s J- ' X. 1THE- WEATHER FORECAST, ' i " Fair tonight and ' Sunday. Not much change in temperature. Gentle to moderate northeast winds. TODATC r.IAIUIETS "TODAY. V LARGEST CIRCULATION IN WILMINGTON 1 VOL. XXII. NO 350. "WILMINGTON; NORTH CAROLINA; SATURDAY AFTERNOON DRO" 0' iQlfc PRICE FIVE CENTS. OTE EXP iWKIAKE :ISi!E00D -:. '' ,1 . - " - - .-.- - - r -.- -v 1 , v 5- -v . . Tf- t -: ' ' ' -, I- : ii ill i . i - ii 13 i : e - - A-" - 11C PAPER II ERN missiiiiis Limiiiic . ; ' jj'' j jj j jj jj ; 1 6EiH0lflltL!lS Comment on statement Given Out in Berlin. OTHER OFFICIALS DENY NOTE IS SENT. Declare Berlin Refers Lansing's Statement Note Was Forwarded. to As Berlin. Dec. 29, (Via London, Dec. . . . , . . )-lt has oeen tearnea mat. a, lew days ago President Wilson sent a-se- parato note expianitory ot tbe first Vanderbilt bad won before Judge Ad note sent to the Central powers. The ams. n August. note has not been presented, however., A . " x . " Action was brought to recover pos- ' session of land and to remove a cloud Secretary Lansing refused to com- from Mrs. Vanderbilt's title. She merit on the report that a second note showed a proper paper title to the 465 linil hpfii sent to the Central Bowers ac-roa on a tv iti nm-n vr.i,- . i - and their allies to corrects misinter- pretation of the President's peace note. ! uuier oiiicuus utxidie, ;i iwever, r-. . i jaaTa.a . iliey are sure that no second nc.c has lioen sent. Berlin dispatches refer to the true statement of Secretary Lansing is- sued the day after the original nct3 indicating that "nothing will be saia auuui me uuie in view ui ine lauu uesunueu ana cuuiameu m h ueea President's and Lansing's "silence for it from W. E. Lane, who had a jiolicy." SecFetary Lansing would Prior grant covering the property, to make no statement either denying or Richard Ledbetter. On the issues sub affirming the statement from Berlin, mitted the jury decided that Mrs. Van It is felt that much misunderstand- derbilt was the owner in fee and enti ing might arise in the popular mind, j tied to the possession of the land de but it is held that the various gov- j scribed in the complaint; that the de ernments addressed will, not be influ-! f endants wrongfully entered into the enced except by officials. possession of those lands under claim T i A 1 J J it 18 iKnown n!utre-coli.Utato a cloud up6n the title a.c U Cu u.u lu " - lu lulim 1UU' "'"entitled to recover any damages. what has taken place. j Alien wntPR thP mrin-'tf Secretary Lansing has been most . emphatic ever since his statement m llShed. :f- - f Iutimation that the misunderstand, i ing abroad was partial in the public mind and might be dispelled by of- ficials from here if they choose is made. However, it has been said that no matter what public understanding at present, this situation will event- ually clear. FIXING IT ALONG all new Lines That Is The Aim of The First ' Pk;l:: n ' r - i nt Work. Manila, P. L, Dec. 30 The work of the first Philippine Congress is' 'drgeiy concerning itselt with reor ganization of the government along ,r , lu"cuutUL iUies- . acw:r - re6ic uimw m LUC rUn - pynitt) nave Degun wiin ine woras, "Rv 'inikn..:i.. rt r iuA n .r i United States, be it enacted by the! Philippine Legislature." One of the first, measures passed by the new in Kniar Congress was a change to read. The Senate and House of Represen- lative.s in Coneress assembled, de Prno" " . , " " , flops, etc., meaning, of course, that m... r,vt -ri - "' I'lhnino Congress is now acting linino Congress is now acting! "n its own authority. A bill for the organization of six; executive departmehTs has passed 'loth Houses of Congress. The de-i iiartments are those of public instruc 'ion, interior, finance, justice, agricul ture and natural resources, and com-t . niorCfi anH pnmmiiniVatinni TrhtTrif- Partment of public instruction is tblfor the benefit of bis father's estate bo headed by an appointee by the,and- If these facts are acceptefl by he President of the United States who ill be vice-governor of the Philip Pines, and the insular Congress will have no voice in his naming, butthe other departments may be headed by jtbe? as would justify referring his oc Jocal appointees who will probably j cupation to tthe original entry and give l)o selected from the Filipino :, Con- Wm the henef it of his father's deed on gress. The bill provides that the bti- i eau of civil service shall be under j 'he direct nontrol nf th enverhor-; general, a measure designed to keep jmissioners of Haywood, and Verge Mc the bureau from the contamination of jCIure and others, road commissioners politics. . 'of Beaverdam township, is-a petition The new department heads will or mandamus to make bpth boards comprise the cabinet of the governor- act In the assessment of damages, by general and be responsible to him, a jury agreement, done tcy)laintiffs ut their presence may be required .lands by reason of a road, oy either House of Congress which,) There was a judgment directing the in this way, hopes to keep final son- 'board of county commissioners to pro trol of their actions in its own hands, jceed and have damages assessed, re- The Congress is endeavoring to serving the quest! on as to who should avoid "filibusters" and the- Senate has ! pay the same. All parties appealed, adopted a rule that no member may Judge Hoke writing t the court's opin use more -than three hours in speak ing on a measure afte-two Senators of the minority have spokeWand a ote of the majority mar closes the debate. .1 - I uiliO DISPUTE BE TRIED Supreme Court Orders Re trial of Vanderbilt-Chaman Case, in Buncombe Raleigfr, N. C, Dec. 30. Mrs. Edith S. Vanderbilt's suit against S. F. Chap man anil rvtVtnno lnMn iCF - M 1 TTiZf m land, will again be tried in tho Run. combe Supreme' court orderinK a new trIal J? M ! w i.u bitic t cu. uavA. iu iiju when David Grant received it by state grant. Mrs. Vanderbilt also proved 11 i m .... . mai sue naa a proper paper title oy i .conveyance. The defendant set up adverse occu- pation for seven years under color of t!e to 169 acres within the boundaries of Mrs. Vanderbilt's tract, which, it is TO AGAIN 1 alleged, was a portion of a piece of. ;an(j civilians in twelve aeropls of title; tnat me aetenaant s claims or of the plaintiif but the plaintiff Is not . . Q f QT1, irit- 1lo fQr me court ana g0es ml0 me , m.phiird .Jtier: cejiprt.it jyu 1U1 vue XVUA V auu. wvw V.o Isfunilanj1 frMA- Tint . I fudsre that the defendant, could riot avgi ,?r.-iolf nf v.. R. . TArthet.ter's- nc-! CUpation f the property as being uri - aer color if Tie entered and held the same as his father's executor. "While we are disposed to concur in his Hon-j or's view that the will in question did not convey the estate to the executor but only a power of sale (Fterebee V3 Proctor, 19 N. C. p 439) and. while there are cases to the effect that there is no privity between the heirs of the deceased owner and his personal rep resentatives in reference to real es tate," the court continues, "these au-1 thorities will be found to refer more generally to a privity of estate or title and have no application to the facts of this record, tending, as they do to j show that Richard Ledbetter, having bought and taken a deed for his prop erty and entered ihereon during his 'life fimp. directine his son. who then, to some extent managed business of this kind for him, to hold possession mider the Lance deed.' " Tne court then further The court then further finds that Richard Ledbetter died leaving the power ofe sale to the son and vesting him with estate enough to carry out .. DurDOSe. that the son "entered purpose: that the son ! claiming ownership under the will, and ' exercising possession continuously from his death in 1903 to 1914 and ,that said executor was one -of the 'testator's heirs-in-law . True,' there lis much testimony to show that there iwas no continuity of possession on I8 l i. j , , t the part oi the adverse claimants and F ... .. ithat neither the occupation-or ine ia- 'ther and son nor of both together was I a 1 J- A m-, oiifflnisnf n ol ovu mauVe wue, uut iiieie is vcijr iii-nc ' connict or eviaence as to now me 'ecutor claimed while he was in pos- sesslon' Under t to wit, thhat he was there under the will, asserting ownership jury and were continued and of a kind sufficient to mature his title, there would be much privity of claim and 'possession between himself and fa- color of title. W. E. Worley and others against J. R. Boyd afid the board of county com- ion modifies and affirms the; judg ment with the order that the damages shall be paid out of the. general county 'road fund and the costs or tneappeal paid in like manner; Several Publications in' New York Increase Subscription Price Many Close. ir- -A- New York, Dec. 30. Owing to the increased cost of white paper and other materials necessary to printing and art, several magazines of Na tional circulation announced today increases inr subscription prices. Other magazines have already given notice of similar action. ' Several of the smaller "magazines in New . York have suspended publica tion and others are planning to merge with publications controlled by the same interests. Publishers explained that many, of them had to renew their contracts for paper at this time and had to pay early 50 per cent, more than this ; t i , - ' Machines Leave Hampstead, N. Y. For Naw Yard at Philadelphia. Hempstead, N. Y., Dec. 30. A flight to the League Island Navy Yard at Philadelphia was begun here to- day by United States army officers anes. j Some of the machines carried passen gers. The navy will make a similar -journey tomorrow. TO GREET THE WORLD BY WIRELESS. San Diego, Cal.V Dec. 30. New Year greetings from San Diego to London, Berlin, Paris, Vienna, Budapest, Tokio and the South American capitals will ibe flashed direct from here by means; the 150-kilowatt naval radio sta-i tion at midnight tomorrow night, ac- " coramgr to piana peneciea Dy tne or - new station located at Chollas Heights three miles east of San Dieero. is morR ; powerful than the naval station at 'Arlington, officers declare, and no dif- ! ficulty is expected in transmitting wireless messages to nearly all parts 0 fthe world. All Candidates Now Realize They Must Work For Sub scriptions Last Coupons Good For Ten Votes Ap peared Yesterday Cou pons Now Appearing Good For Only Five Votes Each. THE PRIZES. X- $685 Overland Automobile. Ford Automobile. , Carolina Beach Lot. $100 in Gold. $75 Victrola. $50 O. K. Mystic Range. $40 Sellers Kitchen Cabinet. $25 Wrist Watch. Two $60 Diamond ' Rings. X- .'" X- As each day passes in the greatest Voting Contest that Wilmington and surrounding territory has ever seen, the candidates themselves, as well as the entire public, are beginning to realize that it is subscriptions that count the most votes after all. There are some of ifhe candidates who assumed leading positions at the start simply by clipping the ten-vote coupons, appearing in the paper each day The coupons have been reduced to five votes each now, beginning with today, and these same candi dates will be at a loss to know just how to keep up in the list, unless they get out and hustle for subscrip tions. If, you are one of these candidates then now is the time to start your campaign for Subscriptions. One yearly subscription (or the equivalent in smaller payments) turned -in by next Wednesday night will give you 15,000 extra votes, and if this is your first subscription you will also re ceive the 25,000 extra vote ballot ! If you secure and turn in three year ly subscriptions, or equivalent in smaller payments, by next "Wednes- l ARMY PLANES 1 START BIG FLIGHT ' I SECURE YOUR H il nriin Dine mi pad i r,TfD HIIU INUL m UHII LfllLII i , . . - v Colonel Leard Completes Hh J, ,15bur of Inspection Over 1 Railroad. - ,s Newc.Bern, Dec. 30. Col. H. S. Leard general passenger agent of the Norfollr Southern Railway Company, who is on an inspection, trip, left New" Bern this morning for Raleigh, where no will spend a few days be fore returning to his home at Nor folk. Colonel Leard stated that 'he was out on a" tour of the road and that he had found everything in good condition. . ' Accompanying him was Mr. J. F. Mitchell, general passenger agent ofthe Norfolk Southern. Court officers are now getting the docket in readiness for-the next term of Craven County Superior Court, which is te be held in New Bern be ginning January 3. Criminal cases are to be taken ' up at this session and" there ate now a large, number of these on the docket. Many of the offenders are confined in the county jail aWaiUng' teial. , So far there has not been & single capital crime en tered on the pocket and if such turns out to be theease it will be the first January term held in Aseveral years which -Jias not contained one or more cases of this kind. . The holiday season js fast nearing its close andCProf l& B. Smith, super intendent of, the New Berrf public schools, is getting ia readiness for the opening oflhe Spring term on January 2. The Tall terms, which 1 came to an end: aweek ago, was one of the most successful in the history of the local schools, and Prof. Smith and his' assistattts believe ' that the approaching terms, will be even more of a , success -and that the attend-f ance will be larger. OAKLAND TO WELCOME THE NEW YEAR. Oakland, Cal., Dec; SO. A Spanish bell bearing the date 1237 will ring, out the old and ring miths new at OkIands New Year's eve celebration tomorrow night. This certmonv " will :lb&. the i i- ; - - innaie or tne proai'rcx.oi: nne M.es- in the million-dollar municipal audi- itorium. Precedins th oratorio a nil- grimage wll be made to the top of Mt. Diablo, where farewell will be sung to the last sunset of 1916 and a dance sympolic of the birth of the newjyear will be performed. day night you will receive three of these 15,000. extra vote ballots, but no candidate will be allowed more than three of these ballots. These! same subscriptions will also apply to ward the $15 club vote offer which giyes 140,000 extra votes this period. Someof you candidates have been wanting an automobile all these years and have been wondering how on earth you would ever be able to save up enpugh money to buy one. Some of you have been hoarding your money because you hated to pay out so much for a car. But in( the mean time, you have been letting your friends entertain you with their car then you have to figure how in the world you are going to entertain them in return, without hiring a - car, or working another friend. Now here is your opportunity to get that car you have been wishing for, and still keep all your money, and let it work for you while you are sleeping or making more. Don't it make you feel just a little bit envious to see a friend, or ac quaintance, who has a car ride past with all her friends, when you might be having the same good time with the same people if yoli only had a car ' The Dispatch is going to give away a $685 Overland .Touring Car and a $383.10 Ford Touring Car on January 29, 1917. j You can win either one of them without a penny of expense, if you would just spend a little of the spare time securing votes, that you usually fool away. Never mind who you are business woman, professional woman, wife or( daughter of a farmer or just folks you can use the car all right. So use your head that nature gave you for such purposes, and ride in your own car -after January "2l9i. - ' " Thereir eigh t 'other prizes in ad dition ,tds the automobiles, and each candidate who remains active until the .close a'hd does not win a prize Will receive5 ifen per cent, commission on all new ' subscription money that she tfirn in'urinl the - contest There, will be ho Tds:eBC (Continued oh Page Seven.) RPC UEIITniVICUT- UL U VL II U 1 U Note is Long and Again Sets Forth Responsibility of Teuton Empire. TO BE PRESENTED TO AMBASSADOR SHARP. Restitution As Outlined By Lloyd-George, Is De manded By The En tente. Paris, Dec. 30. The Allies answer to the German note of Dec. 12, will be handed to Ambassador Sharp tonight, says the Petit Parisien. It will be published tomorrow. The note is long and sets forth again the responsibility of the cen tral empires. . Reparation is insisted on. Restituations outlined by Premier Lloyd George are demanded by the Entente. The note says that Ger many, by failing to formulate propos als for peace removes in advance any basis for co-pourparlers. SERIOUSLY HURT BY FALLING TREE Fifteen Year Old Boy Had Scalp Laid Open Yester day Afternoon. iieorge Spencer, 'fifteen years ot age, " was seriously hurt yesterday af ternoon when a medium sized oak tree he was chopping . down in the ' rear vartf of Schutt's druejstore. corner of Sixteenth .and ',Markt . streets, fell J ; the James Walker Memorial "Hospital for treatment and a repoVt from that institution at noon today was to the effect that he was resting comfortab ly. . A gash two and a half inches long and a quarter of an inch wide was laid open on the crown of the youngs ter's head by the tree. The accident occurred at 4:30 o'clock. Mr. Theodore Schutt with whom the Spencer boy lives, stated this morn ing that he had advised him against felling the tree but because it was dead and unsightly young Spencer insisted upon its removal and while his attention was attracted . elsewhere yesterday afternoon the boy, .who is an orphan, got busy with h axe and soon had the tree chopped sufficiently to topple it to the ground. Because he was working from the tpp of the woodhouse he was unable to escape and was struck on the head by the falling tree. ANNUAL MEETING OF Ml IS ON Jacksonville, N. C, Dec. 30. -Members of local camp Woodmen of the World, over 65 strong, entertained their friends in a pleasant manner last evening, when they gave an an nual banquet. Congressman George E. Hood was to be present and make an address, but an unavoidable accident prevent ed this part of the program. Sheriff E. H. Walton made a few remarks in praise of Woodcraft. Violin and piano music was furnished. Cream and cake was served to anout 200 guests. The banquet was given in the court room, tl is said that this was one of the most pleasant events that has happened in this town during the year. N EXTRADITION CASES ARE NOW NO MORE. London, Dec. 30. One of the ef fects of the' enforcement by the United States, of more stringent pass port regulations, is that there are no further extradition cases of Ameri cans from England. During many years before the war there were a substantial number of such cases, so many that dealing with them constituted an important divi sion of the work of officials at the embassy. So well have the new reg ulations governing the issuing of passports served the cause of justice that during the current year there has not been a single case of an American criminal or suspect . being arraigned at Bow Street police court for extradition. One That Shook Part of Japan Did More Than Was First Thought. Kobe, Japan,.. Dec. 3). Damage Caused by the earthquake of Sunday, November 25, which was briefly re--ported by cable," was considerably greater than . was first Indicated. The city of Kobe, Op.e of the most beautiful places in Japan, stretching along the waterfront at the foot of picturesque mountains found, .-After the subsidence of the shock, that a majority of its residences on the hill slopes had suffered great damage. In this section are some of the finest houses, both Japanese and foreign, and many of them were so shaken that roofs fell in and walls tumbled into the streets.- It was the most severe Whock expe rienced in Central japan in twenty five years. In Kioto, the big railroad station lost m6st of its windows and the walls- sagged in several places. The disturbanlce was accompanied by a roar, like the booming" of' a great cannon, with a heated, oppressive at mosphere, which caused an even greater panic, than the damage justi fied. No one was killed and no build ings were entirely demolished, but cracked walls and dislodged chim neys were general throughout Cen tral Japan. t A party of tourists who were spend ing the afternoon on the famous Rokkosen mountain just behind the city of Kobe, are responsible for the story that they saw one of the neigh boring . hillsides' move during one of the earth tremors. Some of . the Japanese earthquake experts believe the disturbance was due to '.the subsidence of subterranean fissures beldw the sea-bottom off the city, of ... Kobe.y:i , . FiveS Very" Fine Specimenaf FleetrFooti Tribe. Are Bagged By Hunters. , New Bern. Dec. 30. Messrs. E. H. M eadows, ; Jr.,;-' Edward Glark, Sam Dill, Allie' Cobfc; E Milled df Balti more, and Clarence Watkins and B. H. Thompson, of Aura,, have returned to the city from a hunting trip in the section around 'Catherine Lakes, and they report that deer in that part of the State is plentiful. . The members o fthe party succeeded in bringing down five specimens of the fleet-footed tribe within the course of twenty-four hours and say they could have probably increased this number had they spent" another day there. v'4 S " Although complete reports have not been. made, it is known that the amount of building done here during the past twelve months has exceeded that done during any similar period in many years. New Bern has, in fact, enjoyed an embryo building boom during the present year and a large number of dwellings and busi ness houses have been erected. Con tractors sav that the amount of building to be done during the com ing year will be even greater than that done during the past twelve months. Stewards representing the various Methodist churches in the NewBern district are holding the annual meet ing in. New Bern today and at this time the assessments for the year are to be made. The meeting is of unusual interest in many ways. The result of the conference is eagerly awaited by . the members. of the vari ous churches. A marriage of interest to the many friends of the contracting parties took place at Stonewall on Tuesday, when Miss Florerce Casey, of that place, became the bride of Mr. C. R. Oliver, of Pollocks ville. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a" few relatives and friends, after which the happy young couple left for Pollocks- ville. where they will make their! home. Two Jewish Governors. Denver, Col., Dec. 30. The New Year will find two of the States of the Union ruled by governors of the Jewish faith, for, the first time in the history of the country. In Idaho Gov ernor Moses Alexander is about to be gin his second term, and on New Yearns Day Simon Bamberger will be Inducted into the office of chief exe cutive of Utah. Mr. Bamberger will have -the additional distinction of be ing thel first Democrat , to fill the gu bernatorial chair in Utah. , Did Miss Swift get a run-about for Christmas? . Well, she married, Reggy De Past on that day. Exchange. . DEER WRE AT 7 IHrB Wr IflvH Will II lalll W tml I lift. I German Army Headquarters x Declare, von Mackenseh's Armies -Advance. 'i. RUMANIANS AND RUSS H T RESISTING STRONGLY,'; Kaiser s Men Attacking '.EbTfid;' Same Time: On bTVSS Moldavian Front'V'''':';;';.l The Russians ' and Rumanians : are , making a heavy rear guard action as -they reach higher towards th line, of the Sereps in northeastern ' Wal- ' lachia and southern Moldavia. , Today's German, army 'headauarfera . reports show steady progress for Field Marshal von Mackenaen's armies along the entire front despite the strong re- N sistance they are encountering. At . the same time the attack on the Mol davian front is developing. ? , ' LONG LAW SUIT HAS JUST ENDED One of The Longest in History Concluded In Eng land. London, Dec. 30. The longest and one. of the most unique lawsuits .ever ;V; heard in the English courts has Just , 7 been decided. . It involved the owner J ;:!; ship of $2,5O0T,OObx far gold which" the : Amalgamated. Properties of JlhddesiaJ Ltdy owners of ; a million acres ta ' Rhodesia, claimed that the Qlobe and ! f Phoenix GofdlMinlhg Company, .whiclu-; owns the , richest-gold mine K in . tne . world, bad. taken" from the . Rhodesia prpnerty;'; As'if to be consistent, the ' kiLJS ntsviadellYeri.rr The case lasted 1)4 daysTandjcost r. $750,000. - One witness was on the " : ' stand sixteen days sand another who ' . was on the stand almost as long diedi. Two, other men fw;;werje interested v in the case diellbafcrrV. ..'it' "'wav.cpn--:' eluded. ' I- yisvi1?!. ' r-, More than 50,000 questions were ut to witnesses and answered., In final summing np counsel for ihe 3- fendant spoke for' 4BdayvV " CWet cotmsel for the defense recelveda . fee of $5,000 and .Jii.retrslier''-r6r daily charge was $500. . V ; The documents in the case werv so voluminous that two" large rooms ; . were crowded with maps ' assays and' reports. The proceedings were en livened by stirring scenes between . opposing counsel and apologies were ordered by the court. . ''. ' V In deciding the case, Justice Eve : dismissed the action on 'the ground , ,' s that the Amalgamated Properties, had failed to prove that the gold was ex- '. tracted from its mine which adjoined, that of the Globe and Phoenix. Jt COLONEL HAS ASSUMED ; EXTRA HEAVY BURDEN:.: El Valle San Buena Ventura, Mex- t ico, Dec. 30j Responsibilities usually assumed by brigadier generals have -:K fallen to the lot of Colonel W. II., Al laire ,of the Sixteenth ,inf antry, presf ; ; ent commander of this camp, thelmost." southern of the American Punitive V Expedition. : Colonel Allaire, who is the only regimental commander' of the : -ten who entered Mexico -with the e ; . pedition last spring, to retain hla com- . mand, not only has .his regiment, and the camp, but heads the Eighth In-' ; fantry Brigade and directs maneuvers . for one cavalry and two Infantry reg iments, several batteries of artillery, a company of engineers, a signal de tachment and an aero squadron. Hold- ing the most exposed part, of the ; American line, the point VJlla is e pected to attack' should he carry out threats he Is reputed to have made against the expedition, the colonel , not only has to keep out patrols" but ' must direct the work bf the. intelli gence department, the chief duty ot . which is to keep In touch with: the ; bandit's movements. The task of : keeping several thousand red-blooded . soldiers healthy and as contented as may be in this desolate spot"; also taxes his Ingenuity to the utmost A' constant , source . .of ; potential trouble ' Is the town of El Valle,' whose 4,000 residents formerly were considered Villa . sympathizers, and where " there ; now is a Carranza garrison. This town is less than two miles from the ' American" camp and strict precautions must be taken to avoid clashes.'V . . A fool and his money are - soon parted. . Yep. Who got youra away; from' vou? "Exchange. .. . ". -'.-'' I - i.

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