. .Maiiroo ” " • fliapai “ llnmli't '^'*1'“’... r, Wllmlnfdoii '• lA.^iBieigli ' ' " * 2 Kkim Ar. Hcrnler'm ■ 3'.’■Mim ^ Ar. Weill.>iu " * I •■'’'sai Ul.'lim..i,d A, «M.. s';iiiiiii “ WssIl'Inliri'tlB.Uy. 14 3:|‘I1I “ HiiUlliioi'i " t “ Phllnil-'li'liia " .!5ii|>m “ •6 4;l|>iii the I the electrified ground tlinil soil whore the seeds had been left to sprout under normal conditions, and in seventy-two liuiirs tliis percentage haddropped to six, thus sliowiiig that the use of tho eurrciit for tho gnirpose of slimiilnling gormination under all ilieiii to tliiil atieady niilizod the tests was n decided success. vyslem of irrigaliori. ,\nother interosting experiment was To the uiiiiiiliiited this miglit made hy jiliiiiting iu two sections of to be an imi>cssible feat, yet iu siib- gronml, the soil in both of which had stance it.has heeii accomiilisliod. and been eurcfully selected to ciisitre itbe- the x*heuie is iu successful opcretioii. those streams whose available siigi- y lias not already been fully r.gigiro- iated for irrigation gnirgioses, ami rn certain portions of tliat aiigqily .(ckward mid iicro'S tlie divide into a ifTerenl wiilei-Hlied altogellier, and add ii.Miv. : i“.M. A.M. 10 14 r. I.'i l.r 400 14 00 l.v, 6;s) II 40 l.v. 705 7 37 l.v. .... 045 J.v. ".55,9 K»-nn A l.\ 'Jliue. S ■.fj N.-s-lii. ;,S. If A 3i's ,,llr. I>atlv. w York 7 ;i,7i.m 10 rsiim *0 5.laiu WIOTWAUD. hy. 'Vllmlngtoa •' IjUm'sTlon “ Miixlon . .- “ I.uuriotmrg r. Hamlet T. ]laml.'t V. llneklDglism \Vnil''»t*oro •• Marrlivlllo r. Moumhs Mouroe r. I’harlMto ■■ Ml. Molly “ Liuvolulon •• 8hc-lliy ■' Kllenboro ,r. liiillK-rfordton . 'No. * 5 40|>ni i> i4|nn ;'43|'m 1 5.'l|'in 7 13om 7 3o,iin Sllpm « 4^1.m 10 45|>m It'eiurnl Tlin'.| ; 7 55 I.v.. Millfl'.irv....Ar I .... l,v....nvv.-Uii,l...Ar c: I .... .Ar i; ! H to I,T.. .Hiiil'-'Ullr, . . Ar 5 I .... l.v |•nll»'vlla.... Ar .'i * .... t.v, riJir*-miDt.Ar 5 i 0 15 l.v J\--»loii Vr ft I .... l.v.... (*nuo\ cr.... .\r ft I :>30 l.v....1ll--k.T)'.....\r 4 • full' l.v.r.'uii»-ll)‘epcs .,'r I 11 50 14 14 no 3,'i l.r..,.. Marl.m Ar :l 34 14 3« 110 53 I.v..,.t>l.l K,.n....Ar 3 O'.t 1,12 50 .... ,\r. Il'iiin'l Knoll.. l.v’4 55 tlio .. . I,v..ll.mn.l Kuol'..ArI4;i5 l.vm97 bvll.o-'k M'limtatoAr ‘ilH 157 . ., I.v. .Swsiiiiaoiia ..Vr 1 57 4 15 12 04 I.T...,IMIlnicn.' ...Ar 135 4 25 14 14 Ar. ..A-h-vlUe. ..l.v 125 . ..N,-«(inrl Arl0 44 III 40 ..>|iirrlfUurii..,Lv 05i) 10.V5 ...knexiilie ... " ,'45 0 55 ..ClinlUOiS'Ki.. •' 4 15 fi 4I> (Meal niallou. ■V Vnllman si"-,, Mnilli-.l. I'lCIms'i t-H-s lUS-lsSnnil ('lt*lliiii isllKViu.r, srAiirtxni'iiii, riUHi.rsio t'K I o k'osrti.i.k. No.lONe.U Kii'tiTu No.; Muilv.Dully, Time. Dstly r. M. 2 05 7 40 I.T .Asheiilln... lO'Otral Time. | 3 05 6 40 " Asin'Ville... “•'* " llillin.'- ing exactly alike, soe.la of tlie foll iiig varieties; I’nrsi>i|is, lettuce, rot, turnip, radish aud onion. T' iccliim of ground a mild c"j- clcctricity was agipl'-’ . die « .c'giilrY ‘hejilnnis P';’v. ’-iriiii; .rat. The rnjiidily of the those piniitcd in the electric pared ground was far i n ad\ those gilaiited in the ovdinary g Tho second day plae'is broke tl the Ruvfaee in both plots, those electric garden showing consult, the more ragiid growth; tlie foil was rank, ap'l when liarvesled wit I neatly twice as high aa that of tL I non-electric plot. The roots vereal hirgcF. and showed a marked difl'i eiicc ill favor of electricity. One ) cnliai'ity was that iu the electric p for every |iinnd of roots very nearly pound of logis was piodiiced, while it the otlier case for every found of tiji there grow l,4d jimiiids u root, v*’ Hie ditievenco'iii the total wis all * favor of electricity. With i>'ir« ^ to the other vegetables, the •e-i'*’ proved a failure iu both plots, 'jh® carrots showed a marked siiperio;,^? iu the electric bed over those of non-electric. The onion plantc . up in both beds and grow finely f ** time, then blasted, and not one dc ogmd, eiltier electric or this being the only cas vogotaiiles tosted where no results werii obtainod. , Next to (he giai'Miiips tlie r, gave the next liest .'"’y, grew raiiidly, those In tlioefnf,,^ lien being niwuys nliead. 'J were rank aiid.llio roots won ‘"i’-' Wlioii the best of tho nidlslins u; pm'h' plot were jmllod, wnsliodaiidw®'ft”®*h it was found that tho six largC*' taken from tho electric plot tvoiglinrt two ounces more than the six, larBest, taken from the non-e'.ectrlf P,,' Tlicy were larger indlvldn/‘"y» taproot loiigov, of a finer I'tf**'', >'■ luillor quality, moro bvIHlo g"'* ,"'''’' ^1 lo *iaonl' . .. rlhern Colorado tho water Big Lnrainte, which How north- ito Wyoming and empty into .V. lliiHi'TloriUoa.. " Kiii'iilioro mielOy I.invointoc " Mt, Holly V ChsrloUe Vr. Monroe Lr. Mcaroe^.^. •• VVa.lesboro • Leurluburg . Mnxton . VYUiuliiitXoO.. . L». 45 OOi.ra 5 55| n 6 5Ci'i. 7 54'5 a '4-’.'in J .Vlpio il o.V|.in il 23t>a •Dally. ‘Daily I'.x. liie Where Mearlna Cense Lord llayleigli In a recei “ :«Jt'»'’e said that oxporiiiioiita had f/'"’"''* a vihralion of sound hnviiii/ "" tilde of loss than one twolv®’]"'*-*®*”" of a conlimoter could still, " sense of hcai'Hig. Htich r t'lnration would be so short that it “'J'® to 1)0 enlarged one hnmlrr' ''*‘1" fore the mast iioworfnl . croscojm could render it }/*!',"’’I’" posing that it wore suscil-.dtbie of be ing seen at all. Old jici'-' do lint hoar iiigh notes’ hlch are ait- voiing ginrsoiis, .."!'d thero is to believe that b'^ules hear dlblo lo young imrsniis, reason to believe llml. - notes which are iuatidibl ' to elders. ‘ __ A .Toniig woman in Ball had one nf her front teot a half-karat diamoml,' lore. Mil., dlled with irth I’l'iitte river jave been jd high ii]> in t docky Moun- igc and enrrh inenns of a iiie ditc'.;_ r-'' across .ii'irricrs- u'ukt the iic'liu ' of the Cache la . judre river, waters flow southeastward, .yiiig into tho Hoiifh I’latto river .•nstei'ii Colorado. This feat was omplislicd by the Water Hniqilynnd ••vt'.'i iige eomginiiT, owners of Ihe Lari mer (bounty ditch, one (if the largest irrigating systems iu Colorado,—Kii- .gineering Magazine. An Oreoil Trollr.r I.liir. An ocean trolley Hue, which reaches n^iarly a quarter of a milcover llicse:i, co.’iveving either passengers or nier- elii lud’ise, is one of tlio cnrioiis sights to Lo seen nt Bear hai buv. o .i the I’li- eif le coast, not far from Kan rnmcisco. | W liile tlie osteiisihlo oliject of this ((('.-lingo trolley is the oarryitig of lum- I her from tiio rocky liighinud aboard, 1 the big schoor.ers, which form Hie I ocean terminus of ihe line, dozens of Inmliermeii rido in a basket attached to the suspended cable on a wheel. Of course there is no olcclricily used in connection with this novel trollev. The giower of gravity does most of tlio hard work. 'I'lie liimb.il' schooners cmiio from tho Moiidocino county iHirts, Uiitilaymiv ago they wore loaded hy tho slow giroccss of lighters giljiiig to and from IhowhnrfM. Ity till' now li'ollcy syslciii liimhor In any ignaiililv''ii» bn niri'linl from any Island |ioint over a long and liigli rail' road hridgii to a sort of cage, where tho wooden ciirghim are stuckod, and tlmiiuo to lh« deck of oai'li ship. 'I'he trolley Hno is thrown from tho lumber eagii to tlio vcMsela by ineans ol n rogm shot from a mortar. Behind Ihe I'ojm trails tlio wil'd, which is quickly mid sncnroly atlaclind to the vnHserH-masI, after which the oconii trolley is ready for business. Tin- (trentest nolil NitiiRSIs. The biggest gold iinggot on record was found nt Ballarat, Australia. It weighed 2;!1H ounces and was worth Next comch a ehiiiik of the Yellow molul dug up nt Berlin, New Houth Wales, valued at SJdO.iUO; it tipgied the scales nt 1770 onncoi*; Two AuHlraliati iinggets called tlio "ViS' ciuiiit Canterbury” and “Visconiitess Ciintcrhiiry," woigliiiig ll'2l ounces and BS-l oiuices rosjioctiveiy, wore nji- pvnisod ut $'22.(IOO and $10,000. t>i» one c'.niiu at Duiinolly two golden liimiis weighing filW oitncns and '!"« omice", worth tflo.ooo andSOOOO. wel'c jilckod up. Two otlier geent Aiistra' Hail nuggets—all tho biggest oiios were discovered there—weru found by Cliinnnicii and wore iiielled tolhotinie of$i:i,00l}iind 83000.—Uoslou Trau- 1 script. ves 403 MI'I 401-"Th« AUaul ‘ t>"'-*sl" SoU.l V.'Mlbul.'d Trsla ot Piillms . iiQ t Conebe, t.eliri'cu " osblcirlv- l,rta..»lMO rullm«B Hk'igs-n. brtw oru- mOUlh nml ChsMcr, 8. C. ,, Nos. 41 nnO Js.—"Tbe B. A. I> ’• gcIldTralD. Von.-fit- xyuP’ ’ Porlsmoiilh ITotlit. 1.M - ‘“'.erne. Atlanta Ikomar. Orleans. Texas, ^ inno-jea, Nasbvllle, Mvir Florida. For U'-kets, sleeper*, etc., ap ^ Nowlsnd.aeii.Akt. rasa. Di'i'l.. mo House, Ailnnta. Gn. Oi-o. Me. 1 .Tra I’ass. Agl.. aiarlollo. >. L jr Bt JOHN n. B. OOVr.Tl, V lUaemMg’r. ^ T. E.McBEB, T. J. AMUtoON. Geu'lBupt. „ General Offlceai PortsmouiL Va. '900 • S2I (041 " . fs Sd lu 5T •' . «i05 ll4»Ar. C2>7 U4.M.V. ffi 47 12 14 •' . IC6S 14 4« |7 15 014 45 Ar. 7 30 1 O.V i.v n id I 2-' 17 5« 1 .-IS S 53 4 (5 ..Arden... ..FM.'lH'f*. Ar 1 45 5 00 " I'i ftS 5 111 14 44 ft 00 “ 1'2 34 4 40 •• 14 40 4'4.1 ••(I'ins 4 OS ,.«.M1 ' , XS3 _3 35 Ar-. b0a~- 45 3 10 l.-( ••fl0 54 2 37 iiio,,.. "fioao 44;i in I.VI0 40 4 04 ,. l-iil.iik.... Ar . ,11144 I'nriliie,.... "fid 04 14.1 . .. .C nrllsli'.,,.. '■ III M 15 Xki,,.,. .. •• 907 1'4 16 ..I,v S 30 II 30 'S will. s-v«.n-l l>l-kl.s» II »1 'I Artanl'sr^ • n*! a.sj(h'''*( . JMlAUIIr I •« United Males ol America, will »e- «« natioa of Vlas map, that C-t Seaboard Air Line TllUUt'UII Bt JIKDCM'B fSmiiMK'UMO 9 Sell Ni. n; N(.':i' Dally. Daily, Dally, ••wily. 11 15a SdOa LT.Wfl'hlc'*-B Ideoi. liss. s-i6a ••Al-'.’ .... 'ir>5* 247pl4»p 3 4ca 4 05v 4 17|. , 5f,0a ||5'4Up 45Sp •kore, • •'W* .9ftii 7 87p 5 45p '•‘‘’wtii-'.n 'i-8'tl. i' .'.Oa 9 Ma s' 60|i •• lUleikli... .11 4ia_Jl 45i» T IQq^ “iMVoTl'liiii'y... ‘3S7a S 17a s • Iftp “ x*b-vlll". .. '4'4ftp 275p 12 12a .... Lv.A»hi'Vlll'... 430p 2 30p l4 17a Ar.Hot Siirifig* S.V4g) (tft4p 12U« '• Kooxvi.bi... 7 40p 7 40gi 4 Oca "OlistUliio-’KVll Sftp 11 35p 7 40a ..... Nashville.... C45a li 4Sa 1 Mg {CeDtralTline-i THROUGH Ki;IIEDUI-b8 (XortlilHionJ.) N-12 No.'3«i Noim No 10 Dtily. AIG Daily. Dally. Dallv. 7 55» 7 50p LTNeirOrl-ans lOiitnd Time. I LvJI'vni'Uls... I Ontmi Time.) .vDv-mickliam fC«n"x>' Tlrao.) Lv/.onnta..... [Central'Time, | Lv Tamgiu ••SkAiiKii'llao " Jaeksonvllle “ BavKiinab. . Aueusts.... .... 6 25a 900p . .... 4 20p 5 55a . 7 'lOa , U ftOp 12 OOq . .... '"’7”00ii~TiKltr~ .... '5'iftp 7 00a , 7 0d|> a i5ii . .... 11 I'iuoii . .... S30p 2 lOp “ Aiken S S0|i 3 40a 1 .» Nasbvllli’.T.ll'4«iL“l4'J.\|> ll'idp ,.... " ('h.illaimnffa 4 l-'ia U2d|> I I.Vv ..... KiiMxvllle,.,;,S'J.\a OV'p lS45a ..... " Ilet8|>rlhgs.tl 4ilil I2'j;lii 11411a Ar A'lcivilie ... I Iftgi 1 ll'.ia 1 15g> ..... 1 ,T Asliovilhi .. I 4fi|i 144a 1 4Ap " llallshiiry... 8 I5g lU 47a U3U|> 710a Hu Two Dnilv VcsIll'iOed S' Altrsctlv svlicdulc* helwreo riJ-l'lTV •YTOIV.Xt, Vksmtiii'. :i:3k:ud, ittaciz, jBXtsirtiTTa. IIW ORUANS.iyiACOK MEMPHIS, MQHTCOMEMi CHATTAKnnCA, HASHVH.lE, AUGUSTA, TEXAS, MEXICO, CALIFORNIA. TIX-IO TSX/v'l^r X.XIWM lad Priueiirl llmiiclie* iii vrfse ibe I'anowi FRUIT BELT ef Vlr*liiia, llie Csmllt,'* aud Ororito. For TlckrH, Map*, I'eldn'. or descrlpllv* mi» Icr. etc., npl'ly lo any Agcol of Ibe Oeaboard Alt Line, ormooreat T. 4. ANDERSON. Gts'i Paaa a Aar., FORToMOOTU, 7A. b 8T. JOHN. V. E. H, % S. QLOVEI, vTlN-Ina5C«1lcr. ta'llr»a tnStX^ "•1 Uniclah .... 3 40|> HKhl 3 40p .. .. YVlnslini-8'm 5'JOgi lOllOa f 20p (Iri'-n-ilniro. 9 62p 12 Iftp Id44p 8 50a I)aiiYlMe....U2.'lp 1 ftOp I'J lOii a 40|i I fls« ,v l.yiieMniru 3 40|i “ (Pisrl'lc'v'i* .... 63A(i '• Al«'»niid-la aOip Ar Wnshlnglcli .... 0 25p plesi ei'illon. i; 17a Mt.KKCIXO CAh SKIIVICK. Mo,. 37 *nil :k. WiwlilasO i nml Soiithwn’Inra s-.cl'l V.'.lllnilml irnin hniw-nh Sew V-ra aVil Atl'ifiin. O'lnc-wMl "f Prnwlnv a-joni er.ri-'in, I'nr, milnmiani Cnitiipp Mie nn 7*nii'n. leiulherit linkwny IHnIhS Cat hetweaR 0'ee,"l»i,n» an-I a'*nU'»in"ty. I|.4 31 line :m, 1>,ii-o siale. Kail Mill. l‘iillio(U •■eiiliiv Cat' twlween Sew Yeitk, Wanhiliirl'ix, M 'll 'fim'ii'imirv niid Sow (Vknh>, S'"w V "r» oad ,11,1 ciiRfiolie mill Aiikn«l«. snIDiMiry with Ni,rf.iS'ainl ( ■nnllan,n4a I ilin Tehiie"i'e ('/•nt>'nhlal ErpM-moii ,'. nii-egiiMR (;ntH Wo*lilnv("n In |;^,^omlae» "• nni'iteiinnao nne« a w*>ek, l.-avlnir Woalilaatun Siein loik ntilvh" "n l-‘rsii''l-i-‘' IlmrP’U".. '•,« iV Mini IS. a'Kr"lk Hii'l • haUiiK'.MVR I.lmliwl. pe,,. p..|, S'Vfolk sil'l l'llntlnn-'ea, iUt.nsah oellna, nt|"1oh. Ilreenkleifi,, aali-l*n*'t, A,lie'Ille, )lol an( KnMivnia, c,iim,iin^Drawknuoa 'he'i|h 7l'ki'ift nn ,ai* M firlm li'k'l aiotlon' to all I’diit*. r"r riil'-e nr iBloriiiall'ia apply lo aoy o^ni nrih" Company. V'. II. URkks, iMMieiai KiitH-rlnte*ilent, *. W. C'lJ'i (rVmc Ma'iiaitar, l»ii l-a A»e., ■ailoD.p.fl (Ntwiva Culerpriv.'.) V / btilllnd I

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