STOCKS. (By Associated Press). N,.u vork, Sept. 5 (Wall -Street!) uient of the -threatened rail .', strike over the double holiday ;,n occasion . for a fresh; demoni viniii'in ol" speculative enthusiasm on ' lion of operations todayV NeW V:minus were reerded in . jinitea' si ol and Marines, with.trik-J Si:;"' in other favorites, including K- niunit'ons and independent copper. Hails were' slow -p-niilinfT to the high movement i,. j but came forward later. rw YORK STOCK LIST. All- i l in era . 24 : ..9 1- ,.6.1 1-S . .621-4 : .n 2-4 Ifll 28 100',, 103 1-2 112 . 86 14 487 ' '. lii." I .ML Beet Sugar ran 'in' i II ii ; H r.m n .iii a i and Foundry I Denmotive . . . . Smelting . . . . . Tel tic Tel . . '. A Wl:' ..iii'f! K 'in .i::t-'-.i!da Topper ,iilii'"ii il-.j,! i-' i 'oast Lino -. -r. . . . I ;., .!.-. ii. Locrmrtive . 7. . . p.:ijii!iitire tic Ohio ptiijeiieni Steel iV.ii.ul.iin Pacific .. . . . . 177 '. 00 1-2 . 022-4, ..18 1-4 . 137 lr4 . 78 1-2 37 169 1-4 117 . .8 8 119 7;ft 101' . .25 278 2.15 f Ii,-.ipeaivP iv yunt , .Mil. tir St. Palll . . . n. I. & Pacific Ry, i .,iii.l:tie.l Gas . . . . , il,!,. Steel . . . . . Kri- Crnril Kit" etrio Civ:'. I Northern pfd Ci'.-.i Northern Ore Cti's . . . Inter. .!erc.Mar. pfd. etfs. Illinois Central . . . . Kr.i! as City Southern IJs'M! X- AlVf 'S . l.rllanl Co. hid .. . . . . .. M:ix.vell Motors . . . 7 7. . . . Mtwu-aii Petroleum Missouri. Kansas tis Texas pfd Missouri Pacific National Lead New Vork Central N. Y X. H. & Hartford . Norfolk & JVestern Northern Paeifi ppnnsylvan Reading Rep. Iron & Steel Seabord Air Line Seaboard Air Line pfd. bid . . . Sloss. Shef Steel & Iron . . . Southern Pacific .... Southern Railway .... . . Sonthorn Railway Ftwlebaker Corporation . . i ennessee Copper Texas Co . . I'nhm Pacific I'liif-n Fruit I'niied States Rubber I'. S. Smelting Refining . . . . 84 1-2 109 7-8 i .. . . 4 . . .103 3-4 . 58 127 3-4 . 1 10 1-4 . .55 7-8 .104 2-4 .54 5-8 .15 1-4 97 1-2 .23 3-4 . .68 123 7-S .196 , 128 1-2 I .165 5-S ! . O J . 72 1-2 TOMORROW A Great Bluebird Photoplay Presenting THE VIVACIOUS SCREEN BEAUTY Louise Lovely In an Entrancing Six Reel Feature TheCrip of Jealousy' Adults 10c. Children5c. , . Some Sprinter Lr- 1 n 1 m J L -'ji - , ...j .. ,j 1 " ., - - . v ;- r -. ' -': - ,r.i . ;:- ; :; - . . . :.:..-". ,.!... . .. -. - - - -'v' -' !', I , , ,(cAfC.6lE ;tOAU.LLra 'ly - , I5NT HO(?rh (Clarice,!. . vWfe . ,:.J:i foail ' I I iy Assoplaied Bitrket oened steady, today ata de- cline otL one -point, .in Qctober, but generally jflye tonine pojats higherHens,.each..- 45 tQct0ibier;-Wp8 .relatively .easy-. at; . the ffvdtlle ,'Duk i:tart. Afters selling at ; 15:03 rallied to fQB - io i1.y&, or. -elevens points. aethiger, while January sold up to 1&22, with the gen - Feral llsfc showing net .gains of from 10 to 13 points shortly after ithe call. : - - . Open, - -J.H02, ;'-Oi?toberf... DfmhiBr 16.04 "JaAuaryi: 1,15 Marfli. 4-. i v- a65 Mfky. ..aij48 . . ' New ,iYf,rk SpnJS.9&., fWHminKtRU Cotton Charles fon Cotton J i 15 t-S HaVannah Cotton " -S-. U1VERPOOL C'OTTO N . r: ...f,' ; Open Close October pet Nov. .. .. .. ..9.61 ffil tJecemher .Tari.-t'ebi 9.57 9.55: 9.55 9.54 WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES Spirits 42 1-2. Ttosihf-$5.50 and 5.25. arrT-.?. and 11 cents. 'Crude $4.00, $4.00 and 1.3.00. Receipts. Cotton :rl .. Spirits - Rosin Tar Crude -.464 SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Spirits 42 3-4. Rosin ?5.75. CHICAGO. j Pork $26.90 j Wheat $1.53$1.52 5-8 I Oats " 49 1-2 i Corn 76 ! Ribs 14.30 j Lard 14.52 j i j j Stage of water in Cape Fear river t : Fayetteville. N. C. at 8 a. m. yester- j day, 4.5 feet. Wednesday. Sun rises . Sun sets . United States Steel . United States Steel pfd Virginia Caro. Chem. . Va. Iron Coal & Coke . Wabash pfd. B. . . . . . Western Union Westinghouse Electric. Q8 7-8 118 1-8 41 i2 26 3-8 -n 1 ,yi - ..50 1 . ! Kc nnecott Copper . i. Car Shortage Hits Kansas. ! Toneka. Kas.. Sept. 5. The annual i i t 1 . 1. Tr Ttin Car SIlunaK lias LI ui-n. nniiBan. , 111c finA thrpshine weather of the last ! few days has filled the elevators in all parts of the State and the farmers 1 fii mnu v, th,ooh. ililVrf tllt:il uuia nil, niui lui ing machine still pounding out the grain as rapidly as fiossible. The first, Jamiflrv. Mnrnh-AnriV A fi?; G ?Li Openteadylose. quiet. MidditSg, eention Will complete Its iwork oart wzlnJtosnsM hour day .bill j S.71 -Sales, 5,000; receipts. '5.000; . ... f-OPUW; a. candidate for United ".t represented h,s burning con- i - - -V ; -aritord. c6nn.k,Sept,l5 R3P;ublicanf? vlctloa o a liffi tlra?- I complaints of an inability to get cars jP'e hours. have just come .''to the commission. " ! Kitchin then called on Congress -said J. L. Bristow. Chairman of the j man of North Carolina, chairman of Public Utilities Commission. "Tho Uhe Rulers Committee for a rule ihat high price for wheat has aggravated I would put tho bill through the House iho car shortage, as many farmers , in ore day. Pou brought in the rule want, to ship on the dollar a bushel market and they are asking for cars by the thousand." ' " , . fire nlarm! False Alarm. A false was turned in Tuesday afUrnoon at . , A, 0 , 2:20 o'clock from the Singer Sewing . . . 1. , . . 1 Machine Company s store on Market! j ntrpet. On investigation It was 1 - - . that the Hup.n's jewelry store burn ng trash In their stove and tha n;lttlle smoke dr. ted into the sto w. next door and frightened the occupants , " , , ..6 wuo uui1Cu tv a.q. Hillsboro, Qre., Sept 5. The ease nf Bennett: Thompson, under indict- ments charging first degree murder, was called in court here today for trial Thompson is accused of being the slayer of Mrs. Helen Jennings and Fred Ristman, Portland jitney drver, nn tho nie-ht of Mav 15 last, near Tualatin. -.' .-v ' '"..'.'. '.: " i.'" " Country Prlduce; t Bqtter-lb , Spring Chlckona, eacl .... 25 40 65 i iw ,. Y Sweet pistatQeg-, bushel, 75 1.00 23 ! Irish.. Pot atoeH. bnshj . . N- C. Hams, lb M. a Sh3ulder3 &.Rlbs lb. -17 ,5P 4.Ut(g 1,25 IS -15.71 Wh;taiPas.; busbtf I . . 15.8$ Corn. Inikhl'.-. . r? , . r. ' . jOS f NVCPea'nuts, tUBhel .i ,'16.12Tt Spanish ,panutsr bushel 16 24 -y???i, Hants, 4iushe!.. ; i&ra&ges H'snriaa . J. .. , 65 gg , jy, Wmojos .Fancy,,- " ; 8,00 L.-. Mi 3.50 e$- a. fceWepyeis. bushel -iv. 45- -, ... Oiifons. per, sack ;.,4,Q0 - .V" ' i-rr- Xxx6 Xonnecticut. Republicans. huieiitr' fHiO ..(ponvenuoii . - ..Tomorrows fit" KSonnecticut gathered todav and completed thework ofWganizatibn. of Sitates .senator end a State ticket to be voted for in November. All indica - ...- j. . i mil ihhiii -m i nn ppnnm nniinn nr George P. McLean for the senatorship. Frank E. Healy, of Windsor Locks, Speaker . of -the lower branch of the i legislature, is expected, to lead on the first ballot ' for -govern or. - j : ,: f ALL rHn nttlii f tnt I j ni I hi tti i i n f I ii I r I W'l I . I P WllUUIIk Dl'j -Di l ! donned their uniforms today and ap- JXIayed Uonspicubus - iart ln:ftrn(1 nn thft fipld fnr thft Winnln(r re3S in" Passage of Eight-Hour Bill (By "George H. Manning.) Washington, D. C, Sept 5. -The North Carolina congressmen were pra - i eminently conspicuous in the prepar - Jation of the eight hour day bill for ! 5.4s I jraiiroad employees and in the debatej 5334 on the bill incident to its passaga late I 1 yesterday afternoon by the House by j a vote of 139 to 56. r The House got right down to busi-j fness Friday and passed the bill byj i six o'clock, an action sufficient of it- i self to -prevent the threatened 'tieingj jxip on -yesterday morning of . all the ' 9 'railroad lines in the eonntrv with the 2 lauiuuu lines in uik (iiimuy wmi 3-4. accompanying demoralization of nil i lines of business, reten of high nrices j and general shortage of food. 1 Majority Leadar Claude Kitchin was 1 tnp nrimp rurrnr in nnvinir mip run .. . . ... ... ..1 - " , 1 prepared that was passed by the: i House. Kitchin got busy Thursday; j morning and calling Chairman Adam- son of the Interstate Commerce Com - t T 1 ' mittee to his rooms he and Adaaison ! prepared the dratt of a bill in a cou-j (and ihe prompt pi-.sage of the bill i ; show.i it worked well. j the debate Congressman, I Page1 ofl.ered an amendment which j t -1 . -1,. 1 jv, e V'lJt 7"" t "'IZZl CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. owned and operated, not exceeding! n.Aly , ' .THROUGH DAILY PULLMAN SER- iuu nines in lengnin, ana sireet ran - , . . . .T . ,Wrt ' o orpAno ononn 11 roirni'ino' rna 111 1 rtur t amendme71t SU(!Ces3fully. , , ron J gressman Small. Democrat, and Con- jgressman Britl. Republican of the Old j North statG; . J All ten North Carolina congress-; man voted for the bill. j i The Senate took a little more time j with its bill, devoting much more time to debate. Many senators Itnougnt tne senate wouia auannon us , i bill and pass tne uouse measure, re- moving the necessity for a conference 'r&$i. - v, - !7&t.s,y U''-;k:,i 4- 1!-'.-2 ;r f '-'With -all tluei respect forthe inter ests of ' the railroads, t the : fempioyeog and the public-all of whom have their rights, thec rights of the ;publicar paramount in . this ? crisis which now faee us;' said Congre'sflma4Ts.mail.V'in' ths ; interest .Qf tlie public - we .ttiust vote for this bill ih order to insure continuons operation of the. rilllrokds .which . is " necessary ta maintain z our Industries and commerce. ,; The liter, of the .nation is involved in-thla issue. . IAf the. :Rame time W2. must realize ; that ;the adoption Qt the eight, hour f day means an .increase of -25'.. percent j irt wages of 400,000 employees. If this j increase in' wages puts such a burdan ; of the railroada that they cannot with .economic operation bring fair returns on the Capital invested then i here will ireight rates. -I think as intelligent . ; men .repzesenxang tne . puouq we . ought t : 'U - 0 recoize thia contingency. I think : 1 1 - very P?nment because the j shippers of the country will .certainly i -j protest against, any increase m irelgnt ; iJT-s , " v"&voit !. wuu hour said Mr. Britt. ''Nor is ' thIs feeling born of the stress of the ! Pending industrial strike. A nation-j trirlA rs Irnari RtrikP. awful aa if mnnTrl . - , - - " ....v. be, could give but few new reasons for an eight hour day. It would only' emphasize the old opes. This bill should bo passed and passed now. to avert a pending catastrophe and at the same time do a great and lasting good" YALE STARTS ITS New Haven, Conn., Sept. 5. As as ! forenmner of the Yale football season of 1916 the candidates for the team of preliminary practice. More than 100 candidates reported, forming the j i largest squad in the history of the I j game at old Eli. During the . next I i few weeks the candidates will be put ' ! through their paces and the team sift- jed out under the watchful eyes of the new coaching staff, which includes j - Tad Jones, Dr. William T. Bull, Dr. Arthur Bridges, Michael F. Sweeney, j Jack Catss, Nate Wheeler and Will- iani Marting. SEABOARD AIR LINE D All UAV KAILWAY. j - ' ., . . t yne progressive Railwayof the South. ' Effective May 28th 1916 f 7 ' ' i j DEPARTURE OF TRAINS FROM : i WILMINGTON!: " I I fc'.. 1 O o.rr T- ur m J . r l . inu. i. r. m. i ruin lor i.uar- ; lotte and Intermediate Points.) PULLMAN PARLOR CAR, WIL J i "'inui ic. ! THROUGH DAILY PULLMAN SER VICE WILMINGTON TO ATLANTA ALL STEEL CARS. ON FRI DAYS. THROUGH SLEEPER TO BIRMINGHAM. No. 19 5:00 A. M.--Train for Char lotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN WIL MINGTON AND CHARLOTTE. Open at 10:00 P. M. for Passengers. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS AT WIL MINGTON: No. 1412:40 P. M Train from Char 1 -.1011 c aim unci mcuiaic i uiuis, t, liuu- Man PARLOR CAR BETWEEN lotte and Intermediate Points. EULL- , . A, Akl A , VICE ATLANTA TO WILMINGTON : ALL STEEL CARS. THROUGH SLEEPER FROM BIRMINGHAM SATURDAY. No. 2012:10 A. M. Train from Char lotte and Intermediate Points SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN CHAR LOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PAS SENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 7:00 A. M. " ' For detailed information and reserva tions, call on City Ticket Agent Or ton Building. 'Phone 178. R. W. WALLACE, C. T. A. , s H. E. PLEASANTS, T. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. ;irs;.:.K s.t-.v.-:? ;-y ..r .';-'''V;'5- -! i vviiu an m.v ueui L i lavor an eigne WANTfSUFFRAGETTE rK.ffc5 ....... ?.mmm a ' MAMMAH New York, Sept, 5. Mrs: 1'Yank M.i ROessihg, vice-president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association; Miss Hannah J. Patter son, corresponding- secretary, and Mrs. James W. Morrison, recording, secretary, have announced they will resign from the board at the conven- tion, which begins at .Atlantic "City; September 6, and though President Carrie Chapman Catt has gone over h the doilntry with ?. fine tooth comM she can find none to take their places It is admitted that, while-there arc many fine workers in the organization there are few big enough to fill the j big offices, and these few are needed in their indivLlufd States. i : i . . 1 Mnrnvcr. board members receive 1 ! no salaries, and it is not very suffra-: g;nt who can afford to leave home - nnd 'family and live in New York or 1 Washington, the two ncaoquarcers. . doing the arduous work demanded. J Mrs. Catt said yesterday that the em-, ergency migiu resuu in ine passaK of an amendment to the constitution r i Hint rt-ftflOKo rirklllil I i O 111 W i ll"1 """-' Thorp is no inction back of the resignation. Miss Patterson said that the board bad been entirely harmo nious. But Mrs. Roessing and Miss in Chicago, all feel that they ho long er can be. spared by their families. Mrs. Morrison has lour children and Mrs. Roessing has aged parents, to say nothing of their husbands. ; Miss Patterso nalso is needed by her par ents. Miss Mary Garrett -VJlay is men tioned as one of the ablest possibili ties for vice-president but she prob ably would not give up the chairman ship 6 ft he New York City Woman Suffrage party, to which she is de voted. . REGULAR DINNER TWENTY-FJVE CENTS NEW YORK CAFE. SOUTHERN HOTEL CAFE Quick Lunch Day and Night. Rooms by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rates. ,u.';f: v 1 :"T-: '.'!:i:.'':;:C'"':v- Y . 0 'Vl - ;';UyhM915,byK.eHa , V i 1 NINETY-TWO -PER -CENT. OF THE JnsurableTilitei stock, in Wilmington is insured against death , "from any . ..cause, at any ; place, at anyvtime" in ; .The Western Live Stock: insurance Co". Only " company ; represented ' in this . section, largest - in Cthe ' world. , 'Ifi yours lia : not covered, a wouldn't Vit be a. good idea ta .do so at; once ? . Jas. tM;' Stevenson, ; Agent.. "phones "979 or 2027-j; 515 ': MurchisontBank Building. '..:.' ' 9-3-C-9 . . . '.NOTICE. North ("nroltna, New ttnnover Coiinty. 1 : " In the Sunerlor Court. ; . : ; - . . Before the Clerk, New Hanover Troaslt' Couipa ny ct at N. A. onrrie et til . : v - ' This wiiise com ing-. on" to-be-bearii,. nnrt I the preliminary report f the Board of j Viewri liavlBR tlirs dy been tiled with tbi ' urt.-nd having been examined is fuuud t be in due ana ptoper form. The Court further finds from the-Viewers report tbht the drainage is practicable, and that it will benefit the publics health and be conducive ! to the general welfare of the cdinmnnirr, and that it svill be benefteial to the land 3 , sought to ne. benefitted by the proposed lm- : provenient8; and the Court: hereby appoints i the 8th day of September, 1916. at 12 o'clock I noon, as the time when it will be. further i heardr and considered . and pass upon the said report. ! it is lurtner ordered that a copy of this i order be posted at t.e Court , House door t and nt fire conspicuous places within1 the j boundaries of the said nronnsed rtrnlnnnn ; distriet, and be published in the Evening j Dispatch, a newsDaDer of srpnprnl rir. nU- i . tion within the county fox two consecutive WPfES. ,- . c; This the 2lst-day of August, 191C. 1t -W. N. HARRISS, Clerk -of the Superior Court. i S-22-law-8w tues 7" in ADMINISTKATKIX NOTICE. NOTICK'OK FOKECLOSUKK SALK. Ha vine qualified -as administratrix of the nonce u liereuy tveu, tnat, under nnrt estate of;Ed. Parnes or Edwin Barnes, Jr., by virtue of the power,. of sale contained deceased. I hereby give notice to all persons u, .frrnln mortgage deed executed oft having claims against said estate to present tue 25th of February. 15)14. and duly re them to me on 'or before the 1st day of An- i corded in office of Register of Deeds f trist, 1!)17, r this rotice will be plead In 1 New ttanover county In Book 70, at Page oir of their recovery; All persons indebted ! LltO.tbe undersigned mortgagee, will on tlifl to said estate will make Immediate l.rtn da.v of September, 191(5 at la o'cloi k payment; , . flt, th6 Court House door of New Han mis tne jst day or August, lJWfi. ADDIE BARNES, Administratrix of the estate of Ed. Barnes or Edwin Barnes, Jr. S-l-law-Cw-j-tiies l 1 EXECUTRIX NOTICE. . Having this.. day quaufled as Executrix cf the Last Will and Testament of Isabella Brinkley, deceased, this is to notify all per sons indebted to the estate to make nrnmt ..i arm n A . A , . . 1 I u e unaersigned and all per- sons Having claims asralnst the estate tn i Ki VonrTrn 2n? in bar of recovery. juxo. . LOT,LSA BRINKLEY, ninie oj. norm i.arouna, S-l-law-Uw-toes-J , - Executrix. Arrivals and Departures of Trains at DEPARTURE: tO AND No. DO: . 3:40 A. M. J 'ioldsboro. Rtchtcond, Norfolk and Eastern 1 v North Carolina noinfcg. Connects nt Onlda. Daily Except . Sunday. ' No; 04. " 5:15 A. M. Mon.v; Wed. and Friday Only. boro with Northern ; nimiitern KHiiroad.: ! JacksonvlUe. New Bern j Statloaa. . : : ' . ' t No. 51.. Daily. 5:30 A. nr. l.badbourn. Conway, Florence, Charleston, , j : Havannah, Jacksonville.- "Tamp - St. ; Petersburg, Fort Myers Columbia ana ' i Ashevllle, Pullman Sleenln Cars between ! Wilmington and Columbia, open to re- J celve outbound paesengerst at Wilmlng- I toiint nod after 10:00 P. M, and may t i Uoldaboro, Richmond, i Norfolk And WmD No. 4S. , lngton. Parlur Cars between Wlhulngton Daily. . and Norfolk connecting at. Rocky Mount . ;40 A. M. . with New 'York trains baviug Pullman Service. , - ' . NoI fVt. Solid -train between; WItoiiigton and ML Daily. - Airy via Fayetteville and Sanford -Pull- 8: 45 A. M. man I'irlor Car-bBtweeu WJtmlngtoa : . and Oreensboro. .'.. No. 2. ' " , slmdaKvePt ksonvllle, Nw Item nd lntrmuiU 8:5 P. M. ft "OP . . : Chadboura, Florence. Columbia, August, No 55 Atlanta and the West. rChareBtoh 8a- Dailv' vannah and all Florida Points. All Steel 8:45 p. m. Pullman Steeping Cars between Wilmlng ' ton, Ansrusta. Sleeiln: Cara dallr Cmw . tween Florence and Columbia; which may be occupied at Columbia until 7 0 A. Mv.- - - No. 57 Chadboura, Conway and Intermediate 6:20 P. M. I - Points -.,; : .. ( Sunday Only j Excursion Train. ; , . 4 No. 59. Tues.. Thur. Sa and Sun: Only. 6:30 P.' M. ayttevilie and Intennedlat StatlaaM. UoldHboro, Richmono, vNor'olk, Washington nd New York, Pullman BroPer., ttcXet , Sleeping Cars, between Wilmington and ) Washington, connecting with Wpw Tor: trains carrying dining oars; also Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and 1 ' Norfolk. -.-- .. I ' : ;': - ' r -' i ; New Bern, and lnUrmedlate Points. . M I excursion vrain. ' v ! No. 42. Daily. 6:45 P'. SI. No. CS. 7:30 P. M. Sunday Only. For Folder, Reservations, rates of fares, etc., call ''Phone 1C0. W.J.CRAIG, T.C.WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. 1 Wilmington, N. C. Be - Rescues i: . -.-''i vir'J .s 3-.':." ::,-y-ts :;. y.i . , , . 1 . .. .:Mi. : MplSIIIIlii 80u;$p0:p0iind Betwceii the two have llie best Candy to b ; at any price If yoii . purchase a liox and for any, reason do not. like it, "just throw -the box away and telephone 2'lB and we will Tush'-j'our money back to you by messenger. F i f 1 N G I - ,-. : '- i-r' .Johmtbn'i Chocolates f1' 80c lo $1.50 potmd. over county .sel I to the highest bidder for . ... m . M j J il ., k n . .. . cuhu tuf iuuuwiu( iicw riuci jiai ut-i ur jut v of tana: In tne CP. of Wilmington, beginning at a point in P.loek iVt In said City, aiild '.point being feet " Kaatwardly from "he .Eastern Unf of Seveutb street, and li8' feet rftouthwurdly from the Southern line of (Jueen stieet; runs thence Southward iy and parallel with Seventh street SH J.'eet? thence Ka8twrdly and parallel with Queen street, si fe; thence northwardly ana parallel witti Seventh street :t.l feet; thence ; westwardly snd parallel with Ouwn street - vawa ' - V ilVU, bUV. V U fpft- tht- iim i.r unr... hin., ,Rarfc..2f wes,p,,n llalf ?-f lt No. 1. in Biook City of Wilmington. N. C. -rnis August is, ini(i. HANOVER BIJILDINd & LOAN ASSO- HANOVER BIJILDINd & LOAN CIATION. n By C D. Weeks, Attorney. -13 Hot. Wilmington Effective Aug. ; 29,' FROM ARRIVALS: No. 01. '' . -;; - 1:15 A. f. Dally Except 'Monday.. ' ;rtorc5,:' . :lff r. n. .Mon.. Wed.: and Railway at Nrfol I - ;. -d ltrmdlat . :- .i . - -fNo. - S. pally, 12:20 A. 51.'. ' No. 40 Daily. :05 P. M, -No. 52 ' . Daily,--8:00 .P. M. No. (a. 7'. Daily Except . Sunday, 13:50 p. hr. . No. 54 Daily. 1.2:50 P. M. ':" No. 68.'' -.; 9:15 A. M. Sunday Only. - v ' No.- CO. , fues Thur.. Sat. & .-Sundaj" Only -.; 10 :16 A. M. ;.taiiy.,- , -. No.'4lV . Daily . 9:50 A. M. No. 00. 10:15 A: M. Sunday Only. Cili c e ;--7,' .'.-V:--'.; 'v-v . v i i S ! ill! I mi U!l' 1! 1 I -. u t.3 4 Hi' 1 y. u 11 1 in ..1 4 n rn s 'h; 4 if r if.: n - -i ! i 1 1 I'd v S iVl i-t ' I 1! ' : ::' I l'i;ii 't:A '':

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