4 .-. 1 . 3- ' ' 1. 1 5- If A i I if i M I- Ml j. 11" j f v. a? V) is -- At" as? PAGE TWO WHERE jMOTHER EARTH (YIELDS FORTH. !HR ;STREAJ1 1 1,11 1- i l .Z..,.-, . i . i . - r.Ht ,&. LI l r u ul . , W LlLU I IUI1 UU1IL I tHE Wli:MINf.TriN DISPATCH. TWRSDAYijTEN'OON. SEPTEMBER 21. -1916, V 2 f Vast Virra Oil JVrhe Dure amber colored oil actually Jvwinr frmn the around. Write at once for Prospectus and information that will J CIVE TOIf A TE FT -ROUND TRlPTO CU2CH FTEDS tj Vhich'wiU eeavincb 5you thai $10.00 Investiid f H 5 to-day mar bring 6a a $1,000' oi iaore Srithin a year. UU is the richest game in me worm 'y r -E.iL.t- i' A tTMUn'nh a that we have ihe Oil eo write AT ONCE for ) further information to f '- i THE EASTERN OIL CO, Inc. j: 3a, Aamcat Bal. mat gaaaa RICHMOND; x-1 m 1 5 VIRGINIA; eooi fl TfliEET HIS -OPPONENT Democratic arid Republican Nominees try Make Welkin Ring Evidently the "bloody Sixth" is neither to lose its ginger nor. its re putation for stirring times this elec tion year. Whatever other congres sional districts may do, the Sixth is going to stage interesting oratorical scraps. The Democratic nominee, Hon. Hannibal h. Godwin, of the city of Dunn, and the Republican nominee. Hon. A. L. McCaskill, of the metro polis of the Upper Cape Faar, have decided to meet each other on the stump, and, inwardly, to make, the? fur fly. So schedule- of dates has beety arranged for rtjint" debates,, opening in Brunswick county next week, with a date late in October in New Hanover j and a wind-up in the candidates' home 1 p m counues, narneu. aiiu Luinuenauu,! Lillington the aays eeiore tne general election. The itinerary of the political con testants, as announces, follows: - Brunswick County. Town Creek (voting place.) Tues day, September 26, 2:00 p. m. Southport, Tuesday, September 26. 7:00 p.. m 2:00 p.m. -t -'' St; Paul, Thursday.. October 12, 7:00 p. m. Cumberland ..County. Whiteville, Tuesday, October 17, ! 2:00 p .m. I Rnorriman TllRSdaV. October 17, 'I7:00p."m. ' Fair Bluff, Wednesday, October 18, 2:00 p.m. Tabor, Wednesday, October 18, 7:00 p. m. Pireway, Thursday, October 19,2:00 p.m. , Wattville. Thursday, October 19, 7:00 p. m, Bladen County. White Oak, Tuesday, October li, 2:00 p. m. - Elizabethtown, Tuesday, October 24. 7:00 p. m. Clarkton, Wednesday, October 25, 2:00 p. m! Bladenboro, Wednesday, October 25. 7:00 p. mr Tarheel, Thursday, October 26, 2:JM) p. m. I New Haoovpr County. Wilmington. Tuesday, October 31, 7:00 n. m. I - i Harnett County. Duke. Wednesday, November 1. 7:00). gtates toityavrJAan- f There Was No Doubt of the Re-election of Wilson at.-. toes upwitii toaadaees into a package 4fiat filla thAjp nhnaa full of feet ana makes corns so painful theyye sot Warsaw;; &$;2QA gentleniaJU-Df Warsaw wha lrWas j recently An con yersation v with Senator. F. M. Sisa mons. i andifeeliftg that .the Seaator was itta positioa.;to.know asked him his opinion Oi . the result of the cqnM t m ir .ataoHnn '.u tia rdnnrts Senator lggfe!: Simmona as saying, that there was net in his min ,'.a; doubt; .- but that President Wilson would be rIecf-ed..- - ;:-Vi Obi '-. i s.:; " There was ai peculiar: prenomenon observed - in the , J5ky :,. here -. on last Thursday -night - at abouj thalf past nine o'clock. As reported. by tJaose, who observed it,, it resembled a rain bow in shape Kaod fownation, but the colors, of course; were not discernible, the bo Wit which appeared in:theSouthr ern sky having the :pASjOf-)bf a brilUant) i light. If iUcould .have been. a; rain-; bow, the old,, adage,- "Bainoow at night, is a sailor'- delight,'? was with out true --significance, for instead of fore-telling fairv weather,, it only pre saged : heary. -rain-fall foe Thursday nignt, ano rnwc . .. 1 fW?T I f.,.-i.sJS..-::-a. r "Another, bis bill .-went, on 'at: the t 3 Props in S SCC&HS&& AH 00 yesterday and wiU be repeat- .-GETS-IT' Vott Xt9 CC- ... .o v ..... , -niifz and iM- ooon un ine jiuwy b and Dutcrcomedy, pleased 4"large audiences,1 la arJtiV.'.torce:-;wl1 scenes laid on. the gay Midway at Coney Island, at the hei?,of the sum-. mer, season jgaetv.,.: -rV: tha j tiUe roles, , as Du. ; and ? Irish comediansV Julnlled , : all Expectations an4 wrekspecWly ienioyaj; - their dialoaue .numbers. . and in;.,. . ;nr:'n? an4 dancing sskit. , Bright ed . ling. comedy perraded the atnfviiire for 5 the whoia .hour that . : the. comedy was. being presented. : ' :. , ri ; Fuquayfc i s . GlUes . and Eleming were especiallx. pleasing and enjoyable in a great., trioapec and dancing, augmented by the : nifty Ehor uflii tnock: the , 'L Out. of . Kelly was. ianother great number, presented by ,Polly Parker, acfc Fauruav Harold Gilies and the chorus. r This .. was one IT"! Is the simpiei,- modern -wonaer-f or corns. 4vt j)ut-34rrops hi ::-vr-ri. IT18La.IH.iy. A VAIII, lusp VI uwynw. The corn mns rart loosens .ana MHnMnff 1kTilltni nsti nothlnsr else "GETS-IT" Is sold aad recommend- ; ed by druggists everywhere, Z&o.w bottle, or sent on receipt of prjcej D B.JLawTence & Co.. Chicago, HI. Sold in Wilmington and recommend- A threl weeks' term of : court for' ed as the world's best corn-remedy by the trial . of Civil cases has just- clos- euamy. amun ""5 ed at KenaasViUe; with Judge W. A.Soathside Drug Co., Elvingtons Phar Devln, presiding, it is unusual for sol macy, Harding's Pharmacy. towalk sideways- aa: winklo their faces. OrTthey usfe salreHtfcat eat right into the toe and make , it raw and: sore, at jtfiey0 use iatera that make the corns bulge, r 'PlelC' iiiJ pn(,t fKli. rnrtin and fBflKe thetpesbieed.nttr.ishitrETS the. most spontaneously applauded numbers oiL Jthe, whole programme. aJThe special scenery .for this produc tion-is., very : pretty and th.e costumes, all new, nifty, and,, novel, excited much admiration,: The; same show will be prented .prrthe-; last time this af ternoon and-, tonight.. I Tomorrow another brand new bill, "The Haunted Station" with all new scenery, juew . specialties,, and new and nifty : costumes will be presented. long a term to be held there, but was necessary in this instance, owing to j full docket. . Warsaw . ; is . - enjoying to the meeetihg; of , the members of the Wil-mington-OoldEboro Highway Associa tion at this place today, and is giv ing a hearty welcome to all, who at tend. The" addresses of Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt - and others were heard with interest. ' " ? - FEARS EXHAUSTION OF THE OIL SUPPLY Thursday. November 2," i 2:00, p. m. Buie's Creek, Thursday, November j 2.! 7:00 p. m. ! Coats, Friday, November 15, ":uu p. i M. j Dunn, Fridayt November 3, -7;00 p. ; m. source. The . problem is one that merits the most careful and painstak ing examination of the capitalist, the laborer, .the tradesman, the manufac turer, the housewife and every man and every woman. f " ! An Important Problem. "A brief review of the industry can . ... j not fail," Mr. Cullinan says, "to con- vince the most indifferent of the tre ' mendous importance of ' the subject. I The first oil well in the world was ! Mutt dV Jeffs Wedding, n.Vith a wealth of pretty girls new scenery,, electric effects, costumes. music . etc.j; together wi;h a brand new, play,, our oiu i riends Mnit & Jeff Bud. Fishers inimitable cartoon crea tions will be seen in 6ns Hill's latest edition entitled Mutt & Jeff's Wed dingr which comes to the Academy of Music, Thursday September 28, for Supply, Wednesday, September 2, GRIZZLY BEAR KILLS MAN l4 2:00 p. m. . Shallotte, Wednesday. September 27. 7:00 p. es. , Austin. Tex.. Sept. 21. There has ; completed near Titusville. Pa.. by :Col. Drake in August. 185a. This as to the possible length of time that! well as dril,?d by hand labor, using the petroleum supply of the United a Png pole. It was completed at States and the world' will hold out.ja dePth oE sixty-eight feet Down With the development of the automo-to the vcar 1870 benzine, the lighter bile and other motor vehicles and en-! Product contained in refining petro- J Bines' the use of petroleum and its. urn, from which the naphtha series . 1 .. r a .1 products for fuel has become of first auu 6mmiu how uiumi;vui importance from an industrial stand- J wa3 considcrej a useless product, v In , , I rrflr that it in i oh t ho iitiH7.rl as point. . i " . ! much as poesiD.c. it was irequently l YELLOWSTONE PARK. Ashe,x Thursday, Sept. 28, 11:00 j Cody. Wyo.. Sept. 21.-Details or ; the killing of Jack Welch, a freighters 7 J. S. Cullinan. c f Houston, Tex;., has ! been prominently identified with the j mixe! with-kerosene up to the year mdnstrv far morn than 1 uu. miemai iuujuusu.uh ug.ueo days ago, have been brausht here by 2:00 ! tourists in the park. e. m. Cumberland County. 1 L.inden;-Tuesday, October J P- m. . . j Welch and another man were sleep- Manchester, Tuesday, October 3, j jng beneath su wagoa and a third man 7:00 p. m. ; was asleep oa top.: when, a grizzly Currie's School House, Wednesday, seized Welch, dragged him from be- October 4- 2:00 p.m. . J neath the wagon and proceeded to kill Cumberland Mills, Wednesday, Octo-; him. Welch's screams awakened the ber 4, 7:00 p.-m. , other . men, one of whom fled. The King Hiram, Thursday, 'October 5. other, although without arms, in ac- 2:00p.m. j cordance . with - the park regulations, Hope Mills, Thursday, October 5. j went to Welch's rescue and threw 7:00 p. m. j bacon to it. The bear abandoned Cedar Creek, Friday, October 6, 2:00 Lwelch for the bacon and his com pan- cetroleum . 1 . 1 i z fa" ; rorty vears. He has seen the produc-' were aeveiopca cuuiuierc.auy m j tibn of the world grow from a little i the first usinS natural gas .as, a. fueL!;- maro tnan iiiiiiHi inrrpis n.r nav in 4 rvv "w v ; by a bear in Yellowstone Park several- ximately lo0tf 000 ,.13 perlat while approximately .60 percent day. He knows every phase of the 01 lnc mecnaaicui nprso power ox uie industry. It is Mr. Cullinan's belief . unitea ataies. otner man nyoro-eiec- p ,m. Stedman, Friday, October 6, 7:00 P .m. Fayetteville, Monday, November , 6, 7:00 p. m. Robeson County. Red Springs Tuesday, October 10, 2:00 p. m. .'. , , M?.xton, Tuesday, October 10, 7:00 t. m. . Rowland, Wednesday, October 11,! 2:00 p. m. , ion dragged him away. Shortly afterward a tourist arrived m an automobile. Welch was loaded into thei. machine and hurried to the Muse Tourist amp, where he died, Thg bear, , after 'finishing the bacon, attacked the load in the wagon, over turning it and tossing bales of hay in every direction iu search of more bacon. that the United States Government should adopt a vigorous and far-reaching policy of conserving the crude petroleum supply of this country in order to have 011 hand a reserve of fuel for the navy in future years. In discussing the petroleum industry Mr. Cullinan- said: '"When we exhaust the last oil pool the; lights will go out in- over 200,- 000.000 homes case to turn, all labor trie power, is of the internal combustion type, up until the year , . ' THE ClrUTED MALE. ' ;, .. l'm K -' . ' t ' . t'.".... . .1 ... ... ... ..... r - . " ' ' . 1 . 1 r. ; - . - ' 1 r-ll'UT'i . r i ."-'J j rt.; Wi J - - I XTcalthy Ways 7.. ; v,--" V '-J .7:' i Pilfflj. j ,Jj -"'W -I: ! ....ill' Draw .Your ,Gfcde x Friends Qosear Scene from "Mutt & Jcff.s Wcd Uihg." Academy of Music. Matinee and Night. Thursday. September j 28th. Mostirf your friends ;t Have Bll Tolepho- . Perhaps at this roo rent yoi; n-.e.wishjngyou could talk with line t theml Why isolate J urself from your frientis whei. a Bell Tele phone in your home costs little and means so miich? . In emergencies such as sick ness pr accident the telephone summons aid promptly, and is often the means of saving life or property. There is a class of service to fit your nee ., a cost within your reach. Ask us itqdsy for details. Stephen d. lucas "' 1884 the textbooks and scientists de- a maynee and night pcrlormance- dared the principle on which the m ternal combustion engine is operate 1 to be impossible. . The automobile was developed commercially in the year 13(00 We have now. upward of Without... Question this offering ex cels all former productions- of these quaint characters and no expense has been spared in making this the acme of all popular priced musical come- SOUTHERN BELL' TELEPHONE ANf-TELEGRAPH COMPANY C ; ''''3. 2,500.000 commercial and pleasure H vehicles in the United States, which , Hm n his twentv.fivfi wars ex Every wheel in this ar l'su lo tousumo unwam Ui ' perience in. catering to the public investments aggre- woId- vrili will stand Idle. gating billions of dollars will be thrown- into the scrap heap. and. a large mass of the most ingenious and likewise some of the most stupid legislation ever -written in the statute books will become a dead letter. Pe troleum directly enters into the life Of eYer.V . civilijl h'imari hatnir an A there is no line of basiness that does Oil lff AAA LAH.A! - Hmm. t W ' vM.wwv.vuw uaire.a ui.uue pcx ou- ,a a firm belieyer thn oid num. The manufacture and opera- adage la h aQd tQe world laughs tion of trucks and automobiles are. ... flml . r,a-htlv .credited (now understood to give employment k. in,oh rd,io-F to upward of 1250,000 of our popula- Fairmount, Wednesday. October 11,1 States contain about 10 per cent of 7:00 p.m. ;'tne total standiner timber of th rnnn- T not at some point demand petroleum The farm woodlots of the United or its produts. There is no greater tragedy in the life of a people than Lumberton, Thursday, ' October 12, tryVr tne extermination or exhaustion of : f a I useful i and! lAep&mX 1 naiural re- tion. Oak is the most suitable wood for carving on account of its durability and toughness, without being too hard. Chestnut. N American 'walnut, mahog any and teak are also desirable while for fine work Italian walnut, lime;, sycamore, apple psar or plum are gen erally chosen. LiAftGE5T4J -Si BlLESHIP SETlS HIT RECOJU) r. - "fr" 'sir1 ---. fir ! if-- , - i i '-xMz$;k4mJAm i'.fk mMimWs I as being the greatest laugh producer extant. Mutt & Juff's Wedding is built for laughing purposes only.. It is a laugh, a shout, a scream from beginning to end and is surrounded by a capp" cast of vaudevillians and the pretL t fgirly chorus" attainable, who can both sing and dance. - v r-There are twenty five musical 'num bers, including the latest song its, in terspersed throughout the play which allows the audience ample breathing spells between . the. paroxysms of laughter.: . ..!. The sta3 settings are. elaborate and the entire production is staged un der. Mr. Hill's personal supervision as suring a perfect-up-to-date offering. . . The prices for the matinee will be 25. cents and 50 cents and 25 cents for children. The night prices will range from 50 cents to $1. Tickets for both performances will go on. sale at Flummers next Tuesday morning. 1 . . . . ,: ; ' ; . , a APJONEER One ton of coniferous wood waste will produce from 15 to 25 gallons of l90"-Broofialeohl.-n:ir 3 a The -1 altor sily maintains its suprem- acy eV .1 w!r. . ;ieratCd by the old style "sight" 1 method. But s.i, after all, is only relative and the Dalton's : S lead is buv a Eatter of per cent.. , Tliere is a field, however, in 5 which percentages . cannot apply where there IS no "second 5 S best." Infthis field the Dalton;isa pioneer haying; blazed out and 5 2 prceTDQpted a domain pf its own ; wherci competition cannot follow. 5 I S; The small, compact keyboard of the I Dalton enables the operator to learn tlie location of 1 S the kts so perfectly that it soon becomes un Vcessary to look at s eff tthif neithaving t? j:k away from the 5 list of figures being 'copied This is -the is'i iv , S Washington, Septi-20. Scoring five hits -out of twelve on JtsmaU target a a-distance- of. Pennsylvania in the test or her new 14- inch guns has made what ordnance xp erts here -believe rr1 . i J . At. a A n . . ' . . -. w. ' ... . Jine exact jsize ui mc target wa s , not revealed by the Navy uepartme nJCit wa stated w30.oo yardsi approximately eleven-miles, ithe.hattieshln ' to baa world's record gunnery. s ,4' V ! J vt?? ?7. -.however, that thefnVe'hUs were ZliLl - been scored:hadv battle ship been fi red upo instead of.tbe small target. a aat-ls calTed "plotting" But tn hfL , mdicf-ve that a hit. would hdVe tvteget. r- :z:y:a: I- . . , ' . . - - J - . ,r-f- mtmscse- five hitfr were Wgistefed on the r ; atNePortNews onJun 1? " ' ' "v "' ft " VL' J. .The "accompanying picture, was made at 'the Brooklyn- NavyYard here the ship mtaus' ' K - TO I? mm Moduli Dii lie Way ii A Rnirlnrt IHah and Dutch A N Dj PANC1 N(j fcbl Ai-TI ES ei-ABoftAtE cbTUfyiis and m i'-'-stf .l 7- ',:vA ' (raiglyJnBJakface J eEC! A8TA0E8ETTiNQS: ::NEW.WARDflOE-NEVV,'4: ' r $0NQ NUMBERS : ; v and ' -10-4o-30e. The pfactTcal 'vatue of tonch'6rjcraUc(n' of the adding machine can- not be easily "exaggerated. " . ...... Touch Operation increasest the speed of an adding machine f fm,25 to80 , ovfin to the particular kind of work in ha nd. TJouclT Operation' decreases the liability' to commi t " error by 'y-Repressing the Tvrong key even in greater proportion than ' Ihe-figures just stated. ' r t . - : v 1 "c!ptOT Ps of iongontimid irork at top speed I S ( v - nervous strain invariably; experienced s r : - ypitur unacr sucn conditions. ' . , lueh (Operation eiituly the 5 f f ease1 iWatoflE froin copy to keyboard and fusing of s theyes on different colored objects at unequal distances ? . thousands; ahd jthoulnds pT times each day,ft ; Touch Operation converts drudgery ; into! pleasant routine, fflTe9',the Peratr a sense of mastery oyer, the dreary hum- z drum of fighre'ork and leaves him with increased time to 5 I Hevote to thcjbigget things Vith iwhich-lie 'comes in daily contact. , i i s i 'V-'.v.) I ,WeA a few I g hainutes teach your own operators how to use the Touch Method. : S : Vs u0 Send for booklet MToich '3ieium.i1f ' VVi te f v -.- - i H.; j. MacMILLXNfi T-rt--f ' ' District Agent Xf:' P. 02 Box 65 Wilmlnaton l.'c; K 7uiiiiifiitfitifirirtittiiiiiiriiifft,flMIMt

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