v..t.".;. V- . ,v.. r. -. -. ... jjgwaga f - .' ..- - Mr. and Mrs. Claude Murray have returned from a visit Jto Mr. Murrays old home near'Bufgawr - Mrs. J. C. Cantwell, of San Fran cisco, Cal., is visiting Mrs. Frank l.. Huggins, on South Fourth street. t Messrs. Robert L. Steel and Leake S. Covington, of Rockingham, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Coving ton, SouthXhird street. . Mrs. E. W. Stone has gone to Mc Donald's to spend the week-end with relatives. From there she will go to Raleigh to join her husband. Mrs. George Holland, of Newberry, S. C, returned to her home this morn ing after a very pleasant stay in the j city as the gaest of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. McClanahan. Mrs. Gordon Smith, of Raleigh, for merly Miss Edith Clark, of this city, is spending a period in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Clark. X- 4f 4fr Mrs. John R. Kenly will deliver an address on "The Association, The "World Round," tomorrow afternoon at 5 .o'clock at the Y. W. C. A., at the closing service of the observance of the World's Fellowship Week. Spe cial music will be on the program. J&. it. -V- '" . -x- -v Lieut, fif if ilohnes, ' Seirgi. A. B. Rhodes, Corp., N. J. Silverman and private H. H. Watters, have returned from Fort Moultrie, ; at Charleston, S; C, where they were mustered out of Federal service.- ' " . Mr. G. H. Hutaff has returned from Raleigh where he- attended the State Bottlers' Convention. District Attorney J. O. " Carr and Deputy Marshall G. L. Dortch, left last night for Raleigh to attend Federal court to be held in Raleigh next week by Judge H. G. Connor. v LEMUE L -REJOICES. V. a. .. 1. : if. 4. TWO GOOD GAMES. Last Americans and Athletics Won Night's Games at "Y." In two fast games of basketball at v At r A lac nitrht tha Atilct!r tlUS X . 11 1 . Ill 1UUV " w took the initial event from the Red J you have jined the Demmycrats, be- Sox. 32 to 25. Although the Sox were ! cause I hate to think of an ole school- Ifflr, Sylas In keer of the Wilmington Dispatch. Dear Sir: I shore wuz glad ttf git yore letter tother day. I . wood hev ansered sooner , but this '6re politikal bizness ha kept J'me - so goshdarnd btzy 1 hain't hed time to .do nothing ' j -Well we hev got Mn Wilson fer an other fore; years), theref our we?kin jest tjet bur; bottom dollar that there is sum moore good times ahead. I never got half ; -enuf : sleep last week, lection, corn-show and the cir kiss. These shore is 'strenuous times. And speekin' about the corn-show re minds me that stand in' on the side walk .watching , ; the bulletins, to gether with them old cowhide boots mine, made my corna show up a heap wuss than they wuz. But when them returns frum the west begin to cum in, I clean f ergot all about my corns. I gess the folks out to home, wtpd hev thot I wuz crazy, the way I wuz actin'. You re member; what kinder capers I cut, that time we stole them green apples frum the widder Perkins? Well I acted about the same way this time, only 'twuz different, 1 wuz jumpin' fer joy j this time, but then. I wuz jumpin' j caus I coodn't help it. I am shore glad handicapped by having only four men in the game, they put up an excellent brand of ball and during the first half had the best of the contest. In the second game the Americans trounced the Tigers by a score of 30 to 11. In this contest Rhodes and Rennie for the loosers played and ex cellent game. This game tied these two teams for the top position of the The Wilmington Chapter of the Na-1 percentage column. tional Special Aid Society will meet : at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, j November 22, at No. 503 Market , BATTLESHIPS ARRIVE. street. A full attendance is urged as matters of importance need the at tention of the chapter. FOR THE BIG PARADE. News from New York that the con-.; Newport News, va., :iov. s ine Hitinn nf nr J Wilbur Chanman is United States ships, Utah, Texas, chum o' mine bein' on 'tother side. I heered that you wuz a Republikan, but I knowed if you ever sot down and that fer about five minites, you wood see you wuz in rong. I don't never git mad with a frien about his politiks nor his religion. 1 alius allowed that a man who got mad arguin politiks or religion, haint got no bizness with either won, say Si, what did you think o' that peerade Saterday night? That shore wuz sum eelebrashun. I wish Mr. Wilson cood hev seen it, he shore wood hev rea lized this wuz his town. A heap o' folks say this town is slow, and meb be it is, in a heap o' ways, but when it startz out to do a thing, it shore duz it in fine stile. I wuz rite amongst them makin' jest as much noise as I cud. Betsy sez I am gittin' too old ter carry on so, but at times; like that, I am. jest like a colt out in the paster, I jest kick up my heels, (OOPYBMHT IQW-VITAGRAPH) very much improved will be noted Wyoming, . i lorwa, ana ionnecucui, with pleasure by the many friends of. arrived in Hampton Roads this morn the popular minister here. Dr. Chap-! ing. These ships will remain here man recently underwent a serious op- j and await the assemblying of the At- eration at the Polyclinic Hospital, for lantic fleet m Hampton Koads on j and raise ole Ned a long with the rest gallstones, but is rapidly recovering- December 13, when they will parade 1 0' them. I cum down here speshul Ms health. Dr. Chapman is pleasant- j in honor of the Southern Commercial iy to see the corn-show, but 1 got mixed ly remembered here, having conduct- Congress, which is in session in Nor- up in politiks, and didn't spend as ed a revival service here last April, folk on that date. much time out there as I shood. I did manage to git out there and look it over tho and I kin tell you, it wuz grate. In my estimashun, that is one of the greatest things that Wil mington has, and they shood be grate ful to the peepul who give there time to make it a success. Betsy staid out there more than I did, and she 'is al reddy plannin' what she is gointer hev in the next one. I wood tell you sum pf the things she sez she is going to hev, but sfie won't letlme.' She allows sumbody else wood fry make use ofi her idee. I see in yore letter that you hev bought sum shares in the packin' house. You shore know a good thing when you see it, even if you did git on the rong side o' politiks. 1 think I will git sum shares too, be cause it will be won of the gratest bennyfits, that this city has ever had, mitydjdSted few,: thatfiLgointer git by la .the., futodre. ,This ole town is ours, -and this whole .eastern secthum o fthe state; -Is i bilrs. !: We' : kin make it orreak it' lf is our birtbjrjte, and i we dpa'fc want. to sell Jt fors:ho mess bf patridges 1-cum. down here visit lh'L but liefice IeVeen;;dpwn , herey hev sadopteed the 'towa ors the town. ha'adpteedfme, .4dB'!t-knbw ''which ahdJ - don!t keer which, -we-are- both herb, and;: I vwant to see things .hum,: And . if ., everybody will co-oppedate, things will hum, and it aih't. gointer be no ; lettle. bee in a tar-bucketr . hum ming, but ; it - will : hum ; so t jQwd thu whole country is gointer hear A $ hev met one or two. little two-by-four peepul since I hev bin here, who are alujp italkin'about , what a grate place they cum frum, and; never sayin' a word for the place they have cum to, I that looks to ;me kinder like biting the hand that, feeds you, and you know peepul who do that is dangerous. Noth in' Wilmington haa got is as good as the place they cum frum had. Lo' of them same f ouks cum frum places that ain't 'as big as Sandy Bottom Sum others cum ffomk'bigger places, but I don't -care if they cum" from Noo York, London or : sum other seaport, they are liviri in Wilmington now, and if Wilmington ain't as good as tother place, then go yeo back home. If the sheriff won't let 'em cum back, and they will let me know I'll try and fix it up fer 'em, I think there is about twenty-six trains out o' here each day! mebbe more, mebbe less, at leest there is enuf trains to git away on; If they ain't got enuf money to git away on, I am shore there is enuf peepul here who love thu town, an wanter see it prosper, that they will help pay there fair; woodn't mind contributing a little myself for such a good caws. One feller wuz telling me "what an awful fix thu town wuz in, woodn't let no factrys cum here, and all that, and I happen to know, that some little feller voted agin that factry site pro pozition. What you gointer do with a feller like that? Well I have goter stop. I show made this letter too long alreddy. Rite me agin Si, and tell me what you are doin'. Bettzy saz give her love to Synthia. Goodbye. Yore old friend. LEMUEL SWINSON, From Sandy Bottom, N. C. ilTlE liiP lSil COUNT ' r.....;,, :-" ' - ------7 b ,rrzzzzzzvmmrrx :5 m il nflttu .unM .i i 1 i 41. re . . iiti -1 Ifee Is Found in Every - . i ,. , .. Home Almost Daily Are Sold Here The Qualities aire A lways Standard and the Price Is Usually Less. Look Over This List Today. THEATRE Two or three real song hits are considered sufficient to carry most musical productions, but "The Girl Who Smiles", which had a run at the Longacre Theatre, Now York, of six months, has eight or ten, among which are "You Picture," "Temptation," "Let Us Dance," and 'Teach Me To Smile." Truly Bert Leigh and Hazele Burgess have selected one of New York's biggest hits to offer their many friends, and the are to be seen here at the Academy of Mu3ic to night with the1 most pretensious rro- MY FAVORJTE POEM STORY. When I "say "po'em" story," I mean a story with a' plot wrlttenlfi" verse form. If "may "Be an' epic or It "may be a' ttetlad, of itinay te'some -form of Doem storv in between. The poem story which I love most, however, is "Enoch Arden," from the and 11 alnt only ointer bennyfit the gifted pen of Tennyson. Most of you who have read it will, remember how it is town- but il is Sin t0 bennyfit every a simple tale of the life of fishermen who have made their homes on the Dody in tne eastern part o' the state, shore and depend upon the sea for their living. You will, remember bow the Wilmington has missed sum good op hero, Enoch Arden, found it necessary to leave his wife and children in order pertunities in the past, but the peepul to earn his living, how he didn't return for years, and his wife, believing him s wakin'-up now, and if they will all dead, married a former suitor in, order that her children might receive at co-opperate, like they had orter, its least some of the good things of life. How Enoch later returned from having i- ACADEMY THURSDAY, NOV. 23 Charles Frohman Presents Maude Adams . In J. M. Barrie's Comedy THE LITTLE MINISTER Prices 75c to $2. Gallery 50 & 75c Tickets at Eivington's Tuesday. Free List Suspended. Brass Dress Pins, full 360 Pins to paper ... ....5c Large size box Wire Hair Pins, assorted size to box ; .v . . . k .4c Brass Safety Pins ; 3 sizes assorted to paper .v. . ,5c Steel Dress Pins Large size papers 1c Dutch Linen Tape, all widths .... . . w 5c 10-yard Bolt Lingerie Tape, pink, blue or white . . 5c Rust Proof Wire Collar Supporters; black or white ... .5c 6-yard Bunch Bias Lawn Tape,, at ... . . , . , . .5d 12-yard Bunch Bias Cambric Tape, at ... ... ... 5c Sf-yard Bunch Picot Braid; pink, blue or white.. 10c Coat or Cloak Darning Cotton; black, white or tan, 2 spools for 5c Medium size Bone Hair Pins; 6 pins in box for.. 5c Warren's Feather Bone; black or white, per yd. .10c Warren's Girdling; blacky or white, per yard 20c 1-4-in. Lisle Knickerbocker Elastic; black or white per yard . . 5c 3-4-in. Lisle Garter Elastic; black or white, per yard 10c Snap Fasteners; black or white; all sizes; 12 or card 10c Large size Box Mourning Pins . . . . , . . 5c Children's. School Handkerchiefs, colored border, , two for .... ..... .5c Ladies' good quality plain Cambric Handkerchiefs 5c Fair quality Pearl Buttons; small and jnedlum size; dozen 2c Good quality Pearl Buttons; small and medium size; dozen . , 5c Good quality Lead Pencils; all colors . . . ..3c Fair quality Hair Brushes ...10c ancTllJc' Good quality Hair Brushes ": . . .25c and 48c Good quality Clothes Brushes 10c and 15c Tooth Brushes , . ., 10c, 15c and 25c Writing Tablets 5c and 10c Box Papers ., 25c, 35c and 50c J. O. King's Spool Cotton; black or white, two for 5c .Swee't Maiden Toilet Soap; -3 for ioc Armour's 10c Violet Toilet Soap 5c Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap 10c ..Colgate's Medium Size Tooth Paste 10c Colgate's Large Size Tooth Paste igc Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder 10c Pebeco Tooth Paste, large size 39c Dr. Lyon's Tooth Paste lyc Men's Lisle Hose Supporters, pair lOc Men's Silk Coble Webb Hose Supporters 25c Men's Good Quality Plain Lawn Handkerchiefs rJC Men's Soft Finished Cambric Handkerchiefs ioc Bone Collar Buttons, 1 dozen on card 5c Patent Embroidery Hoops, all sizes 10c Embroidery Cottons; all the popular brands. Crochet Cottons; all the popular brands. Columbia Wool Yarns, per skein 12 12c Thimbles '.: 5c, 10c and 25c Emery Balls 5c Small'Scissors for fancy work 25c Wide back Horn'Dressing Combs 10c and 13c Small and medium size Barrettes 5c and 10c Shell Side Combs 10c, 15c anj 25c Corn Whisk Brooms 15c and 25c Children's. Hose Supporters; black or whil 10c Ladies' Military Pad Hose Supporters.... 25c Shoe Polishes for all leathers, at 10: Shoe Laces for low or high cut shoes. . . .3c sr.i! up BELK-WILTjmMS COMPANl r duction of their successful career. The j-M hookwink himself into the l:c!:ef ' " "l ' J il I - r4- 3 rtr Siiatfstn Vii.a oiihi'anf "t .o AtT ! tin f Yt n IrnritTro whot 11 M Ttl 'ITI f'Wf company is a large one, and the -horns is the winsomest and most tal ented en-tour. The prices are HO cents, 75 cents and $1. been wrecked on a desolate island for years, to find, bis wife married again 1 4. 4, ana nis cnnaren climbing upon theknee. of his boyhood friend, For a time he is tempted to rush in upon the scene" and make himself known. Then his great, broad love comes to the surface and he remains silent and retires unknown, leaving his wife, to enjoy the happiness which was denied her for years. It is so very seldom that 'love is portrayed as a self-sacrificing element that this story has made a great appeal to me ever since I read through its pages during my nign scnooi aays. 1 SPORT CHATTER. ' .. -f - Ball player by the name of Money maker was recently fined 90 for boot legging at Centralia, Wash. Some pas- Throughout Tennvson has instilled the human touch.' the Wr intrfit timers certainly have a hard time try- into the printed line. And one cannot fail to feel inspired by its simple mg to 1Ive up to their name beauty, no matter how many times it Is read. i In politics there is always the mai Perhaps this story makes its appeal strongly to me because some of my willinS to enter the race in the oppo-, early life was spent not far from a fishing village. At .any rate there is no sition's stronghold with nary a chance literary gem for which I am more thankful than I am for this. . of winning, out. And in the National Those of you who have not read this tale would do well to-read through league there are the Cincinnati Reds the joys and sorrows of Enoch and Annier two truly lovable people. I TheStoreThat I I I Sells Wooltex - - - I 1 Just the Weather 1 I For Gcd.Wacm S jVaters,; . , -t. 1 1 I And you will , find some very pretty J J I 7 styles here for women and children I j at popular prices. lj I A .D. Brown j? ' j Black CHo j j , Then again, there may. be someone who is keeping a correct tally of . the number of times the three-cushion billiard title changes hands. It's not quite clear why Bill James should announce that his arm is. all I .right now. The Braves closed the .season several weeks ago and players' contracts are not sent out so early in the year. .; Jacksonville, Fla., advertises a Nut Convention to be held in that city this months No doubt another new plan for. playing the world's series will be introduced. i We : have known, right along that Sandy Ferguson . was the heavyweight champion, but . knew nothing of Sol- dier Bartfield holding the welterweight .title until put wise; by his manager, f Dan ,McKettrick Question--What has become of the ,1. , old-fashioned - Carlisle (Injun) football team that used to cause so much trou- .ble for the paleface gridders? Answer. He is coaching Pittsburg.. , Several newspapers perpetrated a ripping joke recently when they said Ping Bodie would return to the major leagues next season, and added he would be a member of the Athletics. Tis said that Tris Speaker had an even chance to become manager of the Indians until he showed up in Cleve land wearing a wrist watch. If the Yale-Harvard football dates were arranged on a plan similar to their baseball schadules O. you Elis! ' Jimmy. Coffey,' the New York heavy weight,, has .retired from the ring for three months in order., to be right next1 time, he; boxes. It can't be done in ! ACADEWY.V 22 MATINEE AND NIGHT Tlie Smrt Musical Comedy Snccess l a A 'hd . . i i No. 1 aod Orleinl . Cast. Inchiling Chas. McNauarhton. . nd Zoe fcar--: nett. ' ' 1 ' :: ' 1 Special Prices:. Mfttinee,., 30c to $1. Few at $1.50.. Night: 50c lu Sp2. Tickets at Elvingtoi's. 3 I TONIGHT. . in three months. By the Author of "AJrrta" and :i "Adele" :; ;! Metropolitan Company of Artists . including BERT LEIGH r and - HAZEL BERGESS (ttyrls, Efaborafe Costumes Entfes Production Carried. Pri Poputp Matinee, Lower Floor, 50cpBalcony, 25c; Children, 25c;.;afieat. . Seats at wiA. ngton's. "NOBODY HOME. If you want to laugh, sing, dance ! and have your blood tingle with joy not done justice to his subject. Lady that he knows what no man fW Babbie is an illusive young woman ; knows, woman. Lady Babhif is pret ty, arch, piquant, graceful, coy, frrsn. I girlish, artful and artkvsr.. v:nf and 8vmDathetIc and t lies'' am : 11 rib-1 1 utes Maude Adams possesses ami en ploys with due appreciation of (heir values in the unfoldintr of the cor "I'l blessed with a great amount of humor back in her pretty head. When you think you have discovered her domin ant . traits - you find her displaying a fresh assortment of them. What is working in her mind you neverknQw; and happiness, the place to go is the ' you are never quite sure you are in Miss Adams' presentation of Academy of Music matinee or night on next Wednesday, November 22nd. where John P. Slocum brings to this her confidence and you would feel i Little Minister" at the Academy psLsifir if von wptp a hit rprtain that I Music, on nfvt Thursday is lM'ill she was not slyly making fun of you. ! awaited with pleasure. The pri city for the first time, the season's .Therefdre'Vott7 are forced to .put her will range from 50 cents (Rallrryi t' down as illusive a sorrowful con-! $2. Tickets will go on sale at i imv great musical comedy success, "No body Home." This smart piece has struck a new note in musical, comedy and .gives us hope for .vbig things along those lines: that . will .:be wel come. The book Ms the collabration of Guy Bolton and Paul. Rubens and the music is by Jerome Kern. All three have succeeded in creating no velty and--as a consequence, their pro duction is an immense success. It stayed almost an entire session last year at the Princess and Maxime El liott Theatres. , The dancing numbers are said to be the very last word in terpsichorean effect and the songs are a dream of harmony and syncopated dash. The most whistlable numbers are "Bed, Wonderful Bed," "Any Old Night,' "In Arcady," "You Can't Take a Sand wich to A Banquet," "Another Little Girl," and "The Magic Melody." Mr. Slocum has provided a truly 'emarkable cast including Zoe Bar nett, Charles McNaughton, who creat ed the leading qomedy role in the English, production, the vivacious Frisco DeVere, . the very spirit of mu sical comedy, William BlaJsdell, Edna Temple, Roy Torrey, Helen Jost, John Paulton, Leu Christy, Marlon Lang don Paulin Grimes and a host of the prettiest singing and dancing girls to be found in America. A special fea ture of the performance is the dancings of Hess & Bennett, who created notn ing less than a sensation in New York the past season. The musical ' score will be interpreted by a special I orchestra, which will have several in struments seldom heard outside of the larger cities. The popular prices for the matinee performance wili be 50 cents, 75 cents, and $L with a few seats at $1.50. The night prices will, range, from 50 cents to. $2, : Tickets for both, performances will, go on sale Monday morning at Eivington's at 9 o'clock. ffisainn from man whn nsimllv trtfia ! Inn's nn Tnoatlriv mnrninir at '.I 0 cI(M'k. i Arrivals and Departures of Trains at Wilmington, Effective Nov. 12tl. 1916. JEImo $fot Guaranteed. ;. ' DEPAXtTCKK: T TO AND VSOU Daily iHicep nanday. - No. 84. 6:M A. BZ. Mou- Wed. aAd Friday Only. No. Bl. . Datlji ... Oold8boro, KJchmond, Norfolk and Bastn North Carolina point. Connect t Quiua boro with SoBiUern Railway at Norfolk Hontbern Katlroaa. JackaooviUo. tiw Btm and Xtokddlata Htatioiuk - ASniVALSt No. 01. 1:IS A. Dully Kxcrept Monia7 Cbadboorrj, Conway, Florao Charles ton, ' Bavannali, Jacksontllte, Tampi 8L . Fetervburv, Port Myers Columbia ana AsbeyUle, Pallman Wleeplnr Car tHween yilmlnjrton, aad- Colombia, open to re- ' oeive -outbonnd paasniarera at Winning--ion at ana after lOiCO t. M. and way be occaplod, loboMl uotU 7 0 A. M- I No. 48. Dally. 8:00 A, M. MAUDE ADAMS IN "THE MINISTER." LITTLE One may employ a great , many adt jectiVe, iii' describing Lady Babble, the fascinating heroine of . I. M. Bar rie's Scotch comedy. "The Little No. 8S. DaUy. 8:05 P. M. No. 62. Now Daily 8:25 P. M. No. tSS. Dally. I:ift p. if. t , A, '- ? Ilo. 09.. " TueavTnnr.- -and Sat. only 6:80 P, M. No. 42, I Daily. :40 p. M. Uotdaboro, Hlcnmond, Norfolk nd Waab. mjr'on. 1'arior car Between Wilmington &t k wart Norfolk connecting at . Sarrlce. ockr Uonnt wttb ' Now' York train hAying Pallman No. 63. Moil- Wi-il. m Friday vmj. No. a. lt:?u A. M. Sol1T traio ierWen" Wilmington 1 an 1 ML Airy ia Vayetterllle and JSanford. JackaonTllle, New Bern and laterxnedla Htatlone. Cbadbonrn, Florence. Colombia, AogneM Atlanta and tbe Weat. Cnareaton 8t--arraab and air Florida Point. All fitrel .Pullman Bleeping Cars between Wilmlna ' ton and Atlanta, via Ansrnsta. fllerolng j-.sCar daily between Florence and Colura- - bia, wblch may be occupied at Colum- uia until i:w a, u. - i- TayettevlJle an iBtermedJat Stettoaa, toldaboro., Blcbmond, Norfolk, Waabjagton end New York, Pullman Hroler. mjrec Bleeping Care, between Wilmington and WaanioKton. cunoectlng with new York trains carrying dining cars; also Pullman Bleeping, can between Wilmington and Norfolk. . , v No. lmlly. :0- l. No. 52 Dally. :(HI I. No. 13. Itally 15:30 I'. No. M Pnliy lt:W r. No. anl 10:16 A. lyiir. No. ! Kail U:fM A- For Foldar, Rewrratlonn, rates of fares, etc- call Phono 1C0. v W.J.CRAIG, T.C.WHITE, Passen&er Trafflo Mariafler. General Paitenger Agert y . Wilmington, H, C.

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