:-t- t- 4. y- Vs.? t 'Hrtt' " ' ' l - fj y- PAGE EIGHT TfilS IS . L CIRCUS if II OLD f ILilTON THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH; , MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER- 1 6, 191 6. Buffalo Bill 101 Ranch Shows Are Here In All Their Glory LAST PERFORMANCE TO BE GIVEN TONIGHT Big Parade Viewed by Thou- THIEVES GET- 20 AUTO. TIRES ! Burnett's Vulcanizing Plant Raided Saturday Night No clues left sands This Morning Tent Packed With People Thisj Afternoon Colonel Cody j Himself Seen. I m J . . . wi.irn 'canizing plant of Mr. C. S. Burnett, craven's "Croatan xxjKixy io wiuuo j C MnT-tb Third fttrt Sntnrdflv nietfit. nftfna c and many people from t of town g and 9 0clock and thus far Cleveiand showed Automobile tfres valued at more than $200 were stolen from the vul- have realized this as is evidenced by the throngs that are today on the streets. Of-course the fame of Buffalo Bill and his famous Buffalo Bill 101 Ranch show has spread far and wide and had everything to do with bring- j ing these thousands of people to Wil raised a "Beard." " Currituck has unxtt o nrvm ft nMndft in ,rirair"s and' . . I . (IDinffA ' uraiige county raises ..diooo, while Union county has a "Brief" to offer on its soil. . Sampson may boast of its "Bass," but Surry has "Brim" that did not come from the Alleghany "Brooks." Greene county likes "Bull head," but Cherokee prefers "Buffalo" while Wilkes likes "Buck" (popula tion, 15). Montgomery, with Candor, likes Catawba's "Catfish," out can't; stand Green county's "Castoria." Wilkes' "Chamnion" won by "Chance" in Sampson county along Bladen's; "Chlckenroad," and heard a "Chuckle" from Wilkes where Rich mond offered "Cognac" and Granville tendered "Clay." Cabarrus started to "Coddle" the .loser and Jones county offered to ' "Comfort," but Ashe county went them all one better with a "Concert," while Scotland county held a "Con clave." That night Catawba offered a "Cook" to fry Wake's "Crab" and Bertie county sent a "Cremo" by It was getting and Gates got "Cross" wnue keen "Delight" THINGS 'THAINEiVER I By GENE BYRNES ' ' . .f -.- . - - - . if- the police have no clue as to the over Cumberland's "Cotton. guilty parties, but effort is being made looked "Dandy" in "Defiance' Ashe of Ran dolph county's boast of Surry's' "De votion" to Lincoln's "Dora" and Ber tie "Drew" a "Duck" from Currituck to gain some knowledge of the rob bery. Mr. Charles Burnett discovered the theft when he entered the building aa he refused Pasquotank's offer of . nlnnt Q n'ilnpV an1 inrim aHib tol v ro. ! r . rrv.n V. "nulroo" r Ta oh mine'fnn tnriav for the child who ouuul " - - uvsvi u xucu wo unco ZT. read In wWe-eTed wonder of Buf-1 P-rted the matter to Capt. C. W. Wool-1 COIlnty came in with the "Duffys" of faol Bill and his thrilling escapades ard at the police station. He stated Jones county wjth their heads higher T,riM wot witn "inrfis" is that 18 or 20 tires were taken. Theyithan Johnston's "Elevation." The in- new and of in the Wild West with "Indians" is . nrw far nast Tniddlf lifp and Vet 1 Were "Buffalo Bill" is still on the world Fiske and Knight make and were val- stace. and is here today: but the ) ue" at about ?12 eacn. snows of many winters have whit ened his once raven locks and the fingers of relentless time have thinned them mercilessly and fur rowed his brow and bronzed cheeks with lines that spell age; yet through all his long life he has continuously won high honors. Col. Cody is a former member of Congress, is a for- Thev were for Ford automobiles. Captain Bullard immediately dis- i patched officers to the scene and it 1 A..n iltAl 4-V.-k 4 ' Vt-kAn was luuuu i. ilex i uic lues uau uccu procured through a window in the new brick building that has been re cently completed. To get, the tires it was not necessary for the thieves to the Blackstone, troduced Emma" from Buncombe to "Ephesus" from Davie and he accept ed her on the spot with the "Faith" of Rowan. This left "Estelle" from Caswell without a "Fairfield" in Hyde county so a little "Elf" from Clay county suggested it would be the height of "Enterprise" for Craven to "Fancy" Cleveland, so they started a game, of VFaro" with Wayne betting against "Fatima" for the Bladen j ' e9- j t i 1 1 mini i ry A NEW POLieCMAH WHO tsi&VfQ AW THE The- Correct Viewpoint Many have a mistaken, idea that it is because people ' are proSperous that they have Savings Accounts. Prosperity in connection with savings is the effect rath er than Ithe cause. The individual who practices Thrift who little by little builds a surplus and with it character aridreputation does not wait for prosperity he makes it. We invite you to join the ranks of those who are insur ing their future welfare. ESTABLISHED 1900. Peoples' Sayings Bank V l - Wilmington. N. C. ii j OYSTERS, CHICKENS, BEEF. VEAL, I L. L. SHEPARD, 817 NORTH 4TH ST. enter the building, but they only , stakes. "Friends" from Iredell coun- mer State legislator from Nebraska, : broke a pane of glass and then raised j ty came in at this time with "Gentry" nresident of the Social and Irriga-! the window after it had been un-,from Rockingham and "Googoo" from tion Congress from the State of Wyoming, and a general of the Wy oming National Guard, a former chief scout of the United States army and a member of the Legion of Honor. The great street parade today, led by the spectacular figure of Col. latched. The tires were hanging on a rack at the window. It is the opinion of the police that the tires were carried off in some re hicle and by persons who were thor oughly familiar with the lay of the ground. It was necessary for the Watauga, announcing they had found "Gold Rock" in Nash county with the aid of a "Guide" from Columbus. They had purchased "Gunpowder" in Cald well and locating a "Gypsy" in Hen derson, lived on "Herring" from Sampson until they got a "Hawk" Cody, was truly immense, and was j thieves to carry their booty into the ; in iMtchell county and traded it at an education in itself and broadened the vision of all of the thousands who looked upon the historic pageant portraying the Wild West of our coun try and many other features and in cidents of our great republic and Na tional life. ' As The Dispatch goes to press the show is on in all its thrilling fea tures, and we are assured by the management that tonight's perform ance will be just as complete as to day's not a single feature cut nor a single act shortened, so that tonight's performance' will be just the same as today's. ' Doors open at 7 o'clock. ADVISORY STORM WARNING. street through the yard of the resi- ."Hester's Store" in Person for some dence, next East from the Y. M. C. "Hominy" in Buncombe county and a A. it all happened within a stone p0Und of "Honey" from Union. They throw of the County Court house. found the weather "H,umid" in Cleve- land, but kept on until a "Hurricane" 4,t' 4,4,4;!4'l, 4S,4, iin Haywood made them "Legget" to ! Edgecombe, where they felt "Lone- DOWN IN OLD CAROLINA. 'iv" nnrt went to I.ee and walked down a "Longstreet" until a "Lul" in the storm around Wake enabled them to reach a "Meat Camp" at Watauga, which Surry thought was an ideal "Mecca." They found more "Metal" Lamb and Pork. Green tomatoes for pickling. Fresh Vegetables. Coun try Pig Pork and extra good Pork Sausage. Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market street. Phone 72. 10-1 4-tf B. WISE. HAVE YOUR FURNACE und Stoves overhauled before cold wave arrives. Fire board and -stove ' pipe headquarters. Phone 431. W. R Klander. 10-2-tf Have got the goods for you. Best native meata of all kind. Also a full line of groceries. Phona 1186. Prompt delivery. Always on the job. 10-13-eod-tf WANTED TO BUY, OLD FEATHER beds; highest cash prices. Feather! mattresses made to order. Address "W." care Dispatch. 10-13-7t-J I AJAX TIRES ARE GUARANTEED IN writing for 5,000 miles. They cost no more and you have a long definite guarantee. See us. A stock of Ac cessories. Also Supplies and parts Supplies and parts to nt Ford Cars. W. D. McMillan, Jr. 10-12-7t The Murchison National Bank Capital and'Suxphu- $1,650,000.00 Resources $8,000,000.00 This Bank Btandi ready to furnish customers everr facility and best possible service. ( H. C. M'QUEEN, President. . J. W. YATE8. V. President. C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. W. 8. JOHNSON, Asst. CaahUr. J. V. GRAINGER,. V. President M. F. ALLKN, Asst. Caahlor. J. V. GRAINGER, JR., Ass't Ca shier. Washington, D. C, OCt. 16th 1916. Observer, Wilmington, N. C. Advisory message ten a. m. Tropi cal disturbance this morning appar ently crossing north portion Of Yuca tan peninsula moving northwest or north and still marked character. All Gulf shipping advised to take precautions. . rV ' (By Edward Lansing Cowles, in Char lotte Observer.) Robeson county has an "Affinity," Population, sixty. Speaking of names, Robeson has "Alma," with 34, and Stokes county has "Ale," regardless of no-license. Tyrell county has an "Alligator" and Ashe has "Amy." This gives Johnston county "Anguish" and hits old Wake county in the "Apex." Swain and a fellow in Alleghany who said 'he was "Napoleon." That afternoon !they discovered a "New River" in Ashe and with a "Net" from Iredell and a "Pitchfork from Granville caught Halifax "Terrapin." "Perch" from Surry and "Pike" that came from Robeson. Seated on a "Pine has an "AlmnniV nnrJ Ashp an "Annlp Grove." Europe has her "Bagdad" j Log" near Columbus they ate amid and so has Davidson. Watauga boaosts of "Bamboo' in her climate and Mitch the ""Solitude" of Ashe feeling that lt was well "Worth" a trip through ell clings to the old red "Bandana." : eciuuur6, tuuuB Speaking of fish, Sampson has "Bass" th "Worry" of Burke to contend with. "Dunn" and Cumberland has! J near QWP9tt.aBBMaH;BsaMa 1 ' '.fMTtt " - Va&L- -. tSSC ft s s " , , fi . ' ' : "www- - i Masonic Temple, Oct. 16th. WILMINGTON LODGE, NO. 319 A. F. & A. M. Emergent commu nication this (Mon day) evening, at 7:45 P. M. for work in the Master degee. All members urged to attend. Visiting Brothers are cordial ly invited to meet By order Worshipful Master. J. F. CLOWE, Secretary. etaoshrdluetaoishrdlu shrdlu shrdlu i. . 'too A FEW OF OUR SPECIALTIES. Champion X Spark Plugs, Gemco Bumpers, Ajax Tires, Warner Lens, Golden Giant Spark Plugs, Jiffy Jacks. We sell everything adver tised in national Magazines for Au tomobiles. See us. W. D. McMillan, Jr., 108 to 112 North Second street. 10-15-7t WANTED LADY FOR PLEASANT outdoor employment, all or spare time. Address, "Canvasser," care Dispatch, lC-12-7t-j iin Cleveland "Midway" , to Davidson! MORE THAN 10,000 .LIGHTS .FOR One Cent is what you get from the Gervais Portable Electric Cigar Lighters. A machine which excels anything on the market, to be used in homes and public piaces. Where the Gervais Lighters are used makes the nuisance of matches entirely un necessary and eliminates the danger of fire. It is the only lighter ever Approved of by the Fire Depart ment and the Board of Combustibles of New York City. No experience required to sell this machine as it sells at sight and is covered by strong patents. A big money propo sition for men and women. This Portable Electric Lighter is a beau tiful ornament, convenient, econo mical, clean and absolutely safe. A bona-flde guarantee given with every machine sold. Agents Wanted every where. Secure agency at once for your locality. Send for free booklet and full particulars. American Elec tric Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 10-15-3t FRESH MACKEREL JUST RECE1V- ed. Premium Oleomarjarine 28c lb., Premier Jams 20c, Unicorn Coffee 25c. Try a can. Salted Almonds 25c a jar, and a full line of Groceries and delicatessens at the lowest prices. Phone 1322. May's Delica tessen. ' 10-12-7t BEFORE RENTING CONSULT J. G. Wright & Son Real Estate and Rent ing Agents. Desirable homes in de sirable locations of different sizes and prices. 9-18-tf. i THAT PRESCRIPTION Will be alright if the right doctor wrote it and the right druggist fills it. Otherwise it might be all wrong. Be sure that it is right send it here for attention. J. FRANK JARM AN, Druggist. 107 Princess Street. Phone 634. FOR FRESH AND FANCY GROCER- ies, Country Produce and fine Native Beef call on R. B. Moore. Mr. J. D. Bender is with me and will cut it to your taste. Phone 1888. Third and Castlo. 9-23-tf ATTENTION COUNTRY PEOPLEI This is an opportunity for you to make money. Gathering up all the rags and junk you can and ship to me. I pay the highest prices for v brass, copper, zinc, lead. All kinds of rubber, automobile tires, mixed rags, etc Note address. H. Stein, 14 South Second street. Phone SOS. Wilmington, N. C. 20-1-tf MOTTE'S SCHOOL OF 8HORTHAND and typewriting will make you a real f stenographer. Day and night les sons. Leon L. Motte, official court stenographer, chief Instructor. Phone 737-W, 105 Churclftstreet. 9-15-tf . . s No. 257 The Little Gas Heater With the Punch Only . 1 1.50 CHILLY BATH ROOMS QUICKLY MADE COMFORTABLE. Long Line of Other Heaters TIDE WATER POWER CO. 217-223 Princess Street with us. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's mes sengers. They will call for your "ads." - In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further Information as to ads," call 176 but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! JUST received two carloads very fine York Imperial apples, the Sunflower brand. Send us your orders for ap ples, Seckle pears, Almeria grapes, limes, lemons, onions, potatoes. We also carry full and complete line of Candies. Bear Produce and Mer chandise Co. Phone 323, Wilming ton, N. C. 10-15-tf GENTLEMAN'S SUITS AND OVER- coats thoroughly cleaned and press ed, $1.00. Suits and Overcoats sponged and pressed 25 cents. Ladies' work a specialty Prices moderate, Prompt and efficient ser vice. Enterprise Cleaning and Pressing Works. Phone 717, 114 1-2 Princess street, 10-9 Mon. Wed. Fri. Sunday-8t. COAST LINE HOTEL CAFE ROOMS by the day, week or month at reason able rates. Meals at any hour, 208 North Front street. Phone 208-W. 10-6-lmo SAVE MONEY, BUILD HOME, NO "" better way than the Carolina B. &' ; " - L-: Association, pay for your home s WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON COL WILLIAM F. CODY Distinguished American, Known to Fame as "Buffalo Bill," Is In Wilming ton Today at the ?eac of His Great Show - 3 1-2 years. Invest your money weekly and mature $100.00 per share in 3 1-2 years. It's easy, try our next series November 4th. Can get your shares today at 123 Princess L. W. Moore, Sec'y, E. T. Taylor President, 10-1 6-lt. STRAYED FOX TERRIOR PUPPY, . black and white. Reward if returned to Jake Solomon, 611 Dock. l0-161t. date of Issue when so requested Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf YOU LIVE UNDER MODERN CON- ditions at The Carolina Apartments. Well kept; efficient management; convenient location; Apartment of varied sizes and prices. J. O. Wright & Son, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. . 9-18-tf. GLOBE-WERNICKE SECTIONAL BOOK CASES BUILT TO ENDURE A Globe-Wernick Book Case is a mark of Distinction in a home. It and its books signify, the highest culture, refinement and intelligence. . You add section after section as your library grows. They are dust proof. The only book case made with the dust proof felt strip. Finished in Oak or Mahogany. C. W. YATES COMPANY, Globe-Wernicke Agents. B. WISE. HAVE YOU FURNACE AND Stoves overhauled before cold wave f " flrrfvpa T7Hm VinaWI any headquarters. Phone 431. W. B. Klander. - 10-2-tf FRESH KILLED BEAR MEAT ON sale at Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market street. Fresh Norfolk Oys ters fresh every day. Very best of Beef, Veal, Lamb and Pork. , Phone 72. 10-4-tf- "CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS We train you to pass them. r Put your spare time to account and get a good Government job. Write for Circu lar. International Correspondence School, Box 888. Scranton, Pa." 9-19-30t SOUTHERN HOTEL CAFE Lynn Haven Oysters Now Dally. Homemade Pies. Rooms by the Day, Week or Month'. Recently Renovated. HUNTING SEASON WILL SOON BE on. L. C. Smith, , Ithaca, Lefever, Fox Baker, Remington and other re liable makes both new and unre deemed at Uncle . Charles' Pawn Shop No. 6 South Front street. Phone 642. 10-1-tf FURNITURE WE BUY SECOND-" hand furniture. Get our prices be-J fore selling. Write or call. Phone 1026-J. Castle Street Furniture Co., 705 Castle street. 109-30t Consignments Carefully Handled. Advances on Cotton Stored if desired: W.B.Cooper 6 Co. CENTRAL MARKET, 809 CHESTNUT street. Fresh meats of all kinds. Also Vegetables etc. Phone r592-J. Sol.J. Jones, Manager. 10-13-7t Builders' Supplies STORAGE W. B Thorpe and Company WATER W ANN STREETS BUSINESS SPECIALS o I J-J3 LF C EISf Al. Tfr j " a y,ery sm&U amount of money, and yet it is more than enough to pay for the rental of a Safe Deposit Such a Box will provide absolute protection against loss from any cause for your important papers and valuables of every descriptionJlWe cordially invite you to pay a visit to this interesting J3AJV3T theBank at Front and Market Sts. f

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