! CASTLES IN SPAIN. 1 How fair fbey rise Tbs perfumed breeze Trom hyaciuthiue meadow-ground that Comes through the branches of fruit-laden lies trees. ^Vithin the shade. And .song of bird, By snow-capped heights of wild sierras Flute-like and mellow, from the copse is made I heard. How gloaming white Those battlements beneath the morning light! How marbles show Their brilliancy against the eternal snow I How roof and spire Are daily Jndled to a flashing fire, And over all Folds of silken banner rise and fall! The court below Is moated with a stream of gentle flovr. Whose crystal face ' Eeduplicates the beauty of the place. With soothing sound Cool fountains scatter jewels all around, In flashing spiny The rainbow bends its arcTi above our way. We enter there With bosom friends we bid our joys to share; W'e rest at ease; We go again at any time we please. From mortal eyes Were veiled the glories bright of Paradise, Yet there remain These glorious castles all our own—in Spain. —New York Home Journal. ◄ THE GRAY STEER. Tivelve humlred feet bigli is the sun-dial of tlie Lazy J Ranch and nearly as broad—that cliff of divers hues which stands out from, the wall of the canon of the Grand river. The opposite preci])ice serves the )S'S as gnoraoii pr_ index to,the dlav,". . ■I;s~’siiadow sweeps over the stupendous, variegated face and marks the course of the sun through a sky that is always un clouded. A ledge of porphyry, fifty feet deep, crowns the dial; often it looks like a strip of pink ribbon to the men below by the stream. But it ■was a glorioits coronal, kindling in the first rays from the east, when Holden hailed it with uplifted eye and hand as he quirted his horse through the bai'way of the corral. “Sunup!” cried Holden, the young foreman, filled with the joy of the morning. He is the son of the presi dent of the cattle company; he had come straight from’college to the cow- camj), and the old stroke of the ’var sity eight-set a hot pace in saddle for the Lazy J riders. He rode that morning a big-boned. Roman-nosed, blue-roan “outlaw”—a horse pronounced irreclaimable by the boys; he had tied a bucking roll across the shoulders of his saddle to supplement the grip of his knees, and on top of that lay the big, loose coil of his fifty-foot cable line, for he w'as still young enough to disdain a lariat of lesser length and caliber. Behind Holden Navajo Jim lifted a light left foot to the stirrup; then his spurred right tripped clinking to the evasive dance of his young horse, and he slipped,inimitably into his saddle. To its right shoulder hung the trim coiled ring of his rope of braided raw- hide, which, to that of the foreman, •was as steel to iron and would hold anything on hoofs. Foreman and follower struck out through the greasewood over ground without grass; the grazing range lay high on the mesa, fenced by the lofuy -the caxioh. Its seemingly in accessible height Avas scaled by the sure-footed, agile range cattle at a break in the ^ porphyry ledge not far up the canon,’ and presently they took to the dizzy trail. With slack cinches the blowing horses clawed up the loose footing at the top of the break and moved out on a nav]-ow projecting tongue of the mesa. Still higher the mesa broad ened and was set Avith squat cedars and pinons. Here the riders saAv cat tle already cheAving their cuds in the shade. “We’re too Ioav doAvn. There’s nothing here, ” said the young fore man, liis eyes roving over the stock. “It’s beef I’m after. I’ve got to get a train-road off by the first and not a luindred steers gathered yet!” “Quaking-asp putty good place for steer noAv,” said Navajo Jim. “Water sweet there and stampin’- ground close. ” “i’es, IkuoAv,” Holden returned, imimtiently. “The boys started twenty head doAA'ii yesterday and had them pointed for the corral, Avhen that blamSd gray steer scattered the bunch, and they broke back for the hills.” “That gray steer like bull elk. Bet ter corral him Avith si.x-shooter,” said Jim. “One steer not much Avorth,” “Six-shooter nothiugl What’s our ropes for?*’cried Holden. “That big grizzly brute Avill fetch up a whole carload to the top notch in the stock- pens. He goes on hoof to Omaha. I told the boys I’d give a $50-doliar saddle to the first man that ‘tAvined’ him and stayed Avith him.” “I already got putty good saddle, fc3Ir. Holden/’ saicL^iit,. itlu- a-grin».- - year old n'OAv, Horns so long ;iirough horse. ” ^Vell, beef’s up in the air; horses are doAvn, ” returne(I the foreman, “Quirt up, Jim. We’ll strike up higher.” On the loftier grazing-ground they found the cattle-still at feed. Through thickening hosts of deer-flies and horse-flies their horses strained up the steep oakbi-nsh slopes. In banded resistance to like AAuuged attacks, the cattle of the higher range Avere begin ning to “bunch” on each open stamp ing-ground. ToAvard these trampled circles the scattered steers Avere one by one making their Avay. “The boys can run in all these steers tomorrow,” said Holden. “You and I, Jim, are going to tAvine that gray steer today.” “He got big scare yesterday; too sharp to show rip on stampin’-grouiid today,” Jim suggested. “Like enough,” Holden assented, “but Ave’ll rustle him out. The boys lost him late yesterday in the long quaking-asp patch in that gulch up there, just beloAv the rim-rock. ” He pointed to the rini-rock of the spruce ridge, rising yet loftily above them Avith innumerable aspen gulche’s and brushy slopes draining down into the side canons. Quickening their horses, they pres ently rode into the green gloom of the gulch, Avhere the .o,u?’ ‘:ig-aspeus ifere' mighty hootprints dinted 'deep the mud and the sodden trails. “Dere his track, fresh,” said Jim, stooping from his saddle over a print like a post-hole. “He lie close, some- Avhere. ” “We’ll put him up,” said Holden, confidently; “and once he shows,stay with him, Jim.” “You bet I stay!” said Jim, simply. They threaded the Avinding thicket on separate trails and met near its head Avithout a sight of the graj^steer. “It’s no use looking for him doAvn in here,” said Holden. “He’s gone up higher. Let’s try in the spruce beloAv the rim-rock.” He led the Avay upAvara along tlie steep, brushy side of the gulch until, stopped by the rim-rock, they sat in their saddles and looked down and back in disappointment. Below them the gulch enclosed the fastness of the deer, a space darkened to twilight by a growth of young spruce and aspen saplings. “Maybe he doAvn in those,” said Jim, Avith a drop alike of voice and hand. “Hide hisself in daytime like blacktail buck.” “But we can’t get into that ‘pocket’ on horses,” Holden replied loudly, in vexation. “Wait! I’ll try for him!” As he spoke he dismounted to act on a boyish inspiration. He had noticed a big block fallen from the rim-rock and lying tilted up on the slope. With mighty heaAung he overturned it, and down the slope it crashed in smashing leaps through the brush and SAvayiug timber to the very heart of the spruce thicket. Snorts came up from beloAv; Holden marked the course of startled, hurry ing creatures by the lines of swaying lops furi'OAving tile still, green sur face, and three graud bucks sprang out,their horns shoAving bvoAvn in the velvet as they topped the lower brush; but a bearer of mightier horns Avas breaking through the pliant young trees, and a glimpse of a grizzly hide Avas exultantly caught by the young foreman. “Ah, he shoAv up noAv!” shouted NaA'^ajo Jim, erect in the stirrups, as the great steer came out beloAV. Bred from the finest of the Lazy J stock, he Avould have Aveighed near 2000 pounds; but such speed and bot tom Avere his “rustling” on that rough range that the big body rose over the brush Avith the Avild grace of a buck, and Avith dper-like ease his^frontlet, black and - tlireateulug, Avas throAvn back over his grizzly shoulder as he stopx)ed and eyed his hunters for an instant. One defiant shake of his per fect horns, then he raced oiiAvard,and only bending, brush marked his path. Holden Avas already galloping after him, smashing the undergroAvth in a straight course doAvn the slope to in tercept him beloAv, shouting as he ran. Jim, with Indian circumspection, ran his horse in an easiey descent along the slope, keeping his eyes on the swaying brush beneath and Availing for an opportunity of closing in more open ground. Now Holden’s horse, the blue out law, shoAved once more bis si)irit and brought Holden close behind the game. Navajo Jim emerged from the thicket to see the young foreman fii full career, SAvinging his big rope, Avhile the haltered head of the horse and the huge-horned frontlet of the steer reached out in an even race across .the little open ^pace beyorj/’.., ■' tii’e'iooplif Hbldeh’s cable liJ fairly OA'er the widespread horns; but his hand was hardly quick enough in closing it. While it hung slack the steer leaped Avitli both front legs through it, and then Holden’s tardy jerk brought it tight around the grizzly flanks. The beast belloAved as the plunge of hi& great gray body drcAv the turn of the rope sAviftly from the saddle- horn. Vainly Holden tried to stay it. Recklessly he threAv the slack end in a hitch around the steel horn and clapping his hand OA-er it braced his horse for the shock. With forelegs outplanted and quar ters lowered, the stubborn blue out- laAv stanchly set himself to the tight ening rope. For an instant he was jerked along, stiff-legged, then over they Avent, dragged doAvu, fierce horse and reckless roller. Clearing his legs, hanging at the side of his struggling horse, Holden still held the saddle-horn with poAver- fui grasp. Another baAvl, a plunge that no cinches could Avithstand—and, lo, the sacldle Avas stri2)ped from the outlaAv and jerked high and far from Holden’s hau.d! - « Navajo Jim checked his horse, but “On!” roared the young foreman, and on the obedient Indian spurred after the wild steer and the hying saddle. The great steer seemed scarcely to feel the 50-pound drag of the bump ing saddle. Y'et it tightened the rope about loin and flanks, and by making it harder for him to breathe so lessened his speed that Jim easily kept him in sight. Through yielding brush and swaying thicket, through bunches of frightened cattle that split to let him. pass and came stringing after,bucking and baAvling in sympathy, the brute plunged on. Each bawling bunch in turn was distanced. The brushy slopes broke aAvay. As the mesa, sjjrinkled Avith piuous, began to offer to Jim smooth spaces for handling his horse, he un buckled the strap that held the coil of his rope, but still, as every leap of the steer took him the nearer to the corral, the wise Indian only held the rawhide ringed ready in his hand. LoAvn the rapidly narroAving fejiigne of the mesa—the mesa Avhich tipped precipitously out into the river-gorge and Avaa bounded on either side by an abyss—the trapped steer sped. He must soon be at a standstill or at tempt to return on his tracks. The Indian’s eyes had already kin dled Avith anticipation of triumph, Avhen at the last of the pinons the bumping Vaugiii lasT^ b^we- •• }5rojeeting roots. It scarcely checkea the steer! Holden’s cable tore loose from the saddle-horn, and its slack ened iooi^ Avas speedily kicked from the steer’s high-plunging haunches. Once more the great gray brute Avas free. “Ah, he on the push noAv!” said Jim and looked to his loop as the steer reA'ersed his big body, gave a high, Avritbing leap, over the spurned rojje, confronted the herder Avith the threat ening crescent of his sharp horns and plunged forward to the combat. The Navajo lifted his horse aside Avitli the spurs, swung the loop open in his right hand and rose, half turned in the stirrups, in a quick underthrow for the front hoofs of the steer as he lunged by. Jim’s eyes saw, for an instant, low ered horns and uplifted hoofs mingled together, and his throAV Avas true. But so quick was the play of the ponder ous feet that the loop caught one fore leg only and passed over the face and hung across the horns. The loop, draAvn tight by the roper’s instantaneous jerk andkeptfrom slack ening by his nimble horse,bound horn and hoof together. Noav the steer Avas in sad plight. With head drawn sidewise, Avith tongue lolling from open jaws, bellowing, he surged on thi'ee legs, but bis spirit was un broken. The roper sloAA-^ed his horse to the strain. From horn to cantle the sad dle creaked as, trampling and tugging in a wild, Avide Avaltz, straining horse and hauling steer made the mad cii’- cuit of the precipices. The Navajo, active in the saddle with rein, spur and rope, Avas, in spite of all b.i« effort^, dragged- pa&t •i-Lg~ break Avhere the trail ran doAvn the s’ope. His horse, ahvay's straining desperately, was tugged on and on until he circled along the perilous l)0)’phyry brink, and Jim glanced longingly from the saddle on the coV riil, seemingly almost directly beneatfi him, its great square shrunk to the measure of his saddle-blanket. ’ Holden,pounding doAvn bareback on the blue roan, bad stopped to gather ujj his rope, but noAv Jim heard his encouraging shout. The quickened tramj) of his rushing horse, the Avhivr- iugof'liis big rope as he SAvung it aloft, sounded close at hand, and the SAveating roper relaxed his strain. The steer, alert to the slack, jerked his hoof from the loop. Heedless of the cutting rope, instantly tightened across face and frontlet, his stately head Avas lifted, and he stood, wild eyed, quivering, cornered, caught but not conquered. He Avas on four legs again. Conquered? Never! With resistless ijull on the rope, he Avheeled and broke for escape across the cliff that rises, red-banded, above the cor ral. “Stay with him, Jim!” roared the' young foreman, swinging his rope, sure the steer Avould stop at the edge. Stay Avith him? It meant death sirrely. Already under the plunging front hoofs of the desperate rebel the IJorphyry rim crumbled. Jim’s obedi ence did not falter, although he Avas fairly staring doAvn on the corral. How Avould tlie falling feel? The Indian had a swift picture of it —the steer loAvest in the air on the taut lariat, horse and man whirling after—but Navajo Jim set hU savage jaAvs. No forem'an should dare him to_stay Avitb a 1^9-5?'''' + hot look on the faces of Avliite rojiers sneering. He was hired body and soul—he Avas obedient—he avouIcI stay. Holden, for this mad second,watched incredulously. The steer Ai'oald not go over—surely not. What? Straight on! And Jim! Was the man also crazy? Then the Navajo haard once more his master’s voice. “For God’s sake, Jim—let go! .0 heavens!” Jim obeyed. He flung- loo.se the rope, but on his horse stag,; n-ed. And the black length of the larbii Avas still Avhipping out Avith the defl.iui;- horned head that pitched off into ^paco when the agile horse saved himr. df and his rider on the very brivik. Holden dropped his use less roj)e as the Navajo, skimming lie jjorphyry edge like a sAvalloAV, ro le back and stared into the eyes of the white man. “He was brave, that steer,” said Jim,Avith a queer choke in his throat. “He saved himself from the stock- pens.” Holden held out Lis hand and grasi^ed the Indian-’s. “You beat my time, Jim,” Avas ail he .‘'uid, but soiiie- thing in the tone call -d a ne\v pride into the Navajo’s ste-.i face.—Frank Oakling, in Youth’s (.'enupanion. To Atlanta,JCharl(tfe,iueuaa,Athen.s, tl'lU mingtoD, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nash ville. New Yoik, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Norfoll. and Biehmond. Schedule in effect May 9,1898. SOUOHBOUND. No. 403 No 41 Lv. New York, Penn. R.E. *11 Otiam *9 00pm Philadelphia " i I2pm 12 Ooam Baltimore “ S 15pm 2 50am Washington '* 4 40pm 4 80am Elchmond, A, 13. L. 8 66pm fl Ooan? Lv, Norfolk, S. A. Portsmouth, ‘ L. ”'8 30pm 8 46pm •9 05am 9 20am Lv. "Weldon, •* Af. Henderson, •11 28pm •!! 65am *12 56am *1 48pm Ar. Durham, ‘ Lv. Durham, • +7 32am j-4 16pm t7 00pm fio 19am Ar. Raleigh, ‘ Sanford, • Southem Pines, ‘ , Hamlet, ‘ ■Wadesboro, '' Monroe. '■ Ar. 'Wilmingtor *' *2 16am 3 83am 4 23am 6 07am 5 53am 6 43am •8 40pm 6 05pm 6 68pm 6 66pm 8 10pm 9 J2pm •12 05pm Ar. Charlotte-. Greenwo. . Abbeville, Elberton, Atljens, ■finder, Atlanta, (Centre. i0 9“ . 1; '''dam . 07 pm 113pm 1 56pm *') 2 Mpm 1 Oram 1 35am 2 41am 3 43am 4 28am 6 20am •; • Konx Lv. AHanta(Cen tiin)'b "Winder, “ Athens, “ Elberton, Abbeville, “ Greenwood, “ Clinton, ** UND. ■ -..•12 OOn’n *7 60pm 2 40pm 10 40pm 3 13pm 11 lOom 4 15pm Siam 6 l5pm 1 35am 5 41pm 2 03am •6 80pm •2 66am Ar. Columbia, C. N. R.. .., •7 46am Lv. Chester, 8. A. L. *8 13pm *4 25am Ar. Charlotte, “ •10 25pm •7 50adi Lv. Monroe, “ Hamlet, “ •9 40pm *11 15pm •6 05am 8 00am Ar. 'Wilmington, “ *12 05pm Lv. Southern Pines, “ Eaieigh, “ Ar. Henderson, “ *iv00am *9 00am *2 16am H 25am 3 28am *12 57pm Ar. Durham, “ Lv. Durham, “ |7 82am f7 COpm f4 ICpm jlO 19am Ar. Weldon, “ *4 55am Richmond, A. C. L. t.^Oam Washington, Penn.ftS -i'iUpm Baltimore, “ -V.,i6pm Philadelphia, “ '’r'sopm New York, “ , i23nm *2 46pm! 7 S5pm “ite 4ie Ar. Portsmouth, 8. A. Norfolk, “ It. ■■.■25am - 85am 6 20pm •6 Sipm ♦Bally, finally, except Svuday. Nos. 403 and 402,-~‘.‘The Atlanta Special, SoU(^VeBtibuled of Pyiman Sleepers and Ooaehes hetweCn Wp- ta, also Pullman Slee;^ mouth and Chester, S. C. No's. 41 and 38.—“Th- :' Sol^ Train, Coaches and . between Portsmouth ftnd ' Slee'pers between Colum' Both trains make Im^ ^ at Atlanta for Mon|gomer leans, Texas, California. T".- ga,.Nas^ille. Ms For tickets, sh ffewland, Gen; ' House, Atlanta. Pas-grAgtr-etrarrv ’ton and Atlan- fsen Ports- . Express,” ^an Sleepers a, Cdt^pany A .anta. •; nh^otion \ i^ew Or- ;.-htanoo> ‘ - dorida. to I?. ■E.-SI. Jbhn, Tie' H. W. B. Glover. V. E. McBee. Geu. T. J. Anderson, G. Oeneraf Offices, Norfolk & Caro ; B.E. OOTOENSED SCH S0LB. titli pAted AuN. * ' T. •a ?. u. No. tloa 290 840 Lv.Norfol' .t “JOe 10 99 940 om Plnne^’f >48 10 16 *« 08 994 ....Drive..-^ 11 042 8 91 940 ....Suffolk..., -90 966 405 1017 .... Gates ., V. , 844 428 10 86 ....-Tualfl .... 4 1 828 44« 10 68 ...Ahoskay... Ifl 8 04 600 U 18 ...AulandM... 844 T4i 540 ...Hobffooa.. 8M TM a Ar.TarborSBV - 2 68 10 &5 1849 Ar.B’okyMtLv 195 “Ti? g.M. r.M. AM. fBafly, ^rSuiday. Traine Noa. if and 48 solid tralai botweM fluner’s Point and WllminetcDi. TfUth Ndf If fimneots at Eooky Uouht M fdl lllpmntB South andMo. Ti tra(nl6r Ufi^intii North. Q M BEBPSLL, S B KXNLT, Qenoni Manager. Supt. Tnaa. T. M. EMBBSON, Pasgeag)r AgeaiV INSURE Your property in tl ^ following Strong and Prompt Ivoss-Pay- ing CompaniLi.. ROYAL - - - - Av, $67,000,000 Of LiverpocL -IrrC. IIOhiL, Of Raleigh, DE3.AWARE, - - ** 2,000,OOG Of Philadelphia, GERMAN-AMERICAN, • • " 7,000,000 Of New York. NO‘RTH AMERtC.., **10,000,00c Of Philadelphia. LA5^CASHIRE, - - ' “15,000,OOG Manchester, Eng. UNDERWRITERS A. TY “9,000,000 Of New York. WESTCHESTER - ‘ 2,000,000 Of New York. QUEEN ... * “10,000,000 Of America. MAGDBURG, - . - “ “ 6,000,OOG Of Germany. LONDON & LANCASTER “16,000,006 Of Liverpool, Eng. and TRAVELERS’ OF HARTFORD, LarYest, Oldest and Be?'. ACCIDENT Company in the world, KEPRESENTEr BY Walker Taylor Fetjt of Princfss St WiLMIfieTON& WELDON R.R. AND BRANCHES, AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Condensed Schedule Dated May 15, 189i TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11 60 pm, 9 43 pm. Arrive Rocky Mount 12 65 pm, 10 86 pm. Leave Tarboro 12 29 pm, 6 OO p m. Leave Eooky Mount 1 00 pm, 10 38 pm. 6 46 pm, 6 40 am, 12 67 pm. Leave Wilson 1 68 pm, 1113 pm. 7 19 pm. 622 am, 2 20 pm. Leave Selma 2 60 pm, H 68 pm. Leave Fayetteville 4 26 pm, 1 07 pm. Arrive Florence 7 26 pm, 8 15 pm. Arrive Goldsboro 8 00 pm. Leave Goldsboro 7 01 am, 3 05 pm. Leave Magnolia 8 05 am, 4 12 ppi. Arrive Wilmington 9 80 am, 5 40 pm. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence 8 46 am. 8 35 pm. Leave Fayetteville H 10 am, 10 35 pm. Leave Selma 12 85 am, 11 44 pm. Arrive Wilson 117 am, 12 19 pm. Leave Wilmington 716 pm, 9 85 am. Leave Magnolia 8 65 pm, 11 01 am. Leave Goldsboro 5 00 am, 10 10 pm, 12 03 am. Leave 'Wilson 117 pm, 6 S3 am. 1219 am. 1116 pm, 12 49 pm. Arrive Eocky Mount 2 12 pm, 6 15 am. 12 67 am, 11 67 pm, 1 SO pm. Arrive Tarboro 6 45 am. Leave Tarboro 12 29 pm. Leave Bdbky Mount 2 12 pm, 12 67 am. ^ -• !ve Weldon 8 25 pm,_ .iU Oil Ibe'Scotland Ne”k Branch Eoad - ,es 'VY®ldon 4 16 pm, Halifax 4 30 pm, -.yes Scotland Neck 6 20 pm, Greenville 6 67 pm, Kinston? 65 pin. Eeturniiigltevea ton 7 60 ada. GreOnville. 8 62 arifttUB Halifax 1118 am, lYoldon 11 83 dm, dhily ex cept Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington 8 20 am and 2 80 pm, arrive Pa'riuele 910 am and 4 00 pm, returning leaY^- Pirmele 9 85 am and 6 80 pm, arrive “^alhingtOn 1160 arr. and 7 20 pm, daily except Sunday, Trhlu lekvee Tarboro, N. C., dally except Sunday 6 80 pm, Sunday 4 15 'iU. aTrlvej Prymeuth 7 40 pm, 6 10 pm, Eeturuiagledvea Plymouth ^aiiy 6joept Sunday 7 Mkm, Sun day 9 00 am, arrives Tarbbfb 10 05 am and n DO ^m. T^n on Midland N. 0. Branch leaves Goldsboro, dally exceptflunday, 7 10 ard, ar riving Smithfleld 8 30 am’. Returning leaves Smithfleld 9 00 am, arrives at Goldsboro 10 25 am. Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 4 SO pm', arrive Nashville 6 On p&, Spring Hope 6 30 pm. Returning leave Spring Hope 8 60 am. Nashville o 3^ uii, ar rive at Eooky Mount 9 05 am, daily except Sunday. Tfain on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 8 10 a m and 4 16 pm, EetuPning leaves Clinton at 7 00 am and 10 00 a m. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for ail points North dally, all rail via Elchmond, H. M. EMERSON, Oen’J !?m8. Agent. J. B. KENLY, Oen’l T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, GAPE FEAR & YADKIN YALLET RT- John Gill, Receiver. OONI^RNSRU SCHSDULR. IN EFfECTW^ aaTH, 898. I-Torth Ipound. No. 2. Dally. Ly. Wilmihitph 7 45 a m Ah Fdye||evilin. .V.’.... 10 65am LY. PayetteVlUe—Q.-.' ...UOSam ^y. FayetieviUe Jufitftlon 1112 a m ty.Sanford..' b-j .;-- .. XiV; Climax....-..,.7';...A.,..Vo,. I pm Ar, Gr6ehiboro...i'.. 3 00 p m Lv. (jlreeiisboro V 310pm Lv, Stpi^dale '868 pm Lv. Walnut Cove...;;,'... ..,1... 4 29 pm Ly. Rujal Hall...; 4 57 p m Ar. 1^. Mfy 025pm i^tnfehUnd. No. 1, Dally. Lv, aft. Ai^ 8 40 a m Lv. Rural Hull 10 04 a m Lv. Walnut Gove. lO 33 a m L'y. Stokeedale 11 06 a m Af. ^reehsbqro.....; 11 56 a m Ly, Gfeehsboro....; 1213 p m Lv. QUmax 12 43 p m Lt. Ihnfoifd ‘...r... . 236pm Tay^ttO'vUIe Junction 3 60 p m A#. %yf3ttvUtc 3,63 p m Lv. FayetteyiUfl 4 05pm Ar. ’yilj^gtog 7 10 p m Nortjj^Bound- No, 4, Daily.' Lv. Hennettsviile 8 00 am Ar. Maxton 903 a m LT. Mukton 91)7am L'y. Red Springs 9 35 a m L^. Hope Mills 10 20 am A'f. .^I'p-vetteville. 10 40 a m SoUth Bound. No. 3, Daily. Lv. F^yetwville. 4 83 p m Lv, Hope Mills..., 452 pm Lv. Bed Springs 6 35 pm Ar, Maxtoh 0 09 p m Lv. Maxton ; 6 15 p in Ar. Benhettsville 7 15 p m North jgoun'd. No. 16|| Lv. Eamseiir 6 40 am Lv. Climax 8 30 a m Ar. Greensboro 9 17 a m LV. Greensboro 9 35 a m Lv, Stokesdale 11 07 a m Ar Madison U 65 a m So^h Bound j No. 15(1 Lv. Madison 12 SO p m Lv. Stokesdale '.116pm Ar, Greensboro 2 30pm Lv. Greensboro 8 00pm Lv. Climax 3 50 pm Ar. Bamseyr 5 30pm il M^xed Dally except Sundayl" CONNECTIONS. At Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bow- more Railroad at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Lido, at Gulf with the Durham and TViilroad, at Greensboro with liOOiaern hauway, ai WalnuL Covu-rrith, Nor folk A'Western Railway. J. W. Fbi, W. E. Kile, Gen. Mgr. Gon. Pass. Aat ,4 TLANITC AND NORTH CAROLINA A. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. In Effect Sunday, November 18, 1894. Going East. No. 3. Pas. il’ly Ex. Sun. Ar. Lv. pm pm STATIONS. Going "West. No. 4. Pas. d’iy Ex, Sun. Ar. Lv. am am 3 20 .. ....Goldsboro.... .. 11 00 .... 4 25 4 80 .. .. 9 38 9 43 6 60 6 58 .. .. ..Newbern .. 8 07 8 20 7 28 7 33 .. . .Morehead City.. .. 6 82 6 37 p m p m am am Train 4 connects with Wilmington & Wel- Jou train bound north, leaving Goldsboro at 11:35 a. m.,and with Richmond & Dan- viUo train west, leaving Goldsboro at 2 p. m., anti with Wilmincton, Newbern & Norfoikat Mewberu for 'Wilmington and intermediate poialfi. Train 3 connects with Richmond & Dan ville train, arriving at Goldsboro 3 p. Ei.,and with Wilmington & Weldon train from thi. ,^onh at S;Co p, m. No 1 train also connecW witlj Wilmington. Newborn and Norfolk for Wilmington and Intermediate points. 8. L. DiLL, OO Superintendent. Southern Railway THIRD DIVISION. In effect May 2, 1897. This Condensed Schedule Is published luformation only and Is' subject to oh&o^ irlthout notice to the public. BlilSBUBT, ASHEVILLE, ''EOT BPEINOi AHf KNOXVILLE. Nos.37 Nos.85,9 Eastern Nas.lS.KQf.16l All. &15. Time. A 88,10AM Daily. Daily, Dally. ] P.M. A.M. A.M. 10 48 1115 Lv..Washington..Ar 6 42 200 12 00 Lv...Richmond...Ar 6 00 • 60 lj6 20 Lv—DanviU©....Arl2 00 «« T 05 7 87 Lv..Greensboro...irlO44 Xli .... 9 26 Lv....Norfo^....j^ .'... [Central Tlme.l 8 05 7 56 Lv.. .Salisbury. ...Ar 6 ^ 920 .... Lv....Cleveland,..Ar 6 la -,4k 880 .... Lv....Elmwood...Ar 602 9 46 8 40 Lv... Statesville... Ar M* • *1 1007 .... Lv—Catawha....Ar 9 25 1015 .... Lv,..Claremont...Ar 5 18 10 26 9 16 Lv—Newton ..Ar 8 03 1030 .... Lv....Conover....Ar 6 08 ,,\i. 10 47 9 30 Lv Hickory....Ar 4 60 49| 1106 19 46 Lv. Connelly Spgs-.Ar 4 30 14 Of 1128 10 02 Lv.. .Morgantoa..,Ar 4 11 841 1140 .... Lv..GienAlplne...Ar 4 00 ..Tv 1160 .... Lv..Bridgewater..Ar 9 61 ,,,L 12 12 flO 35 Lv Marion Ar 8 82 IS 18 12 88 fl0 63 Lv....01dFort....Ar 8 09 aOf B12 50 .... Ar..RoundKnob..Lv[i2 56 11 10 .... Lv. .Ronu'i Kl ■’ • \.r]:2 35 1 »5ni 37 LvBlatk Mounu r 2 08 "ttif 167 .... Lv...Swannanoa.. r 1 67 2 id 12 W Lv—Blltmoro....i;. 1 W l|i 226 1212 Ar.-...Asheville....Lv 125 ' Fourth Division. "" 8 62 fl 29 Ar. .Hot Springs. .Lvll 48 fl9 4 66 12 20 “ .... Newport.... ArlO 42 lU M 6 6S 8 00 “ . .Morristown.. .Lv 9 60 10 U 720 400 “ ...Knoxville.... ”118 25 9» 1135 7 40 ” ..Chattanooga.. ”415 P.M. AM. A.M. F,£ DMeal Station. Trains Nos. 11 and IS, dally, carry Pullman flf3 102 Oars between Jacksonville, Savannah, oja. Asheviiie and Cincinnati via S’. 0. & P., bia Hartlman and Q. & c. Also Fallmaa uninil jMOin Sleeping Cars between Hpt Springs,AsM'nUS Washington &d New York in 'ooftheotloa WlUi Washington and Southwestern LlmlMd. > Trains Nos. 15 and 16.—Norfolk and OhattaooOf a I4imted. Pullman Cars Raleigh and AfHEVILLB, BPABTANBUBO, OHABLE3ION, .d Ohattaoooia ChattittoogaL Ko,10 No. 14 Eastern 'No.BNo.li Dally.Dailv. Time. Daily.Dfllr. P. M, , A. M. P. M. P. M, iQ5 7 20 Lv ,,..Asheville,.., Arl45 [Central Time.] 8 65 8 20 “ .....Asheville..., . “ 2 46 7 00 rEastern Tlme.l 815 8 28 “ . ...Biltmore...., . “ 286 963 8 35 8 60 “ . “ 212 iai 8 41 '9 00 “ ....Fletchers... . “ 2 05 929 f910 “ Hillgirt " .... 18l» 4 00 9 18 “ .Hendersonville. 146 9 66 4 08 9 26 “ —Flat Bock.,. , “ 1 35 5 67 4 27 9 48 “ . “ 1 15 5 89 4 45 10 08 “ . “ 12 58 5 id 6 00 10 20 “ . “ 12 42 5 OQ 6 09 10 29 « ....Landrum..., . “ 12 39 440 10 41 “ . ..Campobeila.. .“12 20 4 26 fS 36 10 57 “ ‘‘mOS 408 6 05 11 28 Ar. ,.. Spartanburg.. Lvll 45 8 88 $20 11 45 Lv .. .Spartanburg. .Aril 25 810 12 14 “ “fl0 64 2 87 fl 58 12 26 ... Jonesvilla..,. “fl0 89 2 98 “III 1112 46 Ar, LV10 20 ,909 106 Lv .Ar .... |U4i 17 46 125 “ . “110 04 196 «64 1 36 “ “ 19 68 lii 8I>8 2 45 “ 6 83 8 35 Ar. ...Coiumblh-..,. Lt 8 ^ U W 8 00 “ , ...Charleston.... " •••• 6 00 .... . . .Savannah.... “1186 ..R 910 .... “ . ..Jacksonville.., “ 7 00 ..A. [Central Time.] A.M. P.M. r-M. Cba;:.i-.o.i and at sparMjiburg wUh-SecOn- ' i Train No. 12 from Atlanta aad^polhts S'o'ath. . No. u.—Doily, passenger. Connects at Spartaotou with Main Line Nos. 11 aid 87. Washmgtoii aa Soulhweateru Limited, for Atlanta, New Qiliu and Southwest: imd at Columbia with S. C. & ». pjj and Atlaptlo Coast Line tor Charleston. , Aa Noa, 9 Olid 10.—Dally, passenger, cehnsqt al C lun^bla with ¥, C. & t‘. Nos. 85 and 86 to and Cars between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, " • rhjiia THROUGH SCHEDULES (Southboun«l.J No U No 87 Nos85 No* Dally. Daily. ^16 Dall'jr, DaUy. Lv.Washlngton 10 43p 1115a 8 00% “Alexandria 1106p 1188a 8»i “ Charlottesv’e 1 56a 2 27p 12 “Lynchburg 3 40a 4 06p 2 itp “Danville jj6 05a 6 60a ||5 20p Ar.Greensboro. 7 32a 7 05a 7 87p 9 50a 8 6Qp 11 46a 7 10a “ Winstou-S’m 9 50a “ Raleigh 11 45a Salisbury... 9 37a 8 l7a 8 69p 8 “ Ashoyille.... 2 25p 2 26p ^2 t2a .'...v Lv.Asheville... 2 30p .2 30p 12 l7a Ar.Hot Springs 3 52p 3 62p 1 20U “Knoxville... 7 40p 7 40p 4 05a • "Ohattanoogail 35p 11 35p 7 40a “Nashville.... 6 45a 6 46a 160p lOentral Time.J , ■ THBOCGH SCHEDULES 5 No 12 Daily. XiV New Orleans .... [Central Time.] Lv Memphis... .... [Central Time.] LvlBirmingham .... [Central Time,] Lv Atlanta 7 60a [Central ri'n©-] Nos 36 &16 DaUy. 7 55a 6 25a 4 20p 11 60p No 8^ 'KdlO Daily. Dally. 7 60p 9 00p 5 65a 3 00n Lv Tampa “ St, Augustine “ Jacksonville Y Savannah. “ Augusta,... Aiken 7 00a 7 80p 6 25p 7 004 ..'dv 7 00p 815a.,;^fi ll86p 12 00n ,*\tv 9 30p 2 l$p ' " . . . . tf sop T “ Columbia [Blanding St. Sta.] Lv Charlotte... 6.40p [Central Time.] 6 34a 9 30a 5 20p 8S0p 6 40a Lv Nashville.. .11 20p 2op 11 20p “ Chattanooga 4 15a 6 20p 4 15a ...'ij, “ Knoxville...||8 25a 9 55p ||8 25aA ..... “ HotSpringS.il 46d i2'23ii •• ii ■ Ar Asheville ... 1 lop 188a 115p Lv Asheville .. 1 25p 144a 1 25p ..,.r “Salisbury... 8 15p 10 47a 9 86p 7 l&a [Central Time.] Lv Raleigh .... 3 40p “ Winston-S’m 6 20p 8 53a 10 30a “ Greensboro. 9 52p 12 lOp 10 44P YiK Ar Danville 11 25p 150p 12 lOh ■ ’ 7i Lv Lynchburg 3 40p 168a “ Charl’tesv’le .... 6 85p om Alexandria 9 02p om Ar IVashington .... 9 25p 6 4fia [Meal station. ‘ .!*' SLEEPING CAR SERVIQg, Nos. 87 and 88, Washington and'mt^w Limited. Solid Vestibulod train betwaen^wji and Atlanta. Composed of Pullman DraWin^jf Sleeping Cans (minimum Pullman rate 82.0m qc |ra fare). First-class Vestlbuleo Day Coach Mftr. Wluhingtoa and Atlanta. Through Sieehmg 04 hetween New York and New Orleans. 5TeW York B_, jlen\phle, New York, Asheville, Hot Springs. wle-, Chattanooga and Nashville and NeW Yowlm w&ipa. Southern Railway Dlnlag var betWf^ Greepsboro and Montgomery. ^si Noe. 85 and 36, United States Fast Mall. Pullaian Bleeping Oars between New York, Washlngtcm, A% lanta, Montgomery and New Orleans, N§w 'York find Jacksonville, and Charlotte and Angulo. Cuanh^ Uon at Salisbury with Norfolk and ChattflAeMf Limited fpr tije J-and of tho_Sly^_ tn h]' ^ t wlthout_cha^_e once ajweek. Leaving Wai Nashville and the T«anesaee Centennials Tourist Sleeping Cars 'Washington to San. via New Orleans and Southern PaeJ^ Saturdays, tyflving Sen Fraacisim Thursdays,; Nos. 15 and 16. Norfolk and CnattancogaLlmtl Between Norfolk and Chattanooga, through SSlnii Raleigh, Greerilhoro, Salisbury,- AshevRle, Springs ahd Knoxville. Pullman Drawing Bleeping Cars between Norfolk and Nashvifla, Through tickets on sale at principal rtatioAl to ffe points. For rates or Informatiea apply to 'an? agent of the Company, w. H. Gekbs, General Superinle W. A. Turk, General I J. M. CUJ.P, TraJ®** Manager, i8f tosrto&.D. a. (Net intendent.

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