, m f : ; . I im 1: iff! III nmm mm 11 1 HRAVFN FARIUIFRS ;oluS!Kn :More Guai"dsmen ; - ings-tha UnHVtll rniimtlld warpath TODAY.: to be. Released 1 - - - ' II . V;.':. (Continued . From Page One.) GLEANING HOMES to insist that he failed to see the good in always "writing to Raleigh" to find out how to conduct one's own affairs. at iEaily Date (By Associated Press.) ' " Washington, Man ,; 30. Secretary - or Paint js Freely Used as Result;" HaSd'second War" Baker said today that as soon - J it ably in for trouble, it passea secona nAn watiftnaiaiwrflsmfin re- reading , through the courtesy of the "rr - -STtap 1 L'CUtlJ uv - w- opposition, some oi wnom auuiuiy - - . f ,h ho states. ad marked that they would kill it on tnira - ,.,, Wnirf h Rnt from ! One of the troubles cow v.the border. Definite plans, he said, of Prosperous Year- Building Boom. (Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, Jan. 30. A clean up and paint up campaign is being wag ed by the farmers m Craven county and, in consequence, almost every rur al home that one sees these days is resplendent in a new coat of. paint. The Craven county farmers have made' money during the past year and they have come to the conclusion that there is no better way in which they can spend some of this cash than to improve their homes and -the sur roundings, of recognized standing may serve as SDecial order for Wednesday along Another tmng mat is nouceaoie in.neaitn om.cer. Iwuh the orner education mils, this line is the fact that manye new McCoin argued for his bill that it! The House Monday, houses are going up in the rural sec-1 had the,aporoval of the State Medical;, ' The House was called to order at 3 tion and the majority of these are of Society and that the pharmacists were ; 0ciocir -hy Representative Doughton -a . . -w-r i m . J T X. " reading, anyhow. witn tne measure, yeruy i ,onon, 11Tnn tmnstiortfttion facilities trouble), is the provision for an ex-, y . ' . amination fee of $25, which is to be president Modifies Sentence.' paid before a man can take a job asj r Associated Tress.) whole time health officer of a county, Washington. Jan. 30. Sentence of' or town. This $25 pays the expenses dismissal reCently imposed upon of an examining board, composed of Lieutenant. Forrest Ward, First In three members, elected by the State fantrVj Arkansas National Guard, Health Officers' Association, and two has been modified by President Wil by the State Board of Health. The bill .son to a reprimand- Lieutenant Ward, also says that only a doctor of mecli-j iit was charged, encouraged gambling cine, or a holder 6f the degree of doc- among the enlisted men. tor of public nealtn irom a university not opposed to it. He, thought tnat aTlrt tWve.r was bv Dr.. McWhife. the any legislation which could unite doc-; Presbyterian "church pastor. New bills tors and "docs" ought to be passed. introduced were: - The Senate Monday. Gardner Abolish the office of treas- The Senate was opened with prayer ;urer for Yancey county. an improved type and are equipped with many of the modern improve ments which one usually finds only in the cities. Baseball chatter is again in the air. Talk in regard to reviving the old by Rev. T. W. O'Kelly, of the Bap- j Gardner By request Promote tern Eastern Carolina League is again in the air. Devotees of the National game at Goldsboro declare they are ready and willing to join a league if it is. formed and are warmly agitating the ques tion. However, there is hardly any probability that New Bern will take stock in any Eastern Carolina League. This city has a city league that seems to be giving all the amusement nec essary along this line and then, again, there s but little enthusiasm over the game here at the present time. Horsemen in' this part of the State are contemplating putting on a big racing tournament during the early Spring and it is their belief that if this is done it will prove to be one of the biggest events of its kind ever held in the State. The track at the Eastern - Carolina fair grounds is one of the bets in the State and the horsemen in this .sec- tion feel that this is one of the best places to hold a racing meet. The matter is now being talked over and something definite will probably be decided upon during the course of the-nexf few weeks. tist church, at 3 o'clock, Lieutenant- perance by regulating the receipt and finvernor GardneSr. presiding. A leave of absence was granted for Rep resentative Linn, of Rowan county, un til Tuesday -morning. New bills were introduced as follows: Jones Provide for the Australian ballot in this State. Three hundred copies of the bill ordered printed the RAILROADS KICK ON VALUATIONS (fiyAssocIated Press.) Washington, Jan. 30. A vigorous attack by railroad interests on meth ods pursued by the Interstate Com merce Commission in fixing the phy sical valuation of America.n rail roads has been made in a legal skir mish over its findings in the case of two small roads, the Atlanta, Birm ingham & Atlantic and the Texas Midland, first to be valued. The commission was asked to set aside the valuation division's ap . praisai, counsel for the carriers de claring it inadequate, not in conform ity with law and representing "only ? partial list of the bare bones of the property with some prices at tached thereto." Glen E. Plumb, counsel for the four railroad brotherhoods an nounced they desired later to pre sent "some general theories" for the commission!s attention. Counsel for many other railroads than those directly concerned crowd ed the chamber and participated in the proceedings. W. Kulne, of Phila delphia, representing the Pennsylva nia'Railroad, said the two roads in volved are small and requested valu ation of larger roads be withheld un til questions at issue are disposed of.- The hearing probably will last sev eral days. TROOPS STOP BANDITS IN BREAK FOR MEXICO (By Associated Press.) Mexico City, Jan. 30. It has been reported to the War4 Department that bandits tried to cross from the United States into , Mexico today near Brownsville and were forced back by troops under General Ricaut. Gen eral Ricaut reported that American 1roop3 were pursuing the bandits on the American side of the line. WESTERN TRUST MEN GATHER IN 'ORLEANS. By Associated Press.) New Orleans, Jan. 30. An execu tive business session for considera tion of reports of standing and special committees on various subjects con nected wh)h the fruit and vegetable industry occupied the time of dele gates to the Western Fruit Jobbers' Association in convention here today. A large number of new members of the association were initiated prior to the business meeting. Warren Increase r i-.-uA rrnn on1 tii J 4 -? a 1 Hiotricta anri ' to provide for emergency judges. This bill provides that one district in the eastern division of the State and one in the western division shall consist of one or more counties (a small dis trict) and the terms of court in the districts shall be limited to twenty weeks each annually. There would be 24 judicial districts and in rotation each of the judges would in turn be come an emergency judge in the ro tating system observed, subject to be assigned to any county by the Govern or to hold special courts or supply in case of sickness. Advocates of the bill say the provision regulating the emergency judges means the creation of no more new offices and no addi tional compensation is allowed. At the same time it is claimed that the increase in the districts will remedy the present situation giving trouble in many counties. r&M 1 IPPOR me , MO M. )VV . ... . - - WSTP' '1 1 rPRAC"UCIN6 tsP v ,v j.--. i, , i r iti V f 1 I II. ..III. - A 'W'lWtn ; IT . - - li-pi-irtw ,.,..n- iimhi Wiiii U' 7 . 5 4 I lc-fc- I I Am. S . k v ij i i 1 -- ' - v i Ej 1 ' s ONLY OFFICIAL MOVING PICTURE nt !The American Ambnlance Field Service : Film presented bv the French G recognition of the heroic work of our American bov o f Stateg J Snhnnl Auditorium WHnHau M;nk i Hem0 School Auditorium. Wednesday Niaht. j9n zi o.o Afternoon, Feb.1, 3:30. ' and Thu ; -50 cent Adults; 25 cents Space Donated by the People's Savings Bank. Chi!jr 'en in Mar lrri--: " i1i&ttffmi (WRITING PAPER USE IS SHOWING AN INCREASE handling of intoxicants. Hurley Amend the act of 1905 rel ative to the election of commissioners in Montgomery county. Price and Roberts Fix the salaries of Rockingham officers. McCall Repeal the 1917 act rela tive to the denutv court clerk in Cher- Superior 1 okee county. Pritchard Preserve the integrity of the ballot in Madison county. Suttlemyre Repeal 1915 local act relative to the collection of Caldwell taxes. Hoyle Regulate presumption of law as to certain titles. Tatum and Dees Protect fruit 1 growers in the State. Coffey Amend the 1905 revisal re- lating to magistrates' fees. Swain Relief of Confederate sol diers and sailors. Privette Furnish ground limestone to farmers at the least possible cost. J Wilson Abolish office of treasurer in Transylvania. Hicks Add Avery county to the list of counties exempted from the State wide primary, law. Withtow Provide uniformity in deeds and other papers. I Kfllian Regulate hunting in Ctaw- I ba; incorporate Maurey School; al- Ilow Catawba county to elect board of (6y Associated Tress.) New York, Jan. 0. In spite of the steadily-j increasing pricexof all kinds of paper more writing paper is being used than ever before, says Theodore L. C. Gerry, President of the Ameri can Stationers' Association, of New York. At the annual dinner of the organization last night, Mr. Gerry as serte dthat the people of the United States seemed to be writing more let ters and were buying more paper, pens, ink, lead pencils, blotters and stationery supplies of all kinds. Parker Allow the election of coun ty boards of election to be elected by j eduction. popular vote. Ihree nunorea copies Grant, of Onslow Repeal a certain ordered printed and the bill set as a j ocai roaa iaw ' " " I Hoyle Repeal bill relating 'to en- I larginga certain graded, school diw trict. Matthews, of Mecklenburg Amend the revisal relative to property under mortgage and other contracts. Matthews Amend the act relative to advertising personal property. Bills passed final reading as follows: Abolish treasurer's office in Yancey; regulate deputy clerks in Cherokee; relating to automobile tax and apply ing 90 per cent to the county in which the tax originates; repeal road law for Marsh township, Surry county; amend the Pender road law. The House voted down 34 to 19 the bill ,to create a State Board of Ex- Laminers to examine applicants for law icenses. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They wMI call for your "ads'." In the same manner and quick time as they nowcover the city for telegrams, night let tergrams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Tclegraptf?' LEAK SITUATION CLARIFIED TODAY BY MANY DENIALS. (Continued From Page One.) COURT NOTICE. All jurors and witnesses summoned to appear at Court on Monday, February 5th, 1917, are hereby notified that they need nqt appear until Wednesday, February 7th, .1917, at nine thirty A. M. By order of W. M. BOND. JUDGE W.M. BOND. Clerk Superior Court. leak investigating committee. Direct examination cf the witness by "-Sherman Whipple was concluded and members of the committee be gan questioning him. White also denied that he had any accounts in which persons in official life were interested. "Did Lawson suggest to . you?" asked Representative Campbell, Re publican, "that the market was top heavy and that a suggestion of peace would start the market down and that it was a good time to get all ycur friends into a pool?" "No, sir," said White. Campbell tried to learn what White and Lawson talked about at the va rious meetings in New York, . about .the time the peace situation was a big- factor in the stock market. White said they talked "in general terrns," about the war and Its "economic .ef fects." He could not recall ever hav ing discussed the German peace pro posals, the Lloyd-George speech in reply, or the arrival of the Deutsch land and the U-53, or President Wil son's attitude. "You had advance information on the arrival of the U-53, didn't you " asked Campbell. "I did not. I knew nothing of it until I saw it in the newspapers." . "Do you think Lawson ought to be in an insane, asylum or behind the bars which ?" "I have no opinion on that. It is not within my jurisdiction," replied the witness, with a laugh. "Didn't you realize when you saw Lawson's testimony published that there might be an issue of perjury raised between you and him? How was it you made no effort to have him retract?" "This is my first appearance be fore the committee," replied White, "and I didn't think the manner in which he mentioned my name very important." "Do you think," interrupted Repre sentative Chiperfield, "that your con versations with Lawson were equiva lent to a full course in romance lit erature?" "I couldn't say that. I did not take his conversation seriously." Barney Baruch was again called to the stand. Baruch declared voluntar ily that he was ready to answer any questions fully. On December 11, he said, he bought 5,000 shares of Steel, expecting it to rise, nut it didn't, and he sold the following day at a loss of about four points. Then came the address of Von Bethmann-Hollweg in the Reich stag regarding peace, Baruch said, and foreseeing the effect the speech would have on the market on JJe cember 13, he sold short, dealing in 23,400 shares of Steel that day. (Continued on Page Six.) COAL WE PAY THE TAXES. INVEST IN Carolina Building and Loan Associa tion for safety, service and dividends New Series Saturday, February 3rd, at 123 Princess, L. W. Moore, Secre tary. 1-30-lt WANTED AT ONCE, YOUNG MAN to do stenographic work and and light bookkeeping. Must be strictly " moral, and with no bad habits. Fur nish reference with application. Ad dress W, care Dispatch. l-22-t. WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when bo requested Phone your order to 745 Gordon'ja News Stand. 10-7-tf CALL H. L. KIDD FOR SOIL FOR Flower yards. Phone 1549-W. Your wants will receive jrompt attention. 1-9-tf YORK APPLES, FLORIDA ORANGES, Lemons, Potatoes, Onions, Grape Fruit, Limes, Tangerines,, Onion Sets, Dates, Hershey's Milk Choco late and other Candies. Send us your orders. Bear Produce and Merchandise 0., Wholesale. Phones 452-453, Wilmington, N. C. 1-21-tf FOR SALE MODERN RESIDENCE, large lot, garage, six blocks from Postoffice. Apply P. O. Box 63. 1-16 tue-thur-sal-tf "Murchinson Service" 1. Twenty:f our nundred depositors appreciate effi' and courteous service, as wel as the conditio: J?l make such service possible. c" ARE YOU PROGRESSIVE THE MCHISON NAHM It BAN! Capital $710,000. Surplus $100,000, Builders' Supplies STORAGE W. B. Thorpe ML and Company WATER and ANN STREETS I SEES WE WANT A MAN ONE WHO HAS some knowledge of the furniture business and one who knows how I to use a duster or a broom, who is absolutely in accord with the best interest of his firm, and will tell nothing but the truth. A man wlo has intelligence, and onewho is not satisfied with his self, but one who wishes to become more than a knot on a log. A man who is courteous, clean, energetic and trustworthy. Who will serve his customers to best of his ability and who is not afraid i 01 work. And in addition does not smoke cigarettes or is a natural born conversionalist. To such man we have a job with a stipend com mensurate with qualities mentioned. Yes we want your reference, all the reference you have got. A Man. care Dispatch. l-30-2t JUST RECEIVED 100 BUSHELS OF j Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes and the J finest lot of North Carolina sides and shoulders of the season. Call us. Acme Cash Grocery Co., Water and Dock streets. l-30-3t UNREDEEMED WATCH, NO. 6324 One open-face 20-year gold-filled El gin, 17-jewels; sale price, $6.90. Un redeemed watch No. 5586 One open face, nickel case, 21-jewel, Illinois; sale price , $12.40. Unredeemed watch No. 5083 One open-face Eold- filled Waltham; sale price, ?2.90. ' Chas Fingelstein, No. 6 So. Front, j Phone 642. x 1-24-tf CI TDK! ITI l D rr i Q o-l Attn oo o - i i -t- lj I wiiiii i w i h. i s- i mil ouu i r i Front street. Store full of furniture. Lots of new furniture, and some slightly used and sold at bargains. We have a gas range and pas water heater you can use. Big values. Come to see us. Sterling Furniture Company. E. H. Sneed, Mgr. Phone i 60. 1-26-tf OREGON AND CALIFORNIA RAIL- road Co., Grant Lands, Title to same revested in United States by Act of Congress dated June 9, 1916. Two million three hundred -thousand j acres to be opened for settlement j and sale. Power Site, Timber and Agricultural Lands. Containing some of best land left in United States. Now is the opportune time, Large Sectiofial Map showing lands and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, etc. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. l-19-3m HOT Is a Household Necessity ; abundant hot water is the greatest domestic luxury. GAS WATER HEATERS '' Let us demonstrate our various kinds of for you Then Give Us Your Order for your selection. Terms are Satisfactory. Tide Water Power Co, Princess Street. mwlllMI llll IM Ml llllll mil l.l 111 FOUND-PIN ON CHESTNUT. ST. WANTED WIDE-AWAKE, TEMPE- rate man, 25 to 35 years of age, of character and ability, to deliver and collect from town and country cus tomers. Personal bond of $500 re quired. Address, R. B. Stout, care General Delivery, Wilmington, N. C. l-29-2t-j. You have read ill the magazines and Musical Reviews of Thonaj A. Edison's New invention We hold a license to demonstrate and seO The New Edison - We invite all music loversto visit our store and become familiar with Edison's New Art, whereby he actually Re-Creates all forms of music Hear the New Edi3on at oijr store. C. W. YATES COMPANY Market Street. r u. . - toi- .scam Aft er The Doctor Leaves Owner can get same by calling- it I THE RURAL BUILDING AND LOAN the Dispatch Office, paying for ad. J and identifying pin. 1-30-lt-j LOST PAIR LADIES BLACK KID Gloves this morning on Front or Princess street between Woolworth's and 2nd and Princess. Finder please , return to 211 Princess street. 1-30-lt-j Association will open the 34th se ricr. next Saturday, February 3rd, 1917. Subscribe for stock today. J. Holmes Davis, Pres.; Marshall Shrier, Vice Pres.; James Owen Reilly, Sec. & Treas. Jan.28-29-30-31 Feb.1-2-3 FOR RENT LARGE DOUBLE ROOM Suitable for two . young men or a couple. Also two single rooms with board furnished. Address "X," care Dispatch. l-30-2t-j eiiTii We are prepared to sign Contracts with acceptable parties for fall delivery cotton at 'excellent prices as we view the situation. . W.B: Cooper SCo. Wilmington, N.' C. WANTED 2 OR 3 light housekeeping. 12:30 or 5:30 o'clock. ROOMS . FOR Phone 2052-J 1-30-lt-j NOTICE FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS beginning Monday, 15th, we are go ing to dispose of all unredeemed watches having been in our posses sion for the past twelve months. Consisting of Elgins, Walthams, Howard and Hamilton. Be sure to look for our ad. Monday. Chas. FJn kelstein. 1-12-tf It is important that the prescription he left be filled with out delay and Compounded accurately. We exercise care in filling prescriptions in accordance with written in structions and deliver promptly. Try US. THE PAYNE DRUG COMPANY, Corner Fifth and Red Cross Streets. IN AUGUR AT ION FOR RENT DESIRABLE 3 OR 5, room apartment, with bath, gasi range in kitchen, all modern im provements; nice location and rent very reasonable. Phone 1092 or! 151. l-28-3t UNREDEEMED WATCH NO. 4,995, Waltham, '21 Jewels, 20-year case. Sale price, $14.60. Unredeemed Watch No. 5,592, Waltham, 7 Jewels, 20-year case. Sale price, $5.40. Un redemed Watch No. 5,532, open face ' Waltham;. 15 .. Jewels movement, NickeJ. case. Sale price, $3.80, 6 South Front street. Chas. Finkel stein. Phone 642. v 1-19-tf L. L. SHEPPARD, 817 NORTH 4TH St. Have got tne goods for you. Best native (meats of all kind. Also a full line of groceries. Phone 1186. Prompt delivery. Always on the job. 10-13-eod-tf FOR THE VERY BEST NATIVE AND Western Pork and Beef,, Fancy Groceries, tec. See or Phone R. B. Moore, 3rd nd Cast! a. Phone 1888. 11-24-tf " STRAYED FROM 1809, PRINCESS St., . one red female setter dog.' Answers to name of "Pete." If found please notify . L. Dickinson, telephone, 1129 OJ.S59. " l29-3t. PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON WASHINGTON, D. C. MONDAY, MARCH 5TH, 1917. I , $10.05 ROUND TRIP via SOUTHERN RAILWAY From Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Burlington, and all inte: ate points to Greensboro. . $10.65 From Goldsboro, $10.70 From Selma. Round trip tickets for this occasion will be on sale Marco i and for trains scheduled to arrive Washington by noon March 'xi.u " " uiuncu i cLurumg to reacu original wi - , WANTED A GROCERY CLERK. A young man with years experience'for steady work in a well known grocery store. Good wages for earnest man. Address in own handwriting giving age, reference, "Clerk" care Dis patch office. 1-29-2L uiiuuignt oi jviarcn iutn, iyi7,-or by-depositing ticket m va " jji?. and. paying a fee of $1.00, final limite will be extended to April lOtn. . Special Pullman Sleeping cars will be operated from Ralelg Dorft Durham, and from all points for special parties of twenty-five or o For Sleeping "car reservations, and complete information, ask b era Railway agents, of address ' a . - . . . ' J. O. J0NEb, t Traveling Passenger Age to-i-5-17 r - . Raleigh, N. C. I ilKC. reiCI CUCC, icin. axc xjia- i . r I 11-24-tf ; " patch office. 1-29-2L I Wikswtssii. MiVim,il,w.wmiWXMfff WWMWWWMMWMMMWMWMMi , " . , . - , Tmmmmmm 1 ' l , t0 IS I v 51 Wl- HPI IFWF a-re ? 6V6ral thousand m6rl anwoen in Wilmington who Intends ExecutorwheQ they get 1 L ULLI L U L a.wink U the fire policy on their hbuses should lapseAn insignificant thing compared with the risk of dying without a will; They ought, give th sir heirs anrl tV nrlrliHrmal cost when a man Alec infAefaU Come and see us wecan maU ir Mr N mct Nn trouble.. (tr n rGAo; time to do it. Some of them could not sleep morever, to, 'think' of the trouble it w I I . . Y - x- J uuuuv.ituait & TRUST 'COMPANY THE "SAFE EXECUTOR." WILMINGTON, N. C AMERICAN BANK 1 ; mm'-m'mi'''tma''m 1 ' f .... - n - - 1 " - ' t . - "i -r r " ' f - ' rf - i -. v I'll ' ' - - : :'-:',- --VvW'y-i'f.

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