'A . LEATHER FORECAST, Increasing cloudiness and not quite fi;:i EDIT! en cold tonignt rriM raiimr ,nd warmer. Northeast winds. LARGEST : CIRCULATION IR WILMINGTON WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA, THU rDAX iFTERNOON, DEC. 14,1916 ifHVE ( ;F,N f S : ." j SNOWING DOWN SOUTH, r 1mm WILMING as G ... v li - Memphis, Term., Dec. v Snow began falling here' early to- day and covers the ground to a depth of more than four inches. ! The storm Is general i in Eastern 4 Arkansas, Northern r Mississippi and Western Tennessee. The snow Is still falling heavily. ' , ' fc 4 5 rc v m.. e. y Peace Uffer uoes moi otop op erations Un lhe Various Fronts. TEUTONIC FORCES C0N I1IN U ts AV V AN U.J LARG E T BIG BREAK. IN DEAL CLOSE Forward Despite Bad Roads. 1 1. xvenaer r-urcnasea rrop- r.,t Retain Votes Morel CTY r nowara oc wells STOCK MARKET j Munitions Shares Take Slump Over Continued-Peace Talk. Money and Provides , For Even More Men For The; War. While the warring nations await definite developments irom tne pre sentation or me peace proposal oy Germany ancTher allies operations on j Amusement Company. FINE SPEECHES American Manuf acturersiw ill Reached States Department e Able ,to Compete Alter 1 War, Say Government ASSISTANT SECRETARY PETERS IS HEAJRD. 1 This Morninc and Will Be Sent to President. , . . : A CONFIDENTIAL REPORT WITH it. ,.Uiiii,w yr. ( State Department Representa- v American Charge Reports tive Tells of The Foreign ! Condition That Lead to It Service Diplomats f Will be Transmitted to Speak Tonight. - Allies. peace proffer is concerned, indica- Deed was filed this morning trans ferring from the Mcilhenny heirs to Mr. J. H. Rehder a' large stockhold er in the Howard & Wells Amuse- toiT tho 17.11 " "" the noon hour stocks literally poured thl -tae'leavliig no doubt of the general Sto '?' th? 6haracter of the liquidation, valuable property at the Northwest, o-ua u KJ UCU1UCU 1UUIC IUOU 1UU1 New York, Dec.: 14. Apprehension over the effect of tbe Teutonic peace proposal on earnings, ; of muiaitions &nd steel companies caused another severe break on the' stock market to i'day. After an early , decline during hp various ngntmg ironts continue The immediate future so far as the corner of rtl other shares of the iuiu,- uouaiwieu cue i 1 Washington, Dec. 14. The South-1 Washington, D . C, Dec. 14. The era Commercial Congress; today en-!nte conveying proposal for peace by tefed upon its closing session of its' the central Powers, which the United . ... , ?. - ; . . . . States is to transmit to the entente eighth annual convention here, ? with v i 7, . ... , , - v vt .belligerents, arrived during the night government officials, bankers, editors; and was being prepared for the White and. foregin diplomats -as- speakers House early today. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury ' - ' j The document was said to he-sub- Andrew J. Peters and Assistant. stantially the same as published in Secretary 'of State William- Phillips ijtne unofficial dispatches from. Berlin tions are xuat it win iiiteiy pe tatteu j amuociurui cuiuyau same Com- delivered the principal addresses this morning, the former discussing the in the report of the Overseas News Agency. Accompanying it' was a con- T , This Is Declared In House of I Commons About Peace . ' ( Wove, y DEMANDS TO BE MADE ON GREECE. ivanaaa ocnas message . iu British Steamer Was In Collis- Lloyd-George Urging Prose- ion WitK Merchant and Miners Liner. cution of the War Great Britain's Expenditure Jump ing Away Beyond Bounds. , Newport News, Va., Dec. 14. The London, Dec. 14. Andrew Bonar mystery surrounding the collision in La w, chancellor of exchequer, said in Lowei- Chesapeake Bay last night, in the House of Commons this afternoon which the Merchant and Miners' pas- that no proposal for. peace has -yet senger steamer, Powhatan, was so been received by' the British govern badly damaged that she had to be ment from the central powers. He beached, was cleared up early today, added that the entente allies would re- when the British steamer, Telena, an quire adequate reparation for the past UP DV CGIlbUlLdLKJll u.uiuii.6 Lin., cuicuic powers preliminary to sending joint reply. Interest in military development still centers on Rumania, where the army of Field Marshal von Macken- mfaoiAn Vi n.ir-rtrt t.ama aa4.. nAllAr. Pj-w ,. . . ,r. x . , out-of-town holders, who had appar-. large the handsome Victoria theatre flTr m mrllo ; . . . ., , x - ently grown Apprehensive over the that is adjacent to it. The considera- develonments Sales between tion was not stated in -the deed, but it , lSicreSted 450 00? k a I T figUrG- ' ' shares or a total of 1, 350,000 shares - Thf. fi w?" wa:s cesum.ated f or the f irst three hou- -- uiurums, sHoruy, aiter iu o ciock, . - SKI IS 6"""b ito " J . .,. ,,J1J . X , suite the difficulty of transportation . . T f . s z , t.- rv. ity firm of James Owen Keilly. Ow- causea u utu ruaus. vyuciuci tuc . , , , Rumanians have estaDlishea them selves along the line of the Buzue riv er, near the southern Moldavian bor der, is not yet apparent night made specific mention that the Teutonic forces were Bearing Buzue. It is apparent that the Rumanian evac uation of Southern Wallachia is vir tually complete, as tne German war o5ce has announced that Great Wal lachia, scuth of the Bucharest-Tcher- ing to the large number of heirs to , the property, it has taken consider ! able time to get thje deed in shape. merlin last have the. signature of one of the Mc- Ilhenny - Eeirs attached. This caus-j ed a delay of about 50 days. Mr. Rehder has held an option on the MORE SPINDLE S country's foreign trace and the latter,, , x . .bit tanker, arrived here and proceeded and adeauate security for the future, the foreign service. jaffairs which lead up ChanceHor von to the. shipyard to get repairs. She Mr. Law also announced in ythe Peace, good roads, development of fBethmann-Hollweg' speech in the badly damaged about the bow, but House of Commons that the daily av- water power and the South' oppor-' Reichstag and sending of the peace 80 far as cul.d b Earned, none of the erage of expenditures of Great Britain m . . Uro7in?ai ,crew was injured. in the war had risen o to 5,710,000 tumty after the war were subjects proposal. r,., ttq oflM thst : tnal exnenae. r As soon as President Wilson has' U1 "ceiu tiuuuw uu lu Z'" "; Tltr nt seen the note it will be forwarded to Powhatan were hurt by falling beams, had twintrwhitwv ir, Miiim nH when the Telena crashed into the the increase of munitions and addi- messages of foreign diplomatic repre- Ambassadors Sharpe, Page, Guthrie, liner's starboard side. tional loans to Great Britain s allies sentatives to the United States from.fcnrt T?Vnnis in Fran PTnlan,! J. rowaaian was ai,iauH u" u I foreign countries. : jpan and Russia, and to the legations attempting to cross his bow at too far this afternoon and at the closing session tonight the congress wili hear I T property for severa' months. - Being located , in the down-own section and in a fast growing district the property is considered; most val-1 uable. The lot is 20x165 feet in size. ! Census Bureau Makes Fine eign field Secretary Peters declared before the congress this morning ;that the American manufacturers would be able to compete on ecmal tem3 after the war with manufacturers in for- I ernments. gov- The Chancellor said. . "Financially, we cannot hope to go Captain E. D. Goff, pf the Telena, on indefinitely on the present scale, made here this afternoon after the but we can go long enough to make The actual transmission of the peace vessel had gone into dry dock to sure that it will not be from financial nroffer now brines un the imnortant have a large hole in her bow repair- causes if we fail to securer-victory." Report on The Consump tion of Cotton. - Secretary Phillips- .gave .his views question of whether President Wilson ed. will decide tojact merely as an inter mediary or whether he , will accomp any the transmittal with some ezpres - Beyond the as to the necessary qualifications f for : s$on of . hope that the proposal for; tnose wno enter, toe foreign service consideration or peace win not oe re- rcted wlthntit CTftminawru'pHlfir reflefi. navoda railway. ha been cleared of hostile forces. , . ; "? "tt" ' tJI Vi,uW.,J ? and assented lhat :fhey slMUbCtiyrL2 Grinort -ZrSi z ' v , auuTiuiis irom iviarKei iodine ai- '"-"' -.v..- y -.pi.-,-!- kn( nnUntr such attack in the Ar- t,,, tti-RHi fl82 rnnnfn& haifia ..mmrami scnoois ana coueges. There is uc, uaii nay uclwckix liiik - s thhi. riii " - - o -a w--.-, x--" gonne, on the western front and of a Process. At present there are sev- th 514,743 a year ago, and for four ' .e 0 ... ArN A series of assaults on tne isuiganan pmi nnsfnrv wintncro t,0 months 2,227,375 hales, compared witn U1VEO r-viL-r.vAL - positions in Macedonia, there was erty TnG remaine nf thA hiiiidin 1,978,635 a year ago the-census bureau ; IVI ARRI F PI ATF mt;e news of interest. nn MarW strpt wao .fhwnorw nort announced today, Great Britain is on the eve of taking of the old Bonltz Hotel that was com-' rr,ttr Vm hQ,i Wnvomhor nnn. 2,191,799 a prevailing opinion here that President Wilson ' wants to do something of the sort and is looking forward to a move for a league of na nnininii nnnmru LIlUIUII-mUIILI V:. HtHtiUli'VtllJ Fully alive to the danger, of delay . with what he terms an unsatisfactory . s'tuation in Qreece, Lord TEtobert . Cecil , told the House of XJommons. this after v npen that' the Allies, were i about to ' ' i present certain demands to the Greek ' , , V-governmtml, lhe -pqffpggHrt-which as v " " , In the Hduse of Commons. toqa7 . Thomas McNamara; financial under-;' secretary for the Admirality, Vnnounq ; . ed that the Admirality had under earn v ' Amsterdam, Netherlands, Dec. 14 further v.ar measures. In the House demned and partially torn down some Tnn? PRtshHqhrnpntn wni 9iii 7QQ The Dutch brand of the League of of Commons a vote of credit of $400,- years ago. It has long been an eye- rhie rrvmna-wi wmi 1 fiisui n Neutral Countries has presented to ISE IS BEING ARGUED TODAY: 0,000 pounds was moved, bringing sore sight to passers-by, the total for the war up to 3,532,000,-' Mr. P. W. Wells, president of the pounds. Likewise a supplemental Howard & Wells Amusement Com- estimaterprovides for an additional pany, stated this morning that the one million men for the British army property was secured with a view of during the present fiscal year, the or- eventually enlarging the Victoria the iginal being for four million men. jatre into a modern and up-to-date play house. However, at present, only a large dressing room addition will be constructed on the Second street side f the property, but later the entire site will be built upon thus affording I a building 70x165 feet in size. Mr. Wells, further stated that his company holds a lease on the Acad- ; emy of Music that will run for two ' 1 1 1 J t . . T) j yeacs longer, dui as mat as a piay j house that place is fast becoming in- tj. 1 -n .1 u . j adequate and they wished to give to nighest 1 ribunal Hearing 1 he ( the city a modern theatre for staging tiritt-Weaver Election Con- .productions of all kinds. The proper ty was purchased with that idea in mind. Construction on the new two-story Second will be started directly after i the first of the new year. This will ago, and in public storage and at com presses, 4,098,928, compared with 4, 981,939 a year ago. Cotton spindles active during No vember numbered 32,753,937 compar ed with 31,488,723 a year ago. tions to preserve peace, as one of the Major Harriss Receives Three est consideration the matter of arm- elements in settlement of the war. Possibly some means "will be taksn to establish a little more definitely the temper of the entente allies towards Thousand For Pensioned Widows and Soldiers. ing merchant ships. the Great Eastern Railway Company a marble memorial Dlate. with a Wn-a rfQin rmtrQu in -ncKot in ! dent acts, but it is understood there Canada Wants to Continue. Fight. Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 14. Canada'a Tlfo-IM TXT M HorWoa r1orTr rvf trio .... - . . the neace nronosal before the Presi- " attitude towards uermany s peace pro- , . : . .. . . . . superior court, today received tne an- memory of the shooting by. the Ger mans of Captain Fryatt, of the Steam ship Brussels., troversy. Ka'eierh. xt p n0f. -n The. on- Peal of Representative James J. Britt i dressfnS m dition on frnm thr. i- -r t . . 1 street Buncomho nyi,, :,::ri.. T;:LT.r:: j afford a larger stage for the present combe county board of canvassers, i? ! Deing argued in the state c'0irt here todav. CANDIDATES BIG ISE CAR! Ail ASS RVE VOTE WOW will be no delay in forwarding the German note to the belligerent capi tals. After" reading the note carefully posal was indicated in a message senj, by Sir George Foster, acting premier. oI.the Dominion, today to Premier nual pension money for the old Con federate soldiers and their wives here Who are eligible to receive pensions Lloyd-George, as follows: rrom tne btate 01 wortn uaronna. ine naT,ada stands with vou and with J nnonlr la fni 43 R7R a n H will crtma in . . . . . ' Secretary Lansing said that while , TT ' , a tne P6 Ior a vigorous prosecut on there is some difference in the trans- ot the war untI1 complete Vlctory ,S lation when compared with the unof- fl tne ChriBtmas attained." ficial copy 'and while the order, of ar- are about here. . rangement of some of the paragraphs ' is a little different, there is absolutely in wumington tnere are nny-iour no change in meaning. old soldiers and fifty-nine widows who Mr. Lansing said the note would go wU1 receive pensions. Major Harriss forward presumably today and that no announces that he is ready to dis decision had been reached as to. burse the money at any time, whether the United States would ac-j' " . company it with any expression. in any iPfBSiou. , DDnUIDITinM Oil I At least one European neutral here1 iwuiuiuwn supreme is honed that n rlpr1sinn will hfi Janded down before December 19, in case, as it is said it will have di re bearing on the temporary restain laS order prohibiting tne state can ning board from taking action as 'cgards the Buncombe county vote un 111 that date. If the state board the vote of Buncombe county," -uuion Weaver, Democrat, goes to Egress from the Tenth District, in stead of Britt'. S COUNTRY NOT III! I vaudeville house and also .eliminate the necessity of having the dressing rooms on the second floor, over the stage. The addition will be of an .ornamental front not unlike the pre I sent front' of the Victoria theatre. The J addition, will cost approximately $8, i 000. , Eventually the theatre will be en-, large to the entire size of the lot, and the architecture oi the present build ine will be carried out. When corn- is permitted to pleted the play-house will be modern in every respect and one mat tne city might be well proud of. .At pre sent the Victoria theatre will seat 1, 100 persons, about the- same number as the Academy of Music will ' seat, 'T)ut when the entire addition is cob pleted the theatre Will accommodate 'about 2,000 persons.' A large -balcony will be added when the building is Elach $15.00 Club Completed ing every candidate and every locali ty Tk r"l Tk C" . i ty a square deal, and this is just what y lhe tlose Ot lhe rirst will be done. The Contest Manager Period Dec. 22 AXill is a stranger to every contestant. He Give 150,000 Extra Votes.lias no fiends to reward or foes to ii xt . f . j punish and will cheerfully give any tteavy, Voting Continues. j assistance in bis power, impartially nnMTnaT cn,nDV to any candidate who desires to win CONTEST - STORY .. .. .. un a ,vi tt, -a m;n uuc iuc Dicuum o.uu VY 1XL x re quest his aid. . The time to put forth every effort is rieht now. There is an tnrtra. nd- I j- x - i a . worth of subscriptions for 3 months 1 or longer, turned in before the 22nd " i A - Tv i i!u xl ajx ui weteiuuer; euuues uie cauuiuate to 150,000 extra votes, t On the other hand, the number of votes given for each $15.00 club will be- decreased after that date. REPORTED TO HOUSE v. THE PRIZES. $685 Overland Automobile. Ford Automobile. Carolina Beach Lot. $100 in Gold. $75 Victrola. $50 O. K. Mystic Range. $40 Sellers Kitchen Cabinet $25 Wrist Watch. Two $60 Diamond Rings. has already sent a request to his home government asking to . be authorized to assure President Wilson of the sup-, Washington, Dec. 14. The propos-; port of his government in sending al for a prohibition amendment today, some expression to the allies designed was ordered favorably reported to I x l a xt. x n : ' Via ITaiioa Kit 4-a Tii1iiirv Pnmmit. ' tO lllilUollUtJ lllclll tU give CUIlBlUCia vnc xxwuoc ujr tuc nuuiviai; vwiiiuiii,- tion to the offer to discuss peace. It ' tee. is indicated that some of the other The proposed universal suffrage neutrals may follow suit. - amendment was ordered reported The German embassy todav had no f without recommendation. further new advices on the situatidn. The Spanish ambassador was an ear ly caller at the state department and conferred with . Secretary L.ansing. He said he had advices from Madrid that his government also had receiv- NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS DAY i ( RICHMOND GETS NEW ANNUAL GAME. Richmond, Va., Dec. 14. It was anT ed the German note for transmission j nounced here today that the football to those entente countries where authorities of the University of Wash- Delays are dangerous. The oppor- FORMED ai IU Peclares Gprmanv'n Rlxr fr American Note, on The Belgians. Yashin p-frn Tk n Dec. 14. Ger- renlv tn a . TTtirr T- A VT A C Gainst th i t"o auiC"'"l f'"100" 1NLW DMlm Ww nvnJ ucvui tation oi .Belgians ar & 'tunitv is now knockine at vmir door. jand you should embrace it before It The dispatch feels highly compli- f to te' Jha is ? "det of for" , v tune which the immortal Shakespeare mented over the great interest mani- i " ! " . . .. wrote about, and if you take it at its fested throughout the country over ' . , ... . ' . nfxT flood you will certainly prove that the the mammoth voting enterprise. Few -. . n . . . v Great Bard of Avon was a true pro- ifany,mails, but what being bunches. for,itg swell certainly waft of coupons to the contest department, 'l,1 " . I nil oil to. ' J"u. iiitu wxic uuiii ioxb-o ui mo yyiil- finally enlarged The entire cost will e:uw"T" ners and place in your possession ty well scattered throughout the ter, , ij Prae f or Whic h you have striven, r torv V your friends know that, you ap- Tl rin a voting contest, the first and Preciate the hundreds of coupons they Pure sign of interests and enthusiasm are clipping. Ask them to consider is from the number of coupons that Paying a subscription. Either old or are sent in daily. This is also an in- subscriptions count, but new sub dication of a candidate's popularity, scriptions give more votes. , '. X Any candidate who receives many of you are actually in earnest and these coupons in a single day is likely so desire,, you will be the possessor of tr. hn .a Rtrntifi" cpMidate oetore tne i v'uu 'auwuuuup, ;w close. It depends, of course, to wnat be approximately $15,000. It was with 1 the idea of mak i ing these improvements after the property had been transferred, that the Howard & Wells Amusement; company .decided" a short while ago , i to install the vaudeville that is now ' being shown at the Victoria theatre 'to the Royal theatre on Front street. Spain represents the central powers diplomatically . , 1 The Swiss minister also called on ington and Lee and Washington and Jefferson had agreed to j?lay the 1917 Thanksgiving game at Richmond. New Bern Chamber of Com-; merce Inaugurates a Big . Movement. Secretary Lansing. His visit, coupl- This takes the place of the annual Vlr ed with the fact, that one . other neu- gina-North Carolina game. tral country is giving support to j President Wilson in any effort to se-. Y7-xTnr DrirrT-ACCCD nnnoMAmtlnn nf nearP. lead to WON 1 Kfc.Jfc.ClUhht.K-. IN HASTY MANNER; CHARTERED TODAY. Raleigh, N. C. Dec" 14. The Peo- dr. tha Dtn4 -3 L. A. x-ft. niUg. It IS! nnrto-ratnnA n-na-nA tha r-.uw W"VV"1. Rant f PrefiwelL Washlneton acrn: VJmteu tates nas not oeen -: . ..t - lately informod nf na nimna nf county, was chartered today by the importations, which it is said are Secretary of , State. The bank Is cap- 'nS made on the ground of social italized at: $25,000,- of which $10 ,000 ssity has been paid : in. degree the candidate applies herself With anything like ordinary effort, thet? candidate who receives coupons will find - subscription getting com paratively easy. Tie rules,' of the contest were drawn - with the idea in: view of givr WILSON GETS ONE ELECTOR IN: WEST. VA. one of the other prizes, on January frleted, shows that President Wilson 29th. 'T'.::.::-"'-.X--yi y- wlll receive one electoral vote, : If the name of the one for whom! Colonel . S. A you' would like to vote is not includ- j elector, who was placed on the tick- ! cure consideration of peace, lead to the belief that some light on the at-1 titude of the United States towards ' ' such a general move by neutrals was Washington, Dec. .-The embas- at least being sounded out. ' sies of the entente allies here today . . ,' reflected the view that (Germany's pence proposal would not be. rejected " without examination. They will prob ably call for a statement of 'the pro-, posed terms, so ; they can't be placed in the position of rejecting indefinite peace proposal. . . : Charleston, w; Va.; Dec. 14. A1-! nvrr . ' v Vieef rxt though Charles E. Hughes carrief t WM1 i o uiviiviiojiwiv West . Virginia by a plurality of 2,721 votes, the official count, nearly com- TO PROBE COST LIVING. ed,1 send in her nomination No cost to enter No cost to vote No cost to win. "' -' , X Continued on Page Seven.) c . V receiving et following the resignation of J W Dawson, was defeated, smaller vote than Democratic, elector. Washington, . Dec. 14.-A resolution ordering the Federal .Trade Commls- Scott, : Republican sion to investigate all angles of . the high- cost of living, including the pro- ' ducing 'capacity of the United " States And noKKihla violations of the anti- Orlando nemw trust, lawps. f a vorablv renorted today 'JNorth Y- Carolina's .bill for , I by the House Judiciary Committee. -r ' feedstuffs wa& nearly $120,000,000. New Bern, N. CDec.' 14. The, Chamber of Commerce of New Bern ' has Inaugurated a movement fof " a "North Carolina Products Day," .' J ' ' It is planned to have this day, ; -celebrated simulatneously throughout the State by dinners at which only V products raised in the State wlll be . served. , These dinners are to "be served by Chambers : of . Commerce, ' Boards of Trade, - Hotels, Cafes and Individual homes. , J " At the public dinners prominent ' men will - call attention to the impor tance of. producing foodstuffs at horned '':",-' The ; plan will be ; presented to the ' annual meeting of the North Carolina . Secretaries' Association, : to . be held at Gastonia, January 23 and 24. Every Commercial, Civic and , Agricultural , organization in the State will be en listed in the movement to make North Carolina economically' indepen- aent. - , rr;. : .- '. In advocating the plan Secretary- Manager Ramspeck of the New Bern ,s Chamber of Commerce calls attention . to some r uncomfortable . facts, ;, which were recently published by" the North Carolina Club of the State University. . In 1910 the per capita rural wealth In ; farm properties-in the United States . . was $994, in Iowa $3,386. in - North ; . ; Carolina only $322, this state rank- ing 44th. Yet in crop-producing : -power , North Carolina in 1910 stood at $24.84 per acre, compared - with" " $17.01 per acre for Iowa. In 19 1Q Imported .. . - ;

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