: . f . - WEATHER FORECAST. Unsettled tonight with probably rain. Strong north winds. and Thursday Colder tonight. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN WILMINGTON WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA t f rbjNESPAY AFTERNOON NOV. 1 5, 1916. PRICE 5 CENTS i FOESIDENT WILSON ABOUT TO C ! T HIS BALLOT. M i t.t :-:-&x-:-:-:-:-:-::.:.: 4 i 'V - - - , A IIT THE IjllpPlf lllfl' ' ' ground fir mm rnssraij IT : '! Department or Justice Will j Handle Defense of The Ad- manson Measure. ' - 1. . SUITS AGAINST V DISTRICT ATTORNEYS New York Central and Penn sylvania Enter Them Today. Declare Act Not One to Reg ulate Commerce But Arbi trary Raise of Wages.' Washington, Nov. General Gregory has 15. Attorney decided that wits bv the railroads against the en. actnient of the Adamson 8-Hour Law ; will be handled by the Department of Justice. The jlefense in each case will be worked out by Solicitor-General Davis and other department offi cials with the United States attorneys in their various jurisdictions. The department today was unable to determine whether it would be nec essary to have a single suit or whether' the railroads would be compelled to make a test case of one instance. No word has reached the Attorney General from the railroads suggesting such a course. Department officials in charge stated that no official representation had been made for the Attorney Gen eral to make a test case. It is pointed out that granting or re fusing of a temporary order by one Federal judge would have no binding effect on any other judge of the same standing and rank and at best the force would be but argumentative. It was said that there was no reason to believe that each railroad majrnot prefer to fight its case separately in hope of being sustained. So far as the.departtaent kiicrs JJu? railroads are all making their fight that the Adamson Law is uncon stitutional and impossible of perform ance. ' The principal defense is that it is constitutional and that congress did not exceed its power in enacting it. Not Act to Regulate Commerce. New York, Nov. 15. The New York Central Railroad today filed suit in the Federal District Court to test the constitutionality of the Adamson ' 8 Hour Law. The suit is directed against the three Federal district attorneys of New York State and the chairman of each of the four railroad brother hoods. The roads' principal contention is, according to Albert H. Harriss, gener al counsel, that the Adamson law "is in no sense a regulation of commerce, but a temporary and arbitrary in crease in wages for the brotherhood men." He said as soon as the answer was filed an injunction would be asked. Pennsylvania Joins Fray. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 15. The Pennsylvania Railway Company to day filed in the Federal District Court a bill against the three United States District Attorneys from bringing pres sure RCrnincf Vi s y -nilvmnA smmnanir ,,J ""uer iue Aaamson 8-Hour taw. ine , , . .. ... . I luu" was assea 10 aeciae mat tne - - Hnni. i ... . .. . j i Hour Law was unconstitutional and void - I T Gil TO START Senator Chilton Calls Atten tion to Significant Differ ence Watching Closely Charleston, WVa., Nov. 15. No of ficial election returns have as yet been Received by the secretary of state, .but 11 is expected that the counting of the votes in the small counties will be finished tomorrow. Changes are re Ported from the unofficial county and Political candidates are watching the count closely. The count is likely to be completed oday from some of the counties and th recount demanded by the? Demo cratic candidates will at once start. Senator Chilton declared today that Official returns RO far chmusl 'that there is an unaccountable discrepancy the total vote cast for senator and mat for President. HUGHES HAS OVER A K000 IN MINNESOTA. St. Paul." Minn., Nov. 15. AH pre- i give Mr. Hughes a plurality oyer REGOIJN IN WEST 1 i- IIUBUU Vt 1,UU1. TED YET TO BE Hi BY SUNNY SOUTH 'To Drop Below . Freezing in Some Portions; Say The Wiseacres. ( MADTU IS A vrT 4 tlnki tki "winwftivuiA HAD ZERO TODAY. Weather Colder Everywhere East of The Mississippi Freezing This Morning In Alabama. Bifcmarck, N. D.; Nov. 15. rZlero at Bismarck was the lowest tempera ture reported' up till 8 o'clock this morning, but the cold wave wa'p still held sway in all districts east of the Mississippi and an abnormally low temperature is reported. 1 The weather has become colder everywhere east ot ' the Mississippi, j except in Southern Florida, and 'freez ing temperature is reported as far i south as the Gulf coast. . j I At Mobile itwasrtWb degrees below j freezing and at New Orleans 34, i while Atlanta reported 24, San An-j tomo 30. and Nashville 18. - i IndicatioM:! w ere that tbel cold wave iouki. increase in intensity m tne south and reach 20 - degrees in many points in the South Atlantic States. . . , Cold wave- warnings were issued today for the Northeast and Central Florida and along the coast of Geor - gia and fouth Carolina. On account of the approaching West Indian disturbance the weather bureau announced that storm warn-! ings had. been ordered displayed on the Atlantic coast south of the Vir ginia capes. The disturbance at present is over the Gulf of Mexico, moving northward. Bacharest Sends Word That Rumanians Have Enemy On The Run. Bucharest, via London, Nov. 15. ' . B(mn,n 'In Transylvania the Austro-German - , . . , iorces are uemg pursucu uy me m . r . manians, acuuruiuB iu " ouuuuuto ment at the war office today. In the Jiul Valley, the Rumanians have been forced back to their second line trenches, as the result of con tinual Teutonic attacks, the statement adds, ind the Rumanians also have been obliged to yield ground in the Alt valley Secretary- of Navy Looking Into Construction of The New War Graft- Washington, Nov. 15: Secretary rDauiels and an expert 'engineer are today conferring -with representatives of ship building concerns which have put in bids for the four battleships, four scout cruisers, twenty nine sub marines and" sixteen destroyers, which will have to be begun within three months by the terms of the na val" bill. None of the bids previously had been satisfactory, as all were troubl ed with modifications, which affect ed the cost prices of the ship. Of ficials are hoping that an adjustment may be reached. . If this is - not jwisisib'le it is regard ed as likeiyhatvieimgress will be asked . to. provide funds for the con struction, of all ships in government Sebqibi RDOTED DANIELS CONFERS ABOUT BUILDING struction of all ships in government navy yards' - . . j ' . ; ': 'V 'l v. i navy yards U tt If ----- - ftt-iiniramin i -VSfcW S s i " v 1 t i - , . . firesidet Wilson is hee... shoWin. xiie exifiiuw iiuuse at frinceton. js. j. dent came from Shadow Lawn accom- squad of -secret service men, newspa - I A T 1 fl - - jiuevuduie movie man. i ne fresi aent's' party occupied three motor i cars. President Wilson arrived at 9 a.m., having left Shadow Lawn early He was the fiftieth voter, Making his way through a cheering crowd of . prinCeton students and others that gathered, the President entered the bootn and voted the straight Democratic ticket. Afterwards he shook hands Wlth the poll clerks and took some of them out to introduce th-m to Mrs- Wllson waiting in an automobile. SOLDIERS GOOD ARTISTS (Sketches and Art Works Sent Home in Great Uuantities by Troops. French Front, Nov. 15. An exposi tion of "Art at the Front" composed of, the creations of soldiers of the French army now on view at Com piegne includes contributions from every branch of the service. Pictures in oils and water colors, colored crayone and pencil, charcoal and burnt wood are displayed side by side with statuettes carved out of chalk or soft stone or modelled in plaster colored to represent nature. Metal, objects made of .shell cases, hammered in beautiful designs to form flower holders and lamps, and splinters of steel shells made into paper weights xand inkstands, rifle cartridges transformed into pen and pencil holders, papers, paper cutters, thimbles, and other useful things, fuses made into finger and napkin rings, .fancy , work baskets fashipned out pf the long wicker cases in which loaded projectiles for the big guns are conveyed to the firing line all give evidence that art goes together with war. Nary of the pictures exhibit a s'roigth which" can. never be found in ,ny academical calon. They MAN a'ljof rcjlsent objects of actuality as seen by the men themselves and r-;p'oduc-.d In such a way as to bring boni'., to those who see them the conditions under. Which the soldiers live in face of the enemy. There is no idealism or fantasy in jthe men's work all is realism. This, however, does not pre vent many of the artists from por traying humor in its broadest sense, for the sohlier in the field is very keen on the comic side, and some of, the caricatures are excellent. Few -people have had the opportuni ty of seeing the exposition, owing to the difficulty of reaching Com piegn under the restrictions "of war time, "both arrangements have been made for the transfer of the collec tion to Paris and possibly later to America. It is probable that the work, of the soldiers of other French armies will be joined together with this exhibit. - - V; The soldier-artists are content .with ' :.' . .,. -It... - r :' . : . F.s?.'.'3tM&t&?eA Jeaying' his "fl6mo4ltoBnterv the where ho crfRt. his vntp Tho PrDi. panied. by a number of secretaries, a per reporters, photographers and the NO ERROR SO FAR IN VOTE. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 15. v Thirty-three counties., in Califor- 4 nia l-emain to be heard from "in - the official canvass. Early returns from five counties made the dif- 4 ference between the lowest Dem- 4 ocratic elector and the lowest T uullcan elector o,oai,- tne low- est Democrat having' that major- ity. Both parties admit that big 4 discrepancies will have to be 4 i T luuuu 111 UIUr to euanee me re- f .aft. 7a.. J 2 J X ll . A 1. 4- suit and such discrepancies could come only from the most densely . yopuiaieu counties oi &an rTan- 4 i 4 cisco, Los Angeles and Alameda 4 The first day's work discover 4 ed only minor errors. 4 4 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 4s f5 ... Physicians Continue Their Convention Today In Atlanta., Atlanta, Nov. 15. Discussion of ways to promote healing and a score clinics at the different hospital made the third day of the Southern Medical Assdeiation-s convention a busy one." Weil known physicians will m give technical lectures: at the clinics. . Later in the day the delegates will be entertained at a barbecue which will be followed by dancing and an opportunity to play golf. very small recompense for their works. They have given them up in order to provide themselves with a few small comforts during the coming winter, on condition that ' purchasers make a contribution towards the as sistance of their wounded and invalid comrades. ' - There are work by winners of the Prize of Rome of the French Acad emy who were . mobilized - white .- pur- nVineri-nrr Tq5t otlir? 1(.C - "TTI1 CrTTl O ftf 4". 4 l DISCUSS METHODS OF HEALING these in later years may., Pome to wiuuy,. v. w , regarded as masterpices. r sides. A , : - , t--r .. ' : J . ' ' : ' . - v '. . these in later years may., pme to De Made Desperately Pressed At tack, Using Liquid Fire, This Morning. FIGHT RAGES ON THE SOMME FRONT Berlin Declares Invasion of Rumania is Being Success fully Carried On Rus- sian Attacks Repulsed With the battle between the Brit ish and the Germans still raging around the Arcre river region, the Germans struck the French' lines a blow on the other extreme of the Somme fighting front today, between Ablaincourt and the Chaulseme3 woods south of the river. Paris declares this attack, which was desperately pressed, with the as sistance of liquid fire, resulted in the slight gain of ground east of Pres- i siore. . There the Germans reached a; ernun nf r..iT. Awolll ! The latest from the British of fen-1 sive in the Arcre region reports the British troops pressing onward. They j took 5,000 prisoners yesterday the j war office announces. I North of the Somme Paris an nounces progress for the French in the St. Pierre-Vassart woods region where possession of dominant ground on Saillisel is facilitating their move ments. The invasion of Rumania is being carried on successfully by the Austro German troops, Berlin announces. En gagements along the road leading to southwestern Rumanian yesterday terminated successfully for the Teu tons, who took 1,800 prisoners. Pe trograd admits the forcing back of tVik "R nm o n i on g Viir tho Tontntia nt several points but declares that the! "d. International relations of Austro-German forces were compell.:'th; United States with the belhger cri tn n nfn,ont4-; ren Pountries to the present war iwr hl ftUi, cLCHnd that lt was advisable that the in Galicia, several Russian" rtta6k9 were repulsed by the Austro-Germahs according to the German war office statement. BE OUT OF SERVICE Lieutenant-" Holmes and Re cruiting Detail Gone to Fort Moultrie, S. C. Lieutenant Edward H. Holmes7rth his detail of three men of the Wil- ! mineton Light Infantry, who have been on recruiting duty here for the t seVeral months, left this morn- ing for Charieston, S. C, to be muster- !ed out of the United States service at Fort Moultrie, near - Charleston. nrlora tn.hfi mustered out of service t.u 9fivral dayg ago xv..,u. j Txh T.oiitot Holmes on this i duty have been Sergeant Adrain B. Rhodes, Corporal Nathan J. Silver I man and Private Harry H. Watters. The mustering out of these men does not mean that they will lose their status with the National Guard as they will still be members of the Light "In fantry. Lieutenants Holmes and Fillyaw re turned last night from Greensboro, where on Monday night they were ex amined by Major Alexander Greig, U. S. Army, instructor-inspector of the North Carolina Coast Artillery Corps, as to their knowledge of the branch of the service in which they hold their commissions. Practically all of the officers of the corps were present at the Corps headquarters where the examination was held. FIND SUBTERFUGE . TO SELL BUTTER Berlin, Oct. 15. The authorities have discovered a clever though sim ple method of getting around maxi mum prices for butter and the gen eral prohibition ot selling it in more than quarter pound lots. It consists of "butter herring" consisting of one very small thin herring, encased in about a pound of butter which has I been selling for some 9 marks on the Berlin market. Before the authori ties discovered the ruse dealers who had managed-to get both buftefand fish from Denmark and elsewhere had succeeded in disposing of hundreds of pounds. Many customers bought in 2050 and 100 pound lots, gladly pay-1 r tho nTtranHinnrr nrice for the ' - . ' chance of getting butter again, even though most of them, threw away the tiny fish and with it lost some little of the butter that flung to its skinny TO MUST RD i : : i BRITISH OWNERS Request Speedy Consideration of Appeal In The Appam Action. LODGED BEFORE THE COURT TODAY Motion May Be Argued Next "MnnJav l Tk I A J Vlliltu States Supreme Court- Points Involved. Washington, Nov. 15 British Claimants of the prize ship, Appan, at Newport News today filed "with the Suprems Court a request for an early hearing of the appeal of Lieutenant Hans Berg, the German prizemaster, from Federal Judge Waddill's decis ion awarding the ship to the British owners. It is thought that the mo tion will be presented to the court next Monday. In the' application the British claim ant stated . that "the point in ' ques tion affected the treaty relations of the United States with Germany and have a direct bearing on the diplo- possible." ' British Cruiser Sends Out Gen eral Message- American Steamer Gets It. Provirence, R.I., Nov. 15 The Mer chant and Mariners' steamship, How ard, reported on her arrival here to day that when off Block Island, just before daylight, she had been warn ed against a German submarine by a 'British cruiser It was at first reported that the dispatch had been sent while the British vessel was off the coast of Southern New England, but when the ; , v, ""T" f" " "I wireless was maue mu it wa auuwa that the message received was a gen eral warning to all ships against Ger man undersea boats, which might be met anywhere in the Atlantic ocean. CANCER INCREASING 4 IN SOUTHERN STATES Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 15. Cancer is on the increase in the southern states.v according to the report of a commit tee of the public health section of the medical men's convention -now in session in Atlanta. In order to promote the study of the dread disease, the committee strongly urges the importance of more com plete vital statistics by municipal and county health authorities. The medical profession has not yet discovered the cause of cancer. In order to determine whether or not it is hereditary, a record must be kept of every case, so that the new cases in the future can be traced back to old case in the present, if any, relating connection exists between them, v ALL READY FOR THE BIG AUTO RACES. Santa Monica, Cal., Nov. 15. Pre pared for 300 miles of nerve-racking time-shattering, death-defying driving, more than a dozen world famous pilots are resting today, getting a last tonic before their dash here tomorrow In the annual automobile race for the Vanderbilt Cup. The race will be a contest of speed and endurance, with the victor, according to advance pre- dictions, covering the distance in rec ora - DreaKmg ume. Among me yaiuv ipants will be such famous drivers as Dario Resta,Earl Cooper, Eddie Pul leri ' Joe ' Thomas, Guy Ruckstell, "Howdy", Wilcox, Johnny Aitken and ASK TIT CiiSE BE HI! SOON WARNS AGIST GERMAN SUBS y ey oldfield; . , ; : ' '' T. " . ;' " -i -. ' , .: While Operating An Electric Shaker in Elizabeth City Frank Raulfs was Killed. . TRAGEDY HAPPENED IN DRUG STORE. .Crossed Wires Probably Caus ed The Accident Custom er Saw Youth Fall to Floor a i Burning Mass Death Was Likely Instantaneous. Elizabeth City. N. C, Nov. 15. Frank Raulfs, aged 18, was electrocut- " ed this morning between 8 and 9 o'clock while operating an electric milk-shaker at the Standard Pharm acy, one of the leading drug stores In this city. Crossed wires and a damp morning combined to produce the cir- . cumstances that cut short the life of a boy of brightest promise. As he was .engaged in the routine of his usual duties, he had taken an order for a milk shake and turned on the current to mix the drink without mishap, but when he turned to his machine to switch off the current the customer, who ordered the drink, heard a snap and a startled inarticu late exclamation, and then saw Raulfs crash to the floor, . where he lay en tangled in the" wiring of the dis mantled machine, sparks flashing front : jhis clothing and the pungent odor of -; burning hair filling: the room. Robert Whltehurst, who rushed to the main switch to turn the current off from the building, was shocked into insensibility, but suffered no serious injury. The primary wire of the clr cuit, from which the Standard Pharm- acy gets its lights broke during the night and fell across a secondary wire. . ; the circuit i.33,200 volts of ejectrjeity instead ot tne uauai u u. . i ue huuu. paratus was not insulated to with stand any such current and when the boy touched it, death was probably; instantaneous. L SENTENCE IS GIVEN WHITE MAN Jones Suffers, For Carrying a i Concealed Weapon Crim inal Assault Case. In the case charging M. C. Jones, white, with carrying a concealed weapon a judgment of guilty was re turned, Deputy Clerk Northrop re-, ceiving the verdict during the recess hour and Jones was sentenced to two months in jail subject to hire on the county roads, immediately -after .court opened for the afternoon session. The Jones case was the only one that went to the jury this- morning. The trial of Charles Walker, color ed, on a charge of rape was be'gun early this afternoon and practlfcally ' the entire remainder of. the day wUJ be consumed in the taking of test!- money and the summing up by counsel ' for the two contingents. The case is of a nature to attract the morbidly inclined and the court room was com fortably filled when the empaneling of the jury was completed. No evi dence in the Walker case was taken . this morning but it 'was begun imme diately after dinner. Other matters diposed of this morn ing were: Thomas F. Costen, et al, vs7 Woodall & Sheppard, petition 'and order; City of Wilmington against Germania Manufacturing Company, decree; City of .Wilmington against Carrie T. Mash, et al, degree; City of Wilmington against John N. Neil, et aL decree; City of Wilmington against Wesley Crinton, decree; W. H. Pridgen against Levering Manu facturing Company, order making K. W. Goodwin party to plaintiff. TEACHERS MEET IN NORTH DAKOTA. Fargo, N. D., Nov. 15. North Da kota school teachers took Fargo by storm today and practically every ac commodation in city is taxed to pro-' vide places for them. The occasion of, the gathering is the annual conven tion of the North Dakota Educational association, which opened for a three day session this morning under con ditions that promise the most profit able meeting ever held by. the associa tion. . Featuring the pfogram will be addresses-by Governor Ferris, of Mich igan, Governor Hanna, of .Notfh Dako ta, and President Vincent of the uni Iversity of Minnesota.; S. . ' . -.' '" ' ' ' ', ' ' f' . I. i .1 7'.; 5 , 1 (I 1 ! 4 ' 111 :1 i ' ptl 'f!:J v: i B y.-'r r, r "Is-; I' ' it ' 'i ii i! ii; .1 HE 1 .