ft 4 9 'I v4 in UN -4 1 ,1 4 '1 1 .' It ! i 1 I ' : rrkEWILMI iiv'T IS" ,1f ; 1 WILMINGTON DISPATCH 'N EWS PAPE R AN NO YANC ks, Wilmington -is not unlike , v other tbwns in the way of having "Newspa- PUBLISHED DAILY AND SUNDAY. -j. Annoyances," as accurately de- BY DISPATCH ruBUionmu ww. TELEPHONES: General Manager's Office . , Advertising Department . . Circulation Department , . Editorial Rooms .. 44 ..176 ..176 ..205 FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. scribed in the following from the Pub; lisher's vAuxiliary: "Here is something you might stick, in your hatband: 'If I owned a news paper, what I would, say in it just now would be a plenty,' remarked a man Daily and Sunday, One Year $7.00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months. . . .$3.50 Daily and Sunday, Thre Months. $1.75 Entered at the Postoffice In Wilmlng- . ton, N. C, asjSecend-Class Matter. Foreign Advertising Representatives: MacQuoid-Miller Co., Inc., New York and Chicago. - FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917. The Britisher shows the difference in the stuff of which he's made when he refuses to retaliate in kind for the aerial bombardment by Germans of English villages and unfortified towns, resulting in the killing of women and children. . There is a proposition in England to bestow the right to vote on women over thirty years of age. There w'ould be lots of women eligible under that law who would never give up the priv ilege of concealing their real age for the one of casting a ballot. BY MAIL: ithe other day, says the Marion (O.) Dailv and Sunday $6.00 , Tribune in a recent editorial. Daily and Sunday, Six Months.. .$3.00 j Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.50 1 "He was invited to write what he Sunday Only, One Year. -2-00 (wanted to say, with assurance that it DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Daily ancTSunday, per week. ......15c would be printed if his signature ac- ur wnen r-aiu in huvi m ,.nmn,(wi if "He very promptly declined the ten der, remarking that 'it would hurt his business.' There are a lot of people willing, anxious in fact, for things to be said in the newspapers providing they hurt the business of somebody else and not their own. ' "What newspaper has not had this very same experience 'with this very same yellow tadpole of a citizen who splutters and splutters about what ought to be printed in a newspaper and what ought to be omitted? And yet when you Invite the coward to be responsible for The malnuscript he wants you to publish, he whines like a sick dog and skulks behind this pre text and that, and wobbles out of the office with a grouch. "That is not all. He writes in that he will stop his paper if you don't print what he himself wont sign. Yet if you were to suggest to him that his threat to stop his paper is pure and simple coercion through a threat of blackmail he would yowl like a tom cat with its tail stepped on. "The fellow who threatens to stop his paper is trying to do to the news paper in a small way the very thing that he would condemn as criminal in a corporation that tried in any way to throttle the freedom of the press. Threatening to stop the paper is an attempt at intimidation. "But. it is worse than that. Threat ening to stop the paper is a confes sion of bigoted intolerance on the part of the delinquent subscriber that pulls such a bone, for it means that he does not want the paper to have the cour age of its own convictions after all, but insists that it shall have only the courage of the convictions of the stop- my-paper threatener. "Big magazines with circulation pil ing toward tne million ana great metropolitan newspapers are pestered with this pest who wants them to pun- lish something and assume a respon sibility for- authorship which the pe3t is too big coward to assume, and who threatens to stop his subscription if they do not do his bidding. "Why do newspapers have these an noyances? Well, why do hotels some times have bedbugs, and henhouses have lice?" r;'iS;-THiS'AF?lBWQCi .(Continued: from Page Five). Says the Columbia State: "Various names have been suggested for this war that we have with us, but it ap pears that 'Artillery Duel War' would do as well as any other." The Ger man idea is that the submarine is the war instrument that is going to brjng victory to that country, and a high American officer says the war will be decided by aircraft. Both are doing their part at this stage of the war. The first cotton bloom of the sea son for Anson county was turned in by the janitor from the court house lot. Charlotte used to boast, or per haps some outsider boasted (?) for her that more cotton was raised with in her corporate limits than in any other city inthe world. Wadesboro may get ahead of Charlotte in the mat ter of first blooHTTn the corporation fields, but she can hardly intend to compete as to quantity of cotton raised. roads of New Hanover county. Guests of Wilmington Rotary Club. 8:30 p. m. Dinner. Guests of Wil mington Chamber of Commerce. 9:30 p: m. Night session. Receiv ing guests and friends of association. Business session. "Suggestions for an Effective Cooperative Campaign to Attract Advertising: at Home and j Abroad," J. F. Hurley,, Post, Salis bury; 'Each Fellow the Advertising Representative of the Other Fourteen in His Territory," W. E. Lawson, Dis patch, Wilmington; "Is a State Letter Worth While?" J. P. Rawley, Enter prise, High Point; "News Reporting Obligations of an Associated Press Franchise," W. C. Dowd, News, Char lotte. Adjournment. . President Horne has sent the fol lowing letter to all members: "Enclosed herein is a copy of the program qf the Afternoon Association meeting which is to be held at the Sea shore Hotel at Wrightsville Beach Fri- dav and Saturday. June 29-30. You will notice that the Wilmington people have arranged to give us a series of entertainments and our fellow-mem ber, W. E. Lawson, in whose town we are meeting, has worked untiringly for the success of this session. As you know, with the 15 members our ses sion will necesarily be a small one, and in view of this fact and the ef forts which: the Wilmtngton people have' made to entertain us, it is my earnest desire that every newspaper a member of the association should be represented. The program 'con tains many live topics and matters of interest to all of us and we can real ly make the meeting a great help if we will attend and take part in the sessionl. "The meeting is called immediate ly after the North Carolina Press As sociation meeting in deference to members from across the State who would necessarily have to make an extra trip to Eastern Carolina if they were called on to attend it any other time. In view of this fact I hope that all members will plan to be present and that those from the eastern sec tion will forego any excuse about be ing inconvenienced by an absence of a week. "Mr. MacQuoid and representatives of the Associated Press and a number of other friends of the association are going to be present. Wont you write me right away and let me know what to expect in the way of representation from your paper? If your transporta tion has not been secured write Mr. W. E. Lawson, at Wilmington, imme diately and he will give it attention. "Yours very truly, "J. L. HORNE, JR." The expectant. inother shouia;aot fall to do those things which keep her., a healthy and pretty mother. - Thousands; of .women have used the tried and-safe external prep-, aratloiv- ."Mother's .Friend'V - The" ten dency to morning sickness Is avoided,-the abdominal . muscles expand -naturally -and easily when baby arrives and the Inflam mation of breast glands is soothed tThlS: is sure to make for less paln;;at:;the crista; and the form is preserved. Get a bottle from the druggist today and write for 11-; iustrated . book, "Motherhooc and the 3aby". It Is free. Simply Address The: Bradfield Regulator Co., Dept. B, 300 La mar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga, SUBURBAN SCHEDULE W ii&iimiyMJ49, 1917 -.;,H,.. WgEK DAY; Center , The . men of military age. in Anson and Union counties are raising an ar tillery company. Several young men in both counties are enthusiastically at work recruiting, and they expect to have the requisite number enlisted at an early date. It will be named Bat tery Bickett, in honor of the Governor, who is a native of Union county. The maximum strength of such company is 195 and the minimum 125. Know ing the ejass of people who form the population of those two counties, we ffcel surethe promoters of, this patri otic movement will succeed in their effort. And when the members of Bat tery Bickett have been trained there will be no finer soldiers in the Nation al Army. WOMEN'S PAY. The Greensboro Daily News, com menting on Secretary Daniels' an nouncement that women empliyed in the Navy Department will receive the same pay as men when they do the same work as the latter, says: "This announcement made to the president of the national woman suffrage organ ization is yet too new -to see what ef fect it will have on suffrage agitation, but a few leaders have expressed their high satisfaction with it. "In the very nature of the war situ ation many women must do men's wjork. As fast as one can be substi tuted for a man the women are as sured that they will be given men's pay. In railroad situations women have begun to take men's place: The Lehigh Valley has a number of wom en in its engineering department and the Pennsylvania's shops at Altoona are employing a great' number of them. "Since the nation' through one of its departments has set this example of simple justice to the world individual business might well follow. It should be one of the resolves of every busi ness that no soldier's family should be allowed To suffer during his enforced Get Your Palm Beach and Canvas Oxfords at Peterson & Rulf's. Advt. 6-29- fri-sun-mon. Join the Engineer Train today, (advt. Get Your Palm Beach and Canvas Oxfords at Peterson & Rulf's. Advt.. 6-29- fri-sun-mon. ARMY ENLISTMENTS. The statement is made frequently that tfeeWfihingtonr authorities are disappointed -at . thef- slowness with which volunteering for the regular army is being done. It has not been rapid since the President issued his call for seventy thousand volunteers, needed to raise that army to its war strength. : In this connection it should be borne in mind that the men who are daily entering the regular army are by no means the only ones who are offering themselves to their country to fight her battles. Since war with Germany was declared there has been rapid in crease of the volunteer or State Guard service. North Carolina has done her part well in this matter. Companies in the different arms of the service are being formed all over the State. These companies will be mustered into the service of the Federal government and will form a part of its regular fight ing force wherever needed and will make as efficient soldiers as those who singly enlist in the-regular army. In addition to this, the navy has been recruited by volunteering to a very large number since the war be gan. men who have joined the State Guard or -formed separate units preparatory to being mustered into the Federal service, the recruiting of the war forces of the United States has been much larger than is indicated by the daily reports from the recruiting sta tions. " Take Wilmigton, for example. "While a great many of her young men . - - NOTICE. TO ALL LAND OWNERS IN NEW .HAN OVER COUNTY DRAINAGE DIS TRICT NO. 3. You will take notice tnat Jt la the pur pose of the Board of Drainage Commission ers of New Hanover County Drainage District Numbber Three, to issue bonds for the payment of the total cost of im provements, including other costs and in cidental evpenses, maintenance funds, and interest on said bonds for three years, in the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00). These bonds are to draw six per cent (6 per cent) interest payable semi annually, and are payable in ten equal in stallments, one each year, beginning three years after the date of Issue. Any land owner in the District not wanting to pay interest on the-bonds, may on or before the 30th day of July. 1917, pay to the County Auditor the full amount for which his land is liable, which said amounts may be ascertained from the classification sheet filed, with the Clerk of the Superior Court And from the certificate of hte Board, showing total -cost of the improvements, other costs, incidental expenses, mainten ance fund. etc. The lands on which the assessments are so paid shall be released from liability to be "assessed for said im provements and other expenses but such lands, ahall continue liable for any future assessments for maintenance or for any increased assessments authorized under the law. This May 23, 1017. W. E. PRICE, Chairman. 6-23-3W8 . State of Nortb Carolina, County of New Hanover. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT. J. J. Dreyfus V8. Windsor Chocolate Company, a corporation. The defendant above named will take notice that an action has been started and a Summons issued out of the Superior Court of New Hanover County agianst said defendant on the 23rd day of May, 1917, returnable to a term of the Superior Court in said County to be held on the 25th of June, 1917, which said action was instituted by the plaintiff to recover of the defendant the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.) Dollars due said plaintiff by con tract for services rendered. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued out oi the said Court on the said date against the property of the said defendant and that a summons in garnishment attaching the property of said defendant in the hands of Crescent Candy Cmpany, which said war rant of attachment is returnable on the 25th day of June, 1917. to a term of the Superloi Court to be held in said County of New Hanover, when and where the defendant Is required to appear and answer or demur Pnnntino- fh000 .Q-0 i l" compmint nniea in saia cause or tn counting tbese recruits and the i relief therein demanded win mnit, Dated this 24th of May, 1917. W. N. HARRISS, Clerk Superior Court, 5-25-law-4w-fri . , absence from 'his family. Just wages to women can easily be made one otj have not enlisted in the regular army, tire ways Dy. wmcu sucn aepnvation .this city has five units ore-anise and m&y be met.J 5 5 ready to enter the regular service. We have never understood why I three of them havine been formed women who do men's work should be since the war began, and one of the paid much less than men receive for others was formed when trouble with thfe same class of work, if services Mexico seemed imminent. That corn were paid for according to their value, pany was sent to the border last year ' which is the just rule of remunera- and has not been out of service since lion, it would not be so. We predict then. , . that before this war is over the differ- j These facts should be taken intb ence in the scales of wages of women consideration by any who are inclined and of men for the same class of to find fault because of the apparent work will be much less than at pres- slowness, with which men seem to ent, if not wiped out entirely, in a answer to the call to arms by the Pres- nuinber of occupations. ident. t,. BED BUG SEASON IS HERB rrja Extermina tor will make (heir y short oil Two bottles "or 25 Cents. Plum 19, HAUL'S DRUG STORE. 11 As Citizens We Want to Serve Our Nation as a Bank we want to servs our Nation and our Citizens call on us. The Home Savings Bank 6: 15 AIM. 6:55 A.M. 7:25 A.M. 1 8:00 A.M. arid every half hour thereafter. until . 5:30 P.M. 6:10 P.M.. 6:30 P. M. and every- half hour thereafter until. 11:00 P.M. 12:10 A. M. o t Ly, Beach 6:05 A.M. ' 7;10AM. 7:40 A.M. 8:15 A.M. 'and every half sour thereafter until 5:45 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 6:50 P. M; - 7:15 P.M. and every half hour thereafter until 11:45 P. M. i - Local Trains stopping at all stations (on request) may be expected to leave the Center and Lumina at the times in dicated. ; The 6:10 express leases daily ex cept Saturday and Sundays, stopping at 3rd, 5th. Uh and 9th streets, Wil- mington, Winter Park Gardens,, Sea Gate, Wrightsville and all stations on Beach. V . - Ijoimne iy awatterV 1 i , ra i wanted i rs n -ir: i i -of the- Wrightsville Beach , N. C LOW ROUND TRIP FARES will be made foi the above occasion to Wilmington from all points in North Carolina, South Carolina, Augusta, Ga., Norfolk, Suffolk, Boykins and Danville, Va. CHILDREN HALF PRICE Tickets will be sold June 26, 27, 28 and 29; and July 2, 3 and 4; limited returning to reach original starting point until and including midnight of July 10,' 191 7. For fares, schedules, tickets and any further informa tion, call on Ticket Agents of the Atlantic Coast Line The Standard Railroad of the South. The Greatest Type Wheel Ever Manufactured """ Special Terms and inducements to readers of this paper. Send for Catalogue M 7. ' " The Blickensderfer Mfg. Co 709 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Third Annual Convention Baptist Seaside Assembly Last Call for Schedule B License X 1 All interested parties in this schedule, who fail to pay same before July 1st, next, will be required to pay pen alty of 20 on and after that date as per section 89 Laws1 bf 1917. GEO. C. JACKSON, Sheriff FRETGHT. Lv. Wilmington. 6:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. . 3:30 P. M. 7:00 P.M. Freight Depot open Sunday, from. 8:00 A. M. Lv, Beach. 7:05 A. M. 12:15 P.M. 6:15 P. M. 8:15 P.M. daily, except until 1:03 P. SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREEf- Here are a few of the van Doors we handle: 8 ot M.; and from 2:00 P.-M. until 7:00 P. M. Freight Depot Telephone No. 96. SUNDAYS Lv. "Center." 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A. M. and every half hour thereafter until 11:00 P. M. 12:10 A, M. Lv. Beach. 6:40 A. M. 7:45 A. M. 9:15 A. M. and every half hour thereafter until 11:45 P. M. Local Trains stopping at. all stations (on request) may be expected to leave the Center and Lumina at the timas indicated. 'lit; Prices $1.00 for a cheap Pjn? ,j00r to $10.00 and $12.00 for high grade Oai Doors, with bronzed grills. WINDOW SCREEN; FREIGHT. Lv. Wilmington. Lv. Beach. 11:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. Freight Depot open 10 to 11 A. M. Freight Depot Telephone No. 96. Sunday Afternoons and During Oth er Periods of Heavy Travel, Express Trains will be Operated Between Wil mington and Lumina Stopping only at 5th, 7th and 9th streets, Wilmington, and all Stations on the Beach. AUTOS FOR HIRE -for Pleasure Driving, Dances, Weddings and Commercial City Livery Co. Phones 15nd S49. Oscar P. Peck, -WOOD Oak wood, $1.50 per load mixed wood, $1.50 per load; pine wood, $1.35 per load. All wood sent C. O. D. COAST LINE HOTEL CAFE. Rooms by tho nay. weet or month at reasonable rates. Meals at any hour, 208 North Front street Phone 208-W. 5-2-lm 1;:S:.::::-'P!: " - TifW,lK All kinds and prices, incluiiin Window Screen Frame which we furnish complete with direc tions how to erect. SCREEN YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS USE Give us a call or mail uh your orders Catalogues 6n application. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY, 10 and 12 South Front Street EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Harine: this day quallflerl as Kxecutrlx of the estate of Lewis Philip Thomas, de ceased, this is to notify all. parties having caims against the said estate to present tnn same ta me on or before the 20th day of June, 1918 or this notice may be plead la bar of recovery. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make prompt payment. FANNIE W. HALL, 6-19-law-6w-tue Executrix. Rubber Stamps Made to order an Short Notfct,. We make Rubber..Qtamp8 that gives the maximam rof service and Satisfaction. Promptness with every order. Send us your orders. LeGWIN PRINTING CO. 8 Grace Street." Phone 220. YPTOTf GLASSES IV 'THE INVISIBLE . Afford a comfort which is appreciated by those who want near or for vision in one pair of glasses. They keep your eyes young in looks as well as in usefulness. No line, seam or hump to blur the vision. EYES TESTED FREE Br. V inch erg MASONIC TEMPLE. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY niiiiiiiiiin!ii!iiiii;;'iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiminm 1 D.L.STRUTHERS, I Civil Engineer. j Surveying, Mapping , Plans. Th rroreilv BIIwy of rt KffoctlTe Not. 18th. DEPAKXDRR OF TRAIN SFOM WILMINGTON, No. 13-3 :65 P. M. Train for Chifljttt Intermediate Points PULLMAN PAR LOtt CAB, WILMINGTON TO CHA LOTTE. M , tn(l No. 1 5:00 A. M. Train for Ohsrlotti ini Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CA" BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND HA LOTTE. Open at 10.00 P. M. for ru ARRIVAL Or TRAjAS AT WILanWOWJ No. 1412:30 P. M. Train from Cbarloiw and IntennedlaU) Points. rHLLMAw PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CD A BL0T1 AND WILMINGTON. ..rtu No. 20 12J0.A. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SSEI7n CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PA8SKNGKRS MA REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL IV A. M. iFor detailed lnfornaatlon and rMemtlon call on City Ticket Agent. Orton BuildWI Phon& 17a . H. E. PLEASANTS. T. V. A. Wllmlnrion, N. C ft JOHN H WEST. D. P. A BrnMl n COMMISSIONER'S SALE. FORECLOSURE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale ;al,. S' Payne and wife and Charles Payne g Phone 26a-W; No 7, Pythian Bldg lini!linfyuni!!ll1!inU!Ulinillll!ll!l!!lll!!ll!!nilMt ! Wilmington Homstead & Loan Associ"" S the records- of New- Hanover County. fault having been made in the r-ayoeni the debt secured by said mortgage1 undersigned will sell, to the highest biaoj lll lnt nnhllc fliiottnti for cash, at the " . House door In the City of Wilmjnsw0- lt( ThurPday. the. 12th of July, lW'"VnroP o'clock, M.. the following described UJ. erty : Beginning at a point in tne r ern line of Sixth street. 33 feet South ir the Southern line of Bladen street. r thenc Southwardly with said line or ti street 33 feet: thence East parallel . to tM Bladen street 1&5 feet ; thence North pa" el with Sixth street 33 feet: tbea' e arallel with Bladen street 165 toAi' beginning. The Uth of Jane. 1917. WILMINGTON HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION. v By JOHN D. BELLAMY & SON, Attorneys. x 80 day 6-11-1917.

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