WEATHER FORECAST. 1 In. I.' . , t Fair tonight and Thursday. Mod rate temperature. Moderate east east winds. w ILMI NG oil Dispatch THE LARGEST CIRCULATl I IN WILMINGTON Nil L TI VOL. XXII. NO. 299. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEPNE ,;frY AFTERNOON, jOV. 8, 1916. : : -7. Sf PRICE 5 CENTS '-IT id if 11 fatfiJ hfl lflid V if irl 5 L' 1 m J - i I ( I jk: fift -lr Ir 1 r W? r V mJi' v -J ' -i j 'I 4. '4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4444'4'444'44444'i'44'444'444'!444 v 4- v 4 4 4 v 4 T7 ton; New York, Nov. 8.-Democratic Chairman McCormick said early this afterno "When the count jnn l ; l juu electoral votes, gone Democratic by 1 x- $ OUTLOOK BRIGHT FOR WILSON. Following Chairman McCor- mick's claim at 11:15 of 288 electoral for Wilson, indication were : " Woodrow Wilson prob- ably has been reelected." Combination of "Solid South" and "Far West" upset reports and calculations. Although Chairman Willcox, Hitchcock, Perkins and Bliss declined to concede the defeat of Hughes they frankly said the outlook was "uncomfortably close close". Deep gloom and plain concern at Republican headauarsers to- HUGHES ! i i DECLINES KE COMMENT But Chairman Willcox De- j clares Late Returns Are En ; couraging. 4 ! 4 WEAVER APPEARS CERTAIN. 4 Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 8. Strag- v gling returns from the Tenth district reduce Zeb Weaver's majority over Congressman Britt to the uncomfortable margin of two hundred notwithstanding which the Democrats are satisfi- - i. ed. is finished Wilson will have more thanj day were injnarked contrast to '1-I2f ;;XVr-AYof 7lZ-il e r the 3ub!lati6iT '"of last night. i ic cximj uiiv.u inai vv coi v u uiitta nuo i - : . 0,000. Wilson Claims Election. New York, Nov. 8. --Republican Chairman Willcox at 12:40 issued the following statement : "California and Minnesota are surely for Hughes. This means Hughes is elected." This statement he said was based on advices from the re spective state headquarters. California is claimed by 10,000 votes and Minnesota by 20,000. Election Frauds Loom-Up. New York, Nov. 8. Attorney General Gregory went into conference with Chairman McCormick at Democratic Head quarters this afternoon. Reports are current that the question of investigating the count in New Hampshire and other doubt-4 fui states was under consideration. In claiming the re-election of President Wilson th$ statement was made at Democratic Headquarters that the President could lose both California and Minnesota and still be elected. , (International News Service.) New York, Nov. 8. Wilson appears certain of 264 and leads in New Mexico and California; either enough to deter mine for him. Hughes sure of 25 1 . Minnesota probably for Wil son, and Republicans lose ground in Indiana. Decided Drift to Wilson. (By Associated Press.) New York, Nov. 8: Result still officially in doubt today with decided drift toward re-election of President Wilson. Actual returns thus far considering definite and indicative fig ures give Wilson 232 votes; Hughes 212. Willcox Still Hopeful. (International News Service.) New York, Nov. 8. At 9:45 McAdoo positively claims California and Wilson's re-election, probably with 277 elec toral votes. Willr.o-x: savs he is still hopeful. ' ' Big Wilson Majority in Frisco. (By Associated Press.) San Francisco, Nov. 8. At 7 o'clock, with one-third the ballots counted Wilson's majority in San Francisco will be ' 2,000. Later returns from Sacramento couty indicated that Wilson's majority would be 9,000 and Wilson continues to gain on Southern California county returns. .McCormick Gives Figures. (By Associated Press.) New York, Nov. 8. Chairman McCormick gave out the following dispatch with the electoral vo e of 3 1 2 w.hich jie claims for President Wilson: "Alabama, 12; Arizona, 3; Arkansas,' 9; California, 13; Colorado, 6; Delaware, 3; Florida, 6; Georgia, 14; Idaho, 4; Indiana, 15; Kentucky, 13; Louisiana, 1 0 ; Maryland, 8 ; Min- sota, L Mississippi, I U ; Missouri, 10; montana, .Ne braska, 8; Nevada, 3; New Hampshire, 4; New Mexico 3; North Carolina, 12; Ohio, 24; Oklahoma, 10; South Carolina, I Tennessee, 12; Texas, 20; Utah, 4 r' Washington, 7 ; West 'rginia, 8; Wisconsin, 13, and Wyoming, 3. Hughes Ahead In South Da&taJ Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Nov. 8. Latest returns from 714 out of 1728 in South Dakota gives Hughes 34,452 and Wilson 29,301. Dry's Claim Ohio. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 8. Head quarters of the anti-saloon league to day reported that they had informa tion that the drys had won in five states in yesterday's election. The states were Michigan, Montana, South Dakota, Utah, and Nebraska. Wilson Has Big Lead in Missouri. i St, Louis. Mo., Nov. 8. President Wilson at noon today bad a lead of 16,000 in Missouri from approximate ly 2-3 of the state. Ohio By Eighty Thousand. Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 8. President Wilson will carry Ohio ty 80,000 if the present ratio continues. Four thousand four hundred and thirty six of 5,570 precincts give Wilson 454, 323; Hughes, 386,032. Wilson Leads In North Dakota.. Fargo, N. D., Nov. 8. President Wilson slightly leads Hughes in the North Dakota returns. Eight hundred ! and forty three of the 1,859 precints in the state have been heard from. Concedes Wilson Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wym., Nov 8 T.B. Ken- fTifiv secretary or tne state xveuuu- licaa committee issued a statement today conceding that Wilson has car ried Wyoming. Hughes Ahead In California. San Francisco, Nov. 8 Three thou sand four hundred and fourteen pre cincts out of 5917 in California give Hughes 262,946; Wilson 252,993. New York, No v. 8 Charles 3 vans Hughes awoke at 8 o'clock this morn ing after sleeping almost seven hours and a vminute later was reading dis patches and newspapers concerning election results in the doubtful states. The private telephone Swires that connected Mr. Hughes- rooms With the Republican headquarters were kept busy and the reports were tab ulated for Mr. Hughes' perusal. Chair man Willcox declared that delayed re turns were reassuring. Mr. Hughes adhered to his determ ination of last night to make no com ment until the election was decided beyond a doubt. The State news at headquart ' ers has come in with consider able slowness. There is no rea- son to doubt the election of 4 4 Weaver. No other district is close. 4 4. .,. 4! 4. 4. ... .j. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. AMERICAN STEAMER BEING SHELLED. 4. 4. London, Nov. 8. The Ameri- can-Hawaiian steamship, Colum- 4 bian, of 8,579 tons, is sending out 4 4 wireless telegraph calls for help, 41 4 stating that she is being shelled 4 4 by a submarine. 4 4. 4 44'44a4 40444'44,4444' Beaufort Officer Died of Heart Failure at a Musical Concert. CHIEF OF POLICE ARE FIGHTING t - , Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 8. Sixty-sfx : counties had reported to State Head quarters up to 1 o'clock and Demo- cratic majorities undiminished, bat slowness of returns leaves sizo o Wilson Leads In Minnesota. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 8. One thou sand three hundred and forty nine of 3,024 precincts in Minnesota Wilson polled 111,173 votes and Hughes 103, (By Associated Press.) Seattle, Wash., Nov. 7. Presiden Wilson appeared early today to have carried Washington by 10,000. Port land column was still in doubt before daybreak, but Wilson maintained 400 lead on incoming returns from 30 out of 34 counties. Republican leaders claim that sec tions yet unheard from were strong for Hughes and "srould swing state Re publican. Wilson Leads in New Mexico Alburquque, New Mexico, Nov. 8. Returns from one-fourth precincts in New Bern, N. C, Nov. 8 While taking part in a concert being given by the Beaufort Concert Band, Chief of Police John Skarren, of that place, last night dropped dead, heart disease being ascribed as the cause of his sudden demise. Mr. Skarren had, apparently, been in the best of health up to the time of his demise and his death came as a shock to the entire community. He TBemoCTtrttc'TOajorfty' unaertam Demj J ocrats lost Carteret, Carl Duncan's home, but regained Tyrrell and, gen- m r (erally speaking, have won 8omo Re- ! publican counties where losses had Disease Which Threatened j been sustained. iocai troubles caused loss 01 Car jteret Bickett carried the county 400. J Likewise, Alexander went Republican j on State issues, but Democratic in the General Assembly. So far as & Florida's Fruits Fought by State and Nation. Tampa. Fla., Nov. 8. The fight against the citrus canker, for which nearly $750,000 already has been ap propriated, is making rapid headway, according to Frank. Sterling, general inspector of the Florida Plant Board. The disease had threatened the de struction of Florida's jrreat orange and grape fruit groves. After a series of experiments fed eral and state officials determined that the disease could be stamped out only by the destruction of the infected tree. It is to this drastic 1 known there will be a diffeernce of about three in tho completion of the General Assembly, the Republicans making the gains locally, but losing fearfully throughout the State. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 8. Sixty odd counties have so generally raised tho I Democratic estimates that Chairman Warren at 1:30 a. m. revised his estimates and claimed the state by fifty thousand. Surprises in Randolph and Davidson PAlintlOa TXrrilV wont P Annrtlfnnn urom is survived by his wife and seevn . method that experts attribute the, offset by Alexander, Burke, Harnett success which attended their efforts. aild Catawba thought that county (Ca Crude oil is poured over the disease tawba) hasn't definitely reported, tree and it' is set afire and burned Certainly the losses were smaller out root and branch. In some cases than the gains. where an entire grove is infected not Alexander's flop started the State only are the trees burned but the j off welL Alamance preceded her with ground is satuated with oil and fired, j300: Alexander eave 150: Alleehanv. j for it has been found that the cranker j150; Anson, 1,817; Beaufort, 700; Ber genias win tnnve lor a long penoa tie 1 250. BladeI1) 600; Burke, 150; even in the diest of soils. Caldwell, 125; Camden, 305; Carteret, In an address at a recent citrus 40; Caswell, 500; Chatham, 300: meeting at Gainesville, Fla., Mr. Stir- howan, 500; Cleveland, 1,350; Crav en, 1,200; Cumberland, 475; Currituck, children Owing to the fact that the majority of the mat fans were taking more in terest in the election than' in any other matters, the wrestling match which was to have been staged be tween Max Smoth and John'a Nicholas out at Ghent Park casino last even ing was postponed. The next match will take place to morrow night when Tommy Draak, the local champion, will meet Ivan Zeleznoff, the human spring, and will j ling declared that the disease haa wrestle, tn a finish fnr a side bet of ' been eradicated in twelve of the one hundred dollars. twenty one counties affected when Zeleznoff came to New Bern a few'the work began m 1914. , He added woolrc Arm onH wrpstlftd with Draak' LIaL 1L and was defeated. The toe hold was mattf f time unt-U the disease 18 used in the match and Zeleznoff j Wiped out- . . The canker made its appearance 1,000; Duplin 3.r,0; Durham, 100; Edge combe, 1,700; Forsyth, 800; Franklin, 1,550; Gaston, 700; Granville. 1.000-: probably will only be a j Harnett, 300; Haywood, 800; Hert- New Hampshire Doubtful. Manchester, -JM. H., Nov. 8. The re sult of the Presidential election in New Hampshire was in doubt today. With 21 precincts yet unheard from unofficial returns gave Hughes a f plurality of 1,869 votes, the total be ing, Hughes 42,325; Wilson 40,458. While, the Republican State Com mittee, with 21 precincts still to be heard from Hughes had pluralitw of 1,867, received newspapers figures af ter this reduced the Hughes lead to 275 with eleven small precincts still out. Republican leaders say that the unreported vote is in RepuDilcan territory. Small Majority In Wast Virginia. Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 8. Re turns from -720 precincts (corrected) out of 1,713 in West Virginia give Hughes 60,905; Wilson 58,352. claims that this caused him to lose New Mexico gave Wilson slight lead ' tae match and stated that he was anx-. in Florida and along the gulf coast early today. All indications point o J i0US to try it aaglu with the toe hold as far west as Texas where citrus a close vote. I barred, and this willTe done. fruits are grown. It is believed to Wyoming for WHson. I indications are that a record break- have been introduced into the United Cheyenne, Wyoming, Nov. 8. 232,'ing crowd will be on hand to see the' States in tsock imported from Japan nnit0 m,f nf i, WvnmiB, d,,Jht and Mexico. Investigations proved V i 1 . T 1 1 11 4-In a In order that all of their employees nat ras carneu me geim uu mi may have an opportunity of attending feet and wings. - . i i f j c f A AAA t,Q TT-octorn r.avnMna fair thp JnTin Florida raisea a iunu OI OV,UUV U Wilson 9,229; Hughes, 7,225. Also Leads in Montana. Helena, Mont. Nov. 8 Returns ear ly today indicated that vote for Wil son in Montana by 10,000 majority. Idaho Lining Up For Wilson. Boise, Idaho, Nov. 8 Returns from nearly one-half voting precincts gave Wilson 28,104; Hughes, 22,507. Missouri For Wilson. St. -Louis, Mo., Nov. 8. Two thou sand, four hundred and seventy six precincts out of 3,459 in Missouri in all but four sections of St. Louis give Wilson. 268,973; Hughes 254,204. With four precincts missing in St. Louis the city gave Hughes a polur ality of 9,922. Believed insufficent to offset Wilson's plurality in state. L. Roper Lumber Company closed their plant . today. This action on the part of the man agement of the largest lumber mill in the state is being highly commend ed, by local citizens and there- is not the slightest doubt but that it will prove of real benefit to the fair. Washington, Nov. 8. An unsolved .mysterys which is puzzling Govern ment biologists is the hiding place of the chimney swift during the fice months they are absent from the United States during their winter 'migration. The flocks of these bird3 .drift slowly south until on the north western Republican Manager Claims .era coast of the Gulf of Mexico they California. Vbecome an innumerable host, men Chtcago, Nov. 8. After receiving they disappear and for five months (Gontinued on Page Eight) their naunt is a mystery. fight it and the Florida legislature appropriated $125,000 for the same purpose. At the instance of the flor ida. Alabama Louisiana and Texas delegations Congress impropriated $550,000 for the canker campaign with the proviso that the, various states affected must assist with a like amount. The Florida legislature is expected to make an additional ap propriation at the 1917 session. Al though California has not been enter ed by the disease California joined with Folorida in urging congressional action. Rev. and .Mr. C. W. Kagley and child of Chicago, 111., iare visiting Mrs. Kagleys parents, Mr. and Mr3. W. F. Koch, on North Fifth street. Mr. Kagley' was formerly pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran churcn. ford, 700; Iredell, 1,300; Johnston, 400; Jones, 500; Lee, 450;' Martin 1, 200; McDowell, 50; Mecklenburg, 2, 000; Montgomery, 150; Moore, 400; Nash, 1, 400; New Hanover, 1,900; On slow, 400; Pamlico, 200; Pasquotank, 900; Pender, 55; Perquimans, 375; Richmond, 950; RobesOn, 2,000; Scot land, 775; Stanleyr200; Union, 2,000; Vance 1,100; Wake, 2,100; Warren, 1, 100; Wayne, 1,300; Wilson, 1,500; all Democratic. Republican counties and majorities reported are Davidson, 200; Hender son, 600; Polk, 160; Randolph, 250; Sampson, 1,350; - Stokes, 250; Surry, 650; Swain, 300; Wilkes, 1,500; Yad kin, 650. These returns defeat the Senators from Sampson, Harnett, Johnston and Lee, and endanger-the Randolph dis trict. It is also about conceded that Democrats in the Rockingham district are lost. The Democratic majority in the 52 counties over tho 10 Republi can counties is 35,650. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 8. Catawba county goes Republican 125; Rocking ham, Republican, 150; and Rutherford, Democratic, 400. Wake carries " the amendments, but Franklin defeats them, only two counties reporting. PEOPLE WAVE fmMW TME EVENHRHBS 'TO ESEMSS ttHIE AFTEB8R!IU PAPER TBHHTS WMy fiUDVERTIISBRUG PAYS M V.: l-.i fif- 1 : is- I .I i!t: i !K1 m ill I v.; 1 1 t! 3i: f)l V1 X: 11 .1 ! I; n I: 'i i i It f 4!: il ! !1 - U ' f., .' 'i , '..V-"V.:k.. 1 . . i v? t i 1 . 1 i "Si .S

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