- ' - ' " . ' ' ' " ', ' ' ." ' "" " - .'i '" 1. .' i " 1, '", - , -i, f" - s - 5 V LEATHER FORECAST. Ncrth Carolina: Cloudy tonight ad Tuesday; probably fain. Warm- FINAL EDITION night in the interior. pr ion ' a South Carolina Cloudy 'tonight v. and luesQdy, Warmer tonight probably rain. FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXII. NO. 67'. WILMINGTON, NQRT HCAROLINA; MO ND AY AFTERNOON, MARCH 26, 19 PRICE FIVE CENTS, In "V T TT T - WEMIMGTil .-a nt a - m 9 . m e b-k m mm m - b - m m m m m mm mm mm mm u ba Qlaims '.rr' i , -Ei-. i i Large plumber of Ships Sunk CANT SIGN TREATY WITH TEUTON SAYS T FO STATES I v 4 4j '-J 4 ft 5 ! ' 4" 4 4 4 APPAM ORDERED TURNED OVER. - (By Assented Press.) Washington, " March 26. Imme- diate transfer of the liner, Ap- 4' pam, at Norfolk, to her British owners, was ordered today by the 4 (4 Supreme Court. v lY 4" '-J 4 4" "5 g j I S FIRST AMERICAN ARMED SHIP WADE Country Has Too Frequently Violated Her Solemn Obligations i REPLY SUBMITTED BY STATE DEPARTMENT Nalurc of Fighting Takc: as Showing Germans Have Lost Their Key DRIVE MADE ON THE RUSSIAN LINE N Blow Delivered Below Dvinsk and May Indicate Offensive - For Petrograd Turks Con tinue to Flee LARM 111 RUSSIA AT HINDENBUflD'S PROPOSED ATTACK The Germans are ; desperately re sisting the slashing French attack upon ;he defenses of St. Quentin. Heavy counter attacks are reported, but Paris declares the French have hud ail the ground won. Apparently this means that the Ger mans have lost the strong key posi tion at Essigny, four and a half miles sutitli 01 Sr. 'Quentin, which is essen tial to the protection of St. Quen tin on the ' south. Military critics have pointed to the probability of the G'iman wing in this sector being inrced back to the Oise if this posi tion, which the French captured yes terday, was not regained. In view of Petrograd reports that the Germans are concentrating for a dri.tj towards Petrograd, interest at- t?c!i"s to the " i ci.i ii ni uiiiic Ljuay ui a, vjrci uiau j au,;ek on the Russian line below Dvinsk. The Russians continue their suc cesses against "the Turkg-in the cam ! -'' waccd jointly by Russian and Btiiisii i'i Tees to the north and north-t-st of Bagdad. Apparently the intention is to drive 'i liohir.d the Turks, as they retreat More ihf 'hi' direr! io The Public Confident of the Loyalty of the Trdcps to the Government t A GERMANS IN ERROR AS TO RUSSIANS No Disaffection Among .vthe PopuIace Qood Effddt rf. of Removal of Censor- f ship. Handed By Secretary Lansing to the Swiss Minister Ger many Has Likely Abrogat ed All Treaties T OFtDAL MEN SET TO PBRTJ SAFETY ! St. Louis Has Reached The Other Side, It is Announced Today LEFT NEW YORK ON MARCH 17TH Judge Fland Gives the Accus ed Warning to Stop Their Interference (By Associated Press.) Washington, March 2G. Germany's "clear violations" of the treaties of 1799 and 1828 and her "disregard ot the canons of international courtesy," were assigned by the United States as reasons tor refusal to re-affirm or ex tend these agreements. The note of refusal to Germany, transmitted through Dr. Paul Ritter, the Swiss minister, was made public today by the State Department and dis closes that this government "is serious ly considering" whether Germany's conduct has not in effect abrogated these treaties. The note says: "In view of the clear violations by the German authorities of the plain terms of the treaties in question, sol emnly concluded on the mutual un derstanding that the obligations there under would be faithfully kept; in iriew, further, of the disregard of the Eaiiontjfof international cpurtesy. and comity of nations in the treatment of Innocent American citizens in Ger many, the government of the United States cannot perceive any advantage wh p wnillrl flnw from f 11 rf Vi or- oncrotro. (By Associated Press.) i ""IVZ' " l: " Petrograd, March 25 (Via Lonjfioh).! . ' . 'U.U"5U U1.ey wre mereiy utiii uLuiy ui iiiLeriiiiiioiiai law, eniei ed into with the imperial German gov ernment in regard to the meaning of any of the articles of these treaties, or as supplementary to them. In these circumstances, therefore, the govern- j (By Associated Press.) New York. March 2G. The trial of 108 coal corporations and 68 indi viduals located in "West Virginia and the western part of Virginia, indict ed for alleged violations of the Sher man law by arbitrarily increasing the 1 Owners Report Safe Arrival to Government and Secre tary Daniels Makes Known the News. (By Associated Press.) Washington, March 26.- The Amer ican lirf- St. Louis, the first armed American ship to cross the Atlantic, has arrived safely at her destination, Secretary Daniels announced today. I Information as to the arrival of the price ot coal, was today sot for May nt from the offices of the American 7, after the defendants had failed Linc in New York The company to change their tentative pleas of not j wishes to make known lhe fact to re. guilty. Federal Judge Hand also an- Hove the anxiety of thoae having rei pounced that the contempt proceed- atives or friends on the vessel. Sec ings against John A Renahan, vice j ret Daniels approved such action, president of the Smokeless Fuel 0 dctails of the trip were given uuivtiuy, wuum u uioyyiui, as uie in company's report uuiytiii a ytViU'is iiau UL'en surren dered. Judge Hand warned that "these coal men must stop interfering with the papers needed by the grand jury; ATIONAL GUARD Many Americans Aboard. New York, March 26. The St. Louis, owned by the American Line, loft Qn Amofionn nnrl on IVTw rfh 17 if they do not and. there is another Un 31 passengers, of whom 14 were American citizens. Among her crew complaint, I shall send the offender to jail." 1 ... s The Jury's inquiry into the coal sit uation is far from complete, it was learned today, and another indict ment is expected, naming as defend of 394 persons were 131 Americans. IN AA BEING ANY STATES Sailing Vessels and Trawlers the Victims, Comes Re port From Berlin AGGREGATE TONNAGE EIGHTY THOUSAND MOBILIZED To Protect Government Prop erty and Public Utilities From Possible Ruin. TROOPS TAKEN INTO FEDERAL SERVICE The news that Field Marshal von Hindenburg was planning a campaign against Petrograd was received at announcement by the the capital with surprisingly little Tice today of a German consternation, evoking rather aspirit of calm and unshakable confidence in, the loyalty of the troops and the ability of the army to protect the city from the new danger, Supreme Court Takes Recess. (By Associated Press.) Washington, March 26. The Su- ants men said to be members of a ! preme Court, following announcement combination different from the one of decisions and orders today, recessed alleged in the recent indictments. until April 9 inent of the United States declines to enter into the special protocol propos ed by the imperial government; This government is seriously con If German calculations are based ?Ld!.ri?J 1! upon the supposed demoralization of r " Z L " the soldiery or more than a transient deflection of the troops at the front from their usual discipline' and loy alty to their commander, these cal- British up fhe Tigris m. ; eITQr m of Mosul. The Rus-, . J i;ns vised articles of the treaties of 1785 and 1799 have not been in effect abro gated by the German government's I flagrant violations of their provisions, j for it would be manifestly unjust and j inequitable to require one party to an nnnniiuinTrmnin nninnn fi 1 1 in b I ill i ri i-H u n n i ii i n rm iw b n u mi h mm mt n wtt mm h uhhdbmi mm mu mm km hi hi mm mm mw k a nUIUIIIUlU I K.IIMUU I UluUlil tii tibp" fir inns n r b nninmr u! ancing from Persia, are in lt undeniable that during the J agreement to observe its stipulations ursi uays aner me nvwuuun UI and to permit the other party to disre extreme radical and socialist element ( gard tnem Jt would apPear that the 'ii vihyct of Mosul, Petrograd ad-vit-t-s stuio. The Russian forces prbb ;i'ly si ill luivc a considerable distance ;" irav...-. ,. before they strike the Ti- hikI ih'i Turkish line of commu- n!c;:r if:n -; Thf sinking of 80,000 additional !or!iJ r,f dipping during the past few !uy ,hy ""marines is announced hy ." Vji ;i!irn admiralty. The vessels l!lCiU(i( si ,qmove 14 cnilino- V!R. ' aimed at taking advantage of the overthrow of the .authority by sowing further discontent among the work ingmen and , soldiers. The cloudy state of mind of the peasant popula tion which, bewildered by the new vista of freedom and equality, and having had little experience with lib erty of any sort, imagined that it t-v- 00 7-1 f rnl rt vol inn r f ovoW Ivirirl of ; ; -1 :i trawiers. Among the 1 authorit vand discipline, made the 1 . 1.1 ui"' miusu nuspitai snip, !''ia.:, of 12,000 nrnna.Era.Tifl a. of the a.critators easv felt tons, and two rrf. jyui np. nrmrint measures taken j., . V'n .s,au'r. thG Illinois andb the government and Duma delea-nounri-i ;A,cmPhls..Previously an'j tions removed whatever danger lay u.-oins cpuise Germans. I;'i!"-r-(l, Marclv 26 Via, London r,:'ri'isli Admiralty, Per Wireless been received from every portion of the front affirming that the army can V. k-.1i'-4 unfin ir An Ha nlmn;i ir sl- -A tier the rliKrhnrrT nf four I . l ir n ,i:t, ., - 1 aeiena me country. m. rtviuiAciiin.u, ,i s th" Germans yesterday at-i president of.the Duma, received a del v.: ,!l nike an advance near,0Hnn fmm thf armv which de- vy, on lhe norttiprn nnrt nf fhp i . .t . - w "-icxareu: pI "All officers and soldiers vill dc- lenu me uuma, tu m ia?)i uiuy ui their blood. They will faithfully obey ''"'ii:! I'Ont hctnw Xlvinc:1r 11 !' Ofi'ife imn'ontinM that th . a w , 1 v j kJ L11U O tJLXV v' ' :'(; repulsed. mutuality of the undertaking has been destroyed by the conduct of the Ger man authorities." The note, signed by Secretary Lan sing, reads as follows: "I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your note of February 10, present ing the proposals of the German gov ernment for an interpretive and sup plementary agreement as to article 28 of the treaty of 1799. After due consideration I have to inform you that the governmant of the United nun nuan TO HELP WIFE MD KILLEI j Prominent Philadelphia Man Fatally Wounded By Ne gro Burglar (15y Associated Press.) Philadelphia, March 26. Harold El- f Plot By Rasputin to Gain Influence Over Czarina THE POISON GIVEN IN HIS ABSENCE The Crown Prince Made 111 at Such Time to Show Impor tance to His Welfare of the Continual Presence of the Conspirator A Lady In Waiting His Accomplice. (By Associated Tress.) Petrograd, March 25 (Via London,' Newspapers Requested By l' War " Department Tot to Publish News As to Lo cality of Troops (By Associated Press.) Washington, March 26.-Twenty additional complete mtantry regi ments and five additional separate battalions of National Guard troops have been ordered into the Federal service for the protection of prop erty in the event of possible internal disorder. The troops have been called out in 18 Western and Middle West ern States not included in the list of similar orders made public yes terday. A general statement of the regi ments called out each day will be made public, however. The number of National Guard troops called into the Federal service for police duty has been increased. Regiments and smaller units from States not included in previous orders have been directed to be mobilized in instructions last night. The movement is in accordance with the decision to establish a mili tary police system against possible internal disorders regarded as a Na tional and not a State obligation. The War Department will not dis close the specific industries or other points to be guarded, and newspapers will be asked not to publish informa tion they may have on this point. The War Department's statement follows : Following additional guard organi zations have ben called into the Fed Teuton Submarine Engaged British Biplane in Battle and Annihilated It In the Eng lish Channel Name of Ill fated Vessels Given. TORPEDOED SHIPS HAD AMERICANS ABOARD. -X- -Jf -X- -X- -X- -X- -X- . -X- .v. X- -X-X- -X-5C--X- (By Associated Press.) Washington, March. 26. Tor pedoing ef the- Norwfe&fcj&n steam er, Wilfred, with two Americans aboard, and the British steamer, Chorley, with three Americans, was reported today to the State Department. The Wilfred was warned by the German submarine that sank her. She carried no contraband nor armament. States is not disposed to look withlis Yarnall, secretary and treasurer of favor upon the proposed agreement j the Midland Valley railroad and prom to alter or supplement the meaning inent. socially, died earlv today from of article 23 of this treaty T1H a bullet wound sustained while defend- service for general purpose of sition of the government ot tlu . that the health and even the life of protection against possible interfer- United States which might, under ,inS hls Wlfe from the attack of a ne- Grand Duke Alexis, the young heirj ence wrth the postal commercial other conditions, be different, is due;gro burglar, at their home here last! apparent, depended on the presence , and military channels and instrumen to the repeated violations by Ger- night. of Gr(?gry Rasputin, the mystic 1 talities: many of the treaty of 1828 and the: v i. i,i(ni : monK a notion which is generally man the 1,, French Still Advancing. ;- March 26. Mot withstanding h'T and the difficult state; the provisional government, and will strike the Germans to the last man. Freedom from the censorship al TYinnl: j nntinn xrViirV articles of treaties of 1785 and 1799,1 Varna11 wab rushed to a hospital ; knQwn tQ haye accounted for Raspu. tins tremendous influence over the not necessary to narrate in detail .midnight. He died three hours later, these violations, for the attention of! Mr. and Mrs. Yarnall had just re- la Ob, .. .... 1 mm uk. uoucuiL outu. had salutary effect in per. -'oimd, the French continued n Ko ,hhcw I about the new danger from a German SOU!! lo jidvance south of the w.'ir office announces that Illinois, First, Fifth and Sixth regi ments infantry; Indiana, Second regi- ""f1"" in cAiamu x Mlc infantrv Missouri Firt and Third following extraordinary manner by Sl"! SK-KdSSl x rgiiuvii to uiiuii ui jf f iiuui aon.af r uui uxi ai . - x, 1. I i thn Inictlv S irTr fi T . urt;i"IMt;",- llAaf turned from a day spent at their coun-j ?, "",t7n TrVnVrlinB- to the now regiment infantry; Minnesota, First called to the circumstances of each 1 , , I Kasputm, according to the news- . , infantrv Mirhian Thirtv- instance of violation, but I may here , try home, at Media, when she encount-; paper, stated in confidence to friends fe? refer to certain of them briefly and ered the burglar in her .home. She ; at convivial moments that he was in general terms. j grappled with hint and screamed for! able to fortify, this superstition with "Since the sinking of the American help. Mr. Yarnall, who was in his tne neip ot Madame Virubova, lady iirice : announces aiai attack without the usual acc'ompani- ship, William P. Frye, for the car- bath, rushed to his wife's assistance j in-waiting to the Empress, and M. reached olcmbray,l f extravajrant rumors which in . riatre of contraband there have been 'and hurled the nesro into ,the hallway. ! Badmaef, court physician, until the ,;i ihe forest of Coucy ,;;'"t i'-nicn? follows: i:v..' ...i the Somme and the Oise, raent of extravagant rumors 3 the past made news more alarming than the truth itself. The result is ! that without minimizing the danger Aril,- t !to the country the press has accept- "'suiunuie irom D2tweea , , .. ,,,QrQt; of the m nister ; K5x tuc uciviui c " y . "-nipt ,,, I, , ! v f war quietly anji wimoui aiarm. GsZe Se-'. Rech says editorially: osso,, were inflicted on the en-' is the people who are txghUng !y;. VVf. uuuhtained completely "the, the enemy and not the government Wsiiin; j Therefore hidms: nothing from our readers, we say definitely and clearly that danger is threatening our north ern front. The enemy is preparing to crush our valiant army which for two iptured yesterday. k3'."hor the Oise, our advance was '''ontinued on Page Three.) third regiment infantry; Wisconsin, Third regiment infantry; South Da kota, Third battalion of Fourth regi ment infantry; North Dakota, Second riage of contraband there have been ' and hurled the negro into , the hallway. Badmaef, court physician, until the:"""" Firs and 001.(1 spnaratP perpetrated by the German naval The latter then drew a revolver and ! Empress was absolutely convinced ; Ar forces similar unwarranted attacks fired, the bullet entering Mr. Yarnall's that the life of her son depended on I . bat alinn infantry- Onio upon and destruction of numerous groin and penetrating the liver. Mr.; the monic. Whenever Kasputm was;T.rd and gi fa regiment infantry American vessels, for the reason.-it is . Yarnall continued to struggle with the' absent for any length of time, from, ,,, c?QPnnfl rea-iment in fan. alleged, that they were engaged in negro and succeeded in forcing him 'the court, Madame Virubova, accord- nr:mn' Ti,irH win,flt tnfon. transportation of articles of contra- backward down the stairway. After ! inS to the monk's story, as given by band, notwithstanding and in disre- firing another shot the burglar made i the newspaper, obtained poisonous gard of article 13 of the treaty of his escape through an open window. 1 powders from the physician and con 1799 that 'no such articles (of contra- He took only a handbag, containing triyed to place them in food brought band) carried in the vessels or by 'about $100 in cash. ! to Alexis. The result was that dur- the subiects or citizens of either party , Mr. Yarnall was 51 vears old. ! inS' Rasputin's absence the delicate to the enemies of the other shall be health of the young heir apparent! ;try; Oregon, Third regiment infantry; California, Second, Fifth and Seventh regiments infantry; Idaho, Second regiment infantry; Montana, Second regiment infantry. Of these organizations the follow ing are already in Federal service and V. Ji RUSSIANS CROSS BORDER. 1C -X- -X- 'By Associated Press.) f -X- Yndon , March 26 Russia Tii.m,,nts in Persia- Pusuing the -X- int have crssed the border J ,h( Turkish Vilayet of Mo- Hf:cnling to an official an- s uneement as forwarded in a eut"t' dispatch from Petrograd. -X- .. deemed contraband so as to induce rincT C A C17 T INHFR grew steadily worse until Rasputin j will not be mustered out as originally was summoned back to the court, planned : Michigan, Thirty-third infan- C ANAL ACT DECIDED when the powders were stopped, and try; Colorado, First hand Second se- f Ij-t-vrin hAAfl m -v -m W wi Afiinrrv -rr -k T -k lII1ll- llfl I HI Mill . 11111. I I I I II 1 III! Rasputin always announced that i Sixth regiments. 40 days after his death Alexis would! It is requested that no details of This pronhesy came true I locality be carried in tne press witn j years has defended the roads to Pe: loss of property to individuals,' and trograd. The Russian soldief !under-j that 'in the case -X- of a vessel otonda better than ever before the stomoed for articles of contraband, it' (By The Assoclatea Press.) j ot nf etill resistine." 1 the master of the vessel stopped will! Washington, March" 26. In the . . , . . nitrn4 -.nf Hq trnrific ciinnncod tn V ' first ease hrmi?ht under the Panama 1 fall ill. The Russkia voiia says, kmbu ib """" "v . . x,QT,o1 0 M47sr roiimorfa to with startling aernraev heinsr eansed I regard to further distribution of , - 1 Utnanhnrir will TTV I OI UOllLI ituailU. UdlUic, lie oj.o,h uc . o. i., iciiuui"6 x wu... " o 1 , , , . . , , , fn Z drtam of a move! admitted to do it, and the vessel shall! pose of their steamship interests, ! the newspaper declares, by Madame these troops unless given out by the in realize hlS Old dream Ol d. iliuve: ... .... . , i. j. n.. tt-j 1 , ;,;: ASnr nenrtmpnt Vin in.o .-li". -rV1 t 1 1 ITlTn Q1-ITT . Trrt VllTirDTVl .- fMl IT (l-l"lllll I III' V II I I M I I V .1 1 I I II I I. n l.rl 1 1 1 t. 1 1 I M 1 I . I IIU W . Tiv,Q Q-rmv ann nen-'l liu b ill iuai iciot; tauicu miu nj uui;n,ii.c v"v'v'iv"- " . - llie cxiusy dU.J. . j . j, t i.ti- Tr.ii T-i . 1 1 H Any n litlo oranrl rliilro in V10 port OF runner aetaineu, uui, siian ue uemgii vaiiey nam ua,u uiuni iciiu- ucx i.u me "u"- b" iu vij. allowed to proceed on her voyage.' i quish its Great Lakes steamship hope of continuing the tradition of "in addition to the sinking of transportation line, operating vessels ; Rasputin's influence over the im- 7rts hf the Russian people for vie- American vessels, foreign merchant between Buffalo and Chicago and.periai tamiiy and preparing me way nearts Ol inn xutvu - I . -r, mi iT;in,ni, fnr a sneeessnr tn him. upon Petrograd pie are facing a test which will be come historical. Results can only frnm an honest desire in the War Department. Illinois Troops Springfield, Ills., March 26. Gover nor Lowden early today received a (Continued on Page Eight) X-x- X--X--X-X- x- , , -x- -X- -X- -X- -X- -X- -X- -X- -X- & X- -X- -X- -X-Berlin, March 25. (Via Sayville, March 26). The sinking , of 25 more steamships, 14 sailing vessels and 37 trawlers, with an aggregate gross ton nage of 80,000, in the last few days, is announced by the admirality. On March 9th a German submarine annihilated by cannon fire a British biplane in the English channel. The ships which were sunk were: Brika, (British), 3.549 tons gross, armed. Denpark, (British), 1,965 tons, arm ed. Granton, British watch-ship, with the herring trawler, G. N.-34 in tow. Glynymel, (British), 1,394 tons. Memnon, (British), 3,203 tons. Asturias, (British hospital ship), 12, 002 tons. Sir Joseph, (British sailing vessel), 84 tons. ? Robert, Rivend, Jessamine, Gratia, Lent Lilly, Hyacintch, Case, Internose Melly, Ena, Kestrel, Reindeer, Forget-Me-Not, Try, Arance, (British trawl ers). The following French ships were sunk : Sully, bark, 2,649 tons. Homarne, Eugene Ajbert, Anais, (130 tons) ; Madeline, Davoust, schooners. Adieu, (64 tons); Marie Louise from Fecamp and Marie Louise, St. Paul, an American sailing ship. Martha Yvonne and Cordouan, pilot schooners. Petitjean, Henry Louis Dieu de Garde, Nozal, Rupella, Louis XIV., Pen tileu, Acide Maria, Juliette, Camil leemile, L. R.-1289, L. R.-1329, Made line, Felicite, Madonna and Entente Cordiale, trawlers. The following Italian vessels were sunk: Medusa, steamer of about 1,000 tons. The following Norwegian vessels (Continued on Pagt- Eight) -X- -x- -x- -x- -x- -x- -X- SECOND REGIMENT ARRIVES NOON TOMORROW. The Second North Carolina In fantry, in command of Col. John VanB. Metts, of this city, en route from the border to Golds boro, to be mustered out of the Federal service, will arrive in the city tomorrow about tioon, according to information re ceived from the general offices of the Atlantic Coast Line this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The two sections with the troops are ex pected in Florence, S. C, tomor row morning about 8 o'clock, and this will put the troops here about noon. The soldiers will stop here for a short while for exercise, and will give a brief pa: rade along the principal streets. Governor Thomas W, . Bickett will review them. X-X- X-X-X-X--X-X-X--X- X-. X- X- X- X- " 7- -x- -x- -x- -x- -X- -x- tory (l;OIillllUeU. Ull jragc 1U1CC. munauacc. ' "

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