-A -1 THE WILMINGTON "DISPATCH, MONDAY AIERNGGN, NOVEMBER 6 1961 PAGE SIX CIRCUS DAY IN THE CITY BRINGS JOY TO THOUSANDS John Robinson's Big Show Ex hibiting in Wilmington Today. LAST PERFORMANCE OFFERED TONIGHT Giant Crowd Witnessing The Matinee Performance Parade Viewed by Muk titude as It Passed Today is circus day in Wilmington and it's some day, as is evidenced by the thousands of eager people that have been seen on the streets since eafly this morning. The famous John Robinson circus is exhibiting in Wilmington today and wherever John Robinson goes there goes a record-breaking crowd. The circus train, in two sections, arrived in Wilmington early yester day morning, and at once began Un loading their paraphernalia and took up the work of transporting it to the ing I circus grounds. r , Long before the first tram arrived in the city a goodly number of small boys were found in the vicinity of the railroad awaiting the arrival, and they were right on deck when the un loading ' of the cars began, and if there was one among them who did not get strict orders to be on the grounds to carry water to the ele phants it was. his fault, for each one of the youngsters wras given explicit instructions to be there. The moving of the circus parapher nalia to the grounds was accomplish ed in record-breaking time and the big tents were soon erected and all in readiness for the opening perform ance. 11 One of the main features of the day was the big parade which left the grounds shortly after 10 o'clock i and which traversed the principal streets of the city. This was viewed by thousands and was pronounced by them to be one of the most spectac ular in the history of the city and was up to the usual John Robinson standard of excellence. This afternoon the main perform ance will begin promptly at 2 o'clock and from that hour on until late in the afternoon there will be a feast of joy for the thousands of local citi zens who, will- attend, and all will doubtless feel well satisfied. Tonight at 8 o'clock the evening performance will begin, and at this everything shown during the after noon will be seen, and it will be, in fact, an exact duplicate of the after noon performance. Reserved seats for tonight's per formance can be obtained at Elving ton's pharmacy in the Garrell build- STRAW VOTES HURT CHANCES Republicans Say That Many, Voters Will Not Visit Polls By GENE BYRNES I- I ' '0E2r V WW I y pifc." w 3 I IS I J- X . IMM III I Republicans were likewise- confident! that a back drift had set in and that since The Herald had at least an even chance to make it Hughes it would! do so. "I must be shown," said one of the Raleiga. Nov. 6. Local Republi cans received with marked "blue ness" yesterday the New York Her alds' election figures. They, with nearly all the Demo crats, expected The Herald to proph esy Hughes. The Democrats knew that The Herald desired the defeat of Wilson and" hoped for no such fig ures as the papers brought them. The leaders today, "but whatever the con ditions it will hurt us badly. The fence is full of men who have not known just what tb.ey want in the presidential candidate. They believe that Wilson has preserved peace and thpv hiieve also that the aftermath i to the war will make Republican j policies necessary. There they hang. They wil lin many instances turn to Wilson now. "This, of course, will hurt us lo cally. It will cause many who might have voted for Hughes to stay away and it will hurt our country ticket. While I do not think the newspaper straw vote is final it is a strong indi cation. I do not believe that Illi nois and Ohio will go Democratic. It is out of the question. But the straw vote is just as Kiir to Hughes as it is to Wilson. "Had it not been for this forecast I think we would have reduced the majority in Wake to 400 or 500. The Democrats will be lucky to get 1,000 and if everything goes well locally we'll bring it under that. -The trou- ; ble is that a lot of the fightinjr heart I has been taken out of the folks by the announcement of such a paper as The Herald." j Democrats accepted it with joy. The regular organs nave ueen worn to claim more extravagantly than they have been doing this year. The nartv leaders have not asserted such I faith as the old leaders did back in I when Arkansas Jones claimed . ii - -; - t - - rrra k ST OOWN AND ifAi- ( fL! PO THE ) tS AN AWFOU 5 JZWlEfo. SNl IS AUSO gi&f , j A 6000 PELLOW x WITH HV& WIPE SUITS PRESSED 25c, HATS CLEAN ed, 50c; Suits cleaneer and pressed, 75c; Work can't be beat. Try us. American Practical Hatter, 128 Market street. Phone 393-J. ll-5-2t-j TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC W. M. Fulcher can be had at 1017 South Front street or by phone No. 1596-J, when in need of a carpenter. ll-5-5t-j SALADS, LOBSTER, CHICKEN AND Potato Salad, Smoked Eel, Smoked, Salmon, Preserved Figs, 2 cans 25c; Rasp Jam in can, 2 for 25c; Codfish in blocks, 10c; Sauerxraut in cans, 10c at May's Delicatessen, Phone 1322. 11-3-tf EADY WORKERS It is. only right that the money for which a man ex. pencils time, strength and thought should in turn work f0 him. Dollars in Saving Account in the People's Saving Bant are the most reliable of steady workers. Requiring neither food nor sleep, they labor without ceasing, earn, ing interest at 4.per cent compounded quarterly. Start your dollars working for you. Open an account today. Established 1900. Peoples' Savings Bank Corner Front and Princess Streets. Ulllnlltltl I III II till! II I II II HIM I III Itll Iff llltlMIIMflMllltllMflllllllllllflllltllllMllllllltliiiti.ii... liiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilll I Tke Murckison National Bank Capital and Surplus $1,700,000.00 Resources. .$9,000,000.00 This Bank stands ready to furnish customers every facility and best possible service. 1 ESP H. C. M'QUEEN, President. I S J. V. GRAINGER, V.-President. J. W. YATES, V.-Presldent m C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. M. F. ALLEN, Asst. Cashier. 5 W. S. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier. J. V. GRAINGER, JR, Asst. Caih. TilltItlIIIIIllIllllllI1lllIHIIIIIIlMI11lllMIIIIIIIIIIlIIINIIIIlIIIIlIIII.IllllllIlllllIIIIIII1lllIIIIIIIIlMItUiiMMillII(MII!IIMI1Mi imm,,,; ... ii iiinmj FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS) Popular varieties, 60 cents per 500; j $1.00 per 1,000, postpaid. Prompt shipment and satisfaction guaran teed. D. C. Proctor, Pembroke, N. C. ll-5-2tr SPECIALS TODAY FRESH FISH Roe, New River and Norfolk Oys ters, Native and Western Beef, Veal, Pork, Lamb, New Celery and Lettuce. Chickens, all sizes dress to your or der with giblets. Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market street. Phone No. 72. 11-3-tf ' r Famous Since 1842 IF YOU LOVE HER GIVE HER WHITMAN'S Of course, you take her candy. Every week, too. Don't you? Sometimes probably twice a week. Then take her the best. J. FRANK MM DRUGGIST 107 Princess Street. Phone 644. 1896 i the election for a week after McKin- ley's election was actually known. There has been nothing about the campaign this year that suggested Parker and Roosevelt of 1904. Then I the Democrats claimed a landslide ! and even the Associated Press could not tell anything about what the crowds meant. Finally Joe Caldwell i sent Walter Hildebrand North. Mr. Hildebran's reports differed as wide ly from the Associated Press ac counts as The News and Observer's from the New York Sun's. The elec ; tion came and Hildebrand was cor ; rect save in the enormity of the beat I ing that Parker received. MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, try me; best and most successful; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; i strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oakland, Cali. ll-5-12-2t-j. CCAST LINE HOTEL CAFE ROOMS b.y the day, week or month at reason able rates. Meals at any hour, 203 North Front street. Phone 208-W. 10-5-lmo WANTED INTELLIGENT WOMEN between ages of 25 and 40 to call on housekeepers and instruct them in the use of well known food product. Cood salary paid. Apply toy letter, Addressing "X," care Dispatch. ll-5-2t WANTED EXPERIENCED AND trained workers in the field of Home Economics to represent a food man ufacturer on a salary basis. Will be required to give occasional talks or lectures and to" give information to teachers and others. Address appli cations to "Home Economics," care Dispatch. ll-5-2t Ss?ry Cos?s20-J- inar ffe,rK Sjoi-1'2.& VcxsiC. WITH JOHN ROBINSON'S CIRCUS HERE TODAY HAS PLACED BAN WORK OF RESCUE IS . ON METAL SHIPMENTS STILL BEING PUSHED BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's mes sengers. They will call for your "ads." In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further information as to 'ads," call 176 but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." OYSTERS, CHICKENS, BEEF. VEAL, L.anib and Pork. Green tomatoes for pickling. Fresh Vegetables. Coun try Pig Pork and extra good Pork Sausage. Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market street. Phone 72. 10-1 4-tf WILMINGTON DRY CLEANING COM- pany, 213 Market street. Cleaners of fine silks; Woolen, km gloves. We solicit ladies' work. Steam Dry cleaning by new met1L ork guaranteed. Men's worx given spe cial attention. Day Phone 490, Night Phone 1525-J. James L. Donnelly. ll-3-7t L. L. SHEPARD, 817 NORTH 4TH ST. Have got the goods for you.' Best I native meats of all kind. Also a full line of groceries. Phone 1186. Prompt delivery. Always on the job. 10-13-eod-tf FOR FRESH AND FANCY GROCER- ies, Country Produce and fine Native Beef call on R. B. Moore. Mr. J. D. Bender Is with me and will cut It to your taste. Phone 1888. Third and Castle. 9-23-tf Amsterdam, Netherlands, Nov. 6. Dutch shipbuilders and the entire metal industry have been much dis quieted by the recent restriction of German exports of iron and steel to ! this country. Shinbuilders are al ready experiencing a shortage in pro- J hie steel and other essential raw ma terials, and unless an improvement soon comes they may, despite their overloaded order books', have to dis charge apart of their workmen. Apart from the big demands made on German industry by the manufac ture of munitjonR of war- tha lowt : WJl measure is ascribed in well-informed t quarters here to a desire to hamper shipbuilding in Holland now that a I part of the Dutch cargo space has been acquired By the Allies. In view j of the difficulties described, and the I anticipated scarcity of iron .and steel materials, the Industrial Commission J has approached the Minister of Indus try and- Commerce with a view, to the erection of a State distribution bureau in this country, and hope is cherished that the threatened dan gers will be warded off. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 6. Rescu ers are: continuing the work to save 14 of the 30 miners who Saturday lost their lives as the result of a gas ex plosion in the Bessie mine of the Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Company neaf here. Two bodies were brought to ths surface Saturday and 13 others Sunday. Two of the victims had been decapitated by the force of the explosion. EXCHANGE .WELL SITUATED LOT at Carolina Beach will exchange for automobile in good condition. Ad dress, "Exchange," care Dispatch. ll-5-2t-j ' MALAGA GRAPES, FLORIDA GRAPE .Fruit, Lemons, Limes, Porto Rico Irish Potatoes, Oranges, Mixed Nuts, Canadian Rutabaga Turnips, Spanish Onions. Our Cabbage and Baldwins will arrive Nov. 4th. Bear Prod. & Mdse Co. 11-2-tf ATTENTION COUNTRY PEOPLEI This is an opportunity for you to make money. Gathering up all the rags and junk you can and ship to me. I pay the highest prices for brass, copper, zinc, lead. All kinds of rubber, automobile tires, mixed rags, etc Note address. H. Stein, i 14 South Second street. Phone 308 Wilmington, N. C. 10-1-tf Demonstration - -of-' PITTSBURG AUTOMATIC, INSTANTANEOUS AND STORAGE Gas Water Heaters By a Factory Expert. November 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th at THE CORN SHOW EXHIBIT of ' THE TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY SEVEN RAILROAD MEN KILLED TRAIN CRASH Altoona, Pa., Nov. 6. Dashing un controlled down the ten-mile grade of the new Portage branch of the Penn sylvania railroad, near Hollidaysburg today, a coal train of 60 cars crashed into four light engine standing near the new Portage junction. Seven railroad men were killed and three injured. CABBAGE! CABBAGE! CABBAGE! Baldwin Apples, Oranges, Irish Po- BEEF AND PORK, 20c tb FOR ANY choice cut at People's Market. Fresh sausage and hamburger our special ty. Country, produce at lowest pos sible rate. Call in person, or phone 297, and I will give you personal at tention. J. D. Stofr.no, Propr., 611 Castl3 btreet. ll-l-7t Produce and Merchandise Company, Phone 323. 11-5-tf tatoes, Grape Fruit and Candy. Bear, W not ONLY PUT UP STOVES and nre boa,rds, but repair heaters, ranges furnaces, and oil stoves. Roof painting and repairing. We have the workmen who know how. W. ;B. Klander, Phone 431. 10-29-tf CAROLINA MEAT MARKET WILL sell as follows: Round Steak, 20c; Loin Steak, 20c; Chuck Steak, 15c; Rib Steak, 17c; Stew Steak, 12c; Lamb and Mutton Chops, 20c; Veal Chops and Cutlets, 20c; Liver, 15c; Native Pork, 20c; Western Pork, 25c; ' Roast Beef, 15 to 20c Vd. Corner 11th and Market streets. Phone 1979-J. Free Delivery. Give nus a trial and be convinced. N 11-2-lmo-j UNITED STATES STEEL KEEPS ON GOING UP ' New York, Nov. 6. United States Gteel sold at a new high record of 122 points on the stock njarket shortly ' after noon, exceeding its pre vious best by one-quarter of a point. Other steels and irons were higher, 2 to 4 points. MRS. J. S. LOWE WISHES TO LET the public know that her house No. 322 North 3rd St. is now open and she is ready to serve those who have been waiting and others with board at $20 per month. Dinners at 35 cents each. Also two very desirable rooms to rent. ll-6-2t LOST GOLD WATCH, OLD ENG- lish Case. Fob is half dollar with head punched out. Address J. W. Hollis, Box 975 or call at Auditor'3 Office A. C. L. and receive reward. 11-6-lt-J. COLD WEATHER COMING ARE you prepared? Why not have that overcoat cleaned and pressed? Suits and overcoats thoroughly cleaned and pressed, $1.00. Suits and over coats 'pressed, 25c. Prompt and effi cient service. Enterprise Cleaning and Pressing Works. Phone 717, 114 1-2 Princess street. 11-1-5-6-7-8-12-13-15-19-20-22-26-27 WANTED HOLLY WITH BERRIES. We want for immediate shipment 10,000 2x2x4 feet cases, Holly Bushe3 with Berries. Cases must be packed to weigh 100 pounds gross. Highe3t prices will be paid. Look over your woods and advise. H. Boney Co., Rose Hill, N. C. ll-l-5t FOR RENT DOWN STAIRS FOUR room apartment witQ all modern veniences. Apply 706 Chestnut street. H-5 4- B. WISE. HAVE YOU FURNACE AND Stoves overhauled before cold wave arrives. Fire board and stove pipe headquarters. Phone 431. W. B.. Klander. 10-2-tf HUNTING SEASON WILL SOON BE on. L. C. Smith, ' Ithaca, Lefever, Fox Baker, Remington ijnd other re liable makes both new and unre deemed at Uncle Charles' Pawn Shop No. 6 South Front street. Phone 642. 10-1-tf November Victor Records Now On' Sale Hear These Played On A Victrola "Sing Me to Sleep,' Sung by Alma Gluck. "Fifth Symphony" (Beethoven) Played by Victor Concert Orchestra. "Napoleon's Last Charge," Conway's Band. C. WV Yates Company 117 Market Street. EXTRA CHOICE YORK IMPERIAL Apples, 40c peck. Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes 25 cents a peck. Native Country Pork. Good Beef, Veal and Lamb. Norfolk Oysters. Give us a trial we love to please. Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market street, Phone 72. 10-24-tf SOUTHERN HOTEL CAFE Lynn Haven Oysters Now Dally. Homemade Pies. Rooms by the Day, Week or Month. Recently Renovated. WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf WANTEDOLD GEESE FEATHER beds at once. Will Dav hiehest cash ynues. iiew i orK w eather -Co.. Wil mington, N. C. care General Deliv-i ery. ll-2-7t j i-'jr NAllVE MEATS CALL O. J. Mintz & Co., city market. We can please you both as to price and high class meats. We give, cash buyers an undernrice and we solicit a por tion of your business. 6ive us a trial order and be convinced that we aro here to merit your meat business. Loin Steak 25c; Round Steak 20c; Pork 20c; Phone 1245-W. 100-tf 25 BEAUTIFUL , HIGH-CLASS POS tal cards, suitable for all occasions, mailed on receipts of ten cents. Brown Co., 720 Driggs Ave., Brook . lyn, N. Y. 10-28-10t ' em K We Make Reasonable Advances On Cot ton Stored With Us V W.B.CooperfcCo. Wilmington, N. C. SUFFER NO LONGER WITH ASTH. ma. Catarrh, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Kidney and Bladder trouble, Ven eral and Female diseases use Nell- son's Eel Oil for all pain. For sure j cure consult A. C. Nielsen, 109 1-2 ' Dock street. 10-31-14t-j I i Builders' Supplies STORAGE W. B. Thcrpe and Company WATER and ANN STRE READ BUSINESS SPECIALS Flapftinn Rahirno af Cavn linur by Leased Wire, shown by Stereopticon. Best service obtainable Be sure to come election Returns ai torn anow tueday night, November ?th. Wire in the Building For Telegraphic Reports . , 7 - ; . .. v . v Space Donated By AmericanrBank & Trust Co

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