THE! WILMINGTON DISPATCH, MONDAYrAFTERNOON, JUNE-11 J 91.7; EOTEfOUR V - " 1 ' ' ar." : i THE V1LUINGT0N PUBLISHED DAILY AND SUNDAY BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING v DISPATCH TELEPHONES: Business Office r'. ...... Editorial Rooms..... -"...i. .....176 .....205 FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. BY MAIL: Daily and Sunday JJ-JJJ Daily and Sunday, Six Months ... 53.00 Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.50 Sunday Only, One Year -. DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Dally and Sunday, per week. . :. . . .15c Or Whew Paid In Advance ax umw. Daily and Sunday, One Year .$7.00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months $3.50 Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1,75 Entered at the Postoffice In Wilming ton, N. Oas Seffnd-Class Matter. Foreign Advertising Representatives: MacQuoid-Miller Co., Inc., New York and Chicago. MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1917. Hog and hominy. Also hog and har A sharp chap can offset most any dull day.- Von Bethmann-Hollweg continues to loe the main fTooton. America mm ; - More delicately and more logically expressed and: certainly with motives that can hardly be impugned and. therefore may be different, President- Wilson's note to Russia, defining upon vhat terms final terms peace must come, is of like tenor with that of the entente made in reply to the -German note of several months ago expressing willingness and readiness for a peace conference. This sameness does not mean as to specific indemnity, but as to the principle towlt, plain: Crushing the power of the Hohenzol lerns and so subjugating the spirit that it cannot rise to mastery again in the Fatherland. President Wilson in his appeal to KLusSdvffjiakeithis plain. Tt was the underlying, idea of the en tente answer assurance that Ger many i would not simply accept peace as a respite, during which tim shy 1 V V. I French fleets. So i.hisv is, no doubt, what President Wilson means 'by , in demnity; perhaps it not full remuner ation, certainly sharing the expense, Z Ifthis is to be construed as one of the war aims of the United States it must be highly appraised by Russia and every foreign power that can be hold in impartial light, as it is an un selfish aim. The United States, alt this hour, asks nothing in indemnity. It does not desire nor covet territory, nor does it seek reimbursement even for the loss it has unnecessarily sus tained. Russia especially should un derstand that this object is in its be half, as well as other struggling na tions. It is 'measurement in the scales of justice. It "should be a lesson to all that America is in this fight alone to serve mankind in substantial way; not for personal gain.nor to add to could prepare, even more extensively . the coffers of any of the avaricious Russia. cannot .afford to turn deaf ear, but must be attentive and decide the question upon principle; not upon im- than befur?,. ard, at some opportune time, deliver pother powerful, hostile blow. The assurance meant more than signing an agreement; that could ; pulse. Often the bitterest pill hits a man's mind and not his palate. Another little sarcasm: thing for the rainy day." 'Save soma- . "Money talks," and it likewise fights. Moral: Buy a Liberty Fond. Some folks like to cut their wisdom teeth masticating the rights of others. The mob that wanted to lynch the Keet kidnappers while hardly orderly was sane. Revolutions naturally, according to the laws of mechanics, put a country in a whirl.- Regardless of the weather it is not ed that the Italians have gone for an other "drive." " easily be treated. as a "scrap of paper." It meant some ocular evidence that the fangs had been pulled and tb&y would not grow again - Just what Germany would have to pay in indemnities, was not set forth by the entente and therefore had not become a part of the proposed terms Np doubt there would be some, if em- The cardinal aim of the United States, which should be the aim of all countries at-war with Germany, is to have the 'present conflict end with a guarantee, a physical guarantee, that it will not be renewed; that democra cy and not autocracy will rule. That is why President Wilson asserts, in his-note to Russia, that it is not suf- braced only in proper restoration of -Sclent for Germany to agree, if she land laid waste and industries ruined, will, to conclude the war upon a basis President Wilson himself hints at in-' of return to the status quo ante. "That demnity when he declares to Russia i status," declares the President, "must that 'no indemnities must be altered in such fashion as to pre- on except those that constitute pay-. vent any such hideous thing from ever ment for "manifest wrongs done." This will, no doubt, be subject to various interpretations. For our part, we take it that it means payment of only such money as, is necessary to restore territory that was laid waste, happening again That is the crux of the situation; it is the battle cry of today. If peace would be declared simply by restora tion of the status quo as before !t would simply be an armistice. It Polities may only require shooting off mouth, but war requires shooting off guns. Evidently von .Hindenburg is not making as much of a stand as the Ber lin censors are lying. Great Britain and France are plac ing their hope in Russia, but their trust in America. T The secret .of : success .s frequently just like any5" othersecrt id? 'value is in keeping your mouth shut. Those German plotters convicted in New York will find that the pen. is also mightier than the bomb. This is good corn weather and it is fine to think most of it will be consum ed on the cob and not in liquid form. By now the slacker must feel like swatting the fellow who declared he would "rather be a live coward, then a dead hero." " In Europe a poet has been decorated for bravery. In this country the peo ple who read after the poets should be decorated. Americans who dp not understand what China is "rowing over, probably are about as well informed as the Chinamen. If some other fellow is willing to give his life for his country certainly you should be willing to give a few dollars. America is having enough trouble keeping vessels afloat without the shipping board adding difficulty in get ting them afloat. Looks as ifJJttETpeople don't starve to death while waiting for Congress to pass food control bills they will be toughened so they can't afterwards. If the Russians will only fight the Germans with as much enthusiasm as they greeted the American mission all will be well save for the Teutons. to reimburse individuals, and business ' would be but a breathing spell; chance houses, perhaps, for loss sustained by t for further preparation for a greater war's vandalism, inflicting heavy mou- j war. The mad rush to make every etary damage upon inhabitants; not'country bristle with guns, to throw a indemnity to pay the expense of the military and naval burden upon the war. The expense of one side would people that would appall them, make be offset by the expense of the other, their bodies ache to stagger along, that but the cost in dollars and cents to! would rear the hideous picture of im business, in industries destroyed, the J pending conflict and bring the night cost to people in the loss of their ( mare of nervous expectancy, 'that the homes, may be taken- into considei a- monster would stalk forth at any time, tion; likely would wheif the fighting wouflJ J)e given greater 1 incentive j has not been upon German soil and greater power and greater barbarity, therefore Germany has escaped this Civilization would decay and the blight. Conclusion of war -without march of Christianity would be halted, such payments v would undoubtedly If out of this conflict there does not mean that the entente would admit . come physical guarantee that there themselves .unable- to conquer, ai'l will not be a repetition then peace would leave Germany with the advan- wpuld hg but a name; only a mockery; afe, Especially for Traffe7Tn hWiffg Its amremWshr manufacturies ready to begin work atj The aim of the United States in this once, and having thousands of ships war is to prevent such. So the citizen ready to engage In trade, as the Ger- J in considering offers of peace, when man merchant marine, save what ships ( ever made, must scratch the surface, had to make foreign ports and were ( to see if the greatest end sought by later seized, is intact, not having dar-j America, that alone can benefit man ed the dangers of the British and , kind, will be gained. Have Beautiful, Soft Hair of An Even Dark Shade. If your hair is milky white, gray streaked, thin, silver gray, falling or stragly.just apply La Creole Hair Dressing to hair and scalp at night. In a day or so all your gray hair turns evenly dark so not even a trace of gray can be seen. Other preparations disappoint you because they are only, paints or dyes or harmless washes. But La Creole revives the color glands of the hair thus producing in our hair that tantalizing lustre, softness, full ness and that beautiful even dark shade to your entire head of hair, such as you used to have. . Try La Creole. We guarantee results or your money back. $1.00 for a large bottle and worth five -time cheaper and unsatisfactory Tiair tonics . La Creole is harmless and no dye. . Sold by Jarman & Futrelle, Or sent prepaid by Van Vleet Drug Company, Memphis, Tehn. Get a bot tle of La Creole today and start treat ment of your hair and have dark, soft, abundant trusses. (Advt.) AUTOS FOR HIRE for Pleasure' Driving, Dances, Wedding and Commercial City Li very Co. Phones 15 and 345. dpdnsjpoIISnDSj WILL BE A REVELATION. i We venture to say, judging by ear marks, that those who attend Thurs day night's i mass meeting, called by the Food Conservation Commission of New Hanover county, will be astound ed, though greatly gratified, at the progress thatvhas beqn made by the object being promoted. At this meet ing reports will be received from ev ery part of the county, from the whites and colored, 'and weelieve that these reports are going to prove a revelation to the man-who "had not kept in close toach with what has been going on. They are going to -show not only ac complishment and preparation but understanding. These things alone will prove the worth of the great prop aganda that has been going on in' this county for the past several weeks. They will also demonstrate to those inspiring. Every man must do his "bit"; "every man can do something and it behooves every man to spend his wind working rather than merely talking. "Service" is the right, the magical word for every man and every woman in this great crisis. Accused of Wife Murder. St. Joseph, Mo., June 11. The case of John E. Krucker, a prominent cit izen of St Joseph, who is under in dictment for the alleged murder of his former' wife, Dagmar Krucker, was called in court today for trial. Kruck er has entirely recovered from a re volver wound, self-inflicted, when his wife was killed. Commencement at Lafayette. Easton, Pa., June 11. Shorn of all the social festivities customary in previous years, today's commencement at Lafayette College was marked by extreme simplicity. The address be fore the graduating class was deliver- The recovery of the patient depends upon the skill, the knowledge of the doctor but don't forget iipon the re liability and accuracy of the pharma cist as well. We fill prescriptions exactly as the doctor orders and from pure fresh drugs. JARMAN AND FUTRELLE now unfamiliar or onlv nartiallv in. ' ed by John W. Origgs, tormer governor tnA ' n. Jof New-Jersey, "jcu Hie dio, bu eugiu aua great, merit of the food conservation move ment; not only for now and for next year, but for the years and years to come. "SERVICE" I THE WORD. Pale ,Y6u can take it from the fellow with not political strategic reasons. ieyer ousters and th Woman wltk t chapped lips that smiling is not always What its ; cracked up to " be. If -4iie Russians don't hit the Ger mans on the east there will be nothing todo save send the Japs there. Thfy shiouTd be able to do things up brown. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt has not sulked at all since his services were declined 'by President Wilson declin ed because of military Btratpidr atirt No one expected Roosevelt to indulge in criticlKm, as he is too good an Ameri can to allow impulse to sweep him, even unintentionally, as an obstacle into the path of his country. It would, probably not Have been strange, as human nature goes, for him, as for any other man, to feel his ardor cool, due : 7 7 " t0 an lmSlnary rebuff. But Roosevelt As jnuch as Senator "Gum Shoe" saw too clearly and is too fine an Am may hate Jo .note it, the newspapers erican. He isnot remaining inactive, have a selfjimposed censorship that but still has his coat off in the serv has rendered Une service to the gov- ice of his 'country, if his utterances ernmeft. count for anytnng as indicatlon of his desires and as example for others and we believe in both. think the price of print paper had; Yesterday before the Brotherhood of about made it prohibitory for Secre- Locomotive Engineers. Colonel Roose- tary Sherrill, of the N. c. Press Asso- velt declared, , in his usual emphdti ciauon, loransmii ims season's pro- style, xwe 'know, thai every man must gram by circular, the thing turns up 'do his "bit"; that the one thought for and it sy a bright galaxy of artists success must be service and that it S3 j that's presented for the Morehead City not what a man says that counts but meet.. , , . -. - . 'Just when we had commenced to Children Made over to your liking, with rosy cheeks, hearty ap petites, vigorous digestion and ro bust health. . .Give them a glass of this delicious digestant with meals Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SHIYAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing lika it for building rich blood and solid flesh. At all gro cers and druggists satisfaction or your tnoney back on first , dozen. Bottled and guaranteed by the'cele brate4 Shivar Mineral Spring, Shel ton, S. C If your . regular dealer ' cannot supply you telephone CRESCENT CANDY CO. : Wholesale Diitributors for Wilminitoa jwhat , he does. These Ideas are., alone j. I r- To New York and Georgetown,S. C. NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON. S. S. Cherokee Friday, June 15th S. S. Cherokee. '. . . .Tuesday, June 26th WILMINGTON TO GEORGETOWN. S. S. Cherokee Tuesday, June 19th S. S. Cherokee. .. .Saturday, June 3Qth WILMINGTON TO NEW YORK. S. S. Cherokee Sunday, June 10th S. S. Cherokee Friday, June 22nd CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO., C. J. BECKER, Agent, Wilmington, N. C- SERVE COLD ICE TEA-- On a Hot Summers' Day Serve Kenny's Che-On Tea The best 50c Tea on earth Kenny's High Grade Coffee ... . . . 25c lb Souvenirs oii Saturdays G.D. Kenny :Oo. Phone $79. 16 So. Front SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS Here are a few of the patterns of Doors we handle: - . . . . ft Prices $1.00 for a cheap Pine Door, to $10.00 and $12.00 for high grade Oak Doors, with bronzed grills. WINDOW SCREENS BBili "All kinds and prices, including Window Screen Frames which we furnish complete with direc tions how to erect. SCREEN YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS 1 SWUT jt USE Give us a call or mail us your orders. Catalogues on application. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY, 10 and 12 South Front Street. 9T SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Tho ProgrenslTe Railway of tn Booth. Effect It Nov. 12th, 1918. - DXPABTURK OK TRAIN SFROM WILMINGTON. No. 13- -3:55 P. M.-Traln for Charlotte and Intermediate Points PIIL.liMAN PAR LOR CAR, WILMINGTON TO CHAR LOTTE. No. 19--5:00 A. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHAR LOTTE. Open at 10.00 P. M. for Passen srera. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS AT WILMINGTON No. 1412130 P. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. PULLMAN PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. No. 20 12:10 A. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 7:00 A. M. For detailed Information and reservations. call on city xicKet Agent, orton iJulldlng. Phone 178. H. E. PLEASANTS. T. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. JOHN H. WEST, D. P. A Ralelchu N. C. Munyon's PAW - PAW TONIC mm The new remedy that IRONIZES THE BLOOD, LIVENS THE LIVER AND BUILDS UP THE NERVES. SEE THE IRON MAN IN OUR WINDOW TODAY. ELVINGTON'S DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE V 117 North Front St. SUMMER SCHEDULE s ; -Steamer Wilmington Tjk Southport, Carolina Beach and Landings on the Lower Cape Fear. . ft . Effective June 1st, 1917. Leaves Wilmington Daily 9 a. m: and 2 : 45 "p. m. for Carolina Beach and Southport. Leaves Wilmington Sunday at 9 a. in. and 2:30 p. m. for Carolina Beach and Southport. Arrives Wilmington 2:00 p. $?. and 7:30 p, m. Please shin Freight or Morriing boat. - Freights will ,.fce received mUl 8 :,45. ' Snecial PnnnH Trln "PatM eiven to! parties. , - - ; The most popular hotel at ,the safest and most attractive resort on the South Atlantic Coast The SEASHORE HOTEL WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. .Opens June 1st for the Season. Over $20,000 being spent on improve , ments. Free from flies and mosqui toes. Good water, Sound and Ocean fishing, sailing and bathing. Electric trains connect beach with Wilmington N. C. Write today for new illustrated booklet giving rates, recreations and photographs of hotel amusements, etc. sent free on request E. L. HlNTON, Manager, T Wrightsville Beach, N. C. " OCEIIC Hotel WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. NOW OPEN First Stop On the Beach Our Dining Room Service Unsurpassed Write for Descriptive Booklet. Address f i C. E. HOOPEli Mgr. Gome to G li aroima B eacn A Resort of Recreation, Healtk and Safety Visit Grey stone Inn Enjoy the Excellence of Its cuisine THE NEW HANOVER TRANSIT COMPANY HSHJEHBEES SJAMPS MADE TO ORDER The Kind That Pleases. Phone 220. 8 Grace Street LeGWIN PRINTING COMPANY. ii j "V

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