.9.-S'-.' i1',- if, ' i'i ! mm Hungarian NobleniaJxEhcawtng His Lesson After America, , , He Says that Hungary f secure In "France and Russia the capital; she had for yearf .been unable tfluget injGernyand !by making the? l$ana ?thef e f tffclabe ipranohr ihA, JBrjissIa in En position of 'not venturing to o towar With a 'country 4ebted to'them. .: ' ' When the war did Come he attack ed Count Tisza and his party savage ly, and the opposition scarcely less Vfgo&Ti's ed to the ultimatum to Serbia without any conditions, .in other words. v that they had not struck a bargain to sup port Ahstria.Hunfeay shduldT i to war. fai feHfatf.:fdrVeforf,&at at theC time ! toot were 'being? .a-bcatfcd and sought after eagerly, that the;5 had? not? saJidh - "We'll f right for! ft on, but only drt" condition? &4thfcUf five usta deniidrsfeiSt? Himgarf !i ? Indirectly at least Karolyi was the obstacle In the patfr of5 a coalition cabinet' prorsed:by Ttsza. earlier in the -war. Karolyi announced his s ( By" Associated Press. j Budapest, lidhgary, Sept. 5, Count Michael Karolyi. a nobleman of one of the most conservative of the old fam ilies, who has thrown down the gaunt let not only to the all-powerful gov ernment leader, Count Tiza, but even to the opposition leaders, and5 who, at the possible cost of his political fu ture has set out to "dentoicratize" Hungary, tells the Associated Press that he is drawing his lessons fconr America. . He was in the United States raising funds tor ajcampaign in behalf of a more extended ballot in Hungary, when the war began but he reached Budapest finally,' after being- interned In France, and he has kept the pot boiling ever since. Among other things, in explaining bis rupture with his old politcal inti mates and his plan for democracy, he , whereby the leaders of the former are said: to be consulted by the latter, kept in- "I came to appreciate the great val- formed of all that goes on, and per ne of democracy ' when I was in thejmitted to offer advice as: to the solu United States. There I saw the way tson of big and im portant problems, in which Hungarians who had emigrat-. Karolyi walked out of the independent vative , algrarians from ' continuing his i fight. .-r'J- ' : :;4 C" nB XVHEUiyi, puuurui. vit,uimro , yuxr ii(ieneraKual end: secret ballottings lRevtsion of thlMlfre8mtvabcbrdeffi ftr thiiiitif''iA.l4otikiitfe thfit make 4 up the Hungarian nation. r; Policy of the "open Ttetiajttirt all nationalities , during ; the war and- : Completeindiep4& Ger-t man aliac-thwasi. ti Democratization of Hungary niicirfFcMnm nc msmm tj UDGE'S JMURDERI & ProvlileEu6ef fc Septj;6 i sasslnation e as- agreement to such a cabinet only on condition that Tisza would get out, which naturally ;Tisza would not di Karolyi declared he felt there could corne "no change ' fit- the ' course !of af fairs unless; Count: Tisza were elimin ated, and that a coalition cabinet with him at the head would be nd better than no- e&binetl He has refused' to hafe anything to do with the coalition effected between the opposition and- the governmen, The attitude of Karolyi' and his fol- r lowers toward the voting system finds f its' origth tn th baliofe reforms at tenlpted! by Count Tisza lii 1910- which resulted . acdrdlng;i ttf the' Karolyi viewpoftit; tt a complete debacle for Hfrngiriahi- democracy; ' Karolyi';, a cofdingfy,' has cbihe out for a reform whlcfi; shall1 gie tfi 'ballot W every r acftilt 1 malei refeardieBa or an prcr nMrtuVirFMiiir&tihl riiialfffcatioris: T; SHepari ; elt; Known Grocer Ts Happy "After Suffering, For J 2uVears Has Gained 51 Rounds- and Is 60 YearsOld r I v Willis ;. S. In. regard tti ihd treatniejit? accord? edStb HuhgarySirVarioui nationalities, thS Karblyf parti1 takers' tlicj stahdiJbint that hitherto, he RumaMaii; ; the1, Siou vaick an the Serbian' eleniehts ; haV6 beenr oppressed:" in1 favor ; of the Hutt-1 L "Three bottles of Tanlae have doncj me more good and-brought more genur pne relief hanf twelve -years- of. medi- wno had Tecived his-dfeserts f or pet- r-axments that .vosc me a 5rea .H'-'A.!'rtkA Tiairisr : tnv; TnHs-ft of . Judge Knpwies, has taken its place , among the most; mysterious . of th e unsolved murdetr mysteries! in the . criminal aii n&is of fihode. Island The 'mtifder occurred one - year ago Jtoday, "When the Judge I was ": mortally shot in th$ back in broad daylight and within view of., his1 summer bjoine int Johns town, eight miles west of Providence Twelve months of investigation has failed to throw any light;,on,:lhe mys tery" of the murder or tovuneartli any cltie iaa to ; the "assassin: oiiassassln&. The murder at first appeared to be an act of revenge by soinemalei'actor cul ji.deal ,cf;;ino?iey,; .le'-l jixd Sty?P arij. proprietor ol.tJse gtocery store it Ifinth and, jacket streets. . For. twelve years, continued, the business od from their fatherland, and who here merely vegetated without any party of whieh he had been head with the declaration that the coalition of the real rights of citizenship, be- meant no added-influence for the op came valuable citizens, and I saw to V position leaders, yet partial respon what position of opulence they had j gibility for the war whieh he disap brought themselves. A democratic re-. proves. ' organization of Hungary, tne Dasis or i . WIfn hfm seceded some ten other which is the general right to vote. Is 1 independents, and as many more a burning necessity for Hungary, un fortunately I discovered in one wing of the partyhone of the inspiration gariah element: iiluxom Wilmington tion intemgehce a'ffd' cultural krid poli p- V1 suffered -.f i-om bad form of tieai ambitiori, there has been nqt ( suimach, troubleB wr;icii , perslsteutl. outlet iki: Hungary for these' ; strivings. ' reftised to yield" $o various treatments, MUen"'-a&aint their wiir, sat the .1 tried doctor after ' doctor and ' used Karolyians; the RtimanfaBs have had all kinds of medicines recommended tor took tc Htttrianla if they ' wanted for indigestion1 and stomach ' trou Investigation ' served' to' show, ; how evbri that! whilie mere brutal: instinct for revenge' may listve prompted the murderl .-elements is iici? the life1' of the slain man; and' conditions in the' com munity in which he: liveiii ha.ve been brought to light that reveal a strange, deep undercurrent' of ;.emdtibn: in sev eral lives,- 'which 'up to Ehetime of tbe- crime were riot" known to be con aected with- that' of Judge Knowles. ; The slain man was a bachelor, in the prime of lifer ttaiadsome; vigor ous,, of the best- repute and- too and none of the determined desire necessary for the creation' of the gen eral ballot. Therefore there arose be-'i rween'me and a part of the party vi tals difference in this connection." Karolyi came into political life as the heir of hisjmcle, Count Alexander Karolyi, for years leader of the ultra "strays" belonging to other parties for to no. party allied themselves with him. Together, as the "New Ride l-pendent Party" they are the subject of ridicule, and- even of serious accus ation. ' "The mildest that is said about Count Karolyi is that he is an "hereditary extremist,' and perhaps the sever est is th'at he is a Russophile ahd edueati6n iri their 'native tongue, or Dies, nut tney only seemea to aggra wjv; u.. nnv. ctAanfrW vate' mV cottditfhri . Pains attacked, me" have Had reiuctantiy to' seek what arourid my heart : and brought on i ex- ' happy, he told a friend, to think of vtt0 iferfw nrbbfw treme -nervousness, dizzy neaaacnes. marriaSs inquiry wwr- utp. ueani qw-hjo' ! - - - lac wntcn was so mgniy- The Karolyi followers in this con-j good' people of this city. nection, it is explained, are seeking j "After the first few do'ses I riotice'd only what has been sought for a score a change in my cond?r'on. Soon those of years full democracy for every-! indigestion attr..kc. around 'the heart one regardless of nationality or lan-1 , , t- .u i ' . . . ,. . ihad disappeared. Wft n the first b-H- guage, the opportunity for everyone1 to hold office, the creation of a "dem- l'l h'l been u:-?-d up Mrs. Shepard Ji ii ill r h Vi-- Setter juaranteed! .: a, ST baking - ' - f V - - V 9 Xf I ' C C K m arena its :he results you will get from Vatliefr Dainty :Flour.Thjs super fine! flbur is guar anteed torsive you Hybiter lighter 5 andfinierflavored baking. VaUer. Daihti Flour imade of finest wheat; " i. milled by! )a8pecial slow process, which caves all its fineflavor; then stited through silk to mate its texture ex tra fine. It i quality flour arid it fives aual- . ffjroi in baking, Haveyouf grocer send you Valier's Dainty, next tme you need flour. " Ta Coraett Co.', Wkolctal DUtributori. nr:i . u t : IK" I LEAVES FORTUNE FOR j wisdom of those ' upon whom t!u- ad- W Ir ntiUKJU DCrlUUL. volve be adopted. Girls and y;,11!? , j- :- frt TTT'v;: I women of the age of ten years ' upwards shall ;be dcvelope- Detrnit Mfh Rpnt "fi A p-rp.nf in stitution where girls may be trained ef trained and discipline: '(lllc, TTsrrlne-. . Ml O I T 1 QiiTli Trt T II l.i - . ... 41.... w .-. .... . , f n .. .i.V,lt.l.n4 4.V. . A n4 -tViAtVr U n 5 nrnm 1 4-1 Z1 ,J T JC, X ll JJlr; IU 1.1 iilii.l III' ' ,,. The Serbian have to rely on was a ouraen wnen i iriea laa-i r . i, Tl . 7. Ul w u W"BUWU, u T . tally, morally, nhvsicav - i ,a" maorsea en naa ciairaea nis uart- auu muiu.iuuoa is soon to oe estaoiisueu m". , - a- u ' 'Each believed she was-his- best be' Michigan with funds bequeathed for-, i0ttSly ffr the discharge of the fni,,- roved' Each ' knew nothing of the the purpose by Mrs; Lizzi Merrill ailu 11MJ1 '"""hi oCratic empire." HIS GREAT SCHEME (From the Washington Star). J reminded me to ci3 no time in get ting, more Tanfcic, as, she said, that one bottle nad heJoo i everybody in i the' house, : or. they 10 longer lay rt.her. Thfv revelation of these fart ! Palm r r whrsp will ramp iir -.w nrn in the life ofthe Judge led the au-j bate here today. Mrs. Palmer, who and lnsPiratio of the home thorities to abandon their first theory j Was the widow of United Stales Sen- . of the assassination. But beyond es-, ator Thomas. W. Palmer., died several A Pa'r Question, fablishing the belief that the heart ; months ago, leaving a fortune consid- j Have we a navy? Tin- Admiral affairs of Judge Knowles were- in erably in excess of one million dol-i,says we have. The politician says KNOW a CoiiriiT- sOme way responsible -for his mur-! lars, the bulk of which is to be de- ; we baven't. Which should der, all of the facts brought to light ' voted to the establishment and main- navy by sight? Louisvilhi by a year's investigation have failed tenance of the proposed motherhood 'Journal, j to lead the ' investigatoirs a single ' and heme training school. ' - j l awake nt. nfcht from mv stow. "I have solvea tne crowaea-car uig because of pain.;. I have finish problem!" exclaimed the jubilant my thiriJ bottlo. Hil T do ot feel street-railwayman any more ailments. However, I am OW. 1 enitier' thioiirh with tlii full f reatment conservative "High Agraians." He tJ0 ,his CTT7 b6? "We'll put a phonograph in each car "1 bottles was elected to his uncle's former place as presilent of this g;roTrp and would like to see Hungary take ad vantage of its present Indispehsability then spliu hopelessly with the mem-Jan force Austria and Germany to bers over the high protective duties ran the reforms he believes heces that had shut out the Balkan states, j SY. s the price of Hungarys con He resigned, disassociated himself tintiation of the1 flghtihg. with the agrarians, joined the inde- The ' platform' which Karolyf and, THnrient with th nlatfrrrrrt nf .TiTRth ' his' followers espouse, a combination I, I and keep it playing 'The Star-Spang-j -l f,. ac nas don; approo;at-j what for me it nas step nearest' a solution of the mys tery. " Mrs. Palmer's purpose in bequeath- Meeting Civil Service Commission. j of the institution is , set forth in a, Service Commission, at the City Hall, Municipal" League Convention. Jclouse of her will' ns follows: ! ori" Wednesday, September fiili, nt i Newark,. N. J., Sept. 6 With an I ' "I hold, profoundly the; conviction lo'clock d. m. Apnlieants. for noWio. ing her fortune for the establishment: attendance of several hundred dele- that the welfare of : any community gates, representing, nearly every! is divinely and hence inseparably de led Banner Then everybody'U havej brM rht relief an(1 ;ld 1 , j iiv. pounds j large city in the country, the annual i pendent hpori the qualities of its to stand Up'.' ! 1 -f -: d. solid flesh 10 my weight. I i convention of t.h Ijefltriie nf Amerl-i mntherhoorl ami snirit and charae- (From the Washington Star.) A flight of Imagination. ; :htnlc my gains on Tan: as rtM-arif- able, for I am sixty years old." can Municipalities opened herevtoday. j ter of its homes." Moved :by this con Public health, education, city plan- j viction I hereby t give, devise and be- Tanlac is sold in Wilmington at the ning. electoral reform, city surveys, "Uo you mean to, tell me you are Bellamy Drug Store; Acme, Acme ! the control 'of public utilities, muhlci- 1 ... ... t a. " x m n..Auiuul the nestor of democracy, acutely ; or ail xne raaicai proposals or tne last :j going lo yuie iur riuuiuinuu; sharpened, and now has left the inde-! few - years; and Which i pendents to form a still more radical anti-Gfermarr, is dubbed by party. j those who want to be cohservatlve in Long before the war he claims to their criticism, "Prussian, but with have foreseen its possibility, and as paprika added.' Yet this has not de a preventive measure against it urged terred the younthful scion of conser- Store; Burgaw, C. L. Halstead; South- above! "Yep," replied Uncle Bill Bottletop. J port, Watson's Pharmacy; Kocky An.' 'I hope they'll win. Then if they Pofnt. A. N. Rhodes & Co.; Supply. pal finances and municipal efficiency queath all the rest of my estate-for ! the founding in Detroit or in Green-j field township of the Merrill-Palmer are some of the important subjects rMotherhood and ; Home Training that will receive the attention of the , Schcol." 1 in the Police or Fire Deparlnipnia are notified to be present for examin ation. By order of the Chairman, THOS. D. MEARES. , - ' t Cleric. FOR THROAT AND LUNGS STUBBORN COLGUS XSD VOiJm want t6 stay in power, maybe they'll G. W. Kirby; New Bern; Bradham j convention. The sessions will con-j "The school shall be conducted,"; play politics an' hook up with the Drug Co.: Magnolia. W. L. Southall; elude Saturday with the election of j runs the will, "under such plan and; 1 licker interests same as the other Kaison, jraison urug 1:0.; parties have done in the past." G. W. Locklear adv. Pembroke. ; officers and the selection of the next ' system and such irules and regula-. convention city. I tions as shall in the judgment and S ative BOLD BY ALL LHHZING UKUOCI fj r- . - i1! ACQUEUNE was dreaming of O humming-bird in a gingham apron sitting upon, a poppy stalk and sing ing. "Come, come, come, o'er the hills, when she awoke; Then she knew the bird of bee dreams was Aunt Barbie pattering about the kit chen of the little flat and singing in her thready silver voice as she pre pared breakfast. j "There was no time to squander in idle reflection, when one knew that tardiness at her counter in Barclay's department store meant & fine, and with a spring and a rush, Jaqueltoe was up and dressing. Jacqueline's eyes were of danciug gray and he nose went up the least trifle at the tip It wasn't in her to be grouchy, but after that humming-bird dream, the day's programme' looked t bit dryer than usual, and the pros pect of its steady duplication' for end less years had a flavor of husks. There was, she reflected, during the icurry for the street car, a way erf escape from the department- stored it the chose- to take it; there was Nip- Shindler with his seventy-five-dollar-a nonth Job in Mashmeyer's grocery! Nip was diverting and devoted1; ' a ' bit Uangy, but then - The car was coming. Jacqueline Itepped ' aside to make space for a icrappy shred of a little old woman rvith a. humpy black bag and a- knob iy bundle, then, as she made her own uray in, she thought suddenly of-mel tow red apples and! of pungent fldda" f ripening? grain, i They-' weren.'t cfty folks, she saw that; the two who sat hi the short end-seat at her elbow, and ihey were evidently mother and son, froth of them rosy and fresh and filled urfth frank, wide-eyed interest in theft lurroundings. The car was full; the woman with, !he bag and bundle Jiggled about ojx er uncertain old feet for a' second fn the aisle and then the young feV bw saw her and was up, bowing hex jordially into his place, standing- hba lelf as erect and steady in his young trength as a splendid oak sapling. Ind -his- mother-was- smilingly trying to reduce the spacer required" by her twnr Lavish; proportions; for the; little lid woman's comfort and helping to lace the latter's knobby bundle satis actorily. ' ' Jacqneline drew a breath of bub iling deUgbi "Humanity isn't ex Jnct, if it Is out of stylfr in a street ,: tar," she jubilated. Glancing quickly tt the tail young fellow with, his tan ted, cheesr and dear eyes, she wonder ed how Nip would measure up beside 'Urn," .. '. ' "v ,: :. -1 The freakish fancies that floated . tbout Jacqueline's mental atmosphere . reekly library expedition, after lunch kll the morning caused her, on her .jon, to pass without", a. glance; the kompous grocery wereia. wip; snind was an eTmoye-: Ceglect ' espe- ally proddittg to fltat ssitrr young j ; ' .:; ;?,-.. -'-r P Vv ' A man on this partwuiar oecaiion. "If 8 a wonder you wouldn't take a peek at Maschmeyer's windows to see If u feTTow Was there waiting for you," he reproached? as he caught up with1 her at the street" corner. "See how I Bad to chase you! "Didn't hurt you a bit; you always look as- if joxfd! cotneout of a band box," Jacqueline replied. 'Wen, I ain't out for exercise, as you seem to-be," n'Tetorted. "Here, slow up, cant yofr; Itldfet? I got some dandy news-1 for you. Joe ; and - Mill Darley are going' to chiiek house keeping and live with- MilFs folks, and Joe1 'put" me onto it so's- could get the refusal ot their apartment. You knor what nifty littfe nest it is, foir eighteen per, and if ytai and Fdr dc? a little- ntxstUng stimtgst married the? end o' this month, say, anF be ready top stey right in--see? What dyou say.rkidletr' Jacqueline' came to a standstill,- st dozen varying idteaff fighting for consideration. Butbut, Nip," she fluttered, "the- Darleys apartment is only two rooms and a kitchenette thing; and three-people" "Where's your three- people? Ae cording to Nip Shindler, sqire there aren't but two in. this game." "Nothing about Aunt Barbie at pre sent Ain't any awn kin, is she not even a ntar-aunt?" Jacqueline's gray eyes swept front Nip's spic-and-spandj felt fiat to his' expensive patent leather shoes. Never before had" she nOticexT what a thin; rongnos he' fiiid, nor what a narrow, skimped ntoutin - ' ' "No she - flung at" himY "not "an atom,- and that didn't 'hinder 'her front ' picking me up when the only relative I ever knew anything abbet an old geatiaiiht;:'pbor as' poverty's patchesdled an left ine, like a stray v kitten; to the" roomteg -Xtum where Aunt Barbie an TJnele Toby5 chanced to be smyingr It waa t terdi povertystrickenr road they ? had ; t waft; in tfesmseivesj but AanfrvBarW gathered me up andt towed me, atengr witnr her wherever hey went. "I don't want any ' city apaartmev.fe with a kitchenette: "ve seen a vision. I'm- going to grub OTa tKotilr l; ean make' a way to take -Aunt Barbie wim me and go to the country.' ; ; ! "Cm, all rlgliiv tiien instantly. "If . that's you idea youTl get good and tired of grabbing, and fcyouH get -old and wlssaded; up at ; but suit yquweJk rh i ierB' v.-,.'t it; Jacoueline returned to har after noon labors with" a curious sense of having pushed shut a door which had fastened With a catch on the other side. She had little time to be either glad or sorry over it; however, for the afternoon shoppers were pouring in" endless tides down-the aisles of the big store. "Got 4 any val lace in the thirtyflve- and--halfcent lot to- match this'?' asked ' a thin- voice with an east wind twang. Jacqueline took the scrap dangled lat her by a-sallow woom, ami then almost dropped it, as a space in the crowd showed her, approaching- the lace counter, the1 country woman she had twice seen that day. "Oh, if 'I conld only-get to .wait on heri breathed Jac(jae4kre, diving- into the tray ot remnants with the sample in her hand. But the object of her wish, advancing with! an even, un hurried step, stopped Just in front of Medbra Dodson J n :r "I wonder if you can match this sample of edging, miss." Jac heard Irt ar voice distinctly clear, yet touch ed" r with. U meirow slownesB. "Ifs home-made crochet lace; tbo pome granate pattern---- " L "No'm, we can't match it," Medora was replying languidly, with a total absence of interest in the matter. The pomegranate 1 pattern! Jacque line' was' a quiver with' eagerness - i Aoi Jacqueitae' measured and? snip ped thet lace for her owe customer rolled it into: ai coil and' sent-It slid ing to the-cashier's eage, shei could see the country woman's deliciously qnt-bf-style' bonnet swimaning placidly away,: its- little cluster t lilac asters bobbias above the sea. of fantastic modern hats; ... , . -: 'And, thaf a the end of it," sighed Jae- to, herselfc "If suppose I'll never set eyes on her again nor him." With the same . thought droning through her head like a dismal bee In a desert gapdeR as. aha. paaaed through .tha swinging, door of . the building at ste otekiek that afternoon, ft was no wonder Jacq-aeHite gat?re-: Small hop of surprise and .stopped Short. In the alcove between the in ner entrance- and- the sjtorm doors stood7 the tali-youne inan thestreet iar tt&tentitti at attflnjidtt ot pt44eat despSlr with fodorn" anxiety scanning the passing 'faces. - f "irtht'store tJosnnsin '"'''.. f Athe aflfttntatiiiMiai? utter di may enf tfti sudy face gave" it a ca rious resemblance to that of a lost JaeUffia'ti:''! feWtra3frAnWty ft BY MTHti LITUL " 'WouW ';i'r...ii;' lem-li and not think me some 81ippry $ain?f" inquisitive he answered them with an. enoharrassedv laugJut'l guess I've lost my .mother, somehow; she wanted tbpntte-about' inrthe' stores a bit after iwe-.d had lunch, and I didn't, so we planned to meet right here in Oils .little hallway at five-thirty. .I've been here-- since fl-veflfteen and no mammy has (Shewn, up; You .bjei suppps&i the rich ruddy browa . of., his, face turned duff, one of thosepestif erous'' autos " M3nnoyuitHy ngatrVediacque line, at istf t at - all hikelyl She's forgotten the appofiitment, . or been detained. , She Was irit the 'store- to day, trying to match: some edging--I know, be cause I a&w heir with yourthis morning and, rememberM her and one of the girls directed her to a shop a good way out " The young man whacked his relief aigainst his knee with his hat. "That's it, aB sure as crab-grass," he confirm ed: with a mellow laugh: "When mam my 1 starts in trying to" match her Homegranatet edging, she'd forget her flame" easy as notr.'. Know where the lace" lady's shop is?' Yes"- Madam' Dupuy's aj little fancy work store on " North ' Grand Avenue, fNo. 4060.' ; "Most likely she's there. - How long'll it take me to walk it?" "Walk it! Oh, you couldn't," pro- Harriet Whitney Durbin tested Jacqueline. -. .. "You'll , hay tq take a west-bound car to Grand and transfer to a north-bound line." The young man shook his head with a laugh. "I'm a good walker " "ItH only cost a nickel,"-said Jac queline. The red was back in his-face. "Yes, but well, I'll Just tell you what a chump I am You see, mother had her shopping change in her pocket book, and after we'd been 'round a bit she gave it to me to- carry for her. After lunch, when we planned out what we Were going to do-; she wanted it again, s so : I handed it over j as ; I thoughtahd bless you, miss, i don't you know I'd crossed the two some howji so yonder went mother walking off with last year's hay crop in her little1 silk hand-bag, and when I came to look in the Docketbook I'd kent. there was six bits and a lot of dry goods ads! Six bits! "Well, being so ' sure of meetihe mother and the old Docketbook here at five-thirty, I squandered most of the six bits on riotous picture ' shows and a cigar or two; a pOor chap with twisted hands tand a tin-cup at the street corner got the rest, and so " i "YOu are in a tangle," sympathized Jacoueline. "but von can't i walk tn Madsn Dupuy's. time you sot there your mothf r would be gone. - Nowi, if you re a really sensible, person, you u get out of the mess in the simplest way by borrowing a nickel from me;" "Jupiter Jones! Would you- lend it -and not think me some 'Slippery Sam?'" "I'd lend it, and I wouldn't think a thing, except that you had told the exact truth," declared Jacqueline. "Then I'll take it," agreed ; the young man( gratefully : "but you must let me come this evening and pay it hack- will you?" Jacqueline assented. ' elvinc - him Aunt Barbie's address with the simple confidence .his own . straightforward candor inspired. , , t' ' K c'. "Tea cake' pronounced Jacoueline. sniffing a delicately; tropical ' fragrance as. she went up the stair steps to the little, second story flat; .-and apple sauce: with "lemon peer . in : it Y - And do I- hear voices? v Company 1 Who . "liie ooor- was open ; there was I a seurrying- patter, and Aunt ; Barbie came : running .from the kitchen i with hr best glass preserve . dish in' her hand. .: 'l-i.-i.lt- ."::' ' '';:K4' "l;!r:;v; i. Jac,? she-f trilled her reedv voice quivering with excitemedt. "is it you? Yonr don't know who's here and what's happened fly in quick,, and- meet, your Aunt iwrcas Mallard, my own blessed sister from Cliff Bridge that I thought had fdrgOtten mehhd' she' thought I had forgotten her ! But she's been in St. Louis once every month for a year hunting for me- " "And only ran you down this time, by a sample of pomegranate edging, ' a mellow voice with a suggestion of red apples: flowed from the little front room. -"Wilsons are thicker than yellow Jackets in preserving time I've chased a hundred of 'em, if I have one; but that little tag of edging you made so long, ago and my guess ing you might be supplying the, stores " "It was that, Jac," twittered Aunt Barbie, whose little peaked face was in a rosy glow. "Sis' Dorcas hoped she might trace me out by it this trip; she took it to Therise Dupuy's shop, and the good soul had that edging on hand - that I'd sold her, and she told Dorcas who made it, and where I was and listen, Jac, before you stop to take ; your hat off. Poor daddy before he died a year ago had for given me for marrying Toby and he left me the -sixty acre farm that be longed to mother (you know she died when 1 was- little, and it's got a house and an orchard and trees and a flower garden! We're going to live in the country and have real black berries and milk, and kin-folks " The. reedy, voice being evidently threatened by a tide of tears, the comfortable, mellow tone swept in to the rescue. . , "Here here, honey, don't tell any mere till I've made acquaintance with nty new niece why, bless my stars, if she ain't the same little girl I've run across once or twice to day al ready! Wasn't ln; Barclay's the last time? That's where oh, stars and stripes, Barbie, Barbie, I've lost my hoy--clean forgot all about him!i What an old ninny I am! I was to meet him- la vther entry way at Bar-clay's--at half; past five, I've never thought a sift about it since I found out where you were J Poor Clyde, he 's there yet I must hustle- " is"QhV no,-ma'am, you mustn't." Jac queline caught the two plump bvowu hands that were making' a wild diva for the little, bonnet with the lihw asters,' and, laughingly kissed the faca whose placidity had been utterly rout ed by motherly anxiety; "your boy's all right, Aunt Dorcas; he's at Madam Dupuy's this minute." i i i "Bless " you, darlin', but how - sTll tell you in a second," laughed Jac,'and then flew to the hall. "I ner something down below that sounds like 'a cyclone headed this way he's ( coming. Aunt Dorcas." ; Little Aunti Barbie has grown plump and ruddy on the cozy faiia that Is now her' home, and Aunt Dor cas, .wholesome and mellow as a sound, sweet apple Jacqueline con siders her the most wonderful motnei-in-law the world has ever produced!. ; 11 fl A c G N N P t4 et 4 p c a tl if P ir e a P SI 8 ti m ffi 1 b ti n fl hi T w tl b a Oil col le fo Tl hd ca' :- V ' -:.-l (

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