i:vr:pAGE FIVE Numerous BuiHiiigsre?NcW Flacarded With "-Fpr Rent" Signs V -j-jje first of October is-"moving day" : WHnnngton as in Norfolk, Va., and Ga.. and other . cities' and VHUU'-. opinion vantsa among IflOSe to know tlis consensus in of fffci!f nositi-- ppin;0n is tliat a number of people jlH f.p-k new quarters at the -expira-ti05 of the present month. This not ply applies to apartments and resi- imt to various firnisYiu'J the (ir (f course many will re-sign ,ea:f.s iuii! remain in their presant caartt 's. but there has always been ,tr.iulom-y on the part of tenants to 5e?k i'"v quarters at the? expiration 0 their leases. A great many people mM lKtrdly remain their year unless j,?lfl iiy i heir signed agreement'. fieiit notices in display windows of vaiious store, houses In the city are ,l0t unusual sights. Various residences flPTfiPtPs t HGiSMfll-firininn llll I Mill II ' I lllll I I I . 1M ll.ill ll P llli tIMfllll I. 111111111,11,1 I L. 1 1 III I (IN 1 1 II I 111 I I IS MOWIKG Dll ELECTRICAL WEEK j JHE YET HOPEFUL: . . IIJ SIXTH PLAGE WDser ved Appropriately s icre in Lece: 4 ?rH? America's Electrical Veek. which "is to be; a." country-wide " movement ; to demonstrate' In - striking ways the pro gress ot .the country- during the past Hvev,years, will bo cbserved ln wn. iustvu .icemoer ' z-y, and .'already! "biucwd . u &eu Mr'. . Raymond Hunt; assistant general manager of the. Tidewatpr pn. Revise! Plana For Bridge at CharlottelHquses More Awtq- Market Street to be Drawn Up Immediately ; New and revised plans for; a bridge across the Cape Fear at Market street will lie drawn up within a few days and when they are completed the goV- endorse them. Advocates of such a bridge have' not lost hope, despite the S!:?'l8Srniiln bf'tlle focal fact tnat the government engineers - V - committpR n r : :r! ail--have, set. their stamn of disaonrofal ::!. " v.tjr. wmjnuioe.to make ar- ft Hnh .vL - vu mmu. uuuet laamg auu liiv aid still hopeful that such a bridge will be built. They feel that such a bridge rangements for the spectacular demon strations that will be Riven elP.rfHnni Jy during the weekiof teleratiop Backing th Nationainoyment are the heads of the General fekrie Com pany, teh Western Electric Company and the Westinghouse Electrjc Com pany andjt4 will be. directed by the Society t of Electric rWeiQpment, 'ihe leading eltctrical organization of Am erica. It is .. . planned to demonstrate the electrical development in both peace and war times ' during the na st and apartments are placarded In the Iew nays . - , jame manner which would indicatel Locally the movement is to be back- that there will be a great many people ed by the Chamber of Commerce and who will not resign with their present! other commercial organizations of the' laiuilords but will seek other apart- j cltv and It will have their active co operation. It has been suggested that aries among the best in-1 ws be held Vhich will exhibit the meuts. Opinions v formed men in town as to what the i various uses to which electrictv can De used in the home, xJn he farm, in the factory and in the store. Strong effort will be made to get the down town merchants to decorate their pla.-..?s oi bxsfiness electrically for the week - Fai : c!i 1 1 appropriate for the o ' casion will be the new system of street lighting that; Wilmington will be en Joying at that time, . . i i .,1 joiiual snaKt'-up ims yvttr wm amount -to among renters.. Some advance tho opinion that there will be little mov inp while others assert that many will seek new quarters. One gentleman.' who i? in position to know, said yes-te-diiy afternoon there would be lit tle moving. He stated that a lot of nf,v property had been rented but added that there seemed to be a ten- (jeiK-y this year on the part of ten- allts to remain in theirprgsent quar- i uumerous cards MISS MAY BUCK DEAD. ters. i ne uumnuus tm ua icaumy. for rent" that are posted on various i Died at: Ridgecrest Interment to Be apartments and-placed in store Jfin- ; dows would, however, leave the'im-i that Wilmington's annual shakeun this season will correspond to thOM? of former years. wife like the new " How iloes your neidiMliPod? Not very well as yet. she's not well enough with the other married women in the block to talk about, them. Exchange. -.4. r l -' ma . i ff ; .oittsiv , rngunxain, The death of Miss May Buck! daugh ter of Mr. -Jr W. Buck, of this city, which occurred near-; last mid night at ttidgecrest will grieve a great many for Miss Buck was liked by num erous friends. in , Wilmington. The deceased was 19 years old. Her fa- is . necessary for the , future growth and prosperity of the city and sur rounding .country, "especially Bruns wick countyV - The new. plans will probably call for a bridge with a wider draw and a higher elevation. The building of such ! a bridge is considered practical by many of the leading men of the city; However, there are a few who think' that it could.be placed higher up or further down the river and still serve all purposes. , Mr. W.. MacMillan, Jr., chairman of the-special bridge committee of the Chamber of Commerce, is strong in the belief that a ferry at that point would never prove satisfactory, as it is necessary to provide a ready means of access to the west side of theriver if that side is to be built up. He aid ed that the center of business would ;still be on the east side as it is to day, regardlessof what might develop across the Cape Fear. Mr. McMillan, as a fember of the Board of County Commissioners, was largely responsi ble for presenting the plans for such a bridge to the government engineers. Chairman .W. A. McGirt. of the mobiles Than Any .Gty inJ -".North Carolina , -day .of 'next week. lie will be ..ac companied tolshallotte by Senator W B . Cooper! ojf tbi? cityj fox(majiyyears a close fcierid'of .the ' former Governor! 4 Governor Glenn is? scheduled jto make a niimber.tof, addresses in this -section during the' present .campaign and be cause ; New i Hanover ' and Brunswick have always 1 entertained " the highest regard for the - Governor, ' immense crowds are expected to hear Jiim on every occasion. : y ' . ' . There are . only five cities in the State? that Ibouse ;more automobiles than Wilmington;-according to official lists of -Jorth Carolina automobiles recently published.'. . " V i '. ' Charlotte ; tops the lisC leading all others-; by comfortable margin; how ever,, there are more machines In Guilforcl' than in Mecklenburg county. While GreensbAro is; next to Charlotte In the standing the margin separating them - is a healthy one but ' the quota supplied b High Point and other out lying Guilford county towns give Guilford a handsome, margin, over Mecklenburg in the ensemble for counties. ' Winston-Salem occupies third place and Asheville stands fourth. Raleigh has a few . more than Wilmington, while the latter leads Durham by about the same margin. Winston-Salem leads all cities in the number of high-priced cars and although she has far fewer cars than Charlotte thS capital invested is about the same. , As opposed to the hundreds of ma chines in the more prosperous coun ties of the State the list shows an almost unbelievable paucity in other f sections. Especially is this true in the mountain counties with their poor roads. Yancy and Mitchell counties are tied for the booby prize with three cars each. Clay county has five ' and all are of a popular make. While there are hundreds of high priced cars within the State's bor ders the cheaper . ones predominate to a marked extent. There are 1,142 cars listed in Char lotte township, according to the of- and the city tax ficial list, books Board of County. Commissioners, has I show 900 in the city proper. Wll ahnounced his intention of urging j mington, in sixth place, has 586, and that immediate steps be taken toward Durham houses 572. Barring High securing better service' across the!Pomt' Durham's- figures are the small river. He is convinced that a bridge j est Published, at present1 is impractical and declares i that a ferry is the only solution of INTEREST RUNNING HIGH. the. question for the time being. While New Hanover residents are discussing the bridge question the Brunswick Board of Commissioners You know -ther and other members of the family i are standinz pat on the' proposition acquainted were with her when the end came. ' agreed to several years ago that The funeral and interment will be at ' New Hanover was to build the bridge Black Mountain. across the Cape Fear while Bruns wick Constructed a similar one across the Brunswick river. Brunswick has voted bonds for such a purpose and the commissioners seem determined to stick to that agreement. The New Hanover Commissioners do not recog nize anything binding in the agree ment with Brunswick, declaring that the agreement was made by the Chamber, of. Commerce and that it was not official. AH are agreed that better facili ties must be obtained for crossing Judge Bornemann Is Going Aftsr the Booby Prte Contest. . The. voting contest that is being conducted by the Loyal Boys' Club to determine who is the most popular youth in the city, the two most popular girls, the- two prettiest1 babies and the two ugliest men is. creating much interest and the voting is becoming lively. The proceeds of the contest go to the Children's Play Ground fund. The contest will close on Wednesday of next week at the Great American Show grounds". Circular showing the standings of the various contestants, issued -each afternoon, are being watched with keen interest. Perhaps no contestant Is more inter ested than Judge Bornemann. Although entered for the booby prize the judge Hark! Shrewd Buyers, Here s News For You! Our ads will appear daily In The Dis patch and we ask that you watch them carefully. We wish to impress upon you that we are selling for LOWER PRICES and it will well be worth your time to watch our announcements from day to day. SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY Page Violet Talcum, 1 5c value . . v . . .;8c Corylopsis Talcum, 1 5c value . . . . . . .8c Almond Cream Soap (3 bars) ...... .8c American Beauty Buttermilk and Glycerine Soap (3 bars),.... .. ...8c Children's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs (white only) . . . . . . . .2c Luella Percale, 12 l-2c value ....... 10c' (dark and black colors) Pearl Buttons, per dozen . ... ..v. 2c Headquarters for Standard Patterns J. w.-Hi-Fndls'':Dept:Stoipe'.- the river and plans are going forward J is determined to walk away with the to obtain such, but it is hard to fore see the results. The new plans will diamond ring that is to go to the ugliest man in the city. He has j call for a more expensive bridge, but jeven gone so far as to try the ring ! it is believed that the approval oi the government engineers can be ob tained if the draw is wider and the elevation higher. INTEREST ,IS HIGH. Wilmington, N. C. Lumberton, N. C. Phone 272. it Canvass of Wilmington Being Made in Interest of Brunswick Fair. The Brunswick county fair, to be held at Bolivia, November 3 and 4. will be a big event, -according to Mr. Jack son Johnson, of Winnabow, recently elected president of the fair associa tion and Mr. R. T. Melvin, of Supply, farm demonstrator for that county, both of whom are in Wilmington in the interest of the approaching event. Preceding the county fair each town ship will hold a community fair. Messrs. Johnson and Melvin are meeting with the most gratifying en couragement from the business men of the city. Their canvass of thej town, which began yesterday, is still in progress . They are being assured that the people of Wilmington are keenly interested in the. Brunswick fair and that all assistance possible will be given the venture. ' - A A prize list is to be arranged and will be published shortly for general dis tribution. It is proposed to bring to gether a big display of truck and agri cultural products. The exhibits of the community fair will be shown at I the county fair and it is probable that I many of the exhibits will be brought J to the Corn Show to be held in Wil- mington November . 7-10. The fair jis to be held at Bolivia because it is la central point and easily accessible. on his finger. Judge Bornemann says that some of his enemies entered his name without his knowledge but adds that since he is in the race he means to let the other contestants hear from him. GOVERNOR GLENN. COMING. Pass Through Wilmington En Route to Shallotte Speaks There Soon. Former Governor Robert B. Glenn will pass through Wilmingten next week an3 will in all probability spend a few hours in this city. Mr. Glenn is scheduled to speak at Shallotte in the interest of Democracy on Wednes- IF KIDNEYS ACT TIKE SALTS P Liquid Tai Sk For'Ladies n One washing iwill r remove a lot of Dandruff ; and allay Itching SCalp.' r The continued use will cure you altogether. Price tWenty-five , cents ; and sold exclusively by j ' James M. Hall , DRUGGIST.--, r- r e- m m 7 to i H t 1 li.l. a m mm m m m . mm fc. 4 i j.. : llBiiFishi us a p a a a a D a a a . , The glory of 4'the out-of-doors' at this season of the year and - '.' -' nothing Is more fasinating and mind" restful than a day's fishing. LTlt Careful, selection, of tackle, reliable tackle adds to one'a. pleasure, and, this, we have in stock for you. j 1 . 7 J 3! : r-i- Lancewooq,- Anzarilla, -Bethabara Woods, some, made 'special to our own order. AH prices up to $16.00. FREE SPOOL REELS . B Original Cuttyhunk, Surf man's - Special and vJoe " Jefferson's P Linen Reel Lines. v. . -a- -a w . v.- jf v v.- -Ar -c OSCAR P. PECK Telephone 341 Pine, Oak, Mixed Wood, B ry Kiln Blocks, Slabs. All kind- af Mill v's. Prompt 'fvery. vr vr V w V? a v sc Minnol Seines, Cast Nets, Gaff Hooks, and all little acces sories necessary. Let us show you what else we Save. PL Jacofii Hard ware Co. 10 and .12 South Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. P P P P P n u p p Says ORGANIZE DRILL TEAM I i Uniform Rank of Knights of Wilming I ton Created by Pythtons. With an mitial memDerniM oi no the Uniform Rank, of Knights of Wil- j mington was organized by Knights of 'Pythias of the three lodges in the city at an, enthusiastic meeting held in the Pythian building last night. Arrange ments are now being made to secure regulation' military uniforms and as t oon as these arrive the company will be whipped into shape and it is the intention of the members to have one of : the best drilled teams in the State. Following are the permanent officers elected at the meeting: Captiain, Mer B. Wilson; first lieutenant, Mr..S. F. Garrison; second lieutenant, Mr. Fred W. Little; recorder, Mr. R. D. Chri8tman; treasurer Mr. W. , P. McGlaughon, guard, Mr. G. V. Moore; sentinel, Mr. W. D. Jones. . Backache Is Sign You Have Been Eating Too Much Meat. When you wake up . with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well-known au thority. Meat for iris uric acid which overeworks.the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they be come sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys ; get; sluggish and clog'-you must relieve, them, like you relieve your-bbwels; removing all the body's ; urinbuiy waste, else , you .have backache, sick' headache, dizzy spells; your, stomach sours, tongue is coated, and, when the weather is bad ypu have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment,' channels of ten get, sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night."' Eeither consult a good, reliable phy sician at once or get from your phar macist about tour ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breaklast for a few days and your kidneys win then act fine. This famous' salts is made from' the acid of grapes and lemon juice; combined with Iithia. and has been used fprgenerai tions; to clean and - stimulate sluggisn kidneys? also to neutralize adds in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. .,' Jad Salts is a life , saver for "regular meat aters. It is ifiexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithla-water drink. Our Fall Outfitting OUR HANDSOME New Suits and pvercoats our correct shapes in Fall Halt, and our many Choice creations in T?g gery are awaiting youf Inspec tion. ' We Invite you yes, we urge you to call to see our display of the Better Things in Men's Wear! The Style, the Quality and the Workmanship shown In our-Outfitting will appeal to you in a most f orcef ul' "manner as the pro ductions of Master Hands. ' May We Show You? If you will accept this invitation- and favor tia with a call "Just for a Look," we will show you the New Wearables and Quote you Prices that will at once Convince you that it will be Profitable for "you to make This Store Your Outfitting Store, J. M. Solky & Co. One-PrlceClothlers and Furnishers. 4 North Front Street. School Time Excursion to Flonda f TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th. f 'are From . .. ' To :y Tampa ' 1 ; Fla. and Jackson- St. Peters- ft. Myers ville, Fla. burgFla. Fla v 8.00 Bolton, N. C. $7.80 $10.30 $1 1.30 Burgaw, N. C. 8.00 10.50 1 1.50 Chadbourn, N. C. Jl 7.50 10.00 1 1 .00 J ClintonN. C. l i.'8.30 10.80 1 1 .80 Fayetteville, N. C. Goldsboro, N. C. Jacksonville, N. C. 870 Jonesboro, N. C. . Laurinburg, N. C. 8.00 Maxton, N. C. New Bern 9.00 Pembroke, N. C - 8.00 Whiteville, N. C. 7.50 WILMINGTON, N.C. 8.00 Pronortionatelv low rates from all Doints'in the Carolinas. - Jacksonville tickets will be limited; returning until midnight Oct. ' 3rd. Tampa, St. Petersburg and Fort Myers to midnight Oct. 6th, 15)16. " For. schedules, reservations famjf further particulars PHONE 160. . ; 7 F. M. JOLLY, Traffic Agent. W. J. CRAIG, Pass, Traf; Mgr. . ; T. C. WHITE, Gen 1 Pass. Agt. - $10.30 10.50 10.00 10.80 10.50 1L20 10.50 11.50 10.50 1000 10.50 11.50 12.20;- 11. 50 1 1 2.50 ; 11.50i 11.00 1 1 .50 :v V ATLANTIC GO AST LINE 'f THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH. I Your Crjildren's Vacation is About Over. You are preparing your children with comforts while gaining an edu cation. They will need Books, Cloth ing and Shoes; they will get them. -- Now, seriously have you thought, of your children's Eyesight? jis it not very important that you provide them Good Eyesight while providing other comforts? ;. r ' j ' -i Let nie 'examine; your children's Eyes. I will advise ?ybu fully. Abso lutely. : - - ' ' FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. Vinefaerg Masonic Tempi. MM Pin 11 " -TTl' -' - 11 1" . - i'i..W' Tin'-'VinliiDOAPV' ll rOMW FTP The Dispatch, Sept. 22 .......T.rorAini rflrt U THF BIBLE ..AND i,.. ..- - f. .mi The above Certificate . viVCx five othcr3 of . conse '.nlve dates Entitles fieavep a iis 85100 Illustrated Bible If presented et this oSce, together wiili tie etzZoa cscotna inai; cwen. - earr EXTOSB stems or tnis oistr3afc.wa w-- cost oi paclaasr, "ec-inj, ezprcsa tiwia !5C Edition' BIBLE EXPENSE Items 'M&RMlFinFMT Hike illustration in announcements from day to day), is i bound id fml flexible Ump leather, with overlapping cover? ILLUSTRATED and title stamped in sold, gold oyer red edges, with nu- merous tun-page piaies ia coior uum Tissot collection, together witli six hundred superb pictures graphically illustrating and making plain the-verse in the r T;w;t l-nAwloHiri and-research. " The , text conforms to the authorized version, is self-pronouncing, with copious marginal ret erences, maps ana neips ; pnmcu w . . Amoonf bible paper, flat opening at an pages ; Deauuim, i r w -able type. Six Consecutive Free Certificates and tha . Also an Edition f op Catholics rpt,vnK oin.ivo nrraneement w "have been most A fortunate . In eenr 1 lne the Catholic Bible? Douay . Version, endorsed .-Cardinal JCZ', biop (now Cardinal) Farley.ae -weU as by various Archbishops of the m.-ii . . fa r ,m YtiiLnM eimavines approved ty the' Church, without tne xissoc ana xexs pictures .u " , lotrih,,. in th smn blndinar as the Protestant book anAt the same Amount expense iiems, whb tag; bwchu; . -,y , , ... .- r. . r- mm j-v.v.o a v .! vwiat . In1n1&. 1 cetltfl Within1 150 miles; 10 ents 160 to 00 miles; for greater distances aslc your postmaster ajnouni; vo inciuuv ur yvuuuo. t ..4.-. - '. h - - .-:-.v-?4t..- . . .. ... -. ... : v' ; ; . . . No-Dust Oil :v-,. . V, :r -.. ' - -10& Quart - - . . v : :-- Skeet-A-8ld i 15c Bottle .; "' ,V .' r'. Payne Drug .Company . . ;- Phone 520 Corner 5th and Red Cross ; ' . Streets. : ' . . . . 1 '' .i V Y 7 1. 1 :r.6 ' Si..

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