V 4 rTHE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. .WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. SEPTEMBER 27 -1916,; PAGETHREE I lif rtv1?4z 'MsMfoiJ LLilii - w f;; -'to 4 .. ,, rs 1 1 ' 1 'n ' i. ' m i i i 32. Anion - 4 25 65 II. KA HMritBM Cu'v-kens, eacL. sod 46 - ft m (l8 DiiMi t 10 75011.06 i75& 1.00 2a. : v p Hanit'.. ii' ,cV,iilJ,,1 X rtlh9lT flFeaa. Iiiislml 170 1.000 1.50 J .00 80 18 fetePtas. iM.m.. ....... 65 85 70 .... r.i.iini tn hushel a. ner nw - 1.25 . Mb, huum 1.000 1.W ins. Fancy 8.00 - ' InnlPS "" Lpepp.h.ishol 75 Lions, per - tick 4.00 u-hv t h - anlcnera and vegetable " f , f I tt iirnfiliTiP" hv th nrAt. om t iit i - -t koW"''s ilM 1 rf uu-u iiaus .j. , soarina: marKec is in oik prouiem ouh sees i4-;. I,,, tiiivsiuvl out. by the Vegetable ' fOWOJ SSU( lull"" IHUJI iva( CL i ninth :i 111111:11 couvennon opening V 111 l llli ii". . NOTICE! The New Hanover County Board oft Elections met at me uourt nous lvion ,v septen her 4th, lUlb, in accord- Ke with Sction i304 of Revisal o 303; vols. I and II, as amended by ),il)lic Laws i!)07-lf)l5, and fixed the 'allowing Kloof ion iTcrmcis ana.rou- ALSO In accord with Section 4308 of the bisal. tho following Registrars and udges were appointed to serve in the n . 1 Tl i. ? TLT . . -- 1 !i, 1916: -. First Ward -Polling place Engine :. J. Pardon ; Judges: S. L. Chmnis,f.. - 'as. Elkin. Second Ward Polling place: Court cusp (down stairs); Registrar: W. iV. Hodges; Judges: D. H. Howes,-Jr., 11. Meredith. Third Ward Polling place: Giblem ,od?o; Registrar. J. R. Davis; Judges: J. Ellis. Cov Hewlett. Fourth Ward-Mills' Stables, IAS. pock street; Registrar: J. R. King; adgos : T. D. Love, Sam. Seigler, Jr. Fifth Ward, First Precinct Polling r&te: Engine House, 5th and Castle: hrtstrtir: J. R. Taylor: Judges: Oeo. Motte. 'I hos Losson. Fifth Ward, Second Precinct Poli ng place: Kni?ine House, 6th and Cas- lc; Rpgi. t i a r: T. G. Landen; Judges, F. B. Sav:u.. W. W. Ketcham. Sinn Ward Polling place: Mann's tore; Registrar: .1. F. Mann; Judges: D. Edwards. W. A. Woods,. sVvon Miii r'ost Polling place: ot-panl's Store; Registrar: Garrett Valkcu: Ju.k'ns: Ceorce T. Smith. W. .WVst. Masohhnm polling place: Lumsden we iWliiskcv Creek); Registrar: Mf-y Pin,M-; Jiulgen: Walter Home, M. flrant. Nercl point -rolling place: Rurn- ,'t's Store; lleqistrar: T. J. Burnett; s: fiarv .rtnt7.. Wm. Riddle. Mnter Park Polling place: Humph- 'P' Store. :it ( 'rossine: Reerisfrar: A. Hish; Jiukea: CJ. C. Mclntyre, E. H. Sea date Polling Tdace: Rogers' i- Melton, (!eo. Rogers. f'ape Fear Polling: Dlace: Johnson's lorf: Uouistrar: J. H. Johnson: s: E. J. Herrine:. J. W. Winders. C. W. WOODWARD, Chairman, Board of Elections. S5 Edition us WW-rpirfura- BIBLE Gi?1 W confr MTh; T self-pronouncmg, wua copiuu. !?fgnal references "'tilt T)'.T.P fl nnMllnff 4(jie tvne Si rftttct!ti Stht CathoUo Bible, JJottty Verstony e ndow d y ArcbMsopsof ' ?l!op (nnn r'aVair.ViiV UArte. as Welt ftO' py tn TrirllT-proved bv the iVOlTh .,... C m.t .nA iTt olfitufel ana .u- .,. imaunb ltributfa In the tame bladlngr as 1 "KTlSiJ Items, with the- peceasary yrtC6rtiflcatea. rmi. ii- in n.nt. itn flftli miles LOCAL MARKETS, :. I J nmflS ..September 27 -V mperature,- 4. ' 1 " it w, "ft 32 Asheville ; 78- '-48; :ooi '-psjtca" .do. -"0" l 70 j'00 82 CO. .00 " -78 MS" 78, 04 HIT ' 72 .00 '0 J 72 .01 72" ' G0- ;.00 -Xt 64 ..OO 1 ' V &8 i-.0" 86' '-72 v00 ?7S "54 '( .00 '83 66 il.00' 'Atlanta ChRrleston -pj ClTarlotte ; uaivoBton r.. New Oilearts p Pittsburgh .p I SUNRISE? and SUNSET. Thursday. ' j0 -L ' ..6:01 booster; TRIP IS SUCCESSFUL Ovr 500' Miles; Tveled by Party Much Literature Distributed. Durham, Sept. 25. The Boosters trip that was made Saturday by a number of business men of the .city was a decided success and the mem bers of the party returned Saturday night after having traveled over 500; miles in the interest of the Durham . . m, ; tobaccts market. They report that numbers were persuaded to say that in Durham The trip seemed to have a splendid effect on the inhabitants of the coun ties through which the party passed and it in the past they did not know that Durham wanted them" to mar.' et their weed there they certainly kno so now for not one - member ot the party let a ; chance; '. -slip lf tcll.4n most glowing detail of the advantage of t,he;Purhara market. . , 4 ,'All along the jQute'hanbjtfs wre thrown out and a number, of place? the party stopped long enough for sev eral of the members to make short speeches. NOTlCF.OF COMMISSIOVF.ITS SAI.F. OF RKAL F.STAl'E. . Nntke Is hereby given that the undersign ed commissioner, nnflerand by. virtue of a Judement of I he Superior Court of New Hanover i.'onnt.T, entered inrrM speelarl pro reedinjr entitled, rrie Holland et al, vs. r,.ri. iTnnHinpii ot oi will spfl lol.he hicli- st bidder for cash at the Court House rtooV of New Hanover i-onnry on the 23rd dnv of (Wober. liHti, at VI o'clock noon, Uhnt' certain tract or parcel of land lying ;and nemg in tne ciry or v iuiuhkiuh. u.mu ty of New Hanover and State of North Cat. ollna. and described as follows;: Keginning at a point in. the western line V.f Fourth stireet, thirty-three (: feet Konthwnrdly from, and at right angles to the southern line of Parsley street, If the same were extended across Fourth street and runs thence westwardly and-parallel with. Parsley street eighty-two (82) feet to nbfey Allev lor Avenue ; thence south wardlv With said avenue and at right an trlei to varsley street thirty-three (38) feet thence castwardly and parallel, with ti-..,. cn-Mt tn tho-western lines of b ourth nir.nt? the western line of Fourth street, thirty-three (3.1) feet to the hoeinninc nolrtt, same being .part, of t;he soiitheasterff end of lot No. 1, In- hiock o. i oi an,.nr!nir to the omcinl Plan oc ine . ..... . . . , , ... 1 . cimA said-city or iimingui, " Conveyed to J. M. Holland by B. K Robe, find Al. A. Jjooey, i.v tit-fu uair i"" i isss" and dulv recorded in New Hanftver ' Ths 'the 20th day of ptffC. J9 l-law-4w-thHs commissioner, ':' .. l iliji. . .in. ,1 ' - i -irn x ii 1 MTHAT-STAKN ONEP THESE WQRK-'U vxAgla The"abovo CerttW 1th W of conse 1 : - M vAi ff aw f ftl CatllOllCS ....... w-tfrwA ?5! 'ntfV. The illustrations consists ot thit M-Pa f5K"'S,'utel It Will be i tne rwi""'"'". , , . . . ,-.(. ..,1 WW' , -f New York-Settt: :27Thftlcottoir3 market opened aiellne of fronii: rNWTMk'QStteair 5,toiX points tpd&sGTradinVwas nuielri land flftpr collino- fi-rtftio 1 a ' fr.iU.iJ!'' iih ;;wTrr- ? "atr report that jth Alabama teorjfed .between' 15 rto Srto O per pent' December waB.Off'and January,. wan UO.Ua nftftF tho null - Cotton .Open. .15.75 .16.02 .16.12 . 1G.28 .16.45 Close. 15.80 16.06 .October n December ... ; ! January .... March, . . May . . ... . Now York Spot .'wit-. lw 15.05 Wilmington cotton. Charleston' cotton Savannah cotton 158i -.15 15 LlVftPDOL' COTTON. , ! " 1 Open; Oct.-Nov. 9.34 Jan.-Feb, sj. 9.411-2 Close, 9 49 March-April .1. 9.46 9.45'ATerIcan1 Smelting .n3 7:8 Open, quiet: closo. nuiei: Middling j : ' KaI(JS' 10,000; receipts, 7,000 CHICAGO; $26.60 152 1-2 '73 '4R 10 Pork . Wheat Corn Oats . 1 Ribs Lard ' -V- 13.92 14.37 WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. . Spirits 43 1-2. Jtosin $5.35 and $5.30. f Tar -$2.60 and. 10 12 cents. Crude $ t.00. $4.00- and $3.00. f v Reeelots.- Cotton 935 Spirits "" r Rosin.: . r,l Tar jr 11 " 46 Crude " " SAVANNAH Spirit s 43 3-4. Rosin $5.90-. NAVAL STORES. New Hampshire Democrats will meet ljn Sjat contention at Concord today t0 a"Pt a platform and prepare plans for the Pall ai . : Well KrtowilHRussians Report- aLLJ I r cu iu uc rtrrcsicu in Mil- . v ferent Cities r ? Copenhagen, Sept.. papers publish details -Russian of a gigantic scandal which has caused great ex ilement throughout the Empire of the --Czar,. AccoNling to theo reports i -number of well known influential inancr ami several high officials. lave' been " arrest ed in Petrograd, j inscow. Kieir and other cities. Among the arrested are Rubinstein. the manager of the iranco-Rpssian 3ank of Petrograd. with his wife and ;wo brothers, the. director of Ih'e rub ber factory of Treukalnik and Co. ;he proprietors of the banking firm Juncker nrothers and Wolfsohn, a famous lawyer and attorney for tho Panish embassy. The financiers and their: confeder ates in official circles are accused of aaving formed a ring for illegal specu ation and usury, ft Is charged that they bought up sugar, jrain, meat and other foods. and heir these neees .ities until the prices were driven up. The profits they made through these i lleisar- manaeuvres are estimated nnuons or umiars. To reach the officials whose aid the ring needed Rubinstein . is said to have employed a number of beauti 'ul and fashionable women, mostly veil known actresses of Petrograd and Moscow. 30c to $i.5(J pound Between the two lines we haye the best Candy Jo be had at, any price." If you purchase a box, and for. anjr reason do not like; it just throw the box away and telephone 248 and we will rush your money back tpypxi by messenger. V ,t. , "Serves You Right" l Johnston's' ChocoBtet HIGH OFFICIALS FORMED TRUST Uggetfs Chocolates 80c to $1 .50 pound. "STOCKS..- jivestment sliaresomtnntftH onriv - J,. - f t, "' - - i W oporattona and for J1ho?ft rsmiea befng nforcf lmfrcsrfi thaw at an tieMhHh'f!Cnt general rlsfi. 1 lidro: we'rfe many tsn"sacnoriI of fi'fitti' f.HaOO' YrfH.KffO "flares iTi' Union Palflcr ( Southern 1 Pacific, Tennsyl- vaiua,r heading, and NgwT(, Yprk j-Oeh- t I II II III I ii III i '-I . . . . -. t.-- , WT TT I - .. - - . ... , - , - - ' V . ' . .v M IK. lj.tral. at. advances extending from: ajj 16? fraction to. pyer-u point.' boloadoll Fuel . and neneraj Electric were tJtrn tyn Inton'ot "ran Biiranna rvf i.m e. trie latter at an advance or from 4 to 5' pnmf ft. Texas Company lofrtj 8. 5-8nrClmmiQra , '. 26 7S American neet sugar 97 l-z American tSarr 1 641-2 AjnerleiiTi Qar and Foundry ii.- 66 7-8 " American Locomotive - 1 Ajinericah. Cotton Cfil . 56 ! America' Sugar 112 3-4 Ameriean Tel. & Tel. 133 3-4 American Tobacco. 1 Anaconda Copper 97 Atchison .N, w1061-2 Atlantic Coast L ine 115 1-4 Baldwin; Locomotive . 86 3-4 Baltimore & Ohio 89,1-2 Bethlehem Steel 5591-2 j Canadian Pacific, 17a 12 Chesapeake & Ohio ' 6S Chi., a Mil. & St. Paul Chi., "R..i: ife'Pac. Ry. Consolidated Cas Crucible Steef . Erie - 97.1;3 - 19,1-2, 1391-2 . 9.T7-8 . 40 7-S .182 .U9 General Electric i Great JNortbfrii Pfd. 1 Great Northern Ore Ctfs. - 43 3-4 j Illinois Central 10 1-4 1 loiter. Merc. Mar Pfd. Ctfs. 123 i Kmsas cy Southern . 27 Louisville & Nashville 134 1-2 Liggett & Myers, 270 Lorillard Co. j 225 Maxwell Mqfors" 5H 1-2 Mexican Petroleum 112 3-8 I Missouri, Kansas & Texas pfd . . 12 3 4 NaUoriaV Lead I .". .. .".' 701-4 vroTtr vni' rvni: 1aa , . ! New ork Cpntral . . . . 109 3-4 & Hartford .... 61 i Northern Pacific 113 1-2 i Pennsylvania 58.3-8 1 Psnlino. 119-1. ol I Rep. Iron & Steel 74 ! Seaboard Air Line .15.3-4 j Seaboard Air Line Pfd , . 37 1-2 sipss. snet. steei & iron 60 Southern: Pacific . .' 102 3-4 Southern Railway 27-8 69 7-S .132 " 25 1-2 i SoutWn Railway, Pfd !.St,udpaker Corporation TenniDssee Copper Tex$s Ca Union. Parific .-. y rrai-3-4 .164. .- 60 . 7fi .115 1-4 121 . 44 Unitwl fuit AJ United States Rubber U. S. SmelMnR & Refining United States Steel Uuitetl States Steel pfd . . iVa Caro. Chem . . .' -. Va. Iron; : Qoal &kof.v Wabash .Pfd (Rj:4iw . . 28 . .100,3 - 4 .. 64 j Western tUnion, Wcstlnghouse Electric Copper ..; 66 5-8 .'American Zinc .. 43 j Corn . , Gulf Stenl If- 92 . . ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of The South EXCURSION FARES From WHmlngtori ! . OPEN' TO' THE PUBLIC WASHINGTON . $16.00 BALTiMORE.J. ..:. . 18.00 PHILADELPHIA . 22.80 i NEW YORK :. 26.00 A8HEVLe N c uM ,Awnrcw.. . a. . . . 15.35 16.76 ... 1485 LAKE TOXAWAV, N. C ... . BREVARD, N. C. . . . H ENQERSONVJLLE, N. C; . . . . 14.05 SALUDA n. a . ... ... ..... tsj&el TRYON.4. C, r.. ..V JL3- on, sale feTeryjlyutt Sept. j -SOr good .to stop- oyer, limited jeturning im,tH Oct. XL- . . Tickets on $ale limit ed returning jjntOcbJe4r ( 6.-, ,., - i . ' $1150 Ft. .Myers; Flah $33.05 Cleveland dhlo Account Annual Convention - Brother hood of St. Andrew rvTlckets . will be sold October,!, -2 an -limtted return ing until October 12 4 1 .jj r. A . , .,$41.00 Little R09lttAfk."&; ; Account NationaVjCngpsjs i df- Negro Fraternities. ..Tjlckta will be sold Sept. .26, 27 and7 2, Rmited, returning, until Oct.. 2nd. ..r;.,-. 7 20.95 Jack-sonvllle, Fla.r. 7 $gl.45 State Camp, Fla; . . iAccount the following important Na tional events: . . -n SnnHrftrfh Rlffn AHsorinHonx ftetohAT ( 11 and 12V - ' ' ' i : - ' i- ' ' - National Rifle Association, October fl3.jt.,J9 i-s;.. ... 1- National -Rifle rractlce October 20 and 21, -., -, -.,: : i .---? ii -National. Tnd1vldua Rule Match, Oc- iJtober28. T , . - . -r : National Pistol Match; October 24. National Team. Matehj" October -24 t,o Jr. . . ' : r Tickets will 5a sold -to i Jaxd?sonville Camp and return Ootdber 7, 89. JL4.;15 and 16. All d;lcket , Willi bo limited re- Hbrnipg upt&. Noyenlbef - 4;. 19111. Ile 25,50; OetoSera ntP noyttate- ' jijcofl faresfqr. par.fteft.pt tei or more : ft-, OTHjEfv J'QtNTS"1 OPT ITH' , - ; i Ik AXL Alf t cxcbAst Cmn. "Tna stanaartu faitroarj tne souttir We. aire gpSitOjqliHci policy; p of giving the public BETTER . c oiiycs 111 icaj iiiui4cyfJ Our Position. .SJ':1;"-: '. f -i s location. .andlacfcotover- f neau expense wia enaoie a. us to fake the lead in iik comparaole values, m ours Much Speculation is Being Caused as to Whether Tar Heel Guardsmen Can Vqte . RalCight tSeptL 26.. ffrlTW Cro-' lina's -National Guard began moving to Mexico vesterdjiv and. (hief :r.Tus- , tice Walter Clark discussed the prph.( i ability al; tUeir, being .allowed n vote : in. the November election., , :." j j j rie cniei justice untis . piemy 01 i precedent for voting, but the pros pect for North Carolina isn't pleas ing. The "New York guardsmen were here -today upon . their. : return and there is nar.-.douht- of . their;. rlghUHa thft franchise. Judge Clark w.rites a:' I letter to : -one of. tho city papera-nnd-I discusses the 4 subject with interest. j 'Three thousand two hundred vot ers in North Carolina will go io the; Mexican border." Judge Clark said, "this week.. While the result in the nStato; will not he . affected' by theij losing .their. .v.Qtes, it is justtQ theq men and . a, mat ter of . some , interest in close counties, as in Lincoln, for instance,,' whether they can vote .or not. During the .Civil War North' Carolina soldiers in Virginia' ahd elsewhere were allowed to -vote not only in: State but county elections. I have - received many applications ,. to know whether this . law is still in force. On investigation I Rave found that the statute- allowing soldiers 10 vqte at that, time has not been re pealed and ' it wouM . be in. force tp day but for lhe'fact that it" contained a j proviso that it. should be in force only. until i the ratification of a treaty of peace between .the Confederate- states , and the United States "The soldiers from several of the-. Northern -States now , on . the V border will vote at the' November election for presidential, .State. and. county; candidates is several S. tates hayo standing statutes tq that..effect. Out? THelfrestc ffea America. 5 Kenny's High " Grade Special CofFeec. Rice at Cut Price, Souvenirs Saturday. C D. KENNY eo. vf f ;t;y :. Prompt ellyeryi - i.i 5-f ,!,. 1 ii G 4:;r lie .f.- 2 1 . JUDGE CLARK tn n FRs nTfs UII UULLIILIlUl U I LU V. 1 r - "" - -X ' 111 , v $3 50 Please remember we times to adjust any error that may occur, or yoursto your entire sfltisfartinii legislature this winter should pass pa slniilarsEafute" to : provide for- the f 'voting" "by ' our" "soldiers 'When away i whether in war or practice; camps as so many Northern States have done: Indeed ,in several States they have ; adopted, a statute , which-allows trav- fi eyng fiVL or -others away from home to send in their ballots by mail and it has been proposed, and it' may have been adopted in some localities, , that any citizen, instead of going to the polls, . may send in his ballot by J letter duly signed.. There - would hoi : . ' . . - , . rz j. less danger Of. fraud, than ipfTtft pres- beyond question." The" judge adverts! m. m 1 ---tV - . 1.. 11,. 1 m ise w. - iy . ' ' -r I l fysvap ?'MkBcmnha&a&hi&-QTiwmti Make some biscuits ,of..Valiers Dainty FJour and ite$r him say'Finest blscuitsl ever ate'.TV C si . Valiei's Dainty Fl.nr i.i niStte i slow croiess. wlmh suves all ttauinti. Jtu g y-our iriXitr cna 11 J yiniiirt;!4 c?rd yoil VaJiera liainty titxf Umtfyou need Hour. 5 pVT " "TWCoVLrtt 0.',VholelDi'.trl3Utor; Wilmintfo J WCoVLrtt 0o.', VholelDitrlutor; Wilmlntfo ' f -.tat1'r,yMr ..n fri -,nj-, t t 1 . . I 1 1 ii . . En, ,;; ' '. i,, y . ., V. "WCiv'. . . , .. -. - . . . -. ,: I il I-: - 0f ElLs d BILLY S" and TWfiSTXi: OTHERS, incUidm Nfofe ijj FONNY NICODEMtJSf GLYNN, MAE COLLINS ad THREE WESTON SISTERS, in ; iW A NEW MUSICAL ODDITY I - " . - s. "It ti'ti - . l . . ' II- i7j t . III ZS- f . I Mill 4 O ' II and $4:00 Values ior stand ready at all to the practice " in " presidential eleq-' Upns of Elosingrthe polfe hrNew York at A p. m. This cuts off much opporv tunity for fraud.- . . i ; Attorney-General - Bickett - during the " late' campaign- for the nomina tion;, .pledged: himself, whether nomi nated or-: not to do , something for those who .must be awayon. election day and the next legislature, , if Detn- ...-. ...... 1 . ... r . ocratic, will be given a shot at it. The Repulflicans' opened , their county canvass tonight in Apex-, 14 miles from Raleigh, the .candidates for county offices furnishing tho ora- (Continued on Page Six) v e judges hyflavori ..of baking .on its . fi:tcni flavorc-J wheat: milled by u BpPCtal o:thu hoe flavor : ItiOh'kilteJ thrbtiSh fiillt to you Vaitera uainty f time you neea nour. V ancing' comedian 1.7 CLIFFORD -1V io if Kir . -r , ..... . ATA UJIV V T i ;ydney -f Jone s , I :;LXljpRCHKTjRA Complete ; Production. ROARS OF LAUGHTER. t s ft -1 4 t' V -1 1 - C" "- f f 1

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