, , ; V 1- : 5 'V'. ,- .'.5 ; i 3 v ' -it PAGE SIX MM 5; to;hi$ hpmeltW Jug some je; at w rjgntsviue 1 aeacn.; - W R I GHTSVi LLE v BR E EZES. : VlCtf :;jM& :Wj-f- -- --'-y .:r ,' Mi 'c'.--V".a -i!:... -jvv . : ? ' t. ' -f J 1 li&V.'v Ml III I I II II. J -4. 1 I x-T-' ' .31:1 1 .. - - " Miss Fannie Whitt, of Greenshop, !' is visiting friends here. t . .-,?;-. -.4 ' v. mi Hill, of Raleigh; is here it J - alio. t flfSr a stay with her sister, Miss Lot i tii'' Turner. r 1 Vi'Miss Emma Mallette, of Tarbpro, l-Zspent yesterday in the city with t r friends and relatives. -x- ! !'': ' -j nr n T. Rlankburn. Of ! ' ivi t u mi ivu n. v. - . Ooldsboro, spent the week-end here "J with friends and relatives. M:' - " -x- nffo p r Ratson has gone to Ash: f : ton where she will spend a period vwith fnenas ana rrauvw. . V- -V. .V. 41 'is V: Miss Verna Johnson has gone u I Faison, where she will visit with M4SS Annie Mae Holt for several days. -X- f ? Mrs. Brooks G. White, of Jackson V villa Tna . is visitins Mrs. R. C. Cant- -weU at No. 14121 South Third 4treet. Mrs. J. Wr Stanley, of Goldsboro, Is in the city as the guest of Mrs. C. E. . j -Haskett, No. 1922 Woollcott avenue. - Mrs. John P. Cameron- ana aaue li ter, Miss Johnsie ,of Rockingham, are guests of Mrs. John W. Blomme. r; Misses Vera Venters and Thelma Sylvester, of Richlands, are here for a -.Stay as guests of Miss Hattie Du- "4 , rant, .f-.-. '; ' - Miss Essie May Hurley, of Lake 1 land, Fla.. is the guest of her sister, v Mrs. T. W. Coker, No. 216 Harnett vS street. '.'jA--'-- ; ! ' Mrs. J. Mosley Bowden and daugh ter. Miss Lucille, are spending a riod with Mrs. H. K. Ruark at Caro Una, Court. i(. . "A TV W Mr and Mrs. A. E. Belch, of Gar land, have returned to their home, af 3 ter . spending the week-end in the city i with friends. Ai sp6ninefweelena:in the crty.-with ., Mi iss May . vFrlnfe ; has , gone to lotte,--where-sne-win, spenu ;cnw with frlends and';f?lativei:.. :;- ; pov'"t tfHill:l of vMaysviile spent! JLVV ' . -- h 1 .several hours in the city - yesieraay With friends, and relatives. . Mr G.E. Holmes has returned'. td tne city, after a pleasant' stay witn relatives at .Tomahawk:" : . v vV. ' - ;- i: -54, " ,' '.-V Miss Eatner uarnsa,- ui w the guest of Miss?AnnI; Mae Dement, of No.x21f South Eighth. street V Miss Lin Edwards has gone to Mt. Olive, where shei ;.wiU3 spend .A period with friends and relatites ' ' Saturday's" ' Charleston ?American : "Misa Katie . Merrimon is the guest of Miss. Laura r Hill Jacobs. 14 ..Wilming ton, n. c." " .. -;r;i.V" ' ' ' . .; Mrs. J. A. Cox, of Greensboro, re turned tp her iom this morninsv af ter spending som6 time in; the -.city with friends. 'r -" ' Miss Maie Barnes, "of Greensboro, returned to her home this morning, after' spending some time in the city with friends and relatives. v -: Miss Madeline "Weave? . and Masters Thomas and Aubrey "have. gon(e to Ben son. N; C, where they will spend a pe riod with friends and relatives. X- -X- - Delgado and Calvary Baptist Sun day schools were the only ones to report attendance for yesterday, the fnrmor havine 157 and the latter 136 ?f " I present. ' . ' .ro-1 .. vr w 7C I Epworth League of Bladen Street Methodist church will give an ice cream sociable tomorrow night, be ginning at 8 o'clock, at Fifth- and Bladen streets. . c- Mr. T. W. Weaver has returned from C ;Miss Lucy - Powell has returned tq her homeiri Clinton, after a delight-' ful ; stayi cn'tfce beach. ,v j; Miss Eugenia Campbell, of Aber-1 doen.returned tocher home this morn ing after -spending some time at Wrightsville Beach. . , ! ' ; . - , Myiases Pearl and Annie McKeith- ieyiofi Ratiford, returned to their home this morning, after spending some tinifr at Wrightsville Beach. Mrs.v? T. W. Simmons, of Birming- tkam; Ala., returnedUo her home this morning, "after spending some time at Wrightsville Beach. - v r . 5 '. : vMrs.,tE. M,; Jeffreys and Miss Bert Davis, , of Dunn, returned to their home this morning. . rm.. spending some time at Wrightsville Beach. - Miss Ethel Johnson, of Anderson, S. C, is the guest of Mr, aad Mrs. L. G. Herring at their home . on Wrights ville Sound. T - . Nearly 2000 persons went to the beach yesterday, "150 coming in from Atlanta on the poputef tourist tickets. The weather was ideal. and surf bath ing was -participated in by an unus ually, large number, the blue of the ocean furnished an excellent back ground for the r hundreds of vari-col-ored bathing costum.es. - . Tonight's exercises at Lumina for the little folks promises to eclipse the initial affair of this nature at thei beach and hundreds of children arel expected to participate in the exercis es, which have ;been arranged for their, special benefit. The splendid ball room floor will be given. -over to the children entirely from 8:30 to 9:15 o'clock and ; the grown-ups are expected to participate to no greater extent than lookem: on. " v If so tnis Store is r prefer ! and on ike lo Isaq Paibuger & Sb! wli6se line every suit aiid ins in qua. litu fit V, . Mrs. H. G. Rpberson is visiting with, Jacksonville, Fla., and Waycross. Ga., friends in Burgaw. Sire will spend a where he went to carry his two chil. period in-Goldsboro before returning dren mt,e Misg um&n and Master to the city. tn visit their erandDarents. jMr. and Mrs. D.;W. Mason. a. .v. m. . . . 1 1 i Miss Harriett Moore, of Fayetteville, to' Vaka a ncrind no the P'llPSt fif . Mrs. Owen Ci Fillyaw at her home on ! Rev. E. H. Hardison filled the pul South Front street. J Pit at Bladen Street Methodist church Miss Leila Woodcock left yesterday evening, preaching a splendid sermon Week-end arrivals at The Oceanicl included: A. G. Gilmore, New York; i Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Miles. Chicaero: ' J. Ray Parker, Asheville; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wishart, Miss Lucy Carr, High Point; Mrs. -R. E. Townsend, Wilson; J. J. Fowgan, W. C. Hinson, Charlotte; K. C. Bent, Chicago; W". R. Hale, Atlanta; Dl P.: Hale,. New York; O L. Head, Maysville, Ky.; B. D. Camp, Franklin, Va.; lrv R. M. Walker, Miss Annie . Howe, Florence, S. C.; S. D. Millas, New York; J. J. Gpnzales, Atlanta; Samuel Cunhude and family; Mrs. K Kennedy, W. M and Black Mountain, I that was ; thoroughly enjoyed by the j BuQk. MulUns, S. C; J. A. Sharpe. l WITH THE RECORDER. tor Asheville where , she will Join a narty for 4 two weeks visit. I f Mrs. N. A. Oalbreth has returned to . , ' '. . , -x A-.- thVcTtyffom New York and an ex- Majority Defendants Let Off Lightly tnde4 trip through Maine dhd-' Can- Thls Morning. -. ada;; returning via Niagara Falls. I There was little to Recorder's court 4f this msming, other than an overplus ; iMrs." F. T. McDougall and daughter,' Gf defendants, the majority of whom Mjfas, Mary, of Portsmouth are spena-. were charged with minor infractions Ing'.a period here witn Mrs. jonn a. Wliat an more cou Id ij bii wan t? y, see mem ' ' ' '; ': L, ' 'i,-i ' . Go, Sne today Sutton. They will xisit in Elizabeth- town before returning to their home. - Capt. S. H. Parker, of Chadbourn, Spent yesterday in the city with his of the law. and consequently dealt with in a rather mild . manner. James Jones and Morgan Spencer, colored "boys, charged with larceny, were pa: I roled with. Mr. F. J. Dempsey for a period "of 12 months. Rosa Smith, col- Lumbertpnr W. A. Town.eni, J. J Wade, Jr., Dunn; J. K. Hinis. Atlan ta; T V. Erwln, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. tye'.sianj Rlcht7iond; , Capt- 0 1SL Hobbs, GreenvillerS'C.j L' HJChes son, :Hendersbnr Charles Schild, "St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Gaioey, Dunn; Mr.?... Ella Jones, J. E. McDan- pd. by the. chairman of " the .Board of iel, Sunitfr; N. A. Sinclair, Fayette ville; Paul Robelot, Nashville; R. B. Kennedy, Mullins; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watson, Hamlet ; John" Proctor, Petitions! - Favoring, Acquisi , tipnorerJ ... - - ; ' " t.- ' Members of ; the .committee appoint- County Commissioners at the last ses Sion following adoption of -resolution favoring the joint purchase and op eration of the Market street ferry by A. Nash, Jr,t Robert Mclntyre, F New Hanover and Brunswick counties MR. TAFTS CONDITION STILL IMPROVING (By Associated- Presis.l Clay Center, Kas.. Aug. 13. Contin- X ; ' & RED CROSS MEETING. . ". ; : ;:..Tt ''-J Again tomorrow morning, from 10 to 1 o'clock, the Wilmington I. ued iraprovcinent . was shown today in j Chapter of the Red ..Cross will mi: vuuul-iuii :- luruiei rrealueni juci. ui. mc oigiiuifauuu s wuin.- w Taft, ill here with intestinal indiges rooms on the second and . eighth tion. Mr. -Taft has commenced to eatl floors . of the MurchiSon; Bank (regularly and yesterday he sat up in building and all :adles interested his bed for, '.tho. first time since thei in . the work are not only liiyl ted, attack last Monday. , Dr. B. . FifMor but urged, to attend. gan. in atendanse, said, however, li! The chapter seeks, for use for. probably would be two or three days before Mr. Taft would be able to walk EXCURSION DATE CHANGED. aother, Mrs. J. W. Parker, who has, ored, whom the two above mentioned been under treatment at the Tankers-. defendants swore was with them when ley-Harper Sanitarium for some time the store of Mr. Ralph Canady was en past. I tered,"was tried oh a charge of store- , . , i breaking, but no judgment was ren L. Nash, J. D. McLean, Lumberton; D. H. Hodgin, J. A; Brown, Red Springs; L..-M. Parker. E. A. Thompson; J. B. NeWrnan, Lumberton; H. L. Everett, Laurinburg; Layton McGugan, Wil son; P. F. Messing. 11. Miss Bessie Mes- singil1. Dunn: J. D. Grandy. J. Red Cross Benefit Outing on Tuesday, August; 21st. The date of the Excursion for the on a ohefancT twbtbird 'basis with ! benefit of the Red '.Cross, to be given Grandy. .Jr., Charlotte ; ' E. R. Sim 1 2rtorl.1 Berv.PPO thnt were held for rlorcH Tamoo All nnlnrnrl woe onn. ! lllOBS. J. ti. V,OQper, L-Oia, O. L . , 1. enlisted men at St. Andrew's presny- victed of an assault" with a -deadly terlah Church yesterday-morning were weapon, was fined $15 and costs. Al largely attended and thoroughly en-jien was first sentenced to a 30-day Joyed by all. The service was con-j period on the roads, out this was dttctea7,by Rev. Dr. A. D. McClure, he haTing1 at one time been chaplain of changed to a fine. David Elerby, colored, was fined $5 tie Wilmington Light Infantry and j and the trimmings, following his con- thfl Remnd Ree-imeTlt. National Guard. irlrtihTi nn o fhartra nf laroenv The jCommunipn was observed at the "dose case charging Enoch Murphy, alias oi me service. uavis, witn. an assault with a deadly 5" "Jv1 EXCURSION POSTPONED. The excursion to Carolina Beach to be . operated by the New Hanover weapon, was continued until Thursday. Viola Southerland, colored, convicted of a charge ' ql assault with a deadly weapon, was sentenced to a month at Transit Company for the benefit of hard labor, but appealed from this the Red Cross Society and which was I judgment. Her bond was fixed at $100. set' for tomorrow, has been postponed j Hall Sumpter, colored, convicted of until August 21st, "according to an-.larceny, wa3 paroled with his" father, .tipuhcement of Mr. A. W. Pate, stating ! Mason Pherson, colored, chargel with that the postponement was in order an assault and battery, was di'scharg that elaborate arrangements might be led as not guilty. f Kate Davis, colored, made at the beach for the entertain-. charged) witfh and convicted "of art a:-ment-of those who go down. - 'sault with a deadly weapon,1 was fined : . ' $15" and the costs, after she had been r-. : ' : I sentenced to the farm of a 30-day pe- rioa. wiiuam j. cooper and Jonn H. Spencer, colored, were discharged as not guilty, after the evidence had been heard in the case charging them With obstructing the. sidewalk. Every Mother rlust Decide H. Crnkl:n; Gocrge L. Bascome, Scranton, Pa, ; , Col . Rossheim, Louis ville, Ky.; W.. B;: Floyd, J. B. Floyd, W. H. M'tehell,' S. Freedman, Miss Smith, Fairmont, N. C; E. V. Irom, Charlotte; Miss Jenn Litz, Miss White, Birmingham; H. Holt, Jr., New York; Silas Green, New Orleans; Miss H. Gray. Atlanta; Miss Parker, Goldsboro; I. H. Dickens, Greensboro; S. H. Schner, Baltimore; H. -H. Spencer. Richmond; Mr. and Mra. R. Cohn. Memphifi; , Harry Birch, Now York; W. McManus, Greensboro; J. Ray Parker, Ahoskie; J.LM. Dalton, Winstbh-Salem; Miss Jean- Cameron, Rockingham; Mr. . and Mrs. George Britt, Balt:nore; Miss Alice Adkins, -.unoTt"; Nell Wopten. Bryce Woot on,' Kathleen Wooten, Kinston; L. W. Temple, Lake View, S. C; Mrs. R. Cobb, Roystan, Ga. V nr Her ( irawinff UaUffDter the girl's health' an4'happiness. dc pend upon now tt. w answereu; Ferris uooa &ense WflUtft -'-.bave sblvea 'the question 4Ty.0r:th6uiarids of -wise rnothers7'Wbo not only provide their children with these 7 sensiDie. wawu, but always wear them themselves.-,:! ASK FOR THEM W OUR CORSEt DEPT. Display of Moniiraental Sculpture. Philadelphia, PAig. 13. Probab, y tlve largest display of monumental fnd sculptural workers that has ever been. held inlhis country will be plac ed on-exhibition in the Commercial Museums in this city tomorrow. The exhibition, "which will continue through the week will be a feature of the annual convention of the Na tional Retail Monument Dealers' Association. DELIGHTFUL New Hanovertbearing the heavier bur den, were Jin confeienife ,at the office of Maj. J. W. Little early this after noon at whieh time the ferry and their work was discussed from every con- D. ceiyable angle ' and the decision ar-m- rived at that it would be mighty hard for the Brunswick commissioners to turn down the proposition -"of this county regarding -the purchase and operation ot the ferry connecting the two counties. It has been stated on good author ity in the city,, that' seyeraL petitions are in circnlatipni.ibi3B.iuns wick urg ing that the commissioners, at their next meeting, Augusjt 20th, adopt ths same resolution, thajl avs adopted at the last meeting' 0 the 'jew Hanover. Board, which would close the ferry question and insure better communi cation and at , reduced cost between! . t A 1. ? ' " J ' .1 11 A. AI i iue uvu cuunues, tt. isum luai me petitions are-being4 largely signed. The committee named by Chairman McGirt has-., gone into the cost of taking over and operating the ferry in a very thorough.. .manneK and will pre sent facts to the Brunswick commis sioners" that will label the proposed taking over of the ferry by the two counties as a sensible business prop osition and one that neither county can afford to turn . down. This com mittee will wait on the Brunswick commissioners on the 20th. by the Hanover Transit Company to Carolina Beach, has been changed from tomorrow until a week hence. So now the date will be Tuesday, Aug ust 21, and those vwho desire a delight ful outing at a delightful resort and also to help a worthy cause, can, be- diff erent purposes, any scraps of H- chiffon, maline and veils, and -X- j -H- asks that such be sent to the if work-rooms tomorrow. It re- -Jf spectfully requests, however, that these scraps be boiled be- -5f fore sent,. as it is Necessary to -X- use only., goods that have been JC- treated in such way. -K- & -x CASE AGAIN CONTINUED. gin to prepare for the event and also Mr. Edward B. Johnson v Will Face. Trial on Thursday at Nobn. whet up apeptities for a big time., 1 The case charging Edward B. John- There will be many features of the SOn, white, -with embezzling funds of -day, including . music and dancing,, at the local branch of the Knights of the big pavilion.. . . ( Maccabees, which wasn to have come ! un for preliminary -hearing before, Jus- Ll tUTENANT, C. C. BROWN, JR. PROTEST ON DRAFT i FIRST PAPER ALIENS (By Associated Prosg.) Washington, Aug. 13. Protests have been made to the. Stale Department by representatives of the neutral coun tries against the drafting for foreign service of aliens who have taken out their1, first naturalization papers. The point has; been raised by at least one of these countries that if a "first pa per alien" makes ohiptimi given the opportunity of returning to his own country within a reasonable time. .LAST QF SHACKS GONE. Wilmington' Youig. Mart Has Received Commission and Assignment. . . ' Friends here will be interested to Funeral Tomorrow Morning. .The funeral' of. little 'William F. C. Tienken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willlani penken, will be lie:l tomorow mrirti- mg at the home. No '.--street, at 10 o'clock' thence in' Rt jfPauls Lutheran church,, where serv ices will.be conducted at 10:30 by jRey. G w. McClanahan. AGITATOR LEN1NE I ! ; STILL IN RUSSIA Little Daughter Passes Away. The sympathy of their many friends! is extended Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Becker. Of Acme, in the death of their four-mbnths-old daughter which ocH curred At 6 o'clock yesterday morning following a brief illness. , Funeral service? .were conducted from ' the home today. tice W. A. McGowan this afternoon at 1 o'clock was. again continued: and Thursday named as the day ff? trial,: the lawyers on both sides agreeing on the continuance - and th.e date named. learn that Mr. C.; C. Brown, Jr., of ( Mr. Johnson, who has been out on Wilmington, ' who went to Fort Mc- bail since the warrant charging em- Pherson , from Birmingham has just bezzlement was served some time ago, been . given his commission as first was in the custody of Constable John lieutenant-in-the Engineer. Corps and Davis this afteroon, although it was assigned to 307th, Regiment of Cor- ' stated that bond would; probably be scrip tive -Force. He is ordered to re- arranged later in the afternoon port in Atlanta, Ga., on August 27th. '. : ; '- : 1- Lieutenant Brown is expected homedays before reporting in Atlanta. . He, j sooner the property was bared the bet on Friday of this week J;o spend a few j is a well known civil engineer. v ter the appearance, would be. Laborers Cleaning Mortari From Bricks of Once "Handsome" Buildings Laborers are busy now cleaning the bricks that years ago were put into what then appeared to be "handsome" buildings on North Second street, to the east of the Victoria theatre build ing, .but which, iri the course of time , took on a terribly shoddy appear ance f as better building reared them selves on every side. The dismant ling; of the buildings located on the property recently . acquired by the Howard-Wells Amusement Company, and justly termed shacks by so 'many .people,' has ibeen completed and Sec ond street, ? looking north from Mar ket, presents a far beter appearance in its naked .beauty than when orna mented by buildings that were out of date .and eyesores for so long. The work of destruction has-been carried on under the direction of Mr. Carl Rehder, of the Howard-Wells Cora- j pany, whb has , used every means known , to himself and associates to cause. ial)0re-s to hurry for he, like i ! the others, realized that the work un- ' derway was good work and that the MERCHANTMAN SINKS ANOTHER SUBMARINE ; . (By Associated ' mw.t Petrograd, Aug. 13. Notwithstand ing the reports fha. . Nikolai ; Lcnino .had escaped from the 'country, . the j Maximalists Mn 5 convention here C are alleged .to have made the open deciar. ' ation that the. Russian Radical Social- 1st leader still is in hiding in Petro grad and in -daily communication with ; his , followers, " :-. -r v- ' - - tc w :,oi:riiiB Ucuoai vauxi, . Bays The BoijrBe,' Gaet -thFetrograd aur thorities charged with ,an investia tion of the recent l-ioting in the capi. tai, nate pegnn..proceea,ings to tdtc disclosure of his whereabouts. "':, Gajomelhe Most Valuable From Its Unpleasant and Dangerous : ualitis----Cal- ; btaHs ttje Nffw -Name. ; ' .The medical virtue of calomel are in no way connected with its nauseat ing and dangerous Qualities, as is prov en by the -fact that the new calomel tablet; recently- perf ected, is --, wholly free from obiectionable effects yet re tains all of the Jiver-cleaning arid sys- . France, sent her. to: the' bbttoini Thei tem-purif yihg a ualities 'of the old-style British encountered ' t hW snhmari n e nn 1 calomel. ; ForvbUliousness, her last outward trip frpto this port. . tial, . the ' lew " deiiauseated. : calomel tablet H a jpracticaUy parfect remedy, To , inspire . pubiic .confidence, in this new discovery the .manufacturers have authorizezzd d ruggis ts ' everywhere to refund the price if the customlr is hot "perfectly; deiighted tlalotabs,! oia only i orjglttal packages, sealed; twenty ; 'doses for thlrty-fiy cents': &a tablet at bedtinxe. vwithri; sw-allOw of waterNo tastei Jmausea,vno;gri mg you wake unin.lhe tnbmihg with (By Assooiaiea PresK.X . .. v An Atlantic Port, Aug. : 1"3. Anoth er German submarine-has been sunk by the guns of a, -merchantman, if the gunners of a "British freighter which arrived hpre yesterday are correct in their assumption that ! 3 shots which .strtick an undersea 7Toat;;off i Brest;! One shot destrowrt f fh o nriRni Thes second and ; ;thir4I wer followed by an explosion 'and 1 th shbmarine disappeared. The gunners Avere confi dent that the, submarine weijt down involuntarily. ; " v -' t vi - V'?' r'i v - OF WAR TOOATE a. veun nver, reeung line, ana a neartY i a maoo . 'vt 'r- - r appetite.;' :Eai whai you danger.v-XdvV.v ' - :.' : ' ,V ih? , bOOty. Captured hv thk Oerano A,nW;-claD Vto hdld.; lorcarry AhboiUe;N SSSMfSr11? 86 Walloons and; three .' -- X rr---:-. ...... 1 ;,.-L..o : V .A: . ; ;.-- ' --..V -; ;5V.. .. w . ttj'.v" " . " " -, - V - - s:3Qmmms -m0 airships, . 1 v.