Mill m " I 11 1 -vv'.- "'-!-: :... -v. r- - .-.---..- . - . . - . - 3 - - - - - ; .... - H ' - , 11 Jli 0U neeS-never P b ' 1,1 " - Theatre-goiag .Wilmington once more' is to revel in the rare - delights of a great "Merry Widow" kind of musical production gay,' colorful, gloriously sung, melodious, romantic comic opera, when, on next wednes-1 day, at the Academy,; the interna- j tionally famous impresario, Andreas J Dippel, will send here the brilliant! operatic organization he has assem-; bled in support of the two celebrated; stars, Arthur Albro and Finita de j Soria, for an engagement of only onei performance. 1 Indisputably this will in many ways j be the most important musical event j of the current theatrical season. The ; attraction is one of special distinc- tion, its appeal derived from ele-; ments representative of the best, genius of the combined arts of thej stage. In another way of speaking j "Gypsy Love," while a royal favorite j of every class that attends the the-j atre, just as was "The Merry Widow," is a 'masterpiece of operatic construe-j tion no more to be compared with or-, soKTr "miiairnT pnmpdv" than sold : UUlili J 111 j - I to silver. Its presentation under; such auspices as in this instance, with cast and production of a world-j famous impresario's own choosing, ; constitutes an event of much signifi- j cance to those who love music and j who are sufficiently informed of the j operette to know of the score's mel-i odic riches. "Gvpsy Love ' is by Franz thenar, ; Austrian eenius ' of the C hail 1 n i f C5 P wo envy another her r. Make tne most nature's richest gift to bertowinsr unon your th attention it deserves, . -e results attained from New I Herpicide when used as di kL are frequently astonishing always apparent; It eradi n that annovinar cause of moat - hair troubles, dandruff, and pre vents the fcaurfrem coming out. The dainty, exqiaUitfr fraarrance has earned for Herpicide a place on the dressing; tables of those of recognized refinement and discrimination. Herpicide imparts to the hair, life, luster and luxuriance. . ,v ' .. " .. . ., , Sold everywhere. Applications at me. oerar barber shops. Guaranteed byThe Herpicide Company Detroit, Mich.- . c; 1 1 . I ..... WW. mm THEATRICAL GOSSIP FR01V1 GAY GOTliA m HVV Poptifaf Mtt and- Gonfederaite Chieftain Diies at Home In Pittsboro.. M Kew York, Dec. 1. Cyril Maude pulse-throb-; concludes, his engagement at the Em- Hi Msipvnr rhvthm and the languoi-1 nire tonight ih 'The Basker." On "6, - orf i ous Viennese waltz, who gav by Tim Murphy. William Favorshaw hopes to have his own theatre in New , Pittsboro; Kr. C., Dec. 1. General William Lord: London, a welL known NQrth Carolinian, a Confederate sol dier and a scholar, died at his home here Wednesday, -and the funeral ser- j heavyweight.' vices were held yesterday afternoon. Death came as a great shock, as General London until recently had en joyed splendid health. He was seventy-nine years of age. He was a most devoted churchman and stood high in the council of the Episcopal church. In 1864 he married Miss Caroline Haughton, who, with four sons, survive him. The sons are H. A. London, Jr., of Charlotte; Dr. John H. London, of Washington, D. C; Frank M. London, of New York, and Arthur H. London, of Pittsboro. William Lord London was born In Pittsboro April 3, 1838, and had always resided here and was one of the mo3t prominent and public spirited citizens of his county. He served in the Con federate army with distinguished gal lantry, having volunteered on the 15th rvf Anml 1QC1 nvtsl nma nrfVl T oo at An. pomattox Courthouse. His commission think of having such a poor as lieutenant in the Chatham' Rifles 1 held as mat, unu unr- was dated then and at the reorganiza-that has been spent on the Yale bowl, ?tion of that company in April, J862, ,.-t -. ' : v. ? ' ' -.- 'i , -r'. jV . '. : Pitcher Noyes-, of the , Pacific Coast League, Xs dawn for a trial with the Athletics next spring. Case of Connie trying: Noyes to arouse the Mackmeo. Billy MIske' is a1 sweet: battlfer- and all that, but' he's' going to have a hard time getting publicity so long as the' Gibbons; family remains fa St. Paul.1 ' v- ! : -: Jiinriiy" Johnston, iae Ntew York boxing impresario, la billing Tom Cowler as "the sensational English Barnum was oniy a fair1 hitter in the advertising league, after all. All. that Coach' Yost, of Michigan, will have to do next year is to de velop a new football team. Johnny Maulbetsch, the Wolverines of 1916, is through. If the Millikin uverslty football players, who are said to have won their games through prayer, will send said prayer to several big league twirlers it will be greatly appreciated. Picking a football champion is a vpnr sTmnle matter. Tufts beat Har vard, Syracuse beat Tufts, Michigan j beat' Syracuse, Cornell beat Michigan", j Harvard beat Cornell, Yale beat Har- vard and Brown beat Yale. It is claimed that Harvard's defeat by Yale was due to the gridiron being slippery from heavy frosts. Just He ci ha xxrac inX jfl nanain in -artifnTi imnnsiv elected commander of the sec- thej Monday Mme. Bernhardt will begin a York within a vear and a permanent! position he served until promoted m ond brigade and had been re-elected .n-I three weeks' repertoire engagement ! comDany for run productions, not rep- 18S, to the rank of inspector-' every year 'since .with e rank of brig- greatest there, presenting four plays each per- general of Daniel's brigade, and in a adier-general. It was always his great j world "The Merry Widow." siders "Gypsy Love" his rrv, c n,,hiv pfw, , r. Po,in loct woov of his own producing company is to to be its adjutant-general. He won Confederates m his county, ms btace tive-because of an enthralling plot as ; succeeding "Floro Bella" which has ! present Carlyle Moore's "Scapegoats" company for run productions ertory. Edumnd Breese, at the head f TOfttho thronfter was nromotod Dleasure to attend the reunions of the to be its adjutant-general. He won , Confederates m his cou and held the entire confidence of Gen. j and th general reunion. EFFICIENCY IN DIGESTION Ih order to build lip the system there must be, first of all, efficiency in digestion. Front this source come3 proper nourishment of the body, enriched W Blood, liver arid 'bowel regularity, a strengthening of all the forces that stand for better health. Try HOSTETTER'S STO MACH BITTERS as soon as any stomach weakness develops. It is for Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Cramps and Constipation. on the road. Galsworthy's "The Fu gitive" is to be seen in New York about the first of the year. Also a well as treasures of harmony. The , moved to the Forty-fourth street thea story i evolves about a fascinat'.ns i tre. Another of the week's newcom young gypsytroubadour and a ers js Laurette Taylor, who has begun nIewoman who has been temptevl : ail encasement at the Globe in "The 'into elopement with him by the lur- Harp- of Life," one of three new plays new musfcal comedy by Hauerbach ing. gypsy melodies of his violin. The by ner husband, J. Hartley Manners. , and FrimJ, entitled "You're In Love," succession of events before a most, i j ater she wlll be seen iu The Vrooing J presented by Arthur I lammerstein. satstactory aenouemem - saves Cf Eve" and "Happiness." maiden from an unhappy fate from ; Cyril Maude, who concludes his an intensely romantic, but betimce, ; New York engagement tonight, pur most humorous narrative. ! po3es to return to the inevitable The great organization presenting , -Grumpy" and carry the play and his Gypsy Love" is all that could b de- j impersonat:on of the old lawyer into sired, boasting a cast of many n;'on.,fte smaiier cities and towns that in fnirnritoo nf ctollar ronlr The- .. .... . .1 ,uuc ivwwLCo Wi owc 1 three tours he has lett unvisitea. uotn i distinguished young stars, Arthur Al-; . niavs in which hp has aD- including Kathlyn WTilliams, Wheeler Mo, who created the role he nov is ; peared nere th'is season have faned. Cakman, Harry Lonsdale, Sidney rTSBd Ctark. Many of the too." ; Recent football scores show tbo Carlisle Indians were defeated by Al fred 2i to 17. Lo, the poor Indian is For the next two weeks the Selig company announces a series of very unusual picture-piay features. The 1 ! 1 1 Be Daniel nnti th r?f that officer" Returning hom from Appomattox and then of General Grimes,, who sue- with nothing but his horse he at ones ceeded General Daniel. He was fre-! devoted himself to an active business 11 1 , 1 i. 1 1 1 i. 1, 1 m mnwnViartt nrltVl tYlO aflTTIO ATlPrfTV I quenuy nigniy coiiipiimeiiniu uy uutu o a mi v,ua.,v "-- - jpj, onp ridironicallv qneiki ot these omcers in their ooia. re- that he had .how , as a Con-ederate p Zt rT'llTct ports. He was wounaea tnree times, omcer. n who l"'c"luo'- ' J 'League) team looked so e-ood to rilff . hard-luck golfer first when leading his company in the lie enterprise for the betterment of his , 111!? L ,1 ... .. charge on Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862, county and was a most liberal contra j Z 7. ' thnt Z Z.rtZ , TZ then again at Gettysburg when in com- utor to any effort for the improvement . JELrV L-T k ?, J? mand of the sharpshooters of Daniel's of his fellow-man. He was consulted e sufl,Clent com to huy the outfit brigade, and again on the 19th of Sep- and his advice asked in nearly every fhphant; the Army s sensational temher. 18K4. at Winchester, he was enterprise that was undertaken in nis j - shot entirelv throucrh the body, the bul- county. In addition to his extensive Scheme Includes Tr;ins.i ,;i!ii.n'f Players in Aulo Trucks." first offering will be "The Brand of J Cain." This feature play is present- ! let entering the right breast and com- mercantile business he was president ed by the famous' "Ne'er-Do' Well" cast I ng out under the left shoulder. Al- of the Bank of Pittsboro ever since its though so desperately wounded he was organization ana was aiso me secie- back on active dntv in front of Peters- tary and treasurer, and m active in which he had a monotonous part. great renown, have among their pup-. . . off . ,T, Rnalrpr.. Wfls n porting principals baivator aoite, -;EnglIsh comedv that proved exceed-lthe Panama Canal Zone. movy of the Aborn Opera Company, . H-ht-wa!sted. I of Cain" will be followe Ruth Thompson, George Williams Le Roi Operti and Horace Rowe, all art isrs of special distinction. In order to do full justice to the great Lehar r.core the company carries its own ingly j Miss Billie Burke, having done her i time in the movies and brought forth a little daughter, will return to the stage ot the spoken word in a new ! scenes at sea were filmed en route to 'The Brand ollowed by a three- reel feature entitled "Twisted Trails," An all-star cast will be presented in this pfece, including dashing Tom Mix, Bessie Eyton, Eugenie Besserer, burg by the first of January. charge, of the J. M. Odeli Manuiactur- When the North Carolina division of ing Company, whose cotton mill at the United States Confederate Veter- Bynum had been successful to a re- ans was organized in 1895 he was unan- markable degree. on the west Point football team. "Ollie" has an excellent chance to earn a record for continuous playing on the gridiron, that will equal Cy Young's big league service. Good news for the big leaguers who find themselves tagged for the bush is furnished by the following head lines: "Minor Leagues to Economize It i.'v said that Francis Ouiinci js flaying some wonderful imIi i,s,, days, which shows lha Kr:i"cis is one Tllf ld'l ' (' i'.r ,;r,s the harder it will be in cnii imv powers that he is not a ,r . Even should the C:u(lir::ls Mea: Hornsby, Snyder, Va!s.,:i, .M-admvs ana tew otners to the Cuhs, nw Cards should still be able lo hold iL - ! ' ! a 1 . i uieir own in me ;auon;.: League According to last season's standing the only thing that would prevent the Cards from holding their own would be for the Reds to win no T.or game. , j comedy "Of Lower and Higher in New f Al W. Filson and others. i-uiupieie uicuesu. srnt win laur n, ci. Willkm Fn's trin of releases . . i I I 1 K I j iK. WIlllt-MI 11 V IV I I n rillllll. TirKets , . . . . . , . I 1 with a piece since the days of her j Canadian drama by Mr. Maugham. fiom $2 down to 50 cents. will go on sale at Elvington's day morning at 9 o'clock. Roosevelts 30 Years Wedded. Oyster Bay, N. Y., Dec. 2. Former President and Mrs. Theodore Roose velt were the recipients of many mes sages of greeting from relatives and friends today on the occasion of their for the next three weeks form a program of strength and merit. The outstand ing features of the production are The other day AMr. Mclntyre and Theda Bara's re-appearance in films j Mr. Heath, the familiar "team" of the , as the heartless love pirate m whose vaudeville stage and the musical plays 1 portrayal she still remains unrivalled whom the whole American the-e j Gladys Coburn's debut in the silent ! knows in their perennial sketch 'of I drama, as a member of the Fox negro characters and humors, "The ! forces, and George Walsh's acting in ! Ham Tree," celebrated the forty-sec-1 a tensely exciting photoplay of ro- T, ,x ---l--,.. nJ;i, l ond anniversary of the beainniner of mance and adventure. The titles of i.rn u n f 5,. rrv, ! their partnership. Since those days the three productions are: marriP,! rw 9 iSRfi ir, f n I in San Antonio one or Church, London. Jubilee, of College Paper. JProvidence,' R. I., Dec. 2. A score or more nf Rrnwn TTTiivprsitv nlnmni who were instrumental in the estab lishment of the Brown Daily Herald, or who have served at one time or an other as -its editors, returned to their alma mater today for a reunion and dinner in celebration of the twenty fifth anniversarv of the nnhliVntion During the quarter century of its ex istence the Herald has not missed an issue, and Brown still enjoys the dis tinction it had when the paper was established of being the smallest col lege in the world to issue a daily paper devoted exclusively to college news. "The Vix- the other of en," with Theda Bara; "The Battle of them has missed but two perform-; Life," with Gladys Coburn, and "The ances for which they were scheduled. ' Island of Desire," with George Walsh. They happened to be appearing at the ! Robert Warwick has begun work Winter Garden on the day of the an- j on a film adaptation of "The Argyle niversary and some of their associates ; Case," the play of Harvey J. O'Hig made much of it. jgins, Harriet Ford and William J. Henry E. Dixey's place as Long i Burns, in which Robert Hilliard starr John Silver in the "Treasure Island" ed so successfully throughout the at the Punch and Judy ha been takenj country a few years ago. Lazy Livers permanently regulated and made active bj lie celebrated Shivar Mineral Water. Po& itive!y guaranteed by money-baclr offer Tastes fir.cj coctz a trifles. Delivered env when; by our Wilmington Areata, Elving ton's Pharmacy, Co 2nd and Princess Sts ACADEMY of MUSIC Wed. NIGoHNTLy Dec. 6 ANDREAS DIPPEL Presents The Comic Opera Triumph of 2 Continent ' 3y FRANZ LE HAR Composer of "The Merry Widow" with ARTHUR ALBRO And Stellar Metropolitan Cast Prices: $2, $1-50, $1, 75c, 50c. Tickets at Slvington's Dec. 4th. . ' ! jjj if I Hi D A PRETTY SCENE FROM THE LEH AR OPERETTA "GYPSY ItJVE." Arthur Albro, as "Jozsi" and Finita De Soria as "Zorika" in the famous , Lehar operetta to be seen at the Academy of Music, Wednesday night, December 9th. -p-Arn !i fl iflwsZ, 5-- wmmmiMVA &m SSsv . j ly anJ i r MAIL ORDERS will be filled as care fully and satisfacto rily as if you sel.ected the good at this big store in person. GOODS SHIPPED BY PARCEL POST no delay or disappt n t - We fi!! every order prompt guarantee safe delivery. Y Th our X -From oosan mas Sh This B d-Gift- opping ig Store -o Suggestions AVOID the tedious round of .store after store that makes gift buying a dreaded task. Instead of the hustle and bustle of crowded shops, sit down comfortably at home, look over this adv. and pick out the gifts for all of your list. Then mail us your order. Isn't that infinitely better than the old way? .And you have larger stocks to choose from--wi; lowest prices as an added incentive to play Santa our way! Don't wait mail your order early today if possible. Vr will gladly answer your inquiries and supply additional information on any items named below. to For "Her Stationery Whiting ' and Eaton Crane and Pike, in all fashionable fabric finishes. In attractive boxes, at SOc to $10.00. Bridge and Whist Sets In leather cases, complete, 50c to $3.00. Address Books, Guest Books, Shop ping Lists, Visiting Lists leather rovers, in a variety of styles, 25c to $5.00. Diaries for 1917 always welcome for him or her, 10c to $1.00. ... Card Index Cooking Recipe Files handy for keeping choice recipes 75c up. Engraved Calling Cards complete, with plate, 10U cards, $1.55 and up. Send for specimens and select type faces. Card Cases great variety to choose from, at 50c upward. Dennison Crepe Paper fine for Holiday decorations, 25c per roll. Savings Banks Three coin, regis tering, a good hohie bank, $1.75 up. Work Baskets splendid styles and values, at $3.50 to $6.50. Xmas Seals, Tags, Cards and Labels, 10c pkge. Tinsel Cord for tying up gift pack ages 10c spool. Jewel Cabinets, leather and plush covered, with lined trays, $5.00 up. The gift that serves as a daily reminder of good judgement t. ; . ... Watermari(Ss(jfountaiiiPfen THE BEST PEN MA0E 144 PENS ALWAYS IN STOCK EVERT PEN GUARANTEED We carry one of the largest assortments in the South, at froVn $2.50 to $35.00. De scriptive folder, showing some of the most popular styles, mailed on request. Make someone happy this year with a Waterman order it now. 1 Place orders now for DIXIE LAND LINE PERSONAL GREETING CARDS Exquisitely engraved decorations in natural colors, with appropriate senti ments for- the season and your name engraved beneath. Write for descriptive booklet and prices and place your orders at once to insure prompt delivery in time for Christinas. ENGRAVING Embossing, die stamping, for wedding and social occasions. Best of workmanship, executed in our own "big engraving plant, where only the most' expert artist engravers are employed. Write for specimens and prices. 100 cards engraved from . your own plate, 90c. post paid. For "Him" Brass Ink Stands, 50c to $5.00. Brass Desk Sets, $2.0O;t$25:O0. Brief Cases extra well mad. in varied styles, $2.00 to $20 00. Smoking Sets an. appreciaed gift for him who smokes, $1.00 to $5.00. Book Cases sectional styles, per section, $3.75 ask for illustra tion and prices, complete. Chess Men finely carved, $3.50 to $5.00. Dominoes SOc to $5.00. Pinochle Sets 50c to $3.50. Loose Leaf Books $1.C0 to $5.00. Boston Pencil Sharpener should be in every home. $1.00. Filing Cabinets Shaw-Walker sec tion, all in wood and steel. Prices on request. Blank Books special ruling fur every purpose, Drinking Flasks and Cups, $1.50 up. Brass Cuspidors $1.50 upwards. Automobile Record Hooks ju.-t what he wants, 75c up. Waste Baskets Wood, Wicker, Wire and Brass, from SOc up. Loose Leaf Books -great variety, at from 50c upward. Ingersoll Watches reliable time keepers. $1.00 to $3.00- Drawirig Instruments complete sets, in case, $2.75 up. VIRGINIA STATIONERY CO., INC. Engravers - Printers - - Stationers- - Bookbinders , 013 EAST MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Mi .! ,1 -A

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