V 1 , - 1 WEATHER : FORECAST For Wilmington and Vicinity-Cteii- erally fair to night and Friday. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN WILMINGTON - 'f . . . - - - - VOL. XXII NO. 235. WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINATHURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 7;;1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ; TELLING WAR TALES TO PRIME MINISTER'S DAUGHTER IS SHOT BY BURGLAR LIKELY TO EfJD II FIGHT ' it it FINAL EDITH V . 1 ' .... '. : v , " - ' ... " r THE FRENCH HAVE IDE A BIG CAIN IN FRONT VERDUN ATLANTA MAN S NOT MIKE STARTS IN NEW YORK NT SATURDAY Men of , Sub. and "L" Lines Have Walked Out in in Gotham TEST OF STRIKE NOW BEING MADE Interborough Company Brings In Three Thousand Strike . Breakers and Runs Its Cars. i (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 7. A million or more residents of New York left trenches over a front of one mile be their homes this morning, notf know-! f ore Verdun was announced today by ing whether they would ride to work or walk. The test of the strike, de clared last night by the union em ployes of the elevated and subway railways, came with the morning rush hours on these main arteries of ' travel between! the two ends of Man hattan Island If the carman can carry out their threat to halt the surface as well as subway and "L" traffic, New York faces the biggest and most vita' strike in its history. When the workers of the city start ed for their places of employment to day the Amalgamated Association of j Street and Electric Kaijway Em ployes, which is conducting the strike, had been, unable to tie-up the subway and "L" lines, but had suc ceeded in crippling some of the most important surface lines. With the aid of nearly 3,000 strike breakers and under police protection the Interborough Rapid Transit Com pany was running its trains on the, subway and "L" lines almost on nor-j mal schedules.- , The strike of the Interborough em ployes has spread, however, to the rarmen of the New York Railways Company, which operates all but two! cf the most important surface lines of the boroughs of Manhattan and the Pionx. Approximately 18,000 em ployes are affected. Up to noon today the city appeared only slightly affected. The union leaders, who demand abrogation of the contracts binding employes not to ask for wage increase for two years, claim that 9.000 men walked out, including 4,000 on the subway and "L" systems. Traction officials asserted that not more than 2,00u-men quit, and with the aid of strikebreakers the company will maintain schedules. Through the district affected little disorder was reported, although in Harlem and on the East Side there were a few minor disturbances. About 4,000 patrolmen, in uniform and in Dlain clothes, are on duty to i protect property and passengers. Meanwhile the traction officials, ad mitting that "the gravity of the situa tion is such that at any moment a crisis may arise" were providing stocks of provisions for the strike breakers. AFRAID WOULD HURT AMERICANS ABOARD (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 7. The con ferees on the emergency revenue bill today struck out the Phelart amend ment which would empower the Pres ident to retaliate against citizens of belligerent nations which interfere with the United States mail. The argument which prevailed in the conference .was that it might work a great hardship to Americans in foreign countries by counter-retaliation. The conference also abandoned the. Chamberlain amendment to prohibit admission of PacifkTOcean salmon or halibut through a foreign country ex cept in bond from an American port; This, it was decided, might develop a commercial' war with Canada and bring about retaliation against Amer ican Atlantic coast fisheries. TAKE MANY RUMANIAN PRISONERS (By Associated Press.) Berlin, Sept.. 7 (Via London) More than 20,000 Rumanians were taken prisoners when the Bui- garian and German troops captur- the Rumanian fortress of Tur- tukai. says an official statement issued today by German army headquarters. The official statement says that in the capture of the Rumanian fortress more than 100 guns were taken. Advance for a Mile in Long Contested Sector East of The Meuse BRITISH BEAT BACK COUNTER ATTACK Russians Draw Nearer 'Lem ;berg in Their Latest Drive. Western Offensive May Soon Stop for Winter. (By Associated Press.) The capture of .German, first line the French war office. The ground won is In the long-contested sector ! east of the Meuse between the Vaux- Chapier region and Chaulnes. In this sector, where the Germans most nearly approached a definite breach m tne defenses of the city heavy fighting has been in progress re cently. On the Somme front the principal activity last night was on the initia tive of the Germans, who made a de termined effort to capture Leuze Wood from the British. The Ger man counter-attack lead to one of those fierce hand-to-hand struggles, with hand grenades and bayonets, which has characterized recent fight ing. London reports that the Ger mans were beaten back. Intimation that the Somme offen sive may soon be dropped for the winter is contained in a dispatch from thte British front. A staff offi cer . is quoted as saying that if the British wait until spring before mak ing further great 'effort there will be available four times the great artil lery and .corresponding vast stores of ammunition. An important Russian victory in Eastern Galicia 4a, indicated byA to- day -wieiat airaoiijniemeBtJftpa-Pe trograd. It says the city of Halicz, 60 miles southeast of Lemberg, is under Russian bombardment and is in flames. The capture of (he railway llnaa n Vi ! a irf stinlf ir olan ia ronArtoit 1 0 111 WUIO IU.IUIIJ ia ivyvivyuy Since the opening of the new Rus sian drive the heaviest pressure has been directed against the Austro German lines above and below Lem berg and there has been constant! fighting at Halicz F AUTO IN CREEK Ghastly Discovery Made of Accident Near North Carolina Town. (By Associated Press.) Belhaven, N. C, Sept. 7 The bod ies of four negroes two women and two men were found under an au tomobile in ,Pamtego Creek, near here, today. Travellers on the highway found DUN UNDER the railing of the bridge broken and j bale of cotton to be brought to New noticed oil rising to the surface of.ern will probably be brought in in the water. Further investigation disclosed the car and its occupants. It was believed by the authorities that the accident occurred' some time last night. ASHEVILLE GETS THE NEXT JUNIOR MEET Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 7. The State Council, Junior Order United American Mechanics, late yesterday afternoon selected Asheville as the mh mtv MiMA thJtc nomination of officers, which was a;to increase the capitalization from $5, decidedly lively affair. 000,000 to $10,000 000 and to slice a C. P. Alexander, of Charlotte, was'large melon in dividends. The bank elected State councillor, and Walter. now . the third largest and richest E. Yopp, of Wilmington, was named as one of the National Representa- tlves. PRESIDENT SIGNS THE SHIP MEASURE (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 7. President Wilson today signed the ship bill. It authorizes government organization of a corporation or corporatins, with eapital of not more than 150,000,000, to buy or lease ships and put them in trade If they cannot be leased for operation to private capitalists. , Mr. Pfresch I say, Lizzie Miss Primme Miss Primme, if you please. And remember hereafter I shall always be Miss Primme. Mr. Pfresch Come to think of It I believe you will Exchange. ASQVIXW. It isn't every soldier who cantell the C iilling t'i'.i of ho.v lu daughter of the Prime Minister of his country. The Scotch soldier, at the hich he captured, is relating the thrilling tale of how he did it to Miss Eli Prime Minister. From the smile of M Iss Asquith's face, it may be presumed GRAVEN REP. ARE TO Will Export Speaker for Rally. First Bale of Cotton Due Soon. (Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, Sept. 7. Realizing that it is up to them to at least make a noise, the Craven county Republicans have planned to have Moses E. Clapp, of Minnesota apd George Butler, of this Stef:ma.ke.4an address ifr thisJ W'"onSeptemi)erJ 12th, the court1' House will be the place and 8 o'clock thchour. - . The Republicans down in this sec tion are sadly in the minority and are not making much of a showing but It is their intention to at least have one rally, even if there is no one on hand to hear the speakers but the few local members of the party. George Butler is also billed to make his appearance at Greensboro on Sat urday, September 9th, and tell the Re publican voters there why he thinks he - should be sent to Congress from this district. Prof. H. L. Joslyn, who is to have' charge of Craven county's Farm Life School during the coming term, has arrived at Vanceboro and is now get- ting that institution in readiness for opening on September 19th. The past term of the Farm Life School was the most successful in its short.history and every effort is to be made , to eclipse all previous records season: Prof! Joslyn will be assisted by an able corps of teachers, several of whom will arrive this week. According to a statement made to- day by Mr. J. R. Ball, one of the leading local cotton dealers, the first about ten days and Mr. Ball is expect ing It to come in rapidly after that time. Local dealers believe tha he farmers of Craven county will this season re ceive especially high prices for their staple and are anticipating that it will go as high as seventeen or eighteen cents before the close of the season. Bank to Double Capital. New York, Sept. 7. At a special meeting callel fcr today the stockhol ders of the Cha;o JJational Bank arei Indorse the proposal of the directors Panning msuiuuon in me metropolis. o l ill. :rNW l rinrv il3e, IN NUMBER OF DEATHS (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 7. The health au thorities today reported another slight Increase In the infantile paralysis epi demic. There were 61 new cases, an increase of eight over yesterday, and 28 deaths, a rise of six. Congressional Campaigning. (Frdm the Philadelphia North Ameri can.) "r -; , ,! A ' lot of Congressmen will declare against the pork-barrel in the coming campaign, but when it comes to soli citing 'votes they will not forget to point out how they got a $200,0000 ap propriation for the Mud villa Post Office. . . ) MAKE BIG NOISE SEC. DF WAR BAKER IS ON TAR HEEL SOIL TODAY Speaks on Political Issues in Winston-Salem This Afternoon GUEST AT BANQUET IN GREENSBORO Will Attend Conservation Dinner There Tonight. Congressman Small Also One of the Speakers. (By Associated Press.) Winston-Salem, N. C, Sept. 7. Before ' a crowd of several thousand persons Secretary of War Baker ad- dressed the voters of this city on poli tical issues this afternoon. The meet- ing was held under the auspices of the i county Democratic executive commit tee. Secretary Baker was met by the committee at Guilford battleground this morning and escorted to the city, He leaves for Greensboro late this af- ternoon, where he speaks tonight? To Speak at Banquet. Greensboro, N. C, Sept. 7. Secre tary of War Baker and Representa tive John H. Small arrived here early today from Washington to be guests of honor and the principal speakers to-, night at the "conservation" dinner here. s Secretary Baker motored to Guil ford battleground this morning, where he was met by a delegation of Win- ston-Salem citizens and carried through to Winston-Salem, where he speaks this afternoon Six hundred persons are expected to be present at the dinner tonight. LONG WORRIED BY FALSE CONVICTIONS, JUDGE DIES. Chicago, Sept. 7. Judge Henry V. Freeman, for twenty-five years Judge of the Superior Court, died on a train near Gran ; dRapids Tuesday morning. Judge Freeman has been in ill health for many years and ihs family al ways said his condition was brought on in part by grief over the fact that twenty years ago he sentenced to the penitentiary .for - life three men who he later became convinced were in nocent. He resfgn,ed last yfear from the' bench largely, because of tat belief. Judge Freenfan sentenced Thomas McNally, Charles Kurth and Edward Warren in April, 1914; for the alleged murder of James Prunty and his son Peter. When he became convinced the men ' were innocent he began a fight to get them out of the penitentiary. Warren died in prison, but McNally and, Kurth were paroled a year ago. Get In Accident r In front, of The Dispach office tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock v-will be filmed the bad accident scene of The Dis patch motion picture. It is desired that there be : a large crowd of. spectators and all those who care to see moving picture camera in action are invited to gather in fronts of The Dispatch office at the hour mentioned. m IK mil- charged the enemy's trenches to the left, displaying the German helmet zabeth Asquith, daughter of England's that the story is quite interesting. TRANSFERRING THE WHITE E Busy- Removing Executive Offices From Washington , to New Jersey. '-j(By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 7. All arrange ments were completed today for the transfer of the executive offices of the "flphite House f rom , Washington to Aslniry Tafl "N. J- t0nC-t the first time since l6r. Wilson be came President a complete staff of secretaries, clerks, telegraphers and other attaches will accompany him on "his vacation. Although President Wilson plans to spend most of the time at Shadow Lawn, the estate at Long Branch,- N. J., he will go to Asbury Park as often as necessary to visit the executive offices and attend to public business A suite of rooms has been engaged in an office building there and office furniture 'from the White House is being sent there already. The President will receive many of his political visitors at Shadow Lawn and the broad porch, from which he delivered his speech of acceptance, is expected to be the scene' of -receptions to delegations of Democrats from different States. Vance C. McCormick, 'chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who has his headquarters in New York, expects to visit the President at Shadow Lawn at least once a week and probably oftener. POLICE CHIEF IS DECLARED NOT GUILTY (By Associated Press.) Wilson, N.! C, Sept. 7. A-verdict of not guilty was returned here today by the jury acting in the trial of Chief of Police Wiggs for the killing last March of Phillip Worth, a negro. The case was given the jury yesterday af ternoon. The negro was resisting arrest when Wiggs shot him. ; HENRY FORD SEEKS A MILLION DAMAGES i (By Associated Press.) '' '' Chicago, 111., . Sept. 7. Suit for $1,000,000 was filed by Henry Ford, the Detroit magnate, against the Chi cago Tribune in jthe United States District Court here today. Mr. Ford asks . for personal damages as. com pensation for an editorial printed in the Tribune June 25, which, it is charged, called Ford an anarchist. Well Known'Railroader Found Intruder in His Bedroom Today , v HAD HIM DOWN WHEN MARAUDER FIRED Son Attempted to Capture the Robber But . Knocked Off and The Man Escaped ; (By Associated Press.) Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 7. C. D. Wayne, superintendent of the South eastern Passenger Association, was shot and seriously wounded early to day when, unajpaed, he grappled with a burglar whqe" discovered in the bedroom at his&ome here. He prob ably will recover, Wayne had thrown the burglar to the floor and was choking him when the intruder fired three times . One shot struck Wayne in the groin, another went through his left arm and a third struck him over the right eye, but glanced off. He continued to struggle, after being wounded, but the burning powder from the discharged pistol, set fire to his nightclothes and he was compelled to stop. When his father stopped, William Wayne, aged eleven, jumped on the burglar but was knocked off. The in truder then made good ihs escape. T STRIKE IN GREENSBORO Cigar Makers Went Out and Heh-Werit in Again All v (By Associated Press.) Greensboro, N. C, Sept. 7. One hundred and sixty employes of the El-Rees-So cigar factory here struck today, to enforce demand for higher wages and a change' of working hours. A committee appointed by the work men called on the management of the factory and, after a conference, called off the strike. It is understood that a change of working hours was grant ed, but an increase in wages was re fused. II Found Guilty in Craven Superior Court Book by Chamber of Commerce. (Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, N. C, Sept. 7. A special meeting of the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce was held last night for the purpose of con. sidering a proposition made by Mr. J. N. Harris, representing the Queen City Printing Company, of Charlotte, in regard to issuing an illustrated souvenir booklet of the city of New Bern. Mr. Harris only asked for the en dorsement ,of the Chamber of Com merce of his work and their assist ance in any possible way and; het promised to get out a booklet whicn would be a credit to the city. A committee composed of Messrs. J. B. Blades, B. B. Hurst and H. K. Land were appointed to assist him in 'this work and to 'give him any in formation and help possible. The booklet is to be issued within the next month. C Charles Bryan, a one-legged col ored man whom the police say is one of the worst "blind tigers" in the city, was yesterday afternoon found guilty of dispensing the "ardent" by a jury in .Craven Superior Court. Owing to the fact that Bryan is physically disabled Judge , Lyon de cided to grant him clemency one more time and suspended judgment but or dered that the defendant appear at the next term of court and show that his behavior had been good. Vl is customary to seal a proposal with, a kiss. Is it not? . , r It used to be, but nowadays it is considered best to hav.e a witness.-1 i Exchange. r Saw a girl on the street today in a bathing suit. , -How could you tell it was a. bath ing " suit? Exchange. , V " ONE-LEGGED "BUND TIGER" No Report From Conferees or( Revenue Bill Probable. Before Tomorrow - ! ' iOWEN CONTINUING FIGHT FOR BILL Would Have Corrupt , Practt ices Act Passed Now But W This Not Likely Dan- ish West Indies Treaty ' (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 7. Conferees oh the revenue' bill were at work early today, after a prolonged night ses sion, but no assurances were expect" ed that their report would be sub mitted before tomorrow or that con gress would adjourn before Saturday. Senator Owen was intent today on continuing his fight for his corrupt practices bill, which developed a tor rent of bitter personal remarks yea-, terday afternoon, after v the Senate voted to take up the measure. Lead-, ers insisted, however, that the bill " will not come to a vote before ad journment. There was a possibility that an kther - (Senate executive session) might be held today to consider the treaty for the purchase of the Danish. West Indlesjtnd a chance that it might be ratified at this session. The treaty; was discussed in secret yesterday. RE MUSTERED OUT Fifteen TTibund;TJtrslr Bacla v From BorderU lifeU;., lowed to Go. K :r (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept.. 7. The 15,000 '. guardsmen, returned "from the border by recent order of the War; Depart ment, were today ordered mustered ' out of the Federal service, the, guards men remaining on the border to stay there at' present.; - i The troops affected are three reg iments from New York, two from New Jersey, one from Maryland, two from Illinois, two from Missouri, one from California, one from Oregon, one from Washington and one, from Loui siana. 1 These units comprise in the aggre gate about 15,000 National Guards men. The plan for the mustering out of the regiments will be executed under the various departmental command-' ers within whose jurisdiction these organizations are placed. In many instances, where there is no reason to hold them, because of. disease In fection, the mustering out will ba done immediately. A Boy War Inventor. . (From the London Outlook.) A boy of twelve a few, weeks ago amused himself on his sick-bed by ' Inventing a device for. which the War Office has rewarded him with a free of twenty-five guineas. - A : MotLers Son devoted, loving " and tender wandered from' home. No reason was given for the un expected departure. No word had been received "for" years. The police ' and- detective 'de partments of many cities had been utilized without -results He was given up mourned as dead. - A light of hope still burned in his moth ers' heart that he , was alive. Finally a newspaper . story brought to this anxious and grief stricken mother a . let tera letter from her own son who had read the atpry in' a western city. - What this newspaper' did . for this moth er can' also do for, you . in finding lost articles, securing . positions, cooks, v maids, . etc. One Penny a word worth a dollar. The Dispatch Busi ness locals. Read for Profit, Use for Results. . Pkone 176 GUARDSMEN TO r -pV ' .1

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