Market 77 w w w w j .1 WEATHER FORECAST Monday, Temperature. s if If Is -Ijit'viiU' clear 70 74 74 78 52 j 76 74 80 52 56 78 ; 78 60 76 I 46 54 56 44 50 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .ilanut Charleston . Charlotte. .. Chicaf o . jvt ston . . Jacksonville v,-.v Orleans New ork . . rit5:-burgh . . .ciearj . .clear . .clear . ciearj . . ciearj . .ciearj ..foggyj . .clear 72 .00 60 I .00 58 42 38 42 56 44 47 I .00 .20 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . -clear j Haloigh cloudy I 5;. Louis clear Washington . .cloudy Wilmington ...ciearj "5f SUNRISE AND SUNSET v a ::- Tuesday. Sun ri?"'s 6: 37 Sun sets 5:14 Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayeteville, N. C, at 8 a. m. yes- tmlay. 1.9 feet. Get the election returns at the Corn Show. Wire in the building. Adv. CARRIED TO CLINTON. Cuoene Whitaker Turned Over to Sampson County Authorities. ' Eugene Whitaker, the young white nan who was arrested here some time ago in connection with the shooting and subsequent death or Mr. John Taliaferro, a contractor of this city, was turned over to Deputy Sheriff Wil liams, of Sampson county, this morn ing and the start for Clinton was made where the young man will be confined pending a hearing on tne charge of shooting Mr. Taliaferro. It will be remembered that Whitaker ?hot Mr. Taliaferro at a rosin camp near Ivanhoe several weeks ago and was arrested here in the evening of the day the tragedy was enacted. Mr. Taliaferro was hurried to the hosnital here and everything possi'ole done to save his life, but acute pneumonia set in and his death resulted. RATS WERE THIEVES. Georgetown, Del., .Nov. 6, Suppos ing that sneak thieves had been steal ing from her home for the past few years, and, in her mind, accusing small boys of the mischief, Mrs. Bes sie Hudson was shocked to regain the lost articles when workmen, in mak ing repairs to the kitchen floor, found thtm strewn in different places under the board:;, where rats had dragged tii-m. 5 or the past two year3 Mrs. Hud son had been missing various articles, including three silver spoons, a sil ver dinner bell, a comb case and oth er small -articles. She supposed that children 'were systematically stealing from her home and set various traps, tiii never caught them. Xow she has found that the rats did the mischief and the articles have been recovered. Chicago, Nov. 6. The odorless onion will soon be given to the world, according to various delegates to the ninth annual convention, of the Vege table Growers' Association of Amer ica, 'it will be an onion that any one can eat and still go abroad among one's friends," declared a local deal er. "It will be a tearless onion, too. lis popularity will soon approach that of the strawberry and the water melon." To New York and Georgetown,S. C. NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON. s- S. Onondaga Tuesday, Nov. 7th S. S. Onondaga Saturday, Nov. 18th WILMINGTON TO GEORGETOWN. S S. Huron Monday, Oct. 30th s- S. Onondaga Friday, Nov. 10th WILMINGTON TO NEW YOflK. S- S. Huron Friday, Nov. 3rd s S. Onondaga Sunday, Nov. 13th Steamer Huron carries first class Passengers. freight accepted from and for near by North Carolina points at advantage ous rates. CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO., C. J. BECKER, Agent. Wilmington. N. C. lllilllllillllllllllllllllllillllllllllllliilL J B. McCABE & CO., CerlifiedPublic Accoun- j 1 tants. 1 g Room 815 MnrchUon Bmnk Bid. Uilllllllllllllltlllllllltiiiiiiiiiniiiifi, uimiltlllllfltfliillllllfiilll y - " : " v v LOCAL MARKETS Eggs, dozen 33C Butter, 1 tb, country V I25c pSring Chickens apiece 25c to" 4 5c Grown Chickens apice . 50c to 55c Puddle Ducks apiece ak 'Guineas, apiece ""as Beef.. .. .-. ; -.9ft to ion Sweet Potatoes, bush ann ' Irish Potatoes, sack $4 25 . v- nams, id ; 24c N. C. Shoulders and Ribs, lb " "lSc Oranges, Cal. ,6.0f) Bananas,7-h bunch $1.20 Lemons, Taney x. $4.50 Apples, bbl $3.00 to $4.00 Bell Peppers, bush. 50c Onions, sack $3.25 Cabbage, lb 3 c to 3 l-2c Pork, lb . l2c -.-5fr-8frtt ''! & COTTON LETTER. -?! . . ' 4$. ! Aevv xorK. 1iOV- . Liverpool i v"-"iCO clc tiuixg auu Liiai. marnei ; sent DuylnS orders here during the first hour- Prominent hulls also ab-; isorted offerings. The selling ,wasi principally scattered pre-election liqu- idation in small and fairly large j blocks. The day's exports reported to; this writing total about seventy-two , thousand bales and interior stocks are beginning to show, a loss. About j eight million, six hundred thousand ginned is expected in Wednesday's report and in no event more than a 'temporary decline in sympathy with other markets, as a result of the elec- i tion. ORVIS BROS. & CO. RECORD GOOD ONE. Many Attended Sunday School in Wilmington Yesterday. More than 3,000 people attended j! Sunday School classes in Wilmington and suburbs yesterday and this is considered a very good record, al though those promoting the go-to- I Sunday School movement are hope ful and . confident that -this number will be increased next Sunday and the next and the next. There are a number of the churches who did not colored report . and. none, of, the churches are included in the list! The attendance at the churches making reports was as follows: Presbyterian : First Church 280 St. Andrew's -202 Immanuel 203 2 7 j Delgado Castle. . 371 839 Baptist: First Church Southside . . 429' 184: 174 : Calvary ,n,n 1 9d .I'Va. Iron, Coal & Coke 911 Wabash Pfd. B Methodist: ! Grace Church 300 Fifth Avenue ISO. Trinity . . ." -. 93 i Bladen Street 120 ' 693 ' Episcopal : Church of Good Shepherd 174 Ascension 76 St. John's . . 93 343 Lutheran : St. Paul's 206 Christian: 1 Dock Street 91 Grand total 3,08 RECORDER'S COURT. Several Gamblers Taxed With Costs This Morning. The attention of Recorder B the! . .1 , G;( Empie was occupied this morning with a. number of frivolous cases.2 Bennie Robinson and John Covington; ' negroes, arrested at the circus grounds yesterday, chaiged with gambling, were taxed with the costs. John Spencer and Pompey Pridgen, colored, also arrested for gambling;' were declared not guilty. Will Dudley Roberson, colored, was fined $5 and costs for assaulting a female. George Feares, colored, paid the costs fqr gambling and still an-1 other time for firing a pistol in the , citv limits. Jake and Harry Abelo- - vitz were declared not guilty of lar-. ceny. John Ferguson paid the costs for gambling. . BUNGALOW FOR STRAY CATS. Woman Will Provide a Home for Ann. mals Needing Sustenance. j Riverside. Cal., Nov. 6. This city 'is to have a home for stray cats, sick dogs and any other domesticated ani- ;- mal in need of sustenance ana proLec tion. .: Mrs. C. M. Loring, of Minneapolis and of Riverside, has given $3,000 for just such a home. She is interested, in homeless animals and has wanted for some time to build a bungalow for . their aid. The matter has been submitted to the City Council and a part of the acreage belonging to the city will be leased to the association organized ta. take over the beneficent fund. Here- after stray cats will be welcomed in: Riverside. ;:'V ,- - - . ,; - STOCKS -X- :- New York (Wall Street) Nov. 6. Today's strong opening was in marked contrast to the irregular trend of last week's closing gains of 1 to 2 points being registered at the outset. United States Steel rose almost a point i on the first transaction or 7,000 shares with 1 to 2 points advance in Colorado 1 Fuel, Republic Irion, Sloss-Sheffield i Steel Baldwin Locomotive, Anconda Copper and the leding petroleums. Cen tral Leathers rise of 2 3- points to the new maximum of lGll was the conspi cuous feature of the more spectacular industrials. Allies-Chalmers .. .. .. .. .. 281-4 American Beet Sugar .. .. . .104 American Can 63 5-S American Car and Foundry . . . . 70 American Locomotive 93 American Cotton Oil 55 3-8 American Smelting 112 3-4 American Sugar 120 7-8 American Tel. & Tel American Tobacco Anaconda Copper 98 Atchison 107 1-4 Atlantic Coast Line . . .....'.. .124 Baldwin Locomotive 88 Baltimore & Ohio 88 3-4 Bethlehem Steel 669 Canadian Pacific . . . .7 .' V. . .173 1-4 Chesapeake & Oho 68 3-4 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul .. 96 Chicago, R. I. and Pacific Ry ...35 1-2 Consolidated Gas ..137 1-2 Crucible Steel .. Erie 39 ! General Electric .183 14 Great Northern pfd 119 7-S Great Northern Ore Ctfs 43 1-8 Illinois Central . . 108 1-2 Inter. Merc." pfd ctfs 117 3-4 Kansas City Southern 28 Louisville & Nashville .136 Liggett & Myers (B) 290 Lorillard Co Maxwell Motors 84 7-8 Mexican Petroleum Ill 7-8 : Missouri, Kansas & Texas, pfd. 20 3-4 i ; Missouri Pacific 10 3-4 . Natioral Lead, 69 1-4 New York Central 109 3-4 N. Y., N. H., & Hartford, . . Norfolk & Western, Northern Pacific Pennsylvania, , Reading, . 617-8 .144 1-2 .112 7-8 . 58 .110 5-8 . 80 1-8 ?ep; Iron & Steel a. a. u 17 x"2 S. A. L. pfd 39 1-2 SIoss. Shef. Steel & Iron Southern Pacific 1011-2 Southern RaiFlway 29 1-4 Southern Railway, pfd., 68 7-8 Studebaker Corporation, ......130 Tennessee Copper 22 rp -. i Ann Texas Co 227 Union Pacific, 1513-4 United Fruit,- . . . 163 1-4 United States Rubber 60 3-4 U. S. Smelt. & Refining 75 'United States Steel 123 1-41 United States Steel Pfd 121 7-3 Virgihia-Caro. Chem 45 5-8 j 27 31 1-4 PRESENT BABY. - ', ! COTTON C New fork, xnov. o. The cotton market i opened steady at an advance of l6 to 12 points,, active months sell ing 14 to 16 pointsT libove Saturday's eloping figures during the early trad ing,' This advance carried January to 9-09 and May . to 19'3?' . pe? ea1ea UIi l o vumi xi uquiaauons towara tne mraaxe oi me morning. Open. ' Close, December .. .. .. .. ..19.05 19.11 January 19.05 19.10 March 19.16 19.23 May . .19.33 19:38 July .19.35 19.39 New York Spot . 19.05 Wilmington cotton 18 1-4 Charleston cotton . . 18 5-8 Savannah cotton 18 3-4 Liverpool Cotton Open Close Jan.-Feb .11.15 11.10 1-2 March-April . . . . . . 11.21 1-2 11.15 1-2 May-June .. .. .. ..11.29 11.22 July-Aug ..11.27 11.21 Open, firm; close, quiet. Sales, i0,- 000; receipts, 39,000. Middling, 11.27.' Wilmington Naval Stores. Nothing Doing. Receipts. Cotton .. 15.49 Spirits 14 Rosin . . . .1 130 Tar .32 3 Crude Savannah Naval Stores. Spirits 46 3-4 to 41 Rosin $6.25 Chicago. Pork $26.15 Wheat $1,84 5-8 Oats .. 541-8, Corn 8b 1- to d-s Lard .15.65 to 15.621-2 MAKES ASSIGNMENT. Grocery Firm of Sellars & Mercer Vol untarily Closes. Assienment was made today by the retail erocerv firm of Sellars & Mer-i cer. No. 521 South Front street, and I Mr. B. .T. Mintz. was named as trus-1 t nTlf1 nthnrized to dose out. the business After his percentage, togeth- j er exemption of the members of the ! firm and the attorney's fees had been paid the remainder is to pro-rated : among the creditors. Woodus Kel- lum, Esq., is attorney in the matter, - . i Western Union . . . '. .. . Westinghouse Electric . . . mo ' - . .. IUiJ I 66 1-2 1 97 3-4 i 55 1 Gulf State Steel Kennecott Copper Central Leather .. 102 3 4 American Zinc. . 52 3-8 'Corn Products .. .. .. .. .. 19 5-8 1 GOODMAN'S j Tke Onkj Exclusive Ladies' Specialty Skop in tke Citu GOODMAN'S Tailored Suits In all.tne new stules and materials GOODMAN'S Stylisk Coats The newest and most up-tO'-date line ever snown GOODMAN'S Costumes Dresses Real models of Parisian importations and Bethj Wales Dresses GOODMAN'S 11 8 MARKKET STREET Wonder ChtjpfM ppVfcty to be rSeeh at the Corn" Show. Sammy, Love, son of Mr. and Mrs. f IT? . PorVon rf M- 19ft Pnofln oUont aim iuurcu uyuu as iuc yy uuuer. uau y ? of the country," will be presented toi the public at the Wilmington Corn Show, which opens tomorrow morn- ihg. When six months old the child's physician' despaired of its recovery.; Its parents made preparations for its" burial. At that time the child's face was ho larger than a silver dollar and it Was- nothing more than a living skeleton.' Mr. and Mrs. 'Parker can fiow present the child with pride tof the public, for perhaps there is no healthieT baby in the city. Election rettfrns by stereopticon at the Corn Show Tuesday, November 7. Adv. PARADE MARSHALS. Revised List Announced by Commit tee Chairman Ames. Mr. T. R. Ames, chairman of the i parade committee of the Corn Show, announced today that the marshals of the big industrial parade to be held Wednesday will be the following: Messrs. R. C. ' Cantwell, S. M. Boat wright, Meares . Harriss, Ashley Cur tis. J. P. Herring and T. R. Ames. The chairman of the committee i Urges that all floats to enter the par ade be on hand at Tenth" and Market streets, promptly at 10:30 o'clock in order that they may be assigned a place in line without confusion. Head ed by a band the Wilmington Light ed by a band and the Wilmington Light Infantry, the procession will move promptly at 11 o'clock. Hughes or Wilson Be sure to come to the Corn Show Tuesday night. Election returns. Adv. AMERICA IS RAISING MORE RYE Washington, Nov. 3. The tendency in the last few years toward the spread of rye culture in the United States has led the Department of ... . ni1MiBi,ri and is being distributed to farmers asking for it. The United States last year produced its record crop of rye, harvesting 49,000,000 bushels. Amer ican production is only three per cent, of the world's production. The De partment experts point out that there are many excellent reasons for grow- !nfi rye on the farm even though in most localities it is less proniauie as . a grain crop tnan wneat. .ye is 'hardier and can therefore be grown as a winter grain m cold, exposed places. It will do well on sandy, poor o acid land and may be sown later than wheat. It is attacked by fewer , irsects and diseases than wheat, pro-, ducos a valuable straw, requareless. fertilizer, and being earlier is better rs n foraee crop. iu isuuic ecwwuf production vaiue per actually exceeds that of wheat. This was true in the five-year period from 1910 to 1914 in South Carolina, Aia- thama. Texas, Minnesota, Nortn ua- bama, kota and South Dakota. - 1 v ' " ' . 1 . . 1 r . 1 V1 QUALITY STATIONERY 30c; 35c; 50cf 75c FOUNTAIN SYRINGES 7Sc;$1.00; $1.25;J$1.50, "v HOT WATER BOTTLES $1.00 to $1.50 Pronipt Delivery. , THE PAYNE DRUG COMPANY, 5th and Red Cross Streets. ' Phone 520. Butter From the Mountains of Norlti Carolioa Sounds good, doesn't it ? It's shipped to us every week by express from Henderson ville. Try pound of two and see how good it is. Just Phone 294 THOMAS GROCERY COMPANY, 4th and Campbell Streets. REGULAR DINNER TWENTY -FIVE CENTS NEW YORK CAFE. i i : In Effect October 9, 1916. WINTER PARK, WRIGHTSVIIXE, WRIGHTS- VILLE BEACH And Intermediate Points EASTBOUND Leave Electric Center for Winter Park Leave -Electric Center for Iiflave Electric Center for Beach Wriehts ville 6:30 A. M. 6:50 A. M. 8 :00 A. M. 8 :30 A. M. 6:30 A. M. 6:50 A. M. 8KK) A. M. 8 :30 A. M. 6:30 A. M. x6:50 A. M, 8 :30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11 :30 A. M. xl:00 P. M. 1:10 P. M. ?1 :55 P. M. 2 :30 P. M. 3:00 P. M. 3:30 P. M. ?4:10 P. M. 4 :30 P. M. ?4:50 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 6:10 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7 :15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 10 :15 P. M. 10:00 A. M. 11 :30 A. M. Tl:00 P. M. 1:10 P. M. ?1:55 P: M. 2:30 P. M. 3 :00 P. M. 10 :00 A. M 11:30 A. M xl:00 P. M. zl:10 P. M 3:00 P. M. " 4:30 P." Ml e6:40 P."m. 4:30 P. M. 5:30 P.' M. 6:10 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 9:15 V. M. 9 :15 P. M. ' 11 rl5 P." M. 10:15 P. M. 11 :15 P. M. -11:15 P. M. SPECIALS FOR SUNDAYS Leave Front and Princess treets every half hour from 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. Leave Beach every half hour from 2:45 to 5:45 P. M. Dclly except Sundays. xSundays only. . ?Superseded by half hour cars Sunday aftemoong. zDoes not go beyond Station No. 3. ILeaves from Station No. 3. FREIGHT SCHEDULE (Daily Except Sunday) Leaves 9th and Orange Streets, 3:30 P. M. I relght epot open from 2:30 to 3 :30 P. M. Arrivals and Departures of Tr,ta3 lyl6.. Tim Not Guaranteed. DEPABTUBK: TO AND No. 90. 8:40 A. M. Woldshoro, Richmond, Norfol and Eastern North Carolina points. Connects at Oo)i boro with Southern Hallway at Norfolk Southern Railroad. - Daily Except Sunday. ! No. 64. 5:15 A. SI- 1 Mon., Wed. and 1 lfridy Only. Jacksonville, Station. New Oaadbnnm, Cos way, Florence, Charleston, sH?a:kiiaiJ, Jursconvine, Tampa at. Peterirg, Fort Myers Columbia tna Asheviile, Pullman Sleeping Car ttwee Vvllinlnrton and Columbia, open to re ceive outbound passengers At Wilming ton at and after 10:00 P. M.Xand may be . occupied, lnboid until 7:00 A. M. GoldsbOro, Klchmond, Norfolk and Wnn. toKon. Parlor Cars between Wilmlagrton and Norfolk connecting at Rocky Mount with -New York trains having Pullman Service. Solid train between Wilmington an 3 Mt. No. '61. Dally. 5:30 A. M. ! No. 48. Dally. 8:40 A. M. No. 63. Dally. 8:45 A.M. No. 62. Now Dally S:t5 P. M. Airy via Fayettevuie ana eanxora. Jacksonville, New Stations. Chadbourn, Florence. Columbia. Augusts Atlanta and the West. Char'tston Sa vannah, and all Florida Points. -All Steel Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wllming - ton and Atlanta, via Augusta. Sleeping CarB dally between Florence and Colum bia, which may be occupied at Colum bia until 7:00 A. M. No. 65. Dally. t:45 P. V. No. 69. Tnes., Thur. and Sat. only 6:80 P. M. Payetievllla an Intermedial Itatleaa. Uoldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Washington and New York, Pullman Broler. VCXet Sleeping Cars, between Wilmington aa Washington, connecting with New Tor trains carrying dining cars: also Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. No. 42. Dally. 6:45 P.M. For Pbldar, Reservations, rates of fares, etc., call 'Phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C. READ THE BUSINESS . '. t Oscar P. Peck, WOOD. Telephone 341. Pine, Oak, Mixed Wood. Dry Kiln Blocks, Slabs. All kinds of Mill Woods. PROMPT DELIVERY. " WESTBOUND Leave Leave Leave Beach for Wllmlnrtoa Winter Park Wrighteville for Wilmington for Wilmington 6:26 A. M. 7:31 A. M. 8:01 M. 8:41 A. M. 9:36 A. M. xl0:31 A. M. 11:0C A. M. 12 :36 P. M. x2:06 P. M. 2 :01 P. M. ?2:36 P. M. ?3:11 P. M. ?3:50 P. M. 4:06 P. M. ?4:30 P. M. ?5:10 P. M. 5 :36 P. M. 6:11 P. M. 6:51 P. M. 7:31 P. M. 0:15 A. M. 7:20 A. M. 7:50 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 9 :25 A. M. xl0:20 A. M. 10:55 A. M. 12:25 P. M. xl :55 P. M. 1 :50 P. M. ?2:25 P. M. 73:00 P. M. 3 :55 P." M. 7:40 A. M. 9 :15 A.' M. 10 :45 A. M. 12:15 P. M. xl :45 P. M. !1 :45 P. M. 3:45 P. M. "s'ds'p.'M '!7:'l5"p."M. 10 :00 P. Ml 12:00 M." 5 :25 P. M. :W P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:20 P. M. 7:55 P. M. 8:45 P. M. 10:10 P. M. 10:45 P. M. 8:06 P. M. 8:56 P. M 10:21 P. M 10:56 P. M .12 :21 A. M. 12 :10 A. M. at Wilmington, Effective Sept 11, , , ' FKOAI AM RIVALS I f. No. 91. 1:11 A. M. Dully Exrept Monuuy. No. 05. 6:15 P. W. Mod.. Wed. nd Friday Only. Bern tad IitcztUU I No. 5. Dally. 12:20 A. SL No. 40 Dally. 6:05 P. M. No. 62 Dally. 8:00 P. M. No. A3. Dally 18 150 P. M. ! Bern and Intermedia No. 64 Dally 12:50 P. M. No. 60. Tues.. Thurs and Sat., Only 10:15 A. K Dally. No. 41. DaUy 0:50 A. SI SPECIALS TODAY. f . 'A rj '! ' 'I i I n Hi m v. . i t' ;1: if if li m it I! a: v :I'J, ' k'.r til ! t: i 6' Hi II I'.. . : :' : .1, hi mm

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