" PAGE EIGHT v.-'- ' ,:- . W - V-.- THgHjMiNCrmr ! ' V .if-:or.-..M.Ar.:M ?F. ,9,y. . , P' 'Ml "St Hi u stf- m H 1 ( f -4 '.5 .1 ' - J v 1 ! If fi if ! 9 1 1 f, til? f t f -1 i' 4 'A '.r.u ft n .15 AS 1. 1 1 ..tl 1)1 1 -'.J r Hi t v J It;:' r j VV - ' ' 5-4 CHANCE FOR PEACE LOOK HOPELESS 3p President Wilson Tells Car ranza In Declining His Of fer to Cut Off Exports. (By Associated Press.) Washingioh, March 20. The note to General Carranza; declining his proposal for neutral action to bring peace to Europe by cutting on exports of supplies to belligerents was riiade public today at the State Department. The refusal was based first on the apparent hopelessness of peace at present as shown in the futility of President Wilson's efforts and Ger manyls attempts to embroil Mexico and Japan in war with this country, and in the belief that any restriction of commerce with the . belligerents would in effect be an unneutral dis crimination. Nevertheless, the note concludes: "The President would not be under stood as desiring to impede the prog ress of a movement leading to the re sumption of peaceful relations be tween all the belligerents and would not, therefore, wish the Mexican gov ernment to feel that his inability to riot in the present state of affairs should in any way militate against the attainment of the high ideals of General Carranza by the co-operation of other neutral governments in the use of their good offices and friendly mediation to bring about the end of the terrible war." The note mentions the "careful and sympathetic consideration" which the United States has given to the pro posal, refers to the new vigor of the warfare and goes on to say: "To render the situation still more acute, the government of the United States has unearthed a plot made by the government dominating the Cen tral Powers, to embroil not only the government and -people of Mexico, but also the government and people of Japan in war with' the United States. At the time this plot Vas conceived the United States was at peace with the government and people of the German empire and German officials and German subjects were not only enjoying, but abusing, the liberties and provisions freely accorded to them -on American soil and under American protection." The note then takes up the propo sal to cut off commercial relations with ihe belligerent nations and re fers to the American note to Austria Hungary to show the policy of this government in declining to stop mu nition shipments. "Believing that this position of the United States is based upon sound J principles of international law," the conclusion says, "and is consonant with the established practice of na tions, the President -If cannot bring himself to consider such a mod ification of-these principles or of this practice as compliance with General Carranza's proposal to suspend com mercial relations with the warring nations would entail." FRENCH TROOPS NEARING LINE OF BIG DEFENSE. (Continued from Page One) no change in the situation before to morrow, although it was possible that discussion at the meeting might lead the President to act at once. 'The National Council of Women em braces 27 organizations having an ag gregate membership of approximately 000,000 women. UNDER A" THE ilniiiiiiilimiMiiffinn"TinH. s Alvey A. Adce. Washington, March 20. Alvey A. Adee, Second Assistant Secretary of State, who has held his office in the diplomatic service of the United States for fifty years. Adee is re tained by each incoming Administra tion because he knows more about d'plomatic procedure than any other nT-n in the country. Adee knows all r i the official forms and all of the rod tape and from his desk in the State Department, he has guided the destinies' of several thousand diplo matic intercourses over more than thirty years. For knowing what he j among which are the posts and tele does. Adee gets ?4,o00 a year. graph and the civil police. 1 L 4 PAID SAVINGS DEP ARTM ENT " ' s FIVE-MINUTE TALKS BY NATIONAL LEADERS. " ' By Romain 6. Hassrick, Secretary Local Option Commit- - tee of Pennsylvania. Passage of a local option law is inevitable in Pennsylvania. The peo ple demand an opportunity to declare themselves on the question as to whether applications for the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be. granted , in their respective counties. If this; Legislature fails to enact a local op-j tion law, giving the citizens this pnv- nege, a very eany egisiaiurt- wm such legislation. Pennsylvania is held up as a nor-, able example from a liquor stand point one of the blackest ot tne A r ii 1 P U .-i ' black spots on the map of the United States. In spiteof this odious repre- sentation eleven of the sixty-seven counties of the State practically ; one-sixth are "dry" counties. rni 1MTDV D A Dim V PCT6 LUUlilK I tjfrllJL. I OCIO READY TO COMBAT THE SUBMARINE MENACE. ! (Continued from Page One) bringing in of prisoners. 1 Germans Report. i Berlin, March 20. (Via Sayville.) There were several engagements of infantry and cavalry detachments yes- terday between British and German forces in the territory on both sides of the river Somme and the river Oise, abandoned by the Germans, according to the official statement issued today by the army headquarters staff. I The French yesterday and last night directed violent attacks against the German positions on the left bank of the Meuse. the statement, adds, but everywhere they were repulsed. ; As the cabinet convened the senti-' raent was generally expressed that the United States is virtually in a state of war. BOMB PLOT IN AMERICA HELD UP AS WARNING. (By United Press.) I Paris, March 1 (By Mail). "A vast army of German agents engaged in j surveillance cf Spanish ports and shipping" is condemned by the Span-' ish press and demands made on the government to take steps to get the spies out of the country in papers ar- j riving here today. German bomb j plots and intrigue in America are pointed to as examples of what the Spanish government is confronted with. Since Spain's refusal to openly break with Germany as a protest against the submarine blockade, the Spanish press, except the Germane- phile organs, is open in its criticism. ) ine CDjecting papers carry lengthy and detailed revelations of the meth-lWE ods of German agents, workine in conjunction with the submarines. El Liberal, the great newspaper of Mad rid, leads in openly declaring that no ship now leaves a Spanish port be fore its description, cargo, sea route, Kpeed, armament against submarines, rcake-up of its crew and its destina-' tion is known to the submarines ly ir in wat off the Spanish coast. This information is transmitted to the submarines by citrnals or bv wi roles'-, n r A it io o.o o r-.n m t c tl-iif ! German agent can say to a ship cap-1 tain. "Ynirr vpsrpI will ho cunV qi such and such a time." And these predictions are nearly always con firmed by facts. Oth.er vessels, which pass the tests of the agents, are spared, the paper says, and con tinues : i ne Lrorm.?n organization is very vsst snd admirably disposed to take advantage of all the elements at its disposition. Of thn 6-0,000 to 80,000 : Germans now in Spain the most part are officers of the German army, ma-j rines, inventors, industrial workers, j Luiumciyiai dstriiLh aim lecnnicians or all sorts who have sought employ- ment on all parts of the Spanish! coast. In some instances they worki L ' V ii i , . l iui tuwest wage. 'This German army is directed by; the consuls and heads of big German ; enterprises, commercial and indus-, trial, organized before the war. I "They have created friendships j everywhere, especially among the provincial authorities, the military chiefs, the. commandants of marines, inc uiuu-ers ui me civil guara. tne car- ribineers, the chiefs of public service. RETREAT BUT F OR MASTERSTROKE j Uerman tress nas vareai r cuui j In Move By Von Hin- f .denburg. I (By" Associated Press.) i Berlin, Monday, March 19 (Via (London, March 20). The morning, j newspapers today gave the German ; public the news of the big events at J j the front in France. All publish ar- j tides Dy military experts exinamms I the movement as part of the strategi . cal plan of the general staff, for a 1 decision on the western front and a j master stroke to vitiate the prepara- tions of the entente for an offensive, ' giving a decided advantage to the Germans. These writers are unani i mous in expressing the fullest confl i dence in Field Marshal von Hinden i burg. The Deutsche Tages Zeitung , says: "This is not the first strategic re treats of Von Hindenburg always this war. It is necessary only to re member his great retreat from before Warsaw and the partial evacuation of Transylvania. Thus far these re- j treats of von Hindenburg always have borne fruit a hundredfold, so that we may face the' new measure of our highest military command with well-founded confidence and the full- . est assurance that it furnishes the preliminary to new German suc ' cesses." The Morgen Post says: "The German people can and must have the fullest confidence in their leaders, especially Von Hindenburg and hig aWe counsellor and assistant, Von Ludendorff. Developments may be awaited witn calm confidence." The Vossische Zeitung says: We must nQt forget that the same v HindPnhiire who beean the I Transylvania campaign with a retreat and w"no ,n m4 evacuated a conquer rrl ctrir -f Prlanri in strike tho Tlns- oioe 1Jt Hu nf i,vhtninir nnw standa master of the battles on our western frGnt " "This has given birth to a system of espionage, sagely and methodical- organized, which acquaints the Germans with most mathematical and precise information for their subma- nne campaign- Nearly all of the countries of Eu rope maintain what is known as a Black Cabinet, a mysterious room set apart in the general postoffice in I which the correspondence of persons, suspected by the government is open ed and read without their knowledge Miss Julia Landers, of Indianapolis, is the first woman to serve as an elec tion sheriff in Indiana. MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your "ads.'K In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night let tergrams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." THE WIFE BUYS THE HOME. SHE knows the security of owning the roo fover the family's head. Mr. Workineman: we have a few real bargains at Summerhill (this side of , i sunset farKj a gooa size 101 ior less than $150.00 and on easy terms. Let us tell you all about this property. Wright's Real Estate Agency. 3-20-lt j ARE LIKE THE FIRE DEPART- merit Waiting for a hurry call for your prescription. Trained hands work with intelligent speed. Quick delivery, Jarman & Futrelle, Drug gists, 107 Princess street. Phone 644. 3-20-7t WHEN THE CAROLINA APART- ment house is spoken of, it is called he Comfortable Carolina, because it is so. Comfort, conveniences are thought out. and installed for its oc cupants. We have an apartment for rent. Wright's Real. Estate and In surance Agency. 3-20-lt THE OVERT ACT HAS BEEN COM- mitted rfgainst yourself if you fail to have your hat cleaned and block ed at Coster's, 122 Market street. Phone 148. 3-20-7t A HOME FOR SALE BEAUTI FUL outside and comfortable and conven ient inside. A home planned by a woman and completed by one of Wilmington's leading architects and builders. It is 308 North 15th street, wxnoca lerrace. Moderate pnea, attractive terms. See us. Wright's Real Estate Agency. 3-20-lt : THE CZAR 1HAS ABDICATED BUT Sullivan the King is on the job. He has a whole soul but we will half sole your shoes, 217 North Front street. Phone 533. 3-20-7t ; : WE WILL BUILD A HOME FOR YOU to your no'tion. Let lis hear your idea and let us show you the lots and tell you how easy it is to own your own home. Wright's Real Estate Agency. 3-20-lt BUSINESS SPECIALS AMERICAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY rmijte :riiow if ' ; " " By GENE BYRNES - j v - I ! ( I UKE POT , SHAD & ROE FRESH DAILY, TROUT and Mullets, New Kiver Oysters, Vegetables and Poultry. Fresh stock Groceries. Delivered to any part of the city. 'Phone 374, W. M. Sneeden, 114 South Front Street. 3-16-7t. STORAGE ODD FELLOWS BUILD- ing, large room $5.00 per month. L. W. Moore, Agent, 123 Princesc. 3-17-20-2t TO THE WISE ECONOMIC HOUSE- keeper, we have Furniture of all de scriptions at prices which will at tract you. Great big bargains in everything. Furniture slightly used, you can tell from new, come to see us, we can't and won't be undersold. Furniture packed and stored. Ster- ling Furniture Co., 19 and 21 South Front street. E. H. Sneed, Manager. Phone 60. 2-21-tf W ANTED MEN FOR WORK IN Planning Mill, Lumber Yards, and Shipping Department. Write or Ap ply to Waccajnaw Lumber Co., Bol ton, N. C. 3-16-5t JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE stock of "Fisk Jubilee Quartette" Records. Come in and hear them. Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market street. Phone 862. 3-15-tf OREGON AND CALIFORNIA RAIL- road Co., Grant Lands, Title to same revested in United States by Act of Congress dated June 9, 1916. Two million three hundred thousand acres to be opened for settlement and sale. Power Site, Timber and Agricultural Lands Containing some of best land left in United States. Now is the opportune time. Large Sectional Map showing lands and description of soil, climate, rainfal'. elevations, etc. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. l-19-3m. UNREDEEMED ONE VIOLIN-CELLO in first class condition. Good ton- Worth ?5U.OO unredeemed price $16.50. Charles Finkelstein, 6 South Front Street, Phone 640. 3-1 6-t WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when Phone your order to News Stand. so requestc l. 745. Gordon' s 10-7-tf MOTTE'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND EE and Typewriting. Day and Night lessons. Leon L. Motte, Official. Court Stenographer, Chief Instruct- tor, 105 Church street, Phone 737-W. i 3-18-tf jj FOR RENT 103 SOUTH 8TH ST.lj All lotest Improvements. Apply J. j T. Gordon, agent. Phone 745 3-15-tf ' WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH! , Don't matter if broken. I pay $1.00 to $5.00, per set. Mail to L. Mazer, ' ? 2007 S. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Will send cash by return mail. 3-9-14t-j JUST RECEIVED SEVERAL CARS Canadian Rutabaga Turnips,. Ap ples, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Potatoes and Oranges, a full line of Candy. Send us your orders. Bear Produce and Merchandise Co., (wholesale), Wilmington, N. C. 3-18-tf RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED AND Returned same day. Saves 50 to 100 per cent of cost. Each blade hair-tested. Satisfaction guaran teed. Baxter's Cigar Store, 18 North Front street. 3-20-7t FOR SALE AHOLD ESTABLISHED; grocery business. Reasonable rent for building with a desirable resi-j dence combined, which may be had,! if desired. Write P. O. Box No. 553. ! 3-14-7t I WANTED CARPENTER WORK and repair work of all kinds. Will give satisfaction in work and price. When you have any call Phone 1825. ; 3-14-1 t-j 6 I 1 A . I fi SALESMEN REPRESENTATIVES lit wanted also side line men to handle cigar hotel, drug, and restaurant trade. 5c package peppermint articlev Enormous profits. Exclusive terri tories given to hustlerss. American Mint Company, Philadelphia, Pa. 3-18-St-j. WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone your order to 74S. Gordon's News Stand, 19-7-tf WANTED A PRETTY LITTLE BOY baby wants a home. He is three months old, and perfectly healthy. He will be given to. responsible couple who can furnish references. Write No. 100 W. Clay Street, Rich-! mond, Va. 3-14-7t i . I FOR THE VERY B NATIVE AND Western Pork and Beef, Fancy Groceries, tec. See or Phone R. B. Moore, 3rd and Castle. Phone 1888. 11-24-tf FOR THE VER BEST NATIVE AND Western Pork and Beef, Fancy Groceries, etc. See or Phone R. B. Moore, 3rd and Castle. Phone 1888. 21-24-tf. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA RAIL- road Co., Grant Lands, Title to same revested in United States by Act of Congress dated June 9, 1916. Two million three hundred thousand acres to be opened for settlement and sale. Power Site, Timber and Agricultural Lands. Containing some of best land left in United States. Now is the opportune time. Large Sectional Map showing lands and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, etc. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. l-19-3m iJJ!l!llll!lllll!l!!lllll!ll!l!!l!!llllllllillllllll!lll!IIIIIIII.IIIIIIIHis WE SELL MCO ALl j ! EE And Builders' Supplies j We Solicit STORAGE I II W. B. THORPE & GO ' S Walter and Ann Streets. ' !i Phone 789 I mm t cTPci"P W.B. Cooper Co. Cotton Exporters Wilmington, N. C. i i : mm COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT HI PREPAREDNESS IN EVERYDAY LIFE IIIIIIllIHilllltlllllllllllllltllUIIIIIlIlllltllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllU Preparedness is a personal affaii.. Wha't others may do matt Uttle these are the vital questions: rs "Am I ready for emergency?" "Have I a financial reserve against the unexpected?" A Savings Account at the People's Savings Bank is tlv i0L, S.01UU0Q. Ally OU1XI id ouwyioyjo Compounded Quarterly. OLD The Peoples Corner Front and OUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON Your' Success We realize that fact--therefore our efforts are directly in YOUR behalf. We help ourselves by serving YOU THE MIGMSON Do Your Spring Planting NOW! iL The Victor Company announces a complete course in by Oscar Saenger in twenty lessons on ten VICTOR RECORDS AT $25.00. Soprano; Mezzo Soprano; Tenor, Baritone or Bass. Call and Hear these Records at (Q. Wo Yfaitf3S (BwDddftcMBt Victor Agency. VIM GO 5.00 SpizzerWum $5 The Gas Saving Device for your Automobile Invented by J. V. Brock, a home man in our home town, will make your car run smoother, increase the power, give you better mixture, reducing Gaso line consumption from 25 to 50 per cent. The above results are guar anteed or money refunded after 10 days trial. J. O. BROCK Manufacturer, 319 South Second Street. GEORGE T. HEWLETT, Agent, 410 South Second Street. AUTOS FOR HIRE for Pleasure Driving,- Dances, Weddings and Commercial City LiverCo. Phones 15. and 345. OFFICERS : Thos. E. Cooper, President. Milton Calder, V. President and Trust Officer. Chas. E. Bethea, Cashier. E. Fred Banck, Asst. Cashier. Robert L. Henley, Asst. Cashier. auu. o yay t ycr cent Jllterpit AND STRONG ' ' Saving? Bank Princess Streets. illOIL BANK A N U s B E O R N X SERVICE ' IS AT YOUR PHONES 258-L 28 P.d.BOX 731 INTENSE ENERGY IHI!lll!llllllli;ill!IIIIIIIIMII!llllllllll!llllli!NIII!llllll!ll!!,, J. B. McCABE & CO. I Certified Public Accoun- E tants. ' Room 815 MarcMiion Bank Bid. S Phono 096. WILMINGTON. N . S IHM.il... HBMni fi DR. L.J. MEREDITH DENTIST. 04-SC Southern Buildinr Phone 1M. Practised Four Tn in Whltefilw. I North Carolina. ! ' '"'' -:y- - " 'n " -- " ' JSSSi i ' S55E3SS?gaiaMaMMawaMaMMBaMawnMaMaMaMaaMMjag . s - . , 7 . - - . ,: . " 1 - - i --nrrr..T..