:W,.t Vr- V ... '--'.. ;m-'';r;v r Vv- r-r;-- .... , I : 1 Hi i V t I t 7' -V : ' i i t hi, (MOTiiER EARTH I YIELDS IFDRTH iHER STREAFf5 ,The bure amber colored oil actaally J dozincr from forProentuffnninfow nVF Yfin A RFT, OF; wiiren- vm cobthkc you um-: ircc i 'tn.fdv rtflv brine tvoi a SliOOQ Of ISOje within a yean Oil fa for quick money? and we want toonvmce you hat we have the OIL, so write AT ONCE for farther information to 1 THE EASTERN OIL CO fc 'T ft l'"-1 .4 jacHMOWK m ymmism I I ON Prediction of Shortage Made at Convention of Mining Engineers Globe. Ariz,., Sept. 22. A serious gasoline shortage on the Pacific Coast, the effect of which would ex- A .1 4lrm.vKrx.. ant 1 '011 H t PV . . -r, . . " auring me next year, picuniw V, (a,1ov uriner t ho fln;in? oi ibe cinvemton of Ihe Imericafl Institute of Mining Engineers. . W. R. Hamilton, of San tt-ancisco, presented the gasoline industry data -v 4 Via AninAprc X rnrri in fir tn Air. Hamilton, the only possible means, of increasing gasoline production are by the increased production of either lieht oil or casins-head easolme. low-i v ering the grade of . market' gasoline, or by successful innovations in re fining methods. Most of these solu-j lions 'Mr. Hamilton explained as im-J practicable in the immediate future, although he said that by lowering the grade of gasoline production could be Increased from 30 to 50 per cent. He attributed the future gasoline short age to decreased production of refin able oil (the decrease amounting to 6,000,000 barrels in 1915). steadily in creasing consumption, the discontinu ance of imports and the heavy ex ports due to the European war de mands. Discussing the value of chemistry n the rnal mining inrlnstrv Rdwin M. Chance declared Jn a paper kead at Bl . . today's meetinl ihaf Amerkals liavXSt-SS1 today's meeting in the past been purchasing coal on its looks ratherthan because of its heating power. He1 made public re sults of experiments which showed dull appearing coal to have bette'r heating and burning properties than the bright coals which have formerly demanded premiums in the market. It is said that this discovery will great ly help to offset the cost of coal pro duction without materially increasing the costs to the consumer. Tomorrow the engineers will leave Globe in a hundred automobiles for a day's tour of the Apache Trail and an inspection or tne nooseveit nam. probably the greatest engineering feat of its kind in the world. The.Df two prominent Japanese to accept trip will be resumed by special train decorations granted by the Emperor at Phoenix tomorrow night and Sun- in connection with the war with Ger- day will be spent at Grand Canyon. aince its start Irom New York Citv on September IV the Eastern, party has visited practically every import-. gut mining cenier or tne boutttwest. THE DAY'S WORK Does it soraetimes seem -that you simply-could not get your work done? Do you constantly feel like sittitfg cfcywltf per haps YOU V&Wn COntirmnllv i nen you need 3Ws Because your liver, b sjujrswh and should be tiired to ac tivity at yourfigUt's, sugar coated or . jtoft; Pills . - -r f inr. .W.-cry UOMt,JeC tuse it tastes hood. Quality in teat means more quality; jriiost importaqt get from the extra fine qualituai Valier Paiotyjfuf. niadi of finest flrQrd..wBMW-yajM M ,Lrt.f low proceed which saves o!l of. the fine fl,Yor: tbeniihTVSk bukmg. Hv your grocer end you Valier', puinty timr yoix need flo&r. i Aroroen wwwttii utetributere, Wilmiottoa 3C firgin the CTound. Write at once" rnlINT) TWFTO CUS GH FIILDS ti& richest "gakelrf the irbrld 5 , V- 'r- 1..., -ir- PLAN TO ESTABLISH TEN GOVt PI ANTS Manila, P. I., Sept. 22. A plan: to establish ten government plants for 'the manufacture of rinderpest serum.. has been initiated by Adriano Herna ndez, director of the bureau of agri culture. Funds have been securea and the plants will soon be in full ope rations: '' Rinderpest continues to be a serious problem of Philippine cattle oyners but the bureau of agriculture by quarantine and immunization is waging a vigorous campaign against the scour age. A requisition for. serum has been s?nt to French Indo-Chlna and this will enable the bureau to keep up its rk unt.l all ,e serum manufactur ing plants are in. full swing. These nlintJ ra ft! tit hifrM in rflttlp rPTI- EC - r T " . tefj iniffereirtrtsf the islands. ! Those of us who are past middle age are prone to eat too much meat and in consequence deposit lime-salts in the arteries, veins and joints. We often suffer from twinges of rheumatism or lumbago, sometimes from gout, swollen hands or feet. ' There is no longer the slightest heed of this, however, as the new ' prescription; "Anuric," Is bound ing the 'impoverished blood of its pbis oris by way of the kidneys. It can be obtained at almost any drug store, by j simply asking for "Ariurlc for kidneys i or backache. It will overcome such i conditions as rheumatism, dropsical swellings, cold extremities, scalding and burning urine and sleeplessness due to constant arising from bed at night AdVt. 5 - ! "! REFUSAL SHOCKS THE JAP. EMPEROR Tokio. Sept. 22. A sensation has .been caused in .Tanan hv tha refusal J many The recipients are Yosatniro Takekoshi, a well known journalist. who was a member of the Diet last vear and Masutaro Takasi. who is now , member of tne House of RepregentaT tives. They base their refusal unon the fact that, as members of the Diet, they are representatives of the people whose duty it is to Watch over the work of the government. They hold fiat acceptance of a decoration is against the spirit of the constitution Rio" almost in the nature of a bribe1. iATso, thoy declare that it is improper to accept honors while, the war in Europe is still1 raging, merely because the Japanese' troops had been victor ious at Tsing-t?u. A government official insists that it is no within i he. power of any Japanese to decline au l-onor bestowed ny thot Emperor. VaHtt't Oyfliy fjour uqutfii UtUttji. irian ;cf result tat yo " Va IW nii m m mm m mr m m mmm m m DuniflitATicniia:. 1 1 1 i in i ii 1 1 . i mi llll 1.1 tVf 111 I will iiifiiliiii - i ..... vr , .,,....rTT- ;. -i.w. ..-.-v. ; i; , ,rv0vBW,Ti, - valuers. Had Suffered, For Ten Years. H "Nnw There. F?mm JSJmis' a slriglng act that is good and KncWHer.-1 If apSfdona reason to b thankful for tancf tltat: -peTsn :ii &H?l Lucy explalhe'd 'ixf 'tb f ollowg; story3 off e ed by1 henu8Dand!W "My W&ti&tfttiibi&i&ii-feaMt- nn nkuff PKt !i'W'hTii; 4irnoS mViW would c6ffiiiifrr..dett. e gbt; jib bad that iot tM0f eMf" sort wijre oiit :of 'tlib" 4titftSar. 'ijttirAirl-klS .to nervous that'ttfe'sliglitest nois would make ipr JuijNhf after5 ntgnt febTe would raawalesfeeps , refusing On ccme ajid'in5 suffered frtim constant1 and severe1 pains In the side. Although sire iyas! :prescribed for an had trie'd everything we heard of, she kept get ting worsVdnd worse. When we heard about Tnfed? Mrs. Alridge' was very weak' ana Sanabte to 6 any thousework at alt ' x ' -.:i'i:'i ; " "The1 first "bottle of Tanlac made a change in hdlr fcdhdition. and now, after taking tnVee bottles of it, there is such a change tli&t her friends hardly know her. Why'.'she is huhgry ror every meal and eats 'anything ' she likes without having ahy trouble afterwards. The pains in' her sides have left and she is not nervous. It would take some noise i in the iirst reels of this Vitagraph pic to make her Jump now: She is able to ture is that of a lvely care-free S parish work again, and gets good, healthy, j senorita full of life and greatly at refreshing sleep and has gained 15 ; tracted to a young American, although pounds. We are delighted to tell oth-j , onoosition to her father's wishes. , ers about Tanlac," ended Mr. Alridge, who is a well known resident of High Point. . Tanlac is sold in Wilmington at the Bellamy Drug Store, exclusively; Acme, Acme Store Co.; Burgaw, C L. UnlatPnr! siitKnort: Watson'Sr Phftr- mrv- Rod Point' Al N. Rhodes & Co.; Supply, H. W. Kirby; New Bern,;lover and her sends her frora Bradham Drug Store; Magnolia. W. L. hls house she becomes a dancer in Southall; Faison Drug Co.; Pembroke, a Spanish music hall. Her free and G.-W.-Locklear; Fairbluff, J. P. Wad- easy manner vanishes and. an avenge dell. Sr. Each town has its Tanlac'ful woman is found before the plot runs dealer. advt. The Little Bluebird Company, at thP VlMnr a thin wap rerrflinlv is nne ! aggregaUon that gets better all the time: Today and tomorrow tney are presenting-their greatest , show yet, "The Haunted Station, a screamingly funs- bUuWce cocaeay featuring :the Inimitable Jack Fuquay in the leading role, and is so full of funny and ridi- With Comes THEATRE ctrtous vsitut!loiis f mat-yilr!i;srinW ,-.i-x. Lit . "iiil. i-n. i'f-u:: Butithere" fs ? ss'vef al 5 let-ups; in . the cpin,edy long fenough Vlo permit that nif ty i singing and dancing chorus to. .p ia some onree ireatf viudevttle1 ad"trfipec ksialf ies 2 GmAVo&g Mi YoTi IMe EfeahJ tifdaay:I k cnrufe , Very attractive; number,-, followed by another. anL brand, new great specialty by the filueordiTrlb coposed of Jack Fuquay. Harold Gilles and n Douglas FJemming you know what " to expect Ia-lfrom them Dolly; Parker then vpre- liew an3f r Benla ' Fukraay jcbines back id ft stiff: betterone,1, ff TifereS a Lit' e ; Bit i tit Bid irt Every Good Little Girl- a brand -new Broadway song Met i l: jHoko Mokeilsje thati old . favo rltev By Douglas .Fleming and chorus iia another mrty number. Brand new scenery, hew. specialties all -th'er wat throtfgtBjahd soiiiefd'lithe niftiest costumes yet seen are- a?fea iture of this bill today.- .:-.. , ( v u Bhift , Ribbon -.Feature,: ;T;qitft'rPVf ' Tomorrow the.' Royal presents one of the very greatest ' Blue Ribbon Fea tures ever released by the Vitagraph Company of America, a gripping dramia in six' acts; "lie Tarantula'? starring those ' two" world-famous stars, TDdith Storey and ; Antonio Moreno in 'the leading roles supported by an all-star company including L.; Rogers Lytton, Charles Kent, Gordon Gray and others. "The Tarantula" is from the stof y by George D. Baker, and is one of the J most intense, gripping and extraordi nary screen dramas of the year. Al though Edith Storey has always had an enviable reputation for versatility, we find her proving this statement ; again in this feature. Her character The ihanner in which she jumps from the carriage while her duenna slum bers peacefully is quite typical of an innocent young girt afraid of nothing' -r-and destining rules and regulations. I But gradually the character changes ' rwhen sne is betrayed by her American its course. ; I C'.tv business on their annual visits. I bas an entire, new scenio Another One Of Those Big Hits, 'production together with the hun Such a hit was made by that Bio- j d-edr of gorgeous; ccistumes neces- graph-Griffith-Sennett program at thelsary to fit the new environment. Grand last Saturday that the other , Thet re goers who have laughed at one there are only two of them on' Mutt and Jeff before, perhaps many the market has been secured for to- mw preBeuim,, bvuh uiBSer nne inn thni last Saturrlnv Marv PiflrfnrH Edwln AugU8t, 'AIfre. Page- rhnrien ahioR will h snnn in a rmn reel feature de luxe, made by David W. Griffith, entitled. "A Beast at Bay," one ..of Jwr greatest single jeeL offerings, Blanche j Sweet. Robert Harron, : i Greater Competition a Greater Demand for Advertising j ...... . .. ' Where competition is strong in any line of business it is a sign jfor you to strengthen your. advetising'apprcfprt atron and do rholfe advertisirig-better advertising. If you stand alone in this field and: there is very little competition,-of coursVyou will' advertise to? let people know that you are ready to serve their wants in a particular line; but it stands to reason that the advertising need not be so fierce, and aggressive as when the field is well occu pied. . - Somersay it costs money of course it costs money, then agairr -they wilt s tell fyou "there's no use throwing this m6ney away oh advertising. Itls very well to give at few platitudes on thrift and say, "a fool and his money are ton parted," and right here it is well to remember thamore failures in business and in social life,. too can be attributed to stinginess and greed than is generally sup posed. ' - '' "' - : ' ' ;" A reputation for being stingy and 'greedy is about as bad a" reputation as a man can have.1 It hurts in business life as well as sbciai; 1 Sucdess doesf iibts love the stingy. She! 'flujtters about the liberal- the generous hearted tne people who have a feeling for their fellow; nian and genuine good old Red American blood in their veins. . ; Thrift is Jo be commended.' There are two kinds ' bf thrift, fntellrgcnt thrift. 'Stupid Uhrito The I latter is Used by the greedy when he "saves diriies and losses dol taiSv'en:!.l)e;cha8e8 a butterfly and" catches a fly," the thrift; jlhat 'saves at the spigot and? loses at the bung hole" is pure and simple idiocy . And yet hundreds prac tice jifst, this kind of thrift, and pat themselves on the shoulder for being savmgconomical.' - " C ;- Uytti are1 nori-adyertisr Mnd just startirig in,; or if your afe"i atr fbld advertiserWhen ybu advertise, do it right. v If you have abrg- thing to adyrtiseand its worth advertising at all, dd it in a big way. Do hot go at it half hearted and stop before the battleof results is hdlf won. r The law of advertisihg. results 1 is pertain it is exatt inrl An articledf quality properly exploited! will Return you proper returns, and jemember when you place your moneyr in advertising jt is intelligent thrift adequately . employed. ' 1 ' 'ffi Hn.flZf::': j .: ii : Confer. ,v.' ' . .. " ?. " v. fSairtt Charies'Wesrt s wliy be J seeiln tre mendously powerful tvro-reel ; feature, The! Massaere,'' one of the nwst-tnriii-ing pictures ver filmed under the di ectipn; of thorgreat Griffith witha 'htiff' evryHrie ?::e' W $ alsd;e;: &nlfy areAJreel'feaJ "ture; 'Tibi: Motbefing Hearta.bunain interest stry with : thriUs: andV pathos afithe way;.tttr6ugb:; Mack Senneit will present a great Single reel production "When the Fire bells RngVsta Iace jn Vibe fading tXQip-i .titlft-of the slsth editroVfi?;? fFh. er's cartoOB coniedy pxjQdiuctioii te &u -siealfcpnidyfbrm b db ;Hil who i&ikM toiicelyfthat s rtheatri cat' pVbuctlc -?nqM history;5 of thet ; American" stage nas enjoyea sucuesa I botbtrlrtitfcf: andnnaiicially Idqual5 to tliavthicanarbtfcMm since thdS: first-' prfeseritation of the ' . play, more thair five yeirsagoC -,l ' - Tired :&uMariyi;; seeTis " diversion, with: tittle fc&tfugnt- or worryis to its ; artist ;briglri;n ) If a - play ot. iitsctors- afe able vto extract' iiitceSsantvlau" in-! cedulbus udfefi(ietMt fplM'or : ac-! torbecom,cts ajptungalijfiedj success, j Mutt and Jeff started a Udif wave of merriment thftt as, beepieontinu- OU$' T .-1 : iii" ive Scene from1 "Mutt & Jeffs Wedding," Academy of Music1, Matinee and : ' Night, Thursday, Sept. 2,8. f:aue as long as Bui Fisher and Gus I - 511 are able to offer new- 'comedy features each season, assuring capa- limes.' will find this offering so : en tirely new as to have the effect of hami, on , c-a 1 5i .'itntt ana Je?s Wcddg" will tn.ke.pJa.ee the 'Academy of Music on -next Thursday, giving a', matinee and night .performance The maiittee pricen are 25 cents and 50 cenLa- ChU dr-jn 25 cclis tr any seat. The night prices will range from. 50 ce'nts to SL : haj's6 sigdrfiea!;nl8 ihtenroitr o- offer! an heiniplyf eaifih? ccSeMv vsea- xXoityl BBrtCliff ord tyf-''Soo. 'fThe theaW-fovitng tpubricVWIl mington are promised excelleijt . en tertainment when Jolly Billy: "Single FAIusJfc"t)h Saturday," Sepf 3ty,. f or mat-; taea? and.'nfgtivhia-1ate""yers!onayof that successful 'ridusical satire worth hile, !,'Ltner Lohger'-LSicy.' " Itris right up to the miriute-. wlth .the latest and: best ; Iftinttfc: '&i:'imd' in'ot tuneful; sotigi'and lias- left: a . Very fa vorable' fm'pres4i6n;neirev'erv been -seen. ;Billy' Clifford r is 'an enter tainer with j unique "methods ' and is seen this X, season in a role that fits his eomed$tp perfection ile ;is sup ported by; a ji .excopf.tpnal.ly clever cbnji pany arid as si cbinedyi his play is uri beatable. X; , : ,'.. ' , f'" tj A lady .brass band and orchestra ifij ccrricl lAvith, tlie company. The - lady band will parade and play ai free coijcer.ton,lhe. streets at -1 p. m. and. again in front, of the theatre, at .7:15! "13 iti MiiiiT' 4 i TOMORROW?- n ' MARY PICKFORD Edwin August, Charles Miles, in 'A Beast at Bay' $ 'Bli A N Cf E SW E ET i ' Robert Harrosin, Claire McDow ell, in 'The Massacre' . oic LILLIAN' GISH it. Mothering Heart' FRED;, .MACE. tin i When the Fire 6 Reels .5 and 10c J We want our friends to open a SAVINGS AGCOlTNT with us, we.pay 4 per .bni, Interest compoun JeJ quarter IyV No account too small lu us. r '; DIRECTORS: HFt WaIderPr eaident ; R. Bradley, Cashier; W. W H. Brown, Second and Children's School Shoes Start the Season i Rigkt Our Shoes Will Stand the Test, for Any Purpose, School, Dlel 6rdla.Let: Cfceflfou. Pet :erson - Opposite Murchison Bank Called ..k i;1 ' Wilmngtohr N. C., September 18. 1916. ; TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS' OP NEW flANOVER COUNTY; All qualified votera of New Hanover County who wish to support the Repub UCan National Ticket, at the coming election, whether heretofore sup port.in the party or not, are respectfully urged to' attend a meeting of citizen to b6 held at the' Court House 6h Friday night, the 22nd, at 8 o'clock, for the purpoBe of organizing a Hughes, Republican Club and electing the proper officers. : : :f'y-- ':?'"'i---:'! -- -- ?t,H1df-?d1 Aa?rate an active campaign in support of Repub lican policies, as set forth-In the Katibhal and State Platforms, in order that both sides of the vital economic quesOonsj which are to be decided fh Z ?1 el??qn, may. be. intelligently presented to the citizens of this County. ;."; ' -r v -. '..; ALL-VOTERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. "' - : V -:i I: :r". 'v ,.".'.. . J. W. BROOKS. T. haIrman Republican County Executive Committee. JOS. J. LOUGHLIN, Secretary: V , v 7-5 50, a tid 2b' cento.; Bargain matinee .3fSlat-tsafi;at Plymme's on f r ; EdiutStdry Moreno In a Magnificent Sit Part Vita graph Clue Ribbon Feature i! AN INTENSE, GRIPPING '""DRAMA. " Adults 10c. Children 5c. CRAND- NEW - CILL TODAY -an( TOMORROW ed l Station" A Screamingiy Funny Blackface Comedy, Featuring Jack Fuquay. j, NIFTIEST WARDROBE YET.' NEW AND NOVEL DANCES. SOME BIG NEW SONG HITS. THE BEST SHOW OF THE WEEKt ABSOLUTELY. Matinee, 3:30 . . . . 10-20c Night, 7:30 and 9:00. . 10-20-30c WWRJIEV T. E. SprJunV. President, JVCunvmlirg, RiiGli Grady, Cf D. Weeks. ' ? - Princess Streets. Hfe:Kulrs to Organize State i.f',;;-'....: . ... ' TOMORROW Tarantula" The 5 - t "3