WEATHER FORECAST, Fair tonight and Tuesday; moder ate rpmperature. Northeast winds. VOL. XXII. No. 297. fi Final Work Being Done Today By Both Democrats and Republicans BOTH NOMINEES ARE SPENDING DAY QUIETLY Last Word Has Been Sent to Lieutenants Throughout the Country Each Side Claims Victory Votes of Wom en Important This Time. New York, Nov. 6. President Woodrow Wilson and Charles Evans Hughes, candidates of the dominant parties for the presidency, remained quietly at their homes today recuper ating from the labors of the long cam paign. The last word sent forward was that each, felt confident of vic tory. PresidentWilson planned to re main quietly at home at Shatiov awn today and his only activity tomorrow rTTIMn hu III b will be a trip to Princeton to cast his. c" . w CdU!eu utu ballot. Tomorrow night with only the ! TfS? ? commercial cirrclef members of his family with him he of ther EnShsn French, German, Ital ;n th rM,no ,o Portugese and Dutch rivals. Mr. Hughes remained at his hotel this forenoon, but later in the day vis- itt d the Republican National head-J a well-known make of American auto quarters, chiefly it was stated to ' mobile. It was set forth in correct thank those who have worked for his ! Portugese, the language of the coun election. He intends to take a drive try, and would have been a good trade through the parks this afternoon and puller but for the last line which spend the remainder of the day quiet- read: ""Agent for Brazil, Mr. A. ly at his hotel. Tomorrow he will Blank, Quito, Ecuador." vote in his home district and tomor-' On the maps the straight line dis row night will remain in his rooms. ! tance between Rio de Janeiro and Like Mr. Wilson, he plans to have only the immediate members of his family with him when the returns come in. Political headquarters were still ac tive today. ' - Last reports from both political battlefields were that final instnic- connections four months would elapse tions had been sent. Both, chairmens J between the time the prospective Bra had little to add to their forecast of J zilian buyer posted and received a re Suturdaj'. Chairman Willcox, of theply for an order or Inquiry. Europe Republican National Committee, 1 an competitors with agents and dis- then predicted that Mr. Hughes would have 100 majority in the electoral col lege, while Democratic Chairman Mc Cormick gave Mr. Wilson 354 votes. The necessary elective vote in the col lege is 266. The large part that the women vot- ers will play in the election is of keenicited above, it would have to go from interest to political generals. The returns from the states in which they vote, it is admitted, will be closely scanned. So far many new members to the House of Representatives will be elected, as will be 33 senators. The total membership of the house is 435 and the necessary majority is 218. In ilie senate the present membership is carried southward to Buenos Aires 9 and the necessary majority is 49.!and over the Andes for this part of in an new senators will take their seat in March. Of these the Republi cans elected two at the September election in Maine. Forty-two states tomorrow will elect state officials in addition to the nation al congressional election. Of these states 35 will elect governors Fair weather and moderate temper- ature is forecast for election day and North American in the field of Brazil if this proves true a record vote willjian trade. For some years prior to e cast- Jthe war the United States occupied WOMAN'S -STATUS FIXED BY DUKE Karlsruhe, Baden, Nov. 6. The authorities of the grand duchy of Ba den have found a welcome solution 'o the problem that has long both ered them of how to address women whose finances have been killed in 'he war, and who regard themselves a-s wedded even though no ceremony evpi" took place mi; , 81 UKe l 1 called "Frau" instead of "Fraulein," r they can establish satisfactorily hat they were engaged, with- earnest mention of be ine married, to men ho have been killed in the war or premacy, will be the inflexible aim of who are reported as missing for a the English, French and German mer fPecified length of time. j chants. No influence, however subtle, 'is being overlooked to ' sway the Bra- WAR INK HA9 zilian government and people. Wrong "C; ,ntmr rl interpretations of the Monroe Doc- milLlN IINVtlN Berlin, Nov. 6. "War ink" is the latest invention to supply an exist lnS need. The minister of education announces the invention of a fluid highly adaptable to school work, hich does not penetrate loosely woven paper nor blot as ordinary ink and which within a short time wiH be ready for introduction into all Public schools. The chief advantage of 'he new ink is that it enables pit to use cheaper paper for the ex,- tcise and malrco Vqtvi in1anQTii1ant of tbp i x.x j.. si.. -- siotcu payers mat, orumauv i' 1 I V Humorous Incidents Occur In Brazil On Account of Americans Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Nov. d American business men here -who r& cently formed a strong Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of develop ing the large share of the trade which the war in Europe has thrown from their Old Continent rivals into their hands, were chagrined at the appear ance of a large advertisement in one of the principal journals of this city a The advertisement was a large dis play telling in detail of the merits of Quito has1 not much more than the appearance of a good broad jump; on the trad routes over which a letter must journey between these two points the distance is approximately 3,000. jniles c2i,wayw.jCaljJatins,apit eas6hahly 'cloSe rail and' steanisSip plays on the spot would enjoy a most obvious advantage. Distances in South America are great and are seldom realized by the North American who is much more used to vast stretches than is his Eu- ; ropeari rival. In the case of the letter Rio de Janeiro to New York by steam-( er, a distance of 4,770 miles, thence 1,972 miles southward to Colon, 50 miles across the Canal Zone, 835 miles down the west coast of South America to Guayaquil, Ecuador, and finally 210 miles inland to the high plateau city of Quito. The return trip would be over the same route for mails are not tbe continent, and, even if they were, the distance still would be so great as to make the American automobile advertiselr's proposition ridiculous. There are evidences everywhere here that the English, German, French, Spanish and Portugese mer chants mean to fight hard to dispute tho lead recently acquired by the I third position as supplier of merchan rtiae to the Brazilians. During the first year of the conflict the northern v.1 i n 4- s nisi o an f at the termination of the second year it had a good lead which it has since maintained. ' When trade conditions are re-established competition will be keener and establishing agencies in the plateau region of the Andes for sale of commodities in Rio de Janerio, which is as if an English firm would advertise the sale of a commodity in ! a New York paper and refer inquiries to its agency' In Sitka, Alaska-will tain supremacy. "To break the hold which the United State has slowly acquired and to re- establish pre-war conditions of su- trino wiiifiiliv misleading articles which appear frequentl in the press as to the attitude of the United States and its people on the European war, and other tactics of a like nature are part of the cunning campaign to dis credit the northern trader. The more open campaign consists in the strengthening of the position of supremacy long held by the European nations in the matter of transporta tion, communication and banking fa cilities. Here with the exception of the last named, the American trader ha KarfW handicapped with little hope ' - : 11 i HAVE NO IDEA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MON 3 STAGING BIGGEST RAtLY IN ITS HISTORY Over Fifteen Hundred People Whooping Up For De mocracy Today A. L. BROOKS MAKES POWERFUL SPEECH Red Letter Event In the Annals r T i ' .ii r.i . or jacKsonville Wilming ton Band Providing Music For the Occasion (By M. M. Capps.) Jacksonville, N. C, Nov. 6, 1916 There is over fifteen hundred peo ple here attending the biggest Demo cratic rally in the history of Onslow county. The old time punch is show ing itself and Onslow may be counted to deliver one of the greatest increas es in majority of any county in North Carolina. The court house could not hold half of the folks that wanted to hear Hon. A. L. Brooks, of Greens boro, tell what the Republicans failed to do during the sixteen years of Na tional power, and what the,y did do in North Carolina, during their four years . of power. It is a great' day here. Never before during the writ- 1 er's observation has there been so 'New stations will be established at much interest demonstrated. Wil-' Belize, British Honduras; Bluefields, son must be elected, Bickett and the j Nicaragua; Swan Island in the Carib State and county ticket must have a j bean, north of Honduras; Santa Mar majority. This is the consensus ofta, Colombia; St. Lucia Island; Puer- oninion and that's the way the folks i are going to vote tomorrow. There was over eight hundred peo ple in the parade and fifty automo biles. Mr. Brooks is now speaking. The band has just played "Dixie" and the crowd is on edge. If there is a Republican, and of course there is a few, he did not ad mit It. Mr.- Brooks, beginning his speech, declared that there was no use for hhn to s&y .that, bewas. gad to,.be in Gnslowr because hr had already been informed as to the good qualities of the folks he was talking to. They were Democrats, borned that way, and i he believed would die that way. He, recited the great work done by Wil son and the Democratic congress dur ing its four years of power and "the work done by Democrats in North Carolina. The audience of 100 per cent Democrats and 100 per cent Am erican, is with him and the party he represents and will prove it tomor- row. The Delgado Band, of Wilmington, is furnishing music and has received congratulations. I'M AY FORM A JOINT COMMISSION London, Nov. of thirteen of 6. Representatives the trans-Atlantic steamship lines, in a meeting just hftM L?ndn' Hstened- WiJh greatJ gram and speakers for the event, attention to arguments in favor of , principal reasons for se- the proposed International Commerce, ... , , rnci . v. . . , . . . . . . . . , T lecting this date was that,- bemg a Commission by David Lubin, of New . ... & . , . Zi , , , .. , , , ! holiday, more of the alumni would be York and California, who succeeded; ... Jt,qoc, tn in getting through Congress resolu tions endorsing the idea, which has for its object the steadying of prices of staples through the fixing of freight rates on ocean bulk traffic. Mr. Lubin has succeeded in inter esting the big shipping men here in his plan, among them being Walter Runciman, president of the. Board of Trade, who is a member of a wealthy eJiinninir maffnnto A mnn c thf 1 in PS represented were' the American, Al-1 a.i.-. f Aoc?of I iu. Ati-u "uinot fully decided upon or all details -Lines, Canadian Pacific, Cunard, Do-. ... . oaai - w minion, Furness Withy, Harrison, Leyland, White Star and Wilson. Mr. Lubin's address was followed by questions from practically all at tending - that revealed general inter est in the plan. To questioners who fearefl the result of such a strict con trol of the lines as to compel them to conform to special rates, Mr. Lu bin pointed to the benefits sus tained by the railroads in the United States from the Interstate Commerce Commission's rules. "Before the Interstate Commerce Commission came into, being the price of the leading American rail way stocks on your market here were as uncertain as those of com mon wildcat schemes offered to the public," he said. "But the stabiliz ing effect of the Interstate Commerce Commission's control has, as x you know of your own personal knowl edge, converted them into the highest gilt-edged securities." y COUNTRY'S POPULA TION HAS INCREASED Washington, Nov. 6. The popula tion ' of the United States has in creased 24,000,000 people in the last fifteen, years, and the number of beef animals has decreased 6,000,000 and sheep 10)00,000, while hogs Vj"-' ' - THE 1ARGEST d WILMINGTON iYrAFTERNOON, 7' -92 J"E EARLY. .V. all , y . It is very important that voters who desire the re-election -5f of Woodrow Wilson vote early, ? and then make it a point to see that their friends vote. Be on your guard. Do not per- -X-3C- mit anyone to persuade you to -5C-'4C- cast your ballot ajgainst the man ' who, amid great difficulties, has '-X- preserved the v; Integrity, the 35- peace and the prosperity of our -5C-'-X- country. ' A Vote For Wilson Is a Vote For 45--X- Humanity. J Vote and Work For His Re-election. THE WILSQN CLUB. New Hanover County. x- X-X- .' : v l-x x- .. -x- -x- -x- -x- WILE ESTABLISH United States Planning Erect Weather Bureau in Cari bean Sea and on Gulf Washington, Nov. J5.. Extension of the United States Weather Bureau Service in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, where the present stations have been -found invaluable in gathering information of hurri canes and storms approaching the American coast, is . being arranged. ta Plata, San uomingo Republic; Island of Navassa, between Cuba and Haiti; Guantanamo, Cuba, and on one of the Danish West. Indies: Sta tions now are maintained at Barba dos, Trinidad, Curacao, Bermuda and the Bahamas, where the work of the observers will be extended and im proved.. Daily reports will be made to the Weather Bureau here and from some points two reports a day may be sent. In this way officials here will be kept in close touch with all NEW BUREAUS weather ondkfenW ahlea dfjd. by'llsr'slJ tect approaching storms. WILL CELEBRATE L T New president of A. & M. Col- lege Be Installed Washing ton's Birthday West Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 6 Feb ruary 22nd was set as the date for the inauguration Of Prof. W. C. IRid dick, as president' of the North Caro lina College of Agriculture andj Me- i chani'c Arts, at a meeting of the fac- ; ulty commitee on arrangements, held . lpniafiv( nrn back to pay their respects to the new executive. The board of trustees has made a suitable appropriation to make the occasion an elaborate one and has ap pointed a committee on arrange ments, composed of Prof. W. A. With ers, chairman; Prof. J. W. Harrelson, and Prof. C. L. Newman. Alumni Secretary Buxton Wiite was select- ed " its f.ecref While the vario While the various speakers were mapped out, it is assured that there will be a distinguished delegation of technical and academic men to rep resent the institutions and societies of learning throughout the country, making this an occasion of much dig nity. Captain H. H. Broadhurst, com mandant of the cadet corps, was named as chief marshal and will be in charge of arrangements for the academic procession and seating at the exercises. ' This will be the first inaugural cer emony that has ever been given a president of A. & M. college, and the committee expects to make the event one of the biggest and most auspic ious in the history of the institution. Further plans will be announced from time to time as they are decided upon. ' . STEAMSHIP SUNK WAS NOT AMERICAN London, Nov. 6.7 Lloyds announces that the steamship Lanao, which was described y shipping as American, was sunk on October 2$ by a subma rine. The Lanad, recently was trans ferred from American to Norwegian registry. Thirty men from the La EVEN nao were landed at Barry DlSPATGI NOVEMBER 6, 1916. THIS STATE Permission Asked For Foreign xt . o a , Nation to Recover From Am- erican State FIRST OF KIND ON THE RECORD Cuba Seeking To 'Get Money For Bonds Issued Fifty Years Ago Peti tion Filed ' Washington, Nov. 6. In what is said to be the first suit ever entered in the Supreme Court for a foreign nation against the United States, at torneys for Cuba today asked the Su preme Court for leave to file the orig inal papers against North Carolina to secure payment of bonds valued at $2,186,000, subscribed by North Car-j olina to aid railway construction in that State nearly fifty years ago. Pay ment, it was alleged, had been re fused. The original jurisdiction of the Su preme Court is invoked in a part un der the constitution providing for in itial procedure in suits of foreign states and the United vStates, but Cuba's attorneys say here is no rec ord of any former suit by a foreign nation indicting a State of the Union. The bonds in the procedure were issued by North Carolina in a sub-! scription to aid in the construction of the Western North Carolina, William ston and Tarboro, Wilmington, Char lotte and Rutherfordton and West ern railroads. "Carpetbag" Bonds. Raleigh, Nov. 6. The bonds in volved in the process begun in the Supreme Court by attorneys for the Cuban government in an effort to se cure $1,185,000 from. North Carolina, were known as special tax bonds and adnrinistration in this State immedi ately after the Civil War. The issues named were 'among those later repu diated by the legislature and al though numerous suits have been filed by bond-holders all the courts; thus far have held the repudiated is sues to be invalid. ALL PREDICT HE WILL BE ELECTED r- TpIpomtyiq" R- iincouraging lelegrams Ke- ceived at Shadow Lawn- President to Vote Long .Branch, Nov. 6. President Wilson spent all of today at Shadow Lawn waiting for the election tomor row. His plans call for no more cam paignin activities. This morning he received many letters and telegrams from Democratic leaders from all over the country all predicting his re-election. Tomorrow morning Mr. Wilsofi, ac companied by Mrs. Wilson, will go by automobile to Princeton to cast his ballot. ; Unknown Sailing Vessel Ashoer at Jupiter Inlet On Fla. Coast. The coast guard cutter Seminole steamed from port this afternoon, about 2 o'clock, for Jupiter Inlet, near West Palm Beach, on the East Coast of Florida, to aid an unknown schoon er reported to be in distress there. The Seminole is making all speed to that place and should arrive there late tomorrow. Capt. P. H. Uberroth received a wireless message from the Treasury Department, in Washington, shortiy after noon today tbMhe effect that a vessel was stranded on Jupiter Inlet and to go to it's rescue. It is not known what the condition of the schooner is. , Though Jupiter Inlet is hundreds of miles out of the territory covered by the cutter stationed here, it was nec essary for the Seminole to go to the rescue on account of the cutter Yam1 acraw being away from its home sta tion at Savannah, Ga, CUBA WOULD GET BOND MONEY FROM SEMINOLE GOES TO AID SCHOONER 'fr 4!4'444 1 4' DISPATCH ELECTION RE. TURNS. Tomorrow night and Wednes- day morning The Dispatch will carry to the people of Wilming- ton and this section the freshest 4 and most complete news of the election; Elaborate arranger 4 ments have been made for hand- 4 ling this service, so that Dispatch ' t readers wil1 be tne first to get T news, a leasea news wire r i and a PQStal Telegraph Com. ! 4 pany's wire have been placed', 4 in The Dispatch office and thus 4 4' will the very latest be received 4 4 and quickly told to the people, by 'phone and bulletin. 4 Wednesday morning will be is- 4 b sued The Dispatch Election Spe- cial, which will go into the 4 ' homes of every Dispatch sub- 4 scriber in Wilmington and out- 4 4' side, free of cost. The special ' 4 editidn will also be for sale on 41 4 the streets. 4 So look out for The Dispatch 4 Special, as well as watch Dis- 4 4 patch bulletins a,nd telephone 4 this office, at any hour, and as 4 4 many times as you desire, for the 4 4 freshest election news and the 4J 4 most complete. 4 !'J4444444444444 T IDE GREAT SPEECH IN ONSLOW New Hanover's Next Rep resentative Took Folks of That County By Storm (By M. Capps.) " Jacksonville, N. C, Nov. 6. If the writer may elect himself a judge in the matter and substantiate hjs be lief by the opinion of the 2&0 dther voters who heard L. Clayton Grant, of Wilmington, address the voters at Sneads Ferry, this county, Saturday night, then New Hanover county's next Representative is destined to be one of North Carolina's greatest ora tors and admired officials. RepubHe&n spelt binder of Sampson and elector, had hit a back trail into the lower part of the county and it was up to the Democrats to meet this gentleman. No better man could have been se cured. If there was an ounce of argu ment that was not met, weighed and found wanting in the Sampsonian's speech then the applause of the crowd present signified nothing. Every point was taken up by Mr. Grant and received sarcasm and crit icisms from which the Republican turned , and twisted while the crowd yelled, "Pour it into him." The audience, first believed to be at least 50 per cent. Republican, soon turned to a 75 per cent. Democratic and confusion broke loose when the gentleman from New Hanover claim- ed that the'white host of North Car- cratic party to power by a record ma jority, and that Wall Street with its vast sums of money and corrupt work cannot turn the tide from Wilson. Grant was known only by a few when he begun his- speech, but you may ask any man at Snead's Ferry who Clayton Grant is and he will at once tell you "one of the best speak ers that has ever entered the coun ty." These things aue written because they are true and because it would not be fair to Mr. Grant not to write them. It may be said that when Grant assailed Fowler he (Fowler) had previously been warmed to a pitch by a meeting with J. Frank Wooten, Onslow war-horse, at Folk- 1 stone, in the afternoon. From re ports, Mr. Wooten protected Democ racy from the assaults of Fowler in an able manner and gained votes for his party. Mr. Wooten's speeches in Stump Sound township during this campaign has evoked especial men tion, and many voters have "been led to see the right way by reason of his speeches. HUCHES VISIT NAT. Goes to Thank Those ho Have Been Fighting For Him No Speeches New York, Nov. 6. Charles Evans Hughes, Republican Presidential can- 1 HEADQUARTERS didate, gave today over to rest andjirots and fried potatoes, German beef recreation, but visited the offices of ' steak of tunny fish withspinach and the Republican Rational Committee ' to greet the committee's staff of as sistants and thank them for their work. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hughes. The candidate planned to spend the remainder of the day in seclusion. He expects to be an early voter in his election district tomorrow and receive I FINAL EDITION j PRICE 5 CENTS ALLIES FAIL HOLD ALL GROUND THAT Germans Deliver Crushing ancj Effective Counter Attacks On Somme PARIS ADMITS LOSS OF SOME GROUND Activity Resumed in Dobrudja; and Rumanian Victory Announced Ousted Von Mackensen's Forces. i Neither the British nor the French have been able to hold in its entirety the ground won from the Germans on the Somme front during Saturday'3 fighting. Heavy cOunt or al tacks were deliv ered by the Gorman troops on the new British positions and London an nounces that the British were com pelled to give up portions of them. Similarly the French lines were at-" tacked and Paris states that while the Germans were held off in the main they captured portions of the defenses. After the long interval the resump tion of active operations in Dobrudja is reported from Bucharest, which announces a Rumanian victory. The Rumanian troops are declared to have taken the offensive and driven Field Marshall Mackensen's forceg from several villages, which were set on fire as they were evacuated. Teutons flesume Offensive. Petrograd (Via London), Nov. 6. German forces yesterday several times assumed he offensive on the Russian west front with the object of capturing commanding heights. SIX DEAD AS RESULT OF THE BATTLE Police and I. W. W. Have Fighti at; Everett, Washington, Dut 1 ing Sunday Seattle, Wash., Nov. 6. Six men are dead and 50 are suffering today from bullet wounds, as a result of a. battle yesterday at Everett, Wash., '30 miles north of Seattle with S50 members of the Industrial Workers of the World, who attempted to land in the city from the steamship Ver ona, which had carried them from Seattle. The boat was met by Sheriff Donald McRae, who, with a posse, forbade their landing.- A shot was fired from the Verona, which was followed by firing from both sides. The steamer ha3 come to Seattle with the dead and wounded. Seattle po lice took the dead to the morgue, the wounded to the city hospital and the uninjured to the city jail. In the number are 294 men and three women under arrest. Forty-one men are back here from a second steamer which failed to reach Ev erett. The fight was the result of a con flict between the I. W. W. and the city officials of Everett over the right to ,hold street meetings. The National Guard and the naval militia at Everett and Seattle are un der orders to meet any emergencies. Eye-witnesses to the fight assert that several men jumped into the water from the boat and that some were drowned, but after an effort the authorities were unable to find any . bodies. TUNNY FISH ARE POPULAR IN GERMANY Berlin, Nov. 6. All Berlin these days is living "in the sign of the tunny fish" the best substitute for genuine meat that has been discov ered since there began to be a re striction of the regular meat supply. On "meatless" as well as other days tunny now occupies a respectable k place on the bill of fare of every big Berlin restaurant, and great quanti ties of it are being eaten. , One large and very well patron ized cafe, for instance, offers, each Tuesday and Friday, under the headj ing of "Meat Dishes," the following four items: "Fricasee of tunny with ffsA TS-innv Qntin i t vol TiMfrh nAaa rar friend potatoes. Tunny goulash. The meat of the tunny is coarse and somewhat strong, or gamy, and too much of it palls. But it is. never theless an excellent substitute for; meat, and likewise a relief from the finer fish that grows very tiresome if eaten week in and week out. The supply of tunnys is said to come' principally from the Adriatic. W CAPTURED ;-4 'is ! IS'! in "!! : 1; St i I : ; w 1 1, r 1 in .1 j it 3 m if it 'in I;" 'j t i - in ". 1, f: ( 4 I ( jf lit i'i r. i ' T' 1 - ly r . . s. 4! the returns at hishotel ; ,akP ink successfully. of relief in sight. have increased only A -5