THIS; liAST . WE2X;rTP4BEGISyER- FOR. GK-Ti PRIMARY- VEERS' Weather forecast, North Carolina-rlnereasfng cloud-' jness and warmer tonight; probably, in in extremes, weitn portion; ,; Thursday, rain. South uarouna rropamy rain to- night ana nursadTj , spmewnat - . -.r.-. -; - full leasedjwire .service;- l...;Kii,;'.-rf;! VOL. XXIII. NO. 76. ? Wilmington; north Carolina, Wed nesday afternoon, april(17 jjs:EDITIfl::; TWO DOLLAR WHEAT. Srtt U ff,l 1" : I I : I iwl I I ''II I 1 X Vl II 11 1 v I I y - - A V r- r.v, M v m i v RNWTIBliS 111 I II II I I II II I ' , olu rlnt A r MUNKUc. , ' 111 I If 11111 fill It At. NIL! UluLHUD iypRie five ;cEm;:" ' -'s y ; I ii Ji I r J fir v , fliilfllBi UP RESOLUTION WITHOUT DELAY 4 ( By Associated Press) Chicago, i:Atfrtl s4irift dollarv wheat, became, an actuality; today; Hr 4 vTbe great breadmakin cereal for 4 delivery aext month sold at -that 4;' price, at the opening ot the board . i; of trade today tii?higgest priceTever paid- tier 3oi k normal market. SMMJM&mG T r T v ; :3;iT T TTi-WilI Kemain Continuous ' jSession From Tomorrow liV A 41 A 4.TA A dh'A' JfA A.&i AUSTRIA WILL BREAK WITH 4vVr UNITED STATES. lr4 " V , ' . : (By Associated Press) ..'r. ; London, April ,4. A dispatch ', from the Hague to the Exchange - Telegraph , Co., received . here today, says that Austria-Hungary i V will break diplomatic ' relations ( with the United States, as the re- sun. ui strong uerman pressure. , i Lodge, Williams, Reed, and I Others Thunder Support of President 'Wilson, NORRIS & VARDAMANN RAISE VOICE OF DISSENT r ; : t Stone Will Not Speak Against Resolution Will Reach Vote Tonignt Unless LaFol lette Speaks Too Long i-De-bate Punctured With Sharp Language. ( 1 WILL VOTE BEFORE ADJOURNING. (By Associated Press.") Washington, April 4. The war -a- reolution was debated Till Uhe alleged -Teutonife afetivities. support frQjn tbqlh side andSfS prospects itthLJAPPbitioh rf woulf? be confined to s yf y cewv- ::- It was the plan topassit before adjoarning f--rt1 .The resolution was not reached 3fr in the House, .-however, . as jMfd . v been planned, and is to "be Small Heads-The Rivers and Harbors Committee .s and . Pou the Rules (SSmmittee I For Action. NO LIMIT ON THE DEBATE HOWEVER House Foreign Affairs y Com mittee Agrees to Senate Res--olution Only -Two Voted -In Negative. iGHill IHtKEIIliO S PRESS HOT U AUUHESS SSIAN EIRE ( Rv A ssno.ial 1 Press ' Monroe, N. C, April 4. Fire -K- i (By George H.' Manning), . I Washington, D. C.,rApriI 4. Zebv I (By Associated Press.) - , Washington, April 4. By unanimous consent the House agreed, today 'to be- here today ; destroyed a -block of -X-, Weaver and LeonidasEobinsoh, the gin discussion 6f the war resolution Federal Officials - Charge Ger man Agents Work Among : Negroes of South. (Tlx Associated Press.) Birmingham, Ala., April 4. Reports' that German agents are workine in Southern States, parUcularljr- in the toDacco ana cotton belts, - to incite negroes against the United States government, today: -were confirmed by local Federal" agents. These officials announced that steps already 'havs been taken ia this 'district to prevent effective results from arising )ut xi store buildings' causing a loss ; -X- two. new Congressmen from, North Car- tomorrow morning at 10 'clock. ; of approximately $150, Insured. t '' . ... k, -L Succeed In Capturing Impor tant Position and Cross the -r Stokhod. ' ' (By Associated Press.) s Berlin, April 4 (Via London). Ger man- forces yesterday , captured on No : the Middle Stokhod river the Toboly 000, partly olina, did not draw anyfprizeff ih the ' special rule llmlung debatec will be . bridgehead, held by the Russians on committee -lists aimo;ui e -x-i . m continuous session until the reso-i official announcement issued today by x- -x- -K- -x- -x- w -x- RIIShIWC IflRK II W.U31IIU II Villi A. " 'ocratic Leader Claud&lKitchin late Monday. This is ; nqji indication , of the estimate the Housi leaders7 place upon the ability of the new Tar Heels. Robinson and Weaver were simply sac- rifiril in nrrlor in ' vL-f?nrfiTtflRTnTi: (small and Pou, two other. Tar Heels, important committee .chairmanships. Without considering Page ; and Britt, .who retired, North Carolina, in tho last Congress, held committee placesmitee to vote against the war res6- taken up at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, under an arrangement vr to remain in session until it is r passed. ' The Senate's resolution" was w accepted by the House Foreign Affairs Committee as a substi- 4fr tute. & . liolBlillii Plans as important as any other. .State in the Union, and with tfhe v two chairman- !! 'nAAnj Inc. ninh ibn ' Alrl ' Mnlli l f . -m-wi f i-t . . ! oniuo auucu iaoi uigui vuc uiu iiuiiu iNaval War rreparation j State undoubtedly now-has by. far on extensive ocaie, rar Preparat Already Formed. i the most! committee influence of any j State. ':f:WW I (By Assoclatod gpjreei. lution is passed. r; ; T -; ': - 1 the, German army headquarters staff. - .The House "For,efgfr Affairs; commit- Considerable booty was takenby the tee today aepted the. Senate's war Germans. resolution in" place of its own, arijl - V favorably reported the resolution for. Forcesa Crossing. r Petrograd, April 4 (Via London ) . . German troops have forced a crossing of the Stokhod river in Volhynia, af ter pressing back l'thg Russians, the War Office announces. ...... passage. -.i' Representative Shackleford, of Mis souri, Democrat, and Representative Cooper; . of Wisconsin, Republican, were the only members jof the com lution. ; iMr. -Pou wasJjrayanceit ; tb;rairmani i .Wastiingtotw, April t;4ansr.f32MSf .Ucfndtetiof: the ;$133,000,uO?pVu I against: Germany have - practically ifj anaiaroors committee, wmcn .is. r- ti ' X ' a. t ttepresencauve oi tne ; eastern pan ot; m o tl wii5f i North Carolina could have. . The Spring Thaw Will- Alake Small's district has, perhaps fbeen completed by the Navy Depart ment;;, it was officially announced' to ! day." The fund .is composed of the f $115,000,000 emergency appropriation iiOEiillil Mr. ' for shipbuilding" and speeding up j more mileage on the" lyater front than : 'rk''ftsiKn'-'Pr-Primmnf ori I construction, .and the $18,000,000 ap- any other Congressional district in the . "aiian fj!??, mm? r propriation .lor equipment of navy 'country. Small is Vice President of 1 Advance Impossible for Some Time; ?: ' Washington, April 4. Congress got President Wilson's War Address to Congress, . (By Associated Press.)' Rome, April 3 (Via Paris, April 4) "Today s date will be written in yards and additional building facili ties." : ; v ; At ' Norfolk, new ways and shops will ba authorized at a cost of about $5,000,000.. The Charleston yard will je fitted at considerable - expense for today with prospects""of remaining in session continuously until it is , dispos ed of. V, . in the Senate it was taken up at 10 o'clock by unanimous consent, and with administration leaders determin ed to permit no other business to in terfere with it. . - Almost every Senator ami many House members were present when the Senate debate began. In sC brief opening statement Senator Hitchcock, in charge of the resolution, said the present was a time Jor "action; not discussion." . "The time for discussion . has pass ed' he said. "The President has al ready stated more clearly, effectively, Eore conclusively the reasons which make this grave step necessary. The resolution provides for war against the imperial German government It is framed on the lines of other war reso lutions, it places responsibility for 1he war squarely upon the' shoulders ot the German government, charged with repeated acts of war against the i mtcd States. It is also unquestion-4 dniy a declaration of war. I am .im pressed with the solemnity of the oc casion. Some may be filled with joy at the prospect of war. To me';.it-,is oppressing and dreadful. .The the Atlantic Waterways Association, i an enthusiast on waterway develop-j ment and one of the very best author ities on the subject living. Zeb Weaver wanted to cget , a place on the Forestry Conservation or Wa- con- ter Power Committee, or one of the Haeften. of the general slaff in-charge ; committees dealing direct! ywitn mat-0f the military department of the for- t n iirri rnnnnf An nttL nUUra 1-m fys?i jK,"? mm (By Associated PressJ Copenhagen, April 4. r( Via London.) A - parsonage particularly ; well ; 1 formed politically and militarily, who is easily recognized as Colonel Von golden letters in the history of the , destroyer ana , omer. auxiliary ' " " - i ,i " rtiiA jitiin 'SETUCllOH. mnil 10 worK n tne war resoiutiop. Th lareer sum is beine devoted to tors f vitnl intrptst tn Ms.diRtrlnf hiitw.k.. ieA th pniuivon 1UI It IxlCLl ii.o Ulti ell LI Xl-.tJ llliU tllG I v-- v ' - - ' - , --rcigu umiC, uc3 tuiuiiuu uio ivuuavu conflict of the -noble and powerful' tn construction ui uesiroyers, yairoi arter jfou and aman naa oeen aean American nation." I boats, purchase of auxiliary merchant (with so liberally and Yates Webb was f vessels, -erection ot storage nouses i continued as chairman of Judiciary uu itJttsius ui yiivdie. uuuumgs, tu uommiiiee, m spite or tne strong oppo the construction of aircraft. . isition to him, the best Weaver Could At Portsmouth, N. Hr, facilities will get was a place on the Territories be provided for the continuous . con-, Committeei Indian Affairs Committee itructlon of ten submarines at a time; atv New York, $3,000,600r will be devoted to the construction of fa- The Tribune says "The American democracy, which is democracy in the ' purest form, joins the Russian democracy, the youngest," and the, British, French and Italian, which are the oldest, and all are now united in arms to overthrow the last bulwarks of dying autocracy." Senator William Marconi, the in ventor, said: "America, the greatest , unit of free peoples which ever existed, the greatest republic of the world, recog-' nizes: the justice of our cause, by tak- that there is no prospectof a German offensive on the Riga front.. The Col onel says: ' ; ; . ' The spring thaw that is now setting! ice. The department is not indicat- 01 Governor Orders, ? "Charlotte and 'Raleigh Coast Artillery ... For picket Duty. (Special' to The-Dispatcfr.) - Raleigh, N. J. C, April 4.- Charlotte Company No. 5, and Raleigh Com pany No. 2, Coast Artillery, were called out by Governor Bickett . last night to guard various interior points in the State. .. . The adjutant-general's office dis patched he. soldiers to quite a number of hydo-electric ' plants, which supply power and light, and are, in the na ture of things, very vulnerable. - With in three or four hours of the order the. men from both cities werd in uni form and on the trains for their serv Pretend to Doubt :- The : 'Ap'r-: s':t proval of Te American -i ' : r : - '. ... People. r.' 7Ji'i;l::': DEPLORES LACK ) M" f OF BRYAN TREATY ; " x' ' ' - . w , .. .. ' ' ' ; '';; Establishes Imperialism r-Ab ; : rogates Monroe Dbctrine-r J "ic. AmericaV Influence, as v, V An Eiiemy on the War u h (By Associated Press.) ' Berlin, April 3 . (Vhr London, .' April 4) . "President Wilson's message Is not ' surprising,? says the Tageblatt.' "but . do the people ' ot the United States have the same view ? That' is hard to say. '-. vvj.-v..v-.'V',:.-.;r; v;.: : "German policy- now pays. the; pen alty for failure to conclude "aT Bryan treaty with the United Statetr such as ; ; Great Britain and other great powets-., -made. If such an agreement existed . . the TJnited States would be compelled;,, ; to submit even; the most; importanc questions to a commission for inves- , tigatlon before breaking off relations;.1 Such an -investigation "would take' at least a' year; It'.' Is ;liotV impossible that. President Vflson would have availed himself iof such f a way;, bat' 61 ' a serious situation."; . -'' i t , J i j ':'' I1 -' f .-' ;. -tr and Expenditures in the Interior De partment. Robinson was placed on the Com- Leili ties for. shipbuilding, including ad- mittee on Elections, No. 1, Insular Af- ditionah ways, snops and storage fairs and the Labor Committee, plants. At Philadelphia approximate- The other NOrth Carolinians will ly $6,000,000 will be spent for ways hold the places they had in the last and shops for construction work. IConCTess. wfiich are as follows: in is enough in itself to deprive an offensive of any chance of success. Even if the Germans succeeded In tak ing the Russian positions it would be impossible for them to move artillery and supplies forward for an advance! tng what places are being guarded, and newspapers; have their personally conducted censorships. ing arms: against Prussian militarism. ' ENGLAND AWAITS 3VT rs!T ACTION BY AMERICA feet of her participation, America, will draw still closer the circle surround ing our enemies. , . : (By Associated Press.) ; Lionaon, April i. Anarew Bonar- KitcHin, chairman of Ways and CHARLOTTE'S COLORED 0 CITIZENS ARE READY on Petrograd. They would be hope- 'lessly bogged. -.-.' . utuueu uuciiBivc auuuL i U I provised. ' Months are needed. for prep-! aration, so it is extremely Improbable Means committee -ana Democratic i Z" oln V0 the new ' oall by President Wilson for volun- (By Associated Press.) Charlotte, N; C., April 4. In ' case , ; ' ""r"T0 fhoHal situation resultine from the teers tor tne army, t;. u. . iayipr, coi- and Grounds, Immigration and Natur-lPtal situation resulting irpm he this city:' who organized and alization and Census. - , , i "J Ztt dn& commanded the colored regiment of rTnt?" Hindenjvolunteers of rth Cn; during g our enemies . . ; , ' LaW, membef of the British war coun-1 tne ms Committee to take ?rlbur7cont wiU offer General Ricciotti Garibaldi, son of , government spokesman in the- manship of Rules; Stedma retains) com regiment o Italian oatriot. said: l.r.. T his olace on Foreizn Affairs and eives Sereth- front m Kumania, put tninKst that hia , nousew wjiuuious tuuay siaieu m uie - , - . . '. . , i h P will -'adont a defensive attitude 70u "l "" otv? Mower House, of Parliament thatuntilP a place Mi Indian Affairs in,de- he fffPJ enerSuv V Ipeople are loyal and wUl be.prompt to the Italian patriot, . said 'America will give us America win 8v u& . House.of Parliament that-until UP a piace on inuian airs, .iu u- -- eas.front generally moral and financial assistance but :president Wilson's speech had -been .ference to Weaver. Godwin is chair- j the east front generally. large 'conungem oi iuuumi "6"". discussed vby the United States Con-F1311 OI unimiee un xveturm in mw. ers.; American volunteers, if well or- , . the British government was sat- Civil Service, Alcoholic Liquor Traf ganizjjd and ably led, will produce re-, fgfi d i would not De right to take offi- fic and Expenditures r In War. Depart-, suits in this war as lmportanr. as American, volunteers in past wars." SEVERAL TO THE ROADS. nious cost which the people must' pay, p )w great increase in tEe cost of liv the enormmiR hiirfJn rf ta-rea the enor- ilJVl I Jrrisjxr wrt t iun BILL PASSED BY HOUSE cial notice of it. FUNERAL FROM CHUfiCH. People must bear anrl the still ereater niase of deathr stagger mT mind (By Associated Press.) . '- Washington, i April 24. The army appropriation for 1917, carrying ,$240,- RemainS; of. Mr. John L. Potter Jn . ;terred in Bellevue Cemetery. Funeral services for Mr. John Li. Potter, whose' death occurred in New Bern at 4 4 cclock yesterday ' after- np awful sarrifie nf Hvm that must" MMnn ' mao .Me01? W ltha Hnnse to- noon as a result of a fractured.' skull, C . , . VW.VUU. V. Cmj - . - . , - . . sickens my-heart. I am' sure day in iesa than half an fiour : in ex orm that It passed tne sessioa of- Congress. Sneakpr UitnYnner W''will J' . hrinir tha tnrol nf fhe many other Senators I do. jaetly the same form N- want no more territory," con- House at the lafet st l,I"' il Speaker TTitrhnnoV "Wwill a ins onc grudge to settle nor racial an- upatiiy. in this respect we differ trfm the other countries already in: y,lvf,(1 this awful struggle. There; Pan-slavism against pan-Germanism Jtaly wants back the Trentino; France, ner lost provinces; Great Britain has jman commerce and German col 01ues almost in her grasp; ' Russia ants Constantinople, and . Germany, oeside her place in the-Sun, wants to "ornniate Europe. - V. 'i;-. '' "We, of all nations, will spend 'our measure and our blood and sacrifice mes without the thought-of pos su)iiity of gain.-We are going to ar to vindicate our honor - and "'Inde pendence as a great Nation and in de ifnse of humanity , Such bill to '$270,000,000. were ignored in the interest of speed, i -f - MR. JACKSON TRIED. Charged rWlth Enticing Labor : From Wilmington Hosiery Mill.: The entire morning : in .' Superior Court was consumed in the trial of Mr, J. F. Jackson, who is charged with en ticing labor, it being alleged by the offU cers of the Wilmington" JTosiery.: Mill, that .Mr. Jackson- endeavored - to 'get employes , of the r local "mill, to 'leave their work and accept, employment in caused by being struck by an automo bile, were ' conducted from y Calvary Baptist: church -this .afternoon ?at -3 o'clock, by Rev. J. A. Sullivan and in termerit was made in Bellevue ceme tery. . Many friends attended the last j ment. Doughton is chairman of the Committee, on Expenditure in Agricul tural Department, Education, Roads and Invalid Pensions. 'Webb retains chairmanship of the Judiciary Com mittee, despite the opposition to him by the 'iwets." . ' NEUTRALS' JVIEWS ON AMERICA'S ATTITUDE, answer the country's call. Other .color ed men, leaders of their, race here, have also expressed themselves as willing to take up arms against- an enemy. ...', ; Recorder Gave Two Six-Month Terms r This Morning Train Beater Up.V'r:, George noiiana, coiorea, cnargeui f with' assaulting a female, was sentenc- J SENATE GALLERlEo eel to'siXvSmonths on the county roads C rtQFn TO VmiTORS by Recorder George Harriss, at this CVWI4 1 H P 1 mtlD. Hiarie) morning' session of court, Jackson," colored,, arrested last ; night ' (By Associated Press.)' v Amsterdam, April :4 (Via Iiondoh). -The Nieuwe Van. Dem Dag, regards train given fifteen days on the county roads 4 He is thought to be the negro who as saulted a Seaboard Air Line conductor at Norlina recently, when he' was taught beating his way on a freight (By Associated Press.) 1 - Washington, April 4. he .Senate coH -(.rjrtrtr.Q.aTi(1 . :thv.-..flnral A psi ems President Wilson s words in hisiad-B TT"nnnie Rrvant. nolored. was sentenc- were numerous "and beautiful, showing dress to Congress as elearly showing ed tothe county farm for : six months ciear the galleries if a similar out- the respect and esteem in which the' that the United States will partici-,on a, charge .of nuisance. She will De, Dreak occurred. . . . . ;J for beating his way on a c train, was I galleries, by order of the Rulek Com- mittee, today were oarrea xo visitors, except' those holdipg special reserved cards from Senators. C - NO reason is rgiven-for the. action, but v it is believed to have ; been due to .Monday's ' demonstration " when Vice President Marshall threatened to deceased was held. The remains ar rived infthe city from New Bern on pate in the "world war as vigorously as it can: "For . neutrals," says j that newspa- nnho dRpeasfSn was 53 vearsof azetper" it makes ra great . difference and unmarried, r The only surviving ' whether America, joins fully or only relative of his , immediate family Is. partially : in.: the war. iSA fresh -4ecla-Mrs. . WJiR. Nixon, a sister, residing1 ration of neutrality will Jiave r to be in this city. , T- I made- and- America must be recog- . ' I , -r " H inized aa a full helliterent. ? Thus for examined- by the: clerk of : Superior Court fOr her Canity. A case against "Babe" Singletary. : colored,; charged with retailing, was continued. LOOKING FOR CHASERS. I GERMAN SUBMARINE .c DESTROYED BY SHIP 1. 'Deeds. . Fi led Today. Following . are 1 example, armed American merchant the. deedslfiled for record at the Court, ships '' must be - kept by our govern- All evidence was in about noon and 1 Judge -)WS.M. Bond chargedhe .urj a a xirtn stnith iot at fiar-1 ticination 'lnia : trn SB- lit- I l . ijmmv . -w " J" w - l 1 'v. i(By Associated Press); : New York, April .4. Word was " received here today of the arrival s,1,, . (Byj Associated Press.) St.' John. N. B.. April -i.-'rne Naval Officer Expecting Motor Craftslng of a German submarine which at- 7- 4 u Thfe Pnrt ToUav. : ; ' : I tacked their hip 90 miles offtQueens- IeutenantslIiuuaan and-HollandbfownXIre nerl0aT. w 5 ?tSHJ steamer- on arrival therei of the, Amer can amsMps, Jtor H Declare President's Attitude SurpriM. - Amsterdam (Via l London) ;-Aprll t 4.- - -r-Tuesday evening v newspapers ; lin f f ' ; Western' Germaiiy.'as ' far ' as could -; ' jje-' reached"; from ; Amsterdam;' con tained no mention of the recent events ; ' ' 6.he Cologue Gatette- jcarrled A :led. . ig "editorial - under .the SJ caption", ' . " "America 'TBeforerthe ' Decision : -which., it 'Says:,;, ':"' '"" ' " "v'-i.;.i .;.v. "When' President Wilson replied to " our proclamation of unrestricted sub- ' marine warfare with a rupture of re- . ' lations the world was Bupri8ed,, but 'vV ; his attitude since that time has . been ; more than a surprise Nobodyr even '" 1 . .' y in anti-German circles, ill - the United States, believed that the tension be- " -tween the two -countries would go be-; yond a diplomatic rupture. It is not :. - ' I Germany, but the- .United '"f.. States, v , which took the rupture as a starting ' ? point for warfare. . . The people ,do not ; - . desire war. but it probably will , be- , . lieve the President If he declares that r v it. cannot be avoided. . ''.' .; ' ' 'We await to see whether Presi dent Wilson will plunge the American " ' : peoplft-into war in order ,to, make free , " seas ror Anglo-American. Dusiness. . . , If this is his end he will never attain , : -It Our JJ-boats ,will continue their-' : , excellent work until the sea. tyrants' , lose their breath, and the" seas;., ;, come really free.- - The : work of the - , U-boats wiir be more . glorious the : ; j more enemies 1 they have to conquer."! - ' . "President Wilson must realize that the result-of his : action wli. be far',; ; greater, for the United States than, for us.- It means the end of '.the -Monroe -Doctrine. It means the erid'i of the policy of avoiding entangling alliances; . which since ' the days - of Washington ( has been an article iof faith..' It la a . change- from provincialism to world ( ., ' citizenship, involving participation, in European affairs, v , The proclamation of ..the .policy . of Imperialism,- which-V ; heretofore has been fought , hardest by the Democrats Isnow complete ant the effect on internal affairs . of ; the , , United States cannot be" avoided"'". '"f - "But we shail not appraise tpo light- .' : ly the consequence for us of the entry. . of America into the ranks 'of vOuren-' emies. VThe. possibilities. -f injury to us by the sending; ot an expedition ta 1 the, western front or- by co-operating' with the safer insufficient British fleet " may be restricted, but' any .accession of strength to our enemies is undesir- - . able, no matter how small. "Nor do wo- forget that Union with 100,000,000-per sons is the richest nation la the worldi Nor ; must we overlook the moral ef- -feet on1' France, and R"ussui.3' !" 'f - V Most, of the newspaperH" , thus far, have made ' no comment, printing the news 1 despatches regarding 1 President T Wilson's speech .with; question.' marks arid saying that . the ; dispatches , have come by way it London and have' not been confirmed. -. ''ri : 4, 4. :: Farmed ships ACrtoss i-. -i-:H 8AFETY.''-' ' f The effectnwhich America's par-, then esxvy lC-Vfl and SL Paul, aty , English III I.I1M lllli'.KI-!!. W . LUC T Dl Uiw.,u . - . ... . ' niany is nnt nf ,.i,o -rf 00w ko w a ArPaa will be Kure Xand & ljeyeiopment talrpn "nntir tne civil cases are 'umeu w . ,--"-, - the; under-sea boat ; went: to I . lean port on March 24.;They. are ,m nrlth all -hands. 1 Tne armea. x ; . , i;tJ , mi- it 2. s a a.s . v.r rnn 1 -iTit" n Rar nens- uiu w.iuu..v kwu. . .wm vwww-' n . v '. . . . - . ., ..t.jti - 1 - jl. company win, in nrs viv ucu v";-",-- - "T 01.a iw ntwar is steamer was sllehtly-damaged by shell ? : ' - . V:'::; . ..T lot at '-Fort i measures Arermanys.iaB;ea;again v. - - .4 4 -41 -.4 4 1 1 Continued from Page - Two) .up. Fisher - Sea: fieafch.