LEATHER FORECAST, tonight and Sunday. ' Not Fair ueh change in c ..j- hceomina variable. THE IGEIRCUtAON IN WILMINGTON WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SURD AY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 2, 1916 PRICE 5 CENTS ODISTCl CRISIS IN GREECE s SSERiBLE FOR THE PRESENT lEffl FfilCF TRAGIC RECORD OF EfiTY TtTOHCE DOlT HISS BPPORTllil i - IDA nlrVT inrril rUU I HULL MB MIL It flKLUM M ml' pis t SFURi prfipfr ifi mmf MS PASSED r - - i nvr l ULIIUUII I IIUI Lll JIL.LUUIIIL flie Eightieth Annual Session Will Convene in Memorial Church, Durham. - BISH0P J. C. KILGO m WILL PRESIDE. Hundreds of Ministers and Delegates Will Be In Atten- 1 dance Important Work Will Be Considered- Past a Fine Year For Methodism. (By Susan Iden) LEADER KITCHIN BACK TO Sixteen Young Men Lost Lives as Result of Battles Upon Historic Statue' to Nightly Be -King Constantine Gives Up Illuminated In New York Artillery and Entente Force ! Withdrawn. WORK ONE VICTIM WAS Believes That Democrats, With Aid of Independents, Will Control Next House IN THE SOUTH. College Officials Declare Not a Single Fatality Where Player Was Sound Physically. Chicago, 111., Dec. 2. Football claim- Scotland Neck, N. C. Dec. 2. Hon. ed 16 lives, one of which was in the T!,e eightieth annual session of the j Claude Kitchin, Democratic floor lead-' South, during the 1916 season, which vnrrh Carolina Conference of the , er in the house of representatives to-tclosed witn the Thanksgiving- games, Methodist Episcopal Church South will i gether with Mrs. Kitchin left here to-' according to figures compiled by the " -Pt Wednesday, December 6, at 9:30' day for Washington where he will Associated Press here today. Last viock at Memorial Church, Durham, assume his duties in Congress. with Rev. H. M. NoTth, pastor of the j The floor leader has been in Scot church and Rev. J. C. Wooten,. presid- i land Neck practically all the fall leav in? elder of the Durham district, hosts ! ing his home here only to fill speak of the conference. Durham has en-1 ing engagements. He leaves for Wash tenained the conference on . three ; ington much refreshed and ready to c:i!Pr occasions, in 1881, 1894 and again attack the Republicans in his but this will be the first meeting customary style. Memorial Church, one of the larg-; 1L - - " year the total lives lost was 16 and in 1914 there were 15. College officials identified with the spot declare that not a single death oc cured on any team in which the players were known to be in physical and men tal training for the severe test. Not a single life was lost, they point out, in a game where a nhvsical ex- While his time was not occupied amination was demanded before the were permitted to go on . , V. AV- w.uaiiittl.iuu eSt ana naiuihumt tuuaUC, , with speakingSf lookIng over hIs contestants ronfeience. :n thn nrPlfllllff IllSMOU ill .'I V Hi Tr:.l.i- . j . ... ...... , uv . . iwttum coum euner De iouna at nis was a college player. Two players nodoubt be much at home m Durham ;nome just Qn the outgk, m suffered withgbreyn neckg buf m7a His nome, ami n " tie city or else at the Buzzard Pnint .nf thm rtiort frnm ;nD,ni ' . V nnTTnm nnnnnnimn bUI UV UUV V Vb Harbor. PRESIDENT WILL GIVE THE SIGNAL ranged. KILLEETIN FIGHT. Dedication Cerenlbny Will be ' Casualties igas Result of Ex change or bhots Armis- " tice Has Been Ar rranged. v The crisis in Greece seems passed Most Elaborate President And Mrs. Wilson to Attend, New York, Decv 2, The Statusr of Liberty will be illuminated from torch ' for tne present, with the announce to base tonight at the dedication of ai ment from Athens that King Constan permanent lighting system. President j tine agreed to give up the artillery de Wilson will give the signal for turning1 manded by the entente and the allies' on the light. The French Ambassa-i force. which had landed, being with dor, . Secretary Daniels, of the Navy,!drawn and an armistice has been ar- J ' iwcutxciu auu, ,a,r A;nl i I.. Before this panic had reigned in aiv "cultim6 mat uiwb, Athens, with an exchange of shots be-. win not be a dozen bales on January ST RATE All Fleecy Staple of Craven County Will SoonBe On The Market. New Bern, N. C, Dec., 2. Accord ing to statements made by local deal ers, practically every bale of cotton in Craven county that has not already been disposed of and which is not be ing held by speculators, will be placed on the market and disposed of within There is a Tide Which Taken at The Flood Leads to ' Great Fortune. A FLOOD. OF BALLOTS MAY BE YOUR FORTUNE, Some People Can Think of Forty-Nine Reasons Why . They Cannot Win Only True Reason is The Lack of Ambition. 3f THE PRIZES. the course of the next four weeks i . tween the Greek and entente marines, t st many other prominent persona will at tend the ceremonies. The illumination, which hereafter will be a nightly feature' of the Historic Goddess of Welcome, was paid for bywei?e reported killed, popular subscription, started by the ' New York World. After the ceremon-! Bi9 Casualty List. During the fighting many mi . xt- civilians! l"rtj remains ai me present time but little cotton in this county that ha not been disposed of and the present high price being paid for the staple Bishop Jonn l. KUgo h fa-ma QT1r, nthor KoicD u x f .. lin briehtlv lighted automobiles in a idinir bishop u::l will i uZ"l,jr " " 1 1 1IU-1IU"' Ul ne OIine v cnm8 L. tii i. are said to number 200, according to the North Carolina conference withiHnntln club on th banka f . Rnfl, rton he was enrolled at the time I- oke river where he put ,n much time m elected to the college of bishops hunting forthe game that abounds in in ism. Bishop A W. Wilson, who:this section las just died at his home m Balti- .. . .... . , Eore. the senior bishop of the South- .Tlle 18 stl" d880 wh em Methodist Church, was the pre-,wlU have e majority; in the house of lnjunes. siding bishop at the last two sessions of the conference in Durham. Between three and four hunflred preachers, delegates, and visitors will attend the conference. There are 211 preachers members of the conference, including the superanuates and those on the active list. There are eigh teen undergraduates. Only one mem ber of the conference has died during the year. Rev. J. Y. Old of Elizabeth City, who at the last session of the conference at Wilmington was taken at his request from the supernauate list and out in charee of Perauimans Chcuit. Memorial services will be I during the present session to prevent held ia his memory during the con-any such crisis eyer &in threatening MORRIS PUN GO. GREENSBORO Organized. Raleigh, Dec. 2. The Greensboro Morris Plan Company, of Greensboro, with a capital stock of $50,000, of which amount $16,000, has been sub- reported in theference. I At the last session of the conference j mistic and fully believes that the Democrats, with the aid of the Inde pendents, Socialists and the Progres- sives win be able to put through ail !jSuch Chartered by State To- r rvi or I aoi olnfivn o o that Ti-i-rv crats are this session Dreparlng to in- day ew Ivmtting Mill . troduce. It is also hoped by the floor leader that when the recount is finish ed in Pennsylvania that the Democrat ic forces will be strengthened by at least two more votes. AM. XJAJAJ TT LJ V. 1UK1U1UUUU mm m , - , - - that Mr. Kitchin will talk about is thhe seCretary of state The comnany act that wtrrput through sm4thne - nmSM tn au '--'f- aaa JZZ gotiate its own securities of other per sons, firms and corporations" as invest ments or conduct business as the "Mor riss Plan Bank." Application for charter for the Eller bee Knitting Mills, of Ellerbee, N. C, with a capital stock of $100,000, with $2,500 paid in, was filed today. The concern proposes to' manufacture hosiery and knit goods. the country as was experienced when the Adamson 8-hour Law was pending land of this he has but little to say. in 191") a membership of 89,704 was; reported in the several circuits, sta- tions and missions of the conference, j ham. There are Epworth League with! Two questions of more than ordi- a membership of 5,248,721 ' Sunday schools numbering 73,626,751 societies and 74?. houses of worship; 200 pas- nary interest will come up for discus sion at this session of the conference. They have been presented at the an- toral charges, 179 parsonages and 9jnual meeting ot the other conferences district parsonages. In 1915 $23,455 'of the Southern Methodist church wa? contributed to foreign missions, ' during the year and they are of far SXS.'l to home and conference mis-1 reaching importance. The' confer sions. Statistics presented at the ; ence will be called on to vote either session of the conference are ex- for or against the unification of the pected to show a healthy growth in Methodist Church in America, accord the church during the year. ing to the tenatative plan submitted to Bishop Kilgo as the presiding of- the church at the last general con fer of the conference lends interest f erence of the Southern Methodist to even the dullest business session, church at Oklahoma City. Both the He is especially fond of the old time Virginia and Western North Carolina Methodist htmns and of congregation-; conferences at recent sessions voted u smgmg. .this will be a feature of i favor of unification. Wide discussion has been caused by the proposal to amend the consti tution of the conference increasing the lav renresentation and making the Conference. The annual session will i lay leader a member of -the conf er pen Wednesday morniner with the ence. There are now four lay repre- lebration of the Lord's Supper. Sun-1 sentatives from each of the nine dis- t 3 - t c mi 1 1 ic Cv HCincr Thia T r rc aonr tr mailrif ies the President and others will ride u'-uec- &lfle casualties m - "7 " tne tignung m Greece approximately 1 ""J yussiuie. Plans are now under way for the r, f a i i 4-1 if 1 anmial rHnn pr nf fho PhomhoK nt Onm. Tp-fiv. avan,JO t a uicijo.i,uii inJiil ALiiciia lo me ven-. - A dinner will fellow, at which Mayor! JtU 1ewh A&ency- Mitchell will be toastmaster and among the speakers will be the Presi dent . President Leaves For The Scene. Washington, Dec. 2. President Wil son with Mrs. Wilson left here at 10:03 a. m. for New York to participate in .life. ub 1X4 w buw uvn . a f-j xx i. . i f- system of the Statue of Liberty this evening. They expect $o leave New York at midnight on the return. BOTGOn BRINGS PRICES DOWN merce which is to be held some time during the first part of January and this will be one of the most elaborate '.affairs ever held in this section. It is planned to have Hon. Josephus Daniels, secretary of the United States many votes ifc wI11 teke to insure sue Navy, Senator P. M. Simmons andcess- This Is something that no one other notables present to make ad-ifcnow8' not even the Contest Man- dresses and the occasion will, without $685 Overland Automobile. Ford Automobile. Building Lot $100 in Gold. $75 Victrola. $50 O. K. Mystic Range. $40 Sellers Kitchen Cabinet. $25 Wrist Watch. Two $60 Diamond Rings. How often have you been .annoyed and vexed by Just a little oversight? Contestants in The Dispatch contest should leave no stones unturned to make victory certain. Some of you who desire to win are asking how doubt, prove to be a big success. Invitations are to be extended to BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW 1 ready ""t Benefidal ! Il STARTS IN CHICAGO. Chicago, 111.," Dec. 2. Fresh and clean from the recent use of curry comp and hair brush, hundreds of blue blooded cows, sheep, swine, and hor- ar on rtlgh OSt Ot food AI-; Carolina and each one of these will to come and no excuse will cepted unless these are absolute ly necessary. Chicago. 111.. Dec. 2. Bovcott on! me annual ainner oi tnis Doay was food supplies' is being marked with not held last yeaf but since that time success in Chicago, the members of!the Chamber of Commerce has been women's and eivic organizations par- j reorganized and is in fin condition tiHnatint? in th war an fnnA nricM ! and the men how at Its head are live announced today. It" is pointed ,qut ' f8 in every sense of the word and sea Held a recentton at the Interna ' '11 if i L . X . i X , 10,000 animals on view. This is said to be the largest gathering of thor oughbred animals ever exhibited in a blooded stock show. While there was a large crowd of spectators on hand for the opening today, it is thought eirirs and noultrv am atfrihntprl in lflr.4ine organizauon OI real worm lO me measure to the campaign. A further j city, and to the county. fall in the egg market is predicted by .' ' ' the city health commissioner, who It r"i r.iTrn tkt rrvn SayS: . . CjULU r LOW 5 IN r OR i "I am looking towards a smash in! CHEAP AMUSEMENT, the egg market. The boycott idea' - the conference that will be enjoyed by all. There are some characteristic fea- l mat distinguish a Methodist day morning preceding the sermon by j1 bishop there will be the annual l0Te feast, an old time eustom of the irch that is seldom observed except at an annuaU-onference. Anniversaripc -o v-.. me laiiuus uiauw tricts. C. E. Weatherby is the lay Reader. Predominating all other interests of the conference is that felt by laymen and prea'chers alike in the appoint- TROOPERS WELL PLEASED AT BORDER Returned Coldier Brings This News Beaufort Wants Coast Guard Cutter. a still larger throng will attend the j is spreading all over the country and Berlin, Dec. 2. With the close of show during the coming week. The J Chicago being the central egg markets the racing season nearly everywhere exhibition will continue every day the refusal to buy is bound to have a in Germany it has been found that the unt?l Dec. 9.' New Bern, Dec. 2. That the United States troopers now down at El Paso are well satisfied with their surround ing is the statement made by Ser geant J. M. Mitchell, of the Infirm ary of the Second Regiment, North Carolina National Guard, who arrived in the city yesterday, having been called home on account of the seri ous illness of his mother, Mrs. J. M. Mitchell. Sergeant Mitchell states that the soldiers are anxious to return home mfints. The bishops cabinet, compos . - - i - - ( buiujcis aic OUMUUO LJ 1CIU1U UUU1C cs ot ehurrh wnrv r.n v -U u nt fha. ViichriTk an, thp ninp nresid- - , , . - " uc uciu iucu w -'" ior tne nonaays, out mai as iar as Iflp dt'a: i - . i . wiix i "U i . ff tne treatment tney are receiving is concerned, it is of the best and they are perfectly satisfied with it. Residents of Beaufort are greatly cning durinsr thf wppIt wpi.. in? elders, and the "kitchen cabinet, nesday evening there will be the an-: which is held on any convenient street J!versary of the Sunday School board. ( corner, on the steps of the church "Ursday even. no- nr v. Fr.mn.i, onH mhorevpT those of a sDeculative T " ' ) LU XiJ n Ui CxJ. -.XXV. nf minti trot toeether. will both - . i vxtxj QlLCi XXWU LxIVj lwi xi x. " - . 1. UymPn'c w, x - . .. ... . i 1 ? T.rr--1r uieeung, iTiday evening tne anite De Dusy aunu. tuc wvin.. amversary of the board of education ' Only one presiding elder and twen a Saturday evening the anniversary , ty-two preachers have served their G hh bard of missions. Rev. J. T. j time limit of four t years. This of "s' presidinp- oiHor T?,Ttr- i rnnrca HnPfl not mean that many other Je district will preach the confer- changes will not be made. No preach- rHuge Army Making Strong Effort to Save The Ruman ians, Sorely Pressed. VON MACKENSEN ALSO ATTEMPTS SAME GAME. interested in the announcement that :. a coast guard cutter may soon be lo cated at that port. Citizens of that place have for several years exerted i every effort to have a cutter stationed at Beaufort and they are doing their nttrt Tio-or towards hrinirino' this about . . X Jl V,lXV,ll t.U UU11 j x O XJ UX U XX W , , X-U . . x X xx x, " x XX. xx . cre sprmnn n . , . . I . Hff atT.nz.iat nrn far. 1 -r , . x j iv. j. xi : i p "j" v eunesaay morning. i er is ayyumicu m a. iucmvi.v ,c lg pomieu out tii assiotciiiut; 'fecedino- tv. - . e than nn a vflnr at a ii i r-r. x viujus, iHOCiwii vy X "x " x confer Soo ence the Conference Historical time. They' may by the special grace etv iviii x. m , m xv.t- .Anmrotinni! t Vi o nrpsifi in er .. luesaay evening. 01 men uuu6'C6"u"i - OS aflflrrvc ;ii . I . -i i xi T,nv.n ollnurorl to -x x v XUUtiQ Lx J xTX. I V . . x Jra of Durham, Sunday School I serve the limit of four years, nev, frabh leld " un ine History or Bun- w limine ton uwuwi t-uc ""-j School in thA -MnrK Pamiinii 1 ini? elder who has served his four secretary, 'S3 X iav -kthodist Mr. Brabham's ad-' L. E. Thompson, presiding elder of the Of tii -""iciciree. ine omcera ; joen o. dpm SOciety are A- s- Barnes, presi- i Among the churches which are open .1 A 1 T -i ... . T7U rt T3 j. - nuriiaaav. Tirst vioe-nresi-1 are: rAicuiuu, x. Ut!nt: V T-T . - - x T7 UOTT QfT-OOf W -- t liouu, accepieu yiw foow x . xx . , D. Woodall retiring President Resident': r. E. E. Rose thir-ri vio-1 R Roval: Sanford, H. E. Spence; W tt vir.m r. i rtniHahnrn st.Tohn. B. C. Thompson: j , xx. XJ1UYTU, SCVlCiaiJ , i " "xxx , ' ' cikpc: . , . : o to..i "M tT T Wilson. TxOUisburfiT. Scv v ' ucasuiefp ana u. o. maB-joi. i""i "oiunan. 1 a d Wilcox: Kaieign, uemrai, j. xa; ,The Trini ,a i. x - - t,x tt TJ TAhn Tin 1 1 o c -"miy A umn hnniiPt on ItVi- MCUraCKeil rvev. xv. jj. - f.-:. evening is an annual event of . sume his -duties as president of Maxton SrPdOn rr., . ' x x . X Xl x J , tVlix T, xxTTT it ith erptice This will no donht be i College at the beginning of the new than usual interest this year ' Conference year, leaving Smithfield! - ''onferpiiooo TT.A.tn n ri.i. 'nin for an antointment- .' i ' xj uicciiug u iui- r - of a cutter is often needed, off Cape Lopkout and in that vicinity and that it is necessary to either call for the cutter at New Bern or at Wilmington and much jtimevjs lost in making the trip to that point. If a vessel of this sort was located at Beaufort, the results that would be secured would be of material benefit. Although Christmas is several weeks hence, shipments of holly from this section have already started to the North and these will continue for the next two weeks. The holly trees in this section are prettier this season than has been the case in many previous years and the owners of these expect to realjze handsome returns from the ship ments which they are dispatching to distant States. ' Wide Front Accepted by Rus sians As The Theatre of Battle Germans Probably Already Across The Dan ube Serbians Repulse Attack. Indications point to the probability that two great flanking operations are in progress on the Rumanian front. One apparently is intended by the Russians to save the Rumanian armies - and possibly Bucharest, and the other by the Teutonic allies to force the evacuation of Bucharest and cut off the troops defending it. Having assembled a huge force along the range of the lower Carpa thians, the Russians are pressing a great offensive on a front of approxi mately 250 miles. Already they are declared to have scored such suc cesses as to lead to the expectation that the supply line of General von nia from the north, may be seriously menaced.' The threat to the Rumanian forces comes from Field Marshal von Mack ensen, on the southeast. Controlling Dig enect snortly. gold pieces which were turned in at the "gates" during the . summer, in return for reduced prices of adminis sion, total about half a million marks. Whereas the majority of the press at first greeted this news as "alto gether satisfactory," a portion of the papers, after thinking it over, have de cided that it is "altogether disgrace ful" to discover that so large a num ber of people obviously unpatriotically abstained from turning in their gold until induced to do so In order to buy amusement a a little more cheaply. Part of the press is thoroughly in dignant that in these days of appeals from all sources to turn in gold, in hese days of collecting bureaus for r11 trnlrl anrl ornaments there chonlri - I x xxv, j still be so many persons in the empire lies, it has been pointed out, seem I "who will not be moved by any les-1 likely to attempt throwing forces across it at points further east, to sons to help bring our financial sys tem into consonance with the enor- outflank each line taken up by the j mous demands made upon it." This Rumanians as they retire under the , portion of the press questions whether pressure of von Falkenhayn's forces the Reichsbank is right in its policy from the north and west and such of orf trying to collect all the gold in the Von Mackensen's troops as were al-! empire by voluntary surrender. ready on the north bank of the river. 1 tons op FnnnsTi IFF. rjiimum cuixixxiexiLtt tui jjuiui uui iuai i such a move may now have become I FRANCE AND BELGIUM. effected, noting the mention by Petro-I . grad that hostile patrols have appear-! London, Dec. 2. Foodstuffs amount ed near Lake Qriaka as indicating a j ing to 2,300,000 tons and valued at new' crossing had been made by von $227,500,000 have been sent into Bel- Mackensen southeast of Bucharest. An advance from this point would hem in the Rumanians around Bucharest, ac cept to the northeast and carried far enough would altogether cut off their retreat. No Important Developments. Paris, Dec. 2. There were no im portant developments on the front in France last night, the war office of ficially announced this afternoon. A violent attack was made last night on the Serbian position north of Grun isfte, on the Macedonian front, in the southern Cerna bend, but the war of fice announced today that the attack had been repulsed. Russian Advance Thwarted. Berlin, Dec. 2. (By wireless to Say- ville) The Russians attempted to ad-1 vance yesterday near Smortgon and south Of Pinsk, the war office an nounces, but their efforts were with out success . The Russians and Rumanians are virtually the entire, course of the ; continuing to make fierce at Danube as they do, the Teutonic al- j tacks along the Bukowina front today, gium and Northern France since the outbreak of the war by the Commis sion for Relief in Belgium, says a re port just issued here. Besides food stuffs the Commission has shipped in to this war zone something like 5,000f 000 articles of clothing. Allied government subsidies for the relief of people in these stricken dis tricts have amounted to $183,000,000 Public subscriptions, in kind and In money, and other private moneys, amounted to approximately $30,000,000, of which pie United States gave about 35 per cent., and the British Empire nearly all the rest. The population confined to this ter ritory as a result of the war, all 'of whom received bread from the com mission, numbers, according to the re port, 9,500,000. the statement from army headquarters says, but the attacks are without suc cess and their losses have been heavy A great battle has developed in West ern Rumania. ager. Your best policy is to get every subscription possible, and then some impossible ones. Grab every one that is loose at both ends and not nailed down in the middle. Do not overlook a single opportu nity to get a subscription. Do not fail to see each friend that has shown a willingness to help you. Tell your friends that every yearly subscrip tion if new will count 8,100 votes and if old 2,700 votes. Do not forget that pew subscrip tions count just three times as many votes, as the old subscriptions, but get every bne you possibly caiThetbet''"; new or old. Eyery subscription, pay ment for one dollar and twenty-five cents or more will give you a certain number of votes. In adition to this every fifteen dol lars' worth of subscription will give you 150,000 extra votes if turned in by December 22. There is no need of you failing to win one of the prizes if you exert a little effort. Your personal appea will have a magical effect. Your dash; of enthusiasm will win votes against the pessimism of the less active. As the contest does not close until January 29 there is still plenty of time for anyone to enter and win. Time is flying, however, and every one who is in the race or in thinking of entering, should "Make hay while the sun shines." Work now getting subscriptions and votes, and not think when the contest is over that If you had put forth a little- effort you would have won one of the automobiles or one of the other prizes. "There Is a tide in the affairs of all . men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune." This is Just a little quotation from one of the old writ ers, but how true it is! This is your "tide." Make the "flood" of ballot be your fortune. Act now and you, will never regret it! By not entering the contest some of you will hear the winners telling how easily they got an automobile and you will be sorry that you did not try. A few who have been mentioned seem to think that they are either too good to enter the contest or have not the time, when if the truth were real ly know, they lack the ambition to try. Contestants in asking for subscrip tions will not be asking for donations. Each dollar spent will be returned a hundredfold In news. It will be an in vestment, not an expense. The least ambitious people can think of forty-nine reasons why they have no chance to win one of the prizes but there really isn't a single one except their own laziness. The people who hate to work the , wprst can always think of the best ; reasons why they should not work. They think of forty-nine reasons why they should not try why they have no chance. They are fatalists. - In contests such as The Dispatch is running there is nothing in the world that affords better insight Into human nature. All the strength of character and the fool side of human nature stands out in bold relief. .It's funny, but it's so. There is not a reason in the world why anyone cannot win one of the automobiles, building lot) $100 in gold -or one of the other prizes. Nothing in the world can keep, you from win- ' (Continued on Page Seven.) t r' l'Mf n3E0S(RlHIMRJirS ' (USE mSSPRVGlH! RBVERTDSMG ARSIU) AIRE MMSHRIG aWNEV. JMSE V&HJ JMLBVE? V V