J. WEATHER FORECASTi Fair tonight and Thursday. Mod crate northeast winds. ' - : - FiiL EDITIOO I TjHEJR VOL. XXII. NO.: 249. THE;WILMlTON-DISPA,TC ;u -' if:i - r' - PklCEiS CENTS irt iirr r Tflfil ' - -,..- ... : : f m M n .nss& M M J ILL i iuii mmm: a ;:coNjiiiii!lillliii i h ii ii ' j' ii 1 1 ii i I i I ii ii 1 ii mm ii . ii i - i Teutons Concentrate Forces and Beat Back Russian nnrl Rumanian Menace ' ( BIG BATTLE FOR IMPORTANT RAILWAY !'- Entente Appears to Have Best of The Fighting in Macedo nia Turks Report Victory Over Russians Greece May Be On Threshold of Entering War. righting on a huge scale is in pro gress along the eastern war front, whrnco center of interest shifted "fol lowing the letup in the heavy allies att;uk along the Somme. Kvi'h iue is accumulating that the central powers are devoting their main attention to the canifa'gn ih. thp cast, concentrating, large forces- apiiiist the Rumanians, and putting all possible available men In the field to stop the Rssian advance on Lem bpiu ami the menacing drive of, tin Russians and Rumanians in the Car pi hians and Transylvania. lMtli Berlin and Sofia report , de reiopmeut of a great battle on the lin' i lie Russians and Rumanians have taken up in Dobrudpa, to defend the railway route in the interior . of Rumania. The engagement, they! declare, is turning in favor of the forces of the central powers. Latest reports from the fighting In Galicia and Volhynia show- that the Teutonic forces are engaged and claim a decid er! adavantage over the Russians. As has frequently, -been the case vhnn decisive developments are pend- ing. Petrograd today is silent re garding operations along the Russian front, reporting merely that there has been no important toaSpeningT T!ip Turkish troops, which appear1 to have played an- important part in Ftiffoning the line of the Teutonic al lies ia the east, have Jteen - success ful in the recent Nfghting' in Galicia, Constantinople announced today. A fo:ty eight hour battle with superior Russian forces resulted in the Turk ish troops maintaining-their position. In .Macedonia the trend of the cam paign appears to favor the entente armies. The Serbians are reported in a runt in tied advance along tlje wes tern (Mid of the line. Owce again appears as probably a n w factor in the military field in th? Balkans. She is reported to have fent an ultimatum to Germany de mand the return of the Greek troops takpn prisoners at Kavala, by the Bulgarians and sent to Germany for internment. romparative quiet prevails in the Soinme region. Paris sends news of a German attack on Hill No. 76, north of the river, which the French repelled. TIGHT RACE IN LE Boston Fuither to The Front. and Brooklyn Has Best in1 National - riiicago. Sept. 20. A jame and a ha,F - - ill seperate Boston and "Chicago tof,yy in the American league race Detroit is a half game a head i of riii,.aLrn arifi f.,ii o-oma hhfnd thftl wnvv . Detroit and Boston have two ror" e sames at Detroit and Chicago fays Philadelphia today and tomor row. 7,. percentage4 are Boston Detroit .572, Chicago .569. . In the .National league Brooklyn is today tv.-r, full games ahead of Phil Q,l l)hia, having won from Cincinnati stcrdav whil Philadelnhia lost to rhifufT, Rnefnn ta onH -h nif J panies behind Brooklyn and one half ! 8 fi;arlle below Philadelphia." .Brook below Philadelphia." yn's 16 remaining -games are at home v l, ;(. three of Philadelphia's 17 and it of Boston's 20 are abroach - -x- -Jf 4- -x- L REPORTS ENORMOUS ALLIED LOSSES Berlin, Sept. 20, (Via wireless to Dayville) British and French- ' losses in the battle of .i the Somme have reached abput 500.000. the - Overseas -News Agency estimates . ;. - - , -X- t - - ' -v . I - , f people to Join" SIN6ING PilSES OF illlil. WILSON Declares Chairman McCor mick About Eight-Hour ' Day Railway Law WILL MEET THE v ' ATTACK President Plans to Have His Entire Program Enacted. No Further Speech Dates Announced Long Branch, N. J., Sep .. 20. r resident Wilson and Chairman Vance McCormick mapped out here today a program for meeting the campaign at tacks of Charles Evans Hughes on the railway eight-hour law Asserting that the Democrats would show that the President had placed before congress a complete program to meet the recent threatened strike, Chairman McCormick said that Mr. Wilson is preparing to . urge strongly during the next session of congress the enactment of this program. When the: entire plan is fully under stood . by the people of the country they will join in praising Mr. Wilson,' the chairman said . . The Republicans, he declared, seem to ignore everything inths program, except the one item passed by congTess. . Mr." MeCoTmlck added that it' will "be shown " clearly, however, that the President's ' plan is I to minimize the possibility of a repeti tion of the threatened railroad strike which arose recently. - The chairman was not ready today to announce any additional speech ar rangement for President Wilson, but said that correspondence would-be be gun regarding several engagements. He plans to return here next Tuesday for another conference. Officials of Y. M- C. A. of Car Hnas Hold Session Begin ning Tomorrow Charlotte, Sept. 20. lhe conference of the employed officers of the Young Men's Christian Association of North and South-Carolina will be held here Thursday and Friday of thi week. The conference will be a general one hut different times will be allowed esch department in which to discuss thinirs nertaining to their -affairs?' The object of the conference however. as a whole will be tos standardize the work of the Association in , the two Carolinas. Quite a number of prominent Y . M. C; A. workers will be present and will make addresses and the officials are looking forward to a most suc- cessful meeting, The official session will start Thursday morning at -11 o'clock and Friday night at the' closing of the last session a banquet will be held at which time a number of the most important tranches of the work will be discussed": " The banquet as well as being con nected with the regular session wilf be a farwell one to Mr. E.. G. Wilson, -nrftminftiit Yl M. C.v A. -"worker who will leave within the next few weeks -ifnr Rurooe where he Will take up the same work among ' the belligerent countries. FUNERAL OF GENERAL , MILLS HELD TODAY Washington, Sept. 20. Military honors 'were .accorded Major Greneral Albert , L. Mills, " late head of the military affairs , bureau, of the War Department, at his funeral held here today. The pall bearers included ;- a number of prominent military and civil ; officials.. . ,.' Burial will be made tomorrow at West Point . where the cadets will participate in the ceremonies.-- GDNFERENGEMEETS IN CHARLOTTE No Plan In Sight For Averting .Giant Sympathetic Strike v ; BUSINESS MEN I AGAIN IN CONFERENCE Unions Give Until Tomorrow Night For Decision Riot ing on Increase and Many Arrests Made - New York, Sept. ' 20. Despite at tempted, intervention of a committeo ot business men there seems to be tie prospect of averting a general strike in sympathy with the street railway employes. Labor leaders assert that the pro posed general walk-out will involve about 700,000 workers. A second conference of business men, with Mayor MitcheL and the chairman of the jjublic service com mission, was called today, but it was the feeling of those concerned that the situation has reached a virtual deadlock. Union leaders promise to withhold the order for a sympathetic strike until after Thursday and, in the meantimev the city authorities and business men will endeavor to find some way to prevent extension of the labor war, which threatens to tie-up a considerable part of the city's indus tries. . An attempt to operate surface cars Slast night resulted in the worst riot ing since the strike began but of ficials of the transit companies say the service in the daytime is improv ing steadily. . J Throughout the night elevated trains apd subway trains, at points wjhere they raiv-on elevated - structures jhct e subjected to bombardments of both: ago, that was caused by lightning will bottles and brickbats, Car windows be.-j be rebuilt in the near future. Accord ing smashed, and a number of passeng- ing to the report the new building will ers injured. j I be thoroughly modern in all details Today there were-several attacks land will cost approximately $25,000.. by strikers and sympathizers on sur-j The State High School at Pink Hill face cars and the police reserves were repeatedly called out. Durihg the forenoon attacks on sur face cars continued intermittently. The last 24 hours have witnessed the most extensive strike." n Police disturbances of the reports today; show the arrest' of 20 men declared to be former employes. Fifteen of these aFe accused of felony in attacks on trains and cars.' T THE CROOKS Washington Takes Up Investi gation of Chicago Black . - mailers. Chicago, jlll., Sept. 20. Investigation of th operations of the alleged black mailing syndicate, accused of swind ling wealthy persons inx various parts of the country out of large sums of moneys was transferred to Washington temporarily today by the department RING TO CORNER of justice. H. G. Clabaugh, local agent people in need of help in the county, of the department of justice went to j 0ld time fiddlers from all over the Washington to consult with Attorney . gtate have been invited to participate General '.Gregory. f an(j a score from this county have al- William C. Woodward, wanted byready signIfied their intention of do thegoyrnmentinconnecUonwith thejing g0 prizes wUl be awarded to alleged dwindle, surrendered last night and was i released on $2,500 bond. Three of those arrested were discharg ed yBtferday on account of lack of evidence The four others are still be ing held and will be given an examina tion befofe a United States commis sioner next Friday. v Rags Burning Rags burning at the home of Mary" Moore, colored, No. 804 North -Seventh street, this morn ing at 8:45 o'clock caused .the fire departnieht to be called from box No. 114. Nodamage was reported. "35 "ts 3r ' 45- HAS . GREECE SENT AN ULTIMATUM? v vx ' ; . 4 Athens, Greece, Sept. 19, (Via London, Sept. 20, Delayed. jv There lis reason '" to believe' that the Greek government has sent -Jf an ' Ultimatum to . Germany and Bulgaria r expirinlg Wdheday & night, demanding the immediate return of the soldiers taken , .. , i -rr 1 rt " ' ' v - - " to - g ' : ,V':-- .-r - .' - Ask f ThEp Special Session , pf 1 Congress Deal With The Question. A TWENTY CENT LOAF " IS NOW ON WAY Flour Will Go Up to $14 a Barrel Unless Siomething Is Done, Declare The Bakers New York, Sept. 20. President jWilson will-beT asked to call a spe lit-Jcial session of congress to declare I an embargo upon the exportation of wheat and Federal and State invests, gation of the increased "price of flour will be demanded by resolutions adon? . of re-organzinz the Chamber this af ed 'by fwo hundred bakers of Brook- ternoon at a get-together luncheon, lyn yesterday. , . . V given at the Wilmington Hotel. That It was asserted that- flour : will be was the Colonel's answer to thelit sold at $14 a barrel and bread at 20 i tie fellow who wanted' to know - what cents a loaf next spring, unless an embargo is imposed. RE L 1 Baptist Institution at Winter ville to be Replaced by Mod ern Building Kinston, Sept . .20.-It is "understood time has opened with the necessary pupils to make it a government institution an many other pupils are expected during the week.. At the opening ses sion several addresses were made by prominent educators in this section . one oi the teatures or the tair tnat is to be held there this fall will be the old time tournament such as was held last year with such startling suc cesses. Chfef Marshal Harvey .C. Hines has written to over a thousand men in the surrounding country asking that they take part and it is thought that fully half of this number will accept and will be among the gaily caparised raiders in the tournament. The grand parade this year will .be on a much more spectacular scale than was held last year and the num ber of floats that the different frater nal organizations and business houses are planning to put in ..will be an es pecially attractive feature. i The Republican campaign in Lenoir county was opened this afternoon at 2 o'clock, when J. J. Parker, candidate for attorney general, spoke here. Judge Manning, Democratic candidate for the same office, will speak here later in the month. A number of old time fiddlers will next month, hold a fiddling contest here and the proceeds will go to the the best fiddlers. COOL WEATHER HAS HURT COTTON CROP Washington, Sept. 20. Cool weath er in North Carolina and parts of South Carolina has caused some dam age to cotton, but picking and gin ning are progressing under favorable conditions in most " Southern" , States, according to the weekly crop bulletin issued by the weather bureau today. The bulletin adds that most of the tobacco crop in Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee has been housed and is being cured. ' . , CARRANZA CHANGES THE ELECTION DATE Mexico City. Mexico. Sent. 20. A decree by General Carranza was pub- lished today changing the date for the election of delegates to the con- stitutional assembly from October 15 f r ilfi rihar The aecsmhlT will to 20 . and the first formal session will be held December l. WILL here tat the'JfcJapttst;-:Hign Bcnopi that -was -destroyed by ftf e 'some '' - ; ; ' ' i - ' ' cry-'AV'-: j At Luncheon- Given at The j ew Wilmington ' Today THE CHAMBER MUST BE GIVEN iSUPPOZlT Idea in The Future Is to Treat All Members on Equal ' ; Basis It Is De- clared. Declaring that it will, mean stagna- j-tion and bankruptcy to the little mer chant, and perhaps the larger one, too, when crepe is hung on the door of the Chamber of Commerce. Col. Walker Taylor explained the plans he. was going to derive from this or ganization. ' ' Colonel Taylor pleaded ror a. bigger and better organization. He declared that it was impossible for a city and a community - to get vTesuts . unless such an organization was maintained and when he explained the plans of re-organization . he Was accorded hearty applause. - - . The idea is "to give every member an- -equal opportunity. ' Hereafter memberships are not to be had in the name of firms. When one wishes to join the Chamber one must join in his name. Col. Taylor told : of the friendly battle that "". is being waged every day by the business men ot the city and of the need of a place where they can assembW ,hd discuss their dlffar eiicefc He' ltptilaidhat ltr impossiDte -: to get togetner on any thing during the busy hours of the day, and that cue wished to ' go home to oiSb's family at night but he added that a Chamber of Commerce settled this. The fact that every member is to be given the same consideration re gardless of whether he did a ten dol lar or a thousand dollar a day . busi ness was one of the points Col. Tay lor soughjtr- to drive home .. "Every note in the organization must sound harmoniously," declared the 'colonel, "if the right kind of results ' are to be obtained." .'f , The new idea is to charge the same membership fees ' to alL'.- Colonel Tay lor declared that in this way every link in the chain would be of the same durability. -. The officers of the organization are to he Rlect'erl Hirectlv bv thp. mem-' bers. -Any member is allowed to nominate whoever he- cares to ' andi- when all the nominees are in the bal loting is to commerce. Colonel Tay lor explained that this . way is -fair to everyone concerned, adding that if any member present could Improve? on the plan the committee would be" glad to hear from him. J. G. McCormick, Esq., vice- presi dent of the Chamber, presided " dyer the meeting. Following Colonel Tay lor's talk Mr. McCormick told the as semblage of the , great -and urgent need of a traffic manager. , jie ad mitted that the Chamber'st'traftle com mittee was good enough 'in its Way but added that a traffic manager was J nel Whether the steamer was attack the one thing needed. He declared ed without Warning was not stated. that there was not, a city anywnere of Wilmington's proportion that r did not maintain such an office And., he urged upon those present- to seethat such an office was. created at onoe!'-'' The1 luncheon was all that could be desired. The guests filed into the. dining room of The Wilmington a few minutes after 1 o'clock and remained ! standing while prayer was offered." by Rev. "M. T: Plyler. The chef ; had ten at the inner meaning of the' word food and the five courses served left the guests in an unusually pleasant frame of mind. -' DURHAM NEGROES f EQUAL QUAKER CITY Durham, Sept. 20. Negroes here are raising a fund that will go to the Fund that is. being taken by' popular subscription and already vovef V$600 has been raised. The members pf the colored race here wish to equal the ahiount. sent in by the Philadelphia colored people, Which was $lt0W and the leaders in j the movements here state that the necessary amount over swhat they, have already raised - is practically assured. A - The Durham . Traction- Company has authorized an- extension of - one half mile on itsiine that is to be extended to- the plant of the - Virglnia-paroliha Chemical Company's plant. I HTF!iT 13 SKIRTS w. ;- -w w f FOR THE CiRLIES Fashion ibout to Decree More Flaring Garments and With No Less Cost New York, Sept. 20. Longer and less flaring skirts, are indicated byj fallf ashions, , says the semi-annual report of the Silk Association of Am eHca. Skirts will je ankle length, made of plaits-requiring as much or more material than last season, is the prediction. , Parts fahions it, Is asserted, have not favored extreme-; ly short, almost freakish skirts that have "been worn. here this year.: ' The wearing- of those skirts, un questionably has increased the de mand for silk hosiery,' both fanjy and plain, says the report of the experts. CAUSE OF DEATH Official of 3reehe County Suf- r j p . i e i r tered r atal OtrOKe or J Apoplexy . :J'-:: - : . rx. Sn Sr'J' C" fe Iiam H.lliams . ..hgj gene appplexy suffered. last, night after ..?rra7-riw;,mv.taro from resting William. Sasser, an 18-year-old th& interior , indicate that, General negro, charged with firing upon and Trevmo.s force3 were driven out of, wounding, with bird shot, four, white chihuahua City in the Villa-attack persons, in a automobile near -here. SatUrday. Th4y took station on a Sasser was arrested but the deputy j large hillj outside the city, from neces hating him in charge-did not report i slt and not from joice, as previous- immediately, cmeriii wwnams,: n was said, became uneasy, hearing that the prisoner had been taken away from the- officer. It is believed that the i stroke was induced by the excitement incident to the arrest of the negro. - Mrs. Cleon Jones, Miss Blanche Jones, Zebulon Jones and Troy Dail were in the car fired upon . None was seriously injured. The negroi, it was said, bore a grudge against Dail. Consul. General Skinner Re ports Two American Sea men Were Saved Washington, Sept. 20. Consul Gen eral Skinner,, at London, cabled the state department today that two Amer ican sailors were saved from the Brit ish steamer, Strathtayr torpedoed by a snhmarine Sent. 6 in the English Chan- nefinite information on this noint will Le sought before any inquiry is ad dressed to .Germany : "''-' .It is assured by the official that affi davits by the American seaman are on the way to the state department. , : The way to the state' department. Ne York for Havre and early report of the sinking said the entire crew was saved. NEW CASES SHOW A v f DECREASE. TODAY New York, Sept. 20. Eighteen neW cases of infantile paralysis .in the epi demic, a decline of 17 since yester day's report was issued, was shown in the. department of health bulletin covering the 24 hours ending at 10 a. m . - today . ; There were ten deaths, the same number as yesterday. , 4f .-. . .. :. - - BRITISH GAIN . - : . MORE GROUND : - ' - " London, ' Sept 20. British 4f troops south of Arras yesterday captured 200 yards of . German & trenches, says the official state,-. . ment issued today by'rBritis.h 'army headquarters.. " ' ! . ' ' ' 'Jk ' SA LORS STOR ES? ON THE WAY OVER Reported That ; . Bandit Chief -tain Has Taken Chihuahua City From Carranza s -i FUNSTON EXPECTS SOMETHING TO HAPPEN Triinks That Villa , May AI : ready Have Severed .Ccm munication and Garrisons " Better Look Out Outlaw's Forces Have Grown Tales Brought to General Bell. EI Paso, Texas, Sept, 20. Rumors current ' here today that Chihuahua City was captured by Villa In a sec ond attack last night. Mexican of ficials at Juarez declaredthe rumors without foundation. ' ' - According to the rumors the attack was preceded -by mutiny of a large part of the garrison. . The bandits, it is said,, occupied the municipal and Federal palaces, the penitentiary and two hills. - . In Juarez it is maintained that al though the wire communication " haa 1 been hampered that messages receiv- ed early today indicated quiet ; lu . Chihuahua City. ' : ' -Funston Says Villa is Active. . San Antonio ''Texas' Sent. 20. Be- : Uef.. tbat Francisco vnia win soon ' cut the Carranza line, of "communica tion between ; Chihuahua' City and ' Juarez, if he. has not.'. already dona so, . was : suggested by Mjor General Funston today, after he 'had read re- on VillaChihuahua- City en- : gagement received from Brigadier lv ren0rted. it was said Frome thn hill they succeeded, . by the use of artillery, is dislodging1 the Villa forces forces. General Funston refused : to give out all the details of General Bell's report, but he said' it confirmed previous accounts of the battle and" indicated a more serious, condition than was admitted by Carranza offi cials. General Bell reported that ? Villa's forces last Saturday were esti mated at from &00 to 1,700 men. . General Funston believes that this force has grown since the Chihua- -hua City battle. . He said that in this case the logical step for Villa was severing the line of communication. - between Chihuahua City and Juarez. This would give him control of the Mexican Northwest Railway and the , General added : ; "The garrlsontf to ; the north would have to look out." Mr. A. H. Beard of Washington, D. C, has accepted a position as sign painter with the Southern Sign Shop, ; oi tnis city. iar ..Beara nas aireaay, entered upon his duties. Get Wise: Advertising' modernizes a , j house, whether yod. sell groc- v . eries, shoes, hardware, furni ture, general merchandise, or. -j what it further r renders U great service it energizes its. salesmen. J t ' 'j Advertising will give . your . - business army flag to rally 'round and a battlery." to , shout as It goes Into action. ' r-The dynamitic tdree of ad vertising will move slow busl ness from the trenches resist strong. forts of." competition . and climb tq the very brink of Buccess wavlrig. ; head . and , shoulder above everything' in . -sight-its banner . inscribed - progress. 176 Ad fi -

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