Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmsm mm neglected - urn pt mTT TiMiPiiniiimin i - - ., -. ....-r'T.. . ' .'-..--pi t . . , 1 j -- i LEATHER FORECAST; September 21 isis. Atlanta -Charleston Charlotte -Chicago - nalveston . T.vsonville jjt Orleans S. York - Pittsburg -- jttleigh gt. Louis Washington Wilmington ....'5 "js" ' I tf-lf If t gf 31 M ..ptcldy 74 ' 46 0- clear 8tf 64 0 clear 80 ; 64 0 , . .clear 78 60 0 ...cloudjr 72 52 6r clear 84 74 0 . ...clear 78 64 0 clear 88: 70 0 clear 70l 60 0 . ..cloudyl 76 5S 0 clear 78 58 ? 0 clear 76 ' 62 v 0 ...clear 74' 54- 0 ... clear 78 56 ; 0 -ft ilUNRISE and SUNSET. Saturday. Sun rises - - -6: 01 Sun sets . 6:08 Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville. N. C. at 8 a. mw yester day. 3.2 feet. Husband I have a bad head this morning. Wife I'm very sorry, dear, 3but I do hnnp vou will be able to shake ;it off. Exchange. W-r. -"-i . - 8ff 40 65 10 18 66 85 TO ByeetiDtetobuahel- ? 7 1.00 Msh Poutoe Tbtisli: ... .75a "1.00 R; C. ShJttilfleg & Bhi XbL j 17 gBld Peas, bushel .' ;. . . ; i.o te Pea:bu3h6l ; .. ,;i.5o Corn8SbJeii:. ? V' ' . 1.00 N.0. Peanuts, bushel i.-. - 55t Spanish Peanuts, bushel 80 Virglnfi Peanuts, fiusfcef ... 80 Oranges Florida ... .V 4.00 wines, per 100 . . . . , . . 1.25 Bananah; bunch ... 1.000 10 Lemons, Fancy . -- 8:00 J ' Apples 3.00 3.50 Bell Peppers, bushel 75 Onions, per caxsk; 4.00 . . J SOVEIGN GRAND r - LODGE ENDS SESSIONS ;Newtork, ; Sept. ' 22,The - cbtton mti tpdja7 opened,' flrjn at an ad vance ot 9. tp p points, with Vpecem- . selling up to 16.40; or within 7 points or its; recent high v record. ' The ad-1 l von sirk . - 1 ... I ? ; U1 1cu'v x s ia " cpnaequence and there "was reaction of 9 or 10 Points before end of the first hour. Thero- PrtBSWas again un mistacalupw of NEW YORK COTTON. Open. 7 "October . December January.... March 'May.: .. .. .. New -York Spot . .16.09 .16.25 .16.40 .16.50 .16.68 agwtecoT&a for United; States&SteeV anoV prominent of fractidjas to 2 pointtfjSyUti issue .tchaged'' hands f jiifitl lots ot, 1,000. s tq 2,000 sharps Marines. Majlaj and Studebaker.i ; Motorsf rucibjand Close, I Dackawahhf SteeV Natlohal liea like Union. Pacific v and1' New" York Central shared in the general ad Lvfttice. with some. realifcinV frtr. nVniflik 1 ' before. end"bf ;thfbflrst half hour? ;Klaw- andiErlanger aaye; produced ileW: weeks : and ardund tThanksKiving Syf ;s"!?iwn Prp1B5sy;o "t piay. m :f, jx.or engagement. 16.02 16.12 16.25 Chattanobga; Tenri., Sept. 22. The f Sovereign Grand Lodge of , Odd Fel lows, which has been holding its 93rd annual t session here this week, ad journed at noon today, after installa tion of the newly-elected t officers and announcement of the names of the appointive officers. The Rbekah, assembly! also held its closing session today and . installed us newly-elected officers. Wilmington cotton Charleston cotton Savannah cotton . 1 lUEDDftni r Open. .. 9.49 .. 9.511-2 . . 9.54 close, very Oct,-Nov Jan.-Feb. . . March-April . , Open, steady; Middling, 9.62. Sales, 7,000; receipts, 1,000. steady. Cotton Spiirts Rosin . Tar. .. Crude Receipts. .1920 , 19 . 32 . 50 WARRANTS ISSUED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C. For the Month of August, 1916. 2i:-Murchison National Bank -1 Note and Interest S 6,180.00 lS-Murchison National Bank Interest l' , 180.00 19Pay Roll ..Semi-monthly 3,517.94 220 Pay Roll Weekly 1,239.58 Kl-Ed Swann . Sidewalk Construction 13.00 222 S. S. Harrison Dog Feed 8.27 223 J- C. Black Harness . 30.00 224 Keystone Lubricating Co. Supplies W. & S. ' 56.01 25 U- S. Mortgage & Trust Co. Commission 5.00 228-Evening Dispatch Printing and Advertising- 35.65 227w. B. Thorpe & Co. Supplies 12.00 228- Jas. I Metts Feed 295.19 229- W. H. Blair -Incld. Water & Tax Ref. 239.50 230- Harriss Typewriting Co. Supplies . 4.50 231 A. C. L. FTelgnt 475.24 232 S. A. L. Freight 129.85 233 Pay Roll Weekly -- 1,296.58 234 Thos. D. Meares. Treas. Coupons - - 1 27,383.75 235 New Hanover County -- -- Court Costs -r 5.45 236 Library Bureau Books Library 237- J H. Boatwright & Son Insurance - 238- National Park Bank Commission 239 Jas. Walker Memorial Hospital.. Monthly Appropriation 21-Board of Health do do ! - i !tt-Wil. Red Cross Sanitorium do do WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES, t Spirits 43 3-4. , Rosin $5.45 and $5.30. Tar $2.60.' and 101-2 cents. Crude $4.00, $4.00 and $3,00. SAVANNAH Spirits 44, Rosin $5.85. NAVAL STORES. CHICAGO. ; Potk. . . . i Wheat.. J Corn. I Oats . Ribs . Lard . FRENCH BUSY AT 1K 1-5 1f;i J Allis-Chaimera 15 5-8 yu6ai .. American can ......... . American Car and. Foundry ClOSe aiUCl 1WUJ UUVUUIVM r O .. . 9 54 1-2 i AmerlcaK COtton UU ... 9.57 -! American Smelting. . .." .. 9 59 1-2 1 American Sugar .J. ... American lei. & 1 ei. . . . American Tobacco . . . . . . Anaconda, Copper Atchison . . Atlantic Coast Lane (bid) . Baldwin Locomotive .. .. Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem. . Steel .. .. .. Canadian Pacific . . .. .. . Chesapeake & Ohio Chi., Mil. & St. Paul .. .. Chi., R. I. & Pac. Ry. .. .. Consolidated Gas .. ... .. Crucible Steel. . Erie .. .. . . General Electric . . . . . . . Great Northern Pfd. .. .. Great Northern Ore Gtfs. ., Illinois Central . . .... Inter. Merc. Mar. Pfd; Ctf s. Kansas City Southern .. .. Louisville & Nashville .. . Liggett & Myers (bid) ... Loriilard Co. (bid) ".. .. . Maxwell Motors Mexican Petroleum Missouri, Kansas & Texas pfd. Missouri Pacific . . 1 National Lead ! New York Central . . In. Y., N. H. & Hartford. .. ..$26.80 .$1,53 3-8 to 1-8 T3 12 48 3-4 .... 14.171-2 .... 14.60 . . 2l-4 .. 95 3-4 . 63 7-8 . . 37 5 .. 80 . . 64 1-4 ..110 3-4 :.112. ..133 1-4 ..223 3-8 .. 9678 ..105 1-2 ..113 .. 88 7-8 .. 883-4 ..560 ..1781-2 . 651-4 .. 961-4 .. 181-8 ..1381-4: .. 93 3-4 .. 391-4 ..174 ..118 7-8 .. 431-3 ..120 .. 26 ..132 - .280 ..225 . . 921-8 ..112 3-4 become the snsatlon of the New York! season ' like;f ; its i predecessors. and rThe tLittle; Cafe,? IUls" malted 'MUbr Spxingtlihb, h ihe . American uook joy juy- jjujion,; ine ,iyncs dj jr. (LfWodeWu and the music by ' Emmerich . Kalman, the" cdmbosef of .,.'Sart"? enstm. ble numbers were staeed - by Julian Mitchell; - tne- dialogue ' directed by Herbert Gresham and . . the" -scenery painted by -Joseph1 Urban, r It had'its premiere at the Forrest Theatre; Jn Phiiadelplbiia where It was- recefyed witb 'marked '.enthusiasm and pra$$d ih Vtiie highest; terms." ; ; ' ' , Arragnements have . been, made by Henify ' Miller and Kiaw and Erlanger to produce a new comedy by. Robert HpusunXi whose writings on the sub ject of the theatre have attracted much" favorable attentibn in the past few years. Mr. Housum's comedy, which is- as yet unnamedV is on an American theme. The scenes are laid iii Virginia. ( .. - . ' ' ' ' ' : 22-Travelers Aid Society . :C-Hall & Pearsall 2W-C. C. Bellamy !45-Pay Roll 216 Davis & Walker 247 Pay Roll - - 248 Est. Geo. W. Kidder 249 J. B. McCabe 30-Pay Roll - -. !51-Carolina Cut Stone Co. 232-D. A. Lockfaw !!s3-Xortham Book Store . 254 J. W. H. Fuchs -. do do -.Tax-Refund -. ..Professional Services Monthly Sidewalk Construction .. Weekly ...Rent Disposal Plant ..Auditing Books j ... ...Weekly ...Stone and Curbing ...Typing Civil Ser. Papers.. Office' Supplies ; ...Canvas for. Carts 255- Wil. Stamp & Printing Co. -Offl.ce Supplies 256 City Laundry Co Laundry Work 2"-J. M. Solky . ' Uniforms . 258-Davis & Walker Sjdewalk Construction 259-Cape Fear Gravel Co. Clay Glayel 250- Chas. Schnibben .Expenses to Convention 251 J. C. Black Supplies - 262- Delgado Mills Supplies . 263 a. c. L .Freight - 254-Huband Printing Co. Office Supplies- v 265 F. M. Abeel Sidewalk Construction MHJeo. Rogers' .'. .1 Ditching .1 -1 ', ', K'-Sou. Bell Tel- Co. Phone Service -J-- -- 5S-Capps-GrifTlth Co . Supplies ' -J. W. Murchison & Co ..Supplies "fl 1 k .... Tt Da. mfM (if n '"' u. a. tJilorO nai upoa iicjjoii o, vi.v. . -l-Queen Citv Cvcle Co. Bicycle Hire and Repairs iiiuington uycie uo. u - I --Hodges Bros. do do . p-Ahrens Bros. Supplies ; 1 275 J. w. Blake Supplies Electrical Western Union Tel. Co. Telegrams ""-Sprineer fnal Cn Coal W & S,- ;: v-ape Fear Hdwr Co supplies "s-Bonev Hampr Milling Co Feed ' Evening Dispatch Printing and Advertising 281Dixon & Kermon Electrical Supplies - Jaconi Hdwr. Co. auppne r" 83-Davis-MnorA Vaini On Paint F-Thos. B. rarrnii Professional Services 3-D. Oniniivnn Shoeinj? Horses 2SThos. OuinHvan J&- Snn do do Sunrilies and Repairs . - fKildust Co Supplies Chamnion Cvri Cn ' - Bicycle Hire, Repairs, etc. P-ForH Ai,t n ifiasoline W. and 8. Tidewater PowpVco" '.' " " Street Lighting, etc, , r'2 Platp Tr. r lta :Ui - - - 23' i . -Independent Ice Co lce . rCaPe Fear Machine Works Supplies W. and S.- J-Hyman Supplies f do rviyde s. s Po Freight . .- F. fin ctnn RUDOlieS I;,arlock Packing Co. Worthing Pump & Mchy. Co. Bin '"'an tsiower uo. "ciiuan vn . Kinrs t;o. .- L "narrisnn n-- B. Thorpe & Co. . rSwift Fertilizer Co Postal T1 l. L Rger Moore's Sons Co. do do do do do do do dO' do do ..Pipe, Supplies, etc Supplies W. andS. Tlegrams " ' ..Brick,-'Cement,-Pipe & Sup Lumber .Supplies -- - 1 nj U . . . JOktt; n uro061 co. m ' kj. SDrmeer & co. - "-John O ".. eh - iciacnen s dou I,- P. Dudlev Repairs w D. MacMillan, Jr. ...Auto Supplies .. B- F. Mitphoii nn Feed . 5.98 2.50 22.50 . 833.33 1,592.50 150.00 10.00 80.00 468.83 5,032.49 100.00 1,234.15 25.00 300-00 1,324.15 631.08 1.50 9.00 8.35 3.00 1.20 7.00 100.00 559.86 114-00 6.00 1.00 628.18 2175 179.11 . . 46.70 " 35.28 20 53.84 '6.75 . 27.00 , 10.00 10.00 . 2.8.5 18.13 1.10 839-08 24.45 682.26 5.80 1.00 20.63 55.25 14.00 27.75 42.75 42-71 4.37 11.55 8.11 1,793.65 16.03 18.56 31.25 13.62 83.13 11.70 58.10 31.60 18.00 5.12 1,166.35 71.51 19.68 7.59 807.35 138.27 37.40 96.33 1.50. ' 8.00 490.74 PERMANENT WORK Norfolk & Western - . i Northern Pacific .. Saloniki, Sept. 22. The French are Pennsylvania... .. busily engaged in building permanent Reading .. improvements of every sort in the Rep. Iron & Steel . Macedonian ranltal. At nresant thnv Seaboard Air Line have in hand the project of a $50,000 cold storage plant, and permanent marine and naval barracks are also planned. From the first landing of the troops they began building roads such as were never known here be fore, and- since then sanitation, light ing, water- supply and even street Texas Co.. , .. .. car service have been improved under Union Pacific the direction of General Sarrail. 1 United Fruit ........ The general himself takes the keen- United States Rubber . . . . est Interest in all such work. Seeing u- BW9uug iwiuuuk some English troops at brigade driir United States Steel one' day, he reined in his horse and ! United States Steel pfd .... watched them. for a moment. Va. Caro. Chem "they ought to have finished all ofjVa. Iron, Coal & Coke that before leaving England." was his ' Wabash Pfd comment. "Here the business is to Western Union . . 4 5-8 . 721-2 108 1-4 . 6D .131 .1121-4 Seaboard Air Line Pfd . . Sloss. Sheff Steel & Iron Southern Pacific Southern Railway . . Southern Railway Pfd ... Studebaker Corporation . . Tennessee Copper. . . - ; "Pollyanna' the popular play by Catherine Chisholm Cushing, founded on the book by Eleanor , H. Porter, has finally reached New York and un der .the management, of Klaw and Er langer" and George C. , Tyler, is the current attraction at the Hudson the atre. It Is not surprising to. record that it has registered a hit or very decided proportions and bids fair to run throughout the season. The de lightful glad girt, PoIlyaUha, with her message of good cheer, was joyously welcomed. The excellent company provided by the management for the interpretation of the play includes Patricia Collinge, Eff ie Shanon, Jes sie i BUsley, Maude Granger, Helen Weathersby, Maude Hosford, Herbert Kelcey, Taylor Graves, Nick Long, Jr., and Harry Barfoot. Klaw.and Erlanger and 'George 6 " ty- ler have surrpSinded Missi Taylor with A notably fine' .'company ; Including Philip Merivale W. J. Ferguson, ;FoI liott Paget, ! Lynn i- Fontannei: TDion Titherade i and? Violet ' Kemble Cooper The, appearance, of Misa Taylor in a series of new plays will be welcomed With this exception of 'The ; yooing of Eve,' which she played . in a few cities last ;year, she has : been . seen only. in: "?eg. o my Heart!', for a long period: That was the penalty J of suc cess, however, but when she ; finally bade good-bye ;to "Peg'' at the, end of the London run it was with a feeling of reUef.?' " . . . ; Henry . MiUer - has . completed arr rangements to produce a hew play by Jules Eckett Goodman. It is intend ed for Mr. 'Miller's own starring vehi cle. Mr. Goodman, who is a graduate of Harvard, is chiefly known to the theatregoing public for his plays Mother," "The Right to Live" arid The Test." - Gut peniocrat Quickly rGava li'. - With Emmerich Kalman's "Miss Sprintime." produced and' a- conspicu ous success, Klaw and, Erlanger an-, big interest to associate with Big' In- ' Don't j.'..' t orgef, ? Mr. v Fanner, that through your ' Farmers; National Con- (A ; ' ' gress. National Grange; National FarmV ; ers" Union, American Society of Eqtdtjr ;V ; and similar organizations you have Tor f; years demanded and have Importuned ' r. iRepubllcap administration for legislflt- S " -2. ' tioii you heeded. . ;;; v What did you get?.-.- V 'Y-. .' Through ' ali the yars since 1864 th'.''.V;!'..';J v. Republjcaa pa.rtyVwi i?i and bUrid V , d the farmer's financial needs, this ln ' the face of thefact that eueoeseful aye,: . '':X tema. of .rural -credits were in, operation . throughoHt Europe for. a century. ; When i j .v this fireat Democratic measure was put to a volb in the senate, on .May 4, 1918, :Y-;; -5- only 1 five Republicans ' dared vote against it! Three of them, were on the subcommittee who' wrote the Repub lican plat.forin'of 1916. .. ' . Was it because you .were not Big In. terests? Yott. were, many of you, high ly, fluapced, and High Finance held the mortgage, and to that extent you be longed to High Finance. But you paid Klaw and Erlanger ana Joseph Brooks Will revive "Ben-Hur" upon an even, more elaborate scale than ever this season. This will .be the eightT eenth year of the famous play. ' Over three hundred' and fifty people will be employed as well as, twenty-four nounce v that they; have secured ' Kal- terests. A stack of wheat wasn't as mans new operetta "xne uzardas eood collateral as a sheaf at soran nt Princess," which has just achieved a' paper held by a stock gambler. Nor brilliant hit abroad. The operetta did; the. Political Bosses of the Repub derives its name from the characteris- i lican party, care to give you financial tic Hungarian dance, the" czardas. An! justice. ' They were too busy, "protect adaption of . the 'Hungarian book will! tag" themselves. be made by an American author. I tuk FKUiiisiss OF THE DEMO- Klaw and Erlanger will produce this season "Have a Heart," a musical I comedy by Guy Bolton and P. G. Wodehouse, with the music by Jerome Kern. Messrs. Bolton and Kern are responsible for "Very Good Eddie."i and "Nobody Home." Mr. Wodehouse' is a Contributor to various periodicals Many novelties are promised in "Have a Heart. Henry Miller's production of "Come Out of the Kitchen," with Ruth Chat terton as the star, has proved a very substantial "success In San Francisco This play, written by ' A. E. Thomas and founded on the novel of the same name by Alice. Duer Miller, was put build, roads and dig sewers." Naturally, the inhabitants of Greece's second city, who have been citizens of Greece for three years with no ad vantages save of the payment of heav ier taxes than ever the Turks had exacted, are delighted with the civic activities of rthe French . I Westinghouse Electric ..112 ...68 1-4 .. 141-2 .. 361-2 .. 59 . 1011-2 ...25 .. 681-4 .,1311-2 .. 24 009 1 . 1 ..1471-2 ..163 .. 59 ..78 3-1 ..113 3-8 ..1213-4 .. 441-2 ...49 3-4 ..28 1-2 .,101 3-1 . : 64 5-8 BURLESON'S "THREE STRIKE.": That $5,200,000 Check Wins Opponent's Praise. 'The Democratic party seems to have enough1 capacity to run the postofflce department. Postmaster General Bar leson has dej-oslted a check for $5,200, 000 with Secretary McAdoo, being the profits of tho fiscal year 1916." Sounds like a Democratic campaign orator, doesn't It? ' But it Isn't. It is the Philadelphia Public, Ledger, a paper that is support-' GET! A COLD uin nnnirr tVLLUUItlU THERE Republican Candidate Butler Speaks to Small. Crowd at Jacksonville (By M. M. Capps.). Jacksonville, N. C, Sept. 22. With not over twenty-five Republicans from throughout Onslow count j Geo. E. Butler, Republican candidate, for congress against Geo. E. Hood, is spa'akirig this afternoon. Thee are doubtless a hundred citizens listening to the speech, which is an array: against the Wilson administration '. Three-fourths of these are Demo crats. With absolutely no political friends to meet him at the train Butler came to this town with a cold wel come'. ! Cameron Morrison, Democratic j elect-at-large, will speak here tomor-1 row and will be heard by a large! crowd . He. will go to Sw;annsboro for a speech tomorrow night . I Health and Hygiene 1 horses and six chariots m the big, on at the Colurabia Theatre early, in race scene. The tour begins in No-j AUgust for an engagement limited to vember at the Manhattan Opera' two weeks at least that that was House in New York. jplan. . Theatregoers willed otherwise Klaw and Erlanger will present They packed the Columbia at practl Elsie Ferguson this season in a newjcally every performance and the en comedy by Hulbert Foptner entitled ..gagement lasted precisely five weeks. "A New York Girl," Before appearing , "Come Out of the Kitchen" will be in New York Miss Ferguson will. presented in New York in the near make a brief tour of some of the ' future., principal cities including Cleveland 1 and Detroit. -Recent plays in which Klaw and Erlanger have accepted imr Huchps. telUnsr its host nf rAniier Miss Ferguson has been seen, such ; for early production a comedy in four ' about merely one of the deeds of tho as "Outcast" and'MargaretSdinier',ats' entitled;. ; have .been of a serious nature. In-" A f Harriet Ford and Fannie. Hurst. Miss ' Continues te ledger; . .. . , New York Girl" she is in a different Ford has collaborated with Harvey "The socrptary &f (the treasury re atmosphere. , It. is distinctly a come- O'Higgins in 'The Dummy," "The; plies that his department has 'expert dy of today, dealing with American ' Argyle "Case" and "Mr. Lazarus" and nced the sensation of receiving a pos types. The scenes are laid in . an uI- Jm'Iss Hurst has attained popularity asl surplus only threo timos In eighty tra fashionable Long Island home at a contributor of humorous stories to' yar and those three times have been the present day and the characters, various magazine's. The scenes of the' under the administration of President are mainlv of thn sociallv elected, thp -nlnv nr lain in nni ahnnt Mow vnrt. Wilson and Mr. Burleson. But we have - mf --f w. xr M ---( v v wve wwuk . ' so called "smart set.' Miss Ferguson at the present time. will be seen as a modish young wo- man. While her associates are those j George Arliss is appearing 48,000 PEOPLE VACCINATED. at the whose names figure In the blue book ! Criterion Theatre in New York, un- of society, she is in no sense an idler 'der the management of Klaw and Er- but a real American girl with a mind langer and George, c: ' Tyler, in the; ana a neart or ner own. Hulbert Foot- j Edward Knoblauch play "Paganini" ner, the author of "A New York Girl" j and has been accorded the highest is chiefly known as a noveliest and praise for his artistic interpretation traveler. Some of his 'better known of . the interesting character. For in work are "The Sealed Valley," Jack' stance, the Evening, Post said: Chanty; and "Two on a Trail." j "George Arliss' performance was a bit jof genuine histrmnic creation, bold- Laurette Taylor will be seen this ly conceived and vigorously- and de- season in three plays by her husband, licately wrought no hope that, this " will satisfy Mr. Hughes. He will tell tho next audience he getn hold o that the service is not nearly so good as it used, to be. when postmaster generals were Republicans and there was a deficit every year, the amount being something over $17,000,-. called before the curtain repeatedly, and in a speech, expressing his thanks, took occasion to say that no matter what degree of success, that no mat- It was a notable i ter what degree of success "Paganimi" Jtal for Month . devious ..$ 61,572 40 56,409.46 r $17,981.86 .fotal to date - - rwwhed by Order otthe Council - - " : THOS. Dv MEARES, Clerk. ' State of 3S"otth Carolina,. County of New Hanover. AUJtust.Ttn; 1916. In the matter of tbe artmiBistration of tha estate of Cryms Rps deceased. ADJtflNIST&ATOR'S. J KOTICB. TO . CBKQITQKS.- ' V. The undersigned having' qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Cyrus Buss, dev ceatetl, late of New Hanover County,' North Carolina, . . . . , -, , - Tnfs Is to notit-y all persons bavins claims against the estate of said deceased,, to ex-' hiblt tbem to tb undersfl6d at Wihning tou, -rtb Carolina, nt the office of the American Bank and Trust Co., on or before the 7th day of Angnst 1017. or tMs notice will te- pleaded In bar of their recovery. All' persons who are. Indebted to said estate wilf please make Immediate payment. Th,e day and year above written. ' AMERICAN BANK AfiD TRUST COM .. PANY, . Administrator of Cynis Rnss, deceased, Bv Milton Calder, ice President. S-ll-law-Sw-fr.L Result of Summer's Campaign Against Typhoid in Nine Counties. This summer's anti-typhoid cam paign conducted in nine, counties by the State Board of Health closed Tuesday, SepU 8, with a total result of 48,051 people having taken the im munizing treatment against typhoid fever. Beginning April 1, In Bladeji county, the State Board ot Health conducted a vigorous campaign against typhoid fever, and disease pre vention In the following counties: BladQn, Richmond, Cabarrus," Ala mance, Mecklenburg, Catawba, Union, Stanly arid Scotland''-'Tije 48,051 people vaccinated in these;' counties is 18 per cent, of" thO counties' entire population. - Last year the State Board of-Health conducted a ' similar campaign, in twelve counties with a total, of 52,000 1 people taking the treatmAf- ;. which was i3 per. cent, "of the : populalipn. In round nurabers, ! since . June 2t, 1915, te board; bas. administered the complete treatment to ; 100,006" people j in twenty-one counties. Thisv , agcojrd ing to "th .board, '.is an; aehieyement that basN never;: bee;n ptpphfd ;!by any State: in the -Uniotf f inj- tublic health, work. ' .' ; y. ;: ; Y ' V As a result, of . this campaign. in: te savingof lives font typhoid- f e'vef an; estimate for this year cannot made, but the result;, of last,- jyear'a campaign,! according;' to; last, year's re ports, showUhat in . the twelve coun ties 25 per cent.- fewer people died from typhoid. ; than did the-; previous year. In; exact figure's thereTwere less 43 deaUanOcas phoid than the year before. ,. ' J. Hartley Manners. They are "The achievement betokening Harp of Life," "Happiness" and "Thel and imagination-attained it was the Intention of bis ' i .' -aa - - - t . ianu versaiiiuy ana won tne .coraxai managers to present him In at least. Wooing of Eve." She will appear on ; appreciation of a very Jarge audience."! two, other plays during his New York totrr in various Eastern cities for a On the opening night' the star was engagement. THINK BRITISH "TANKS" ARE ARMORED AMERIC AN PARK TRACTORS. I never hear you talk about your old college days. - Our class didn't produce" anybody big enough for jthe -rest of us to brag about. Exchange. ijviiif mn eyed ' that the , British "tatiks'Vr,' land t motors. which' ha,ve : come" into prominence ; through their lOT0&TiC : ' itl is. beljeyed r4marbie'-pe.r armored and equippedwith jnachihe- guns , . .0 ; U' j.i '' ' ',- .'..".-.r: '-:' v-"- ''? '; Vy ; A 'Of iice. con ceriT in Peoria. Illinois,: states, that his firm sold about one thousand of these ca.terpi(laf tra tractor has been ; used Ato-haSthe big guns aiostislnee; the biegjnning pfth jwar' i. ::Y.;Y-"': Thfs picture 'shpWs one of the c aterpillar tractors towing" a, gun througha heavy quagmire. . ;-.', y V Thetmeor cri is on the ground . On the inside of h e betS bhewside ofthe 'bo lines in 11 -These rails are in short sections,' joints aCogged; mechanism that : actually. , lays them down with' their belt attachment asHhe. tractor moves: ahead and picks thm up -again) so that' runs on Its own selfmade track contluously About seyen feet-iof-belt andrails are , on the gro'uid at;,one- time;;' This makes it possible for the huge car to straddle a trench . ;:i'V., j;-' a) ' C RATIO PLATFORM OP 1912 writ ten in courage apd honesty and with sympathetic understanding of the needs of every honest American inter est" HAVE BEEN KEPT! The Republican party refused to do these things, which? the prosperity of the American farmer required. The Republican presidential sndi-" date, Charles E. Hughes, denounces the Democratic party and President Wil son for having done these things. Wber doea your interest lie?Vof? i Farmers' Pamphlet Issued For Free Distri I oution ly the Democratic National Com mittee.' 7 ; 1.-1. : .V'-:tV;.

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