. v.. THE . WILMINGTON DISPATCH PUBLISHEDDAILY "ANDSUNDAY BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. Business Editorial TELEPHONES: Office ..175 Rooms 205 FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. BY MAIL: Daily and Sunday $6.00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months. . .$3.00 Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.50 Sunday Only, One Year 2.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Daily and Sunday, per week 15c. Or When Paid in Advance at Office Daily and Sunday, One Year $7.00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months ..$3.50 Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.75 Sunday Only, One Year $2.00 THE BILL IS ALL RIGHT. Entered at the Postoffice In Wilming ton, N. C, as Second-Class Matter. Foreign Advertising Representatives: MacQuoid-Miller Co., Inc., New York and Chicago. t ' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1917. An aching void a hollow tooth. Sowing wild oats generally means consuming a lot of rye and corn. One-way to get a pull is to get in the push. The North Carolina House of Repre sentatives has passed a bill prohib iting the publication of the name of any woman-who has been the victim of criminal assault or attempted crim inal assault. There is no objection on our part to such an act becoming law. In fact, we rather welcome it. It may savor at first of a trespass up on the privilege of a free press, but careful thought will dispel that idea, and while it does not need a law to induce nine-tenths of the newspapers to refrain from publishing the names of such victims, yet if it will do any A LAUGHABLE COMPROMISE. The live 1 stock expositfon that' Wil mington Isgoing tatiaveria attracting Judging from reports that come out; the attention of the State, as it is rec of Raleigh, based, of course, upon the attitude of some legislators at this stage, of the prohibition fight, there is about to be ii; compromise, in that North Carolina would be equipped with an ouster law and a prohibition commissioner, whose duty it would be to see that such laws as now exist are enforced and for which .he would pull down $3,500 per annum, to be paid by the people. This additional ex pense is very pleasant for a State that needs more money for many worthy institutions. Of course, it will good whatever, will bring the thought-. b explained that this money is to be less to attention and stop those who ! derived from a 10-cent tax on each are reckless, it is worth while. v So liquor package, but every sane man let it becefme a law. ! knows who will pay this freight. It The victim of assault or attempted assault is not a criminal; she has not even been negligent. The woman has will be the people of North Carolina. And what good will an ouster law or a prohibition commissioner do simply been the victim of a brute, j under the circumstances? The spot and, consequently, no moral can be ! in North Carolina where tne laws are shown by publication of the name of! not being enforced is the exception ognized that what North Carolina needs is more live stock. Say s the Charlotte Observer: " "The Wilmington Chamber of Com- imerce is making extensive arrange ments or the State-wide Live Stock Exposition and Conference in that city on March 28 to 29. The affair is being promoted by the Southern Set tlement and Development Association and will be the fir.r of its kind ever held in North Carolina, although sim ilar events have been held in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. There has been quite a revival in live stock interests in this State in recent months and much encouragement to that industry is expected to come from the Wilmington conference. . The Southern Settlement and Development Association is a Baltimore organiza tion and has been doing much in -the KNOWN jut , Smikie Oil Will Positively Believe Pain In Three . Minutes. t Try it right now for Ubeumatism, Neu- j ralgio, Xumbago, sore, stiff and -swollen j joints, pains n the head, DacK ana uu, corns, bunions et. Alter one . uyuvawvu ' pain disappears as if by magic. A never-iaiiing ,remeay useu uiiuau, and . externally for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat, Diphtheria and Tonsilitis. This Oil is conceded to be the most pene trating remedy knowa. its prompt ana immediate effect in relieving pain is due to the fact that it penetrates to the effected parts at once. As an illustration, pour Ten Drops on the thickest piece of sole leather and it will penetrate this substance through and through in three minutes Accept -no substitute. This great Oil is golden red color only. Every bottle guar- i anteed; 25c and 50c a bottle, or money re funded. At leading druggists. ! Get it at Robert R. Bellamy's Wholesale and Retail. j frftiin.il. -- . ,ww , Old M. Bargo is back on the job, after an absence since about last September! the woman, when doing so not only serves to humiliate her and her inno cent family and friends, but 'somehow lives on as an unpleasant reminder and as something that mortifies in years to come. It is right to publish the name of a woman who has com. mitted crime, and often necessary to detail the crime; not so much to ap pease morbid curiosity, but to bare pitfalls and preac hmorals, but the vie- in fact, a rarity. JSa what is wanted at this stage of the game is not some one to pose about enforcement, but better laws to be enforced. A prohibi tion commissioner might be of ser vice if there were new laws, and he nrght be financially worth his job, if the flow of money from North Caro lina was to be cut off, but he can do very little as the present laws stand, and no more than most of the officers tim of assault is not in this class. She I of the law are doing. He could not i. The is an innocent sufferer, and th mantle i buck the discrimination of the law jof privacy should be thrown around any more than other officers and he jpinch of poverty makes a per- her while her assailant is being pun-i could not close up certain places. He sonblack and blue. and blue in feeling. Germany should eliminate her sub- j marine warfare against every Ameri can ship except those carrying wheat. While neither Carranza nor Villa is a man without a country, it certainly is plain that Mexico is a country with out a real man. CAN'T BEAT HIM. Blackin looks : ished. ! might every-now-and-then swoop down ! This is not a case of censorship, I on some negro with a suit-case full which is repugnant, but something ex- of half pints or throw a net over a Villa may be reckless about it, but jceptional and something that we are bootlegger, but otherwise he would Carranza is doing his best to die only sure will appeal to the high sense of be nil, while the people who obtained of old age. j fairness of every newspaper man. j liquor lawfully would have to pay him UnJ rt tVio liminp Hoalore mitsirlp. thp I u 1 i State. i j So it begins to look as if some peo- , iple who profess to be prohibitionists Mr. R. R. Clark, editor of The States-are falling short of living up to the ville Landmark, who has been "hang -j true principles. By not strengthening ing out" at the Yobrow for several the laws they are shy on the moral days, writes his paper that "Chief, issue, if prohibition is a good thing, Justice Clark of the Supreme Court and by allowing money to flow out of bench, whose term expires next year, j the State and then adding an addi ia playing for renomination and it ijtional tax burden on the people in agreed that the Judge is some hand side, by recognition of the rights of at the game." We should say! And bocze, just so it is not sold inside the this reminds us that there is going ! State, they are making a failure of the The United States Senate even swat ted old booze, yesterday. Verily, every body is doin' it save the Tar Heel Legislature. T5ia VAwfe haa na lori teeth to destroy crox roots It actios tits surface like a hoe, and snakes a perfect dost mulch. With one isuie yoa can cover eight or more acres a day. ... The Fowler Cultivator establishes a new principle of eulti ration it works above crop roots ana maxes sucn a per fect mulch that tnose woa B3 m aorrt care -wneuter w rains or not. Talk about prize acres I I ou can mane every acre a prize acre jast as good an acre as if yoa hoed it by hand and also cat your usual labor cost in half. CSUStT We crna.ra.ntee that if the Fowler and the principle it teaches do not increase your crop yehi jour money will be-refunded. :" ' . & Get our book. It tells the whole story, llrs tree. Send a postal tocay. Sah T Ki, the r,i"'? era. the c- LrootM SPECIAL PRICES TO THE TRADE. Masters Rapid Plant Setter SEABOARD AiR LINE RAILWAY The Progressive Railway of the South. Bulletin of Special Round Trip Rates ' frrm Wil mine-ton. NT. I way of bringing new people into the j ATLANTA, GA ..$13.95 State. FORECLOSURE SAL.E. State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted -by Fremont Chase and wife Mary G. Chase to Joseph .1. Loughlin and A. W. Pate, and duly registered on the records of New Hanover County in Book SO page On sale June 15, 16, 17; limited return ing' Midnight June 25th. Stop-over any point. WASHINGTON, D. C. . $13.20 On sale April 10 to 15th Inclusive, lim ited returning midnight April 30th. NEW ORLEANS, LA. $28.75 On eiito TVTnv 11 to 1 fith fnp.lnsivfi? ' limited returning midnight, limit ex If paper clothing comes in style we '.to be "some" election in North Caro feel sorry for those mortals who llina when judicial ermine-fitting time haven't got sense enough to come in comes along in 1918 Charlotte Ob- out of the wet. 1 server. But one trouble is that the chaps who have nothing to do but eat seldom have the digestive organs that will stand much eating. if the omciais are really sincere about getting after the egg trust they should experience no difficulty in get-M1 hardlv De as we do not believe ling the situation, but only scorn for there is any man m North Carolina J the hvp0Crite, who professes one who can come within ten thousand thing and works for another. And the votes o? winning the nomination from ; nfiMlliar nart ahmit al, of this is that the man who does, not believe in prohibition is perfectly willing If the "some" would imply that the 1 election is going to be a close contest 'tionists financial problem. In regard to the latter, it is not the selling of booze that injures, but the drinking it, ac cording to all theories that sound logical and according to all evidence so tar presented Dy sincere proniDi- for the .office of chief justice, we be lieve our contemporary is in error. The public has great admiration for the man who sincerely works for pro- ting on the scent. In case of war America could feed herself, but" in time of peace Ameri cans are having a hard time feeding themselves. With less orders for whiskey in the mails there will-be less whiskey in the males, is the presumption of the post al law, of course. According to reports "Bunk" Spen cer is being held by the Mexicans, but whether it is bunk or not remains to be seen. If it means what is commonly known hibition and also for the man who con as a "warm contest," we confess we jSCientiously believes that strict regu are not aware of it. Closeness there iti 4c, nnr. f hqn,i. Chief Justice Clark and as for the elec tion hardly within fifty thousand. Neither do we agree that the Chief ito Justice is particularly playing for re- give ogmzing the the matter present a test, rec chaotic situa- nomination. Our observation has been ti whiIe som on tne other side of vmeJ- J uugc Kslxl H lias aiwa.VJ,tuQ for.ro oro Hn.1trir.tr been on the firing line, and for years sibly create respect has Can this pos for the law 10, default having been made in the pay- j tejl(led to June 15th oh playment $1.00. lliril L Ul UCUt OtTV Ultll J .T k7c v.0.o -j , the undersigned will expose for sale WASHINGTON D C Qfi sell to the highest bidder nt public auc- YA 7' TJ o nC Vf tion. for cash. Monday, March 5th, 1917, at J On sale June 2 to 7th, inclusive; limit 12:00 o'clock 'm. at the ourt House Door, i ed returning midnight June 21st; limit, in Wilmington, N. C., the following de- extended to July 6th on payment 50c. scribed lot or parcel of land: , J J Beginning at Mrs. J. A. Schroeder's . LEXINGTON, KY ;$21.85 northwest corner in the eastern line of, ' "J Lake Park Boulevard, according to the i On sale February 18, 19, 20; limited revised map of Carolina Beach, as plotted returning midnight February 25th. by J. Li. Becton, Civil Engineer, Septemter i 1913, runs thence eastwardly and with NEW ORLEANS, LA. $28.75 Mrs. Schroeder's northern line about three ! On sale March 11 IV limitpr! return hundred (300) feet to Myrrie Grove Sound; i "JLJr. Ct A1 " "mitea retum thence northwardly and with the meander- m& mionignt March Jlst. ing of the Sound to the southern line of i ... A eiJ . Goldsboro Avenue; thecce westwardly I WASHINGTON, D. C $13.20 along the southern line of Goidsboro Ave- j On sale March 1, 2, 3, 4, limited re- rVet SoTh'e Serine af'MS : TCh levard, thence southwardly and with th tended to April 10th on payment $1.00 eastern line of Lake Park Boulevard three ATLANTA, GA $13.95 hundred and eighty one (381) feet to the . point of beginning. Tht same being a part On sale January 31 Feb. 3, 10, 11, 12 innSf b raLT(daft2dmAugust' ited returning midnight 7th, 1914, and recorded in nook S3, page eoruary ZOth. 524 records of New Hanover County. ; ...... A , A. W. PATE, ! MOBILE, ALA $24.55 JOSEPH J. LOFGHLTN, On sale Febl2 to 19, inclusive, lim- MortgageeS. ; itr-rl rotitminw mniVh lMn.nl, o.i ! limit extended to March 19th, on pay- ment of $1.00. TAMPA, FLA $22.45 On sal3 January 31st to Feb. 5th., in clusive, limited returning midnight, Feb. 20th; limited extended to March 3rd on payment $1.00. PENSACOLA, FLA. ..$23.45 Bv E. T. BURTON, Attorney 2-2-law-4w-fri MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage made by Mattie Woods and husband John Woods to the North Carolina Home Building Association, and duly registered on the records of New Hanover County in Book 77, page 332, the undersigned will sell, to the nighest bidder, at public auction, for cash, on Saturday, ; On sale Feb. 12 to 19, inclusive, limited the 3rd day of March 1917, at twelve o'clock : rplirT1;T,0. nip-i-. tv, o,i. ih. M., at the Court House door of New Hano-, returning midnight, March 2nd, limit ver County in the City of Wilmington, N. extended to March 19th, on payment C. the following described property, to- ' $1.00. Beginning at a point in the northern line ; ch UKLtAiNi, LA $28.75 of w thence eastwardly with the northern line iCXienaea to March 19th, on nay- of Rankin street 33 feet; thence northward- : ment $1.00. ly parallel with Wood street 60 feet: thence ; . Westwardly parallel with Kankin street iwi ; f ui lurmer imormauon, apply Beginning at a point in tne nortnern line , unuuniiio, $a.o )f Rankin street 177 feet west from the : On sale Feb. 12 to 19th, inclusive' lim vestern line of Bay street and 155 feet east I tfafi .,,.;.- n-?"n?o-Vit irov, 'rom 'the eastern line of Wood street; runs ; fea returning midnight, March 2nd; it. II. thence southwardly parallel with Wood streel 60 feet to the Beginning, and being part of Lot 5, Block 242. This 31st day of January, 1917. NORTH CAROLINA HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION, By JOHN D. BELLAMY & SON, l-31-30dys Attorneys. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of sal contained In a certain mortgage made by Edward Nixon and wife to the Wilmington Home stead and Loan Association, duly regis tered on the records of New Hanover Coun ty in Book 72, page 69, the undersigned will sell, to the highest bidder, .at public auction, for cash, on Saturday the 3rd day of March 1917, at twelve o'clock M. at the Court House door of New Hanover County in the City of Wilmington, N. O., the following described property, to-wit: Beginning at a point in tne western line ! Uomtort, our '"Fhone 178. W. WALLACE, C T. A., Wilmington, N. C. PLEASANTS, T P. A, Wilmington', N. C. Comfort First A 1 J! 11. . A 1 siuuu lor me same mines ne ; v. o r ;k;h rtv stanas tor today. Certainly It is noth ing new that he is a fighter, and a We are perplexed to know whether cold weather has been banished for the season or has simply gone back to get" a running start. Germany is not going to expel the American relief workers from Bel gium. It probably knew better than to make the Red Cross. writer. It is true that he writes up on political questions, but he also wrote a Confederate history for North Carolina (six volumes) and has penn ed other historical works. Candidly we do not believe it is within the realm of possibility to beat Judge Clark either for the nomination or election. He is too close to the hearts of the people and has fought their battles too well for the result to be otherwise. Wait, watch and see. regulation, either from a moral or fin ancial standpoint? Stomach Out of Fix? of Seventh street 1D0 feet south of the southern line of Dawson street: runs or ! thence southwardly along the western line ot seventh street 3T reet; thence westward ly parallel with Dawson street 165 feet; thence northwardly parallel with Seventh street 35 feet; thence Eastwardly parallel with Dawson street 165 feet to the Begin ning, and being part of Lot 4, Block 36. This 31st of January. 1917. WILMINGTON HOMRSTEAD AND LOAN . ASSOCIATION, By JOHN D. BELLAMY & SON, l-31-30dys Attorneys. "Arrested for Sleeping on the Street." In other words, a literal ex emplification of pinching a man to make him wake-up. THE RED CROSS. 1 With the Webb Constitutional amendment staring them in the face it looks as if members of the House of Representatives will have to take sober thought pretty soon. As a rule patch work is bad busi ness and yet but for patch work many a poor married man would have a hard time, with his socks and other portions of his apparel. 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of thi3 delicious tJigestant, a glac3 with meals give3 delightful relief, or no charge for the first dozen used. Shivar A le The Bull Moose party designates Hiram Johnson as a "Liberal Republi can." But what is the matter with Wall Street, with its campaign money bags, as a liberal Republican? The Winston-Salem Sentinel thinks that its city should have a Red Cross Chapter and sets forth that there coud not be better time for the organi ze rion .than now.' Undoubtedly. Con ditions of the day naturally urge the formation of more chapters, but re gardless of such the best time to have a Red Cross Chapter is invariably the present time. It is an organization that has been done, needed work in the past and is destined to continue to render such service. Not alone in time of war has it shown its worth, but in time of peace. It is ever on the job whether it be raising funds for'ln a certain mortgage made by Joseph ! Nixon to Knmiipl Rlnssnm- anil dulv resrls- flood or fire sufferers, in sending food tered on the records of New Hanover nnri moriinin v.c Tv, 1 . County in Book 71, page 357, default hav- jana medicine tO those Who have fallen lne- been made In the nnvment of the dent PURE DIGESTIVE A30MATIC3 WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER A'iD G'.KGEFS Nothing like it for rsnove.ting old worn out stomachs, converting food into rich blood and sound flesh. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shel ton, S. C. If your regular delist cannot supply you telephone CRESCENT CANDY CO. Wholesale Distributors icr Yi!miagcii. mortgage sale. By virtue of the power of sale contained victims to other disaster or are beset by plague, or in working for the gen eral alleviation of the suffering of humanity, the Red Cross Society is al ways at work. i . It is a strong body, covering America -A tax on whiskey shipments to pay in organization and nrettv much the some one to see that some one else world in its benificence. Every town! enforces the prohibition (?) law shows should have a chapter of the organi that while North Carolina has broken zation. The more chapters and the off diplomatic relations witv John Bar- larger the territory the greater good leycorn that ain't gwine to be no war. can be accomplished, and half of the : great fight is in organizations, so that every chapter will know what to do and how to do it. System is one of the big features of the work, and the Red Cross of America has learned the lesson that aside from warm hearts ajid willing hands the next stone in a fit-in foundation is organization. There is a man in Washington they j call Comptroller of the Currency, but the average married man knows bet ter. He knows who is the Comptroller secured by said mortgage, the undersign ed will sell, to the highest bidder at public auction fare cash, on Saturday, the 3rd day of March, 1917, at twelve o'clock M., at the Court House Door of New Hanover County in the City of Wilmington, N. C:, the fol lowing property situaee in Cape Fear Town ship, to-wit: z' Beginning at a stake R. Casteen's corner iri-C. C. Bordeaux's line; runs thence with said Casteen's line S. 80 degrees W. 128 poles to a stakein Samuel Blossom's line; tnence with said line N. 10 degrees W. 68 poles to a stake Jesse Casteen's corner; thence with said Casteen's line N. 80 de grees B. 128 poles to 3 stake in said Bor deaux's line; thence with said Bordeaux's line S. 10 degrees E. 68 poles to the Begin ning, containing 62 acres, more or less. This 31st day of January, 1917. 3 H-H V Our Glasses are fitted Primarily for ideal being Glasses of which the wearer is absolutely uncon scious. Eut in Fttlng we never Forget that Appearance is important, which is tha reason that we usually make the glasses worn by fastidious people. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Dr. Vineberg MASONIC TEMPLE. For Setting Out Tomatoes Cauliflower Sweet Potatoes Cabbage Tobacco, Etc; The Greatest Labor Saver ever brought or ever used No Stooping No Lame Backs WATERS AND SEtS THE PLANT SO IT WILL GROW: .This little machine naa no equal in all the world, and is just as much needed on the farm as the spade or the hoe. Makes transplanting EASY, PLEASANT WORK, and will produce a perfect, stand of plants and a better quality crop. , N. Jacob! Hardware Company 10 AND 12 SO. FRONT ST. AGENTS. SERVICE THAT COUNTS For many years the HOME SAVINGS BANK has served the people of Wilmington faithfully and well; every class of business or tradesman being represented on its books, and balances of various sizes being carried. And be it known that whether capitalist or day laborer, progressive business man or man of leisure, the customer has always received the very best of service. His needs have received careful attention and every accomodation within the bounds of sound banking has been afforded him. We can serve YOU to advantage. Home Savings Bank 33 To ew York and Georgetown, C. NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON. Ss. Chippewa, Friday, February 16th. Ss. Cherokee, Tuesday, February 20th. WILMINGTON TO GEORGETOWN. Ss. Chippewa, Monday, February 19th. Ss. Cherokee, Friday, February 23rd. WILMINGTON TO NEW YOtfK. Ss. Chippewa, Friday, February 23rd. Ss. Cherokee, Tuesday, February 27th. Ss. Chippewa does not carry passen gers. Ss. Cherokee carries first-class pas sengers only. CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO., C. J. BECKER, Agent. Wilmington. N. C. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO RALEIGH. Ti.rou.gb. sleeping cars are now oper ated between Wilmington and Raleigh, daily except Sunday, on the following schedules: 3:20 A.M. Lv. Wilmington Ar. 1:15 A.M. j 6:15 A.M. Ar. Goldsboro Lv. 10:25 P.M. 1 6:45 A.M. Lv. Goldsboro Ar. 9:25 P.M. j 7:40 A.M. Ar. Selma Lv. 8:38 P.M. 8:52 A.M. Ar. Raleigh Lv. 7:25 P.M. Sleepers will be open to receive pas sengers after 10:00 p. m. and may be occupied, southbound, UAtil 7:00 a. m. I"or reservations and further infor mation, PHONE 160. ATLANTIC CO&ST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South. vr ofThe Currency, "he do,! in Columbia, S. Carolina as they say -5f Oscar P. Peck, , WOOD I Telephone 341. Pine, Oak, Mixed Wood. Dry Klin Blocks, Slabs. All kinds of Mill Woods. ' PROMPT DELIVERY. . 4 ATLANTIC COAST LINE The St-rdard Railroad of The South EXCURSION FARES $38.10 New Orleans, La. $13.95 Atlanta, Ga. Account Southeastern Land Show and the National Association of Builders Exchange of the TJ. S. Tickets wiihbe sold Jan. 31 and Feb. 3, 10, 11 and 14, limited returning until Feb. 20, but may be extended to March 6th by de positing and paying $1.00. $23.45 Pensacola, F!a. $24.55 Mobile, Ala. 28.75 New Orleans, La. Account Mardi Gras Celebration. Tickets will be sold Feb. 12 to 19, in clusive, limited returning until March 2nd, but may be extended until March 19th by depositingarid- paying $1.00. PROPORTIONATE FARES FROM OTHER POINTS ON THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, "The Standard Railroad of the South." SEABOARD AIR LEHE RAILWAY The Progressive Railway of the South. Effective Nov. 12th 1916. DEPARTURE OF TRAINS FROM WILMINGTON. No. 33 3:55 P. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points. PULLMAN PAR LOR CAR, WILMINGTON TO CHAR LOTTE. No. 19 5 :00 A. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHAR LOTTE. Open at 10 :00 P. M. f.or Passen gers. ARRIVAL OP TRAINS AT WILMINGTON. No. 1412:30 P. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. PULLMAN PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. No. 2012:10 A. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Joints. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIIi 7:00 A. M. - For detailed Information and reservations, call on City Ticket Agent. Orton Building. 'Phone 178. R. W. WALLACE. EL E. PLEASANTS, C. T. A. T. P. A. Wilmingrton. N. C. JOHN 3. WEST, D. P. A. Raleigh N. C. MARDI GRAS NEW ORLEANS, La $28.75 MOBILE, ALABAMA $24 55 PENSACOLA, FLA $23.43 Round trip tickets will be sold from Wilmington at the fares shown above by the ATLANTIC COAST LINE "The Standard Railroad of the South." For all trains from February 12,-to 19, inclusive. Limited, returning, until midnight of March 2nd, But Limit May Be Extended Until March 19th, by depositing tickets with Special Agent by March 2nd, and upon .payment of $1.00 at time of deposit. PROPORTIONATE FARES FROM ALL OTHER STATIONS CHIL DREN HALF FARE. LIBERAL STOP OVER PRIVILEGES For further particulars, sleeping car preservations, etc., call on, T. G. WHITE, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C Pbone 160 IT PAYS TO PLEASE A little of "accomodation service" here-all CEERFCLLY given. Our profit Is in friend-malting Sot " stamps, or telephone calls, or informa tion! FRESH AND PURE DRUGS. CAN' ' DIES, TOILET ARTICLKS, ETC. JARMAN & FUTRELLE PHONE 644. 4 v ' COAST t-INE HOTEL CAFE. 4 Rooms by the dav. wprV A Jy dry the feet, apply the solvent riirwiv . 1 . . - 1 t tha na.f n 44. .7 t . . . Have you trleG all the advertised fake corn extractors, plasters? ' pads, etc? If you have it is very probable that vonr trt ! are in worse condition now than when you ) Degan using them. In order to rid your, feet of corns you must first get the right remedy to use, and I second use It right get one half an ounce of Rexall Corn Solvent, wash and thorough grouth may be readily picked or rub j Rexall Corn Solvent Is sold at EJf'" i Dependable Drug stores on a Pos"lvr nJ i antee If It does not do exuctiy it will all you have to ao w . I get your money. Advt. I HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiinisiiiiKiii1Ei:illi:inni:i:,i:S j J B. McCABE & CO, j I rifi.1 Public AcCOUlr- ! tante. f i - KmR U- S liTiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii' 34 JN'MAW J,Ue0 Atlanta f month at reasonable rates. Meals to the part' as lt drles a thIn protective at any hour, 208 North" Front 4 ' coating Is formed over the growth. The street. Phone 208-W. ift-ft-i application should be repeated twice a " day for four days and then the parts soak ed in warm watery when 'the' corn "or other REGULAR DINNER TWENTY-FIVE CNS NEW YORK CAFE