WEATHER FORECAST, Unsettled tonight and Thursday with probably showers. " " .if X i "OTT IT FINAL EDITlOfl VOL. XXII. NO. 242. ILL EFFORTS TO SETTLE STRIKE Street Railway Companies De cline Offer of The Com mission PARADE PLANNED FOR TOMORROW May be Followed by Sympa thetic Walk-out Alleged Plot Discovered byv Detectives (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 13. The Inter- borough Rapid Transit and the New York Railway's Companies formally rejected today the public service com mission's recommendation for a strike settlement. The two companies, controlling the subway. "L" and "Green" car sur face lines, declined to hold further conferences with Union representa tives and announced their intention to continue operation of their lines on present basis. Brooklyn detectives, it was disclos ed today, are investigating reports of a plot to damage the property oft the Interborough company. A cylin drical package, 4 inches by 3 inches in diameter, was found by a track walker near Borough Hall subway station, in Brooklyn, last night. It contained, according to officials, dyna mite of the powerful kind, general ly used in undersea, operations. But few of the surface cars were operated today and passengers were forced to use the roads. Although subway and "L" traction officials i claims more trains tfaan normal are in operation there was congestion at the station. Platforms- were crowd ed and many narrow escapes were experienced by passengers. There was little or no violence during the night, due especially to the fact that policemen were stationed on roof tops from where attacks were made en "L" trains. Hugh Frayne, state organizer off the American Federation of Labor, announced today that between 12,000 and 20,000 will take part in the pa rJde and demcfistration tomiMTqwt Although he declined to discuss the proposed "sympathetic" strike, other Union leaders said plans were be ing made to call out all trades close ly allied with the street car lines in the event the demonstration tomor row and the efforts of the public ser vice commission prove unavailing to settle the trouble. Following the reply of the traction companies the strikers, through Wil- j mm d. uzgeraia, general orpmsr ui iuv hireet car employes uuiuu, .u- . formed the committee that the strik ers could not accede to the request of the commission to bring the strike to an immediate conclusion, in view t of the stand taken by the traction com panies. He accepted, in behalf of the union, the recommendation that the questions at issue be submitted to ar bitration. SPOTS WANT IT North Carolina Has a Town After The Armor-Plate Factory (By Associated Press.) Washington-Sept. 13 Sites in 110 tities, including 34 in the South, had b&eu offered to the government for the M,000,000 armor factory, authorized ln the naval appropriation bill, when Secretary Daniels began his hearings today. More than 300 men composed the delegations which attended the first hearing. Southern cities in the field for the armor plate include Fayetteville, N. C. TO BAR MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PERSONS (By Associated Press.) Chicago, 111., Sept. 13. Marriage "etween parties divorced for any caUHe, either of whom has a husband or wife living, will not be permitted hereafter in the Protestant Episcopal church if a new canon recommended the committee on marriage and d)vorce is adopted by the general con tention of the church at St. Louis. Jctober 11, according to announcement today. OVER HUNDRED RUING LIKE A v HOUSE AFLAME That is Colonel Varner's Opin ion of Wilson's Chances In The West (Special to The Dispatch.) ; Raleigh, N. C, Sept 13. Henry B. Varner, chairman . of the state prison board, attended the meeting of that body yesterday and returned home in the afternoon. Mr. Varner is just' back from' Lex ington,. Kentucky, where he attended ti good roads convention. While out there Charles Evans Hughes, Republi can candidate for the presidency, came in the hotel at which Mr. Varner was stopping. The Lexington, North Caro lina, "newspaper man met the former judge. "Fairbanks is super-heat in compari son' Mr. Varner saidi. ;Wihy, when that doggone man came into that hotel, he didn't create as much excitement as I would have done had I turned up -at good roads speaking at Fuquay Springs where probably ninety percent of the people would have been against me. Teddy. Taft or Wilson would have caused the hotel guests to tear down the house. But they d'idVt seem to pay a particle of attention to Hughes. I think if we can't beat him we might as well go out of business. "WoodrowWilson is running in the west like a house aflame. I don't be lieve they can beat him, not with Hughes. And understand that in say ins: this I don't pretend to be the orig inal Wilson man. I am one man who never was for Wilson until after he was nominated. I was for Underwood. But Wilson is the greatest fellow in the country and he is going to make a clean sweep this year." AGAIN FAILS TO Ml L Old Trouble Breaks Out . Again Jn Wake County i lownship (Special to The Dispatch.) Raleigh, N. C, Sept 13.-County Superintendent D. F. Giles vainly strove to open Mount Vernon School ! yesterday morning, but when he closed his beautiful appeal to the manhood of the place, parents led away their chil dren1 and precipitated the old trouble. The school failed last year when J. R. Medlin's children, about the like liest looking to be found, it is said, came for registration. Mr. Medlin's children were pronounced pure-blooded by the superior court, by the su preme and by all the law that could be scraped up. They were therefore within their perfect rights. But the neighborhood swears by all the horns of the altar tat they have an infinitesi mal tinge of black blood in tern and the community will not support the scnooj year when SuperIntendent Giles . . . toQnWa out there the school broke into hostile camp and a subscription session was taught near that place which is three miles from Raleigh. Mr. Medlin thought he had overcome the prejudice which is not against him, and announced that forty or fifty would stick this year. They did show up today and Mr. Giles is against his immeorial trouble. The community has not persecuted the Medlins. It has simply refused S attend the school since the Medlin ixed-blood controversy arose. When it came up the board of education ruled against the Medlins. They appealed to the superior court and there the jury deciding the issues of fact pronounced the children of pure blood. The appeal went up. and Chief Justice Clark writ ing the opinion relied upon the jury. Justice Walker dissented. This morn ing Professor Giles tried to appeal to the community by telling it that its citizenship, good and true, had decid ed the children - all white. The pat rons demurred to his flattery. They said the jury had been picked for a peculiar purpose. Mr. Giles naa commissionea air. aua r Mrs. R. L. Hoke to teach the school and these be good people, relatives of the soldiers and jurista who bear that name, it is said. The teachers began as though they had never heard of trou ble. They, weren't troubling trouble until trouble trbiibled them. Which was uncommonly early. ' 1 -w RUSSIANS REPULSED IN CARPATHIANS. ' (By Associated Press1.) Berlin, Sept. 13 By wireless) The repulse of .violent Russian 4i attacks on a long front in the Carpathians, is announced by the 4 war office today. 4 inTransylvania German troops have been brought up to fight the Rumanians. OPEN GiO 4 LARGEST .WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, GENERAL SARRAIL GREEKS ITALIANS ;Cthrcy., : , $F31M&ZWZ&S'-Z ilrir1:r.,.l, ' -1 f-TrVfi .'i,mi'iii"'iii'i hum-' ' ,M. I,.' '' v- - ' ' V MMM ' Little has been carried in the dispatches from Greece regarding the arrival of Italian troops at Sahmica. Yet here is a picture, which shows General Sarrail, at the right, the Frenc h commander in charge of althe Al lied Armies in the Balkans, reviewing the Italians as they marched throug h the streets of Salonica just 'after landing. The Italians, it will be notic ed, have also been supplied with the steel trench helmets. Every one of the Allied powers, with the exception of Rumania and Japan, now has soldiers o n the. Macedonian front. 0 PRESIDENT BACK TO He Will Return if Condition of Sister Grows Worse (By Associated Press.) New London, Conn., Sept. The naval yacht, Mayflower, 13. with President Wilson aboard, steamed out of harbor at 6 o'clock this ; morning. The Maiyflower will take the president to Sandy" Ilqok, where an automobile wiU he- waiting to take him to the SumpJfeV White' House at Long Branch, N. J. He expects to arrive at Long Branch about 5 o'clock this afternoon. The President decided to leave New London last night, after physicians attending his sister, Mrs. Anne E. Howe, had advised him that she would have o be kept under the influence of opiates and would be un able to recognize him; that she might live f0rseveral days. informed of his sister's condition by wire. Should a sudden turn for the worse take place he plans to return. Xhe President did not come ashore before leaving this morning. Joseph H. Wilson, of Baltimore, his brother, and Miss Margaret Wilson, his daugh ter. remain here, but joined the at tending physicians in urging that the President leave. The President has an accumulation of business awaiting him at Shadow Lawn. Mr.: Wilson has practically paid no attention to his campaign for re election,' but unless he is summoned back here within the next few days he will hold several political conference this week. Willi Have Majority In The Democratic Convention In ; Macon Sept. 26. : ' (By Associated Press.) Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 13. Hugh M. Dor sey will go into the Georgia Democratic convention, at Macon, Sept. 26th, with a Vf ! frtvifTr rf trrxaa rlar 001 tn VllTTl . V. tfTftrflB r - 1t nf thfi state Dri- mary- yesterday. While returns todaV n . were; still incompleted figures at hand give Dqrsey .107 counties with a con ventlqni. Vote of 260 ; Governor Harris, 37 counties,' with a convention vote of 98; Dir. jL: G. Hardman, 4 counties, with 10 delegates, and Joseph E. Pottle, 3 counties with . scarcely a dozen dele gates. V-A majority in the convention will be 192. All - the State House offices, except Governor Harris, are confident they will be returned. PORT OFFICERS IN ANNUAL CONVENTION (By Associated Press.) Montreal, Canada, Sept.; 13. Vir tuaUylifrvery North American seaport was "represented when the American Association of Port Managers opened its annual convention here, today. Papers on port management will be read ' during the three-day convention LONE BRANCH DORSEY GEORGIA'S NEXT GOVERNOR Jof the association. CIRCULATION IN WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY SALONIC A'. J TV 4 h V : -f -x- a 4s- STORM PASSES INLAND 4f : (By Associated Press.) JC- Washinglotn, Sept 13 The X- South Atlantic storm has passed inland in Northern Florida and has lost intensity, the weather bureau announced today. 4C -3C- l'e 4f 5f Jf -5C- Wilmington Furniture Com pany Will Have Big Open ing Tomorrow There is no mercantile establish ment so important to the commercial life of a city than its furniture stores, whether this store is of large or small , ; proportions, for from here' must be supplied those necessities of living so important to the average American for the home must te in order, not necessarily elaborately or expensively furnished, but furnished in such a manner as to be inviting and comfort- j able. j Modern methods of furniture manu-t facturing and distributing has rendered it possible for the most humble to en- AH M IN ITS joy that mode of life which only the .examination by a British warship of rich years ago could afford. There, the Philippine steamer, Cebu, within is no reason now why every home can-, territorial waters, was discussed to not be furnished at the very smallest day by Secretary Lansing and VSec- , expense. In keeping with other cities, Wil-, . . . , tA.A r! UllllgtUU IS IU UB muuuuv,Cu luuiiinun and Friday to an entirely new furni ture store. The Wilmington Furni- ture company, imo. us. worm rront. street and a good example of what n hip-h-p nso riirniriiro psra n lsnTnenr conducted along progressive lines should be is to be found, by those who attend) the two opening days. The Wilmington Furniture Com-! pany has conducted a store in the Gar-1 rell Building, on Princess street, , for a number of years and the trade which it Yin a inpnrnnrotod frnrn 17001. tn voir extends tor a radius of many miles in and around Wilmington. , The ,new location will afford much larger quarters for the displaying and handling of the immense stock of at tractive and pleasing home furnishings,- the stock . now displayed being goods of the latest andmodern ideas In the furniture line ; ? ' "' ""'" :i . , The stock .comprises a-complete'. house furnishing 'assortment andjthere Lawrence Bridge Company has notified Is nothing in the furnishing of a home the Canadian government that it ac ni'bst humble or the most pretentious Jcepts full responsibility for. the fall of home that cannot be supplied from the ! the Quebec bridge span and gites no well appointed, store. , " jtice that it will undertake to replace The publics cordially invited to at-' the span and complete the bridge as tend the opening, and view the new soon as possible . , ' J ' " store with its entire new stock of j With steel scarce it is believed it good including bed roonl dining, will take two years to construct a new; roomand parlor furniture in solld'ma-f span. It was definitely stated that no hogany of period design, and notably ! attempt woiild be made to raise the among the display can be seen such ' fallen span, as it will be cheaper to patterns. and finishes in Queen "Anne, build a new' one. Jacobian and Adam dining room suits- ..' in quartered .,s?iwed oak. Bed room I suites in Antique Ivory on solid ma-j hogany, in Bird;s Eye Maple and Cir-i cassian walnut and golden oak. Vr J : j British aviators have found that- horsehair cushions provide enough elasticity , to counteract the vibration i of aeroplanes and make the Use of J magnetic compasses possible. i ERNOON, SEPTEMBER 1 3, 19 1 6. TO TAKE Will Make Extended Speaking Tour in Behalf of Demo cratic Nominees. (By Associated Press) Chicago, 111, Sept. 13 William Jennings Bryan .will begin next week an extended speaking trip through the western and central states in behalf of ; Wilson andf Marshallit was an nounced today .r J Ho makes - histirst spech4tt RenoJ wevaaa, septemoer is, and' wonts eastward. Mr Bryan will be in Ken tucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Mich igan the latter part of Octoher and will spend the last-week of the cam paign in Nebraska. TO T DETAILS OF IT Govt. Investigating Report of British Violation Of Philippines. (By Associated Press)' : Washington Sept. 13. The recent retary Baker. It is understood that further details will be sought, from Governor-General Harrison before a protest is sent uiw jdiiusmi bujciu ment. Ambassador Spring-Rice ; has cabled the British office for informa- t, COncerninff the incident.' Em- ba &sy officials think there must-have been some mistake in the report is sued by the Cebu's master. Be Cheaper to Do This Than Raise the Old One, Says , Bridge Company ? :: Ottawa. Ont.. Sept. 13. The St - " - ' ' ft-'-' ZAIMIS AND CABINET QUIT, By Associated Press.) ;, ,? . Athens,.. Greence, Sept.. 12, (Via London, : Sept., 13; Delay- ' ed.) King Constantino has ' ac- cepted the resignation- of Prem- ier;Zaimis and his cabinet r ' H- -H , -H- 4f BRYAN STUMP NEXT WEEK IT iaiii i UAiir Qiiiin WILL linVL UUILU i t"i i - rt n inn nlll ll . Ntw mm. m Nominee In New York . Con f erring With Party Leaders Today. STARTS SECOND r TOUR SHORTLY Declares People Are Interest ed and Cordial As In ; Maine So In Rest of Country, He Says (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 13. After a series tof conference with Republican and Progressive leaders upon his arrival here today from a presidential cam paign trip, which took him Into 25 States, Charles Evans Hughes plan ned to leave late this afternoon for his summer home at Bridgehampton, L. I., to remain until his departure ' i Sunday night or Monday morning to his second speech-makine tour. Discussing the tour just ended the candidate said at headquarters here today: "We had a most successful trip. Everywhere a great deal of interest has been shown and the cordiality of the people has been very marked. In this respect the situation in Maine is no different than in other States. I have every reason for confidence." Mr. Hughes reiterated his convic tion that the present . Republican campaign management -will be effect ed without a change in the personnel. WAS IN DISTRESS Ordered Here On Account of Cargo Shifting Endanger ing Lives of Passengers The British passenger and freight steamer Hayaro is now at quaran tine station. . According to Messrs Alexander Sprunt & Sons, who are Lloyd's agents, the vessel has bene ordered to report to the'tti as the car go is shifting and the yessels bad ly listed. Passengers will be put off here merely as a matter of precaution and the cargo of the vessel will again be stored in place. Just where the vessel is from now and her destination is not known but it thought that she is from a port in the West Indies ad is bound for New York. - Uncle Jim for years had been wanting a home of his own; a place in which he could live and spend his declining years, surround ed by his little family and from the eternal "pesterings' of the rent collector. But for one reason and another he had been putting it off. He had been for months a con stant daily reader of The Dis patch's Business Local ads, and one day he made the start towards the realization of his dream for he had found just the home he had been look ing for advertised. .The price, location and terms were right and he lost no time in closing the deal whereby he became owner of his home every body satisfied wife, Uncle Jim and the seller. Perhaps there is an Uncle Jim looking for your announcement this very minute who knows ? . If you have property for sale, rent of exchange, or wish to purchase or sell, anything let .The Dispatch's "Little Local Ads" do the workl l -i PRICE FIVE CENTS, FRENCH CAPTURE : ANOTHER VITAL POINT TN WEST Continue " Their . Advance Along Spmme and Now, . Menace Combles. ; BRITISH CONTENT HOLD THEIR OWN Entente Offensive Developing . In Macedonia - Zaimis ' Cabinet's Retirement Significant v , (By Associated Press.) .'. -..-! . Instead of resting on -the ground won in, - yesterday ' general attack north Jf the Somme the French con tinued their thrust last night, cap turing the village of Bouchavesnes and a wooded area nearby. The vil lage lies east of the Bthune-Peronne road, cut in yesterday's drive and, its capture, with adjacent territory ap parently clinches French possession of this main highway to Peronne. Conbles is now cut. off from the south and in danger. General Foch is in a . favorable position for striking north at Peronne. The French advance is one of the most important gained in any single operation since the Somme offensive began. The British, " who hold the line northwest of Combles,- are maintain-, ing a firm grip on Ginchy, but ap' parently have made no effort to gain further ground to the east. London today reported the general situation unchanged. , In Macedonia the entente' offensive is developing along the western sec tor. Athens announces a "joint ad vance . by the French and Serbian troops captured Sorlvitz hear : Fiorina, while Paris reports . important pro gress, particularly a considerable gain byv the Serbians near Lake Ostro Vt?.c ; '.ii-c'.-. - ..-.'" ';.":v;:. -i , . ' ;Th,Qt: Zaimis; -cabinet 7 in Greece rifij out of office, with acceptance of the resignation by r King Constantine. This is regarded as preliminary to Greece's abandonment of neutrality and her entrance into the war on the side of the entente. ' , BLEASE WHIPPED Governor Manning " Came From Behind and Beat Him In Yesterday's Primary. -; -'. - i ' (By Associated . Press.) Columbia, S. C, Sept. 1 13. Gover nor Richard I Manning has been re nominated for governor of South Car olina over former . Governor Cole L. Blease, according to nearly complete unofficials returns from - yesterday's Democratic "run. off" primary compil ed here today. Manning's vote, In cluding that cast by National Guards men" on the border, with only 84 small South Carolina precincts miss-, ing, is 68,926 over 64,274 for Blease. Representative Wyatt Aiken, of the Third congressional district, who was forced into a second primary with F. H. Dominickr of Newberry, appears to have been defeated by about 2,500. votes. . r ' ' In the contest forrailroad commis sioner, the only other Statewide race, James Cansler defeated; Albert S.. Fant by a majority of 20,000. " v ; I Mr. Blease lead Governor Manning by more than 20,000 votes in the first primary, but failed to obtain a ma jority over the five, candidates in the gubernatorial race.' The heavy votd polled In the first race by Robert A. Copper : apparently was : throwri to Governor Manning in yesterday's con-, test.- " v ' "" "" ",. WILMINGTON CONCERN CHARTERED BY STATE ; (Special to The Dispatch.) Raleigh, N. C, Sept. .13. The Standard' Cement' Construction Com pany, 'of Wilmington was chartered yesterday with 15,000 authorized and $15,000 paid in 'capital. Thev sub scribers are John. D.. Walker, Jr., Charles D . O'Neal, J. B. Davis and ; G. A. P. Bowman. The Monarch Cotton Mills7 Company of Dallas has- k amended its charter to make an increase, in stock from $100,000 to $200,000, with $25,000 of preferred, stock, j ; , . 1 . The adjutant , general's office today; received from the federal department notice that all property of the national guard lost prior to 'December, .. 1911 would Jbe paid for Jby the ? government This means a saving' of $17,000 to the state and will qome in, quite handily.' IN THE RON OFF" i! v ! i 1... -1... , ,11 . H 1 . v u 1. : Mill ,-- " . i', W . : ' " vi: 1 . Ii . ; ' "i V

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