zr, WEATHER FORECAST. PPiipliRlfW Generally fair tonight arid Satur-V (jy. Gentle to moderate south 'Winds." ' rfl A totv? rife; V- VOL. XXII. NO. 25 1; v ; WILMINGTON; NORTH ; CLI PRICE 5 CENTS ''it --"''.; br mmm- 1MnU illlllMlyjllllt Thiust Last Night Said to 1 lave Netted Two Lines of German Trenches GERMANS MAKE SERIES OF COUNTER ATTACKS French Bearing The Brunt of Terrific Offensive Con llicting Reports As to The Battling In Rumania -Pe-Irograd Reports Nothing New. Tht I'.rititih are again fighting" hard cn tlio onnue front, the latest thrust arlncieil last night netting them two lines of CJorman trenches on a line about :i mile long, between Fleurs an Martinpuich. London annoim.jd to day. jlip French, for their part in the Solium- fighting, has another series of attacks to cope with. Strong forces- advaiiccd this morning a gainst the pj - pition recently captured by the French ut Rancourt. . According to Farin the Germans did not even teach the French line, being forced back to their trenches with heavy losses. On the Macedonian front, the re gion north of Fiorina, the entente diivp towards Monastir apparently is increasing in strength.,- The Serbians are reported to be continuing their advance along the Broda and, have reached a point eighty miles north west of Fiorina on the" .. railroad to ' Monastir. ' Imnieilijitety north of "Fiorina - the Bulgarians are making a standi but eecording to Paris have failed In their attack on 'the French troops. In this region. To the west 'the entente iorres are moving f orward .n ! the neiRhtr. to Popllf, ten "miieS from "Pifo rina. Artillery fire 'Of increased In' tensity is refjortcdrfrom the British front in the Doiran region, on the extreme ,nd of the line British warship-, at the mouth of the Struma, have been shelling he Bulgarian -positions in the vicinity, of Nechori. Tho Bulgarian official statement ot yesterday, received" today, mentions only briefly the fighting at Dobrudja, where the Bulgarians, according to announcement from Bucharest, have been severely defeated in their efforts to brenk the Rumanian and Russian line. The Sofia report only brings the action up to Wednesday, when the fighting is said to have died down considerably. The Bulgarians, ac cording to their bulletin, are busy con j liquor was, brought here in the Pull solidating their positions. The Ru-iman car and transferred to the day manian announcement declares that J coach after the train had reached the the armies of the Central Powers j union passenger station. vern retirinz. burnine villages in : Tt vas the first time in weeks that their retreat. Reports Nothing New. Tetrograd. Sept. 22 (Via London). "On th western and Caucasian fronts thrt' are no developments of import ance." says the official statement is sued todav. ADVISORY STORM WARNING. Washington, D. ., Sept. 22, 1916. Obrerver. Wilmington, N. C: Advisory message: There are evi dences of a disturbance east north et of the Bahamas. It is probably TOovinjr (jrth northwest. Intensity unknown. TEUTONS HAVE BROKEN RUSSO-RUMANIAN LINE The tide of the great battle in the Rumanian province of D..Krrl;o w ttA this time sin favor of the central Powers, according to Berlin today. Field Marshal von Macken- sen has succeeded in breaking the Rumanian and Russian re sistance, the German War office siys, executing an encircling movement which has compelled the entente forces to retreat in Wder. - - ' n , , Ust night an official announcement from Bucharest de clared the battle, which had been in progress for sp davs, ended Wednesday with defeat of the Germans, Bulganans-and lurfcs, ho retired south, burning .villages as they went; f If the German victory turns but to be decisive the situa tion promises to develop seriously for the Rumanians and Kus sians, who have been fightingr to protect the railway running from Constanza, on the Black Sea, to Tcherpaveda on the Danube. The battle was fought no more than 2( miles south of the railway and its lost would; be ;cuttinBof convenient ater routes of communication between Rumaniad Russia h way of Constanza Though TcPiernaveda lies the route to in- r ! Virirlo-e snanmns :the; Uanube t tr . ,7 -r itire Dubrudja front, along the entire Dubrudja front. TO STOP FOOD going am Nation-wide Camoaicrn Plan- v , ned to Have Extra Session an Embargo r- v PETITIONS NOW BEING CIRCULATED Grocers and Other Retailers Get Busy In New York Master Bakers Backing The Big Movement w York, Sept 22. Petitions ask- .ing the President to call a special seS; 1 sion of Congress to meet the increased t - x cost of food and to place an embargo on"food exportation, were circulated here today among 30,000 retail grocers, bakers, and other small dealers. Efforts will be made to get the peti tions signed by. a million consumers The J Master ' Bakers' Association, which launched the movement, intend to make a nationwide campaign. Returned- FromVirginia City WithlThirtynfei'sef . ; of Liquor. ' ' New Bern, Sept. 22. Carrying 31 suit cases filled with whiskey,-the en time amount estimated at about 350 quarts, a resident of the Caswell sec tion passed through New Bern yes terday morning en route home from Norfolk, where he had been to make a purchase while the price of liquor was away down. , The local police did not hear of the affair until after the booze had left New Bern and the man who informed them stated that the majority of the one of the local officers haJ not been at the union passenger station and but for this fact the peramDuiapng bar room would have probably encoun tered trouble and would probably have had his wet goods confiscated. OTHER CITIES ASK FOR THE GOVT; PLANT Washington, Sept. 22. A Khoxville, Tenn., delegation was given a hearing by Secretary Daniels today on the location of a site for the $11,000,000 armor-plate plant. Delegations from Jersey City and Perth Amboy, N. J., also "were heard. ,,,.;- I ioliii J W I?: ?TW5D - vG&3eM AN Here is shown some of the loot case contain shells of, various shell Germans were driven. Some of the - "' Rnh'cl. P,n r,,l XL-i Steps to Bring About Economy London, Sept. 22. Falling into line) with other; Departments of State the question of economy, the Priv Council of Great Britain have ordered used-yApariuglythus -saying time and money.. - r the affixing of this Great Seal to a document takes nearly half an hour and requires the attendance of two off icera known as "The Sealer" and the ''Chaff Wax." -It was -.formerly affixed to Royal Assent .appointment's of Archbishops. Bishops, Kings- Counsel and Indian Judges, ; etc., but w ill now only be used' oh the patents 'of Peers, Baro nets and appointments of Judges to the High Court. . The Seal was always taken around with the Lord Chancellor, either on state or '-private visits, but the cus tom was broken by Lord Loreburn, who only . carried it if certain its use would be required. It is six inches in diameter and was struck in silver in -the largest press at the mint. It consists of two deep and heavy plates - of ; silver closely fitting into each other and the present one was made soon after King Edward's death at a cost of $2,000 to $2,500. Con stant useage makes it necessary for new ones to be struck ' frequently, and during the reign of Queen Victo ria no less than four were made. An old seal goes through the pro cess of "demasking," the Sovereign at a meeting of the Privy Council striking it with a hammer sufficiently hard to make a distinguishing mark. One side of the seal is given to the sitting Lord Chancellor and the other to the ex-Lord Chancellor. LANSING DECLARES REPORT IS UNTRUE Washington, Septr 22. Secretary Lansing v today denounced as wholly, untrue the published report that he and President Wilson's pollttcal '-ad-visers had disagreed over retaliatory legislation aimed at Great Britain .V, 4. ".' BRITISb. SUBJECTS SHOT. Galveston, Texas., Sept. 22. Two British subjects were taken from their home and shot and 36 of a party of 38 Carranza soldiers 4 were , killed , in a raid September 16 on an oil camp at' Tuxtam by bandits calling themselves Vil- 4 listas;i according to a .report 4' brought here today Jay " thV 4 steamer, Tppelo, from Tampico, ii The, Carranza soldiers put up a 4 ; hard , fights it is said, though out- 41 numbered, and overpowered, and fr two ofihelr number took refuge in I'.the.hpme of the Englishmen. 'They were discovered and put to death , and the Englishmen killed ,4 for ; having sheltered them, it is said:"., . ' - - " " ' GREAT SEAL ONLY ilQrn nnnnQinwiiiivl uqlu uuunuiumiLLi ';--'('-."," ' - .v -4 x "W ft- ; Xi-Z ' llllil rm n mm ii i, AMMUMITJON. v: v .-.v.. c. .. .- . 7. : n.-.., vifiiijiiM ii r captured by the Bj-itish from the Germans along the Somme. The wicker calibre for thft guns were capt.ufed and the sheUs ' -.y 4.-'f ' -i- - .. BIG -RAILROAD SHOPS FOR SPEjMCER , :. Salisbury .-C;, Sept. 22. ; The Southern aRilway Company j is to erect - another large shop . ; building at Spenceir,' according to announcement mjade here today. The structure, vphich will , be' of ) j nicci aiiu uuuui evci.wfuv oe . OUU B feet long and ni0et?wide, and 1 will have facilitfesXffor making This -is the sgobnd ,; v. , , Every City Pepartment in New York Busy In Expectation of Trouble THE UNION LEADERS DECIDE THIS AFTERNOON If Call For N General Strike is Issued It Will Be Effec tive Monday or Tuesday New York, Sept. 22. Repeated r threats of a great general strike to help the street car employes caused nil branches of the city government, charged with enforcement of the law, to prepare today fof an Outbreak of mob violence. Mayor Mitchel said that he is ready to invoke all civil and military powers at his command to put down disorder. This was fol lowed by a general police warning that all persons convicted of engaging in strike riots would receive heavy punishment. The police today notified the trac tion companies that they ' ; could re establish nignt service ' as soon as ready, "with the assurance of adequate police protection. Thus far 6,700 men have been placed at - strategic points. The police guard includes 50; auto mobiles and 100 motorcyclists along the most exposed car routes.' . , Trade ', union leaders, , representing 700,000 workers, vare to meet this afternpon to decide whether to issue a call; for a general strike. Some of the leaders said that the strike would probably begin Monday or Tuesday inl building -enterprise in' the history ston's paving . contracts-taiuathaxet t ui oirouw;r.?-,Ty.;,v.;-; -Tioepn m . course oi . construction forj 4, I some time are nearing - complfejionj film ii'i iiin iiniiF r m um nnrn nr- w mm m w mtm ' 9' m-m mmW m m U mm I 11 iiscE The call will be -on the ground that t rented two houses adjacent " to the organized laborers . should not ride inJgI.Qunia arid at this time even tehse cars manned Dy siriKeoreaKers. The early ; morning ' bombardment of elevated trains "was ' resumed, strike sympathizers, lurking on the roof s and4grazi"IfrSo-th America throwing pricKS, .stocks ana ootues, which shattered car windows. " Sev: eral passengers ' were injured in ' six teen attacks reported by the police. LESS CASES OF THE i PLiAGliE' REPORTED New York, Sept. , 22.-T;Twenty n cases of hf antlie 'paralysis, seven less than yesterday; were; reported by the health: authorities today. The deaths i number llran increase of five . J K -.' ' ' fL ' " S - f' shot back at their one time owners. - TO FIGURE IN Attractiveness. Will be Added tto Event on Account of thv Ladies -Participating ;.and according, to pr'eseht-'iihtiici -j:jUfijduU0isae.:. wHninti3attf!B6 ! days.- . Several miles - of roadway and sidewalks will be finished and in Jahf uary, additional paving wili be begun. Women marshalls to the hhmtter of one- uunarea axe expecieu xo p largest l Kinston, Sept. ; 22. Two v of ic'ia-1 ilonsl pate in,the Ten County fair that 'tfrfWJk Bell Says informattpn Authentic. be held here' next month.. . Women from each of the ; counties that is to be represented will be ; present and their presence will lend an attractive ness to the occasion. ' The funeral of Sheriff Wm.-H. Wil liams, who died Wednesday morning from a stroke of apoplexy caused, by excitement over the capture of .a'ne gro wanted for an , assault on i four white persons, was held here yester day afternoon. ' . William Sasser, the negro arrest ed, disclaims any intention of shoot ing at N the persons, . but states that he was shooting at a rabbit. It is re ported, however, that "he held malice against one of the men injured and he is still being held. All four of the persons shot are improving, although eah is suffering from slight wounds. Students From Number of Dif ferent States, Present' Dormitories Filled Red - Springs, Sept . 22 . Flora . Mc Donald College has opened . .for - its twenty-first year, and the enrollment of students this year is filling Jthe domitories to capacity . . ; Thirty? five officers and - teachers and 280 ' pupils are now at work in the college and of the . number of pupils a greater per e'eutage than ordinary is composed i'of those who were in college this, year ; Applications for entrance tp the school -were so far in excess of the ca pacity o fthe biiilding that early ' in the summer the' collese . authorities are, filled . sixteen states are repre sented in the. enrollment of . the .col lege .and out.--:studnt -is here from MEXICO TO ENFORCE; STRICT QUARANTINE Mexico City, Sept. 22. Orders have been sent : to the, ports of entry of Mexico tp -enforce strictly the quarih tine Regulation against, the spread of infantile : paralysis . The : regulatipn prohibits, the entry ; into Mexico) of children between five arid fifteen years of age from sections n of the United States where the disease is prevalent; J COLLEGE OPENS DECLARES BELL'S I TILE OF RI IS i THE WRONG; OIIE i 'i'l'z 'tr'"'- i i ' " I"-: S".': ' V-'V..' .'-'- , - 'i ' '"'"?'', :. ,,..!'!V..;';i -,'''';' . ':' ''; !-2 Conflicting S Reports ' About Bandit Villa s Attack Un Chihuahua City STATE DEPARTMENT t AWAITS MEANWHILE General Trevino Asserts. Ban dits Carried Away Noth- - ' ing Funston Says Bell's Information Correct . , ) Washington, Sept , 22. Secretary Baker let it be known today that-the war department- was not . disposed to accept, as accurate reports of the Villa raid on Chihuahua City last Thursday from General Bell on the strength' of information that reached, him at El Paso. . .--" - ' "We have no military Information' I as to the renewal of Villistas' activity, Mr. Baker . said.. It was indicated that it was assumed that General i Bell's account . was based on rumors jwhile heing carried into a local sani-, and reports current in border towns tarlum. The four, other occupants of. and not on facts : obtained through j the automobile, all women, received -army channels in Mexico. He del inJuries '.which necessitated their, re- 1 clined to discuss in any way what the t' . ' re-appearance oil Villa, if - confirmed, might have on the movement of Am erican troops in Mexico. ' , : ; Trevino Says a "Tissue of Lies." ''I Chihuahua City;: Mexico, Sept. 22.- Commenting, ph the -report in Ameri can newspapers attributed to General George Bell, Jr., at El Paso, about the raid "on this city last Saturday, General Trevino ' today : issued a statement to the Associated Press, in which he de jtefes it a "tissue of lies and. false hoods i" JM,"I am at a loss to know where Gen eral Bell obtained such bad. informa tion,!' he . continued. "The Villistas carried absolutely, nothing away with rtihem, excepting -some prisoners from the - penitentiary,;- many of , whom . haye been returned ! here ; They " captured neither ammunition, cannon por any- thing, else their hasty pursuit and our shells left them no time to carry anything away as thejf left, galloping in small groupes through' tble narrow streets' of the El Paso, Tex:, Sept. 22 Brigadier General Bell, commanding the El Paso military division, said today that his information concerning the Villistas' raid on Chih.ua hua City was gained from "several most reli able sources." While; he did not' di vulge what the sources of his intelli gence were he said he had every rea son to Relieve they were, founded on facts and not on rumors. General Bell. refused to comment on General Trevino's (Statement.; ' Funston Believes It Reliable. San Antonio, Tex., Sept. .-MJen-eral Funston today said he placed full credence in the report from Chihua hua City sent tof the War Department by Brigadier-General .George Bell, Jr., and given out . for publication yester day.' ; He said that he had been informed that General Bell's information had been gained" from persons who had come to El Paso from Chihuahua City directly after the battle. That Is Whv Tar Heel Soldiers AY famn niriTi Mnt On I Move Morehead City, N. C, Sept. 22 Departure of the first detachment of North: Carolina National Guard for El Paso is now held up pending ar: rival at camp of woolen clothes and overcoats, which, are to .: be shipped from Philadelphia. It . is' believed it will be set eral days before the first train-: leaves.' ' V -.; - ' " . " . The; loading of cars continues. The field ; hospital and cavalry equipment already is aboard and little will have to be loaded on the; first train when the final order to leave is received. THEIR TRIAL WILL; ) : LIKELY BE POSTPONED j v; Chicago, 111., Sept . 22 . Postpone-' ment for two weeks of the preliminary. hearing in ; the. case of - Edward v' Don nahaue and Harry Russell, . who are under arrest on a charge of blackmail' ins wealthy neonle but. of ' laree sums of money, was expected when court' lopens .today. f IS sn m trf TROOPS AWAIT WARM CLOTHES OF LAST OlfiilT Daughter of Dead , Man Sue' ' cumbed to Fatal Injury This Morning : , T- OTHERS HUT ARE " EXPECTED TO LIVE Death Stalked Abr6adN When Train apd Auto: Hit In Mis-, . . issippi T-Ftheriand Daughter Victims ;J . vr Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 22. Mis Gertrude Chichester, of - Edwards, Miss., died here early rtoday, the sec ond victim of an automobile accident which last night caused the death .of her father, T. A. Chichester. ; Miss Chichester received' a fractured skull, when the car which was being driven by her iather was struck by an Ala bama & Vicksburg passenger train at the crossing near Smith Station. Her father died from internal injuries Vitl lo wuwwrium, wnere eany 10- I la i nn. ci.4 j ' 1.1...! 1J day it was said their ' injuries would not prove .fatal. " - - DESTROYED BYFIRE L Entire; Business Section Burn ed -Losses Said; to Be in The Ten Thousands v etatesyilleSept, 22-The main bus!- "' nesa scion (.fliddenite was destroy- . Stfer4ay afternoin by, a fire that fttatl las sTh6 damage' estimated - to he "tul-' ly $40,000 and practically every busi ness house in the llttfe-town suffered. "1 Facilities for fire lighting were in-: adequate, but numbers of chemical ex tinguishers were sent from "Statesvijle -which' materially aided - in checking the fire. ; A number' of the members . of the fire department from Statesville also went to the scene and rendered' what , help they could without the ne cessary equipment T h " ' . GERMAN SEAPLANE DROPS. BOMBS. 4- w ., , w ' London, Sept. 22. A German seaplane today flew over Dover -X- and dropped three bombs The K- missiles caused no casualties, -5f X- according to ah official announce- -X- ment. ' ; ..- ' K- v The hostile 1 seapfane was chased -. away ' by guns. 3C- w ' anti-aircraft -. ' . Clark believed in the fairies. Her confidence in the wishing well v was unshpen; V'Fiieweut' to ' this well to see the reflection .in the water of her , future-". husband. - v , Fairies, Fairies Let Me See Who My Future Husband .: Be. . s She found tter: husband al-( right but having the "knot" ' tied was some job. ' ! This was ; finally accomplished, however , all in the moving pictures. The Dispatch's Little Busi ness Local Fairies 'ares' daily , serving the masses, in. locat- v ing lost articles, acquainting .' , . buyer and, - seller,- renting" houses, exchanging articles, T etc. , -There is' even ft possibility of finding a husband through . 'the use of these columns. Not half so hard as the "Wishing Well" way. One . penny a word is the cost worth a.dol lar. ' . Confer. '- . r 176 HIDDENITE TOW Margaret . .9 i V

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