ts- 1 -i I I I THEAT R E, V best working chonis that ha9 ever ap peared'in Wilmington, and it is by fat the largest that has been- seen at. the Victoria, the tffcft nHVilesre "will be efctentled All n)inntinns Tint Tit JtC rfiCOrfl- . .. . . .i 3 nnnV nnnfltinni! .nil juuii.u" J I iaflieS lOnigULj UHUCI usual j breaking crowds at the Victoria an j ad thoe' wj,0 desire seats for the this wppIt. as the management has booked the biggest show that has ever played this theatre for Corn Show week. Reilly's Globe Trotters, in the first place, is. the biggest company which has ever played the Victoria, carrying an all-star aggregaion of thirteen art-, ists, also carrying their own musical director, wardrobe mistress, etc., af ter the manner of the big regular legitimate musical comedy compa nies. At least four big and extraordinary feature drawing cards are included with Reilly's Globe Trotters, headed by the famous Epire Quartette, the best known bunch of harmony sing ers now on the road, with a long rec- j ord of spectacular and first evening performance had best come early. "The Immortal Flame." Tomorrow the Royal presents one of the most vital problem dramas that has been filmed within the past two years, a marvelous production entitled, "The Immortal Flame," pro duced by Ivan Film Productions, and starring the greatest assemblage of dramatic talent' ever seen in a photo play of equal length anywhere, head ed by that celebrated dramatic artiste Maude "Fealy, supported by Paula Shay, "The Mary Garden of the Screen," a great Broadway cast, in cluding James Cooley, Edna Luby successful i and Willard Case. CAPE FEAR APT'S. 5 YEARS YOUNGER - - - - i " WASHINGTON ED tN ELECTION SOLDIER'S MONUMENT J. Washington TV f! .i 6. The Scituate, Mass,, ov. ;o ESCiuuave as aDnroach of plpti nn rinv has hroueht. soink to .have a soldiers' monument . on Washington an almost Sabbath- to honor the memory of the men of j like quiet. For several days the de-lthis vicinity who fought for the! L.-i.., - .... . TTninn Kn o tVio nrpspnt time it is yarunents nave been emptying .inem-, v."i , selves of voters and if the voters in ' very uncertain as to just what kind the different-States take as' much in-! ?f a monument it will be, owing to c -D,;,io 1 iUSif 1 teresf in tomorrow's balloting as do 1 the radical difference oi twutou HUSS Learned .Secret , the government officials and clerks., among -the townspeople. The ulti When rriftnds Allowed Him 1 i, A, i I matP decision in the matter rests " ' ----- r I ucio uiri c Wlli UfcJ a iaf fee vlc. . ; to Sample His Tanlac Bot tie. Now He's Well and Happy. "I found out how good Tanlac was from a friend by sampling several doses from his Tanlac bottle and, of course, got my own then. And, I'm glad I did, for I feel stronger and five years younger, already." The speaker was J. S. Russ, Chief Attendant at the (with the Fiymoutn county urcuu The civil service laws have been ' court, to which tribunal the cOritro- extended so much in recent years,Iversy has been referred by the war-; ! f A- ' I V " (OOPYBtOHT IOI6-VITAGBAPH) J REUNIONS AND HEART-BEATS however, that the exodus of govern ment employes to the different States hardly will improve the chance s of either party. Nearly all the govern ing factions. The committee ap-i Whatsis more wonderful' than the' reunion .f dH pointed to select the design lor the how one uves the happy days all over again as they recall som memorial consisted of Grand Army marking an era in their SChool career. Veterans and art experts. The vet- Our "frat" hart nnt n rPiiTiinn In vAom on T?th ,1 t ment places in which the salary perj erans selected one design while the girls together for a day in the wocds not far from my honu I Ik lift "I !' imvuuu , ' ' , screen epic written and directed by! "Indigestion and constipation troub cu'au ;, " ; Ivan Abramson, "Filmdom's Master -led me for the past two years," Mr. Craftsman," and has as appearance m ,u u.s "The Immortal Flame" is a five-reel Cape Fear Apartments, this city. face com Wilmington, will be another strong J..n.n!vi,. , -l . . 1 r r T i'nrnAl i o 17 oil ulawiUS uuu, ... ..the love that rules without a sword known Here, as wen as in an pans oi the country. Harold Paite, the base ; soloist, who was a Wilmington boy before lie broke into the big time vaudeville "Circuits, has an enviable record, and Reilly's Globe Trotters were fortunate to get him for this season. Then Fred Kramer, one of i l the love that binds without a cord. "Love can neither be bought nor sold, the only price of love is love," shows this vital photoplay of heart throbs and pathos in which the different art ists have cast aside all restraint and acted each scene with a feverish in- the most famous Dutch comedy art-j ists on the stage, will alsocome in - Maude Fealey, playing a woman for his share of the approval of the who enters into a loveless marriage Victoria crowds. The Globe Trotters carry absolute ly the best looking best , dressed and in order to further the political am bitions of her father, is far and away the most striking character seen on the screen in recent months. Profit ing by a long screen experience Miss Fealy acts every scene for all it is worth, and in the last reel gives an astounding exhibition of physical dar ing when, lightly clad, she wanders out on snow-covered Riverside Drive ! and enters the waters of the Hudson river. The picture closes with a glimpse of her body floating on the tide. j Booked at a heavy expense the ! Royal management will present this j feature at regular prices, trusting ! that large crowds will make up for 'the low admission price. ! ONE YEAR AGO TODAY IN ! THE WAR. t its theme 1 Russ continued. "I tried various reme dies, but none of them seemed to help ! me at all. I found myself in a very run-down condition .subject to dull headaches in the morning, with a bad taste In my mouth and no appetite. Of course, I was weak and felt bad. Al most everything I ate seemed to dis agree with me, and, on eating only a few mouthfuls I would begin to swell, and my stomach felt sus zt I had eaten a peach. I also had dull, acning pains in my back, and didn't sleep well at i all." J Here Mr. Russ smiled and added auicklv: "What a difference now. Mv digestion is good, I am no longer troub- led with gas pains or headaches. I sleep well, and am no longer consti pated. I gladly recommend Tanlac, for it is the best remedy I ever saw, and I advise anyone troubled with indiges tion to give it a trial. Genuine Tanlac is sold in Wilming ton exclusively at the Bellamy Drug Store, where its merits are explained daily to health seekers by the Tanlac Man; Acme, Acme Store Co.; Burgaw, C. L. Halstead; Southport, Watson'a Pharmacy; Rocky Poii,t, A. N. Rhodes & Co.; Supply, G. W. Kirby; New Bern, Brandham Drug Co.; Magnolia, W. Jj. Southall; Faison, Faison Drug Co.; Pembroke, G.W. Locklear; Snow Hill, J. T. H. Harper; Vineland, R. B. Mc- Roy & Co. ; Whiteville, s. a. McNeil & covered by the civil service laws, and ' preference. The Grand Army men, in some of the departments it is being in the minority, were over known that the number of Republi- ruled by the committee and an cans holding office is considered in i award was given to construct the excess of the Democrats, notwith-1 monument according to the design ap ing that this is a Democratic admin-; proved by the art experts. The old istration. I soldiers then went to law and se- ; I met them all at the .railroad station in my machine, and ),,, ,, tongues did wag during the ride home and the luncheon which foliciv. ..-i r. 4 l 1 11 b . i-. . . hi me L-uuveuiiuiiaj wans 01 luy uieamasi iuom, wnere motner anil luncheon served. After lunch we started for the particular spot in th3 wood-, whirl, -chosen, arriving at the little brook about three in the afternoon. soldiers then went to law and se- , " . . , . , u'- .u Jt 1; cured an injunction to restrain the and we seldom allow the story to be finished, so eager were w, , . award of .the contract according to incident urmort m our own mind the design accepted 47 the commit-! This reunion took place on a midsummer's day. So intent w,,,- :, ..... ..' 11s nnnn tn enn versa tirn that xao HiH nnt nniira o nrriii;n,. ....... i- tee. Nov it has been left to tne " - K-v.u..a. m.mhhc; court to decide which of the two de ( signs shall be accepted for the mon ument. grass at our feet. Suddenly Marge jumped to her feet screaming at the top 01' Will,. ''i"l Him nit' in tin, IhT lungs. "A srake! A snake!" she yelled, and there was a poor 1.11 1,. .' snake peacefully crawling about at our feet, probably more fi inhi '.;i ru-r REILLY'S Globe Trotters Positively the Best Show That Has Ever Played in Wilmington. ALL-STAR COMPANY Featuring EMPIRE QUARTET Bsst Harmony Singers En Tour. i'-l ll.in we wprfi Rtpti this 'inMdpnt HiH nnt Ham non nnr opdnf An.,,, i-., " - " - " " uvft " " " - - . in.. . mill , . 1 j j , j j l.'-'i ERNEST LINWOOD The Blackface Comedian Who is Different. . HAROLD PAITE Bass Soloist. FRED KRAMER Dutch Comedy King. MAUDE FEALEY, In a Scene from "The Immortal Flame," Tueesday's Sensational Offering at the Royal. j ' i ' i Son; Vernoa, G. W. Humphrey. Each NOV. 6, 1915. Berlin reported town has its Tanlan dealer. Advt. capture of Nish 'by Bulgarians, vj i opening through rail route for Houston, Texas, Nov. 6. Delegates j Teutons to Turkey; Sofia report- j from all parts of the South are arriv- ed Anglo-French in superior num- j ing in Houston to attend the annua! convention of the Southern Furniture and Warehousemen's Association. The convention sessions will continue ' bers attacked Bulgarians near 1 4' Strumitza; M. Skouloudis, new 4 4" Greek premier, announced benev- ' 4- olent neutrality toward Allies; j three days and will be devoted to the 4 Paris reported German assault in 4 Champagne was repulsed. 4" '44 4'4444r consideration of a wide variety of subjects of interest and importance to the furniture trade. And Postively the Best Looking, Best Dressed and Best Working" Chorus Ever Seen in Wilmington. A Superb Musical Comedy Corn any of 13 People, Carrying Their Own Musicar Director. Ladies Free Tonight When Accompanied by the Hold er of a 30c. Ticket. Matinee: 10-20c. Night: 10-20-30c. TOMORROW EXTRAORDINARY Dramatic Feature The Celebrated Artists MAUDE FEALY With All-Star Cast Including PAULA SHAY . "The Mary Garden of The Screen" In "THE IMMORTAL FLAME." A Five Reel D'-ana of Supreme Emotional Force and Sensation al Episode. "The love that rules without a sword, The Love that binds with out a cord, Not lire, nor death; not fame, nor claim, E'er may suppress th' Immortal Tlame!" REGULAR PRICES: & 10c. I had thrown the snake on the other side of the brook by menu:, of ;) 'a somwhat long stick the conversa-tion proceeded as enthu; ii 1 ;, before. eat before taking the girls to the station, but this did not happen. ,,.,, chanced to look at my wrist watch the hands pointed to after liali-p.isi s'ix Of course there was a general scramble to our feet and a hasty walk io. ward the house. Mother had ordered hot waffles for tea, and oi' coursr. u. batter could not be cooked until we appeared on the scene, so we washed mid primped, tantalized by the delicious odor of the waffles cooking. The girls did not catch the train they wished, but there was a l.n..r one and nobody minded. At the station we parted the old i rieinisln'iu burning afresh in our hearts. You mayrest assured we promised oms-ivcs a reunion every three months, each girl taking turn at being hostess. We Save Soles We are interested in no other business we are expert shoe repairers. Remember ! We guarantee all work we use nothing but the best materials. PHONE YOUR SHOE TROUBLES SULLIVAN, The King of Shoemakers 21 7 North Front Street. Special Atten tion to Parcel Post Orders. Orders Called For and Delivered. PHONE 533. illllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllin FULL IL EASED WIRE S ERVICE WHO WELL WW POSTAL TELEGRAPH BULLETIN SERVICE in the a b m m m m k m m m mm mm m . - m - -m m .m m . m m mm mm m m m . r r m m m mm m b mm mm mm m. m mm mm mm -.mm . -.m m mm m m - m m m m mm m m -mm mm - a m mm WILL BE ANSWERED BY THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH'S Full and complete reports of the ELECTION RETURNS Locally and Nationwide atcn i M f'r Jit - i. ' li. ' ' ' - J i ' ;i t X Mfrt-l &'&&&s 'Jr J&fi - ?'-' Telephone Inquiries by The General Public Will be Given Prompt and Courteous Attention eoiies THE DISPATCH AT A LARGE EXFENSE HAS ARRANGED TO GIVE ITS SUBSCRIBERS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC FULL AND COMPLETE LEASED WIRE AND POSTAL TELEGRAPH BULLETIN SERVICE OF THE ELECTION RE TURNS AS FLASHED LOCALLY AND NATION WIDE. THIS SERVICE WILL BE QUICK AND THERE WILL BE NO DELAY IN RECEIVING THE RETURNS. A POLITICAL EXTRA WILL BE ISSUED EARLY WEDNESDAY MORNING WITH A COMPREHENSIVE AND DETAIL TABULATION OF THE OUTCOME. THE DIS PATCH'S SUBSCRIBERS AND GENERAL PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO AVAIL THEMSELVES OF OUR TELEPHONE BULLETIN SERVICE AS WE WILL BE CLAD TO ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS COURTEOUSLY AND PROMPTLY. i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiti 1 1 nurf 1 1 n i m i in ninrri n tnuuiii 1 1 1 1 m i nt in it inn n i u i nri i in i ri ir n tn ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i n rut i 4.' ..VI

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