. V- " - 5 ( ' u ( f 13- 1! t i' ! it . .. 1 6 i ' J f 5 j; f.1 ! I KM I i 1?l 7 ! rtAPf tMI ttflTON DISPATCH: -TOE5EW YmKA iiKINUUiN, aiir a cavipc,r z,u, ij! PASETWO : .ir i.f... 'it,. "-tt-Jj T Applause which ran the first even-. chanting personality seen in many a ine nerforinance for twenty minutes overtime, at the -first presentation, of the Sunshine Girls at the victoria yes terday, was (he bet evidence in the world that this is the best show yet presented at that ' theatre ; 'f 5ily; rounds of applause forced' the dliffer performers to respond until, they were all out of breath, while the show was prolonged Jong aflf the. usiial rtime. Arthur .Hauk certaiffiy ha-S-iti; star aggregation unrfe his "Suh'shliie: Girl" banner thisarear,. ft'a an. old ady? pulled; off, the "baby stufcyes inhftro-casl - plas1itb : Mpt: terday in great style, while Iris in sev- l:-? dayi The latter in th3 role of leading erai -singing and dancing numbers cap tivated the crowds. Andi there are others no one; should TSe slighted The Berg Sisters', Tdtik VMurdbck, Bariiey kleeber and Arthur Hauk him self they ere all there Und 'did! Shelf share.,,-,Kt-r 'lv . ItUr A brand nw sfiJw ?goen.i tomor row;, with a, brand, new, act by th$ Mu- 28. basat Df filf Jill K iweptJMtheltidoX ofTatylng VthuHlloops iu;th3 leading ? ia -?iinhnl-liner Of -the -Dlay -45Very: :P5r-i:-t ; il III 1 1 il II I III VDI1 son beauty I emotion":. dramatic eff, and ; Ruby Hoffman,; is J decidedly different, from - any tlin Carivle FleminK. -'-Tom Coventry .-.Frank; yefe ee Belcher and Fred Block alsb arc seen Uwlltitu vefty vtottMnWfe standst - ' . .. . . . . t , t: . ..nhnnii infl Thft.kfiViiotB to their To offer, asixtb editipn of that wnicn fcpsriou :KBpi.,,i- i.W.."" " '"-;C 7 Tfc 'fim'ij WiA, i'i)ii-iif atct rnriori ijrtnwn as : cAurtsliio. . Kivins? i success has been the fact that ability musical comedy success in theatrical .these funny rfellows tho chancef their f Jias , been : the cnier , qmremu history is1 sbnjethinglpf an undertak-1 liyes to ecd in " their world ' renoun f throughout . ; The company s , vehicle, ing, in fact Gus Hill fiesttatesand. i$V mith- provoking proclicities.- .. ; "Linger Long Lucy Vis af clever, corn tempted to iewlfl artistically the offer- edy,v filled to the brim with .pretty Vs- i; x ' it. iii'iSi'Vi-" ever bre- music . It will be seen at 1 he Acaar ! emy of ; Music,; matunee ana . -nigut, 'j Saturday, Sept; 3Q..: A lady briss baiid j and orchestra" i scarried .wih t!: com pany. -Tho lady band . will pdrade,:C.nd "Mutt & Jeff's Wedding." Academy of Music, Thursday; Sept, and well known aggregation, but all sical Kings and everything else new. are new this year only the name re- j maining to identify this show among' Anniversary Week at The Royal, many others, as one of the very best; Did you know that this is the first popular priced musical comedy attrac-; anniversary week of the' Royal The tions en tour. 'atre, und that tomorrow one year ago Of course the one. great, decided hit!Ns theatre, was first opened. The of the show is the Three Musical 1 management has been very anxious to t mane It Dig weeK oi n, nuu una uuun.- M a great outlay of features for this anniversary.' Tomorrow, on the first anniversary day, they will present a mammoth five-reel George Kleme feature, "The Devil's Prayer Book" on 3 of the most Those two dainty little bits of fern-' startling dramas of the year. It is a story of gamblers and gamonng a sparkling, " sc'ntilatitig drama with a snap and a go that keeps you muscle taut through five enchanting reels. "The Devil's Prayer Book" deals Kings, three of the most accomplished musicians -seen hereabouts in .many a day, who handle a miscellaneous as sortment of musical instruments with an expert touch. Their act has call ed for many encores at every per formance ininity, Iris arid Helen Kenedy form two of the most irristfble bits of 1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 MATINEE. AND NIGHT AND JEFF'S WEDDING ENTIRELY NEW PRODUCTION Matinee 25 and 50c Children 25c any Seat Night 50-75c and $1.00 Tickets aVPIurtmer. - 'j SLICK. IU lue:iJJUL.ut'qj:Mi o.;. uvvva ; ,B!:r"i " 3L53ft5a have made.ppap ::. VMS..- ..v;;.';-. X if - - c " , r 1 ii.; i state m; oenau 01 vv iggiusr ; ? y Raleigh; N. C., Sept. 25.-rRev. Lyman kTjiIts,ii)astorr of fthe Pullen Memo rial chur chy talked bef ore the students of the At ! ,JT;;.College yesterday evn- l irig ; andf diacussdhehcase? 6!f.Meri;itt Millet : and Hardie ' Wiggift;s,r!Grahamf ''j: ;.: Masonic Temple. IWIUMINQTON LODGE, NO. 319, Emergent communi- viW lM'''atiott'.thl8 (Tuesday) eVening;'at :T:45. for WV.. li 11.. ' 4 Apprentice. Entered Degree. ' ' urged to 'attend. Visiting brethren . welcome... pif-f;.i-.;;;:.i'Jp IV TJE, Sec'y; Jatre at 7:15. p . m,- Scats on sale at Plummers Thursday.' Prices, best .seats 1$1.00 others 75 and 50 cents. I Bargain: matineo at !a:3p?p .:; m?i Adults i 25' wmI 'SO cents, thfideH 25 cents to any seat. . I -. . .. w :,; ' . : t - i- y -. ';,. I 1111 0 jl I play a fre 3 concert on the streets at j county men 1 1 p. m. and again in front of the the- . Mr. Diltsffeturned Thursday .of last week from uranam wjtiere ne -wejcij, ear lier to the scene of the homicide The minister did not .find that his mission was pleasing to the; Graham . popple who appeared to tiimJtp be uncommon ly .hostile to the fellows in the State's prison, here awaiting, death. -;The. pas tor remained there . but a few .hours and took down what additional ' evi dence has been found upon which the men ' base their hopes of an appeal for a new trial. ' - - . ' In discussing . the 7 case last night t Mr, Dilts did not attempt - to hold the j men up as norriDie examples iur yui-; 1 poses of public , mb'raliza(tibn but ,he' f reiterated his belief in' their entire in- j nnonro Wia iia TrinTrins' til fi . fieht to 1 Mass Meetings Will be .Meld ; arouse public sentiment;., to what, he Duririff the Week to Corri- j believes isra great wrong abbut to be , . i done by the law. .At times the preach- plete Urganization. Ier spoke very plainly about the pro cesses that have entered into the con viction of the mem- Ile j offered ; evi dence to show that 'theV hadn't half v j chance before a jury In .that county I Fact is, he said,' a preacher isn't espe- ' Gastohia, Sept. The Greater Gas ton County Association' has been or- t8amiBU ailu lw a cially fortunate i,be is; engaged, in of 200 and has an assured annual in-. helping the' boys" ouLr ( come of $2,50Q. Gast.onia suplies more The mmlster-means to tike .his ma t Tt"X; 11 -LAST TIMES TO DAY The GrfcatSbqW .Which Went . ,: Ovbr -go- Big: Monday u es - .Presented by ARTHUR H AUK'S r Sunshme Girls three Musical kings v.: (They're "There") IRIS AND HELEN KENNEDY (Two Dainty Bits of Femininity) EVERYTHING NEW TOMORROW! MaiInee7-3---Night; 75:30 and 9... 10-20c .10-20-30c. ! than half the membership of the s j sociation but the small towns in the chine and go into iriany places where he will tell the story of the conviction . ' - . , , -i ' on 1 nrtenn life rT tllo Iwn TT1PT1 wVl O i n i ftniirv nova TiirTiicnon noil Enni-o rT i cxj.u a... v. " " . . s tho momwc po woii oe tho nmiti. ' he', is seeking to save. He is making , j try districts. According to the way that, the asso the fight without . any remuneratien whatsoever arid doing so ,at considera ciation has fixed the income one half Die expense. ; will en to thfi hP'ad office to be used for i Mrs. Margaret Busbee Shipp, wao ! advertising purposes, running expenses j has been visiting in Chapel HilL Lim Dainty Comedienne with the checked lives whose courses nin counter to the law and which, in the end, meet the penalties attached to wrong doing. True to life, the in- v . -He has taken his character creations guiuy, some oi mem oeiug ueoieu me PRETTY MAE COLLINS Wit Bill Clifford the Academy of Music Satur day, Matinee and Night. dollars, but the irrepressible Bud , and the like and the other half will go I to the towns and townships in which I it is raised, and will be used in the J interest of the various Chambers of ! Commerce. Boards of Trade and simi Iar organizations. During the week mass meetings will Mutt & Jeffs Wedding Will take jtheAcalemy. The matinee prices will purpose of organization and it is conton, Morgan ton and" in the moun tains, has returned to the city and Sat urday resumed her work as deputy In the office of Collector Bailey, Fisher does hot hesitate at anvthinc. Place Thursday, matinee and night at be held in the various towns for the privilege of compensation, while oth ers come into thair own after a fiery ordeal. Warm praise is due Miss Alma Han Ion for her capable and appealing characterization of Nell. . Miss .Hanlon is also physically pleasing on the screen in this Tble. ..The .th?gof the camera which show her behind through Turkey, Panama, Mexico and j i PnlloirA and thia spa snn lie will Intrn-! duCe them to Matrimony . The new book is called Mutt & Jeff. -A- new musical -score has been writ- be from 5.0 cents to $1. Tickets now selling at Plummet's. are thought that by the first of next mont'i jthat the head office of, the association iwill he doine business. ' . ten and a small fortune expended ..on i Billy Clifford Coming. In building up the production of the ! first thing considered was to get a scenic aijid lecjrfcl,.:effects, aSjiytogfon&Pany together from which no jpji ..the wenty , changas - ot could be desired in .the wayv of Standardization of hospital work and the training of nurses will be 'the prin- . . cipal subjects of discussion at ''the 'an- nnl rtnnFavonAa rtf f K Q A Tri a . i oon Tina. hual conference of the American7 Hos- ' ' ii-S ' ' - m 1 t 9 . K '""pwji- wv .w vtit najv uj lui.-. piiai ASSOCiailOH, WHICH IS TO Degin IIS goJgebtfs;cfsiumesworn by there: proving it. This proved quite ata$k ; session today in Philadelphia . V' In the general, .primaries in Massar chu setts today Senator Henry; Cabot Lodge. Republican will-be renominat ed, and the Democrats will name John F. Fitzgerald ex-inayor' of Boston as his ; opponent. Governor 'McCaIL will be renamed to head ,the Republican State ticket, with, either. Charles H. Cole, or Frederick . Mansfield as his Democratic oppbnenL , , f. The annual meeting of the League Of Virgfciaunicpalites will open t CUfton Forge today and continue its sessions-until Thursday.- mmAL TOMORROW ANNIVERSARY BILL (Opened Sept. 27. 1915) GEORGE KLEINE'S "The Devil's Prayef'Book" Featuring 1 Alma Hanlon Arthur Hoops Ruby Hoffman and Fleming. Carlyle A Story of Gamblers and Gab- bling a Sparkling, Scintilat ing Drama with a Snap and Go That Keeps .Your Muscle Taut Through Five Enchanting Reels. : Adultis.JOc y - Chldrenr5c Coatee Effects, Russian Blouses, and Suspender Styled PSopu lar ElabdrUte S tit rh i n g Smartens Simply Cut Little Coats Small Feet Are Mo dishly Shod Pontine Coats for Motor Wear Plaids Very Smart. Summer lingers so long in the bp of teutumn nowadays, that children con- (tiirae to wear tub frocks almost' Until Thanksgiving; some mothers prefer ring to keep the little folks in rhife linen of pique all through the winter months. This is possible only in steam heated houses or apartments of course ; with a temperature always above 70 " within doors, white frocks, slippers jand short socks are perfectly reason able, even in January, though heavy wraps and buttoned boots with long istockings must be donned for -the street. An admirable compromise for :between-seasons, is the " suspender if rock, very popular just jibw. The fskirt has shoulder straps or bretellei !of one sort or another, and the vaist iis of white tub silk or some linen or (cotton washable fabric. These dresses are made of plaid worsted, of plain (serge, of mohair or of silk and the idea lis excellent. . , -. Coatee Dresses" Fojmlar ; The coatee dress is anothef cont 'promise between thin summer costumes and wool frocks for cold weather. The skirt is usually pleated; or it may fee ; gathered at Jhet. waistband, - and the coatee is in bolero or ef on style, worn j over, a full blouse of soft material, a j broad collar usually turning over the Icoatee at the back. A very attractive imodel for a irl of tefi years, has a fitted skirt, of green an4 blue checked ! worsted and a coatee of plain greefi j serge. -Th' -latter, 'gajtnir comes be-i ilow the waist in pointed 4abs and has lyeryiarge arniEoles--4fl fact; almost no iunder-afm seam at ail, the coatee but-; toning, front to back, at the hip. All edges are'--tana bUttonH6le3 in : buff: colored silfc-arid ikh ' guimfe i is of ecru j batiste. Hand; buttonholing fii scaf j loped design lfeature of children's (frocks for faflfyand also silk stitching i done on tBe;; machine in rows and set designs. (ilren's frocks should al- rwayjj be stibhed with silk which is more uepenuauic iu suaisui ana color than cotton ,threa,;and is also easier to np out MfeR-HtJgexrgcks have to be tit AMbrtiZXl. 4x "5. i lsf xv t nvk v, v se- - - " v. KMt vs - I:.;: I -1 ..t.-: Btv -fr?sH W v v- - v " JStfM f 1 - V. ..- ? sfev X v v 4, v -',v' ,vtl? - v ai -VS. li -r " f i. , V'" ' J-vjvx 4, ' ' v v WmMmt)- ' - Vr p I V'-J-Vx-Vv-e ' VELVET HATS FOR mmih -v TXjr f 3c v 1 Coats touched r?ith Fur Fur on. verythms says Fashion now, and smart coats f or little people have cuffs and .collar' or narrow trim- Kiddies frock for the Saturday Morn ing Dance class is a charming ajf air of radium silk' with'' hem -benefited with frill of sttf material oniid&ice pf. '&(: Over lace, veiling the silk. The'shirHM nd puffings at the high waistline, to gether wit Hi the' Puff sleeves are fds- ..:ctnatMffdetdils v mihg- bancis of Reiver gf ay squirte! of oaoy lamov Veliretf coats iirisi&. chic t msmt: :teW;'ad"bver ifl wear coatS belted at the rTah7f -Jc y.e-anaxots otuve and six will have nVrstfaiglit f rom tlieshouHertwith6it .belts: Very small in 'attractive and practical frock is shown in pale blue linen with - elbow length sleeves and round ifldt tcollqr. The deep pleats' attached, to the bell in a novel manner lends much to ttif at ; tract weness of the garment. V g?rfs wear - vety sttort sldftstfi' above flfet'-y-dihe pefKccti xtr6fi bver'the ktiee and their continue downward, an inch each yeair.' The; boot of exaggerated ;height is. hpi Smaft fof childish' wear how. liuch pailuts be spent, on chUdreltv foot-: wear 'arid smartness and hveienic inual-' Ities are admirably combmed.' Buttoned boots arc most' correct f for dress-up 'to 1, wear ; . and :most mothers prefer them for all-out-door occasions since .untied shqelaces are apt to cause tripping and( feven-dangerbus fallsia bad things these 'modefft t daysvhen5 autbmtbile8 i3re whisking; 'arouttdnddrii l'lddbs66 -widrihppers jconf tmOe' in - faVbr fo' indoor audi party, wer all wihtet, ah4 fot' the" 'street there :aeleqta81s; ots;5f lorect glazed kid iu combination shadings .to match" little frocks and coats. Th smau boy's play shoes are, orcdtirse, of stout calf, m'mamshtjie jrqnune oats are New s Smart coats for the i motor, .or t for I ordinary, -street wcararg pf pontiae,jaJ Velvet with fur trimming will be used injnany of She .afternoon dressy frocks for'thelschOQl girVHere one Ushd'toH im'nayy tttfe $tih)n$eskirii, fufltr. mngs and ' deef girdle of navy satin, the souidclu braidfrTgs'affotd smari '.' 1 . -v . ; trimming, . ''f new, material with;:: a - supple, wii smdoth surface tm one sideand silt tar cloth on the reverse. This " ifnatefial coinest infhancbme shldeS cdmblflatioiis and wherlkjlf ullj?; bredl and f stitched f makes- reiT ?gb? fobkitt coafs-fof small'bc andrjl the reverse side forming a lining and collrf fioSand P0ct Uimmings. indeed, tue more thjcjhe effect. Practical .and smart is, this 'oat of ian an&whiierjiemyywo pdcketsistitchedibel inBAi'fpi!ir(; black ?Tr';: i-;.; y.U.' velvet. ' .-. .n. b&er;favbre4 cpaf m -1 velour, y bfodclot arid plain or .cb'ersBuxtatf' i; Party frocks are,eiitnincing: affairi of ruffled .net; or;tmted:twsi';tad; even" the ilitUe - maid of iseYeti,,.MrearS billowy? skirts distended , over! a bctta fide : f eatberbdne iioop; run through lace petticoat ; the moe fluffy the skirt Jvv, -v vvV 't' v vVvt.x " JL V v.. Os v v - Simpler Mushrooms Generally Favored-VeTyet and Plush Adopted; . ; : ; - Tm hats jshbvmfor .'wee laddies are omStedly niore f ascmatm this sea- !oix - frbTeiafe; adorable velvet pokebxmaets f aced wiA puffings of' lace aad -ribbon 'mth'sott crown be- rdecktt :' flaffy; ipad 'p'hiines. In variably ttere are- nbbqn streamers or a- 'chiiistop,;Cunaipgr sets consisting of bonnet, and ? scarf aire? also; shown ; ornented ttt;'doiikvflbweH''and foliage. The. musbroom - sbkpe is also extremely ;;smart,t and wearables ; A cleverliristaiice of it is shownl The hat Is bfjoffre-blueifaille silk ami is faced with ra V lace(trimme4 " ruffle of- French batiste.;;; The tcrown is soTtenea'by' a band of , velvet .ribbott: and clusters of dainty iEaeli;seisonjthere are mterestiiig de- Velopments in1; kiddie ittire'arid these Invariably show much inrprovement on the items showh previous; Cnildren of " t&daare unldubtedly better arid more yprppnaiery; aiureci tnaner; Deiore-; Better judgeriierit Is exercised by those Who select. fabrics and styles for these. jgaents Fabrics l;aire riot ptif together regaraiess ot suitability, to type, instead materials, , axe carefully ' considered in rcgaru xo- meirnmess ior certain uses and-stylesv y Consequently, riot only the i outet :' garments siich ; asT. dresses and coats are f ashioned sb that 1 they are becoming arid "smart, but alsd all items that include k themselves ; in 5 kiddie rjdrobe va 11 ! 1: 4 "I i : IT.!. -.),. -. 'C-v ' - . J . - j ,1,-1 --'. i '. f ' .-"'. ' , i , " : I , V

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