. T ' o tri ?. - , . ) ) UmjGS nEVEEt. E-2AK?3r IfJG iBie SUNDAY FIRE IHSOfJ OECI VJf V XV.-.;- 1 :'-ri-, ; B jn a lliiflill nnH rfiwfiiirii! UttU Pacifists and Anti-Pacifists As sembling in Numbers c Tremendous Excitement V -- ;-"'"' v: (By Associated Prefis.) Washington,. April 2. Pacifist and " ;; anti-pacifist pilgrims besieged official . ? i Washington -today. -'.in 'an eleventh V i .hour effprt to influence Congress to- ward their respective view of impend Uing war with Germany. '. : Street parading was denied both by police orders, but the program of Griffin Manufacturing Com- pany's Plant Almost De- - .' stroyed 'Yesterday (Special to JThe Dispatch.) , Goldsboro;' April - 2. One, ; of - the most disastrous fires that has visited Goldsboro in several years occurred at Z 4 ; o'clock 4 yesterday , afternoon, when the A: G. Gjrif fin Manufacturing Company's plant in this, city was al most ; completely destroyed.; -v ; A large quantity of lumber, shin- Religious Services - of Week t Causes Hanson to to Stage Matches each called for uixJrganized sidewalk gles and laths and rone box car and w processions to . the Capitol, where f one oil tank car were destroyed by 'Senators and Representatives might ;i be canvassed for their peace or. war v . ideas. Simultaneously, thousands of n telegrams from all parts of the coun ,'v' try poured in upon the Capitol and the White House, either praying for peace -or urging drastic . action to up- Flafcs floated "from nearly ever window in downtown Washington on the scene, and in spite of the in "and from house's Mn the residential t tense heat,-' battled with ; the r flames the flames. The Indian Refining Company' v lo cal station adjoining the destroyed property was seriously threatened and for a: .while ;it -looked as though, it would oe destroyed, but as the fire progressed the wind took an oppo- 'same aaung .vwnw.:"" "UJ , V, I site direction ' " ,ing to stage exhibitions that the ladies Because there are so many meetings of a, religious nature on at the various churches of the' city - this week. 1 no wrestling matchea will be staged dur ing the week, Fritz Hanson announced last night. The local cracK does not wish : the1 wrestling game to interfere with religiousworship and because of this he has decided to la off ' during this week and' start anew next. There was some talk' of Joe Turner coming here this, week, for a match, but negotiations along this line Jiave been left off for the above stated rea son: and no matches will4 be staged. Hanson is seeking to" conduct the ganie along clean lines,, his object be- section. All automobiles carried red, white and blue banners. Men and ' women" wore flags on their coats, and children carried them to school. The : day was marked by a show of patri otic, fervor seldom equalled in Wash ington. V -Most pacifists came here from New York and other cities under the The fire department was quickly can turn out miorce ro wuness ana i fho Rr.np nS in enito nf tiiA-in.!he dt6s not believe it would be fair to the churches and the various re- heroicnlly and soon had them under control. v The fire caught in the company supply room, but the origin 'is un known. The loss incurred and the amount of insurance carried could not be ' learned today, but it is be lieved' the loss will be seevral thou sand dollars. ligious organizations to stage anything of a worldly nature that might hold any person away from these services The First Presbyterian church is celebrating its hundredth anniversary all of this week and revival, services begin at the First Baptist church to night. Because of this the negotia tions looking toward bringing Joe Turner here have been called off. direction of the Emergency Peace : : -Federation, They arranged a meet- phone bells of Senators and Repre- " ing this afternoon to act on resolu- sentatives in their homes and at their n French Patrols Advance, lions and petitions, and a mass meet-Ofilces were tinkling with calls from parjs April 2. French patrols ad- 4. Per Cent; Compound; Quarterly Paid to both the " small and large depositor. ; ? , ii;;4-;v :' QM. Strong '" f Bank i: ' ; Corner Front and Princess Streets. jng for tonignt. rne anti-pacinsts, DOtn Tactions calling themselves "Pilgrims of Pa-1 Louis P. Lodmer, directing the , act- triotism," came from a number of jivities of the pacifists said: i Eastern rrities, marshaled by a New ze the effect of the anti-war forces. ; , The-delegations of pacifists assem bled at headquarters of the emergency Deace federation and were furnished I bled on the steps of the. main entrance with white arm bands bearing in large a the capitol and became so active black letters the inscription, "Keepjtnat squads of police drove them off yanced last night-to the -German posi ons before St. Quentin, which they rmnr! fi-At Hip hplS- in forrte. South of If we should fail to prevent war We hA Aifptt ti TiVennh rtmv tiiA Oor. will continue to work for peace, just mans bevonri Vauxaillon. The war of- as certain people in England have E done all during this war in Europe."; JcoSnt of these operations : ' OI e pacmsis assem-1 the regIon of gt Quentin our patrols pushed forward northeast of j ONE GOOD 'RELI ABLE HORSE FOR sale cheap. One that you can de pend on. H. A. Mumford, 1120 Dock street. 4-l-2t-j Out of War." They were supplied also with cards to admit them to the business and mass meetings, and the city addresses of their Senators and representatives. The delegates were instructed to spend the morning calling upon their legislative, representatives and urging them to take no action that would lead to hostilities. and onto the broad plaza, while small delegations of the pilgrims jeered and hooted. The pacifists shouted re plies and there was no mistaking for eign accents in the words of some of the shouters. There were a few clashes between the two parties, but nothing in the nature of serious dis- UNREDEEMED DROPHEAD SINGER Sewing Machines all in good condi tion. Price from $7.50 to $18.00 at Charles Finkelstein, No. 6 South Front street. Phone 654. 4-1-tf Daiion and north of Castres (these, WANTED TO BUY SEVERAL CAR- order. i kjvli jm. ulxuoc iu tile uuyvu ici oioicu tprriflv rrnphpn i yf 1 J 1 1L. 1. 11 1 - ' : - - : The instruction list handed to each 1U -uruugu me pouce xines tnachine guns. flfilPsratP rallori uttonflon tn tho fan uiuuiiuug lue Bieya. x-ouce re towns are about 3 miles from St. Quen tin),as far as the enemy lines, which they rund to be held strongly. In the sector south of Oise there was i neavy ngniiug ueiween me auvanceu pqsts.v South at Aflette, our troops fol lowed up their success and drove the Germans beyond vauxaillon. Enemy patrols were dispersed by our fire.' The number of prisoners taken yes- We captured five loads of crap iron, Max Bane, Hi West Davie Street, Raleigh, N. C. 3-26-8t-j . SHANDS GROCERY, FOURTH AND Nun A full line of fresh groceries. Prompt delivery and courteous ser vice, 'Phone 630. 3-26-tf '' BUYING I N WILMINGTON WITHOUT in? Wrilmington WILL NOT BRING THE DESIRED RESULTS. V This Public Spirited Movement, is successful, will not only decrease the cost of all commodities, hut will add to the. prosperity of ,our city, iand , accordingly demand greater backing facilities for mobilizing our increased resources THE FACILITIES THIS B ANK WILL MEET THE DEMANDS OF ANY CONDITION THE MURGHISDN NATIONAL UNREDEEMED ONE VIOLIN-CELLO - in first class condition.. GTood tone; Worth $50.00 Unredeemed price $16.50. Charles Finkelstein, 6 South ; Front Street, Phone 640. 3-16-tf . I- I ! Ill I -I.I.I . . II - V J FANCY AND STAPLE GROCER, j Native and Western fresh meats. a i x ;n. j u- f A : Aiau Bweei uiiia. iiesu liuui umiy every morning. R. B. Moore, 3rd andiastle. Phone 1888. 3-28rtf ' j that both houses would convene at serves were called and the pacifists i i i i noon, and that they "might be inter ested in witnessing the opening." This was taken to mean that the pacifists were expected to be at the capitol at 12 o'clock. . - Anti-pacifists Tjaid they too would he at the capitol whenever the paci fists planned to be there. They had instructions similar to those of the pacifists and long before the time set for the opening of Congress the tele- were forced back a considerable, dis tance on the plaza. Then some, of In the Champagne, several German counter attacks . against the positions which we recaptured west of Maisons de Champagne were checked by our ATTENTaON EIKS! There will be an important special meeting of Wilmington Lodge No. 532, B. P. O. E., this (Monday) evening at 2 o'clock, April 2, 1917, to act upon telegram received from Grand Exalted Ruler Edward Rightor. All members are urged to be present LADIES! DARKEN on small posts east of Auberlve, and west of Navarin" Farm. ' 'In s Alsace we . made a successful surprise attack at Carspach Wood and took prisoners. Over the remainder of the front the night passed in quiet." them began to leave, scattering about c -"--6 , the v n,n t ' ivoia Are.. We repulsed completely attacks remove their arm-bands and stuff them in their pockets before departing. Four or five hundred, however, remained. The police in the capitol grounds kept all persons wearing pacifist insignia on the move. : ' Senator Pomerane, of Ohio, indig nant over arguments of an Ohio paci fist delegation, told them: ; "You are the best allies the Kaiser has." Senator Martin, Democratic leader, received petitions demanding theNsjjst1 er of Senator Stone as chairman of the foreign relations committee, be cause of his attitude on the armed ship bill. Look years younger! Use Grand moth- ers recipe of. Sage Tea and Sul "phur and nobody will know. PRIVATE HARRISS DIES OF PNEUMONIA. TO THE WISE ECONOMIC HOUSE keeper, we heave Furniture of all de- scriDtions at nriees which, will at-1 m t ! 2inniiin-iiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii!iis Ll aib juu, uicai i"6 wax aiixa ui everymmg, mirnuure sugnuy useu, - .y. you can tell from: new, come to see WE SELL Furniture packed and stored. Ster- J ling Furniture Co., 19 and 21 South is Front street. E. II. Sneed, Manager. Phone 60. 2-21-tf BLOOMING ROSEBUSHES THIS Summer. Come and get you some ! rosebushes -already started in pots. ij The newest hybrid perpetual'Tea's all colors. No chance to lose. Each s 50 cents; per dozen, $5.00. The Hoi- s land Nurseries, Castle HSynes, N. C. S 3-29-7t IC O A' EI And LAWMAKERS MEET AT NOON TO DECIDE THE GRIM ISSUE OF WAR (Continued from Page One) distinguish among thousands of cit izens who went about the day's work wearing American flags. The nation al colors fluttered and rippled from buildings, automobiles and almost ev- jery point 'of vantage. The street car (companies placed them on their cars; . i every traffic policeman s "stop go" ' - The use. of Sage and Sulphur for re- sign had a flag fluttering from its t; storing faded, gray hair to its natural peak The capitol vas a wave f : . color dates back to grandmother s time. ! coior V;f.jBut brewing at home is mussey and' chkirman Simmons, of the Senate's - out-of date Nowadays, by asking at!finance committee, conferred, with Sec f;? dS ore fr 50 cent botUe of retary McAdoo on tne amount of mpn- a t"l."r;iey needed immediately by the govern- jii n get iuid lauiuus i ment --.'fflfi n was aeed not to s lnto detaiIs ; until after Congress takes action to- : Za 7, n-iuioi wards the attitude of tne united! vvl Z U VI il v i-f , States, then Secretaries McAdoo, Bak- ' - Iv difiw Z SJSSJSSS" er and Daniels wiU aain discuss;.the Kpw Si Uuestion with Senator Simmons and ever her hair took on that dull, faded , ith House iPadprR ' . ! or streaked appearance, this simple a 7 00e leaflers:J tu Xm fixture was applied with wonderful LllSentS flnunons ?id. h effect - I the credit to be granted to the Presi- ii'A 'wrtUrnnwW ,inJnfnwn -af ' dent by Congress should be a large Krsavs it darkens the hair so natv one . The amount fixed, he added faiid evenly that nobody can tell it has would ?ot that all of .it was, to Iheen applied. You simply dampen a' Sfor ?atS r sponge or soft brush with it and draw i De asKea ir iater- this through your hair; taking- one ' Senator Simmons said there was no j. -strand at a time. By morning the gray longer any, dubt that war with Ger ? : ; hair disappears, and-after another v-ny be dared tof eJist- al: . ; plication or two, it becomes beautiful-! th?u1fh thf 5orm. ofJtne resolution had , v ly dark and glossy. not been determined upem. ' : Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- J - . . . " ,h5 pound is a delightful toilet reauisite ' nnrrt en i o i ivm mn for those who desire a more vouthful DIM 1 lOfl VAT 1 UIvJC Goldsboro, N. C, April 2. Private C. Harris, of Raeford, a member of the supply company of the Second Regiment, died at a local hospital late last night. Harris was taken ill with pneumonia while returning - from the order and upon arrival here he was removed to the . Spicer Sanitarium, where his death occurred. The boey will probably be taken to Raeford today. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your "ads." in thesame manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night let tergrams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads? call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand.' 10-7-tf JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE Records. Come in and hear them. Queen City Cycle Co., 205) Market Builders' Supplies We Solicit f STORAGE Do Your Spring Planting NOW r u s BE O R NY SERVICE IS AT YOUR POSAL PHONES 28 P.O. BOX 731 ir Si street. Phone 862. -15-tf FOR RENT 103 SOUTH 8TH ST. All lotest improvements. Apply J. T. Gordon, agent. Phone 745 3-15-tf FOR RENT LARGE AIRY FRONT room, furnished; Southern exposure, one block from Union Depot. Apply 401 1-2 North Front street. 4-l-3tj IVV. B. THORPE & CO I s . as i . Water and Ann Streets. Phone I 789 IIIIIIiyil!ll!IIIIIIllIIIillII!l!IIII!I!ilIIIIII!!llllini!l(llllllJlfi appearance. It is not intended for the I -- cure,- mitigation or prevention of dis ease. 'Ad vt. .;. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA x S T M COUNTY OP NEW HANOVER ,.--5-i4ifItt-Superior Court," April term 1917. '- . J. C. Jackson, vs. Margaret Jackson. NOTICE. MORE VILLAGES! FROM GERMANS! 3 :V!lf-rf-' RATES DISPATCH'S - f - . Business Locals. Daily , or Sunday One Cent Per Word 25 Words or less, one time. . . . . .25c 25 Words, 2 times consecutively 40c 25; Words, 3 times consecutively 50c 25 Words, 1 week (7 times) . .$1.00 No advertisement Iesa than 25 cents TELEPHONE 176. PLANTS CABBAGE, TOMATO, EGG,: pepper and sweet potato plants $1.75 per thousand" by express, collect. All popular varieties of each. D. C. Proctor, Pembroke,-N. C. 4-l-7t-J ARE YOU CERTAIN WHEN YOU have your photograph taken, that you are getting the best possible for the money in Quality, Permancy and service? Foltz & Kendrick. 4-2-tf WANTED CONSIGNMENTS POUL- try, Eggs and Strawberries. Write for quotations. Theo. H. Tecklen burg, 105 "Market street, Charleston, S. C. 3-3030t-j OREGON AND CALIFORNIA RAIL- road Co., Grant Lands, Title to same - revested in United States by Act of Congress dated June 9, 1916. Two million three hundred . thousand acres to be opened for settlement and sale. Power Site, Timber and Agricultural Lands Containing some of best land left in United States. Now is the opportune time. Large Sectional Map showing lands and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, etc. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. l-19-3m W.B.Cooper6Co. Cotton Exporters Wilmington; N. C. NEW VICTOR RECORDS FOR APRIL ON SALE TODAY TLese are only a few of the favorites: S5615 Walts from Drlro's Serenade Joseph C. Smith nl his Orrhmtr S561iHavanola Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith and his Orchentr 18243 From Here to Shanghai 'Gene Green and l'eerle H. 18242 Napolon .5. ... v 4.. ..UlUy Murrmr 45111 The Miracle of tove Lambert Murphy 45111 Mother (from "Her Soldier Boy") Lambert Murphy 45109 The Gpyy Train Itelnald WerrnrJh ' 45109 FnuyWuzzy . . Belnald Werrrnrth 4639 Orientate MUcha Elmin 64631 When Irish Eyes Are Smiling; John MeCormw 74511 Home, Sweet Home Amellta Galll-Cirrc 74518 Romeo and Jnllet (Valse) .iAmellta Galll-Curc 74509 L-ncia (Mad Seene) ... Amellta Galll-Cnrcl 88581 Samson and Delilah Knrlco Croo 95100 Riffotetto (Qnartette) Calll-Cnrcl, Perlnl, Caruso, DeLnra 95218 Lucia (Sextette) . . .Galll-Cnrcl, Keener, Carnao, DeLaca, Journet, d C W. YATES CO. Victor Agency. (Continued from Page One) if one is contemplated, will fall. The thaw, on the eastern front is believed ;aouefSa r8maDvr to have mTe(i any danger of Ger, W-Jias been -commenced in the Snnwinronnrt man aggression in that direction, and of -New nanorer County, for the purpose neither Paris nor Ldndon pays much i Sarfnifrv ' - e grouna3. , attention to, Rome reports of a great That, the defendant will further tnfeA I Austro-German, . drive in preparation ; notice.- that- a he is required to appear n On the'tltalian front. There are per ; tie Jext , term .of Superior Court of said sistent rumors however of mihtv pf f cAimty.-to.be .held n the first Mondav in ' , lseJ: r1 t? ,nowever, oi mignty ej- -cfwtTV-.ln -Wilralngrton, North Carolina, .back of the fighting lines, and allied and- anwer- or demur to the complaint in Hcotto orill rrAint tr u): LADIES EARN VACATION Ex penses, introducing magazine dur ing 1 spare moments, New York or Yellowstone Park. Two weeks' of delightful travel. . Every 7 expense ' paid. Will not interfere with pres ent employment. Miss Gertrude Up ,church, Raleigh, earned tour last summer, writes, "Perfectly delight .fuL" t Illustrated particulars free oh request; Southern Woman's Mag ' aznie, Nashville, Tenn. 4-l-10t SHi.i Hcnon or tne plaintiff will nnnlv tn -"r " ... -v , u- uy ut. i nutm t!c -court for the relief demanded in the denburg will try to offset the effect on , and Wallace. 34 x 4 r-"STS-V'A iit jpuuuu opmiua , i. ( ais wnoawai in- ble rim. Reward if , This n2nd day of Aoril. 1917. -1 ; S tijIJ-z N. VWARRING, C. S. a ;Oncc sweek 4 weeks. Apr. 2- I Picardy.by .a. tremendous blow in-some I other- direction. - i tify -Baxter . Tob. rocky: POINT tire on demount- returned. No- Co., Wilmington. 4-2tf. MOTTE'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and TyDewriting.' Day and Night lessons, Leon; L Motte, Official Court Stenographer, Chief -Instruct-tor, 105 Church street, Phone 737-W. 3-18-tf - JUST RECEIVED SEVERAL CARS Canadian . Rutabaga Turnips, Ap ples, Orangjes; Grape Fruit, Potatoes and Oranges a. full line of Candy. . Send us yeUrl6Mers; u Bear Produce and Meriiandise Co., (wholesale), Wilmitfgtbni 'N: Ci ' 3-lj8-tf MEN, READ TH iS THROWING . away dull razor blades is like throw ing away inonfcy. sHave.'m sharpen ed at Baxter's. Each Jlade hair- tested. Small cost, 18 North Front street. . . r, - : . 3-'27-7t. IEEM(BE That Gets Attention for Good Service pays That's the Kind we give; f Corner 5th anc) Red Cross. , Streets. Phone 520. VIM GO INTENSE ENERGY gS.Ofl Spizzerinktum qS.OO , The Gas Saving Device for your Automobile Invented by J. 0. Brock, a home man in onr home town, will make your car run smoother, increase the, power, give you better mixture, reducing Gaso line consumption from 25 to 60 per cent. The abdiye results are guar anteed or money refunded after 10 days triaL . -: v' J. O. BROCR Manufacturer, 31 9 South Second Street. GEORGE T. HEWLETT Agent, 410 South Second Street p Isthe order of the day. While preparing to defend vour country do not fail to prepare to protecfyour family against want when you are Insure "now beforetoo late. The New' York Lif Insurance ('om-pany,- strongest in the world, will issue you a life, policy without any restrictions. Consult : : . - . : v . C. L. Dickinson, Agent Phone 859. . i. " ., -Sf-.J'.; - -.-. f ? 4 PAID S.A VIN.GS 0fiKA;R?pE;T : ' - . I . .. OFFICERS : & TRUST . ,n. . ' .COMPANY To; :": . ' COMMERCIAL , DEPARTMENT Thos. E. Cooper. President. Milton Calder, V.-President and Trust Chas. E. Bethea. Cashier. ; E. Fred Banck, Asst. Cashier. ;" Robert I, Henley, Asst. Cashier." :; L; Officer. I - . ii il !!