WR WILMINGTON PISPATCH; FRJgAV FTEROON MAY, 4;; 1917; V'! ' ' ' - PAr.F FOUR - m m -mmmm P j Hi . - " ; ' - . RINES. i THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH PUBLISHED DAILY AND SUNDAY ' - BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. TELEPHONES: Business Office.... 176 Editorial Rooms. FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. BY mail: Daily and Sunday Daily and Sunday, Six Months. . .3.00 Daily and Sunday, Three Months. Jl.oO Sunday Only, One Year .. .. ....$2.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Daily and Sunday, per week .15c. Or Wherr Paid In Advance ai winuo Now that the New Hanover Food Commission . has organized and - the,. County Commissioners have entered with zest into the propaganda, indi- cations are that New Hanover county will be found in the front ranks in, the matter of food production; that to its area it will raise as much food as any other county. - Of course, signs do not always portray correctly, but they al ways' denote a step in the right direc tion - and chance to fulfil the mission they seemingly foretell. The object Daily and .Sunday, One Year .. $ 7.00 of the commission is to weld the dif. Daily and Sunday, six juauiuB... Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.75 Entered at the Bostoffice In Wilming ton, N. C.rs-Second-Class Matter. Foreign Advertising Representatives: HacQuoid-Miller Co., Inc., New ; York and Chicago. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917. i When' -"a -battle is a 'live affair it means many people are not. Housekeeping these days is certain ly a science. Wonder who is now commander-in-thief of the Mexican armies? If "they send Vawter to an asylum it should be one for imbecility. "Vive la Amerique!" shouted Joffre. In which we heartily join you, old scout. ."Carranza Take the Oath." But what is more necessary is for him to take Villa. Senator LaFollette may not believe In war, but doesn't he fill the bill for being an .Ex-Plosive? Some one has flung to the breeze the slogan "Sanity First", but isn't tbat but a child-of "Safety First?" ferent parts, the many county units, into a solid mass, that will understand as a whole and move unitedly. Under standing .- the situation is the first essential and unity is the next. These two things when linked together, with the proper energy placed behind them, will bring the desired, the needed re sults. The aim5of the Commission will not only be to see that the ground in New Hanover countyJs tilled, but that it is being prepared to yield the big gest harvest possible and of the most needed foodstuffs, that can be best util ized. Also that canning and preserv ing result. This is one process that has been neglected entirely too long in this county. There?H3hould be more canning. ' Nature has endowed this section with rich soil and a splendid climate. About every type of vege table can be grown and this should not only supply ample seasonable vfg etables, but should allow the cannfng of vegetables and the preserving o fruit. It seems an absurd, a wasteful, extravagant thing to miss chance of canning and preserving, and yet when winter rolls around to purchase goods that have been canned up North. This means that a profit has to be made by the cannery and the seller, and the 'freight charges have to be paid by the I purchaser. This type of vegetables One of the real sorrows in a man's I could be canned in New Hanover or any other county of Eastern North life these days is to discover that he has a hole in his suit of clothes. Speaking about the eternal fitness of things a man named Coffin was tak ing part yesterday in the war council in Washington. When a man always looks on the dark side of life and never likes a joke there is something fundamentally wrong. We don't take much stock in the nows that Obregon will leave Car ranza's cabinet voluntarily. A Mex ican .never.. leaves any thing -fialess he has to. Agricultural leaders probably reckon it that the more food for thought the more food there'll be for the stomach, and we believe they have the right estimate of the situation. Champ Clark in opposing the censor ship bill declared that the newspapers have good intentions. After what the press has been -saying about the Hon. Champ it smacks of coals of fire. Joffre may not be able to speak English and the great majority of peo ple he meets may not be able to speak French but their spirit and object somehow communicate with each other. A news dispatch states that white the entente representatives share the belief of the seriousness of the sub marine warfare they do not deem it fetal. Well, that's something to be thankful for. An exchange bears tidings that new breaches are being made in the Ger man lines by the British. Perhaps, the descendants of the celebrated Loa Ion tailors are at the front. Even if Secretary Lane overdrew -the picture he is right in trying to -impress upon the people that it is bet ter to be an hour too soon if you want to catch a train than a minute too late. Carolina. This is something the people of this section should learn. One of the great lessons the South learned about cot ton has been to have the manufacturing plants on the scene, instead of having them hundreds of miles away. That is one of the essentials of any manu facturing to have the plant near the field of raw production, if possible. The same applies to canning. Why not have the factory on the scene? Why allow shipment of the raw prod uct hundreds of miles, to be converted into the finished, shipped back hun dreds of miles arid purchased at a big profit? Why not eliminate the surplus time and distance and save the un necessary expense? Many a family grumbles in the win ter at the price of canned goods and preserves, when cause of the grum bling is attributable directly to the head of the family or the housewife. They failed to take advantage of the opportunity, afforded to stock the pan try with home made preserves, and vegetables canned at home. What applies to individuals can ap ply to groups of citizens, banded to gether as a company, operating can ning industries, to place goods upon the market, thus accepting opportu nity placed before them. In promoting the canning industry the food commission of New Hanover will accomplish big work. Undoubted ly if this matter is carefully impress ed upon the people, and it is demon strated to them how the vegetables can be utilized in this way, and at small cost, they will awaken to op portunity and build better for them selves and for their children. The county commissioners of New Hanover have shown desire not Only to encourage the propaganda but to help financially, realizing that it is something for the good of the whole. What will help the country is bound to help the city. That is a business law that is immutable. From the farm comes the products upon which the city people depend and the farm ers come to the city to spend their money. - And don't overlook the fact that the ?cold sweet potato, is also powerful pal atableas one's childhood will recall, if he or she had a childhood that was really worth while. KNOWS HOW TO PICK THEM. Developments in the New York trial go to show that' Germany had declar ed war on the laws of the United Stateseven before any semblance of submarine warfare had made itself .'manifest. - The disclosures disgusting and 'tragic of the Vawter case rise as un assailable argument, in behalf of the "bone dry" law. Whatever other ele ments, to debase and disgrace, enter ed into the orgies evidently whiskey provided .the foundation, and was I fmind anions: people, too, who prob-1 appointment rably never sought the' bright lights of j Governor gives strength to the : the saloon. From the Vawter case prohibitionists will obtain strong ar gument. From .it also all who believe in sincerity will et force for support Governor Bickett especially 'shows marked ability in appointment of var ious boards and commissions which have to work to solve modern prob lems or fulfil some trust imposed by legislative enactment. This is again demonstrated in the personnel of the State building commission. To con stitute this body he has named men who are not only in close touch with the business life of the State, but who understand how to do big things; who have done them. The work is of con structive type and the Governor has called upon men of constructive abil uy to perform it. In other words, -the Governor has selected experts to per form the task. By honoring a Wil- mingtonian, Mr. Hugh MacRae. with upon the board the com mission, as Mi. MacRae is a construct ive genius. He will not only add abil ity to the commission, but. capacity, as he is energetic and a vigorous, in- Stories carried to London by Amer icans .who .wefre -passengers on steam ers sunk bv German submarines can 1 I hardly be doubted. There would be4 no reason for these people to exagger ate and London censorship would not unmuzzle items that were not so. The tales hardly alarm, but they must im press people on this side with the seriousness of the situation,, so as to strengthen determination and quicken action. Germany having selected the submarine weapon not only as her greatest but as her only recourse, it is but logical to assume that nearly all of her ship-building power is de voted to construction of submarines. TfteyvCfmbe built in far less time than the big battleships and cost very much less. Time ordinarily consumed for battleship construction when devoted to building submarines will yield many more of the latter and the cost will be less. No doubt, German ingenuity is also bgni Upon . improvement upon the submarine, and while the eyes of a passenger might fool him, when mak ing a guess as to the length of a ship, especially so during a time of excite ment, it would not be at all surprising if the Germans have cruiser subma rines x300 feet in length. Such ships would have great capacity for stores and would thus be in less need of a nearby bSse than the old type of sub-mersibles. . va Ask Grandfather HeU Tefl You a si Strong Asicl Weil Keep your blood pure; that's thb only .vay. Don't, wait until you feel badly, but begin Now. ? Itn purities in the blood put unnecessary work upon all the organs, making weakness and old age come quicker. Do as Grandfather did; take: S; S.S., the best of all blood tonics, proven for 50 years. Take it now; take it often, atod you will haye strength, health and happiness. At your druggist s. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. .S.S.rJil! Strengthen Yoo It is good news that even though the Chautauqua of the present Wilming ton, season proved a financial failure the."event hasnot been abandoned as yet J'and that, the people of Wilming ton7 showing the proper, co-operation, it will-again include Wilmington in its annual itinerary. The people of Wil mington can hardly afford to part with the Chautauqua. Not only is it the biggest form of entertainment for the smallest price, but it is educational in fact, often inspiring. 'It is really a wonderful chance, when it is con sidered that each entertainment costs the holder of a season book less than 20 cents. No doubt, ample Wilminf: tonians will be found, when the call is made, to subscribe to the season books, so as to assure the 1918 Chau tauqua. The Columbia Record, editor ially, pays the Chautauqua big tribute as an educational factor and that is really what it is in many respects. REMEMBER Stop in Wright's Real Estate office tomorrow morning and get shares in the new series. Each 25 cents. Re member this. Advt. -TP- Beautify Your Complexion 1 Not artificially, but perma nently, by drinking a glass of this delicious digestant with each meal Shi var Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Clarifies and puts roses and beaut til' sallow cheeks of old and young. At all grocers and druggists. Satis faction guaranteed or money refund ed on first dozen. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, SheV ton,: S. C. If your regular dealet cannot supply you telephone CRESCENT CANDY CO. Wholesale Distributors for Wilmington Spark-Plugls vs. City Directory What the spark-plug is to the Automobile, the City Directory is to the City. . . The only way you can make an automobile run with out a spark-plug is down hill. "A rv The only way you can run a city without a City Direc tory is DOWN HILL. The spark-plug connects the two great powers of the automobile, electricity and gasoline. The City Directory connects the two great powers of a city, buyer and seller. - When th e spark-plug splutters sending sparks into the gas, business starts and the car moves forward. When the City Directory with its thousands of adver tisements sending forth their messages of advertising truths is published, there is only one way that city can go and that is "FORWARD." City Directory Published by -HILL DIRECTORY CO.' Inc. WilmingtoniN. C, and Richmond, Va. For Sale by C. W. Yates Co. 117 Market Street. Wilmington, N. C. OUS It is quite as important to transact the business of the household by means of Bank checks as it is to use checks in your business pay roll. Every check is a receipt. THE CHECK STUBS ARE YOUR FINANCIAL RECORD. Besides this, the checking habit will encourage you in accuracy and economy. CITIZENS BANK Second arid Pmcess Streets NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. Under and by virtue of the power in and provisions of a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by N. E. Gallagher and wife, Katii arine A. Gallagher, to Mamie B. Blumen thal, dated March 22nd, 1916, and recorded in Book page 456, in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and tne per formance of the covenants therein contain ed,' the undersigned mortgagee will on Monday, the 21st day of May, 1917, at 12:00 o'clock Noon, at the Court House door rn New Hanover County, expose and offer for cash, to the highest bidder that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Wilmington, County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows : Beginning: in the Southern line of Chest nut street at a point 50 feet west from the intersection of said southern line of Chest nut street with the western line of Flfta street, , and running thence westwardly along1 the southern line of Chestnut street 47 feet, 2 inches ; thence southwardly par allel to Fifth street 66 feet; thence east wardly parallel to Chestnut street 47 feet, 2 inches ; thence northwardly parallel to Fifth street 66 feet to the southern ltae ov .Chestnut street, the point of beginning. Same being a part of the Eastern half ov Lot 1, in' Block 181, according to the offi cial plan of the City of Wilmington, N. c. 1917ated '4nA posted this 2?tn a&y of Aprii, ROBERT EUARk! " SSee. Attorney. . 4-20-law-4w-fri FOR THE CHILDREN'S PARTY. let us send you some of our ice cream, packed so it vsill keep . perfectly till wanted. You cannot provide a more wholesome refreshment or a more de licious treat. Order as much or little as you like. We'll send it any time you say. But be suret&is grcleri' enough. Everybody likes a lot of our cream. Phone 120. FROST ICE CREAM COMPANY. Wilmington, N. C. "We Make the Kind That Satisfies." Have You Tried Our Teas, Sugar, Coffee? TEA English Breakfast Gunpowder Ceylon Oolong 40 to 80c Pound.. COFFEE Kenny's Special, 25c Tb Trinity Blend, 30c tb Mocha, 40c tb Java, 40c tb, Rio (high grade) 2Cc tb Others 15c to 20c tb Dealers in Sugars, Rice, Grits, Chocolates, Cocoa, Baking Pow der, Extracts. Quick City Delivery "We Hurry." CD. Kenny Go. Pfeone 679. 16 So. Front MONEY REFUNDED AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED AVE REALIZE that what BRINGS THE customer BACK FOR a second visit IS THE good treatment AND SERVICE he received ON HIS first visit. IF FOR any reason your PURCHASE AT this store SHOULD PROVE unsatisfactory YOUR MONEY will he refunded AND NO questions asked Druggists. Phone 644. JARMAN & FUTRELLE Where Service Is a Principal. of ''bone dry"' laws. Vcessant worker. Oscar P. Peck, WO Ob Oak wood, $1.50 per load; mixed wood, '$1.50 per load; pine wood, $1.35 per load. All wood sent C. O. D. REGULAR , DINNER TWENTY-FIVE CENTS NEW YORK CAFE COAST LINE HOTEL CAFE. Rooms by the day; Week or month at reasonable rates. Meals at any hour, 208 North Front street. Phone 208-W. 5-2-lm S We are Showing the Following Lines? '. I ' ' ' Si I Leader" 7t Indiana"; North Star" McCray Puritan Empire" xnuiauu & "Empire" Ice Chests 4( 44 44 44 46 All bought before the big advance in cost " .We offer them to you at prices which defy competi tion. Our line is the largest ever shown here. Styles which are to be discontinued WILL BE SOLO AT LESS THAN CARLOAD FACTORY COST Be sure to come early and get a good selection. Cata logue and prices upon application. "Business as Usual" at r N. JACOBI HARDWARE CO. 10 and 12 South "Front Street. The Super-Bank- The value of a banking institution must be measured by the clean- ....... cut service that it renders to the individuals who patronize it. It may be said that a Super-Bank is one that accomplishes unusual results in all of its department. One that grows great through constant and creditable labor. It is our aim to conduct this bank that we may DE SERVE the universal approbation of our customers and friends. The Home Sayings Bank SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY The Progressive Railway of the South. Effective Nov. 12th. 191fi. DEPAKTURK OF TRAIN SIfROM WILMINGTON. -i No. 13- -3 :5.r P. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Toints PULLMAN PAR LOR CAR, WILMINGTON TO CHAR LOTTE. No. 195 :00 A. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHAR LOTTE. Open at 10.00 P. M. for Passen gers. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS AT WILMINGTON No. 14 12 :30 P. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. PULLMAN PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE! AND WILMINGTON. No. 2012:10 A. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 7:00 A. M. For detailed Information" and reservations, call on City Ticket Agent. Orton Building. 'Phone 178. R. W. WALLACE, E. PLEASANTS, C. T. A. Pi P. A. Wilmington, N. C. : JOHN H. WEST, D. P. A., Ralelffh, N. C. LUX PURE SOAP IN FLAKES FOR ALL j FINE LAUNDERING. I Note the Advertisements in all lie . Ladies' Magazines. I LUX is the finest and most convet lent preparation made for wasfeit; : Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waisti Silk Hose, Silk and Mhamois Glow . Laces, Muslins, Linens, Fine Fabrics Baby Clothes, etc. a r.- 1 1 .. nii-i.-iMtu Thi Pr r c wl Owildiijr uuui hi i iv w aration. Sold In 10c Scaled Packagei Telephone 181 or 182. To New York and Georgetown, S. C. NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON. S. S. Cherokee Tuesday, May 8th S. S. Cherokee Saturday, May 19th "WILMINGTON TO GEORGETOWN. S. S. Cherokee Friday, May 11th S. S. Cherokee Tuesday, May 21st WILMINGTON TO NEW YOHK, S. S. Cherokee Saturday, May 5th j S. S. Cherokee Tuesday, May 15th A'LYDE STEAMSHIP CO, C. J. BZCKKR, Agent. Wilmington- 5a . O. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SjALE OF IAND. Notice is hereby given, that nnder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by John J. Furlong and wife, Mary C. Pur long, to the Hanover Building and Loan Association, on February 25, 1918. and duly recorded in Book 89, page 9, in the office J of the Register or lJeeds or ew .Hanover County, the undersigned mortgagee will, on the 28th day of May, 1917,-12 o'clocR. m. at the Court House door , of "NeWl- Han over County, sell to the highest .tedder for cash, that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Wilmington, County of New Hanover, and State 'of North Carolina, and bounded and describ ed as follows, to-wit : " , Beginning in the southern line of Ran kin street at a noint 165 feet eastwardly from the eastern line of Wood street, and , runs thence eastwardly along the Bouth- i ern line of Rankin street 33 feet; thence southwardly and parallel iwth Wood street 72 1-2 feet; thence westwardly and parallel with Rankin street 33 feet; thence north- wardly and parallel with Wood street 72 1-2 feet to the southern line of Rankin street, the beginning point, the same be- . ing parts of lots No. 1 and No. 2 in Block , 228, according to the present official plan . of the said city of Wilmington. 1 Dated this Wie 26th day of April. 191T. 1 HANOVER BUILDING AND LOAN ASSO- 1 CIATION. By C. D. WEEKS, Attorney. 4-26-30dys. . FORECLOSURE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage made by Harrison Solomon and wife, Melissa Solomon to7' the undersigned dated the 5th day of April, 1916, and recorded in the records of New Hanover county in book 80 page 218, de fault having been made in the payments therein mentioned, the undersigned will sell on May. 28th, 1917, for cash to the hign est bidder at the court house door, all the right, title and interest of the said Harri son Solomon and Melissa Solomon of in and to the following tracts of land lying ana being situate in Cape Fear township, New Hanover County, bounded-and described as follows: 1st Tract:. Beginning at a stake, Solo mon s corner in the edge of Solomon's branch and running thence south 58 1-2 de grees west 14 poles to a stake, thence south lu degrees east 116 poles to a cypress on the run -of Island Creek, thence down said creek to the mouth of Solomon's branch thence up said branch " to the beginning! containing 50 acres more or less and being the same that was conveyed to Frank Sol omon by A. J. Grady by deed dated 8tn Apr11' 181' and recorded in book 9 page 507 of the records of New Hanover county 2nd Tract: Adjoining the above and be ginning at a cypress on the run of Island Creek and running thence south 58 1-2 de gress west 100 poles to a stake in the edi?e of Solomon s branch, thence down the vari ous courses of said branch to the run of Island Creek and thence down the run of said creek to the beginning, containing 50 acres more or less and being, the same conveyed to the said Frank Solomon by A Ji 9a6l PI1 wife y deed dated the 15th of March, 1S3, and-recorded in book HHH at page 570, of the records of New Hanover county. 4-27-30ds E L" SLEEPER' Mortgagee. ;elvington's DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. "Tho Standard Railroad of the 6outt EXCURSION FARES ATLANTA, GA On sale June 15. 16. 17; limited relP ing Midnight June 25th. Stop" point. NEW ORLEANS, LA. On Bale Mav 11 to 16th. indf p . T r ., ;t- M:lV limited returning miamsut limit extended to June iva on " ment $1.00. A ASM I Nf!TflN f D. C. ... On sale June 2 to 7th, inclusive. . ed ieturnlng midnight June extended to July 6th on PV,! Stop-overs at all station limit. 2J DALLAS, TEX .iVret rk 19 14 "IK. limueo i Ing Midnight June 8, 191 R0 PROPORTIONATE PARt - Av..r-n f-IMTC ON T16 ATLANTIC COAST LINt. Thii fttanriarH Railroad Of tie AUTOS FOR HIRE . Pleasure Driving, Dances, Weddings and Commercial City Livery Co. Phones 15 and 345. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiirMiiiiillllllilllllll!"1""" 1 J. B.McCABE&CO. j Certified Public Accoj i - tant. ., J liiinmnw

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