m DISCHARGE P PE IS WANTED THE WILMINGTON DISPATCrFRIQA v .-rv- Request Is Made On City Council 300 Connections Closed for Failure to Pay request has been made upon City rouri'ii by Mr. John H. Sweeney,Nen i-.,eer at' the water plant, through w..--i?mni W. F. Jones, for a dis l - ,'v.i pipe froTn the 2,000,000 to 2, ft u i gallon centrifugal lumps ! , :.,- oi l sedimentation basin C order i supply th filters On-ir cpacity. It is point- fill! lililL llLr (Jl ccnt uipvuaigc JJtyc basin is only ten incnes ana run two .A ill! it is impossible to .j -, . . . unUis on tins uiswiiigc yiJe a.s it is Mr. Sweeney spates piun too llirh friction , , : A . 3 j. tirt hv putting m aii iuueyeimeiii ais c'narae pipe it would be possible" to run ,wo pimip and set the capacity of the filtration plant which is 4,000,000 gaU ion in - hours. The best that ca& j!e done at present is 3,250,000 gallons. Mr. Sweeney also points out that it i, ,iP(psRarv to run the sedimenta- .'J,. mii in tandem to get the best re-j "Dear Mr. Cranmer: llV.i . . . ..I T a.J 1 a-l sn;ts which is impossiDie unaer the rVesent arrangement of discharge ER OPPOSES ACTION W. B. Cafnpbell Writes Sena . to Qramner Relative to the Meeting of Committee. The following letter, a copy of which was mailed Senator E. H. Cranmer Thursday by W. B. Camp beri, Esq., a member of the County Democratic Executive Committee, which follows close Upon tb.e heels of the communication of E., K. Bryan, Esq., which appeared in Thursday's issue of The Dispatch, shows that all members of the committee are not in accord with the action taken by the committee at its meeting the early part of the week. Mr. Campbell ex plains that he did not attend the meeting and knew nothing of it until he saw an. account of it in the papers Mr. Campbell's letter to Senator Cran mer follows: "Hon. E. H. Cranmer, State Senate, Raleigh, N. C. PAGE-FIVE ii COUNTY 11 V IS EXCELLENT PLAYED-OUT HEBE . . 1 a rviimno piDeS IIU1I1 LUG JJUAaaJJO. The request also embodies the state rnt that it was necessary to draw extra use oi wuibi uuiii iue reser- t;ic vn;r io keep ,;,, recent spell of freezing weather. On February 7th. there was only four feet in the reservoir or about 100, gallons. Following a moderation (,: ;he weather it was possible to fill -v'-An bv the 10th of the month. The re- em ir ' holds less than 12,000,000 srallons as a surplus for emergencies. r Mr. Sweeney points out that the con sumption of water is increasing all tile time at the rate of about 500,000 p:.!!ons per year and in view of the fact that Slimmer is rapidly approach ing i: is pointed out that it would be beiter to get this new line in before ,; , increased consumption, due to the tot Himshine-T-begins. It is further ar gued that the material should be er iic!v(! immediately as it is hard to cet and that it will be necessary to I noticed inthe Wilmington Dis- Splendid Talent In Rotary i Sound Oysters Practically Ex- ClubEntertainment Last ' tinct Bivalves Must Be Performance Friday. Planted to Revive. i ' 1 A full house marked the initial per-1 Oysters have practically become ex formahce of the Wilmington Rotary j tinct in .he sounds and waters of New Club entertainment at the Academy of Music Thursday evening and the indications are that there will be another large crowd on hand Friday evening at 8 : 30 o'clock when the second and last performance is given. Taken as a whole "The County Fair" is one of the best local talen players that has been staged in this city in some time. The first and last acts, the minstrel and cabaret were of high order and alone were worth the price of admission. It was announced Thursday night that, children would be admitted to the balcony Friday evening for fifteen cents. Promptly at 8:30 o'clock, Rotary time, the curtain slowly rose on the minstrel scene. Seated were the minstrels and a number of Rotarians tide entitled 'Leave All Local Mat ters to Grant. patch of date February 14th, an ar- lar and a squad of Light Infantrymen filled out and presented arms while little Miss Eleanor Moffitt, as Colum bia," and Master Hugh Turrentine, as "Uncle Sam" attended by color bearers, representing the army and navy passed to the front of the stage The scene was indeed patriotic. The entire audience rose and joined in singing "The Star Spangled Banner." At the conclusion of this scene the minstrel was on and was handled in flawless style by Mr. Sam Matthews, interlocutor. Many witty and origi nal jokes were cracked by Messrs. Rafferty, Brewer. Meier, and Nixon, end-men. Messrs. J. F. Harriss and Hanover county, according to inform ation received from good authority on the industry and it is entirely due to the fact that persons owning grants in the waters liave neglected to pre serve the bivalves by annual planting "gardens" of oysters, acording to one thoroughly posted on the matter. It is said that only through planting will the oyster industry in this coun ty be revived and at present there is indications that the oystermen on the sounds are enough interested in the matter to handle the situation system atically so that there may not occur again the scarcity of local oysters that now exists. Local dealers claim that the oyster pickers scour the sounds for the bi valves with no regard for the future. The beds have become ripr1ftr? nni The curtain was hardly up when "Tomone are left to continue the beds, the Colors" was sounded by the bug- only the oysters on the rocks are left "Doubtless you have already been favored with a copy of the reolutions up the pressure during i appearing in this article purporting io De me action oi the County Dem ocratic Executive Committee. "While I am mindful of the fact that it is not specifically stated m this article that I was present at the meeting, there is a very strong infer ence that I was present and toopart in the deliberation. "The first information I had that there was a meeting, or that such was contemplated, was the seeing of this ' and it is said that when the tide in . 4 4 4 GET IN LINE w - : , Mary County Fair arad Cabaret j WONDERFUL LOCAL TALENT PRODUCTION BEST IN YEARS I No effort has been spared to secure the finest talent. No expense has been foregone to obtain the best effects. MUSICAL NUMBERS GALOREr-PRETTY GIRLS BY THE DOZENS AM: a 1 1 m. C vl r- Hit? . . n 1 iYimsireis. vauarei jcene minutes on Droaaway.7 Scene from Maximes. County FairUncle Jake and Aunt Mary and Mrs; Switzenberger and her 15 children will all be there. Benefit of Rotary Club Civic Improvement Fund. WE'LL BE THERE! WILL YOU? 1 "-3i' fr, .fr'i. ''l (Space contributed by Wilmington Savings & Trust Company) the sounds is so low that the rocks are exposed the bivalves are frozen by the severe winter weather, thus kill ing these which it is said are the last of the New Hanover county oysters, which are locallv recoenizeri as hmnc among the sweetest and most edible Love Amend the law as to the tax along the entire coast. for the Lincolnton graded schools. pointment of school boards. - McLendon increase the annual State appropriation for the high j schools from $75,000 to $100,000. j Sellars Protect game in Robeson I county. ! article published in the paper. I re ceived no notice whatever that the committee was to, or aesired to, meet tor any purpose. I do not utider- It has been pointed out that another reason for the scarcity of oysters here is that under the existing laws per sons can enter several acres of beds in the sounds and as there is only about one , hundred acres in all, the entire area is controlled by a few per sons who rapidly harvest the entire amount of oysters and do not plant or allow any to remain to insure future crops. It is the opinion of some in close touch with the situation that no person ' Roberts, of Buncombe Provide for the erection of a storage warehouse for the State. Matheson Prohibit playing golf and other games on Sunday. Holding Require railroads to use cinder diflectors on passenger coaches. Darden Provide for State-wide tick" eradication. Pruitt Impose license tax on motor D. A. Lockfaw rendered excellent so los. The Wilmington ' Symphony Glee Singers were called back sever al times and the Acme Quartet re- "fi-iv-i 3 ,. n 1 T, 1 . .1 stanrl, whv T was nnt cn r,Hfi0H H uciveu xuuuus 01 aypiause. buck aim certainly there was no effort ina'de to' .g dancin& b Messrs Brewer andshould be oweA to control mor than vehicles in Gaston county r.rtif tv.q qc t v,o,r T, i ivieicr was a leaiure oi me minsirei city for the past several days and in my office substantially all the it immediately if it is to be tire- , you that I do not approve of the ac tion of the committee, It is not" my desire to see any functions or duties of your office as State Senator from! this Senatorial district taken awav from you. As you are the properly i t" . ttZ : i'said, will allow the oyster to gain its man nag iuui uo, w ao uiCpuuuaii; 'full el a good and Mrs. Paul L. CSntwell andl1"'' ON THE SOLONS lili.ll A Ujd tills Mimmer. I n-n ?uiiv ninps thnt hiirs,- folln-wins- ' the return of warm weather after the ivcent freeze was not sufficient to counterbalance the enormous amount of water wasted by persons leaving liuir water cocks open to prevent pay ing plumbers' bills and the daily purapage has not yet returned to nor mal, according to figures- given out at rn? water department Friday morning. The figures have shown a tendency to f-uctuare during the last few days, but lii: c.vcrage daiij' pumpage is consider ably above normal. The fact that 300 connections were closed as a result of failure to pay for water has not appeared to affect erier ;nous amount that is being v.sed or allowed to run to waste. In speaks: of the matter this morning, V. V. V.. .ierritt, superintendent of water and sewerage, stated that but connections were closed January 20th as against 700 October 20th. one acre of the beds and the large num i ber of persons would be interested) and there would be more of a, ' future crops. It is said that it only ODened with a dance bv hew of nret- 7" b V"" i-i T7i " !!": : oe oi eaung size ana tnus it can vjf giiia. iuico xuxucixxvjx iiaiiioo oaii a Spanish song and Misses Harriss, act. The Cabaret scene, which marked the conclusion, was excellent. It Think Of It! A REAL, LIVE LOCAL TALENT SHOW STAGED BY THE Taylor, Woolridge and Harriss rend- j ered the Spanish dance. Miss Vir- Farmer, leading the Boogie constituted representative in the Sen ate for this district, I feel that you 1 1 be seen that with a little effort on the part of those who own the beds the industry in this county could soon be revived. Two-years' growth, it is ought to be conversant with the leg-lSSrihS islation pertaining to New Hanover U1" "a"""5, x"- county as well as Brunswick, because i Bn If nt f ea,tures Kof Jhe bareJ ' t am nnito nm-tnir. that vm. ar, a;was the toe dance by Miss Magaret ; much a representative of this county Waldon whose ability is exceptional, Qe f ti,oWiv ' the "Water Sprite" dance by Miss .. .. ... I l a m Arnn q cnln n v Warrpn nrn "If tUe executive committee ot . - r. - " , .his arms to th disromfnrt of nwrhv i fin o rr i i ipl' -e a n ic i - w - j TO FINISH WORK (Continued from Page One) Brunswick county were to take sim ilar action and pass a similar resolu tion this would entirely take away from you the duties of your office and leave mere , . wA,r AJt, aeroplane waltz by Miss Farmer nuttee representing the Tparty in this . TT,,.. lTr..,.:., l you the dut es of your office and ' . " " " 9 you nothing to do. I say this I n?e BanksA lead . ? thve 1 sly to show that in my opinion it chorus. A specialty by Miss E lei Senators, he exclaimed while the Sen Mi pathprinp Williams lprt p ators looked their amazement: "To chorus in a college song and Miss An-he11 with such doctrine! I will not stand tor it. tie rebuked Senators for "following their master's voice." Senator Long, of Alamance, resented man eanor ood. The liAlllOO CI -LI. 14. AA X . X til, U Taylor, Holliday and Woolridge, this, but in the end .-assured the Sen ator from Person that he would sup- LIEUT. LONDON HERE. Hsd Conference With Locals Relative to Naval Company Organization. That this city is to have one of the r.is,iy branch recruiting naval stations that are to be established in various pan? of the State is the opinion of Lieut. John J. London, naval recruit ing officer inspector-instructor of Nvrih Carolina, and inspector of ord nance at the Raleigh Iron Works who in the city Thursday for the pur poso of conferring with Messrs. W. M. Atkinson and H. M. Chase relative to th" re-establishment of a company of us c! militia here and to investigate the location of a branch recruiting sta tion in this citv. county to passsucn resoiuuois as j - Cantwell, Burnside and'-P hii bi to escape the" classifica WVUtailiV U III 11MO CX-VyX VK.7C4.iVJ. "So cerned I Morrison was clever. One of the far as I am personally con- 1UU :ou" "1CVCJ I very much hope that you Prettiest scenes of the .entertain will continue to be New Hanover's representative in the State Senate to the same efficient extent that you have been since you accepted the du ties of the office. "So that my position may be known with reference to these matters I am ment was the see-sawing just before the last curtain. Mrs. Frank Ross, as Widow Smith ers, Mr. Oscar Peck as Widower Jones, . Mr. Cyrus Hoguo as Boss Jones, C. C. Cashwell as Prof. Sparat- ti, Mr. Fenley and Miss- Taylor as the ORNAMENTS LOCATED. Were Found in a Philadelphia Junk Shop To Be Returned. The bronze ornaments stolen from thft country estate of Mr. Pembroke Tones several days ago and for which a reward of $100 was offered have been found in the junk shop of Beers & Co., of Philadelphia, and are now en route io. YTiimington, according to a tele :'aphic message received Thursday af ternoon by Mr. J. L. Toon. The al sation is that the ornaments were handing a copy ot this letter to the bride and groom and Miss Williams local papers of this city. "With kind personal regards, I am, "Very truly yours, "WM. B. CAMPBELL." tion to which he would otherwise as sign him. Senator Oates resented the attitude and speech of the Senator from Person and denounced it as devoid of argu ment. Senator Jones directed atten tion to a rule of the Senate that pro hibited personal attacks in any Sen ator unless preceded by motion to cen- PETITION WAS SENT Killins Authorize the commission ers of counties to appoint county man ager. King Provide for the incorporation of rural communities. Grant, of New Hanover Amend sec tion 1789 of the Revisal of 1906. Representative Grier moved that the Pritchard bill which passed the House Wednesday providing Australian bal- j lot for Madison county be recalled from the Senate and reconsidered. He charged that it abrogated the i Grandfather clause and the general j white supremacy election laws so far j as they applied to Madison county, I and would give preferential position to the Republican party. Representative Pritchard protested' and defended his bill, saying that he would be willing j to go before the Senate committee and have the objectionable sections cut j out. Mr. Grier insisted on his motion, I the bill was recalled and tabled by a I large majority after the sections to j which there was objection had been ! read. , The House took up the Warren bill from the Senate to increase the Super ior Court districts and judges to 24 ; and have two districts, Eastern and j Western. Representative Ray, of! Macon, opposed the bill vigorously, so ! calculated to in no way relieve the sit uation complained of as to the con gested courts. He insisted that the four additional judgeships that were created four years ago were not need-1 ed. He said there are 237 weeks of He K otary Club 1 (1 m Money Back, if You Don't Say It's Up to Standard. ACADEMY OF MUSIC FEB UARY 15th AND 16th. The Famous Piccadilly Jim, in the Latest Black-Face Stunts Naughty Mariet ta in the Cabaret and Reuben at the Fair. Wilmington Symphony Glee Singers. Any One of These Worth Double the Admission. ALL SOCIETY WILL BE THERE. WILL YOU? Prices 50c, 75c. and $1.00 Space Contributed by J. M. Solky & Co. (5) WOULD M IT FROM SOUTHPQRT Asked That H. CKoard and Woodus Kellum Be Named To Soard. A petition, signed by a goodly num-1 . . . C .1 .i J . . . Der oi persons oi me ciiy auu cuuulv r. , , ra to Representative l. chuuho vnv.mciv,v w sure. Senator Person retracted all un- is fiitre-lirnr tnnk their Tarti P'- -wutwius aim uncicu an apuiugji "" - iipnffv & thi' f3,J SprSf lto Senator Oates and others. Senator ! named the unused weeks by districts ceuenuy in me circus scene. ' noD, ,7 1, Itho noot voar TTSrot rtictnVt 11 rpp. position to the Franklin bill. Senator iond, 15; third, 14; fourth, 11; fifth, 16; Jones offered an amendment to strike ! sixth, 8; seventh, 13; eighth, 12; ninth, ! out provision for the inspection of the1 9; tenth. 13; eleventh, 7; twelfth, 11; 1 j county superintendent of schdols and , thirteenth, 6; fourteenth, 12; fifteenth, J this was accepted by Senator Person, j 7; sixteenth, 15; seventeenth, 10; 1 The vote on the bill as amendment .eighteenth, 14; nineteenth 12 and I was by roll call and was 25 to 18. 1 tewneieth, 22. He thought that emer- was forwarded Clayton Grant and Senator E. H Cranmer Thursday asking that Mr. H? G. Foard be appointed to the Board of Education and that Chairman Woodus Kellum be renamed to serve with the body: The petition follows: Brunswick County Court House Not Vital. I (Special to The Dispatch.) Southport, . Feb. 16. The report reaches Southport that sixteen peti and the bill went over. Next McCoin moved tp reconsider the vote by which the "Bertie county bill for election of school board was defeated last Friday and . this was done by 27 to 13 and it" was passed and sent to the House. The Senate mext discussed at length the Pharr DlT-c'r.-ii f j t j t i r,;, "Jrw na Pe? uaVNew Hanover county, respectfully pe- J Willi .-m 1 I U I III KnilUllUITlIl I'J Ml. tfT thf-y had been sold to a local junk paf-r by the parties or agents of the Tn Hons. F H. Cranmer and L. Clay- tions are being circulated throughout ton Grant Raliegh N. C. . " the county, the petitions being direct- I ed to Senator E. H. Cranmer, asking "We.the undersigned residents of him to pass a law allowing the Bruns- dered by some of the present set of judges. He said he worked 52 weeks every year and did n6t make as much as the judges do. Mathews, of Bertie, supported the bill as badly needed. Pritchard and McRary, of the minor ity, opposed the bill. Pritchard thought the Recorders and other courts are y 1 M B A A I n 1 K I" ffORCOLDS.CROUB PHEUMONlAy RrrAiirr.iT is more penetrating I at druggists DLLMSJJL AMP RELIEVES QUICKER 25501gg bill for building inter-county bridges, ! reducing the work of the Superior which came ut for final reading from 1 Courts. Mr. McRary insisted that the Party or parties who removed them trcrn the estate of Mr. Jones. - uk i.oftin and Sim Galloway, col-'(':'"- 113 v been -arrested by Special fn.Pitr Officer H. Mack Godwin, charg 1 '.v;th removing the ornaments from "f estate, and will be given a hearing Jl1 Pi 'order's court when the orna inU .are leceired in the city. Gal--y is out on Don(J and Loftin, vho ts.3, u !s ?crtun:ite, is in jail awaiting i,V,'. ofti wasjirrested Thursday -t on the sound and Galloway was i!f Kod up jn the city. pj.i(jay morning. wick people to vote upon the question BOY WAS PAROLED and !0cJ ln Juvenile Court For Shooting r 'o School House. ;rsey Kreiger. fifteen veav'ot.l hoy, tried in Juv?nile court i i ciay ai'tprnoon on a charge of l-.y fiFif linlawfl'Ilir .l.if jrin.T nrl L - ' . Ull 1 IV. 1 "lj I ' 1- 1 Jl IA 'Iji'.rine thp Wintpr Pnrlr crhrr1 i-rt . i , with Probation Officer Odis -J'Tinani v.-ith the understanding toff- r'"!f!KS -ie conducts himself pro- 'J'-y during that period that he is to ; ' to the county stockade. The udopted father, Mr. M. C. paroled by Re- tition you ' to have appointed by the Qf locating a new court house Legislature as a memoer oi ine coara of Education of New Hanover county, So far the petitions have not reach Mr H Gilbert Foard, to succeed Mr. ' ted this place. One report has it that J. G. L. Gieschen, resigned, and that! the petitions are being very largely you re-appoint Mr. Woodu3 Kellum to signed, while another report states succeed himself as a member of the that efforts to have meetings in the Board of Education and that no, interior oi the county to, discuss the change be made with reference to the -matter have been failures. The folks educational system of New Hanover .'here don't feel much concern, as they county. "Mr.'Foard is a graduate of the Wil- see no need for a removal. It is stat ed that Supply is given as the new lo- yesterday's consideration when it passed second reading and went over for final reading. Numbers of amend ments were offered, one to limit per mission to charge tolls to bridges that were to replace any destroyed in the floods of last July; another that the building must be by mutual agreement by the commissioners of the counties and still another that no bridge under the provisions of the act must cost more than $40,000. Then the bill was re-referred to committee for re-adjustment in the light of the amendments. Senator Brenzier told the Senators that this re-reference was nothing more than afflictions of lingering death on his bill. The Senate took recess mington High School, and also of , tne center of the county. This is an Trinity College, and is especially well old matter that bobs' up every two qualified to discharge the duties oi years wnen the Legislature is in ses the office; while Mr. Kellum, nowgjon Tne question was not discuss chairman of "the board, is closely in , ed in tne last campaign both the Re touch with the school problems, and.publican and Democratic candidates would be especially useful in carry- reiusing to mention it or make it an ing out the constructive pians ai- igsue Quite a bit of interest, how ready adopted by me ooara. cation, the claim being that it is in to 7:30 o'clock to clear up a congested calendar that was burdening the clerks REPORTED UNFAVORABLE. ever, is being shown. FAST GAMES PROMISED. and clogging the legislative mill. The House Thursday. ' Continued introduction of petitions for prohibition, Constitutional amend ments and other measures marked the opening of the Thursday session of the House. Great numbers of local and other bills came from committees with unfavorable report that consigns them to the legislative grave yard. Among these were bills to incorporate Ivan B. & L. Me Committee J'O . . ...... e. -r r3m. -flhoe and Smithfield cotton mills. New Basketeers Will Stage Two Games at ...... , - , uiua wctc juli uuuucu ui iuc luiiuniug n Won Victory Before j "Y"-t-naay mgnt. : of Senate and House. y c A Basket Folowing a discusion of four hours Ball League will stage two fast games the insurance "committee of the House in the gymnasium of the-association and Senate voted unfavorably on the Friday evening, commencing at 8:30 bill that was introduced relating to o'clock. In the first game Captain building and loan associations, accord- Gerdes' five will meet Captain Rich's n TnsPTvh W. Little, who re- quintet and as these tw,teams are in -u mm u was cLimu&L ml- a . - . . , a. h. rt"5 r. io control thP vm.ntpr ! turned to the city Thursday mgnt irom aooui we UBxu ih .i h,. t, a-,--a lr.!, rv.AA ho wPTit tn represent centacre column ahard rougnt game is - 1. iiv- IlriU LiiKHIl SntJT. HUM , ivaicigu, ""civ, " . lvvolver from the house with- ; knowledee. Yonns? Kreieer ,!"d ,1hat he fired at the school ihf1 ' lir fun' tlenyinS however that !'."i(-'t holes in the window were i!.; lfi.;,,. o T.,.. ..... . K - "i. "is activities ana naDai- rir.;,. res I v.'i'h a "shooting order: . Farrish Authorize commisioners of the various counties to locate ceme teries and re-inter bodies. Mauney :Amend the 1915 laws rela tive to the State line. Scott Amend the Pasquotank high way commision act. Clayton Amend the law as to the planting of oysters. Kernodle Allow Alamance county to elect school board. Matthews, of Bertie Amend the law as to the age of working roads. Grier Amend the Revisal as to the iron". Tne ar- aori L!e;lr- up mystery of who dam gfd the school house. no wn'minnn hnildine and loan as- expected sociations A copy of this bill ap-j In the 1-ast match Captain Hanson's peared in The Dispatch early in the Americans and Captain Rhodes' Ti week and on the same afternoon rep- gers. who are at present setting a fast .noi0c f tho n Xr L. associa- "oace in the league, will combat for tinno in the citv met and went on rec- top position in the league. The Amer-i State hospitalstor the insane and to ord as oDnosing it. The action or the icans nave lost a game m uiB msixicdK, yun-uxoiu& 6cu(, iui owie two committees means that Duiiamg nve ana mr Lasers uavts wi5CU wubc and loan men will not be disturbed for to the. top of the columns recently at least another two years. from bottom position. 3 -x institutions. Brummitt and McLendon Amend the Revisal as to the election or ap-" d P"nces8 Constitutional amendment did not con template new districts and new per manent judges. The bill would putl the State to immense increased ex-! pense for its judiciary. Holding op-1 posed the bill and thought there were other ways of expediting the work of,; the courts and Saving the situation, j Finally Mr. Doughton moved that the i bill go over in the hope that an agree- ment could be reached as to what is I really needed. This course was taken. The House took up the Roberts suf frage bill for Asheville and West Ashe ville and a roll call vote was 48 for and 53 against the bill. Then three j members changed positions before the ; result was announecd, but the result i was not changed. Wright, of Guilford, declined to vote. Representative Pritchard made a j personal privilege statement as to his i attitude in the matter of the Madison i county election bill that had been re- j called from the Senate and tabled. He j said he had only in mind the purity ! of the ballot. Mr. Grier, who has. procured the tabling of the bill, as sured Mr. Pritchard that he intended no -reflection on the author of, the bill. The Grant bill, for the inspection of gasoline and other lighting and heat ing oils passed second reading and went over another day for final con sideration. New bills introduced out of order were: Grier Frovide for the removal of officers for failure to discharge their duties. This is the "Custer Act," be ing sought by the Anti-Saloon League forces. The House adjourned to 11 o'clock Friday. Don't get np at night. Drink die celebra-i ted Shivar Mineral Water Positively guar anteed bv money-back offer. Tastes fine costs a trifle. Delivered anywhere by ou; " Wilmington Agents, Ellington's Pharmacy Cot 2d Spring Suits (Incorporated.) Spring Jiats j7 riday and Saturday Specials Japanese ffeck Cords 25c One of the new neck items is the Japanese neck cord in all the leacjing Spring shades, including gold, chartreuse, Shadowlawn green, navy, Copenhagen and black. This is an interesting little article and is being featured by the big stores in the East. Our price is special at 25c. Jh Clean-Up of JYeckwear at 29c We hacJ a big sale of neckwear for Tuesday and it was very successful, about 75 per cent, being sold on that occasion. The remainder, whiph consists of sev eral dozen, will be one of the Friday and Saturday spe cials at 29c. Friday and Saturday Clean-Up of &)aists An allotment of crepe de chine waists in white and flesh, a real clean-up of waists, values up to $3.75, to go into the Friday and Saturday specials at $1.49. See the New J'port Striped Silks Our collection of desirable silks is growing daily. The new sport designs and colors that we are showing goes to prove that this is a store "where the new things first appear." At first glance you may think the color ings rather loud, but before the season is over they will prove to be very conservative, as the big hits of "the sea son, Khaki Kool and figured pongee, are of very vivid colorings. Our assortment of sport silks range in price, from $1.29 to $2.50. 1 1

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