Vs-- - - v .';vr WEATHER FORECAST j 7i;?5;:.A'j;i' :vV'Vr : T: ' -- ."'- ,i p'.i - nip North and South CarinaMostly fair and continued warm Vnlght. . MS F UXL LEA SED WIRE -S ERVICE V0L. XXfH. NO. 192 V r l f i j. ft i i i - ' f i " i i - x i i -1 , i I,- i h , j i i i i ii i i - r-1 , i i i . -.-r. . i : .- uii ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 iu -s vfl -i v ii jit : tw it w n 7m : x CIA I I . ' I I I I ' fll 1 I l-'f f I ,1 I I I II r I IVI 1 I IhII .1 I rl I 1 I 'i-U,. ,V,,. -.N;;:. IIIIIILliUUUII'ril I. .VAVfeV II n I ' r 11 II m's II m i ' II II' S,VHfn m it i 1 1 I I - .1 i if . i i i i I i f i i ii -"ill ill 1 1 1 I . i s f i - ; i rv o.-ir-: "t-..'- " r i -r -v.v... -;uv. v. -t-. . . i-..-xy. . .. IKi' 5S rntlvlltn HlatJ I AWLS JUBILi I Inniinil mniTiTinn !4 a ' n. a Hundred. - 1 ' - . - 1 ! 1111 III M ' U U I I II E III 111 imuun iimimh uii Ji A 1 CM . v ' EDITIOI! PRICE FIVE' CENT, 7" mmmmw British and French Now .Con ' soliciting Tlr :, ; Yesteryayi'n- ?;v THE GERMANS ARE FIGHTING WITH FUHY -:' - ' ' - '"' : '' ' , ,-,,-' " x-: r - r Feel "Iriiportance : of-vHblcUnc : U-Boat Bases , Aldpg : Bel gian ? Coast-Allier?; Repil ' AlfeCounteirttacl ing WeBge Deep in Ranlcs v or t-rowh rrmce 5:rmY.nt v ! ? Man Who Had Called Soldiers 'Scabs in Uniforms" , Hanged by Mob. TAKEN FROM HIS BOARDING PLACE W. VV. Leader met sum mary Deatli in' Butte, Mon tana, Early Today Had; ; Been Active in Recent Member of the Cabinet on Mis Troubles in Arizona- A sion to Pari With Noted Cripple and Born in Calif or- . ; Pacifist. nia. j 4 ," CAMP OPENINGS DELAYED. i (By Associated Press). ! Washington, Aug. 1. Delays 4 i in preparing' the National Guard j4 mobilization camps, the War De-" partment announced todayT will 4 postpone their opening about two 4 United States 1 (By Associated Tresg.) ; - Washington, Augv 1. rlntcpse hat continued today over most of the country and was atits highest point in the East, where New. York City at 8 o'clock was sweltering under a tem perature of 88 degrees, the highest recorded at that timo anywhere in the Reply to the Chancellor's! The Battle of Flanders, Now bpeech on France s Object Proceeding, the Fiercest of (By Associated Press.) Butte, Mont.. Aug. 1. Frank Tattle, member of thf executive board t f the Industrial Workers of the World ?nl a leader in labor troubles in Arizona was taken from a lodging house early today by maskeid men ancLhanged to a railroad trestle on the outskirts of the city. . " ' The body was cut down at 8 a. in., by the chief of police, Jerry Murphy, who identified it. Little, in a recent speech hero referred to United States troops as uncie sam s scaos, m -uniform. II i NtbRfl LEADER PROPOSED MEETING OF SOCIALISTS The Obi ect of His Tnnrnev j - - - j -j Government Questioned In Parliament on the Matter. (By Associated Press.) London, Aug, 1. The fact that a 1 member of the cabinet, Arthur Hen- derson: minister without portofolio in ' J the war council, had gone on a mis- Since his arrival in Butte recently," UriE mter T from Globe, Arizona, Little had madej"a7 l&z? d40 ?f il t" a a number of speeches to strikers Ztl ntiJi' which he attacked the government.' al&h PSrty .intje House and urged the men to shut down the3' afdltRfussian delegates, mines of the Butte district. His rec Zi it&tio afonS the ord was under investigation by;'thei5J1,m1f--:ld seems.to (i,n,.itiM v .threaten trouble in the government. Federal authonties in Tht purpose ofthe Journerb to.cbn Little took :. leading.. part, ln-jreeent!-.. TO HiS PEOPLE A.ddress by President of Tus- kegee to Negroes of New port News. v , (Bj&'AssocIaleil Preef.J Newport News, Va., Aug. 1. 4n an address - before 2,000 negro employes of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company yesterday, Dr. K. R. Morton, principal of Tuskegee Institute antf regarded as the leader Lof his race, said: . I am very thankful to the Newport News Shipbiulding Company for what it is doing for my race in this city and what it is doing for all who work here; -want -to thank these , good white men for the help they are to mr PplTieiaberrfv of ray Tace4 United States yesterday was reported from Red Bluff, California, -with 104 degrees. Relief by rainsywas promis ed for tonight in the, West, but in tne East little change was indicated and it; was predicted thethptAWave would continue until Thursday qr Friday. v From Central Illinol$, on. the West. to New England, on; jtlieTEast, the arei of highest ' temperatxfres extend ed today, while in other parts of the country-, the 'thermometer , jwas far above seasonal average., j M6rd Deaths in..Ph:iadelphia. Philadelphia, Aug. .l-Additional deaths during the night increased the list of yesterday's heat Victims W 13. Of the 3C0 or more rostrateoseveral were reported today in a seriqus cOn' dition, and it wasfarea; some lot them; would not TecoyerV4 The intense heat continued through but the night with a drop intenipera ture of less than 10 degreesfrom the maximum of 101 , registered' yester day afternoon. ' .V ' ' V Thousands of: persons slept in the parks, squares and -recreation piers, while, in the congested districts every available roof was occupied by f am- ilies -seekingellefxxl ? I' J. Still Intense: irtChfcago.; ,'f. Chicagp'Aug,lfTeity)3ne deaths in Waging War. SHOWS WILFUL ' - MISSTATEMENTS 7 Of - Facts Connected With ' French Negotiations With Russia on War Questions. "'; r.I (By Associated Press.) - "V Paris, Aug. 1. Premier Ribot re plied in the Chamber jresterday to the declaration made Saturday by Dr. Mi chaelis, thojTerman .Chancellor, . that there was a secret treaty between Jiaucu auu itussia aavinK in view The .War ALLIES' SUCCESS BEYOND EXPECTATION , With a wide stretch of territory, and - more than ; prisoners 'In their. V. hands as the result of the first day ' V fighting in their;. new off enslye,-. the Good Prospects of -: D- vi ag British and French troops in. Flan- Clomarri rw f CJJ J dera ipent last V night consolidating. v Belgian Flan-, v ders. plans of conquest; Premier Ribot, af ter . saying He was convinced' that Spain would apply the decree intern ing the Germab submarine which an chored in the harbor of Corunna :M6n? day evening, 'said , v . v V' i "I wish to reply to. the singular speech which Dr. Michaelis thought fit " i t u . w lUTue me-oenm journalists to their gains and : repulsing .. ' German counter attacks. t.:. The new line iphicb; along thd great-' er part of its stretch, is two. mllefc ,to two and one-half miles .in advance of the old and includes 10 captured-towns 1 within its limits; has ; been firmly-tield Torrential (By Associated Press.) ' " " Paris Augr 1. The battle of Fland ers hias befirun and 'tho Indfrnt that it frill ho Ua htr,ot' h,u along, the entire - Tront.- the war. Theoffensive of the French J1 .fK-JHift and British allies had been expected!1 Definite. objectiyeswereaigiled for, some -weke palt, for. althougn theithe various allied, unite 9 inmentv ; French and'. British officiar commun:-iIn tne flrst day's ske.andx these cations gave.no inkling of it, the oer- PPear to hav been gained Calmost la; man reports showed clearly a large itheir entirety... ( , . ; . ' 4 j r scale operation was preparing The' Tne loSical suppoeition, , "withv . AiUh French public, however, did not'kn6wJtor3r o ;the Somme, and Arras ' that French troops had heen dispatcn- erations in mind, ir that the drire wriil ed to share ih tie assault, Originally be renewed , as soon asthe heayy,gun , the front from the North Sea coast 'to' are'moved up,Nin pursuit of the plan Ypres had been held by the Freiich of driving a wedge . into the. German in the Niepport region, then by the 'lines b successive strokes,; until: hear. The GermaB Chancellor public- Belgians, as . far as Elverdinghe. ' and volnt is reached when the fallinjr. back ly commanded f the French govern-i tnen - by the British. The British of tne enemy on a .; wide, front ".will troops later relieved theFrench andi06 lrveu- .iiupurin.ui;w.w. yov- rrcoast ) tached to a -j, drye . into;. ; erman-neia part of the Belgians along the: mm. . . a . . v -.j- W-T- . T i A Tf -41 fcl.lrJ inff flM m0 irffTH iA 1 M vtrtll Ir f- Urn t imm ii'il " H 1 im 1 "lit.1 I - ,. i - 1- laDormiumesinAnaoiiavfrMe wrwi oiorjcaimj--'viere" wmcgrstTrnwtwi eurtjfrJTeportfia Governor Campbell of ' Ariasoha, -f romf 1 fnlakes' them ;soldier as well as those in the last :4hottrS M!tartM Salt Lake, protesting against ihe'de-lrf in the trenches . authofitiei'tipredlctie the4eat!is;. .to- i German representatives at Stockholm i and now" advises them . to rescind the On Little's body was a card Ing the words, "First and last warn- "e - "V nof international nnfofina, t portation of I. W. W. members ; rom: Srh 0im- - f'i ?MVei'n.r wwi iSfSSz V The-crux.of the matter lies in the in'h8 LIT T itn wlf un fact that Mr. Henderson, since he re ence and his threats. Little was un- d - Petroerad reveled hi derstood to have the confidence of KihrSS', Siifo? William D. Tl ywood, secretary of the attitude on the question of the British I. W. W. national organization and JTliJL r:. oL"tt was regarded here as- one of Hay L Stle a cripplS; active and "?e resolution against Joining the Ufd.r- . , . f . . . , ' uib cuauge 01 views, uul il is kuuwd ing. Others taknote nan- ; Little was taken out of the building nfficiallv accented hf advice in which he lodged, by a -party ffl SS to ha?e masked men who took-him away in f icn;. neverneiess, seemed to nave an Butomobile. He was not given fus.e4 a. crisis m the party which is time to dress. The building is near wi.se ous in its suPJort of Mr fte Finn Hall.hich -is headquarters , "person l: . been closelv for the new metal mine workers ine government nas been closely union, which recently called a strike questioned inthe House of Commons of miners and which was frequency : th last feV;days on. the subject of sM , h T .... .Mr. Hendersons mission to Pans, and . The " card ound on Little's body. admission of Mr Bonar-Law Chai when he was cut down, was pinned ,cer th4 Exchequer, v that it was to the underclothing on his right'ed without the government's thigh. It bore in red crayon letters knowledge and . that the government the inscription: , was ignorant of what he was doing in "Others take notice. First and last :.-"" V" " 6 " ' . of Europe, j ; "Ve all. khow ofthe East SCLouis .riot where black men were shot and killed for trying to make an honest Jiving. Isay to you how that while the affair was a disgrace to the Statfc of Illinois and to this nation, it was not what the best white people want ed. Bu,I am glad to say that such a thing f would not happen in Newport News and in the ' South. I want you to be true to these white men for whom you work and to those with wnom you work. L.et me urge you to work six days of each week and save part of your money. Put part of it . in the bark, -then put more and more in." ment to dtclarc; whether in a sedtet sitting, June .. 1, -the French s govern ment had f not . .made known ' to the ! Chamber of Deputies the terms of a! ' secret treaty madeS before the Russian i nil bound himself to Support Frehcli pre- and .helieved that ita effect willsbe in rine bases along, the'. Belgjaic coast,HA. t ' r n a q w tion. Lobby correspondents say that Li. U. vy. O. D. VV . . . - i. i it the war cabinet, of which Mr. Hender- warning. 37 77. rn it a ni.i u v. t rn,a lo son is still presumably a member, al- A circle was about the L. The let- . . . ro I xt n- tore -vi ... i, though his place was takeir by George ws were inscribed with a lead Pen- N Barnes while he was in Russia is cil. The figures "3 7 77" are the aes w J"e ne was m Russia s old sign of The vigilantes in Montana. fled by the tUm The o tom of th. vigilante. memberg of end th ee warning's to a maJk.ma'th labor party in the ministry, who the third and hurt belngwntten m ar , &g ignrant ag tne mezd&n 0f o'iv ,' , , , , the war cabinet of Mr. ' Henderson's oix masked men, in an autoteobue, T . u - - rin-,r. drnva u is-r-i,- t.Ai move, met in the House of Commons ?5 mfn, ? the 'ront1oCfVttl oni t evening to discuss the extraordi- s tood tl T 9 -t of nary situation, but decided tb await his stood upon the side walk in rro.nt of v,r ot,-r, aa lUr rrif T l innr itj-vim. rill rt rfc An T w -J DETAILED BEPOBT OF U-BDAT jniCK On American Transports Re ceived at Navy Department From Admiral Gleaves. rooming house. 'The others enter- .the lobby correspondents, however, it (By Associated Press.) Washington, Aug. 1. The detailed report- of Rear Admiral - Gleaves. re specting the sumarine attack, on the American transports of the first expe dition to France was received today by Secretary Daniels and forwarded . to Chairman Tillman, of the Senate naval affairs Committee. It nroli.ihlv' will h j made public later. T JV, i j. ii ji i j A . . ii' was biuu uidi iuc icuuu. wuicii t The men nnir.klv hrok into room "i l.u I in deta!I and suDDlementarv to the Mn on ,,' ' " r- . Ti 1. support Mr. ienaerson. ine anair.. i . . . , - fto. 3n on the ground floor,- Light . a aroused considerable feelin lbrief report on wnich the Navy D- an electric torch showed'-them the f a announced the successful re-' loom was unoccupied. Mrs, Kor &TieZ" of the submarine attack, is in awakl. VTr the,hote1' 'Mr. MacDonald and was to.be raised artiiv,," " - tne House of Commons today as a building -matte :oJient&y uine mistake here,' she, ncara a voice sav. accord with the facts which the Navy .Department announced at that time. but -which; since have, been attacked as an exaggeration. ; Admiral Gleaves, who cgmmanded the destroyer notilla which guarded h7meS FUNERAL SERVICES OT llft AlrcTDDnnv lue transports, maae tne report to Aa MK. WHO 1 xSKUUK miral Mayo, commander . of the AU ' ' lantic fleet. It is understood to tell in (Special to The pispateh.) .. , detail how the German submarines. Then she move lo the door of her room, 'which Uey pushed slightly open. "Mrs. Bynp sprang to the door and held H. "uu UIliM I trot mir Inthoi nn " RFTP rrr I ... , . Th.n she "aSid who "the? wre .JfcYT wait -for the American trans. and what a - -porta attacKea, tnem twice ana. were llty Lutlp." .she was told. ' : ;: Mrs. Byrne hastily dressed;' again went to ule door an opened it. ) ' ihe loader of the masked men pok a a r0volvor 5nto the opening. - vvhere is Frank Little?" he asked. u"Vs m room No. 32," answered itehsivd bons WefetbrbOk, the immediate caus'V driven off in a fight which destroyed or wnose aeatn was a stroKe ot paraiy- onev German submarine and probably sisr, were held at : Faispn Monday ' others. .. . morning- and interment made' in th . ' ' "' ' " local cemetery. Rev. J. W. Purcell conducting them. The, decreased was one of the prominent business men r of ,th e ;. county, xhav(ing conducted ex- aK Hopewell, Va where he I ty and CONFEREES AGREE ON RIVERS-HARBORS BILL w (By : Associated shington, Aug.' 1. Press.) - Conferees on bill today past few months',' - though , Mr. West- reacln 'L an -agreement' oh a bill total- svrne tried ii ran down tne' hal1 and; and his family have resided for the th;e R'vers; and Harbors time of ' hisv. death. , His widow and them i three childreh. Misses Fannio and Ah th ii,thom gave lfc a kick -'that' broke j-brookwas Revisiting in Faison at the TW 127 26,000; aim uiey enterea. cnP' 1yrne said she heard v.,- ,rom the room an H saw . them fTioaoio nnd Mr:f fianr' Wpstbrnnt - nr. thp f T atld half carry Little across iVived from' Hopewell Monday -mbrn- tor pq . yuan mill iiiiu t iuu-jng. -' uinerreiaiivcs iiuura uisiauw in attenaance at.ui; lunerai .were ji mother, Mrs. 'Farinie Westbrook, and .sistersMrs jW-V F. Murphy and Miss Cfiarlie , Westbrook, . and Mr. , W. F. Murphy, frpm Wallace; twoibrotners, Messrs. Sam 1 and ohntWestbrook, ;of Rocky .Mount, and - Mr. and ert Ruark, of Wilmington. nort , ? y was' found hanging on-the ties " ii f the raroad.' trestle, .The fept e Nestle were-about fourteen . luc loaaway. little's leet On thi kU , five feet rom tne ground; we back of his head was a bloody continued on Page Eiglitr Senate 5 provisions for negotiations toward federal acquisitions of " the Cape Cod canal were retained. House appropriation of 126,000 for. improve ment of the James, Nansemcnd and Appomattox rivers in Virginia was restored. - i ' - , The -Sp" -Vn for a federal day would exceed that number unless the promised relief arrives before .night.;" ;,' , ; - . - - k At 6 , a. m; today street thermome ters rggistered 85 degrees, and the temperature was rising. s For Jhe ast two days thf tempera ture has reached 98 degrees in the shade", and . on Sunday tne . niax:mum was 97. . " J Slight Relief at Boston. "; f v Boston, Mass., Aug. 1. A rshift :of thewind to the southeast brought temporary relief from the hot wajye here early today, "driving the jtempel-a-ture down to a minimum of 73. At 8 a. m., there had been a rise ot 2 degrees and the cloudless sky 'aiid lifeless air gave promise of another scorching day. 'Thousands of persons spent the night but of doors on the Common and in narks and at the L nearby beaches. ? No Let Up in" New York. New , York, Aug. 1 New York con tinued to swelter today in the hot wave which has held the City in its grip for the last two days. There was no relief in sight. Laze reports from various sections of the greater city placed yesterday's heat-victims at 14 dead and 188 prostrations, whjje 12 deaths and 31- prostrations occur ring between 2 and 7 a. m. today were reported by the police as. taking place in various parts of the greater city. The minimum temperature . recorded during the past 24 hours was 84 de grees at 5 a. m., from which hour tne tension tavGermifrr - , . JOef -bank, of ith zBmnBL.:tsa, ; .'Scale ?oh whiitnaarbpeai present iine or iaavancewiu noiraa. , - gross! accuracies and, absolute; nies; The firstvpari' of :tne pro-am ha hotabjy .regarding 1 the role he attrib- been carried out: with complete sue- ; The desperation; of ihe GPerman .fftik: ) utes ".to the President pt the republic cess and in . a way which augurs well! -sltance, - now p manifesting itseir tm ; in glvmg an order to sign a treaty un-j tor its accomplishment as a.' whole. A winpus counter, atiacKS, Dears wiine. known xo Premier-Brand. The Cham-j glance at. the map is sufficient to show.t' nF -importance the , German. mgn ber lAiow ' how .things passed." M.l the importance of, the operations. nWieomcqand- attaches o eteuHpn or;t'V, Douiofjanie, ..(ex-Premier ?ana-'Pdreign.'uuder?way.. ;iWftathas-i'beeh.ferectkiPresent-, front. : The , rrontf naa ? Deve.a Ministlr) after a conversation -with I fully justifies- the German apprenen- sowi' to be not therigid.one the.Teu- the peror, demanded and obtained: sions V and v the .French . jubilations. I tonfej claims have'.Wa4et-Uvout.-'r;?V - French- military observers say "it Is iy bent by yesteraay s-; attack, tne, imr"; not too much to hope that the f Ger- mediate future .is . likely: .to? slrbW v mans may ' soon be cleared out of whether it can be - strained ; to j th . French and Belgian Flanders If things; breaking point M.'Brhind's authorization to take note of the? Emperor's promise t& support our claim to Alsace-Lorraine and to leave ? us free to seek -guarantees against fresh aggression; not by an-.continue to go as well as nexing territories on the left bank of yesterday. ; : M v the Rhine, but making an autonomous State of thes territories which would HEAVY ADVANCE protect us ana aiso Belgium against invasion. - - .7 - : ' ; v "We have never thought to do. what Bismarck did in 1871. We arejthere fore ; entitled to deny the allegation pf the Chancelor, - who evidently knows -of the letters exchanged Feb ruary, 1917, at Petrograd and falsi fied since, as his " most illustrious 'predecessor falsified .' the Ems dis-j f ii it-' j they -did ON COTTON MARKET (By . Associated Press.) T Advices from the allied i capitrfli pointHorthe expectation of the tbittle , opened yesterday continuing oc Vweeki ; ' if nbt months. The French ttoops.isyi-' i4ei)tly -were not brought Up;' to, tfite Belgian front, awayfromr Brjtish -forr v mer Jleld . of . operations "for., any . brief '' effort at arms, and the Paris vtdtfriv - defensive xt -v i, a . t nik. : .i uieut uu iu : uububivb . uarviui ,J i-.yL .ju.. points to the vast preparations made TVn''TrSfor it.and the large, results bopfedi for. -.On the' French front; the Germans went on this morning .,wtth Can oijerav. tion they had. been preparing in the , Verdun' region,, launching an assault :.t between Avocourt : and Hill 304; north--? crop 70.3 or exactly-the same as a month ago and a yield of 11,949,000 cbales was followed by- a very excited ad vance - in the cotton market here. patch. , Whenever the-Russian gov-; - For the last several days prices had firnment is willine to Dublish these' oo v.,. u. i letters, we haVe no-objection. v I report would show an improvement jwe.st 9 the Sel'n;iW' .rne Chancellor refrained from: of fully 3 points as compared with am tne PosItIon8 they lost , on. July ; about my declaration ; of . last months figures. The report cpn-J17- 1 Only-a.fewradvancedlementof u 21, wherein I repudiated inseauentiv came as a eeneral surnrise. tn French line, howeyer, were reachr ; . speaking -mr n-4 1 J T JViarCD. OL. VVUeiClU I ICUUUIOICU Ul oanuant v noma' oo a oranartfl cnrnr uuj.i'icum "ur uwnT.j. France's name any policy of conquest Inside 0f ten minutes there was an ed b7 Crown Princes forces. 4, ' French fire stoDDine them short there. . i.. j 7- -laMyance'ui auux uajiua-ceiv .uv. - wilu " . - . . , . - - , . October delivery-selling up from 23.74 J ' ( to 25.30 or 29. points above last night's t -closing price. . '..--j --, s--, ' ' w sensanonaixy rapia aavance ioi- lowed the publication of the govern- fully forgotten my language of May '22 in the Chamber1, saying we wereready io enter into conversation; with Russia as to the object of the war, and if the German people, whose -Ight . to live I' .. : - nnd riovplnn neacefullv wft-do not con-i t u mercury again 'began to go up. auu;ai rt- - - j T ui -lepwi. aeiui; wa wauu n f.i,..-h 8Q HPBTfta. test," understod that we wished ;peace0etoher had sold off to 23.74 and Jan-I one degree higher than the same hourUowided on the right --of People, the uary to 23.43 or about 25 to 27 points -6 - . - conclusion of peace;would therby,b.einet lower. Ten mlUutesMater October Bingularlyfacilitated. ' I had touched 25,30; and -January 24.80.1 ; deaths - "finally tne jnancenor passeu, m si- making an advance,: of 137 to. j 156 na tho rccn nnnn t nn innns v viii- a ' n. i :. j i inn. rur mi v ornnnr yesterday. .Pittsburg Suffering. Pittsbursr. Aug. l.--Four OF GOTTOrJ CHOP carl today Increase tHe number iol;iM rtne resolution unajiimuuiix p0jnt3 rrom the low and of.Ul to-mrp-v-p-usiy vfctims of the heat wave it Pittsbarg, ed ' atter .the June secret? sess on." polnta aboTe m's -closing flg- F. t,ttl?5 !! LiJKll. I . . I . . , . . . Tna f'linvjf' fin I h 1.1 .iiK:t- w arra" dl?i5;6 li'iDEDICATED ATAMAN I-i, T.rinnMv-njS?pdtodaV: - 'V . j IU jesuiUUUM uuuviP "jr. tuc uou. and probably. : Pto?fJaV':dpkhW'-ber-a't that time, declaring that peace ii'tSf iSt wfconditions must include the liberation and 1 19 Pjotnsvhast , 24 i . territories occuped Dy Germany. wave thathas prevauea nere ior sp v- eiaVl Knan T: Uge done in the, invaded regions. was dedicated Sunday, ; The; congre III ZL ICf L UU. Ill LUC WJfv. -r. f 2. - I - . m 'A 1 . W.-t 1 '-.' (SDeolal to The' PlapatcH.)i; v' Stedman; N C, Aug. 1. With an eloquent;' fervent sermon by Rev. -Wil (By' Associated -TreM.TVA ? j 7 , 1'--'. Washington, Aug.vl.-This, year cotton crop' was forecast today at "JLi': 949,000 equivalent -500 pound bales py , the Department oi Agriculture, wnicn ;of 'territories occupy uy utuiuau?,' eloquent, iervent isermun y.;y. .f,alpd..-tff.p,-timo:tA. on"th- conditloa the return of c ' Alsace -Lorrafne to liam B. ormot 4 France--fnd. just; reparation -for. dan-4 the new Methodist: church ofiStedman flfJJJrJ? 2$ tJririhS'i, l.",.-! L iu, inL in L Q,.n ?T,4--.i.ftn' nounfied as 70.3 jer cent, a normals Ther resolutions also . favored -the gation was large :and the 4 dedicatory ,r "rr. V; "Ju';,,ZZZ.t . Win ADfKiir ' tcreaUenvOf av league of 'nations t for exercisesV both beauUf ul and; impres- GERMAN f SUBMARINE, ? e rntenance of peace: T Jsivev ninnitm nr mtixt .!. j- J T x sa' j t. . tt TTi -n .. , Biorma,, .ou, v Aiawama,.-0a,'iiuissiS8iv, IIM I r.KfMriiU r I W no now uare sa y assisia oyxvev. w. c. muwii, paotyi . . . TialQna 71. Tor K8 ? that we wish annexation r',conunueu;0f tne new, cnurcn. Kev.F. k., uixon, y.'- -v-fi TinrtM .;7i-: fti.-'' Such maneuvers are of Lumberton, Rev. H.L Joyner.TOf t"7 -V nwiU. rhCril .What.Fayetteville land; Rev, Mr,; Greenings 7i"AvizUT:'Z " is try-'of stedmaiLformer nastors. ? ' - f.fiiJ:. L-:':T.'Lti. T .7 , . :. -. ' - f ! -..".. uotion.-was. unavoraoiy anectea, vjr m .T; a mr & B rv f 1 weather and m other Ccouditlous durlR&J A.1V1.XIIA1N O I CAiVian I V July, but an improvement to tlie :ex A bv Asisortated Press:)1 i- Premier RiboC Corunna, Spain, Aug. The j Ger- i. too crude to deceive any one. man cniimarine TIB-2.V anchoret ' In 'iia thfi Chancellor seeking? He the harbor here late6 Monday even-.ing to hifle ,the embarrassment which ahQ Wprd the roadstead" with ho feels in defining Germany's ' object only her periscope emerging from the , 0f t war i- and conditions whereon she , water. , rS C 'X " - C I pould r make peace.. He is. trying es-j - i ne suumaniit! uj.u . !c' peuiaiijr cm u w-- fc . . . I. T. ... . rA;rhfnar fr - damaged refused cident ored beside the German interned ship r.clsrano, . i i l x i ammt. . . yi it.iiii r . i n . . a i raonnn uiiiiiiiu' vv t-ridi.uc uii i . . abohi-iiilcu . . t;... . .gui.uieai.c ,u. eiiiu ..- - ( lM.ntiV: Tnv which tteii ine, --e ,con Ti- unaerwaer .uoao auuu- councilors. . -; vr?- 'svf via - . i..a ' L-.r. i . - . . i was sunn uv a 1 euwn' suuuuinue Un uviui GENERAL PERSHING To' Be Interned, : ilr.J.i,T- A, 1 PromWr 'Tiotn' Jin nounced today, that' the German sub- td "a ' IMTM H r AMP marine TJB-23; wbicfi had anchored inl GOES TO TRAIN IIo VAMr ?(ByAssociated Press.) Paris. : August l.-Major ': General v. . . i. . : . M n" : II..1 (.AolKanAt V Pftrimtlil " waterway .commission, to comprise bpam,; T3aVla: Mnnrtav. fori his? whom IS claimed -Amefican citizen T J. Tn'JT UllfMI Willi- T r:i .'MI llir . ' JL IM -f SUNK BYvU-BOAT '0 jWjiJLl j Department- of Agriculture 'today.' forecast a : total'. producriony'r? equivalent WO pound bales yield of , 166.9 poundjs per.; Twenty-two ' survivors 'nave cre.! The crop averages about two , . weeKS late over practicaixy ine- vuuo . tottbn belt. -: f Summarizing obnditionft the ireport-' , July 31 been landed. ' J "Sailed From New York. ' - . New York, Aug. , 1. The Motanp sailed1 from New York July ' 2 fof Queenstpwn. Ireland. The vessel was in cdihmand of . Captain 1?'S.? Stratton and carried ; a, crew; of: 34. men, Qt sey,eiA emuers .uuiuuiug- une - army ; iu was; "fwv .-.--r A ATi0rt.ftm traln-lfehl hpfnC the TTnlted' Slates; com engineer,-anxpert hydraulic engineer J marine wbichtf England. ldMrs. Rob- hd otherso beeieced tene5for .n.'."' m President, (was retained inUhe biU.- 'interned until the end of the ar. .-1, days. 4 v:-: , U-Cr V;: buUt 111 1?90 :at. New ' s -. ' -v V :-. ; - . ; - -...-. ..---- k . .- ' ' ... .' .. :-. , --v;- , J ..-v. -.- . .- ' ': , V - '- - ---.'.J . mr'-rini1i1eanai1H)ia'ictatomnh'i 4 V AAA . WCftA A AOOWVU tUW , K - - . . . .fSerloustdrought.ln porJtips;.pfTex as and Western Oklahoma ;. tooTmuck raiu- in; maby parttf of ' ther-Easiern. Southern and Central beltr. weevil damage1 ii Arkancas Louisiana, Mia sissipl, Alabama, Florida. and Geofgiaji U;-4, (Continued on PageOsbt.) Vy? rv r I .IS" 1 ? V 1 ., 1 1 'I! I ?- "-: