THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH," WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER IS, 1916; PAGE TWO THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH PUBLISHED DAILY AND SUNDAY BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. TELEPHONES Business Office ..176 Editorial Rooms 205 NW AMBASSADOR FOR TURKISH GUY ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. PAYABLE STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Daily Mid Sunday $5.00 Dally and Sundfcf, Six Months ,.$2.50 Dally and Sunday, Three Months. $1.25 Subscription P Ice Delivered by Carrier In City: Daily and Sunday, per week. .... .10c Or When Paid in Advance at Office Daily and Sunday,, One Year. .. .$5.20 Daily and Sunday, Six Months. .$2.60 Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.30 Entered t the Postoffice In Wilming ton, N. C, as Second-class Matter. Foreign Advertising Representatives: MacQuoid-Miller Co., Inc., New Fork and Chicago. Permanent Position May be Given Man Who is to be Temporary Ambassador. The Hague, Netherlands, Nov. 8. Doctor Richard von Kuhlmann, who since the outbreak of the war was at tached for a -short time to the Ger man Embassy in Washington and has since then represented his country as Minister at The Hague, is leaving shortly to take up his new appoint ment as ambassador in Constantinople i DAUGHTERS ARE NOW IN SESSION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1916. STILL HANGS BY THREAD President Talks of Fractional Differences of Maryland and Florida, , ! s Dallas, Texas Nov. 8. Factional differences in two states divisions ! Maryland and Florida are reflect ed in directions rendered by the Pres ident General, Mrsj Cordelia PowoM Gdenheimer, an roade public to::ay in her the Unite t daughters of :he C nfederacy. Members of the Baltimore chapter during the absence of Count Wolff.1 "avt; lu maxjr- Metternich, "on urgent private busi- Iand states President a candidate negg who was given the office by virtue . , . of a decision by the President Gen Dr. von Kuhlmann who is in his An appeal has been taken from 44th year, is said to enjoy high favor j th& decision and is expected to come with the emperor, and his promotion i befQre the covention later in the week. The to this important post testifies equal ly to satisfaction with his record in the Netheralnds where he is credited with considerable influence on the ec onomic policy followed and to the hig hesteem in which his abilities are held in Berlin. Curiously he was born in the Turk ish capital, his father having been general director of the Anatolian rail- edge of Eastern affairs. The "ab sence" of Count Wolff Metternich is likely to be permanent; the Count has now reached his 63rd year and serv ed for 34 years in the German diplo matic corps. Doctor von Kuhlmann's successor at the Dutch Court is Doctor Friedrich Rosen, who has represented Germany successively in Abyssina, at the court of King Menelik, Tangiers, Teheran, Bucharest, and lastly, Lisbon. He it was who, with the ex-French Govern or General of Algiers, M. Revoil, help ed to lay the foundations for the Al geciras conference. Almost twentv-four hours iL i r . i ciways, and he has an intimate know! after the closing of the polls m. . ftf Rastprn afPalp Thfi ab the most intensely interesting 'and, perhaps, most vital Na tional election ever held, the re sult is still in doubt. The only thing apparent at this hour is that whichever sides has won there has been no landslide. This must give both consola tion and joy to the Democrats. First, because a small majority in thes electoral college for the Republican nominee would demonstrate that the great principles for which the Demo-1 RECEIVED HONORS crats have been struggling are still alive and going forward, and but for the extraordinary j- r i i.l j- j. Taciors or prejudice uiciL ciilci-, JaDanese officials on his wav throusrh ed the campaign they would j Korea to China, where he will make a undoubtedly have won. Sec ond, there must be gladness because of the reversal of last night's apparent result, which indicated a landslide to Hughes. lust what the result will be j the afternoon a reception for Ameri-! ""ft P'1 ,in saLC0 nnnnA-tunws Trn in can residents was held at the Amen- W.N shows the closeness of the race. It also demonstrates that if Wilson is elected it will be by Gainesville, Florida, chapter has appealed from a decisian of the President General revoking its chap ter because it had refused to pay Its dues to the state organization with which it was at odds. Among the President General's re commendations were the following: "That a chapter or division cannot have a member of its advisory coun cil or advisory board any one who is not a member of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy. "That honorary officers or honor ary members cannot hold executive office or vote. At the 'New Orleans convention a resolution was adopted calling on each division to appoint a committee to bring before their Congressman the matter of the cotton tax collected from 1868 to 1868 and request them to . cooperate in passing a bill to re turn this money, approximately $68,-000,0-00, to southern states, to return the taxes to their legal owners or heirs. The President General report ed that a number of bills had been inthn-rrliiffiH in th Hnnsp Tnalfinc rlif- txt t- rn r-" Ait vv. UN fKJrtLfl. ferent disposal of the money but that Seoul, Korea, Oct. 8. George W.0nlv that offered by Senator Sim- Guthrie, the American ambassador to j mons in the Senate accorded with Japan, received mony honors from ! the resolution. Liggetts Chocolates 80c to $1.50 pound Johnston's Chocolates 80c to $1.50 pound. M frf I. .j. .... . i. .JC" Between the two lines we have the best Candy to be had at any price. If you purchase a box and for any reason do not like it, just throw the box away and telephone 248 and we will rush your money back toyou by messenger. FLVINGTOjU "Serves You Right"1 The 8outhern Serves the 8outh. . SOUTHERN RAILWAY . Effective Monday September 11th, 1916 Southern Railway announces the present Winston-Salem Beaufort Moorehead City Pullman Sleeping Car line will be shortened to Winston Salem Goldsboro Pullman Sleeping Car line. This car will leave Winston- Saiem at8:50 p. m., same as at pre sent and arrive Golflsboro following morr.lnff. returning car Will leave Goldsboro 10:35 P. M., arriving Winston-Salem' following morning. Present Oreensboro-Raleigh Pull man Sleeping Car line will continue to operate. For full details, reservations. tc, address, J. O. JONES, ' Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. tour At Tncnn hie cteamoT- TOQO mot - runs, u vv nut; viiitt, aim by a large party of officials and civ-'Mrs- R- E- L- Erown. t Chadbourn". ilians. iale Kuests of Mrs. J. A. Farley, on At Seoul, Isaburo Yamagata, direct-1 r,' th Fifth street- or of general administration of Korea, I " " representing Marshal Count Terauchi, i who was in Tokio, gave a luncheon in j the combined, vote of the south and west, without the north, which has always been consid ered the final vord in decree ing victory or registering defeat. the 20th day of November 3916, at the Court House of said county, and answer or de- , c - - . , , , . : ,i 11 1 " me v vr in it it in l i Li Baiu cause, ui 111c honor of Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie. In i ninintiflf win nnniv tn ma mnrr Vr th complaint. EASTERN CAROLINA FAIR at NEW BERN, N. C. Round Trip Fare From Wilmington, $3.50 including Admission to the Fair. Tickets will be sold to New Bern as above by the ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South NOVEMBER 7, 8, 9 and 10. Limited returning until midnight of Saturday, November 11, 1916. Proportionate fares trom Intermedi ate points. Children half fare. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE Wednesday, Thursday and Friday November 8, 9 and 10. Leave Wilmington 5:15 A. M. Peave Jacksonville 7:05 A. M. Arrive New tsem 8:30 A. M. Returning Le. New Bern 5:00 P. M. Arrive Wilmington about 8:15 P. M. For further information address T. C. White, Gen. Pass. Agent. Phone 160. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of The Sooth EXCURSION FARES $3.50 New Bern, N. C. Account Eastern Carolina Fair. Tick ets include admission to the fair and will be sold Nov. 7, 8, 9 and 10, limited returning until" Nov. 11. Special ser vice will be given leaving Wilmington 5:15 A. M. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; returning leave New Bern 5:00 P. M. $4.30 Raleigh, N. C. Account Farmers' Educational and Co operative Union of America. Tivkets will be sold Nov. 12, lb ana 14, limited returning until Nov. 18. $18.35 Atlanta, Ga. ? Account Southern Medical Association. Tiekets will be sold November 12, 13 and 14, limited returning until Novem ber 19. $.95 Columbia, S. C. Account Semi-Annual Meeting South ern Textile Association. Tickets will be sold Nov 15, 16 and 17, limited re turning until November 20. $38.10 New Orleans, la. Account National Farm and Live Stock Show. Tickets will be sold Nov. 10 to 18, inclusive, limited returning until Nov. 21. $3.00 New Bern, N. C. Account Institution Sudan Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. Tickets will be sold November 21 and 22, limited returning uniii iNovemDer z. $16.85 Washington, D. C. Account National Rivers and Harbors Congress. Tickets will be sold Decern ber 3, 4 and 5, limited returning until $7.85 Norfolk, Va. Account Southern Commercial Con' gress. Tickets will b sold Dec. 8, 9 j 10 and 11, limited returning until Dec 15f war IT m :V:J 1 m CARTER rrrtB ma n mf mi mi D " Banish tte aBIues,, ul reteve CoiiBtatlon hy Livening the Liver witt Carter 0 Little Liver PuU Genuine bears sgn9tu f--"" 1 1 1 1 iii ri 1 ' SENSATION SELF-RISING FLOUR is the best Selfrising Flour on the market. Get it at TIENCHEN'S and don't forget to stop in on your way to and from the Corn Show. We assure you that every courtesy will be shown and prompt delivery made of your order. Re. member, we are only half a block from the Corn Show. TIENCHEN'S GROCERY STORE, 408 Castle Street. 4 Oscar P. Peck, WOOD. Telephone 341. PROPORTIONATE Pine, Oak, Mixed Wood. Dry HKOPOKTIUiNATE S Kiln Blccks, Slabs. Ail kinds of ' Mill Woods. can consulate general and in the even ing Consul General Ransford S. Mill er gave a dinner inviting prominent Japanese. HARRISS. Clerk of Superior Court. PROMPT DELIVERY. FARES FROM OTHER POINTS ON THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, '"The Standard Railroad of the South.' i PHONE 160. NEAR TRAGEDY Arrives With Pyrites. The Spanish steamer Marte, Captain Urgelles, ar rived in port yesterday from Huelva, Spain, with a cargo of pyrites to be discharged at the docks of Swift & Company. Mr. Iredell Meares has returned to I the citj' after touring the Middle West and speaking in several cities in the interest of the Republican party. IN NEW BERNi New Bern, N. C, Nov. 8. Leah, the young daughter of Mr. andJVIrs. J. A. Jones, suffered painful injuries when she fell from her father's automobile in front of Mr. E. B. Hackburn's groc ery store on Pollock street, badiy cut ting one of her hands when a bottle of cream which she held struck the pavement, and also injuring her head. The little girl was in the car with her mother and when -the latter start ed up the machine the door in some way flew open and the little one was precipitated to the ground. i She was rushed to St. Luke's hos pital and her injuries given medical attention and today she' is getting along very nicely. James Cooper, a colored employee of the John L. Roper Lumber Com pany, yesterday had one of his low er limbs amputated at St. Luke's hos pital as the result, of an accident he received at the company's local plant on the previous night. The negro in some way had the limb caught between several logs and it was so badly mashed that the at tending physicians deemed amputa tion necessary and this was done. While attempting to make the turn around the a "dummy policeman'" at the corner "of Middle and Pollock streets yesterday- morning in a new Cadillac automobile, Miss Maude ! Munger failed to successful negotiate ; this and ran the car in the iron can- j non located on the Northeast corner. ! The section of the car which struck j the iron obstruction was pretty badly I damaged but, rortunately, none of the occupants of the machine were in jured in the least. Or. Georae Stuart Comma. a Dr. Stewart will deliver a platform lecture next Tuesday night at the Boys Brigade Armory on "Lopsided Fo.'ks" and it is expected that he will draw a good crowd in spite of the fact that it will be election night. The lec ture will be over before any amount of returns are in, as it will commence at 8 o'clock. This will be a good way to pass time while waiting. It is hardly necessary to say much about Dr. Stuart as he is well known all over the country. At present he is pastor of the lead ing Methodist church, in Birmingham, Ala. He comes highly recommended by such men as Dr. J. Wilbur Chap man, Len G. Broughton and Sam' P. Jones. A number of years ago he was here with Sam Jones conducting a Meeting. The Fifth Avenue Epworth League is selling tickets to the lecture at fifty cents each. ll-5-2t-)advt. Nortn Carolina, New Hanover County, Before the Olerk. NOTICE SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Mary Onlsow, Plaintiff vs. David Livingstone, Montgomery Living stone, Harry Livingstone, Virginia Moore, t red Moore, Armand Moore, Charles Moore, Harriet Moore and Rosanna Moore, Defendants. The defendants above named will take notice that ari action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of isew Hanover County to sell land for par tition among the heirs; ana the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said County In Wilming ton. North Carolina, to b6 held on Monday NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK PLEDGED. BY VIRTUE OF AUTHORITY in a note executed by C. E. Greenarayer to me and dated November 23, 191-?, eefault having "been made in the payment of said note I will sell by public auction to the highest . bidder, for cash, at the Court house door in New Hanover County on Wednesday, November 29thr 1916, at twelve o'clock noon, twenty-five shares of the capital stock of . the Wilmington Beach Corporation of the par value of $100.00 per share, represented bv Certificate No. 9, of said Corporation. This eighth day of November. A. D.. 1916. W. B. COOPER, ROUNTREE.. DAVIS & CARR, KENAN & WRIGHT, -Attorneys. j 11-8-2W DRINK AND ENJOY KEN NY'S COFFEES & TEAS Kenny's Special Coffee 4 lb for . .$1.00 Kenny's Fancy Blend Cof fee 3 lb for . 90c Kenny's Golden Rio Cof fee 5 lb for ... ...$1.00 Kenny's other grades Cof fee 16 to 18c per lb Our M. and J. Coffee 3 lb for $ 1 .00 is the finest. Che-on-Tea best in Amer ica for 50c per lb. C. D. KENNY CO. Phone 679. 16 So. Front. Prompt Delivery. - ISSS No other store in Eastern Carolina can offer you the great values we give. Buying for 1 6 big stores for cash, places us in the lead. If you are a visitor in Wil mington this week come in and let us show you. LADIES' COATS AND SUITS- 1 Smart styles at prices you can offer to pay'. Ladies and Misses all Wool Whipkford Coat Suits, black, navy and brown, fur trimmed . . . . .$12.50 Ladies' and Misses Gaberdine and Poplin Suits, all the new models at . $15i97 Ladies all-Wool Mixed Coats, Beav er trimmed . . .$9.95 Misses' Sport Coats, $6.50 values $4.98 j $18.00 white Chinchilla Coats $12.50 1 BELK'S BETTER BLOUSES BECKON BEST BUYERS. Ladies Silk Striped white Voile Waist . ; ' 75c values ' 50c Beautiful Organdy and Voile Waist in all the very newest styles . .98c $2.50 Organdy and Voile Waist $1.98 $2.50 Tub Silk Waist, all colors, $1.98 $3.50 Crepe de Chine Lace Waist at . . . . ... . . $2.98 BELICS BETTER BABY'S CO ATS Infant's white Bedford Cord Coats, long or short ...... 98c and $1.48 Infant's white Cashimere Coats, long or short . .$1.98 to $3!95 Iinfant's short white Corduroy Coats at ......... $2.50 Children's Coats, all the desirable shades (a) $148 to $7.50 OUTING GOWNS. Ladies' full size Flannelette Gowns, all colors, medium weight . . . .50c Ladies' heavy quality Flannelette Gowns, white or colored . . . . 8Ec Ladies' extra size Flannelette Gowns, white or colors 98c Children's Flannelette Gowns 0) . .50c STAMPED LINENS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY GIFTS Centerpieces 22, 25, and 36-in. at 50c 65c and $1.25 Linen Scarfs to match above . . .98c Ladies stamped Gowns on Sheer Nainsook ......... ... . .50c Stamped Huck and Linen Towels from . 20c to 40c Royal Society Package Outfits from 25c to $1.25 SWEATERS, CAPS, BOOTEES, ETCf Children's all-Wool Sweaters, Copen, rose and scarlet . . . ... ... . 98 Misses' all-Wool Sweaters, scarlet and tan ... ... ... ... ..... $L48 Infant's Wool Toques, all colors (cO 25c Children's Wool Caps, all colors at . . 25c and 4c Infant's Wool Bootees. . 15, 25 and 29c EXPERT FITTING IN OUR CORSET SHOP. Every woman should realize the su preme importance of having her Corset correctly fitted. The benefits are num erous and we have here an expert fitter, whose services are yours for the asking come in while here and consult her. LADIES' KNIT UNDERWEAR. Ladies fine ribbed, good quality Shirts and Drawers .48c Ladies' fine "Ribbed, light weight Union Suits, all sizes 48c Ladies' Velastic Ribbed Union Suits, all sizes . 98c Ladies' Forrest Mills Union Suits from-; . . .$1.98 to $2.95 Ladies' Forrest Mills Shirts and Draw ers from 98c to $1.$0 Arrival ana uepanurtB or Trains ai Wilmington, Effective Sept 11, 1916. Time Not Guaranteed. DEPAETCBK! No. 90. 8:40 A. M. Daily Except Suudsy. No. 64. 5:15 A. M. Mon., Wed. and Friay Only. No. 61. Dally. S:39 A. M. TO AND FRO XI AHRlVALIi ttoldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Eastern North Carolina points. Connect at Oolcli boro with Southern Railway at Ktrfoil Southern Railroad. Jacksonville, tievr Ban and Latsdlat Station. No. 48. Dally. 8:40 A. Iff. No. 68. Daily. 8: 45 A. M. No. 62. Now Dally 8:25 P. M. No. 65. Dally. 8:45 P. V. No. 50. Toea., Thur. and Sat. only 6:S0 P. M. No. 42. Daily. 0:45 P. M. Chad bourn, Conway, Florence, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa tit Petersburg, Fort Myers Columbia ana Asbeyllle, Pullman Sleeping Car ?twoen Wilmington and Columbia, open to re ceive outbound passengers at Wilming ton at and after 10:00 P. M. and may M occupied. Inbound until 7 :00 A. M. - Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Wash, lnfrfon. Parlor Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk connecting at Rocky Mount with New York trains having Pullman Service. Solid train, between Wilmington anl Mt. Airy via Fayettevllle and Sanford. Jacksonville, New Ben and Intermedial Stations. No. 81. 1:15 A. M. Dally Except Mocdny, No. 6s! 6:15 P. M Mon., Wed. and rriaay only, No. 0. Dally. lt:3U A. H. ' No. 40 Dally. 6:05 r. H. No. 52 Dally. 8:00 P. M. No. (3. Dally 13:50 P.M. Chad bourn, Florence. Colombia, August, j Atlanta ana toe west, unarisston sa vannah and all Florida- Points. All Steel Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmlng ton and Atlanta, via Augusta. Sleeping Cars daily between Florence and Colum bia, which may be occupied at Colum bia until 7:00 A. M. Fayettevllle anC intermediate Statleni. Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Washington . and New York, Pullman Broler. Uulet ' Sleeping Cars, between Wilmington aai Washington, connecting with New York trains carrying dining cars; also Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Nor; ping folk. No. 64 Dally 12:50 f. M. No. 60. Tupr.. Thurt, and Sat., Onlr 10:15 A. X. Dully. No. 41. Dally B:50 A- M. 7 For Fold3r, Reservations, rates of fares, etc., call 'Phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent Wilmington, N. C. QUALITY STATIONERY ; " 7 ;; 30c; 35c; 50c; 75c FOUNTAIN SYRINGES ' 75c; $1.00; $1.25; $1.50 H0T WATER BOTTLES $1.00 to $1.50 , Prompt Delivery. THE PAYNE DRUG COMPANY, 5th and Red Cross Streets. Phone 520. Batter From the Mountains of Nortn Carolina bounds good, doesn't it? It's shipped to us every week by express from Hendersonville. Try pound or two and see how good it is. Just Phone 294 THOMAS GROCERY COMPANY, 4th and Campbell Streets. BELK-WILLIAMS COMPANY We- Save Soles We are interested in no other business we are expert shoe repairers. , . Remember ! We guarantee all work we use nothing but the best materials; PHONE YOUR SHOE TROUBLES SULLIVAN, The King of Shoemakers Special Atten tion to Parcel PostOrders: 217 North Front Street. Orders Called For and Delivered. PHONE 533. 3E I Itost Ureters; 1 I 11 V V - f I llM HI 11 .